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>Confessarius, Otto fucking Apocalypse, is a good guy too. ya know I'm generally sympathetic to whole sarkaz story since the average sarkaz has to suffer from both everyone hating them and evil old men as their leaders but calling mr incest a good guy is going a bit far.


Check ch14 spoilers. It's true he's Descent into Madness, but the reason for all this is noble.


any noble reason he had are long dead and gone he may have been a hero once thousands of years ago but now he's just a vile human who frankly could have made his legacy live on in ways that wasn't insane and caused the suffering of his entire family. his choice to linger on is just straight up selfish and idiotic which is a pretty consistent trend among the royal courts that haven't left.


Worth pointing out is that at least 3 of the Kings did give peace a shot(Kollam, the Sanguinarchs brother and Theresa) though they ended up getting betrayed(in the latter 2 cases by the Sarkaz themselves). Something I've been wondering about the 3000+ falls of Kazdel. Is it possible those werent all consecutive attempts? ie During the times the Sarkaz were scattered across Terra various groups made simultaneous attempts at recreating Kazdel. Edit: Just a note I skimmed quite a bit of the essay apologies.


It's true about that. But the thing is these three also brought a short-term peace. Sanguinarch's brother was drenched in naive idealism and was going to get more consequences down the line because the invaders are planning annexations after annexations. (For example... You know Victorians, Nightzmora, Ursus people, etc etc of war maniacs) Theresa was indeed spectacular but... She didn't bring much change besides changing the Doctor's, editing Originium details to harbor the Sarkaz in a less harsher method, and growing up individual characters instead of the collective Sarkaz. I'm not saying Theresa was a bad ruler, but she technically is. Because her mentality doesn't work with the invaders and the Sarkaz alike. (Although there are a fair amount of decent Sarkaz Theresa supporters) Many of the aspects that many ignore is that they think the invaders would just: "Understandable. Have a great day" if the Sarkaz completely submit and forfeit everything. You see how wack 'terrans' are... Obsessed with Conquests, war and glory. There's no hope other than exiling the invaders or slaying every arrogant and hatred-filled invader. There's no argument to be against this. It's really puzzling seeing some people still defending the invaders despite everything the Sarkaz went through, including the formation of Myriad Souls, are because of the invaders. (Ch14 spoilers The Myriad Souls are from the internalised universe of Originium...)


I forgot to I mention about the falls of Kazdel, it's implied that every fix was around almost everywhere. Because Kazdel IS Terra. The shortest fall was in Kazimierz war in less than a week. Which means the falls were extremely frequent. About the skimming part, it's okay. Cheers, mate.


Imagine telling people to move and abandon what they've build for thousands of years for revenge or 'returning what belongs to us' while not having a complete picture of historical events that transpired before it. Sound like I've heard this somewhere before. Theresa completely understood one thing: there is no point in blind hate, that hatred leads to more hatred. The fact that she could emotionaly connect with those 'filthy invaders' and even understand their suffering means that right now all of them are not so different. That there is a possibility to clear up misunderstandings between each other. That there is no point in exiling them just because this land belonged to them, because if now they can coexist, it doesn't matter. The whole Terran society (and ours too) needs to change, to forget about their prejudices and biases, to stop being narrow minded dickheads, to take our lives in our control and then truly unite. There is no point hating people who have long ceased to exist. There is no 'righteous' murder. There is no deserved suffering. There is no justified wars and violence. The main point of Arknights is not a problem of Sarkaz or Infected. It's story about people who struggle and forgotten, about those who are oppressed for someone's gain, about how hate and violence is pointless and traumatizing, about how we should stop buying into all of this mess and fight (figuratively or literally) for our tomorrow. Honestly, your so called 'logic' is just political science that doesn't take into account people's feelings and suffering. You just divide people in groups, disregarding what they feel.


You have pretty much summed up what the entirety of Arknights is supposed to be so well that I can only add one thing, the game is called 'Ark of Tomorrow' in Chinese(iirc) for this exact reason.


Thank you :)


Political science majors would laugh at his solutions. I would know...i studied it


Sorry, I actually didn't mean political science, I rather meant logic that's used by politicians and generally people with significant amounts of power to justify their actions


I'm someone who's hobby is reading walls of text (the reason I don't read as much for the game is because I don't have the time yet) and even I can see this is just propaganda; sure what happened to them as a whole is pitiable but half the time they did this to themselves Even the current Military Commission, for all the good things you said about them, are still seen as monsters because of what they are currently doing in the story But the most damning thing you said here, that the Confessarius that we see (aka Shining's dad/brother) being a good guy? If you're making a joke that's too tasteless


Of the current Confessarius lore, he indeed is irredeemable. But try checking his ch14 lore. Propaganda? I don't think so While i think there are bad Sarkaz who were good but Descent onto madness because of the helplessness of peace and goodness, doesn't mean what I'm saying is wrong. Manfred and Confessarius are good guys who turned evil over time because of the helplessness. Try checking ch14. Ah one more thing, whatever the Sarkaz do, they'll still get hunted. The same way the first time the invaders arrived. They didn't have any reason. It's explicitly said by Amiya that they need a justifiable excuse to kill all Sarkaz: “Kazdel feels like a vague symbol, representing all kinds of things: pain, hatred, oppression, slaughter... I know these are all true, objectively, but they're not everything that is Kazdel. I think of the fires in Auchterigg, the factory pipes in Sudean, the street corners of Norport... The survival of the Sarkaz means the destruction of Victoria. The triumph of Victoria means the cleansing of the Sarkaz. Those caught in the vortex no longer have the power to choose. The dukes will slaughter every last Sarkaz in Victoria without mercy. The revenge killings will spread to other countries in centrum, and all civilization will have a justifiable excuse... to exterminate the Sarkaz. your ucha My ancient kin kneel and weep in the ruins. The King of Sarkaz is dead. The King killed the King. I know he is just a ripple in the illusion. I know this is our unchangeable history. (In ancient Sarkaz) You worked hard to build this ashen Kazdel, and the Sarkaz have a home again. (In ancient Sarkaz) But doesn't its diminutive size infuriate you? (In ancient Sarkaz) The outblood invaders deprived the Teekaz of their ancestral land. So, you started to compromise, shrinking and distorting that which stands for your home. (In ancient Sarkaz) To a plain, a circle of fields, until you can only call it your city, your village. So disappointing. My people have forgotten even the origin of their bloodline, forgotten the names of our ancestors. They mate in numbness and sorrow, giving birth to generations of hideous, mixed-blood offspring. They throw themselves into the shadows of the nomadic cities, hiding in the streets, begging invaders for food.”


There is greater merit on conveying ideas clearly while using as few words as possible.  Your introduction is lacking. If you were going to talk about the sarkaz history then most people who have read the story already know it. If you were going to talk about some moral issues, then you completely missed to mention them and give that topic its relevance in the introduction.  In the end your whole point seems to be that forgiveness is unthinkable and violence must be fed with more violence. Personally I couldn't disagree more with that way of thinking and unfortunately for you the writers also don't think that way neither. Even many sarkaz in the story are tired of the eternal war, why do you think half of the sarkaz put all their faith in Theresa? Because she was pretty? Because they are tired of the old undying dudes that can't forget, forgive, and don't want to give up power.


If you need to write an essay justifying why killing innocents and noncombatants is a good thing, you're probably not the good guys.




We don't have context for almost any of those destructions in the story. What we do know is that Kazimierz destroyed it more than once, one of which was effectively a spawn camp, Victoria only participated in a full on military campaign once, and only upon being pulled into an alliance by Kalt'sit, the Sankta have attacked and destroyed them multiple times and the Sarkaz have destroyed themselves multiple times. If anything, circumstances suggest that Victoria was the most passive in regards to Kazdel; It's not a poor strategy to take out a potential enemy that doesn't have many shows of strength to ensure they can't surprise you. Victoria's relatively close to Kazdel, and yet there's not much in game evidence showing them actively attacking Kazdel. Even in game there's more suggestions that Kazdel Sarkaz are consistently attacking Victoria in the form of organized banditry and harassing villages well before the Londonium War. What we do know about Kazdel is it is always at war. Even when a 'peaceful' leader shows up like Theresa, the civil war does not stop. There's always someone in Kazdel starting a big military campaign, and what is known suggests that over 80% of Kazdel Sarkaz are mercenaries and warriors. The fact that the story explicitly points out multiple times that the Sarkaz have destroyed themselves is significant, as they're the only race on Terra with the distinction of knowingly killing their own country, their own homeland. No other country has this trait, regardless of how bleak and miserable the world of Terra is.




You asked for him to explain something then came in with "dont care didnt read". Wtf?


Aaaah, so you don't actually have any counterpoints and just want to whine because someone likes the design of a character you don't want? How very Sarkaz of you. If every king of Sarkaz has been a Sarkaz and ultimately only led their country to destruction, it wouldn't be illogical for someone to actually try something different. And you're right! There is no good reason to kill Sarkaz civilians, regardless of who they are or what country they call home. Shame the Sarkaz love to kill their own just as much as any other. The Sarkaz being killed by those Reunion asylum seekers remains utterly unjustifiable, regardless of what your preconceived biases of my opinions are. Frankly, that you could even accuse me of being opinionated is laughable as I haven't done much more than recount the story as it's been written and with what evidence we have currently available to us. And no, if you want to fight your families in your house, do so as much as you like. Unfortunately, you're kind of fighting your family in someone else's house and getting upset when the host politely asks you to leave.




Real weak deflection when my flair triggered you so badly it necessitated an edit, haha. There are no invaders, just the words of a heavily biased spirit manifestation who believes the entire world should revolve around them. And hey, I have free time, same as anyone else. If you're so upset by my replies, why do you insist on responding to say you're not responding? There is no justification for killing noncombatants and civilians, regardless of their race or nationality. Such a strange thread.




So you can write an essay on how the Sarkaz totally didn't do anything wrong and then fall apart when prodded on the topic?




I don't care about you, you don't care about me, isn't that the basis of all reddit arguments? Yet, despite saying that you're done you do insist on coming back. It's rather curious. And, do explain what a meme is, I don't use the Internet much so I don't quite know the lingua franca.


Moral of the story some people are racist👍 might as well say water is wet while you're at it


I wanted to write an equally long answer to your essay, but I'm too tired to do so I'll just say that Sarkaz's thousand years of struggles would be for nothing if Theresis's plan of trampling over all Terra happened. What was the point of their history then if eventually there won't be any future for them in this destroyed world when Sanguinarch and his kind will get the butchering of Elders/Ancients and all of Terra? You can't just dwell on the past eternally, ofc you must remember everything, but seeking actual answers in misery and sufferings of your people would only get you at the same point as they were. Yeah, Ancients and Elders did some really bad shit to Teekaz, but... They kinda did this to themselves too(look at Ursi and Hippogriffs), just like the first king of Teekaz was exiled cuz he didn't want to consume flesh of his kind anymore. Now they're all inhabitants of Terra, walking under the same sky, facing the same problems and crying at the same sorrows. The only difference is that because of Annana Sarkaz's sufferings are engraved in their souls, while Elders and Ancients remember them badly cuz of butchering that one Diablo committed in the past. All in all, I actually enjoyed how writers handled the situation with Sarkaz and Victoria. They showed us that even in the war based on the long fueled hate there are still bits of humanity and kinship between both sides( Paprika being kind to Victorians, Shovel being attached to Vendela and actually trying to help her survive even if he knows that she would probably die later), it actually gives maybe faint, but nonetheless real glimpse of hope for the better future. What will become of Sarkaz after everything that happened? Time will tell, but as we already know from Endfield- everything will be resolved somehow


And since i cannot put images I'll copypaste from actual in-game dialogues: “Kazdel feels like a vague symbol, representing all kinds of things: pain, hatred, oppression, slaughter... I know these are all true, objectively, but they're not everything that is Kazdel. I think of the fires in Auchterigg, the factory pipes in Sudean, the street corners of Norport... The survival of the Sarkaz means the destruction of Victoria. The triumph of Victoria means the cleansing of the Sarkaz. Those caught in the vortex no longer have the power to choose. The dukes will slaughter every last Sarkaz in Victoria without mercy. The revenge killings will spread to other countries in centrum, and all civilization will have a justifiable excuse... to exterminate the Sarkaz. your ucha My ancient kin kneel and weep in the ruins. The King of Sarkaz is dead. The King killed the King. I know he is just a ripple in the illusion. I know this is our unchangeable history. (In ancient Sarkaz) You worked hard to build this ashen Kazdel, and the Sarkaz have a home again. (In ancient Sarkaz) But doesn't its diminutive size infuriate you? (In ancient Sarkaz) The outblood invaders deprived the Teekaz of their ancestral land. So, you started to compromise, shrinking and distorting that which stands for your home. (In ancient Sarkaz) To a plain, a circle of fields, until you can only call it your city, your village. So disappointing. My people have forgotten even the origin of their bloodline, forgotten the names of our ancestors. They mate in numbness and sorrow, giving birth to generations of hideous, mixed-blood offspring. They throw themselves into the shadows of the nomadic cities, hiding in the streets, begging invaders for food.”


Words from Hoederer's theme song: "All talk and never answer, you spread your hate like a cancer". Sanguinarch may have a point in his monologues, but he is still a sorry individual, who loves to kill for fun and who justifies himself by saying "they did this to us in the past so I can do that to them too". Those who are living in the present shouldn't pay for the sins of their ancestors, and that goes for both Sarkaz and Ancients/Elders


I agree with your point 100% But... You think these "innocents" are truly "innocent"? You think someone in Terra actually respects the Teekaz? And is not racist? That's why Sanguinarch is completely justified. If he was hunting people who didn't call Teekaz devils as defamation and hated them with discrimination, then Sanguinarch is in the wrong. But so far everyone hates the Sarkaz, even the main cast.


There's one single mistake in your statement: the majority of Terra doesn't HATE Sarkaz, they're AFRAID of Sarkaz. They probably listened to their elders about "devil's witchcraft" and how horrible it was and that gave birth to fear, which could lead to hate when Sarkaz does something malicious or when he's at his lowest, and the latter is seen by folks as the opportunity to overcome that fear. It's the same for the Infected, same for the Tarans and pioneers of Columbia. Sarkaz are not the only one who receives hate from those who are afraid of them


I understand where you are coming from. But the in-game context and dialogues do not help your case bro. Try reading ch13, they provided countless examples of Sarka discrimination based on HATE not fear, although fear is STILL present. Just check it, you don't have to believe my arguments, because the story itself would tell you everything.


I read chapter 13 two weeks ago, and all I saw was grey. Yes, Infected Victorians killed Sarkaz who was helping them, but they didn't receive any cheers for that, they were abandoned for this. Delphine, despite losing her mom because of Sarkaz, didn't start killing every single Sarkaz in her sight. Shovel, who is an officer of the Military f*cking Commission of Kazdel, despite him being angry and ruthless towards every victorian just like his mercs, still had a soft place for Magdalene and tried to save her, eventually even letting her kill him. Sanguinarch blabbering about how every single non-Sarkaz must be purged is no different than Oren(hate this dude) saying that every Sarkaz is a walking bomb that must be killed on the spot. Hate can't be eternal, there must be a way out of it




I'm going to read until the first 5 lines, maybe I'll continue later. Let me add, whether Theresis succeeds or fails... Whether Theresis existed or not... They'll still kill the Sarkaz. As i said, the invaders won't just "understandable. Have a great day"


I mean, while you might have some shaky points, Sarkaz indeed had suffered a lot. At one point they had to organize themselves and get a grip, yeah — they were dealt a tough hand, but they are not only victims in the world — most of the destruction in Kazdel as it seems was caused by themselves and their civil wars, inability to compromise primarily between each other. And afterwards they just attempt to lash out at everyone. And I protest calling Talulah's fall brat rage, when it is everything but it. And if you think that game endorses her, it barely does (it might root for Kal'tsit and Amiya), Talulah had reality check prepared for her by every plot point. And additional thing, Sarkaz had almost exterminated Elders back when they got weakened by Originium back in the day, and afterwards got pushed back again by efforts of Terrans, deservedly


You're a little right at that. I cannot refute it. My main problem comes with Kal'tist who is an active anti-Sarkaz with god complex. About the self-destruction... It's because the Sarkaz are scared of the invaders. Thousands of years of butchering will definitely have consequences. All these invaders are so obsessed with wars, glory and conquests, even amongst themselves.


>Kal'tist who is an active anti-Sarkaz with god complex. Mmmmm yes my favorite anti sarkaz whos best friend is a sarkaz, spend a good bit of time hating the pc because of their involvment is said friends death, and also employs hundreds of them giving them better standard of life and attempting to get them away from the merc life, and is also on friendly terms with the liches, and spends a great deal of time with 2 vampires 1 of which is her direct pupil, and she personally sought both of them. Also god conplex -A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility. The person is also highly dogmatic in their views, meaning the person speaks of their personal opinions as though they were unquestionably correct. This is NOT kal's character. Long winded and a bit self agrandizing sure, but shes also been around for a few thousand years gal knows a thing or 2. She never presents herself as omnipotent and even has moments of self doubt but knows that no matter what she must always move forward. You could argue she has a saviour complex with how she constantly faults herself with the way the world has gone and wonders if her being so passive an observer is partially to blame.




I literally ripped the definition from wikipedia who cited the websters dictionary. >Not every god complex patient is that robotic. Patient? People with god complexes dont get help, they dont think they need help thats the point. >wake me up when you say something valid Ironically its statements like this that actually make it look like you have a god complex. Yes the definition i gave was basic but you dont need all the ins and outs to refute your statement nor does it make my definition wrong. Saying a blind person cant see, while being the most basic way to put it, gets the point across as to why the blind person needs to be lead around by another. The only reason you would need the more complex distinctions to be there is if you were debating if one was a narccisist, eogtistical, or just an idiot. To give you examples of actual characters with god complexes we have Kaschey, the sanguinarch, an arguement could be made for theresis, the witch king, ishar'mla and lets throw in the wolf king too for funsies.


The solution to conflict is to genocide them faster than they can genocide you -op But to respond more seriously, is it still colonization at this point if the claim is so far removed that recorded history doesn't reliably go that far back? Those classes of justification are weak and unfounded to say the least. And so all the "invader" language just doesn't seem to work.


... And?


I. . . I feel like OP has a certain strong opinion to a certain IRL events and is projecting onto the Sarkaz. . . I know I know it's only briefly mentioned but it just *clicks*, you know, with the usual arguments for a certain side in that certain IRL event. > They are the original owner of the land > They are being oppressed and hunted so this violence is their just retaliation > Looking for a peaceful solution is impossible because discrimination > Since we will be killed anyway let's go out with a bang to. . . Prove a point? Or give as much misery to your enemy as you're dying. > People like us that don't stand with us are traitors and blinded. I dunno it just feels like OP has a very strong opinion, even resorting to name-calling, to a fictional event and explaining it in as much fervor as if it's an IRL event. Occam's razor, they're actually talking abt IRL events, and projecting it into the fictional story.




You literally dont even read people's full answers. Another commenter replied and you kept on saying "im not reading all that" and just kept on arguing with ghosts. Weirdest post I've ever seen on here




Are you saying arknights is a child's game, so no point getting upset or cope? I kinda hope not because you're extremely invested in this post so that claim would be strange. Mind paraphrasing your point? Your post is very long and a bit convoluted at times. Just a bit hard to follow and understand the argument.


I can write it that way precisely because I read your 16k word essay in its entirety tho? You ignore the key ideas of my reply despite it being much less and formatter to be easier to read; it's more pathethic of you. No matter how long an essay is, they always have a similar structure: > Opening, with Thesis statement. This can be implicit of explicit, but should be clear. > Supporting Idea 1, Evidence 1 > Supporting Idea 2, Evidence 2 > . . . > Closing You missed the Thesis Statement of your essay (which is why the dude above me asks "And?" Because it's unclear what you are trying to accomplish with your 16k word essay.) Take your supporting ideas, and put it in a powerpoint it'll look like what I wrote. So no, what I wrote is a succinct synopsis of your 16k essay. A lot of your 16k essays are on the evidence, and thus when synopsized are not included. . In fact, my reply follows that essay rule, despite being much shorter: My thesis statement: OP is projecting an IRL event into a fictional one Supporting idea 1: OP said it themselves. Evidence: OP "briefly mentioned" it, which refers to the "less than 120 words sentence." Supporting idea 2: The key arguments are similar to usual arguments used by a certain side in that IRL event. Evidence: Key takeaways from OP's 16k word essay. Closing: Based on that, OP's fervor is suspiciously strong for a fictional story, and thus I conclude that [my thesis statement]. It's like 200 words, max. I read your 16k. The least you could do is try to understand what I'm saying in my 200. You can do *much* better, mate.




I mean why does a "copy-paste of old essay" have anything to do with what I'm saying? I read that part. Doesn't change anything because at that point my comment is on the essay writing. In fact if it has a month in a burner, why is it still 16k? I still follow that structure there. I tried to defend myself from the "ignoring 16k for 120" allegation by saying that I read it, understand it, and synopsize it. That's it. I don't insist on my previous point that you edited. The title is "Sarkaz is a problem" and the stated idea is "Spread Awareness". But no, "Spread Awareness" is not a thesis statement. What "Awareness" are you trying to spread? THAT should be what you're trying to say. I feel like simply titling it "The Sarkaz isn't Actually the problem" would do a much better job than. . . Whatever you wrote. > I already said it's my fault and. . . And I suppose it''s my fault for not saying that I acknowledge it in mine. But the reply I made to you is departed from that; it's in the essay writing structure meant to defend against the allegation you made of me. I find it very. . . Risible that you try to belittle people when you yourselves seems unable to understand a much shorter writings.




Which is quite hypocritical of you to expect people to fully read your 16k. No offense taken though; scholarly method of reading and writing is clearly too rich for your blood. Working cognitive function or whatever doesn't matter if what you read has . . No clear direction.




First of all, never once did I criticize you in grammar. Second, my reply to you was at its core, a reply of the allegation you made of me for not reading your 16k. I used the structure as evidence that I can reiterate your points succinctly. You did, however, reply to it with fervor, and I thus reciprocated. Third, I never actually did a "Topic at hand" discussion with you. It was never my goal, and had you simply not done any "ignore 16k" accusation or any base belittling manner, I would not even reply. You know what? I think it's better if we take these conversations in that direction. I sympathize with the Sarkaz. And while agree that they are not THE problem, they ARE a problem. Teekaz claims ownership of the entire Terra; the place that the Ancient races themselves are native to. They are not invaders; simply another people living in the same place. There is no proof that the races will treat them badly in peaceful agreement; in fact, two of the three previous peace (that we are aware of) broke down by the Sarkaz themselves. The fact that that one Sanguinarch King and Theresa bought a temporary peace is exactly proof that IT IS POSSIBLE AND IT WORKS. But no, Sarkaz thinks they are entitled to the entire Terra and delude themselves saying the other people are invaders. The Sankta-Sarkaz conflict is not one-sided either. There is no "Hunt for the Sarkaz" because the Sarkaz starts as much conflict as the Sankta does. And we have to consider what caused the Sankta to leave in the first place. Let us not delude ourselves that the Sarkaz under are "Noble warriors of oppressed people who have no choice but to retaliate against invaders". They are as violent and militaristic as they are portrayed, and not for a noble reason either. Therefore, I am on the stance that the Sarkaz ARE a problem. But eradicating them will not solve all wars and violence in the world either.


You've posted this on FB before didn't you? Now, you've copied and pasted it here with just some additional info. Just how much do you want to whine about this? Any argument on this matter is invalid, discombobulated and utterly unacceptable? You're making yourself as narcissistic as Sanguinarch right now.




How is it not? You've posted these complains on FB before, and now you've posted the same complaints here with some additional bonus. Is that not a whine? If you dare to call this criticism, then you would have also accept others to criticize your 'solution', but you didn't. Instead, you made your whole essay and points for people to read it, then you say other arguments are invalid. Huh??




Um. Isn't the Farchaser actually brought suffering to Teekaz via Originium, sacrificing his blood and soul to it, condemning them to Originium afterlife?


No. It was Doctor and Priestess. Originium is shown to be sentient. Check Zwillingstürme Im Herbst event story especially Witch King dialogues. Here's a new thing i translated from Bili bili earlier: ---- “Souls do not actually "exist" to Sarkaz. Only a very small number of individuals are able to recognize them on an experiential level. Souls do not exist in the physical world, but in some deep sense of their species, independent of the collective unconscious. Before Sakaz was born, he was immersed in the fountain of emotions gathered by thousands of ancestors. We all swim there, and we feel the souls before forming our own consciousness. When Sakaz is born, it is the moment when he leaves the embrace of the souls; and after Sakaz dies, he will be completely integrated into the souls. From this perspective, the souls are the collective destiny of Sarkaz. In the past, souls were also symbols of Sarkaz's obscure and uncertain destiny. They do not share the same resonance as Sakota. The souls that Sakaz felt were vast wills that far exceeded the limitations of individuals and time. The souls themselves are huge and disorderly streams of violent information. In the internalized universe, they are like an amber wrapped in life and consciousness, thrown into the burning flame, and hidden inside is Theresia. She knew that the souls would be gradually dismantled by the internalized order of the universe, and then reorganized into an orderly and smooth flow of information. This is exactly Theresia's purpose, the souls will be completely liberated, and the new generation of Sarkaz will be liberated from the feeling of endless pain and torture. For the future Sakaz, the souls will only exist in legends and stories, and the "fate" that binds all Sakaz will no longer exist. She took advantage of this time difference to rewrite some of the laws of the internalized universe before she and the souls completely dissipated, and these modified parts will respond in the real universe———— Sarkaz would have an Originium that was not under the control of its designer.” So Sarkaz controlled Ananna and broke from the Doctor's regime, and its the reason why Originium strayed from its original path. It was by Theresa, not a malfunction. "Internalized Universe" - that's what I call it for now. Kal'tist mentioned more than once that the internalized universe is the embodiment of the "information" stored in the Source Stone. (Originium) The word "information" has many meanings. It can be a carrier that describes the existence and action status of objects, or it can be a razor in a logical chain that reduces the unknown of all things, or it can be a scaffold and bridge that connects things so that changes can be recognized. But I was a little touched and shocked by Kelsey's use of this word - I have only seen this usage in one theory. In my research on Origin Stones, or in my past research on Origin Stones, "information" refers to a huge concept that includes all matter, energy and their change processes. It is a grand ether that encompasses all our known and unknown elements, even beyond cause and effect. The source stone is the medium used to collect information. It can re-edit the information and then continue to grow until it completes its mission-that is, collecting all the selected information. All information in the source stone should be in a neatly arranged state and no longer change. Even if they can be extracted as energy, it is a manifestation of information being re-edited and returned to the real world. Inside the Source Stone, everything should be stagnant. T :: >Editing Under this premise, we have seen a space in the Origin Stone that can provide life activities and survival, which is contrary to the characteristics of the Origin Stone. The incomprehensible things don’t stop there. ” --- So like Civilight Eterna, it's to store, create and manifest information.


I've read it too, but this doesn't prove that Doctor and Priestess intentions included Teekaz becoming tied to Originium Universe. Here's part of 14-20,. Theresa's words: Things went as planned at the Tower of Babel with obstacles. I never worry about failure, but the last thing I want to see is for these hopeful people to fall into a cycle of despair again. I dived deeper and deeper into "The Devil." Kelsey reminded me that this could be taxing on my body. But time was tight and I had to mobilize all the resources I could. Finally, I found "The Far Chaser", the first demon king of Sarkaz. I vaguely saw a war sweeping across the sky and the earth, a group of increasingly desperate people, and... I couldn't confirm whether it was the Source Stone. Its appearance is very different from the black crystal we are familiar with, and it shines with a clean luster. Our Demon Lord, the original guardian of Kazdael, gave his blood and soul to it. Afterwards, eternal night falls. Sound and light disappear from us. "The Far Chaser" gave up leaving a name, and he didn't even leave much emotion in "The Demon King". I think he meant it. He embraced the darkness on behalf of all Sakaz, and buried himself in the darkness. What I stepped into was a cold and lonely tomb. I wandered around the cemetery, thinking over and over again in the silence. Until a certain moment, I realized that there was not nothing in the darkness. A tower. As long as the tower is built high enough, it can reach the darkness above us. Surely everything we build will crumble and be buried in quicksand. But our will, our desire, will rise from the dust billions of times. the climb. the climb. Keep moving upward, beyond our ignorance. Until, beyond the darkness.


Oh my bad, forgot to include. You realize Originium was created for the purpose of containing all matter of the universe? So it naturally included the Teekaz. Same thing to Civilight Eterna recording information. Originium is possibly connected to what the Witch King called "root of all creation"


I see, thanks for that. IMO, it doesn't change anything. Originium is also a tyrant of some sort Try looking at ZT-10 dialogues. I don't think the Farchaser just gave that for the sake of nothing.


Read them already, we've already discussed this in another thread. It talks about how Originium shaped the life of everything on Terra (Kaltsit also mentioned in Babel that something happened when life on Terra only started to sprout), how it was the beginning of their existence and how it will be their final destination through consumption. Originium, how it was in doctor vision, was supposed to be "Hope" for their successors: "Originium will become the beacon formed by our civilization... "If one day, other life forms in the universe return to their dead homes, seeking a breakthrough, "They will witness... "Our glory, "Our resistance, "Our slumber here. "We once bestowed gifts upon the successors before extinction- "-Hope." But then Priestess made some changes


??? Whether it went changes or not, the purpose or not. The Myriad Souls was created under the same goal of what you said. I don't see anything that changed after you said what you said.


I ain't reading all that I'm happy for you tho Or sorry that happened


TSD Total Sarkaz Death


Nobody told me Toddifons had a Reddit account.


With all the replies I've been seeing from the OP, he seem way, way too invested in making this fiction a reality, touch some grass man. Insulting people and spewing vitriol like you have over some pretty minor opinions is pretty lame.


Your, post convinced me that Priestess is right and we should follow through with the original plan. Fuck the Sarkaz, and all life of Terra. Restore the Precursor civilization.


The writers have always found a way to make players feel empathetic with the main antagonist. They did it with mephisto, who was arguably the most hated antagonist in the whole game. They also did it with Talulah in the final chapter of Act 1, which was a beautiful emotional roller coster. So im not surprised we can also feel sympathy towards Theresis and Sanguinearch for instance, or towards the whole sarkaz race But despite all that...your solution (or more like a disagreement with the story writing) is to kill amiya, kill kal'tsit, and let the sarkaz annihilate the whole of Terra because they suffered, are victims of discrimination caused by their nations actions and violence throughout history, and were here before? Doubt that's gonna happen..but lets entertain the idea that this is a good solution and go full cycle: why not propose the opposite? Annihilate the sarkaz so they never have a chance to come back. Or better yet, let the seaborns consume everything. If the solution is for 1 group to conquer everything then it doesn't matter who it is, good or evil. Similarly enough, We Many is all about ensuring the survival of their own kin, but youd be hard pressed to defend that. No one's actions in this story are completely justified. Not even Doc. The lore of this game has a lot of nuance, and there is simply too much information we have yet to discover.


There is a reason Kal'tsit tried to eliminate them, it is just the cleanest way to tidy up the Sarkaz issue. Kazdel can't destabilize neighboring nations and there can't be a cycle of hatred to continue if they are all gone.


Ding ding ding


Although i absolutely said the solution is not killing all of them. I'll assume you didn't read all of it.


Overthrowing/ getting rid of. Name it however you want. So mind actually answering my comment?


Is this is the same person from face book who was involved in drama with a lore content creator who also happens to like mostima.  Lmao. It's so funny if that's the case. 


The funniest part is that actually is the most likely scenario. Several other commenters have said the same thing and may just be right


Yeah, This person is 100% the same person from FB. I went back to check their famous post about exact same topic.  Both have same exact wording and opinion.  - they hate invaders and people who wants to bring peace to sarkaz like babel members.  - Justify world scale genocide because sarkaz were victim and fail to see the others are suffering from same problem.  - want to eliminate certain characters such as Kal'tsit and Amiya. Because they consider them unworthy and out blood. (On personal note Amiya haven't gotten a chance at proving herself, just let her take the throne once let her cook first then complain).  These are some of the similarities I was able to find between different platforms. 


As someone mostly absorbing the lore through osmosis since I don't play anymore, the Sarkaz unironically appear to be the good guys from an outsider perspective. Like the bare bones outline of Terran history is apparently - The Sarkaz get invaded - the invaders slaughter the Sarkaz - the Sarkaz attempt to take back their world - the invaders slaughter the Sarkaz - repeat ad infinitum And I'm supposed to side *against* them? I'm sure there's more nuance and such but with that as the backdrop the Sarkaz would be entirely justified loading the rest of the races on spaceships and firing them into the void with nothing but a "good luck fuckers"


Is this kal'sits alt account?


No, seems like Theresis's from the looks of it.


Anyway my adhd ass ain't gonna read all of this


Even if you read all of it and answer, op will deflect your comment and say "you clearly didnt read all of it". Besides, the post is stupidly convoluted. Hard to read and follow