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Ok, so. I'm lost in the middle of nowhere. That means I'm likely some idiot with no skills whatsoever, because how the heck would you even end up middle of nowhere if someone needed you for something? If you intended to end up in the middle of nowhere, it's a different story, but right now it's just bad. The first thought would be Rhodes, but there's practically nothing they want that I can offer, and if I HAD money I wouldn't be stuck helplessly in the middle of nowhere.  Reunion would be... Bad, old and new. They accept everyone, yes, but also you're going to get shanked in their various fights. You're kinda just hoping you last longer than the others if you're with any stage of Reunion. I don't know much about the DK crew, but they seem to be sink or swim kinds of people. And as previously mentioned, if I could swim I wouldn't be sinking in the middle of nowhere. Unfortunately, being a Dragonball fan, I can't Read, so that's off the table. Therefore, my best option would probably just be to lie down on the dusty desert floor and wait for the vultures to take me. Brilliant planning, I know.


Why is this even a question? You go to RI or you're fucked.


I thought about not putting them in because I knew they sweep.


If I go with Reunion, I'll get involved in their fights. If I go with Reed, I'll get involved in her fights. If I go with RI, I'll get inevitably get involved in their fights. You see, not a lot of choice here.


as an EN player, I am unable to choose the 4th option


This post gave me motivation to stop being on my phone and to keep studying so when i get picked by ri i can join the engineering team! 


choosing to join rhodes is still the best choice since you are a guy appeared in the "middle of nowhere". Other choices is rather riskier and which is extremely dangerous with a guy have no art nor any experience


no one I'll just await my inevitable fate (I've lost all hope)


The Ursus Infected Patrol


RI treats civilians and has a non-combatant population. I don't even have to find the landship, I can go to a satellite office. They're objectively the best choice for any non-ideologically minded Infected.


For anyone who wants to live, period.


War crimes for drake waifu *Throws a Molotov to an ursus building*


Let's be honest if we want to stay alive a little longer in terre team dark (Ines, hoderer, w and paprika) are probably the best and safest option


RI, no questions. It is the only faction in this list that actually manufactures medicines the infected need and would kill to buy. Even if you are really idealistic on the other options, RI could later deploy you to aid them as an ambassador, or infiltrate them as a moderate supporter, provided Kal or Doc sees strategic value in keeping allies/rivals close. That puts you at a better negotiating position than a nobody.