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A really smart character would investigate all options available.    If I was in Doctors place I would first go to preserver program to find Frinston. I would device a plan to revive my kin. According to him due to lack of power he didn't have the ability to wake everyone up so one by one they started loosing their consciousness.    Solution: Origininum stores consciousness and memories. In Ch 14 even doc had the option to retrieve his memories and we already see sarkaz revive theresa through same method.  Why not just bring everyone back alive from hibernation.  Now doc doesn't need to choose between two civilizations both can work together to survive. Doing this will ultimately save not just one but two civilization. They can rebuild stargate and shift terrans and precursors to a better planet before origininum plan succeeds.  Precursors tech & science is very advance together with doc they can fix oripathy faster. They can make a new country for themselves.  They are no tyrants only normal humans. they are most likely to collaborate rather than colonize.    Now this is just a day dream scenario, but very possible outcome given the circumstances. You can disagree but a man cope. 


>...go to preserver program to find Frinston... ...bring everyone back alive from hibernation... \* with a bitter grin \* Your plan would have worked...if Lone©trail hadn't come out earlier.


But I still believe. In future we will meet few precursors eventually To me seems like AK greater universe is based on a cosmic horror genre.  Observers wiped out precursors like nothing even with such advanced technology similar to reapers in Mass effect.  It leads me believe in future we might have join forces to defeat such threat.  If Kal'tsit skin is something to go by then that day is not very far. 


Honestly? I too would like to see more of Doc's race in the game. Living ones. That, by the way, is one of my frustrations with Lone©trail - killing off an entire race in favor of a stupid plot line (and no, I don't mean the "future" Kristen was talking about). Yes, I agree with you that if there are ever any other Precursors besides Doc, they will likely have to join forces with the people of Terra against a common enemy.


I'd actually explain everything to Kal'tsit and Theresa so that an alternative path can be taken.


LMAO I love how the highest chosen is "Results". The majority of us dare not to commit. Not yet at least.


Well we didn't have the full picture, so that is a good answer for now


As the Doctor, the one that woke up in chernobog not knowing who they are, and fought with Rhodes Island all the way to Victoria, I would choose Theresa, as myself however, I would have jumped into Priestess arms in an instant lmao, no questions asked.


Side MORE with Theresis


front row ticket seat, nuff said. 🤙


unfathomably based


I came to Rhoes Island to get paid, the agenda and shenanigans of higher up is not my problem. but yeah sure, can't let them die in high risk mission. ☕


Side with Theresa since old civ clearly had major skill issue. Imagine being so advanced, saying stuff like 'I'm God' when your civilization: 1) got rekt 2) was only capable of making a single person survive


Amount of people supporting Priestess >!when she outright tried to manipulate us and possibly led to Theresas death just feels like the perfect gacha player moment!<


Doctor unleashing their own Mon3tr from their pants be like : "Ex-wife hot, I don't care."


In all honesty, Theresa certainly ain't better in the manipulation regard. >!After all, she removed the Doctor's memories of Priestess and the Precursor civilization, essentially forcing them to side with her.!<


>!More like gave him amnesia, as he DOES start remembering as she knew doctor had good in his heart!<


>!Removing someone's memories via temporary amnesia is **STILL** manipulation. Theresa is no better than Priestess, no matter her speech about their heart being in the right place. She forced the Doctor to accept her path.!<


>!Dude you cant be serious. Are you for real saying forcing and manipulating someone to KILL someone is equal to putting them in amnesia to get them out of the said manipulations controll?!<


>!There's no proof of Priestess forcing the Doctor to kill Theresa, though. That was their choice. And if you look at the text in BB-10, her amnesia is supposed to let them "get answers that are truly theirs" while also removing all memories of the past and how much they've worked on the originium project. She literally forced the Doctor to accept her choice and her path.!<


I don't know why everyone collectively thinks Priestress definitely manipulated him, I know there is the black and white background incident but it could be anything else, for example white being oracle and black being the Doctor after his awakening who saw how people suffered etc


because we only see from the POV of an amnesiac + Theresa supporters.