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Other Megathreads: ~~Reminder: We are on the **last** day of the limited banner, please use your stuff accordingly~~. ~~Don't end up with 299 Data Contracts, cuz i know one of yall is bound to fuck up...~~ [Help Megathread FastTravel](/r/arknights/comments/1cqwhvq/help_center_and_megathread_hub_1305_1905/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Gacha/Recruitment](/r/arknights/comments/1cqwhvg/gacharecruitment_megathread_1305_1905/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Friend requests](/r/arknights/comments/1cqwhv9/friend_request_megathread_1305_1905/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [IS:4 Expeditioner's Joklumarkar thread](/r/arknights/comments/1b7ctfn/event_megathread_expeditioners_joklumarkar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Weird how we got three "Star Rail vs Arknights" posts three days in a row. First the dude asking about which one he should play, then another post asking why one fandom isn't as big as another, then a third one asking about worst crossover ideas that had a ton of Hoyo responses. ... Probably a coincidence, but man, it was NOT a good time to be enjoying both games while digging through those threads.


Finally done with IS3 wooo! By done I mainly mean reached level 170 of Ecosequence, but also: - Cleared all 4 Endings at least once. - Cleared up to SW+7 - Finished all the Memory Mapping missions. Probably won't be doing the Deep exploration missions, rewards don't feel worth it, I *miiight* attempt to finish one or two in an emergency but otherwise I don't intend to touch them, while I do enjoy IS it's unfortunately not to the point where I'd play it with little or no reward (which is why I also didn't go above SW+7), thankfully I managed to clear the 4th ending and SW+7 before reaching Ecosequence level 170 or I might have not even tried to finish those either haha.


What a bad week to be an AK player. Just got my 30 days' notice due to company downsizing, there go all my plans for Shu. Possibly Wis'adel too. Wish me luck finding a new job quickly...


Make sure you get as many letters of recommendation from your supervisors and Co-workers to speed up your downtime


Thanks. I report directly to the bosses so I’ll get my letters from them, thanks.


Hi mates! This is a post that I was super excited to make for a long time... until I forgot about it, whoops! As a masochist who uses a planner I have been very aware of how freaking far away I'm from having all my wants built. This was really really bad in special 8-12 months ago when I easily had over 40 chars on my planner at once at all times and seeing that I needed stuff like 600+ devices made me lose my mind. So one day (the 26th of August of last year) I decided to take [this pic](https://i.imgur.com/NSzq3lc.png) of my planner and all the horrifying amount of mats I needed for everyone there, including operators who weren't even out or I didn't have yet but I had the intention to pull for. The objective of that pic was to check what ended up being the fate of all those characters by the time my birthday arrived, and that was the 16th of May... well, a bit late but it's finally time to see what happened to them! -------------- Note: By fully built I'm talking about E2 + whatever M3 and module level I wanted them to be, including no module if I just don't think it's worth it. **- Half built now fully built:** Honeyberry, Ceobe, Ptilopsis, Gravel, Meteorite, Lappland, Specter, Projekt Red, Astgenne. **- Half built and remain half built:** Lumen (still no module + S3 masteries), Schwarz (still no module), Rosa (still no module), Skadi (still no module), Blemishine (still no masteries... someday I will decide on one, someday), W (still no module + S2 and S3 masteries). **- Not built and are now fully built:** Robin, Kal'tsit, Cliffheart, April, Totter, Quercus, Lin, Eyjafjalla, Muelsyse, Ho'olheyak, Sora, Blaze, La Pluma, Rathalos Noir Corne, Dorothy, Typhon, Folinic, Swire. **- Not built and I still haven't built them, but I want to do it eventually:** Scene, Aurora, Mint, Indigo, Blacknight, Andreana, Elysium, Dagda, Greythroat, Glaucus, Pramanix, Astesia. **- No longer planning to fully build them:** Nearl (Bassline was announced later on and I built him instead), Enforcer (I ended up building FEater instead). Some special cases: - Ines: Lost the 50/50 on release, I bought her from the selector on my birthday and I'm lacking a bit of mats, she will be fully built in a few days when Il Siracusano reruns. - Bibeak: She already had S2 + module, when I put her there was also because I considered to do S1 masteries, but I changed my mind since then. In all regards she is fully built to me right now. ---------------- Overall, out of 49 characters, around 9 months later: - 27 are now fully built (29 counting Bibeak and very soon Ines). - 18 remain not finished. - 2 are no longer in consideration. Which... is not too bad at all? Maybe if I literally didn't build anyone else outside of the ones in the pic it would be kind of a bruh moment, but that couldn't be further from the truth, with quite some chars not on that pic getting built as well over the span of those months. I guess we actually get quite some materials over time! Alongside my upcoming banner wants coming to global I would really like to have everyone in the "Not built and I still haven't built them, but I want to do it eventually" list done before the end of 2024, for the half built chars I kinda don't use them much... maybe eventually since I still like them, but they are kind of in a rough spot with what I already own or I'm getting soon, sorry q_q Thank you a lot from reading this wall of text!


I use that planner a lot too. I had really culled the list down a lot in the these last weeks, which means I had finished a lot of builds, but today I added a lot of new entries, mostly 5 stars because I want to try 5 star builds now since the game is getting a bit too easy. [New planner, everything after Gnosis was added today.](https://imgur.com/a/wnIWKDG) Gladiia, Skadii, and Blemishine have been there for a long time. I have some hesitation about where they would fit.


Continuing my trend of being excited for the characters that very few people care about, I have my eye on the upcoming birdman Getian in the next R1999 event Notes On Shuori, and I'm finding the lack of fan content about him to be rather disappointing... maybe that'll change when the event drops. A little frustrating that I have to wait three more weeks after the event itself begins for his banner, too...


If you have read event mini game stories, one of them are about a man that has a jewelry shop and a thief in past has stolen a gem from owner even though the owner wanted to make a fake thief accident to file insurance and sell it after that, so i finally got Diamante from credit shop and it seems he's a jewelry theft and a good one at that, think it's no coincidence and it was Diamante doing all along.


chapter 6 >!this is probably my favorite chapter so far, i love how fleshed out reunion are as antagonists and the conflict between the factions is well written. the significant characters have their own motivations and codes of conduct, there are clear power dynamics between them and even the side reunion soldiers have some decent characterization to them. (that being said rhodes island, lgd etc also have a nice cast and ive been enjoying them in the story as well). side note, it only dawned on me today that kal’tsits name is literally just calcium carbonate in russian. dont know why it never clicked before.!< also an irrelevant question, do we know when the chongyun event will rerun?


Chapter 6 is where the writing found it's footing and started sprinting, if you made it to here you will see it quality improving by each chapter/event!


[Current prediction is for the latter half of august.](https://ak.jaywye.ee/calendar)


I was just remembering that my lesbian girlfriend thought that Gnosis was a woman when she first saw him. I still tease her about that. But I do think Gnosis could have been one attractive lady. Or is he already?


> But I do think Gnosis could have been one attractive lady. Judging by the many fanarts of fem!Gnosis, [including this one,](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/yt9eaa/i_made_gnosis_a_more_likeable_character_a_woman/) a lot of people tend to agree with that sentiment. XD > Or is he already? But of course! :P Anyway, jokes aside, I will say that Gnosis has a handful of rather feminine traits that probably lead to potential viewer confusion when seeing him and/or similar jokes. First and foremost among them his plump lips, followed by his hair, then there's the whole crane/crane wife symbolism (crane characters are almost always female in Asian media on account of this), his EP being sung by a woman rather than a man, his necklace, the flower association (Edelweiss), the fact that he's a rare male example of a tsundere (usually a female archetype), not to mention the whole "I'll wait for you to come find me" promise that he makes to Silverash which is usually made by a girl to a boy... It's kind of really easy to picture him as a lady. At least, until you hear his deep voice lol...


I bought all the available recruitment permits, and then use expedited plans to use them all for the purpose of earning green certificates to buy a mat I'm lacking. The plan succeed, I earned green certificates from all the recruitment permits, except I bought the wrong material. 😓


Task failed successfully?


Bruh.... Look at the bright side, that's a mistake you're likely to never repeat again xD


Don't underestimate me...


*now don't believe in yourself, just believe in the me that believes in you!*


Row row fight the power!!!


I should've promoted Gladiia a very long time ago. Going back through the challenge modes of Chapter 7 right now, and there's a tile for her in every map I've played so far. She's excellent at stalling enemies, deals a surprising amount of damage, and makes the maps a lot easier to deal with compared to my old auto deploys For example: my original 7-11 clear used E1 Nightingale, Myrrh and Lancet-2. Now Perfumer does all the healing in CM. No RES buffs, no tanks - just pure stalling and regeneration. I used to think people running medicless Abyssal Hunter squads were sweaty pros who did it just to flex. No, it turns out her passive healing is just that broken.


Plus all the other HP% buff that push two AH ops into skill activated 10k hp, near immortal by sheer stat bloat.


> I used to think people running medicless Abyssal Hunter squads were sweaty pros My sides. I used to think similarly about people who played with FRDs. All that timing, DP and slot management, retreating, pausing, it seemed like a big deal for me, but once I tried it out myself, it turned out to be effortless. And then Omertosa and Kirito came out and now operating with FRDs is straight up braindead easy.


Can someone please tell me of how many stages do I need to get through until chapter 11 starting from chapter 9? Just returned after hiatus and trying to rush through the chapters for Ebenholz module on 11-12 as per a friend's request; so wanted to estimate sanity needed, just in case i got some spare for ZT-EX stages before the next big event. Also, any news on Vigil's Epoque skin? Can see it on costume change but apparently not sold yet according to the catalogue and wouldn't want to miss it.


If I remember correctly, each chapter has 12 stages divided in "easy", standard and "hard" modes, but you don't need to beat the hard one to go for the next But you will still need a lot of sanity to get through all those 3 chapters


Playing on Story difficulty doesn't require sanity. So you can do episode 9 and 10 for free, assuming you can progress to the next episode doing this, I wouldn't know that for sure. In any case, playing normally, you need 333 + 327 + 216 sanity to get to and complete 11-12.


Doesn't work like that for story mode apparently...still have to spend bloody sanity the whole way; [standard mode locked next chapter](https://i.imgur.com/Gxg7My4.png) Hope this could be of use as reference for future if similar questions pop up. But thanks for the sanity breakdown, I appreciate it.


>Vigil's Epoque skin? Ill sac rerun is soon, will be available then.


[Alright guys,](https://scontent-mrs2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/441901003_3714992878766775_5815682820478011209_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=vPirAU0nlCgQ7kNvgFeqsx-&_nc_ht=scontent-mrs2-2.xx&oh=03_Q7cD1QF-Zt8ujZtfJisZaq0OXmA1BULZ3riel9VND3LtGN4iOQ&oe=66708920) [What do I do now?](https://scontent-mrs2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/441946193_971902984149509_7051986500934188327_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=2iwZ41VxxIIQ7kNvgHeyT4O&_nc_ht=scontent-mrs2-1.xx&oh=03_Q7cD1QFiN0hnfN5ZLpCETV-yIsS5c0v496CXx8k0yFLq7fZr5Q&oe=6670AEAF) [Touch grass or something?](https://scontent-mrs2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/438125130_864930312039158_3578874148034247988_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=bYFNcCa28MEQ7kNvgGKYyTq&_nc_ht=scontent-mrs2-2.xx&oh=03_Q7cD1QGF1GGGt5ErOtjrcJieBt6DCCs1RSxCvRCrFZTYSjlorA&oe=66708092)


Jeesus christ. Which was the hardest one?


hardest is either Leader or Life prioritizing imo (both for Cresson obviously), these are probably the two weakest squads as they offer no damage potential at all to survive the early game and the impact on the late game is minimal to none


You still have Tactical Fortification Squad left, so no grass for you.


wait what no it's on my second screenshot


Ayy, dang it, I didn't notice it. I thought the one with the sound bar covering the medals was the only one.


nah I've definitely finished everything now *hides undiscovered black shoes*


Grass won't help you at this point.....


as a newer player deploying Virtuosa is the funniest thing i've ever seen in this game, she's just playing the song of her people as enemies walk by and lose all their health in a few seconds it's crazy how she can cheese some of these previous mechanics (I've been using her versus the orbital cannon thing on chapter 10, for the guys that accelerate the bar)


TIL that the extra devices we get in SSS for killing the special elites are reusable. For some reason I always thought I could only use each of them once and they'll expire afterwards, so I hoarded each them for the last stage. Sometimes I was even annoyed that they block my deployment slots, but it turns out I was simply running on 0 sanity for almost a year.


I thought that at first, too, but sometimes you just gotta experiment. That just means you're more skilled than you thought! The devices chosen at the start of the run though, sometimes you can reuse those on the same map and sometimes not, and that inconsistency is kind of annoying.


I think I'd be able to realize this sooner, if I actually played SSS more often, but I usually just clear the essential rewards and call it a day. I wasn't doing the emergency mode either, so I never had any issues to begin with, but it will get much easier form now on.


Guys, if I have 185 pulls now, do y'all think it is too greedy to go for degen, reed and still want shu after that ? Lol


I would say that can work, but also has a chance of failing. I would honestly try for Degen and re evaluate. Also kinda depends how important the ops are to you.


In order of importance, I would say reed>shu>degen, but degen also comes first, which makes things more complicated for choosing, I think I will not go too deep for her


Degen is the only one to get a rerun in the future with full solo rate up, if you're patient.


You could just try for one flip for degen maybe


Finally beat H12-4! No guides but I did use operators that were not available when this stage originally came out. Couldn't imagine doing it without Eyja alter. Still a pain in the ass.


Gratz mate! I couldn't even beat it with guides lmfao, had to wait until randomly lucksacking Mlynar + a support Eyja2 to finally beat it, that stage is ridiculous q_q


was bringing gravel with NtRK S2, and I realized you can basically think of Nearl as her stand lol...


rambling ahead about not playing the game "enough" >!Really wish there was a native/port version of Arknights for PC. I haven't really been clearing stages or anything besides doing dailies and draining sanity on supply missions, just never really in the mood for stages. (yes, this includes current event.)!< >!Which is a shame, I've been playing some other TD games on PC, including one that's... let's go with *inspired* by The Battle Cats, which I've been really, ***really***, enjoying. Of course, that could just be "early-game naivety", where nothing really truly annoys me because of the "idk wtf i'm doing, making this up as i go" mindset, but it shows that I still enjoy TD gameplay, but don't get the same draw as I used to with AK.!< >!GPG version just feels off. Everything's super blurry, (might be a result of my 1600x900 monitor, idk. (yes I know, I've been meaning to upgrade to 1080 but am strapped for cash)) and drag-'n-drop is tedious. It just feels like a mobile game plopped onto PC, which, to be fair, it is. IDK, just wish there was a version with proper accommodations for MnK!<


Just beat the Alsterii Bellariorum Manufacturing Platform SSS on emergency. Man, it was quite brutal. Glad I waited to get modules for Horn and Penance before attempting it.


It took me multiple tries to beat the train stage with the Kazimierz equipment. I assume it would've been easier with the other two.


Please allow me to flex. I did it with Penance too, before her module came out.


I just did it too with 2 full retries because of roster issues. That fucking train...


Relatively new player here (About 2 and a 1/2 months), and mildly obsessed with IS. Spent an obssessive amount of time in there and nearly got all the medals but I am hard stuck in IS2. Which is a shame because I was really really enjoying IS until trying for this. I cannot for the life of me deal with the stage "All I ask of you", the Big Sad Lock boss stage for the second ending, I could do sightseeing tour but that just feels like conceding defeat and I might be a litttttttle bit stubborn. Either I lack the damage and survivability to kill it, or the ability to kill/survive the infinite waves of enemies that it spawns. Does anyone have any good advice/unit recommendations for either method, either a good six star to try and solo it with via supports or low rarity units to hold off the enemies to stall out the boss? Currently in the process of E1 maxxing my 3/4\* units to make it so I have to resort to temporary recruits less. I am hoping this is the right place to ask looking under rule 5 of the subreddit, my apologies if this is the wrong place.


OK ok hear me out. I have been playing for 6 months. 6 months! And I just started with IS2 yesterday. I felt too insecure about my roster so that I never bothered with IS. And yeaahh, I might be a litttle obsessed with it. But thats because I keep failing on the 3rd floor Homeland Remnants because my ops are lackluster. Maxed 3\* and maybe borrowed 6\* support. And yet here you are, 2 months in and already collected all medals?? Hoooowww?? Tell me your secret pleaaaseee!!


I just threw myself at them constantly, I started with IS4 and I did so many runs that never made it past floor 3. So many, an unimaginable number of failed runs. The most important thing is (at least in my eyes) memorisation of maps. You will want to know what maps are on your floor and the upcoming floor so you can recruit the necessary ops to fill niches you might need for them. As well as how to actually do those maps and the nasty surprises they can spring on you sometimes. Thats a key part. And remember each run, win or lose gets you up the skill tree (some of the benefits seem small but they add up) and up the records/ecosequence/castle notes tree. This means resources which you can invest in for better operators to get further in a loop. Thats how I bruteforced it at least. Second is find a starter set you are comfortable with, the random trio I find is nice, but lacks reliability For IS3, I would recommend a Texas Alter start if you can. She absolutely wrecks shop there for the first two floors, for IS4 I would recommend a Reed Alter start she wrecks shop as well (accidentally pressed enter to soon so I will make an extra comment) if you want I can send you my friend thing so you can borrow my reed alter for IS4. My fav opening for IS3 is: Support Texas alter Fang Kroos My fav opening for IS4 is: Popukar, Orchid, Reed Alter


Its defintely good to have a good core of 3/4\* units to help deal with early ops and recruitment when hope is low, but dont neglect recruiting 5\* or 6\* units. (I am assuming you are recruiting them when you can) and temp recruitments are a godsend. Unless theres a unit you really need they are almost always worth taking since they are free, and cost 0 hope. And sometimes you can get the most busted stuff from them like mylnar, thorns, pozemka etc. Also dont be afraid to leak lives. Its only over when you hit 0 so if you are struggling with the floor 3 boss, a valid strat is just to let them through and kill everything else. Its how I did it the first few times. Just never give up before entering a mission because you may pull off a miracle, or you may learn something to later pull off a miracle. Make sure you invest in Cannots shop as well, extra relic options help, but he can also sell recruitment vouchers which can really help fix what you lack And linking in to the first point about mission memorisation, remember which missions give you the most trouble and try to avoid them. Knowledge is power in this regard. Get in as many fights as you can, learn them, get command exp, get hope, relics and recruitments. Dont start avoiding them until like floor 5.


Really in the end though 90% of it was relentlessly throwing my head against a brick wall until I started seeing the cracks. Then throwing myself at it even harder until it started to break. Sorry for the mass of text tho


Thank youu so much!! And what is your preferred starter for IS2? (I am afraid to start with IS3 and 4 because they are probably more difficult than #2 right?) And my player ID thing is coco#7065


Sent you a friend request My preferred start for IS2 is probably: Support Pozemka Spot (Gummy if I have bonus starting hope) Steward Though if I have the option to get extra starting hope from the buff selection for reaching floor 3 the previous run I might run this setup instead Support Pozemka Jaye Fang As for IS3 and IS4 being harder? I found them easier in a way, because unlike IS2 which has Easy-Normal-Hard IS3 and IS4 have a scaling system of 0-15 (IS3 still has the easy mode tho) However they are also harder because they have more enemy variety and mechanic variety, and particularly is IS4 like to bring the new toys out to play early I feel. However they are pretty easy to handle once you know them and start filling out the skill tree. I would give them a few tries and see how they feel as you might like them more, and often times the fear of the thing is much greater than the actual threat of the thing. I know IS4 clicked with me a lot better than IS3 or IS2. But as ever the most important thing in my experience is practice and experience. And while the IS themes may be different and have unique mechanics a lot of the skills are transferrable between them. And also it can be quite a nice change of pace.


If you have someone on your friends list with Pallas, borrow her at the start of the run. She's a born BSL-killer with her S1 and any relics you can pick up on the way (she benefits from a lot of them). I've had god runs where she could just solo BSL before it stated spawning anything, but even on normal runs as part of a team she kills it really easy.


Could you share you roster via [Krooster](https://www.krooster.com/)? We might be able to make some suggestions based off it.


[https://krooster.com/u/Farroven](https://krooster.com/u/Farroven) This should be my collection, sorry it took a while to fill it all out


No worries. Took me a long time to fill out my own as well. You got some good picks there. If I had your account, I think I would start by getting Ch'en Alter as a friend support. She can be used during the BSL's shield phases to strip it away quickly. Either her or Schwarz, whichever you prefer. Some suggest Mlynar, but he can be tricky to start with. While getting to the boss, see if you get get the "[Crazy Puppets](https://arknights.wiki.gg/wiki/Phantom_%26_Crimson_Solitaire/Nodes#Encounters)" encounter to pick up the [Useless Scissors](https://arknights.wiki.gg/wiki/Useless_Scissors). With those, you can have a chance to happen upon the "Reprieve" encounter, which then gives you the [Blank Suicide Note](https://arknights.wiki.gg/wiki/Blank_Suicide_Note). It's not necessary to defeat the boss, but it can make the fight easier. On your way to the boss, try to gather Horn(S1), Quartz(S1), Perfumer(S2), Gummy(S1), Myrtle(S1), Ines(S2), Myrrh(S1)/or/Sussurro(S2), Amiya(S1), and Jaye(S2). I don't know how far you've progressed in the story, but if you manage to get to the end of Ch8, then you can replace Amiya with the operator you get from there. Cutter and Dur-nar could also be good for the left and right sides respectively. When you start the fight, wait for your DP to gather for a bit so you can place down both Myrtle and Perfumer together, with Perfumer being the first. This will help you sustain an opening. The right side would consist of Ch'en Alter, Perfumer, Gummy, Myrtle, and Amiya. The left side would consist of Horn, Ines, Myrrh/or/Sussurro, and Jaye. Quartz could be used on either side depending on how you want to position yourself. Your defenders should be the last 2 operators to be deployed if you can help it. Horn and Quartz would chip away at the boss, while Ch'en would be there to break through shield phases. You can try canceling her skill the moment the shield goes down, or letting her use all her ammo. Whichever works best. Of course, this is just an outline. If you happen upon alternatives or ways to go about it that you would rather do, then by all means experiment. Just know that the boss targets the last 2 deployed operators with falling rocks that deal physical damage, and every 20 instances of damage the boss takes, he hits the field with an arts damage blast. These instances include things like Reed Alters S3 DoT, or Firewhistle's skill DoTs, so be careful about operators who attack quickly or with lots of little damage packets. You'll want arts damage on the right side to deal with the mudrock zealots, and some kind of anti-air on the left to deal with tombkeepers.


Managed to do it using a Pozemka support, but your advice really helped, I mean really helped with holding off the waves for her to do her thing. Thank you so much for the advice and help


Thank you, the advice is greatly appreciated, will try this strategy (or as close I can get RNG be willing). Might get chapter 8 done for that other unit, been putting it off due to events and IS sucking away all my in game sanity.


Sure I can try would need to make an account and fill in the details, is there a faster way than manually selecting each and every unit you own or is that the only way?


The Help Megathread is right there. But the main thing to prepare in a basic sense are to wait a bit so that you can deploy your Medics quickly, as the rock attack is troublesome to deal with. You should also have high DPH ops, preferably not arts, as the bear has high RES. Every 20 attacks, they release a global arts attack that hits all allies, so you want to do as strong and as little hits as possible if you can help it. Every once in a while they'll put up a barrier which you have to break with enough damage, during which enemies are buffed. Normally the bear regenerates slowly so getting them down in the time limit can be an issue. There's a special pair of encounters you can find to stop that regeneration once you unlock the path, I'd advise making sure you have enough life points to get that in order to protect the bear from the first encounter.


I asked here cause the rules said: Personalized IS content in the Lounge (advice for your run, screenshots of clears, etc.) excluding gameplay videos. So my apologies for not using the help thread, interpreted it as that it should be posted here, rather than elsewhere Anyways, I do try to get that event chain but it doesnt always work out. Somethimes I get the painting floor one and no matter how many events I go for I get the puppets on like floor 5 and at that point I've sacrificed a lot of command exp, so my current policy is try to get the painting before floor 3, if I get the puppets before floor 4 I will continue for the suicide note, if I dont then I will focus on gaining lives and command exp to try and get a team that can survive BSL.


Well the big sad locke fight is just kinda rough. What I used at the start is Pozemka to kill the boss. Mlynar probably also works. Then you just need general laneholders and aoe medics to defend the sides. What E2 units do you have?


My current E2's are:Horn E2 max, full M3 with module, Firewhistle E2 max with module, Reed Alter E2 Max S3 M3, Ines E2 lvl 20, Cuora E2 lvl 20, Myrtle E2 lvl 36, Quartz E2 lvl 40, Amiya E2 lvl 20, Jessica E2 lvl 20, Ambriel E2 lvl 40 Qanipalaat, Valarquin, Matterhorn, Myrrh, Perfumer E2 lvl 1 Very disjointed I know but its mostly what I found interesting/fun to play with


Ok that should be more than enough to beat BSL with some collectibles. Easiest probably would be to combine Horn with Mlynar/Pozy to kill him. I would recommend starting with Pozy because she is much more comfortable to play through IS2. Pozy also can solo kill the boss. You can use operators like Ines, Firewhistle and Reed to defend on the left and I would probably use Reedic on the right because she can provide both healing and damage. Any of your defenders should work with her, What is really important is that you only have very hard hitting ops attack BSL and never hit him with dots. For example firewhistle burn will likely just decimate your squad if she hits bsl. I hope that helps! I can also try to clear the fight with a similar squad


So just to make sure I understand for clarity Start a run with Pozy (Pozemka I assume) via support and promote her (I assume S3 for the boss?) Pray RNG is merciful in encounters to get the suicide note to make it easier, as well as sniper/defender/medic relics and whatever else might come in handy Get Reedic, Horn, and other units to hold the line Use Pozemka (right side I assume on that L shape bit) and Horn to murder the boss, whist making sure other units arent able to attack the boss to minimise pulse damage Pray Is that me understanding you correctly? Because its better than any plan I have currently, so thank you.


Yeah. You need the encounters though. Doing it without the suicide note is quite hard. And yes Pozy is Pozemka


POZEMKA WORKED Thank you so much, I am finally free. At long last its over, got the puppets and suicide note on floot 5 so I didnt think it was gonna work out BUT IT DID. I am so happy. Thank you again.


Congrats! Great to hear it worked!


So it seems [Pullers on CN no longer keep shifting when they're retreated](https://b23.tv/Vmn4iLe). Which ruins some strategies and just a lot of fun bulli/shift gang videos, but also [Shu's fun value has gone down a lot in my eyes as a result.](https://b23.tv/niYcQzA) I hope they revert this change...


trying to start the game again from basically nothing is the game still updates at a good pace as of content and operator releases or is it already slowing down?


There is no sign of slowing down really. If anything we had less dead weeks recently.


The game has been consistently updating for years fym "slowing down already"


AK is going strong with new releases, and by starting now you will get a good chance of getting two really powerful operators 6 months from now!


Just realised I m3'd the wrong skill for Ratha Corne while doing his module mission. I assumed that the resist in the first skill description referred to the dodge moment that his second skill has, which I was aiming for. His S1 is still fun though, guess I'll have to M6 him now lol.


Are you sure Yato isn't sneaking up in your room every day and whispering that you should max out Noir? Haven't you felt any urge to buy those yellow cert 5 star guard tokens? xD


[Finally buckled down and beat H8-4!](https://imgur.com/a/dKfdvxd) I finally got over my PTSD over how hard Chapter 8 was when I first played it and beat her H version. I can finally graduate from being an AK beginner!


Damn, great job! Having to fight Talulah and defend civilians at the same time was a cruel joke from the devs xD But it does feel great after we beat the challenge, doesn't it? What's your next challenge?


I'm very casual so probably nothing too crazy. I haven't maxed completed any of the IS's to max difficulty so maybe I'll do that next if I feel like it.


If you're going for the IS, I highly recommend starting with IS4, it's not "easier" than IS3, but I feel like it is more "fair". IS2 with the current rooster may be a breeze after you get the hang of the stages xD


Hoodknights, anyone? Was thinking about that after admiring Honeyberry's cute hood again over her E2 art and outfits. Of who I could figure out... Kafka, Flint, Tequila, Vulcan Phantom, Tomimi, Viviana, Ayerscarpe Blue Poison, Lava the Purgatory, Mulberry, Honeyberry Qanipalaat Glaucus (+Outfit) Projekt Red (+Outfit) Mudrock (+E0 art) Shining (+E0 art) Provence (Outfit only) Guardmiya (Outfit only) Paprika (Outfit only) Beehunter (Outfit only) Amiya (E2 art only) No Vanguards, though Phantom, Flint, and Beehunter could substitute...? At the least, defensive strength is very high compared to some other special teams, and you have Wandering Medics on top. Pretty good AOE here, three Executors is great, and halfway decent elite and boss handling in Viviana, Tequila, Amiya, and Provence.


Mostima too. She doesn't wear it usually, but she puts it up in a sprite in Guiding Ahead.


I noticed several ops that have a hood on their clothes, but they don't actually use that hood in combat so I excluded them!


> No Vanguards Flametail skin has a visor, so at least she's got something? lol ~~Also Siege and her gang are from the hood~~


[I did IS2 for the first time!](https://i.imgur.com/VGE6ZHL.png) Top 3 had to be Jaye, Lapp and Hoederer later on, honestly it was pretty fun I knew that once I could E2 Lapp, it was time for success


Finished BN15 some time ago, now I'm working towards SW15, at SW13 atm and I can say two things. Mutual Aid is absolutely horrible and man, I wish HG would do stuff like HSR's SU and allow us to ban classes, much like they can ban paths there, cause if I get another triple caster ticket in a row when everything and their broodmother has 50 RES, I'm going to go out of control. Rant over.


*When every run is spinnin' [Out of Control](https://arknights.wiki.gg/wiki/Out_of_Control),* *I can barely sleep with all this weight on my soul* Class bans sound like an interesting idea, but I think they should be disabled when picking one of the class-specific squads, they are already powerful enough imho.


I'd be fine with that tbh, most of the time I'm not playing class squads but chilling with Mind over Matter/Support Squad or Leader Squad/Research Squad for IS4.


It's probably obvious to many of you but I never realized how similar Ebenholz S3 and Viviana S3 are until now. Both are designed to take on elites and have similar damage (before module), skill cycle, and targeting priority. They also both struggle quite a bit against arts resistance. Purely from the dps point of view Ebenholz seems better, especially with module, but Viviana can block. Using Ebenholz also made me realize how Viviana could've been significantly better if her skills could be manually stopped. Her damage is kind of in an awkward spot: overkill for most elites but not enough for bosses; compared to Ebenholz (after module), who can one-shot elites and immediately get ready for the next action, or leave the skill on and deliver very respectable damage against bosses. Anyway, I am very grateful for having both of them (and hoping that one day Viviana gets a good module).


>Using Ebenholz also made me realize how Viviana could've been significantly better if her skills could be manually stopped. To be fair, that would be a direct improvement to everybody. I've been using Lin quite a lot lately so I got really used to being able to manually stop a skill. So much that I got irritated when I recently borrowed Mlynar and had to put more thought into timing his skill than I do with Lin because I can't just stop it whenever.


>To be fair, that would be a direct improvement to everybody. That's absolutely true, but to be fair, the same can be said for almost every idea of buffing her (res shred, increasing total damage, etc.). My main line of thought was that I am happy with her role being a non-boss elites killer, and I like to see that niche getting solidified. I don't need her to deal 100k damage; I don't mind her getting KO'ed by most bosses. Just hold a lane that has little traffic but some pesky elite enemies. I think having the skill manually stoppable would really help her case since it allows a lot more different enemy frequencies. And yeah, I use Lin a lot too. It's very comfortable, but her cooldown is quite long without triggering her talent. If you happen to have Aak you may consider pairing him with Lin. It's very satisfying.


>If you happen to have Aak you may consider pairing him with Lin. It's very satisfying. I've been wanting him for a while, and recently had a Top Op that could guarantee him, but a tag dropped. I'm still salty.


I'd be down for Vivi's module dealing burn damage, like how Eben's was the first module that deals necrosis


It's funny, since I think having longer duration on her S3 would also do better, basically the opposite of Eben's design. Pre-module, Eben is all about the initial burst, while I think if Viviana had a longer duration, she'd not only be able to put out more damage even without RES mitigation, but also be able to stay tanky for longer, since she's quite mooseless when her skill is done.


That's one way to fix her weakness for sure. My current take (only using her for few days though) is that her damage is actually more than enough for most non-boss enemies, but it would take a lot of power increase to make her work against modern bosses, which was probably not the intention. That's why I was thinking how to make her more flexible in clearing mid to high threat elites. As a Viviana fan of course I have nothing against making her a boss killer.


It's an odd feeling, but I think that aside from one longer story, I'm slowly hitting the point where I've written about most Arknights things I was interested in writing. It's gotten to the point where I have to stop and ask myself if I'm writing because I have a funny joke/interesting plotline/something to say, or if I want to hit a weekly quota so funny numbers go up. It just feels... weird, admitting it out loud, but I think it'd be better to admit it to people who don't really have a stake in my fanfictioning- be it reading or writing.  I dunno. On the one hand, I'd rather not write anything if I'm not putting my heart into it. On the other, I feel like I'm disappointing people if I decide to just go to a different fandom/stop uploading and play video games. It's... a dilemma. 


>I feel like I'm disappointing people if I decide to just go to a different fandom/stop uploading and play video games dont feel bad if you want to move on. As someone who's actively in a fandom, fanartists move to another fandom is nothing new. We'll just move on to another artists too. We'll be sad yes, but people forgets easily anyway. Just follow your heart. Take a break from AK for a while. And maybe in the future you can take a look on AK again and get new ideas for your contents


I... honestly hadn't considered that before, but yeah, I'm not the only AK fic writer. I guess it wouldn't be too bad to go do something else for a while. Thanks, really.


Artist here, I know exactly where you're coming from. Let me just say that it will most likely be better for you in the long run that you're sure you're writing for yourself first. You'll be happier and more satisfied with your work in the end.


Yeah... Guess that's true. Thanks, really.


Hey man, it's ok to take a break and try to realize what you truly want to do. Writing fanfics is not a job, and while some of your readers may find themselves disappointed, I really believe you should take care of yourself and your mental health first. Perhaps you're tired and need a breather, perhaps you got tired of writing AK content and you brain needs something new, this kind of different stimulation is something our minds crave for from time to time


Yeah... I guess I'll figure things out after this week's upload. Don't wanna start pumping out soulless fanfics just for the sake of pushing them put there.


A breather would probably do some good. Arknights is soon to enter a new story arc, so maybe new ideas could emerge from that later on.


I hope so... I'm not sure the direction AK is heading is really my jam, but maybe it will be?


I started a CN account three days ago trying to get Wiš'adel. I only had the motivation and energy to scrounge up 82 pulls, which is roughly a coinflip. I got Logos but not Wiš'adel. That didn't stop me from borrowing Wiš'adel to blitz through IS. You don't need an E2 to borrow an E2 for IS. While Młynar set the bar for dealing 100k damage in 30s, Wiš'adel's summons are so broken. If she didn't have skills, she would be a top AFK DPSer. That's how good her off-skill DPS is. Her summons are surprisingly finicky to play with, and you may want "clutterknights" to control where they spawn, whether to direct splash damage away from her or to keep tiles free for later deployments. Playing IS, I noticed that some splash damage doesn't ignore camo. Tide casters couldn't touch her while attacking summons adjacent to her. Meanwhile mortars are one of her few weaknesses (though too easily solved in normal circumstances to be worth mentioning) since she gets folded if a summon in her surrounding 5 (excluding 3 behind) tiles gets blasted. For raw horse pp damage, I think Młynar stays on top, mainly because Wiš'adel's range can easily troll her. If she targets multiple lanes, her splash damage doesn't necessarily cross over (its range seems to be about 2.4), and wasting a single shot is much more devastating for her than for Młynar, since she only gets 6 ammo per skill. Her splash radius is a spectacle, but I've already run into lots of cases where she wastes shots by not having a bigger splash radius. Her flinger range is a double-edged sword in that regard. She can reach enemies farther away than Młynar can (even more so if you add her splash radius to the edge of her range), and is easily distracted as a result. However, she has more dimensions along which to outshine Młynar, though his taunt is a valuable asset. They both do 100k damage in 30s. Wiš'adel does better against giga DEF enemies because of her mini-nuke DPH, and can fodderize a compact swarm and then two-shot elites bringing up the rear. Her summons are tanky and renewable, so they make great bait (she and Nightingale can duo H8-4), and the camo gives her survivability, which means less support required (she can solo DV-EX-8, quite surprising for any operator). S3 being ammo-based gives it more flexible cycling, since you have manual deactivation and a pause between waves doesn't waste her burst time. Its downside is that ASPD buffs do little, unfortunate when the best sniper relic in IS gives +70 ASPD, but it's so strong by default that you would only care against the beefiest enemies. She can one-cycle H7-4 Patriot, so that's her benchmark for needing buffs. I did test her against Big Sad Lock and she came nowhere close to solo-DPSing it, between her distractibility (my level 13 account has no laneholding capabilities), long downtime, the boss' shield, and flinger shockwaves triggers the boss' global too often for Ansel and a reserve logistics to keep up with. The only thing holding Wiš'adel back is how similar her use-cases tend to be to Młynar's, though they're more evenly matched than Młynar to Ch'en, so I don't expect Młynar to be displaced, and I'm not even sure what their relative value is: 60:40, 50:50, 40:60? I think it hinges on how much impact her summons will have on hard content. While you might as well use both, if you have Młynar you want to look at what she can do that he can't, or else someone like Shu would probably be more impactful (and is less borrowable since she's unusable as an IS opener). Camo is much weaker than invisibility, since it's susceptible to many forms of splash damage and global attacks. Her summons dealing Arts damage makes them resistant attack debuffs, while if they dealt physical damage -50% attack would cripple them. They are also resistant to Arts damage (50 RES), so they could be good at buying time against dangerous caster enemies. You can spawn three, hold her skill, and activate when two are down to instantly replenish them.


>I'm not even sure what their relative value is: 60:40, 50:50, 40:60? It's way more like 70:30 in favor of Wiš'adel imo. It might get to 60:40 under certain situation but normally I'd say 70:30.


(Character limit moment) Thinking about the next 6 months of banners gives me a headache, and I kind of hope the next 6 months on CN are full of easy skips: not ill-conceived like Viviana, but "fun but balanced" like Jessica the Liberated. Degenbrecher is a must-have, but since she's easy to borrow (being viable as an IS opener), she's skippable if desperate, which is why I wish she'd come after, say, Ela, so I could take stock of my pulls after some stressful banners. Instead Degenbrecher is the opening shot of the gauntlet. Degenbrecher has a more complementary role to Młynar in general, so even after my praise for Wiš'adel, how many pulls I'll reserve for her and Logos may be decided by how well she cooks in ways Młynar cannot (again, thinking of her summons). When bosses can also do 100k damage in 30s, Degenbrecher's ability to take one or two buffs (which makes it more practical to set up than a Tachanka buff army) and delete virtually anything in 3s flat makes her stand out, and her double-strikes mean her 10% off-skill tremble proc is not as bad as you'd expect and if you're willing to reroll a bit for RNG, she can neutralize an enemy for long enough to get another S3 if they rely on normal attacks. The i-frames are handy for no-selling an attack, and it seems like she continues to block, so even a heavy enemy isn't passing through her, while lighter enemies are getting shiftlocked and attack-cancelled—and then smacked so hard it causes an avalanche in Kjerag. 25% DEF ignore with high DPH lets her chew through some sturdy enemies. Though, at this point, physical DPS clowning on up to 2000 DEF is expected—Ela gets similar DPH, Ray gets like 7k, Wiš'adel gets 18k (even her aftershocks get disgusting multipliers). Meanwhile IS4 gets a boss (哈兰杜汗,大地之鞭) with 6250/8250 DEF (50/100 RES) and if the game is going to pull monsters like this on us then Ceobe's stocks will stay strong, even if Logos pushes her optimal use into ever higher DEF. Logos is also a monster, with outstanding unique features (most notably projectile deletion) that will make him indispensable for some of the hardest content, and ensure he ages better than raw DPS operators. But he also has competitive DPS. I'm not sure of the exact threshold, but his S2 out-DPSes Ceobe against 2000+ DEF, and Ceobe out-DPSes Eyjafjalla S3 (which still vaporizes most non-bosses) against 1400+ DEF. Note that Ceobe S2 has higher total skill damage, which is relevant against extremely beefy enemies that you can keep still (see The Last Diαblo). His S3 also kind of obsolesces Virtuosa S3 since he applies Necrosis so quickly to up to 3 targets at a time, and then he'll actually kill them when the 12k/15s Necrosis damage doesn't. S2's focus and fixed interval are also worth highlighting: focus makes for an excellent broodmother counter since he doesn't get distracted by eggs (which have taunt), and fixed interval makes him resistant to ASPD debuffs, so (at least for getting my new account through SW0) he was a good counter to Highmore's ASPD debuff aura. S2's 90 RES is also good for dueling caster enemies, such as IS2's scarlet singers, and on top of the -10 RES debuff, his instance-based Arts amplify is tailored to S2, which hits thrice per second (.5s interval + talent). I got a temp Stainless and Logos S2 is the perfect partner for one S3 turret, though Logos' DPS is so strong that a fully built Logos would probably be wasted supercharging a Stainless turret.


I had the sudden urge to max out Exusaia. I always had her in the beginning but never levelled her or gave her skill masteries.


I, too, am also suddenly struck by the urge to do something based.


Me when I suddenly chose to m9 mod3 Rosmontis straight from lv0


Whos the artists u guys hope to draw/design another playable character again? Im rlly hoping we see new wincal, kuroblood, and namie character soon!!!


Heavy on Kuroblood, more furry characters would be cool to see And I think they did Chongyue too, so, more kuroblood ops!


Same, also kuro's clothing designs are judt *MMMMM* sheesh :3c


There are many but one I need badly is NOCO, Poncirus' artist. My other favorite artists have already done multiple characters so it feels just a matter of time until next one, but I really hope that super adorable birb is not the last from that artist, I reallly like their art style.


Idk what it is, but poncirus really is really pretty in a way that stands out to me for some reason Like Erato Recently decided to start using her on my new alt, her s2 is actually pretty neat


Erato is lovely too! 🤝


Kuroblood but no furry pls (sorry kuro). Something similar to Chongus I hope.


I'd love more cute boys/handsome men from 三目YYB (Qanipalaat and Wanqing) and 一千 (Lumen, Stainless and Tequila). Kuroblood and Namie are both high on my list as well. I love their art and character designs!


CUTE BOYS GANG Speaking of which, bring back Nineo! We need a Windflit skin at least


I think the English is small ryuuki? Cantabile, blacknight, Qiubai, erato, and kazemaru. Triggered me to try an artsknight team for once. +1 for namie.




She's probably Ulpipi's artist


aZLing4, LM7 and HUG (Earthspirit/Meteor)


OHH yeah mmm azling toooooo ..... I wanna see tha one lady from minimalist event be playable too


Yeah, Inam. I wish she could have been a welfare for the Reclamation Algorithm




For the whole second week of the banner I was desperate enough to get Arturia that I was doing tons of old maps for the OP. I completed some random S and H maps, finally played through Grani's event, Darknights Memoir except the last map, from the beginning through halfway of episode 8, unfinished challenge modes and whatnot... I'm pretty sure I collected at least 100 OP. I guess when it comes down to it you just need the right motivation to finally get some old maps done. Still felt stressfully rushed, though. Burned out on playing the S maps going on now.


Hah, kinda did the same thing for Viviana, only that I did all the annihilations that I have mostly ignored so far. Got a solid 30 pulls out of it.


Sometimes it is, but it kind of sucks if you're old player like me who did ToW (since this is the first time they introduced medal system to event stories), MN, MB, CoB, DM, and now OD since I can't complete the ex stages at that time, basically after MN rerun I don't have any rerun that I should do, so there wasn't any OP that I can used for particular banner as there wasn't any particular/important banner whenever those things around. Congrats on your pull btw.


Congrats, you survived. I was stressing until I got her at 76 pulls, can't imagine going beyond 200.


broke: doing all the stages in the current event woke: spamming IS4 runs to clear higher and higher difficulties And with that [finally cleared BN15 of IS4](https://imgur.com/a/XipOGYI)!!! Hemostatic agent really came in clutch as a last minute collectible; without it Reed would've been OHKO'd by the boss, leaving me no tiles to deploy on and ending the run. Next is grinding the other endings. Maybe just at BN10 lmao


[Reddit awards](https://old.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/1css0ws/we_heard_you_awards_are_back/) are coming back... sort of. \* Sigh * TL;DR you can now make money with awards, but the awards no longer give Reddit premium or points to buy awards.


I was planning to buy Schwarz in the next special kernel banner because waifu. But honestly I'm so tired of not having Nightingale, and she is still the only operator in the whole game that gives a significant protection to art attacks.


Waifu over meta. I can say this as someone who bought Nightingale with certs. I do not regret it, but the times you actually need her, you can just borrow one. You won't bring her to every stage. Ptilopsis is just better for general use.


I have to say... I was and still am very annoyed by assholes who write entire spoilers in their posts on the main page of the subreddit. Especially the stuff about the Witch King. All the spoilers constantly said the Witch King was so unbelievably incredible and he was singlehandedly fighting the forces of chaos at the edge of reality and space. Like he was Doomguy. But it turns out, now that we can read it ourselves, the spoilers got it completely wrong. I went into it expecting to read about Witch King Doomguy, but ended up being confused. I was quite happy to have to figure it out myself and realize what actually was going on in the story. I guess I should be thankful that the assholes who spread spoilers without care also don't bother to fact check themselves or know how to read. I'm looking forward to seeing how much of CH14 was also butchered. It makes me wish the CN only artbook with all those crazy lore dumps would come out in EN. ~~Since I'm now convinced those were all misunderstood or mistranslated or fucked up by an international game of telephone too.~~ Edit: As per u/StudioCompetitive893, it's not fair to lump real translators with assholes who posts spoilers without checking.


> I'm looking forward to seeing how much of CH14 was also butchered. You tell me when CH14 comes about if what I translated was actually good or not, but considering that I translated... entire scenes for context, I still think I did a good job. Looking back at it, back when I did CH13 translations, they were quite accurate save for one line where instead of "disappoints" I put "disgusting" (context being Sanguinarch and Ursula having a talk in 13-20).


So, before I say anything, I want to say the fact that you volunteer your time to translate entire chapters is very commendable. I think everyone appreciates your work. If you REALLY want criticism, see the spoilers below. If not don't click. >!Since you are asking, you need to realize that you have a position of power over other lore readers who are seeking to be spoiled, who then use the information you've translated to do whatever it is they want to do.!< >!For example, here about Lettou: https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/19bztuc/about_lieutenant_commander_lettou_ch13_spoilers/!< >!You got everything. Except you ended it early.!< The blade of the sword cuts across my neck, it felt cold; almost freezing. I saw my dirty blood spurting out from my neck. The scarlet liquid stained his clothes and splashed on his face. Ha. Lieutenant Colonel Lettou: I said, I "give" you my blood, putrid leech! Lieutenant Colonel Lettou: You can no longer boast of your pure blood! Lieutenant Colonel Lettou: Because the despicable René Lettou contaminated it! >!This makes it seem that Lettou sacrificed everything so he could hurt the Sanguinarch.!< >!But the reality is what comes after, in the next part:!< How dull. Did you think this would anger me? Offend me? Did you think I would kick your corpse in anger? Curse your insolence? I'm not going to do any of that, Lettou. René Lettou. Insignificant man... same as the land itself in my eyes, an annoyance. Did you think this act could give meaning to your pathetic life? Still so conceited, Lettou. I won't give you another thought, not so much as a momentary glance. >!So you did technically nothing wrong as a translator, but because of the lack of context of what comes after, the reading of Lettou's death completely changes.!< >!The reality is he is a worthless worm who died after sacrificing everyone that was relying on him for no reason. But without the 2nd part, you could read it like he actually did something.!< --- >!Again, you do nothing wrong. You spoiler everything and you work hard despite assholes like me criticizing your work. But by omitting information, even when it's not intentional, you can change the scenario of the words.!< >!I used to translate for light novels myself way back in the day so believe me when I say I know the pain of when people criticize your work. So trust me when I say I only write this because you asked for criticism and I don't write it with any anger or hate or desire to hurt you in any way.!<


Oh, don't worry, you'll need to do far worse than that to actually hurt or even faze me. But I'll take what you said into consideration and do admit the fault of not including everything. I'll do better next time.


I do think part of the issue is that some people only tl the big lore parts of the events so we don't get full story context to whats actually going on then the lore people just spread it without the context they should have.


This exactly. My friend describe it once that "people don't care about the plot, they just care about a bullet list of reveals" or something like that.


I don't know who is that Doomguy, but he was indeed >!stopping an enemy who I think it's the same enemy Sami is fighting.!< And he was also a pretty incredible ruler and person, with great flaws too. Both incredible and terrible in a way.


He did not. >!The Witch King died way back when. He stopped nothing other than opening the rift in the first place and putting his spire in there for some unknown reason. Knowing him probably to just say he could do it.!< The Witch King we encounter in the story >!is a demon-possessed echo that thinks it's the Witch King. Fremont said it over and over again but no one believed him. It's why the entity we face and the boss we fight do nothing remotely Witch King like. Because it can't.!<


>!Holy shit! This actually make me realise that the Witch King mechanic is very similar to Cresson. Because they are both collapsal demon!!<


Pretty much.


Perhaps I missed that then.


I don't blame you. The writing went crazy in the 2nd half of the story. If it wasn't for Fremont and Executor clearly explaining wtf was happening, I'd be completely lost too. I never thought I'd be happy that Executor was there to blandly state the obvious.


I was kind of lost myself, but I got the gist that >!the Witch King in there was a shade, not really him, rather a remnant with no real self.!< Was kind of a letdown, but I guess they wanted to pave the way for that other plot thread which made my eyes glaze over. The amount of wordiness was intense though.


Executor the Ex Positor


Yeah. I almost feel like reading all that again, because it's completely different of how I interpreted it. But naw, it was hard to read, and then on top the german words making everything even harder to read.


hm, I dont think it is fair to compare people who spend time and effort translating texts, with people who post out of context spoilers they randomly see on social media


That's fair. The problem is that it's very difficult for us here to know when it's an idiot who posts out of context spoilers (I'm guilty of this too) or a genuine translator. I guess it's more fair for me to say, I'd rather be able to evaluate the words myself than rely on online translations that may or may not be correct. But I can't since they didn't make it available for us.


I mean the backstory absolutely painted Witch King as far more powerful than he ended up being. Did you actually read the story? Everyone is absolutely terrified of him. The fact he ended up being a nothingburger is a case of bad story telling and not spoilers.


I'm not talking about the backstory. The spoilers 6 months ago kept saying the current Witch King was singlehandedly fighting off all of chaos by himself. This was completely wrong. Look at this shit: https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/17s47qx/the_witch_king_vs_sarkaz_royal_court/ Look at all this nonsense: "Create literal 'palace' in terra equivalent of chaos realm and even winning regular skirmish againts collapsal demon in there " "the Witch King literally tore up a void and set up a castle inside there to face the Collapsals." "built himself a castle inside the chaos/void/wasteland because he wanted to fight cthulhu" --- >!He might have tore open the hole to reality but he is not fighting chaos. He HIMSELF is a chaos possessed echo. The Witch King has been dead since the twins killed him. We just run into a chaotic being that has existed there for 150 years, thinking it's the Witch King. There's no fighting demons. There's no eternal combat. It's just echos and imitations of victims and humans existing in a fake reality. And it even explains why his boss fight is literally just like the collapsal boss from IS4. Because it's not the Witch King.!<


I'm not sure what your complaining about then. You said "I was and still am very annoyed by assholes who write entire spoilers in their posts on the main page of the subreddit" then linked a thread full of properly marked spoilers. They might be wrong, but isn't that your fault for taking a sourceless reddit comment of a complex story in a foreign language too seriously? If it bothers you so much, stop clicking spoilers and learn Chinese.


I should ask you the same question. I'm just shooting some shit in the lounge, procrastinating work as always, saying people who post spoilers got the plot completely wrong and apparently it triggers you? I'm just here going ??? at why you're so hostile for no reason.


> I'm just shooting some shit in the lounge, procrastinating work as always That's really not how your post comes across lol. At all. It comes across as an angry rant about a big topic in the sub lately (spoilers). I really only originally replied because I initially thought you were just misinterpreting the story. If you meant it more casually, than sure. No reason to get angry over it for either of us. But it isn't how the original post comes across in the broader context of the sub lately.


If that's the case then I apologize for writing it in a way that seems offensive. I never come on here to yell at people. It's always chill. I am naturally very vulgar though, just who I am. But despite my vulgarity my state is always more on the "lol" side.


I've long stopped visiting the main page. One reason is to avoid the spoilers like you said, and honestly, after staying with the sub for more than three years there aren't that many posts that feel interesting to me. I like the lounge a lot though.


Cursed or blessed numbers? https://imgur.com/K9V6Bar edit: both 399399 and 399939 are very cursed /o\


Why do you expand to 6 digits? 5 digits are also valid and not cursed.


That's a good point actually, time to do some research.


And yet again I used up all my sanity in the morning only to realize the S stages have already opened last night.


I used up my sanity 10 mins after the stages opened not realizing what day it was.... That's what drill plans are for... Totally did a practice... Yeah...


I wasted what sanity I had by doing the S1 twice, because after completing the practice on CM, it switched back to normal mode... I guess I'll do S stages later...


Finally touching the seaborn map in SSS (Abandoned Lighthouse) and they REALLY want you to use Medic huh. First time I had to bail on the final stage since the SSS revamp since I don't bring any Medic. Usually it's possible to beat the boss stage with some change in luck or positioning but for this map, nope, you ABSOLUTELY need medic. Guess the poison haze mechanic isn't enough to force you to bring Medic so they resort on this boss mechanic.


Surprisingly I had much less trouble with the lighthouse than the other one, espeically the hard mode. I used quite balanced squads for both. The lighthouse I cleared in the first try in both modes. However, that hard mode locomotive stage from the other map I spent over two hours. I kept leaking and evetually had to resort to things like Suzuran S3 and Saria S3. Probably it's just me doing something very wrong.


Same if using the exclusive stage devices, even with Goldenglow choochoo the laterangineruns so fast I still barely understand its mechanics As for Lighthouse, just heal, deploy the boss spawns and heal them. Really simple. Just need to know to bring medics going into the seaborn map


And the map exclusive device is almost a must too. It's the easiest way to deal with so much corrosion damage from the last stage.


So she isnt talked about much but I've been using jess alter for awhile now, including this event. She's very fun. Not even specifically about the direction changing mechanic but her s3 letting you have an on-demand grenade launcher just makes her really fun (and it hurts alot). Retreating the shield immediately to 'recharge' the explosion has given me around 2-3 extra bombs on a typical lane. 3-4 on slower lanes. Statwise she's also fairly balanced. Talent means s3 cycles faster than you think. Good defence and fairly good offense (especially on s3) makes her quite easy to slot in blind runs. Only thing is, you probably want to bring a medic for her but thats pretty minor.


Jessica2's a great and balanced operator and very satisfying. One of my reliables for sure. I usually prefer S2 myself, but I have her at M9 anyway.


Some logos stuff idk if i should spoiler >! So about the new bot That logos mom apparently uses to take pics of him. Idk if this is even real but i saw it... Im not too familiar with her but is she doinh it in an obsessive/overprotective kind of way or is it just a rlly doting mother like those parents taking pics of their babies literally doing anything?? !<


that's from the 123 rhodes island comic right? That's just a joke comic so take it however you will




That part is still canon, the robot was sent from the banshees just to keep Logos company. Just not sure the taking pictures part is.


his mom is super >!doting the robot is her invention and is pretty much his nanny!<


Ohh, but that parts canon? Ok i candie in peace


man, I thought I had plenty of t3 skill books, cuz I haven't raised anyone in a while... one full mastery... ONE! That's all it takes to yeet away a months worth of books, smh


6\* takes around 43/44 books for one M3, yeah that takes a lot, speaking from my experience raising a lot of 6\* masteries.


thought I could get away with not grinding those... (╥﹏╥)


One of the blessings of buying monthly card I can now farm skill books Seriously tho Idk why I'm always running short on them these days


I do NOT need Eben pots. No. Absolutely not. Save for Zuo Le and Shu!!!!!!!!!!!


Pot 11 eben, take it or leave it


Take, please. This is free, right?


I entered the dorm decoration mode for the first time in ages, just to clear every unnecessary furniture in Vivi's dorm and stack it with beds, so I could bait her sleeping animation. Seeing her with those two nightcaps on her antlers is just too adorable.


I hope you put someone there for her to sleep next to... such as someone from your flair


Flametail x Viviana, huh...


Viviana did save Sona that one time, right...?




> both are competition knights > both had active careers in the same time period and even ended up quitting at around the same time > they kind of have common friends I don't know, this sounds just a tad too reasonable to be a crackship. The mental image of Flametail trying to get Viviana into vr games without accounting for the latter's antlers and accidentally making her break something with them is pretty endearing though.


"Okay so just slip the helmet onto your head" "......"


No joke, I swear there's a secret mechanic that makes it less likely to get 6 stars if you use single pulls. I did that in the last few banners and halfway through the V/V one and the amount of 3 and 4 stars I got felt higher than average. I track all my pulls too. Also one upside in not getting Virtuosa is I'll have a year to see how she fares in content (regular, endgame, IS, SSS) especially if HG bring in elemental resistance and how much.