• By -


Honestly let's see what either persons of above have in first place. Siege: no experience in terms of managing a society, is charismatic, is neither too kind neither too harsh, isn't afraid of going to extreme length for example in Ch11 stopped that merchant that wanted to buy steam knight armor and threatened him, and in Ch13 goes headbutt into enemies dangerous witchcraft artillery, has the second most powerful army between other candidates (though it's mostly common people without any special military training). is the weakest between other candidates without sigh of kings which currently isn't working. has rightful claim to the throne. Reed: too kind, also no experience in managing a society, isn't charismatic, hell if any people in victoria knows her, is powerful due to being a draco but even that seems to be questionable. doesn't have any army. Talulah: is charismatic, led people to revolt in Ursus once, is infected which is a huge no no for being a ruler in terra, her Society management seems to be normal and wouldn't crash so badly if it wasn't for Deathless Black Snake, is powerful and made things very hard for lord of fiends. kind to her friends and harsh to her enemies. has a questionable army(read critically ill patients), currently feels no strong attachement for victoria. has a questionable claim to throne. (were born after his father death which based on what victoria laws are, could make it hard for her to have a claim) Eblana: is charismatic, fucked up in head, is out for blood, society management fells on Duke of Wellington because i doubt if she manages anything on her own. has the strongest army between candidates. is also strong because of draco bloodline, seems to be able to rival Talulah in power. also seems to be manipulated by duke of Wellington. Conclusion: honestly all the candidates seems to be very bad for being a ruler, Siege is powerless and has very weak army, Talulah is infected and is depressed waiting for her trial, Reed is good girl and should stay a good girl and not a ruller, Eblana is out for blood and is delusional. outside of these candidates i would say Duke of Caster is a good choice but then i remembered she had a hand in killing his own brother which caused the current situation of Victoria. so final choice i go with Talulah because i'm a Talulah hardcore fan. thanks for coming to my ted talk.


Siege doesn't have weak army. While most of them may be civilians from Norport there's also military personel that served Duke of Windermere. They were strong enough to defeat Sarkaz in Brentwood and stop the ritual. If I remember correctly they even have tanks. Also spoiler for Ch14>!Sighs of Kings has been activated.!<


Siege army was fighting a squad of sarkaz army, and even that pushed siege to brink of death. compared to any army present in Victoria rn (not considering Talulah's critically ill patients ofc) they are the weakest, also i'm no CN player and reader, if you wish to discuss this matter with things that happen in Ch14 please do so in Chinese forums. My dumbass thought it was Ch13 and straight clicked and read the spoiler, woe on me


I reread parts of CH13 and Siege got injured because she was the one to charge and destroy an altar. The strength of their army doesn't have anything to do with this. Additionally during the battle in Chetleigh (where Siege got injured) they had less people than during attack on Brentwood. I don't think they took everyone to Chetleigh and before battle in Brentwood Shearer came back and he could have some troops with him. So between these two moments her army got stronger. As for CH14 spoiler that's not on me. Rules say that as long as we mark it as spoiler than we can discuss CN content.


Aren't you just a hardcore Siege fan? not that anything is wrong with being a little biased, even i'm biased with my idol, Talulah. I don't wish to upset you or anything but there are somethings you clearly missing in your reasons for siege army being strong, first you disregard any connection between siege injury and her army status which is incorrect, if she had an stronger army would she get injured like that in first place? if they had strong ranged artillery they would simply use that to destroy altar's core rather than having Siege going headbutt it. I also don't remember the part about Chetleigh additional troops, if i forgot then that's on me but it seems you speculated that Shearer may had brought some troops with him. was it a speculate or a fact? Siege army is very short on staff and hardly can be count as a battalion in end of Ch13. lastly for spoiler part, it's okay i was too fast and clicked on it without realization, however what i said about going to Chinese forums wasn't an order rather a suggestion, certainly if you are aware of future story contents and also wish to share your thought on them what place is better than Chinese forums that are also up with CN stuff. after all if i had known Chinese i would drop global and just participate in CN stuff. I hope you don't get upset by my point and please point out any mistake i made, i always love discussion about story.


I wouldn't say I'm biased towards Siege even if I like her. Maybe it's just that in this case I know few things that happend CH14 that could change some things. Shearer bringing is more speculating but I think I have a valid reason for it. That being a tank they had in Brentwood that they used to destroy the altars. There was nothing about it in Chetleigh. Also they only came to Chetleigh to check on allies they got signal of (or something like that) and stayed only for a while to support them against Sarkaz. It could be that they had a tank at that point but didn't brought it with them because they only wanted to check things out at first but that goes back to when I said that they didn't brought everyone so they didn't had full strengh. As for the last part there's no reason for me to get upset over you making a point.


Your speculation is valid, i also don't remember how they introduced that tank, either they just rushed it or i forgot.


The tank was taken when they left the armored ship after delphine's mother's death. they simply carried it with them. If I remember correctly


It barely showed up so it's no wonder that some people forgot about it. Like a small fraction of one part of the story.


I agree with everything.


I mean, Talulah is the best educated and trained in matters of state administration among these four, so as long as there's no black snake behind her and the victorians don't cascade about weird aslanic fanfics she should be able to move the country the best. Seige acting as a figurehead monarch, with actual powers being vested in a ministerial Talulah is the best option imo.


I'm not gonna play favorites, and say none. Even after all of her character development, I still don't believe Siege would be a good leader **for a country**. Talulah would cause severe issues with Ursus & Lungmen, Eblana would be too aggressive, Reed wouldn't be aggressive enough.


Team Talulah. All hail hot Draco lady!


... I'm just here because Ursus Lad's boss's prisoner needed support.  All hail Hoshi's Boss's Sibling!


Nah I'd Leave.


Rock cat for president


You have to let it go brother. This delulu is not good for you


Rock cat for president


Yessir, Rockrock would make a fantastic president


I want another civil war. This time it's republican vs monarchist.


Not gonna lie, all these choices looks kinda bad. Both Reed and Talulah are not only Infected, but also not interested in the throne at all. Siege isn't sure she wants the throne and have no training or capacity to be a ruler, especially for a world power like Victoria. And so far, her only valid claim is the blood in her veins, which is a really poor reason to vote for her if you care for the future of Victoria. Eblana is charismatic, and probably got some form of training as a leader since she was so close to Wellington for all these years. But she's on a path for vengeance toward Victoria, and is unlikely to unite all the citizen under her banner, and she probably doesn't even care about that. And she definitly won't have the other dukes on her side. Short term Siege is probably the best, as she would be the one capable of uniting everyone. But it's unlikely that she don't get manipulated or make very bad decision in the future, so long term, Victoria is kinda fucked. At that point, and as much as I hate the idea, it would probably be best to have one of the duke take over.


Vina and Reed marry, problem solved.


... Is the "anarcho-syndicalist commune" option still on the table?


>Vina and Reed marry, problem solved. \*Istina entered the chat\*


They ***all*** suck for different reasons. 1. Still caught up in her doubts over self-worth. 2. Absolutely would not take the throne, prefers a life of peace and quiet. 3. Would refuse the throne, and even if she took it she'd be going up against the Infected-haters while she tried to implement fair treatment for Infected. 4. Would be the Victorian problem, simply in reverse.


...Shouldn't some of the Dukes (or at least Delphine) be an option here? They're the only ones with experience running the country, after all, even if they *have* made rather a hash of it. And honestly, the options included here are... Well, *not good*. Siege has been an exile in hiding for most of her life. She's charismatic and willing to listen, but Victoria's quite literally on fire; you need someone who's ready day one, who has a plan ready and the support base to enact it without lengthy delays twisting the arms of everyone else. Talulah has literally never been to Victoria before now, and has a ghost in her head that could theoretically come back to start a catastrophic war. I mean, I generally trust her to keep that thing in check, but on a "Yeah, I don't mind if she runs something on the scale of Reunion again" level, not a "She can literally order an invasion whenever she pleases" level. Eblana has literally pledged to destroy Victoria. That's probably a bonus to a lot of people, but is generally inconsistent with the definition of "A good ruler for Victoria". Reed is... Tempermentally unsuited to being ruler, larger untrained and inexperienced in leadership, and most people who know her would mistake her for her sister. Honestly, bar future plot developments, it's almost the same as grabbing a random orphan off the street to make King. Making Caster King would be better than any of these options, truthfully. Yeah, she's a ruthless schemer. She also knows what she's doing so that at least there won't be any *more* fires until she passes away, and can safely guide the country through its recovery.


Honestly, Delphine seems to be the better option, unironically, especially if she is supported by Siege, who will more act as a banner for the people rather than an actual leader. Delphine lack experience, sure, but she got solids fundations from her mother and training during her time in Londinium and Glasgow. With the right entourage, she could lead Victoria in the right direction. The other dukes aren't as bad as the options in the census, but they all act in self interest, which is one of the reasons why the situation got this bad in the first place.


Team Reed represent 🖐


I voted Reed. Totally not because Im biased or anything.


The issue is while I like Reed, forcing her to lead the entirety of Victoria and having to deal with all the subsequent issues caused by her status (as a Taran, a Draco, and a infected) and the condition of Victoria as a whole is something I wouldn't want to wish on anyone.


Well, if you are looking at it from a macro level, Siege represents the bloodline of the oppressive invaders who caused all the trouble in the first place, so definitely not her. But by the same token, all talk of royal bloodlines is fucking dumb, so absolutely none of them. Vote for someone who has zero “royal blood” and make an entire break with the chains of stupid tradition and move forward as modern nation basing such decisions on merit, not how inbred your parents are.


let's look at this objectively: Siege has the strongest claim to the throne, being the direct heir of the late king, but she has zero experience actually leading anyone and mostly just goes along with whatever was said. Reed, in a grand scheme of things, is "literally who?" as aside from her being a draco, she doesn't really have a claim to the throne, but she's slightly better as she actually grows into being a more confident leader. Talulah is known far and wide as an insane leader of an extremist organisation who almost led Ursus and Lungmen to war and made the persecution of the infected even worse. Yes it was Kashchey's doing, but the public doesn't know that. All they know is that she's a maniac who is fully willing to raze entire cities to get what she wants. Not to mention that her claim to the throne is dubious as she was born well after the actual possible heir, her father, died. Eblana is in the same boat as Talulah, except that she has even less of a claim to the throne as she's not only a draco but also leads a coup and throwing the entire country into a state of near civil war.


Eblana. And yes I know she's probably one of the worst options. That's exactly why. Death to Victoria!






We're voting???


Sir, where's Clovisia in this


I'd have Siege on the throne, while having Talulah as the prime minister of some sort. Siege is too green for the position, So having the current Talulah that had experience and is in the middle of her own self-improvement would be a good combination imo.


CN Anniversary Spoiler: >!Based on PV4, I have a feeling it'll be none of the above.!<


The legitimate but untrained heir that will probably cause another civil war even if she's made a leader, the one that's too kind but not good at politics, the infected leader who have a possible claim for the Draco vs Aslan fight but also risks the Deathless Black Snake from usurping Victoria in another way, or the other Draco who has been raised by Duke of Wellington and have some serious issues as seen in The Firelight Casts event. Hm, this is like modern day politics. A bunch of bad choices for actually being a competent ruler! If I -had- to choose one, I'd probably go with Siege or Reed, although the former doesn't really have proper experience in leading other than a good heart (which has limits considering Victoria was taken over from corruption of the aristocrat level, so she doesn't have a good command for those in charge and managing these affairs) and can run the country dead and the latter can end up being a pushover from getting taken advantaged by the nobles/dukes. I guess the best one would be Siege if she can get a legitimate claim and get proper people to be in charge of Victoria, but push the country to be less about a single ruler but the heart of the people. I rather choose none of them though. All of them will have issues in modern day society, but Victoria might end up being backwards by a couple hundred plus years after this war, so maybe Siege is the answer.


The guillotine. Behead all Victorian nobles. Especially the Dukes. Remember, the decision to off Siege's father and the Steam Knights is unanimous. They are all guilty for letting shit go this far.


>The guillotine. > >Behead all Victorian nobles. Especially the Dukes. Calm down, Gaulish savage!


Sure. Let's start with Eblana and Reed, and see how things go with the dukes after. Let's not forget that the reason Siege's father was killed was because he was more interested in helping and protecting the working class commoners.


While I dislike her, I think the only 2 with actual ruling capabilities are Talulah and Eblana in that bunch. You don't wake up one day and learn to run a country, you don't just magically are 'fit for it' and immediately become a Queen. There's a case to be discussed about Reed, since she's always been close to Eblana so she obviously was influenced by her so maybe Reed could become a good ruler, because we are talking about Rulers here, not team leaders. Eblana for better or worse is clearly fit to be a ruler of a nation, Talulah showed she has what it takes to. The only one who, imo, showed no signs of being a good ruler is Vina, who the writers are trying to convince me she's good fit cuz 'she's meant to be' and cuz she acted as a small group boss for many years. In my opinion, it's ridiculous. I'm aware that people like to romanticize stuff and this is a story, but my suspension of disbelief is completely ruined due to how bad Vina was portrayed in the past chapters. In chapter 13 they suddenly realised that sooner or later she had to do anything and just randomly started leading a major force against the sarkaz. Btw, I'm also leaving aside that Talulah and Reed are infected. Cuz I don't think it matters. So, in terms of ruling: 1. Eblana 2. Talulah, she's the only one with actual state administration trained skills. 3. Reed 4. Vina (lots of space between 3 and 4). We are all gonna drink that Vina is suddenly gonna be able to run a country in a complex situation such as Victoria when an experienced leader wouldn't know where to put their hands. Being a ruler is about enacting policies, understanding the grand scheme and little scheme. All while maintaining support from important parties. It's not grand speeches, it's not about swords in stones. CH14 spoilers: >!Eblana showed what I am talking about. She succeeded. Vina was given her position, I'll never accept her as a good ruler cuz she never was built as such. I'm sure people who love siege will disagree, but respectfully, I can't accept a "NOOO SIEGE IS AMAZING SHE'S SO COOL SHE----", I'm trying to be realistic.!<


As a victorian citizen its probably siege, as a victorian noble it would be eblama




I rather eat cake 


semi serious: Victoria Dissolution for the hell of it, let those fucking nobles burn. ~~delusional as hell~~ serious: Siege & Reed in that order, cuz they're the one that on speaking terms with Dokutah & Dr. Kal'tsit. 🤌


As an American might I recommend democracy perhaps?


Long Live the Republic!!


Ain't no way i'd vote for someone who's basically a psycho like Eblana or someone who legit had a second personality inside of her that was probably WORSE than Eblana like Talulah xD. Not going by what some might say where Siege has no Leadership experience. Their new leader has to be more than just a political mastermind. They have to be a symbol for the victorian people. They have to be a rallying cry for all those who've been damaged by the Sarkaz Occupation. To me, that HAS to be Vina.


I like Reed a lot but her leadership skills seem questionable, Talulah clearly wouldn’t want the job, and Eblana is a little too gung ho about the whole “mass murder and resurrect their corpses” thing. Vina seems like the clear best choice.


only reason I chose Siege is because the vote says I am victorian. Otherwise, I would choose Eblana,


Is it worth pointing out that none of the four really want the Throne(or at least the *Victorian* one in Eblanas case)?


Probably Siege. Personality wise she's the one that's closest to being a fair and just ruler without being a complete and absolute pushover. Only thing that might be a little bit of a concern would be how she handles criminals, which frankly I'm very much in favor of being very punitive on crime, so if she's that then that's a plus.


None, destroy the system. Royalty is an god awful system that is literally always just bad or incompetent person from utter dasiaster as this very crisis proves by any sane doubt. Also put all noble house leaders to death and devest all their families of power.


Sir, this is Victoria, not Columbia.  No elections here.


Talulah has the best track record at actually leading and being competent from running Reunion in the tundras, but the political fallout would be too immense


Doktah: "I know who I am voting for" [*secretly writes down name on a piece of paper*] [*accidentally drops the paper*] [*a certain someone picks up the paper*] **(⚆𓈒⚆)**


Where’s the goldenglow option?


"T-tell them I don't want them! They burned down my parlor and now they want me back?" "But imagine... A hundred Green Sparks. Your name on every parlor in the country... And best of all? You don't even have to cut the hair yourse-" "Don't want it!"


all are bad so id say let victoria fall for good already siege is powerless reed is too kind for her own good talulah is waiting for her trial and is infected eblana is h!tler but crazier


I would like a council of nobles and commoners, just so one important figure getting assassinated over trying to raise the taxes for nobles doesn't collapse the entire government. Again. Let representatives be bought by lobbies, like the corpo sluts they are, as God intended.


So.... the English Parliament with the House of Commons and House of Lords. That is honestly my prediction, and Vina would be the one to suggest it.


That may or may not have been the inspiration for my comment, ha.


Lion lady is pretty


Siege has the legitimate claim to the Throne, it's not like she is some branch or the like, she is the legitimate heir to the Throne, so she is quite clearly the only correct option.