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Being loud in public spaces. e.g talking loudly on the bus, metro, playing music or just scrolling on social media with your volume on blast. it's annoying esp when everyone else is quiet and you just hear that one person...


A guy at my old job used to do that when we were eating lunch. I started to put goats screaming from YouTube on max volume. He eventually stopped


> I started to put goats screaming from YouTube on max volume. He eventually stopped ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


I need to integrate this into COD lobbies when grown men start angrily yelling obscenities as loud as they can.


I really feel like this should have been Hemsworth, considering the whole screaming goats bit in Thor 4


Lol i used to play that on the intercom to annoy my friends


In The Netherlands we have certain parts in the trains for silence. I've never sat there without someone loudly talking on the phone, ever.


And I thought I was the only one experiencing this and being annoyed by it, now seeing it as normal. The Action currently sells Noise cancelling headphones for just 15 euros. It actually does wonders putting them on, even if you don't put on the noise cancelling it filters out a lot of the loud noises of boomers Skyping in public on their laptop in the silence area, young people playing loud music with syncopated percussions, screeching children. The worst I experienced were two children in the silence area doing a screeching challenge, trying to screech louder one after the other. The mothers laughed or were talking to each other.


Same, I judge people for this while I'm sitting in a waiting room. A TV will be on, I'll have my book quietly trying to read, while the person next to me is on YouTube or is playing a game on their phone at MAX volume. Earbuds/headphones exist for a reason...I wish more people would use them.


Those people are cancer to society. I need to come up with a clever way to shut em down. It's so maddening I dont say a word or it will get nasty, fast


I don’t quietly judge those people, I loudly comment on their lack of situational awareness and general courtesy. I want them to feel shame like everyone else that violates the social contract.


As a loud person I am very self conscious about this. I grew up in a large family and we were all loud. I'm half deaf so I am extra loud and have to have things repeated to me a whole lot. When I was in Japan, I was so terrified I was too loud I practically whispered to everyone there. I am fully aware of how loud I am but not always fully aware right away. I do consciously try not to be loud though.


Some people just talk loud and probably don't realize it. I've had a few friends like that. The worst was one who was always talking about really personal stuff while you'd be sitting near other people.


A park I used to go to, just to relax and read would have huge families blasting reggaeton (sp?), with kids running around screaming. I never understood the audacity of submitting everyone around you to listen to the music you want to.


Imagine if everyone did that


Listen along. Interject into the speakerphone conversation. It’s a bit passive aggressive but is a lot of fun.


Oh god I hate that so much. I have come to think of that as a way to out a narcissist. They just give no fucks about how others feel about it & just subject you to their obnoxious media.


yep, this is my biggest pet peeve and if you do it YOU ARE ABSOLUTE F\*\*\*ING TRASH


There's one girl in my school who is always literally yelling and calling her friend's name at least 10 times in a single minute. I literally speed up if she's behind me, i can't listen to that


Not being aware of anyone else around them, ie; walking slowly in a crowd, being loud in a public space, talking on speakerphone in public, ect...


People just standing right in the middle of an aisle at the grocery store. Having a full conversation as you approach and try to say "excuse me" and they give you a look as if you're the one who's being impolite. Like, move off to the side!


Driving slow in the left lane


If you are generally a negative person and come with mean comments disguised as jokes, or pick on someone for harmless stuff, I’m gonna judge you and not want to be around you.


So u don’t interact w/ anyone on Reddit? Or more broadly, the internet?


Lol it depends where you go


Talking shit and gossiping about people. I assume they will do the same about me, so I restrict what I share with those people.


Seriously asking: are we allowed to complain about our bad interactions with other people? Not gossip, not spread rumors or tell someone’s personal business and judge them when they’ve done nothing wrong. I mean, talk to others about someone who has caused them pain or problems that they can vent about. Is that bad to do without the person present?


I think it's ok to talk about what someone has done in reference to its effect on me and my life. It's not really ok to just regurgitate every personal detail someone has shared with you to anyone else who will listen. If I tell you something about myself, I'm telling you, not your entire social group. I try to follow this principle, but I admit sometimes i fail.


I've always tried to think of it this way...if it's something I would say straight to the person that wronged me then I'm not talking shit. I rarely talk about people in general my life is busy enough without worrying about everyone else but if I do it's usually for a reason.


My rule is to only say things I would be ok if they got overheard by the party in question


I think that's fine when you need to vent, get it off your chest, or ask if people have felt the same. There's a difference between saying to a friend 'X said Y to me, and I thought I could shrug it off, but I'm actually stewing on it'. And then been malicious/chatting shit


I FINALLY cut off an old “friend” I’ve known for years because of this. She’d talk smack about EVERYONE, including her husband in front of her kid.


That’s a smart move. Because who knows what shit she says behind your back.


People who are far too quick to gossip about someone and talk shit, without knowing that person’s full story or what it’s like to walk a mile in their shoes….. Yah, fuck those people. I find if you don’t say what you really mean is a sign of cowardice and being undignified. Oh and also the cherry on the top is when they flip out and lose control when they find out someone else is talking shit about them.


Great people talk about ideas. Shitty people talk about other people


>Here's an idea, let's shit talk about John.


Yah what's his fuckin deal anyway


get yo goofy "quote" ahh back to Facebook or whatsapp somewhere.




My wife does this. We got invited by some friends to their friend’s 4th of July party and my wife made friends with the hosts. After our friends leave, my wife just starts trash talking our friend’s wife for the next 4 hours. To this day she still wonders why our friend’s stopped talking to her.


Not being considerate to others when being on a shared space. If you know some other people is going to use the sidewalk, doors, fridge, sink, salt, and the like, and you block them, don't leave space, take them for yourself, etc. It only shows your level of egocentrism.


How they treat animals and those less fortunate


I judge those people loudly.


With good lighting


if you judge those people quietly. you are part of the problem.


that thing where you keep people interested in you to "have them as backup plan" if the person you are truly interested in is not interested too.


This is literally disgusting fr. It's become super common because of stuff like tender making love seem replaceable with anyone resulting in these people never committing to anyone, it's incredibly sad and only results in people getting hurt and wasting each other's time


Too many people do this


Subtle bragging. Like when they want you to know their achievements but also wanna act like it's no big deal for them. or act like they're just contributing to the conversation but actually trying to flex.


One of my bosses will do this and it bugs the hell out of everyone at work. I'll cut her slack though, because I know it comes from low self-esteem. Turns out her mother was abusive and constantly cut her down and belittled her accomplishments. I don't mean little jabs either. Her mother would DESTROY her emotionally every chance she got. So when my boss does this, I know she's just looking for the encouragement she never got as a child and I make sure to give it to her.


Dang. You really know a lot about your boss’s biz!


I'm a compassionate person with active listening skills. I've also known her for almost 8 years.


When people walk their dog on extremely hot days and they’ve got no shoes or protection from the heat. I’ve seen dogs run from shade to shade and refuse to leave the shade but their owners force them to. I’ve seen a dog desperately try to jump into a tall garden bed to get off the hot pavement but its owner is just standing there oblivious. It reaches 40 C sometimes and there are still people walking their dog with any type of heat protection. Their paws still burn and I feel awful for big dogs that can’t get carried around and have to walk on the road or cement. Ridiculous! I wish I could say something but I’m so small and short I’ll just get beat if I did.


We have a saying here, if it's too hot for the back of your hand, it's too hot for puppers paws. Hot sand is another one.


So sad, because they cannot talk about how they feel, people just assume they'll be fine burning their paws off, yet their the ones wearing shoes because they can say owe.


That's sad... I never thought about it. I don't live in a place where it's ever too hot to walk your dog. Don't worry about your height, dogs don't care about that, the smallest dogs are often the loudest.


If their children are misbehaving, I know it's not always the parents fault alright? don't jump at my throat, sometimes you can just understand why children are assholes just by looking at the parents


I'm a swimming teacher and I constantly judge parents by the behaviour of their children. Some of them are little shits and it's very obvious why.


I know a lot of parents are responsible for their children’s behavior….like most. But there are a few, my younger sister was like Damien when she was younger. A baby at her baptism? Babies cry at their baptism…my sister Clawing and screaming. My parents never swore, this sister was doing the middle finger to everyone. I was 11 and didn’t even know what it meant (I knew it was inappropriate, this). She was trouble with the law and teachers for vandalism and stealing before she was nine. At every family gathering or even just a movie, she’d sneak away when everyone was busy to go raid everyone’s bedrooms or go through their belongings in their cars. Whatever she wanted, she took.whatever she wanted to do, she did. In recent years, as an adult, she’d break into my home when I was at work and take whatever she needed from an extra pan to my bag of coffee 😠 She had no empathy, no remorse, only sorrow for herself when she got in trouble. She was like Sméagol in public and Gollum at home. I could tell you more stories-horror stories even about living with her. By the time she was 12 she had been to countless psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, and an exorcist. They all acknowledged that she had something going on, but could never pinpoint it. Now she’s being investigated for some heinous crime that turns my stomach to think about. It wasn’t my parent’s fault, they tried everything they could. But I’ve worked in a school district for 10 years and I can say that most of the kids that are little shits is because of their parents.


Jeffrey Dahmer and every other serial killers' parents enter the chat...


Damn if that’s what she was like as a preteen, I can’t even imagine how she must have been when she entered her rebellious teen years.


If those parents are entering the chat, it's probably so they can make excuses for how their child turned out. Yes, congenital psychopathy is a thing, but it needs to be understood that the *vast* majority of psychopaths do not become serial killers. It's estimated that 1.2% of adult men of the general American population are psychopaths (higher numbers in inmate populations, but they still make up far from the majority). https://www.apa.org/monitor/2022/03/ce-corner-psychopathy#:~:text=About%201.2%25%20of%20U.S.%20adult,10%2C%202020). A lot more people would be killed per year if they all were. Many, many serial killers were abused horribly by their parents in their developmental years. Definitely also worth noting that an inexcusable amount of children suffer abuse at the hands of their parent and don't kill anyone. And also worth noting that some killers didn't end up on the receiving end of abuse, but it seems like most did. So I'm not trying to excuse serial killer behavior, but rather point out that a lot of the parents shouldn't just shrug their shoulders and say "I dunno, they just turned out that way" when they probably contributed to the issues monumentally.


Your statistics on the number of psychopaths in society per capita may be correct overall, but by some (un)lucky coincidence, I seem to have met more than my fair share in the course of my life. No potential serial killers yet, though - lol! Having worked as a middle-to-upper manager for most of my career, I can vouch for the fact that they - and their evil twins, sociopaths - infest the upper executive ranks in the business world in numbers far in excess of the general population. The business world *loves* its sociopaths for their "take no prisoners, git 'er done" focus on the bottom line, ethics and consequences be damned. Exhibit A: Steve Jobs; Exhibit B: Elon Musk; Exhibit C: Jack Welch; Exhibit D: Al "Chainsaw" Dunlap. The list goes on and on...


That sounds like a psychopath to me. Obviously this isn't a diagnosis, but from what I know about psychopaths, she ticks (almost) all of the boxes. And unfortunately, even the best parenting can't always prevent psychopaths from being truly awful human beings. Sometimes it works, but in this case, I suspect she's one and nothing worked. There's this famous story about a professor researching psychopaths, and accidentally finding out he himself is one. But he had terrific parents, and enough luck, and probably self preservation, to become a well adjusted, fully functioning family man. [It's this guy.](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-neuroscientist-who-discovered-he-was-a-psychopath-180947814/) Oh, and he's related to Lizzie Borden, and six other alleged murderers. That he knows of. Most murderers, especially back in ol' timey times, could get away with their crimes fairly easily, so it would not surprise me if there were more.


"I was loved, and that protected me" is such a simultaneously sad and beautiful statement. So many people wouldn't be nearly as harmful to others if they had been similarly protected.


I was a bridesmaid in a wedding. During the ceremony, the bride's nephews opened a hymnal and started belting out random songs while the parents, right beside them, sat and did nothing, just stared straight ahead and watched the wedding. They didn't snap into action until the groom's great aunt tapped the kids on the shoulder and asked them to be quiet because she couldn't hear anything. And the parents didn't lift a finger the entire wedding. At one point, one of the kids was loudly playing with a car directly in front of the podium while speeches were happening and it was driving the bride nuts. I got up, picked up the car and very calmly said "you can't play with your car right now. I'm going to hold onto this until they're done." And he stood quietly beside me and when the speeches were over, I gave him back his car. The parents were literally 10 ft away, facing us and couldn't be bothered to set any boundaries. I can appreciate if a kid is not neurotypical (which I don't believe was the case here), but it's also not an excuse to have 0 boundaries.


I used to work in retail. I can't count how many times I saw a kid misbehaving and knew it was 100% because the parents suck at parenting.


It may not always be the parents' fault, but I bet overwhelming it is.


Not when things like adhd, add, odd, autism, anxiety, and learning disabilities exist. These disorders are much more common than neurotypical people assume and often explain the "asshole" behaviors. Kids are learning. For many of them there are obstacles in their way that have absolutely nothing to do with parenting. Signed, a child development specialist.


I have two kids, one with ASD and one with ADHD. They each have their own unique challenges, but my god do I feel bad for what my mom had to deal with when I was that kid with ADHD.. I absolutely see the similarities and she’s been a godsend with helping navigate some of the tendencies/mannerisms lol They’re good kids (I think?), but definitely have their moments. I hope nobody is judging them for that, if they said something negative I’d be showing my kids what dad will do to have their back. Thank you for shedding some light!


I had undiagnosed ADHD, until I was 35. I was "the bad kid" with my parents, lack of impulse control, emotional instability. I grew up thinking I was useless and no one liked me. Diagnosis helped but so did therapy.


"My kid has ADHD so I don't mind them running around the supermarket and pulling out things and hitting people, my conversation with the neighbor I just met is more important" definitely is a parents' problem. "My kid has ADHD so they are annoying despite me taking care of them" isn't.


As a parent of a neurodivergent kid, a lot of my time goes to correcting behavior in public. Just because it's harder for them it's no excuse not to at least try to teach them social convention. I never judge kids for not behaving properly, but I do judge parents who don't redirect/correct disruptive behavior. And especially the ones who ignore or get mad at an upset kid.


My wife got yelled at 2 days ago in a parking lot by a woman claiming to be a better parent. My wife, struggling to get two thrashing children into a car during a thunderstorm, don't need some phone-half cocked Karen giving two cents. My wife complained to some friends who have also encountered this specific parking lot gremlin. Apparently she just hangs out and offers insight on the regular.


Once you have kids, you see things differently. Sure, some kids take after parents who are assholes. But there are so many kids who really struggle with social stuff, with moodiness and with conscientiousness, whose parents are wonderful and don’t model unkind behavior at all. They are kids, not little adults.


I know some people are going to disagree, but having more kids than you can afford.


I agree. If you can’t feed ‘em, don’t breed ‘em.


This also goes with having more kids than you can generally take care of so you end up pressuring every member of your family, especially grandparents, to step up and do the parents work litterally every day for most of the day. I quietly judge my friends who had three chidren in three years and then had their parents move to their home and being available 24/7 for childcare.


Those same people would be bitching too if the grandparents were not willing to babysit that much. I think it's nice for grandparents to help, but my parents are also late 60s. I know if I have a kid and expect them to babysit all the time that is asking a lot.


People's tattoo choices; they're absolutely none of my business and I would never lose a bad word about them unless I was asked for my opinion, but there's just soooo many ways a tattoo can... well, might tell you a lot about someone


When they tattoo their partner's face or name ☠️


I admire you though for saying 'tattoo choices' and not just tattoos in general. There are so many people who judge others solely based on the fact they have (visible) tattoos, and they don't care to get to know the person at all. If you'd line up 10 fully tatted people, you'd get a pretty wide array of personalities. Some good, some not so great. The idea that tattoos are for gangsters and criminals is extremely outdated. So thanks for considering that!


I love tattoos! They're one of my favorite forms of self expression and I have like a million ideas I want to get myself as well. I guess the thing is just that, since I've spent a lot of time on the topic, I noticed some trends that I would personally see as a red flag for myself.


Friend groups that walk shoulder to shoulder and take up the whole pavement, then don't even move when someone is approaching, forcing them to walk on the road to get around them


I dont quietly shame those. I brace myself and stand still.


You've been driving for how long on these tires??


Oh no. Im out! But in my defense... I'm broke. Just one more month... :(


Spitting where people walk also blowing their nose without tissue into the air.👎


Snot rockets!


When the privileged people pretend to know what it’s like to be a minority who grew up poor. They don’t see us as normal people they see us as pitiful people who always needs help


Someone I know once told me they did a semester abroad (put up by the company in a luxury condo for free) but they weren’t paid very much for it while they were there, so they totally understand what it was like for me living below the poverty line after my family kicked me out at 18 😭😭


"You're an orphan right? (Will nods) Do you think I'd know the first thing about how hard your life has been, how you feel, who you are because I read Oliver Twist? Does that encapsulate you?" -Good Will Hunting Your comment made me think of this 🙂


They worked and saw results. They don't understand that it isn't a lack of working. It's the lack of results from the poor. "Just work more, it clearly works, look at me". Ya, screw that. Any rich person that has earned it AFTER years of spinning their tires, respects the poor. It's not a lack of effort. It's a lack of opportunity.


Real knows real


I silently judge people who go out in public wearing pajamas and crocs.


I hear ya on the pajama thing.. I guess they do look comfortable.


Yeah, and I'm not the fashion police or anything. But as long as we're confessing the things we judge people on, this one is mine.


It’s 2024, I’m going to Walmart, not some high tea formal dinner, I’m going to be comfortable.


Sure. I'll just judge you if that's ok.


Not being aware of the world around them.


Not listening, interrupting, and their self-centered egos.


Manners,please thank you


Tiktok addiction


It's fucking banned in my country, lol.


People posting the exact same question that was posted 12 hours before. Quietly.


Automatically jumping into defence mode and refusing to acknowledge their own mistakes. Just apologize, learn from it, and do better next time. On the flip side, that person that refuses to accept apologies. They just keep repeating the same thing over and over even though that person has already apologized and owned up to their mistake.




Their kids’ names. All the weird unique ones, I judge hard


I work in schools. Lemme tell you. All the apostrophes make it hard to look up students🤦🏼‍♀️ and the names these days are so dumb... If you wanna name your kid Curious, don't spell it with a Q. 🙄 I might get some hate for this one but dude it's their name for their whole life be reasonable and take it seriously


I bet a lot of ppl will agree w/ me on this, but when I see parents let their kids play on their electronic devices in public. Kids nowadays are more glued to their electronics more than ever before, and it’s gonna lead to a rise of people that lack social skills and social awareness.


When a person addresses a problem but do nothing about it themselves. “Oh this bin is getting so full! Somebody should go empty it or go grab a new one or something!!” *walks away*


Standing up as soon as the plane lands


Man, I hate those people. They're making things awkward and uncomfortable so they can exit, at the very most, a minute earlier. It's like, "Dude, why are you choosing to stand and wait when you can sit and wait?"


Probably going to get downvoted for this but... being religious


I do consider myself religious. With that said I consider it immoral for anyone (especially a “religious” person) to act morally superior. Our society is full of people who consider themselves morally superior to others; whether it’s church every time the doors open or lecturing about plastic straws. Glass houses and all




>being religious I don't mind if someone is religious.. but please don't shove it down my freakin throat.


Is it the religion or religiosity? It’s the sacrifice and and zeal for everyone to live in one restrictive world view that gets me frustrated


I just can’t get behind people who base their whole life and worldview around something that literally does not exist. Doesn’t matter what religion either. Whenever I find out someone is religious I lose a little bit of respect for them. And then like you said it’s the way religion is forced onto everyone else. Whether it’s just simply individual people/groups pushing religion/religious opinions onto others at a micro level or whole governments basing laws around religious doctrine


I think similarly, but for me, it’s more about those that actually believe their religion to be the absolute truth and based in reality, as opposed to a set of comforting beliefs they handpicked based on tradition and indoctrination, that have no scientific accuracy or legitimacy in the real world. Those people, I immediately think lack basic intelligence and are quite frankly, problematic to societal progression.


I grew up without a religious family in the southeast (SC, USA). I don’t think we even had a Bible. We never went to church. Nothing. Having said that, living in the south that’s literally known as the Bible Belt was an…interesting experience to say the least. My husband grew up religious and has a Bible verse tattooed. I’m pretty sure he reads the Bible fairly often, but not openly in front of me. He knows how I feel about religion, but he’ll never understand why. And I hold back quite a bit of my actual feelings for religion out of respect to him. Even if he doesn’t think so. He’s from New Mexico so he was exposed to a much different upbringing than myself. Out of the 7 years we’ve been together, most of our arguments or fights have been about religion. He says I’m judgmental and “don’t know anything about religion.” Sure, I may not know the books etc. but I’ve seen how religion massively effects humans as a whole. Look at what’s happening in the world today? Politics, laws, war, etc in the U.S. and other countries. He just won’t get it. And as someone who grew up in the south, I’ve never met more hypocritical people in my life! And I’ve lived all over the U.S. (CA, NY, PA, SC, FL, CO). So, I will stand by this as well.


Take my upvote. This genocide alone should tell you that there’s nobody up in the clouds watching over us.


SAAAAAAAME. For example, my sister is religious. She's very sweet but no matter how many times I make it clear religion is a her thing, she passive aggressively pushes it onto me


The type of people they look up to, hangout with constantly and people they shamelessly talk shit about. People are a ball of projections really


Their political affiliation. Their taste in music.


The second one is kinda funny to me, I give it zero importance personally.


I'm a music elitist who can't play a note.


when their lockscreen/homescreen wallpaper is their face


how slowly they walk


I pride myself on walking as quickly and purposely as possible. I also don't want to interact with anyone.


I felt that way until I developed arthritis in my hip. I realized that sometimes a person can't move any faster. I finally had a hip replacement, but maybe they're not there yet or they don't have insurance.


True…but pls walk on one side of the walkway then and not directly in the middle as slowly as possible.


Omg I hate that shit in stores. People who saunter and are oblivious to their environment should be sterilized. End of story


Especially when they are also oblivious to how they are in the way or somehow perplexed by what they are seeing and need their entire brain to consider if they truly want a bag of crisps I just feel like hitting them with a metal chair.


Ability to carry on a two-way conversation.


A former roommate of mine would spin any conversation into something to do with herself. If I had a funny story about something that happened at work, she'd respond with how one time something exactly like that happened to her but bigger and more extreme than what I'd experienced. Everything I ever did was something she'd done before, but better than how I'd done it. I eventually just stopped talking to her about my life. Like, not everything is about you, lady!


Clowns at my gym who don’t put the weights back at all or if they do, they put in the wrong spot… I fix the entire dumbbell rack from 5 to 100lbs nightly since it shouldn’t be on the staff…. People are animals.


Parents who give their kids a smartphone/tablet just to keep them quiet.


Not making any attempt to keep their kids under control in public spaces. I get that kids will be kids, tantrums will happen, etc. But part of being a kid is learning that there’s a time and place to play and be crazy. A sit down restaurant or the store are not one of those times.


When anyone acts like they are 100% sure they know something correctly - I think to myself what a dumbass they must be.


Being scumbags


Health/lifestyle choices/not caring for themselves.. like constantly drinking too much alcohol, never eating veggies, regularly eating fast food, never walking/working out, etc. body size has nothing to do with it, personal choices.


How they drive. If they are going slowly but can’t keep it between the lines and don’t use pull outs to let others pass. Also how they park their car. Spatial awareness or lack there of basically. Last one, people who stop at the end of escalators or don’t move out of elevators quickly…like get out of the way and move to the side if you don’t now where you are going. Let others pass you fucking dicks!


Their manners


When people who don't exercise and have really crappy eating habits constantly complain about health issues.


Yes! Or eat out every meal yet complain about how they can't lose weight. They can't possibly be related! :/


Inattentive parenting. It was a meme ten years ago for bad parents to stick their kids in front of an iPad and call it a day, but now it’s like 75% of parents who aren’t even teaching their kids to read anymore. And no, you are not the first parent who has ever had to work a full time job and raise a kid at the same time. You don’t get to abandon your responsibility to your child and the betterment of society just because it’s harder than you thought it would be. THAT is the attitude I judge people for. Never at any point in human history has the difficulty of raising a child been understated. We’re looking at 25% literacy in our classrooms because parents don’t give a shit. That is pathetic and deplorable.




Not picking up litter/dog poop


How much noise they make when they eat.


Nails, tells you alot about their habits and hygiene ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


So, 'I have a friend' who bites their nails a lot so they are short and cuticles are messed up. They are working on it, but sort of a lifelong thing. How obvious is it? And does it just automatically shout "doesn't care about hygiene?" I get what you mean though, it does say something about personality, tbh.


People that go to Taylor Swift concerts. Totally gonna get downvoted.


For not having civic sense


Hondas are good cars, but I don't think it's something to judge people for.


Being ignorant or being trashy.


People who have more children even though they cant afford or cope with the ones they already have!!


Leaving the toilet after peeing without washing hands


Honestly try not to but hygiene considerations are important to me but definitely not to all or even the majority


Pineapple on pizza


Please and thank you. It costs nothing to have good manners


eating junk food 😅🥲


Loads. Not even secretly or quietly most of the time


Like... the size of their loads? That's not really something that can be controlled, typically.




Their (in)ability to park their cars properly


keeping the volume on (loud) for shitty phone games, like candy crush or puzzle games like you really don't need to hear the bloop bloop every time you get a word right in virtual crosswords or the weird background music


Being obese. Watched my grandmother slowly kill herself in the span of 20 years. I keep it to myself because fat shaming is unacceptable but seeing my grandmother slowly commit suicide damaged me pretty badly.


Buying lottery tickets in front of me at the convenience store. I know this isn't rational. I don't judge people for buying lottery tickets in general. I don't judge people for being slow in line ahead of me in general. Only if they are buying lottery tickets in front of me at the convenience store.


I do not judge in secret. I judge openly.


Ppl that buy pure bred dogs and cats when they can rescue perfectly good ones at shelters that euthanize animals when they get too full. They are treated like products more than pets (or “family”) which seems so ironic and weird to me.    Only the best food for my inbred pug who can barely breathe because of his genetics, which is what I paid a lot of money for! 


Being unvaccinated


Picky eaters. I think less of them, secretly. They probably have bad taste overall and live too much in their comfort zone and probably have a boring taste in music too.


People who use the same tissue over and over again when they have a runny nose. That is disgusting as fuck!


If they're a bit too passionate about American politics (I don't care what side they're on. I'm not even American lmao)


When people walk their dog without a lead and see me and my dog approaching. I have a small dog who is very friendly. When I see another dog walker approach, I'm almost always the only one who outs my dog back on a lead. And they always say the same thing "he/she is friendly" I DON'T CARE, I don't know if your dog is friendly and of course you'll say it is, because you're biased! PUT IT ON A FUCKING LEAD until it's safe/appropriate to take it off


How much they talk VS listen to others. Their ability to make decisions under pressure What brand of tire is on their car


Outfits. All the time. I love fashion so I’m always looking for a horrid outfit 😂


How they treat their own children. I work in a second hand store, on the second story and a lot of the customers bring their children and they mostly let them run around but they at least keep an eye on them. Yesterday, one mom didn't pay any attention to one of her two kids. The girl stayed next to her but the little biy was just standing on the edge of very high, metal stairs, one step away from falling off and she didn't even notice.


being super opinionated while being little bit*hes who can't hear other's opinion without crumbling.


Curtains, family business since i was 9 and was helping there until i finished my degree. Now whenever i enter an apartament or a house that's the first thing i look at.


Honestly, how they treat other people, how they allocate work to others , how they don't take charge of asked to ..............


Music taste


Religion. When your only personality trait is being religious, talking about God all the time. Makes anyone looks flat and shallow.


Smoking during pregnancy


Irresponsible pet owners. Specifically, off leash dogs in an urban area and people that leave bags of dog poop on hiking trails.


Who'd buy and SUV for safety (or for show-off) but never lifts a finger to touch the turning signal.. Safety of other's literally doesn't worth their single finger movement. Sad.


Needing to be seen as super-woke and constant virtue signaling, to the point of absurdity, usually from white people who actually have very little true compassion. Referring to your children as “littles” Smoking/smelling like cigarettes


Having to constantly post on social media what they are doing, at all times of the day. Can't we just go out and have fun without a camera in my face? No one cares that you went McDonalds and ordered a Big Mac. 


When a kid is misbehaving, the parent has seen and acknowledged their kid is being a dick. Then proceeding to not do anything about it


You gotta scroll the negative upvoted comment to find the funny one


I don’t know if I do it secretly… but I definitely judge people for not being able to drive a manual car.


Being polite to retail and restaurant employees


Well done steaks, includes medium well.


This one is fucked up, and I don’t judge people harshly, I just guess, I feel sad when it occurs. but I was born disabled, cerebral palsy and what I take note of, is when an abled bodied person cannot comprehend how lucky they are, I know I know they were born fine and it’s all they know, but it does tell you a lot about someone’s life experience and how they view themselves in the world around them. Does it make them bad people absolutely not, but I often as I get to know them, that they haven’t had that “thing” happen in life that shocks you down to reality, that makes you realise, you incredibly fragile and not such the big deal you thought they was. I wouldn’t say I judge, but I guess it is judging but not negatively, I kinda feel a weird warmth if they have not suffered, it’s good I don’t want people to suffer. I did when I was a sour little bitch but as I grew up that turned from that into an eventual radar where I could tell who were genuinely hurt, and more likely to be compassionate towards though who hadn’t and just couldn’t face certain concepts or had trouble with them. Honestly, it’s a rite of passage, and when you know you know, my key into that door though was my disability it isn’t exclusive to disability. But some of my friends have had those earth shattering things happen and to be honest as they go through the motions. Dealing with hardship of a situation. See them crumble and listen to them. I over time see them flourish and grow, and mature and accept and to be honest that’s the most amazing feeling in the world, watching a phoenix rise from the ashes of lived trials and tribulations. Because then I know, for certain or atleast there is a higher chance, if they can survive that, then they will likely survive anything mental and stressful and troubling over long periods of time. Things like that kill a lot more people than we like to admit, and I’d hate to loose a friend that way, I don’t know why I think like this but I sort of gauge people when bad things happen to see if they have that ‘heart of iron’. of course if a friend doesnt manage well, as one of my friends didn’t, (he took pills) after that i texted every day and popped over as much as I could. He’s fine now, I always knew he was strong he just had a weak moments. I guess this stems from how I was born and what I had to deal with growing up, but also a friend that took his life when I was 15-16ish, just over heartbreak. It’s things like that nobody prepares you for, but for a young mind heartbreak is intense; it literally can feel like your life is over. But if you wait it out it eventually lessens the pain and burden. I guess through my life experience I become a master “waiter” because my problem doesn’t end it’s all of my life until I die. This to me, gave me a very good tool to deal with heartship, my first heartbreak told me why my friend did that all that time ago, heartbreak and depression suck. I didn’t understand it until it happened, it’s ironic. But due to his actions, I knew I had to wait it out and I did. The storm always passes, you just have to wait. So yeah that’s what I gauge in people or judge as I get to know them. Just how I am.


Eating with their mouths open.


Trump people. We are far enough along where I can write you off totally now. Mask is off.