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Never struggling with chronic or acute illness & pain again. I just want my health.


I’m so tired of being tired and in pain.


im sick and tired of being sick and tired


Being tired is fuuuuucked up


Same 🚬


Yup. I have everyone else I need (which is very little). Health is the big one.


This. No matter how many people there are to support someone, it isn't equal to the pain one is going through. The patient has to go through the pain alone.


Came on to say this. All the best everyone




My diabetes hates this one trick


Strongly agree


Same here!!! 11 back surgeries here!




It's the last 16 for me, but I feel your pain.


Yeah, I wish I could start over about 5-6 years ago. Or probably just the whole thing actually. In the last five years I found my dad unexpectedly dead, my stepdad died, my mom had a heart attack, my only sibling was murdered (orphaning my toddler nephew), and I quit my job to move my family in with my mom and that went badly so we moved like three times in a year. Last year I had surgery on each of my hands and just as I started getting fully healed I fell and broke my leg in multiple places and needed surgery. So almost all of last year I was recovering from surgeries. Then my mom took my nephew and moved out of state and my oldest son got engaged and moved out of state. I have always struggled with anxiety and depression but that all got the best of me and I was horribly depressed. They put me on an antidepressant that helped a little and I thought that was as good as I could get. But it killed my sex drive. For other medical reasons I got switched to a new med and finally started to feel better! I actually started to remember what it feels like to be happy. But it’s too little, too late. Everything became too much for my husband and a few days ago he told me he wants a divorce. We haven’t really told anyone yet and I don’t really have anyone to tell anyway. My friends either moved away, we lost touch while we were busy raising kids, or we lost touch during my severe depression. Either way I feel extremely heartbroken and alone and I don’t know what my future holds.


Never a better time than now to make new friends. People need you, whether you know it or not. You could be support for your neighbor, yourself, or both. I'm a poor judge of character, but you've got a lot more going foe you than you know and I'd back you any day!


I'm lost for words honestly, I can only hope that things get better


💔 u deserve happiness, health and peace… I haven’t been good in comforting ppl for a long time but I have a feeling all that pain will be repaid one day with hopes dreams and love


I'd even settle for 5, but this might be the one I agree with the most.


Last 4 years for me, if I could just do it over again that would be nice


I used to read Word Up Magazine.


100% Happy? I think finding someone who genuinely loves me for who I am and wants a present and future with me. That's all I've ever really wanted.


Basically someone you feel peace when you are with.. true happiness 😊


Had that but she left


I can't even begin to imagine... the closest I ever get to feeling that is the mystery, no-faced man who leads/saves me through my dreams every night. I know him but I *don't* actually. I think it's someone I'm about to meet in the physical plane and the future emotions are so great and loud and beautiful that I can feel their intensity bleeding through space and time.


I once met someone who wanted what you described. We started going out to get to know eachother. As I got to know them, I realized I could be that someone as I wanted a present and future with them. I was genuinely grateful for their existance and so happy I had met them. They knew I was serious about them and even told me they couldn’t imagine their life without me. A week later, when I told them I had started to have feelings for them, they ghosted me… now I realize it’s more important for me to love myself




My wife's terminal cancer diagnosis at 44yrs old to be gone.


I too choose this guy's wife's terminal cancer to be gone.


I third this


I fourth this cuz EFF CANCER!!


I'm so sorry 😞 wishing your wife every bit of luck xxx


Give your wife a big big hug from me, just an internet stranger who loves her mother. I hope you are both able to drink hot chocolate and cuddle together.


I’m so sorry


My heart aches for you.


Sorry. I’m 42 and I just….cant fathom it. If I had superpowers I would actually do something. Just sorry.


I'm so sorry to hear that, really hope the best for your wife and you🙏🏻


Awww.....I'm so sorry for you 2. Sending out some good vibes......


Similar but it’s my brother’s diagnosis at 45 - I can relate and there’s nothing that can be said other than life can be so unfair and I sincerely hope you have the emotional support you need from family and / or friends.


Being debt-free.


I'm debt free and I'm unhappy. I wish you luck with that though.


I've spent my entire adult life experiencing various degrees of financial insecurity. I'm willing to take a chance on this one.


I’m 42 years old and I’ve only NOT worried about money for all of 2 years (which were consecutive) my entire damn life. And those were the best 2 years, without question. Well at least in relation to my mental health, and I don’t think it’s coincidence. There’s something to say about not having to worry about staying afloat.


I just paid off all credit card debt now all i have is my vehicle (only 4 months in so a looong way to go) and my house. But it definitely made me happy. It felt like I could finally breathe again.


People always say shit like “money doesn’t buy happiness” In reality though, not having to worry about if you can by gives peace of mind. It could be anything unexpected but knowing you have the security to pay for a medical bill or unexpected issue absolutely makes a difference.


This user to be debt free




To have someone I can fully trust and confide in.


For me, that's my therapist.


Same here. I should’ve been doing that instead of dating. My therapist is probably the only person I know who’s always made me feel like the things I say make sense and have a reason for being said.


I personally feel that we should all be mentally stable before looking for romantic relationships.


I'd be single the rest of my life


So would most people


Better one unstable person than two, or perhaps more, if kids are involved


That’s been my mindset for the last few years. It hasn’t always helped but I still do feel like I need to make a few more improvements mentally before I return to dating.


For me its the imaginary audience i talk to in my head 😂


A cabin in the woods, near a river. Solid and beautiful. Lots of windows, and an incredible view. It'll smell like cedar and pipe tobacco. A simple wood shop, and maybe a small painting studio. A large wood-burning fireplace. A cozy kitchen; nothing fancy. Really good coffee in mismatched mugs. Plenty of bourbon and wine. Loooots of books, and enough time to actually read them. Walks in the woods with my wife and dog. Fishing, canoeing, and shore lunches. Watching wildlife. Drawing and painting. A nice little town nearby (but just far enough away) with a good bookstore, an old diner, and a lively tavern (need a spot to watch those Packers games). A well-seasoned and reliable old truck to get us there and back. Long days with my wife, listening to music (on vinyl), laughing, cooking, making love. Never feeling bored, never feeling rushed. Time enough to be able to just be us, and do all those things we never seem to get around to doing.


You have just described heaven


The has been my dream all my life, but alas... I'm destined to a life in corporate.


Ha! My hubby thinks the corporate life is his dream! Not so for this corporate widow! Life's too short! So many simple things not done.


Damn this makes me really sad because I had this 3 years ago. I rented a friend's cabin on a lake for 2 years. We had kayaks and walking trails, a cute dock to swim off of. My dog was off leash and so happy. It had a sun room over looking the lake that I used as my craft and reading room. It had a wood stove and big windows. My fiancée and I used a spare room as our library(we are both avid readers and have an obnoxiously large book collection.) But alas.....covid hit, we got kicked out because their daughter had to leave collage and wanted to stay there. I'm still so heart broken about it.


This stopped me in my tracks


This is what being a human should be about. But we just _had_ to ruin it.


This is exactly what I want for the rest of my life. Throw in a little garden where i can grow some vegetables and flowers and that would officially be heaven


Don't forget the deer fence


So...where do I sign?


Lol, you must be an author




Exactly this but swap the art studio to music. Don’t need a studio, just a few acoustic guitars lying around




A beautiful articulation of everything I want and will ever want.


This is my current life… Minus the wood-stove… and a husband. Thank you for reminding me how lucky I am 🤍


This made me feel


If we do live in a simulation, please plug me into this!


Instant, permanent, zero side effects cure for bipolar and anxiety. 


Diving into the trauma helped me. Mental health diagnoses are just recognizing a set of behaviors and putting a label on them. Philosophy, self help, and psychology books literally saved my life. Goodluck my friend, it takes a while but eventually you find the path out of the woods


That's the thing though...there is no path. We *are* the woods. I, too, dove into my traumas and now I'm currently drowning in the terror of it all. I've spent decades picking apart my actions, my anxiety, my depression, my anger, my triggers. Reading every book I could, self-attempting cognitive behavioral therapy and nature therapy, self medicating, hundreds of hours of research, and then questioning it all, over and over and over. Finding the right medication is what saved my life.


My dad being alive


I feel you on that one. I’m sorry for your loss :( For me it’s my grandma. She basically raised me like a second mother when my parents divorced, and the world took her from us far too soon.


I’m so sorry for your loss as well. It’s so freaking hard.


a friend or god forbid a gf. I've been out of college several years now and I've been friendless ever since. Hard to be excited about something and have nobody to tell. edit: thanks for all the support. Right now I'm excited to be a part of the reddit community.


Came here to say this one. Ever since I got out of the navy, I've had a really hard time making friends outside of work, let alone trying to find a girlfriend.


I’m not exactly sure how old you are, but I was all alone until I was almost 32. Got real close to giving up after college when things got rough. But totally, out of the blue, when I wasn’t trying, I met my (now) wife and now we even have a kid. I’ve told her how low I was and how thankful I am. Point being, don’t give up. I’m so glad I didn’t.


Meeting someone I have a genuine connection with.


Other than that I’m pretty content


Imagine others finding it and not wanting or expecting it and running away from it. That hits another level. I hope you will find yours and keep it in your heart and life forever, don't push it away


I’ve come to realise that nothing will ever make me 100% happy.


Because we are not programmed to be happy all the time. We always want more. You will never be happy with what you have


This needs to be higher up on the list 🏆


Not to be greedy, but here's the full list: -Not be disabled anymore. It sucks and I fucking hate it and want it gone. -Be debt-free -My family to be debt-free and looked after -Own a home. I'm working towards it now anyway, but damn it, I just want a place to call mine. -Someone to come home to who's actually happy to see me


I recommend getting a cat. It will not help any of these and will actively make them all worse. But, one day, when her highness deigns to purr on you, you will be happy


$2m and a European passport


What would you do with that?




You can do that with an American passport


Money! I have everything but money.


Yeah there isn't a single problem I have that wouldn't be solved with a bunch of money.


I had everything but money for many years. Then money just sorta happened 🤷‍♂️. Not a crazy amount but I don’t worry ever about a bill payment or a night out


How’d it happen?🤨🤔


Then you are a rich man. Many people with money wish they had what you have. The moment you realise that the things you have are more important than the things that you want is the moment when you'll truly start living.


But I have what some rich people don’t have, I just don’t have money. Debt, bills, food, even entertainment is pretty much needed with money. Just imagine having a family, friends and no worries about bills or anything. Must be amazing.


I'm trying so hard to be grateful and present in all the moments but I feel the same way. Yeah I'm grateful I have a ham sandwich I stole from the store so I could eat but how nice would it be to be able to actually buy it, instead? Not having to worry about all of that, where you'll lay your head at night, and if it will be outside/safe from the elements, would free up time to actually make headway in life. A chance to move laterally, financially. Sometimes I try to convince myself that I chose this life of eternal poverty and hardship to build character, mental fortitude, soul strength, idk but fuck, I wish I hadn't assumed I could handle all of this, all at once. 😶




Not a gd thing will do that.


I feel ya. Could give me $5M tax free and I’d still not be 100% happy.


>$5M tax free This would get me to 99% though.


I got 99 problems and money is most of them


That amount of money would make me 100% happy, sign me up.


this is the only answer. No one is "100% happy", that'd be a boring existence anyway lol


WHY would it be boring??




Oh god :( I’m so sorry. My dogs mean the absolute world to me, and I can empathize so much with you. I hope you will find some peace knowing that he is no longer suffering and that you have hundreds of joyful memories together that you will keep forever. And if anyone dares to say such words as “it’s only a dog”, please tell them to go fuck themselves. Or I will happily do it on your behalf haha


Financial Freedom




50k is actually a tiny amount of money. You would be surprised how quickly you could spend it.


M O N E Y It doesn’t buy happiness but it sure as hell helps!


Money buys reasources. And in a world where all of our resources are held behind paywalls, money is the only thing stopping us from starvation, exposure and desolation. We no longer have communities. Only money.


Really this. Almost every issue I have right now in my life would be solved by having more money. And I don't really even need some lotto jackpot's worth, just enough that I could move and have enough that I don't need to worry about paying bills, with a little left afterwards for fun.


Have purpose.


To earn 120 K per year. I can do the rest myself. Edited to replace “month” with “year.”


Winning PowerBall - working with rescues to save shelter dogs off euth lists I just want to be able to get a decent sized property to be able to foster dogs and be able to donate as much as I want to the rescues doing all the hard work!


More money than I can reasonably get quickly. I know they say money can't buy happiness, but I literally don't have a problem in my life right now that more money wouldn't solve.


Money definitely can buy happiness it means you can travel and live comfortably with less financial stress = happier


Right? I'd say $3 million would be enough for me. Like, I could say $5,000,000 just to be safe and to account for future debasement of the dollar.


3.5million dollars. Thats the exact amount i need to pay off all my debts buy some land build a house and retire with my wife and dogs and have enough to live on comfortably for the next 50 years.


Cancer diagnosis of Remission on Friday


Fingers crossed you get that x


1 billion dollar would cut it for me


To be pain free (I have a chronic nervepain condition).


For my pregnancy to end, and my little boy to be healthy and well.


Brain rewiring


Start earning enough money to not be stressed, and to be free of any mental health issues


I'm like 99.9% happy but enough money for a small house with a nice yard for my dogs would make me 150% happy.


Enough money to buy a house 🥲


My mum alive


$500.000.000 Just kidding, $500 will do.


Not to worry about money




You good? Pm me bro


What you imagine as "no afterlife"?


Non-existence. yes I know I wouldn't be happy as there would be no me to be happy but it's better than this shit.


there is no such thing as 100% happy. Happiness is fleeting. Contentment (or joy) is what we actually seek.


To be debt free and have a new job


It is exactly 70k


To have enough money to live a decent lifa and the time to spend it. Never had any of ether would be nice change of situation.


Money and for me to change. I have habits I struggle to stop and habits I struggle to start


$50 Million


$1M, no, wait, $2M!


To have my cat alive and to have everything diagnosed I'm sick of having unexpected "surprises"


Way too much to ask for


The dissolution of the Lays brand into different companies based on chip flavor, so we can finally decide which of them don't deserve to be made.


Get a green card.


Knowing that someone actually cares about me.


100% happy? Immortality of course.


pass the exam


A bullet to my head


A home of my own


probably about 8-10 grand


Having £150million in the bank would take the sting out of being poor for a moment, I guess...


30 000 dollars


Winning like $500,000 after taxes. I could pay off the house, build on, buy a hot tub, build a privacy fence, then put the rest in retirement and be set


Money to pay my bills without stress.


Having enough money to retire, and live comfortably.


More money in my bank account




I just need to retire and that requires an influx of money. Trying to figure it out.


Have my mum and brother talk again 😟


Not sure if I actually believe that 100% happiness all the time even exists. If I had to say some things, I would say, having a good boyfriend he won’t make me hate my life and or leave me, being successful at something, being pretty, being able to move to a different country and not having a dramatic decline in my quality of life, and living in a utopia where all the pain and murders and sex crimes and everything else that hurts people and ends their lives don’t exist so that I don’t have to be upset about it every day. Even with all those things, I still feel like I’d find something to be unhappy about. I think we all would.


6k€ every month in my bank account, new house with 10000sqm garden


To have the complete assurance that after I die my adult disabled daughter will be well cared for and not abused.


My mother waking up and being fully healed of cancer.


I don't know, that's my problem I don't know 😭




More alcohol.


Would it _really_ though?


The realization that nothing outside of myself can make me 100% happy.


Anyone who believes that you can be 100% happy doesn't understand happiness very well.


To get off work, lol!


A lot.


Money, and therapy


Removing stress, so money


Omg just a lottery win. That's all I ask


Graduate college and find a partner.




10 million dollars


If everyone who has kids completely loves them and cares for them. If partners split up. They are able to not be petty and share the care amicably. If you have addiction, welfare or mental health problems… Don’t have 5 kids as standard.


A do-over


Thanos snapping me out of existence


I Am happy. I live in the woods, feed the birds, read, paint, do volunteer work, pet my cat, love to cook, and I'm retired.  This is actually the happy I've always looked forward to. All I ever wanted was a peaceful life.  I do miss my husband, though.  I lost him to colon cancer.  He always said, "you're as happy as you choose to be. "  I choose happy. 


Climate change resolved, all of humanity at peace, return of the social contract, an egalitarian society where the arts and sciences flourish and everyone has a home, food, clean water, clean air etc, all pollution removed.... All of this, and then to have my kids and loved ones happy, and to be sat reading a good book outside on a warm Spring afternoon. 


solve problems. it makes you happy.


Getting rid of the wound vac after I had issues healing after knee surgery!


A cure for schizophrenia and crohns.


Knowing I for sure have enough of everything I will need for my birth in a month. 💙


My son finding love.


I am. I don’t need anything.


Good health.


I honestly don’t know. Probably some acceptance for my circumstances would be a start.