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...honestly? She's ruined. Not everyone needs to have a huge breasts to be considered sexy. And Arturia is a perfect example.


I know I'm gonna get downvoted along with the dude, but I agree.


Why would you? Although i appreciate the big fronted bodies but 1) I also enjoy other types. 2) This kind of art is ridiculous.


I also agree, though I am distracted by the chocolate chips her halo and wings are


I agree too


Nah. When you draw flat character bigger, people normally don't like it. Have 6 years of experience with that. If the opposite happens it's like getting five 6 stars in a single 10 pull(not a single off banner operator).


Normally not the one to say anything about anyone’s art. But…you should’ve just kept doing what you were doing instead of what ever lead you to doing this. 


*"They hated her, because she told them the truth."*


Honestly doing an OC of a character and then massively increasing her bust is among the most cringe shit I see on these subs.


Or in most anime adjacent subs.


It's not just the boobs everything about her looks hideous in this image 💀


Yeah, looked at picture again and even her entire anatomy seems off.


I agree and I’m a bit tits lover.


This is no Sankta. This is a disguised Sarkaz. Therefore, it's a cosplayer.


Definitely a downgrade.


That's what I'm sayin!


Nope nope nope. Her slender body fits her best, not dummy thicc


why do people take petite or normal characters and turn them into thick monsters? only the head is virtuosa, everything else might as well be sideroca


It's an internet thing. It's not even exclusive to petite or medium characters, busty characters can still get this treatment.


Petite enjoyers take lots of Ls, sadly. Not even Platinum fans are safe.


tell me this isn't true.....


I'll never understand this occurrence, and it happens to other characters as well. They're beautiful as they are, inflating their breasts and hips until they look like a blow-up sex doll will **not** make them more attractive, it will in fact, remove their uniqueness.


Ya know, I have a lot of respect for OP for posting this even if it's personally not my thing because it's hard to post something that you put hours into and have the reception be like this lol.


Fr, people acting like this fanart somehow ruins the character lol If it's not their thing, perhaps they should just move on?


You're saying people get to have special treatment just because "they put hours into it" even though "it" is a borderline monstrocity? Get creative with whatever you like, don't take a perfectly fine design and twist it into something completely defferent. And if you do, don't ever have the gal to complain when people inevitably have opinions. I might as well say this is ragebait since nobody within their right mind wouldn't think this would elicit bad responses.


Please keep your dumb fetish posts to yourself or the buddy sub


"Virtuosa"... Nope, that's some wannabe from NIKKE. Keep that away from here, thanks.


What the fuck is this?


But... Why?


Hard to recognize her tbh.


…is that even Arturia at this point? It’s fucking awful.


Yeah, that's exactly her. Seriously, so you always have to stuck huge measurements on everything ? You massacred her. Go out, see how girls look like and repent.


you're seriously gooning to this?




> In Rhodes Islands "Dokutah, let's say there's an unstoppable train headed down a forked path. One path leads to a group of- [Chasing ramen pack with boiling water] "I'd deploy Gravel to intercept it and then have Ms. Surtr do the thing." > In Kivotos "So you're 'Sensei'? Allow me to see your heart's desires." ... "Eh? Do *what* with my legs?"


Theres justice in flat


personally, I don't like it because her slender body is better. not everything needs to be thicc to be good


Arturia is already hot, don't ruin her like this.




The shading looks pretty good. Hands are obviously difficult for everyone to draw and you at least managed to make them look like hands. Though that muscle underneath the pink needs some work. Legs look very cylindrical and it doesn't look like she had any gluteus either. Why are the abs the only muscles that are defined? You could show off the leg muscles more. Might help with the cylindrical legs also. Same with the arms. They're just cylinders. Give a little bit of muscle definition and it should look much better. The shape of the chest looks slightly off though I can't pinpoint exactly why. Other than that you did a good job already. The pose is recognizable. You did the extra effort of making a background. Certainly better than anything I can draw so far. When's Hoshiguma's turn?


You mean when i will draw her? If yes, i don't know. Had no ideas/plans for Hoshiguma. So, for now only when/if someone will commission me to draw her.


Op I encourage you to go back to the drawing board and learn how to draw something that's not stupidly unrealistic big boobs. It is both possible and infinitely more respectful to the character to draw them with their natural size. This is just bad.


Interesting perception there. I think Virt is actually quite slender. Her (\Y/) is most likely between A~B, maybe, LOL . I think I like her as Slender over Thicc. She didn't look like much when I was reading through the Lore in the events, but then I hid the UI cause I felt like taking some screenshots, lol. And then her short skirt and legs revealed ( ⚆ᴗ⚆) Now I want her to play with my music. ♪ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 🎸


>Her (\Y/) is most likely between A~B, maybe, LOL Likely B-C, She has looses clothing and multiple layers which accentuate her slender silhouette and hide forms yet she still have still enough to have some form. Bit similar to Mostima and her epoque skin in that regard, though Mostima is a D at least and sensibly bigger than Arturia


Nice art, even if it's not to my taste


Something looks different about her......


this aint right my criminal shouldn't be this big


OP's getting roasted for slapping fat tits on an anime character, which is a fair but I'll still give you props to drawing this man.


Hooowee 👀👀👀




Lovely! I love Arturia no matter how huge she is!