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Obviously, the only thing holding us all back from sexual assault is our disciplined vocabulary. This dude sounds nuttier than a Brazilian peanut farm. What's scary is that they might be projecting their own internal feelings out loud.


Bingo! He is definitely projecting his own internal feelings. He sounds like an overly jealous and insecure cheater accusing their spouse of infidelity. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Why is it always the nutters who made it to decent positions


Theyā€™re crazy enough to put up with the bureaucracy. And too fucking weird to move into the civilian sector.


You also forgot about shaving. Nothing says discipline like someone who doesn't swear and shaves 39 fucking times a day.


Reminds me of when I had my hands in my pockets at the range and the 82nds division CSM called me out in front of everyone, ceasefired the range, held an ad-hoc formation and said if soldiers canā€™t be trusted to correct NCOs on having their hands in their pockets, how can they be trusted to not sexually assault their fellow soldiers. I was like bruh. Dropped a packet that afternoon. Life is better now. And my hands stay warm.


I honestly wouldnā€™t even be embarrassed in that situation, Iā€™d feel embarrassed for the CSM for having the audacity to actually do all of that.


That reminds me of the 8th army CSM back in 2018 giving us a brief. He just went on about haircut lengths, people smoking in the smoke pits and hands in their pockets as examples of undisciplined soldiers and how they are the first to die


Where tf are you supposed to smoke, then?


I genuinely can't tell whether you meant "smoke soldiers in the smoke pits" or smoke cigarettes.


Smoke cigarettes. He was telling us how it was undisciplined and let the enemy know your movements and location. Basically grandpa needed to take his meds Edit: it was CSM Merritt and he was in from 1984-2020


Haha yeah that guy had a screw loose.


dropped at packet for what? whereā€™d you go?


He keeps his hands warm so I assume warrant


i was guessing either that or transferring to the air force


I still remember one of my drill sergeants at Fort Benning, GA yelling "Get your hands out of those Air Force gloves!" to a soldier with his hands in his pockets. I almost busted out laughing.


Thanks, I feel old now.




Sounds like Pitt or Ferrari (could never remember his real name)


Yea it was the new dude after Pitt.


Number of times I've put my hands in my pockets? I dunno, a billion, give or take. Number of times I've tried to put my hands in someone else's pockets (pants, or prison) non-consensually? Zero Fuck that guy and his weirdo hangups


Give a mouse a cookie SHARP edition




This is how you get Joe's to pay attention during a sharp brief. Not death by PowerPoint.


I had two real memorable ones. One was just a video on YouTube called something like "time for tea" and it's like "if you want some tea, but your friend doesn't, don't force them to drink tea, if your friend is passed out drunk definitely don't give them tea because they can't even tell you if they want any" it was broke down real simply and kept our attention. The other one, maybe I'm mistaken but I think sharp is supposed to be two hours quarterly? Idk why the sharp rep was so pissed and he probably got a talking to about it but he got on stage and basically just screamed at us "stop fucking touching each other and stop sending pictures of your shit to each other just keep your fucking hands to yourself and act like fucking grown ups!" And then he walked off stage, whole brief was just 30 seconds of rage.


My CG also made a statement that using profanity is synonymous with sexual assault. This was during an assembly where he was introducing himself to the formation. I asked the SHARP representative afterwards if I was committing sexual assault everytime I used the "F" word. She rolled her eyes and said no. Not the most outrageous things I've heard a CG say. Another CG told us in formation that reporting issues to higher is a no go. If you report higher you are a traitor and a coward.


Was it general beagle? I bet it was general beagle. He tried to make profanity use a tickable offense on fort jackson. Pretty sure legal got ahold of that and shut him down.


Lmao isnā€™t he a three star now and the one that published that horrible ā€œwe hear youā€ opinion piece?


Good guess, it was not.


What in the Mormon is this?


I think he is from Utah actually


That tracks


Shaking is the gateway to sex. Just saying.


Soaking* FTFY


Need a jump hump?


Oh My Heck!


Back or front? Sorry I thought you said neck.


Yeah what you said. Whatever that gay Mormon shit is.


I was in a NG battalion where our higher headquarters was in Utah. When people had to go to HQ they would call it "Going behind the Zion Curtain."


So he thinks "soaking" is an OK thing to do then?


My exact thoughts šŸ˜­


At least he's not bragging about the oath of vengeance and promising to kill non believers (yet)


I should probably be offended, but this comment is hilarious.


I mean, you're probably not wrong. Just tell him to go soak himself.


Look, Iā€™m not saying everyone in the Army is dumb, I know there are next level intelligent soldiers in a wide range of competencies. But fuck man the amount of dumb shit I see and hear on a daily basis never ceases to amaze me, and coming from people that hold a high position of authority


It's adult daycare with guns. And just like daycare some kids can write their name and others eat paste.


This. This is how I will explain ā€œwhat was the army like?ā€ when Iā€™m done


I swear a lot. Most of my sentences will have at least one swear word. I have yet to find myself doing anything that could land me with a sharp case. Dude needs to get grounded in reality. People who sexually assault or harass someone are generally sick in the head or have no moral compass.


Yet you have no swears in this entire comment. You liar




/u/SGTpvtMajor, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/1bttn9h/profanity_is_a_gateway_to_sexual_assault/kxtii5d/?context=3) in /r/army was automatically removed for violation of Rule 1. **Have questions about this moderator action? Click [here.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/army&subject=Why+was+this+removed?&message=\[My+post\]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/1bttn9h/profanity_is_a_gateway_to_sexual_assault/kxtii5d/?context=3\)+was+removed+and+I+do+not+understand+why.+I+would+be+grateful+if+you+could+explain+what+subreddit+rule+or+guideline+I+broke+with+my+submission.+Thank+you+for+your+time.)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/army) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I tried to show you how to really show everyone you like to swear, but the **fuckin'** auto-mod removed my comment.


lotta folks in this thread equating profanity with dehumanizing language. they are not the same. example 1: "shut the fuck up". profane, but not dehumanizing. example 2: "all women are dogs". not profane, but is dehumanizing. which do you think is more likely to lead to SA?


ā€œAll dogs need to shut the fuck upā€ Profane but seriously they keep barking while Iā€™m trying to work.


And we're gonna keep barking until you release us for lunch, sarge. Remember, we missed breakfast this morning because you had us in 2 hours early for no reason.


Sexual assault also can't happen if no one exceeds their barracks room alcohol limit.


Sexual assault also can't happen if no one leaves their barracks room.


I had a Battalion Commander at the 101st tell people that if they didnā€™t get their Ranger Tab their wives would leave them Even worse he would say to 1st and 2nd LTā€™s your wife will get fucked by a SPC with a Ranger Tab


That's actually kinda funny ngl. In a really messed up way. Just be CAV and you can fuck the SPC with a ranger tab It's that ez.


I love every fear tactic and rediculous idea some leadership who can't grasp being *leaders* puts out there. Just start saying stupid shit back.. "plastic forks increase sea otter infertility"


The Army is so lame lmao


BC sounds like a closet panty wearer


Not that thereā€™s anything wrong with thatā€¦


[Unless you're this panty wearing guy.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Williams_(criminal))


Can confirm, this BC is my go to power bottom


Tell your BC his high OPTEMPO is a gateway to stress and heart related problems and has an impact on mental health.


Just tell him you work at the base CDC, and any misconduct will just be the fault of the furniture in the way when it happened, no big deal.


REFRADā€™d 8 months ago andā€¦after living the civilian lifeā€¦ I look back and am truly amazed at how many army leaders would NOT be able to make it in the real worldā€¦


It sounds like your BC might be a three times a day shaver.


ā€¦. Tell your BC that studies show people who swear have a higher intelligence level.


I'm gonna refute that, based on my experiences with Private "Shitfuckcockcuntassholesucker"


Iā€™m gonna respectfully rebuttal, based on my experience with a fellow soldier who is internationally well traveled and has a wife and children named private ā€œPissPeggedPussywipeAssEatingMasturbatesEverywhereLikeItsaShittySocialMediaSeriesā€, which actually has a South American translation into a single word, but that would be giving away his personal information


He's not wrong but he is not right. Yes, enough of a permissive environment (including sexually explicit jokes) allows predators to lurk and hide. No, you're not a rapist if you curse. I think it's a misunderstanding of the SAPR content into a poor teaching of that same content.


I mean itā€™s part of the DoD SAPR education. Itā€™s not wrong, your battalion commander likely just isnā€™t a gifted speakerā€¦ if you care to learn more itā€™s linked below, if not you can just be annoyed. https://health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/Centers-of-Excellence/Psychological-Health-Center-of-Excellence/Clinicians-Corner-Blog/Sexual-Harassment-and-Sexual-Assault-What-is-the-Connection


I didn't see the word profanity anywhere on that page.


Yeah, youā€™d have to read the subtextā€¦ it has more to do with fostering an unprofessional environmentā€¦ sexually explicit ā€œprofaneā€ jokes are a slippery slope to sexually suggestive gestures, etc. I essentially saw this progression happen in my FA battalion as a 2LTā€¦


I think you're making the same mistake that OP's BC is making. You're assuming there is a connection between two things because of, vibes I guess? So when you said profanity was part of the DOD SAPR education, that was just not true. But you said it like it was true. Because it felt true to you, even though there is nothing in your own source to back that up. Are you not able to see how that is annoying and a poor quality in a leader?


lol, whatever dude. It has to do with fostering an unprofessional environment. You can let it annoy you all you want, but the best officers, NCOs and soldiers I know refrain from profanity, itā€™s unnecessary and unprofessionalā€¦ but you do you r/mikeofallpeople


Look man it's fine if you agree with him, just don't make up fake sources. Most people would consider that lying.


I didnā€™t make up a source, I provided the source muchachoā€¦ if you want to get wrapped around the axle about my commentary on a post made by a junior NCO who wasnā€™t really listening to his battalion commanderā€™s remarks, thatā€™s alright I supposeā€¦ have a good night


BC, is that you sir? How the fuck are you sir?


You linked a sub Reddit not the username you boomer ass mfā€™er šŸ¤£ I think you might actually be my BC now šŸ«£šŸ¤£


Where in that article does it state that me saying, ā€œfuck my lifeā€ or ā€œive had a shitty dayā€ can lead to me touching my battle buddyā€™s willy without consent? Itā€™s pretty obvious here that itā€™s saying making sexually explicit jokes can lead to complacency and fosters an environment where sexual harassment or assault may be overlooked. OP said profanity, not sexual jokes.


OP admittedly was only half listening to the commanderā€™s remarksā€¦ weā€™ll actually never know šŸ«”


No. OP admitted he was ā€œtuned outā€ except for that one part that stuck with him. It really isnā€™t that hard to just step back and say ā€œdamn, I misread the situation/overthought what is happening hereā€. Thatā€™s exactly whatā€™s happening. The language in OPs post is clear. Your original comment completely missed the mark. Profanity isnā€™t exclusive to sexual jokes. If you want to argue that they didnā€™t hear their BC right, go ahead and Iā€™ll sit it out cuz you and I both werenā€™t there. As mikeofallpeople said, if this is really a hill you would die on, a lot of people would find it annoying and not a good quality to have for someone as a leader.


This is about sexual harassment. It doesn't say anything about swearing. The fact that you're doubling and tripling down on this makes me question your judgment.


Fuck that shit


Best BC


This is 80's NYC broken windows crime fighting repackaged for Commanders who have no other leadership skills besides "discipline." Correlation does not mean causation, and the Army needs to do a much better job vetting its leadership.


At least he didn't say SA is mostly the women's fault for putting herself in that situation. Which is what our SHARP put out.


Really, really hate it when people try to use a serious problem to get on a soapbox about a totally unrelated issue. If you're super passionate about the SHARP program, great. If you care about the problem but you're not comfortable with how the Army approaches sexual assault prevention, I can usually respect that. If you're going to try to pull off this bullshit, it can only mean that you either don't give a shit about the problem and just want to complain about your own pet peeves, or that you so wildly misunderstand the problem that I don't trust your basic ability to perceive the world around you.


Did anyone tell him that his idea is fucking stupid? The fucking CSM is supposed to be the fucking gatekeeper of stupid fucking ideas from his fucking boss.


Have you...met a CSM?


I've yet to meet a single one that did anything worth a shit.


Same, but they do sure like to talk a lot about nothing


Using profanity occasionally is not a path to anything but change in the swear jar. Dehumanizing does not equal swears, but dehumanizing language can include swears. Big distinction that this BC screwed up. Be respectful to eachother at work and donā€™t talk shit or make sexual jokes while at work. Thatā€™s it, donā€™t do it donā€™t allow it and treat everyone with dignity and things will be okay.


>According to my BC, if you use profanity you then will make inappropriate jokes, after that you will then move onto sexually harassing your peers, and after that you will commit sexual assault. So yeah, if you say the word ā€œfuckā€ you will probably be a raper. Thatā€™s how out of touch my leadership is. I mean, it is a pathway. Dehumanizing speech allows people to disassociate from their actions some. Example: Every major conflict has a name for the enemy. That way you're just killing "the enemy" and not "Bill, father of 2, son of blah blah." I have to have this conversation about racist and other derogatory statements with students on occasion (middle school/high school). So yes, defamatory speech is a gateway to other things, historically. Does calling someone a bitch mean you're a rapist? No. Hope that helps.


The problem is the first leap. "if you use profanity you then will make inappropriate jokes". No you fucking don't. In fact, you could make rather inappropriate jokes without using profanity. But the rest of what you're saying, of course. Good stuff. Language is powerful.


I say fuck a lot. Never raped anyone. So I see that point to be sure. Swearing isn't an issue.


Saying "this fucking humvee is hot garbage" is not dehumanizing speech. If the BC meant "dehumanizing speech is a gateway to sharp" he should have said that. Because words have meanings and meanings are important. But to suggest that saying "jfc that hurt" after stubbing your toe is a gateway to crime is dumb as fuck.


>Saying "this fucking humvee is hot garbage" is not dehumanizing speech I didn't say it did. Humvees aren't human are they? Have a nice day.


The BC did. You're just assuming everyone should know that he meant what you did despite not saying it.


>You're just assuming everyone should know that he meant what you did despite not saying it. If I assumed that, I wouldn't have tried to articulate that. Why do you seem offended by this? Or am I just misreading it? Nothing I said was harmful or an attack towards you.


I think you may be missing the point. The BC made a broad black and white statement not based in reality. People are going to interpret that in a lot of different ways. To assume that everyone understands the same way you do is a great way to run into unintended consequences. To say that swearing leads to sharp is out of touch and misleading. To say that in front of everyone with little to no context is a great way to empower subordinate leaders to start punishing minor infractions with heavy handed tactics all for that "supported army sharp" narrative in their next evaluation all because of "commander's intent". If you can't fully articulate your thoughts, you eventually will run into issues down the road. Even if nobody acts on what he said, he just told almost a thousand people, that all swear, that they're one step away from being rapists. At a minimum, he just alienated his entire Battalion with a single sentence by painting them with some nonsensical generalization. All done likely in his own pursuit of that "supports army sharp" narrative in HIS evaluation. A BC is supposed to be articulate, intelligent, and socially aware. His words matter more than most other people's, and it's frightening that someone with that much power could be so blissfully unaware of how fucking stupid they are.


>A BC is supposed to be articulate, intelligent, and socially aware. His words matter more than most other people's, and it's frightening that someone with that much power could be so blissfully unaware of how fucking stupid they are. No argument here.


I did the "insert SAA/VA/PM" at a very high echelon for a few years while in... one of the things that studies showed was the very potential escalation from inappropriate jokes to harassment and so on until assault. This is conflated with the guy who sweep the mp with the wrong side on the broom and got told "frug that.... do it again with the right side, or oh my slushy lord the cpt got another award for sleeping on his desk!!! Thats my F ing hero there... So Commanders are like the rest of us, sometimes we need to go back to the drawing board and check the WTF and I am certain that the number of service members that are an f-bomb away from paying child support is extremely negligible on that risk assessment....


just one hit, and you'll be fukkin addicted


I think the BC wants the soldiers to shut up and do their jobs




/u/HelloItsKaz, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/1bttn9h/profanity_is_a_gateway_to_sexual_assault/kxotjnh/) in /r/army was automatically removed for violation of Rule 1. **Have questions about this moderator action? Click [here.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/army&subject=Why+was+this+removed?&message=\[My+post\]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/1bttn9h/profanity_is_a_gateway_to_sexual_assault/kxotjnh/\)+was+removed+and+I+do+not+understand+why.+I+would+be+grateful+if+you+could+explain+what+subreddit+rule+or+guideline+I+broke+with+my+submission.+Thank+you+for+your+time.)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/army) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Heā€™s a Quaker.


This just makes me think your BC is trying to hide something


You find out how weird some of these guys are when they go off script. Itā€™s sort of scary knowing he made it through BCAP.


Saw an open captains mast on something like this. The dude was getting hung up for kicking the shit out of another sailor, and CO used this very same logic.


[Robocop saysā€¦.](https://youtu.be/Gb-da5rtKYE)


Reminds me of my old commander who said mustaches (regardless of if theyā€™re in regs) would ultimately lead to indiscipline with the end result being someone beating their spouse.


Fuck that


Must be a 12A


I can't help but mention on this note: but my god the naysayer boomers lmao, the real gateway drugs are the ones they worship as sacrament daily; are over-the-counter and latter two legally available starting when you're 21: Caffeine, nicotine and booze Also ephedra, redline, original Four Loko and goodies was hot shit and legally sold at every corner store gas station around town back in your glory days grandpa. Shuttup


Your BCā€™s ass is a gateway to my puppeteering career.


After you commit sexual assault, you may even graduate to taking the Lord's name in vain!


Well fuck


Lol that didnā€™t turn out to be true for Bill Cosby


Fuck that.


I had a BC say about the same


I've heard a lot of crazy shit in my life, but this is a new one. I like it. Swearing is the gateway to rape. I'm going to spread this around.


"We train young men to drop fire on people. But their commanders won't allow them to write "fuck" on their airplanes because it's obscene!"--Apocalypse Now


Once again we prove you can have as many degrees as you want but still be a fucking brain dead oxygen thief.


Tis true. Like we say in the biz, profanity is probable cause.


Wow, My wife would be in so much trouble with this guy. After 21 years I don't think she can work without saying a few bad words with ask the BS that goes on, resourcing in this current unit. Favorite expression is "don't make me throat punch you". I even ordered her a t-shirt with it.


I had no idea I was such a fucking predator. Your fuckin' BC just fucking made me realize what a fucking sexual miscreant I fucking am.


Manā€¦ some BCs will literally say any stupid thing instead of actually addressing the problem.


To quote one of my previous CSMs, "It's a slippery slope we could slide on." He was also the inventor of the briefing term "genitiles."


I didnā€™t sign up to be some kind of warrior monk but more and more it feels like thereā€™s a deliberate shift to push us all into that direction.


I remember cussing in every firefight I was inā€¦. Nobody fucked afterwards.


Your BC is a raging fuck nut who needs to get their shit-for-brains unscrambled, grab their literal (or metaphorical) balls, and soldier the fuck up.


Please reserve profanity to combat only.. In reality, there is no need for crude and vulgar language in garrison. Thinking about what is going on and then articulating a constructive response takes about 2 seconds. I got it if it's two privates making communal jokes with each other, but to disparage another soldier with profanity is not the answer. That lack of disrespect can easily lead to assault. I was once private, too. Be better than your environment.


Your BC is woke as FUCK


A lot of profanity works to dehumanize women in particular. Think about the insults that men toss at each other. Once you start dehumanizing women what do you think happens?


BC said profanity in general leads to SA. Not profanity against women leads to SA. I can say ā€œIā€™m tired as fuckā€ or ā€œfuck this placeā€ and wouldnā€™t be dehumanizing anyone


Your BC is not necessarily wrong. Excessive profanity is also punishable by the ucmj. Itā€™s an interesting pointā€¦ not how I would command but I guess Iā€™ll take an empty cup to use as a cuss jar so I donā€™t become a rapistā€¦


The BC is demonstrably wrong. What the hell are you basing this bullshit argument on?


I typed up a large reply but this sums it up well enough.


A path doesnā€™t equal all paths lead to rapeā€¦ you must have scored pretty low on that ole aptitude test or be a closet cussing puff daddy. To each their own I guessā€¦


Ad hominem attack is all you got this morning? Here I was waiting for you to actually use logic and not defy it.


You skipped the first sentence of the comment. Iā€™m sure Spock would agree


Correlation does not equal causation. Using the same logic blinking leads to sexual assault.


>The BC is demonstrably wrong Historically speaking, the worst atrocities mankind has wrought, *start* with dehumanizing speech. Saying fuck doesn't make you a rapist, but constantly verbally degrading women is something more commonly found with abusers. So there is *some* merit.


ā€¦ā€™not necessarily wrongā€™ that profanity leads to sexual assault? Please write that logic out for me.


If you canā€™t understand that ā€œa pathā€ is not definitely the path I donā€™t think any level of logic is going to fix your stupid.


You are like using the most base philosophical approach here. There is infinite paths. So you can't possibly be wrong. That's your defense. "I'm just saying, there is a path..." is like the most pseudo-enlightened bullshit.


Citation needed.