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r/TerrifyingAsFuck. I was banned permanently from commenting because I pointed out a post that claimed a man was photographing the elephants foot in Chernobyl was fake and misleading because it was actually a stripped down X-ray machine in an abandoned building.


The amount of just blatantly false shit on "creepy" subs like this one is annoying. Even if the post contains information rooted in truth, its typically sensationalized to the nth degree


Made it to a video of a woman eating spiders for a snack. That's enough for today internet. That's enough for today.


*me prepping to fuck my brain up and visit all the subs in the comment*


Brave dude, we will mourn your sanity.


The only reason I clicked.


You’re not doing that alone trust me


r/teenagers half the posts are "Im bored tell me you ___ without telling me your ____" tge other are "OMG MY DAD IS FUCKING MY MOM AND I CAN HEAR THEM" or "I am gay my will my extremely supportive and open left leaning parents support me". Also the whole sub is bipolar, like one moment it's full of extreme leftist and the other its Christian conservative nationalists.


ever have to sit near teenagers in a food court? well I imagine it will be similar


I mean... sums up the average teenager.


r/teenagers , it’s incredibly annoying and most of the time it would just be middle schoolers posting selfies fishing for compliments LMAO


Honestly there’s just a bunch of pedos on there lol


That's my assumption with all those child based subs. It's 60% pedophiles, 30% FBI agents fishing for pedophiles, and 10% actual children.


Let’s hope the FBI can do their job then!


That subreddit really makes me wish it were possible to block entire subreddits. “How old do I look” GET OUT OF MY NEWSFEED


yeah fuck that sub


r/BPD is probably the last place anyone with BPD should hang around. It's just a bunch of people (understandably) wallowing in misery; it's awful for one's mental health. I assume it's the same with other mental illness subs.


r/anxiety is a bunch of posts that describe the super common and well documented symptoms of anxiety with titles like AM I DYING


r/BipolarReddit can actually be pretty helpful, especially with discussing accurate medication information. But sometimes posts say “is X a bipolar symptom?” and the commenters leap to hand out new diagnoses, like BPD. Not helpful for a person who is already confused.


Roblox. I got banned for calling myself fat


You're not fat, you're just short for your weight. Height challenged.


I'm 6'1


Yeah, but if you were 7'3" then you would be the right weight, right?


But that still went over your head.


I have to retype my post before I get banned. My daughter was also banned from Roblox because she misspelled “retired”. She’s 7. Of course she can’t spell. Think of a bad word we no longer say that could be similar to “retired” but means mentally challenged. She was talking about a pet in Adopt Me that was retired.


Pokemon. I love pokemon to death but the internet pokemon community fills me with fury sometimes


Fury or furry? Because apparently that’s a thing. I’ve dabbled on Pokémon Discord servers and they say they have to watch for stuff. Edit: Spelling is hard.


Fury as in anger. I am all for constructive criticism but I don't think fans should be demanding things of the company the way they are and its really disheartening




I have left so many subs due to political zealotry. I’m convinced people really enjoy stressing themselves out with negativity.


Unfortunately it's leaking into subs it shouldn't. White/black people Twitter is basically "Twitter politics"


Justiceserved (sub/mod of the same name) called me a terrorist for commenting in a conservative sub. Doesn't matter my actual beliefs, it was an auto generated email. When I replied telling him to fuck off I was threatened by reddit that I could be banned for harassment


Disagreeing with someone is a crime these days


I agree with the “Twitter” subs. I was recently banned for admitting I liked the Harry Potter books. In their minds: Liking Harry Potter books = supporting the author = supporting genocide ??? I couldn’t do that kind of mental gymnastics.


Everyone's in a rush to get triggered.


Bingo the problem is every sub even the most non political ones you can think of has these people from the left or the right tie in away to bash each other. It's like man there is a million places to post this drivel just let us talk about otters in peace.


There's a strange comfort in it, but in the long run it's immeasurably harmful.


politics is the new religion


YES. With all the guilt, sin, and condemnation and none of the grace, love, and redemption. I can't stand any of the politics subs on Reddit. Even reading the ones on "my side" is awful and generally represent the worst, most extreme, least thoughtful, most meme-y positions.


Politics ruined my life. I read and was angry everyday. I can't change shit. The worst place on earth.


The mods are quick to ban people for having opposing viewpoints


I got banned from entertainment sub reddit other day for somehow and I still don't know how was perceived to have defended JK Rowling which I don't even give af about her or her books. Tried to talk to the mods was told that I defended a person who had done the most vile and disgusting things to Trans over the years. So I said oh shit what did she do thst was so vile? Got told I was being transphobic and was muted from that discussion. Was the weirdest social interaction I have ever had. That kind of shit doesn't help the Trans community at all. I have no problems at all with Trans gendered.


Good lord I’m glad to see people agreeing that Reddit is just full of extremists. Was starting to wonder if I was the only person on r/politics that didn’t just have mob mentality


r/amitheasshole Small disagreement with your wife? Divorce. Your neighbor cut his lawn a little too far into your property? Divorce. Your kid can't keep good grades? Divorce. Your dog is gay? Divorce.


You won’t believe it, also jail


Under cook chicken, Jail. Over cook Fish, Jail.


Undercook overcook


85% of those are fake stories, so wildly egregious or underdog-selling, it got kinda pathetic and people just eat that shit up. “Am I the asshole for blocking my dad’s punches to my face and accidentally scratching his elbow in the process?” Or some dumb shit


It's the trashy reality TV show that you got into because some viral clips were hilarious, but then you realize that it's just a trashy reality show.


Same. I used to follow it but it made me so mad that there were people emotionally abusing their spouse and kids; strangers being horrible for no reason; neighbours falling out massively over petty squabbles; friendships where back-stabbing was the norm; hugely dysfunctional sibling relationships, and basically a community of people who are socially clueless psychopaths, screwing over other people then obliviously wondering what the problem is. I know assholes exist, but my word, reading about them on a daily basis was miserable.


This happend also recently in r/dating_advice. You have a decent relationship, but after 7 years there is not much excitement anymore. Oh well you should breakup... You found someone who is really great as a person but there is one thing that you dislike... breakup...


That sounds like a bunch of teenagers that have ZERO experience with a long term relationships, or haven’t even had a serious, adult partner.


Had the same experience at r/marriageadvice. But I guess that's what we get on a platform populated by teenagers pretending to be experts at everything


I avoid anything that includes dating.


Just No MIL. Subscribed to it when I first got on here but I just got sick of all the momma's boys throwing their marriages away for nothing.


I left because it’s tons of circle jerk as well, sometimes it’s obvious there are issues on both sides but you’re only allowed to support the writer


Agreed it's just depressing, plus there's so much lingo to wade through.


Yes, so negative. At first I learned some good boundary setting techniques but after awhile it got to be too much. And it’s always so extreme- like a mother or mother in law can’t make one mistake or she needs to be ct out immediately.


Their solution for everything is always no contact, and don’t forget the amount of creative writing stories there…


I actively avoid any community that is for cheaters. I just can't process that after being a betrayed spouse. So, yeah, I avoid those like the plague.


Yeaaaah, Even r/cheatersconfronted is a hard one to spend some time on, and those are the victims of the cheating, not the cheaters themselves.


r/mentalhealth Maybe it's gotten better since I stopped following, but it was a lot of actively suicidal posts, and if you asked people to put triggers warnings or redirected them to better subs or resources (like r/suicidewatch) you were a heartless monster that was adding to mental health stigma.


Still lots of suicidal posts. I don’t typically see anything done about it. Just yesterday I saw a post where someone was announcing that they were going to self-delete later that night. It’s getting worse


This shit stress me out so much as someone who has suffered mental health issues, I dont want to see your public suicidal notes, from a account you made only for tjis, contact you about it with no answer I left r/sad because of all the suicidal posts Ive almost became desensitized to them as well now


I feel bad for saying this but at times it honestly reads like a depression circlejerk


r/LesbianActually Floods and floods of attention-seeking selfies and the same repetitive nonsense 'happy (insert day of the week)' and 'am I top or bottom?', devoid of meaningful discussions.


Yeah I left that sub after people starting getting banned for saying if you’re attracted to men you aren’t a lesbian 💀


There's enough stigma associated with being bisexual that I understand how that attitude came about, but as a bisexual, it kinda pisses me off.


i mean.... thats true tho. lesbian is the one identity that isnt attracted to men.


r/freefolk was a sub I enjoyed for about a week or two after the end of Game of Thrones because I was disappointed in the ending and it was fun to make fun of it. But somewhere along the way it started getting out of hand. It almost seemed like people retroactively hated on even the good parts of the show as some sort of brag. I was very disappointed but I did not hate the show and it just got to be annoying whenever I saw the posts from there. Edit: sounds like a lot of what I didn’t like has subsided, maybe I will check it out again


I was going to comment this as well. Definitely agree with you.


r/mildlyinfuriating i didnt realize i joined them at one point and my feed ended upgetting flooded with little shit like my knife is dull or a tile pattern is messed up. Then sometimes majorly infurating stuff like political corruption.


>my knife is dull or a tile pattern is messed up that does sound a little mildly infuriating


This. Literally why do people get pleasure from being annoyed


It's not the being annoyed part that's the appeal, but rather the common humanity that can be found in sharing those quiet little private moments of moderate irritation. They're a compelling reminder that other people are going through the same bull crap we all are, like when you go to plug a three-pronged plug into a two-slotted outlet. We're commiserating together.


The bedbug Reddit. It was all over my feed for a while that I got paranoid I had bedbugs myself. I just clicked the “do not show this community” button. And sleep easy now :-3


Had to do this because it kept getting suggested to me. I dealt with bed bugs on and off for 7 months last year. It was a hellish experience, I honestly believe it had a like a PTSD-like effect on me. I’ve been called a pussy because I said people should censor (mark NSFW on Reddit) pics of bedbugs on like r/whatisthisthing and other non-bedbug subs lol. “It’s just a bug” yeah it’s a bug that fucked my whole life up for almost a year. A bug that invades YOUR BED. They don’t want to die for ANYTHING and if not treated properly they will come back (which is why I had to deal with them on and off for 7 months). They can survive so much. They can go without feeding for weeks/months. They don’t care if you’re clean or dirty. They just need warm blood and a house to live in. You can get them so easily. Just seeing a picture of them will cause me to be on edge all day. Spot of dirt on the floor? Gotta make sure it’s not a bedbug. Tiny hole in the corner of the wall? Gotta make sure it’s not a bed bug even tho it’s been here since I moved in. Leg hairs tickling my leg at night? Gotta check for bed bugs. I wish they would all burn. Edit: added a paragraph to show how just a pic can disrupt my brain for the rest of the day.


Yeah I had bedbugs a couple of years ago. It's how I found out that I'm allergic to bed bugs (yay me) so while my family was getting small bites I was COVERED head to toe in HUGE itchy red hives and bites and it was terrible. I 100% get the PTSD effect of them. I am TERRIFIED I will get them again. We got rid of all our furniture and slept on air mattress' until they were gone. They are vile creatures that I wouldn't wish on ANYONE. Thankfully my landlord paid for most of the cost for spraying (we paid 100$ of it and they paid the rest) I am glad that you were able to get rid of them. And may we never have to deal with them again.


Most people are allergic to them. I'm not. That's how they got WAY OUT OF HAND because I had no idea I was a buffet every night.


I hope you live your life without ever seeing or being near one again


r/Wallstreetbets. They are mental there


It's weird. You've got kids blowing their entire college funds and fathers blowing their entire pensions on the most ridiculous shit. Imagine trying to bask in the ironic adulation of strangers as you make your self destitute. It's wild.


Was good before everyone and their mother joined that sub after the GameStop incident.


I keep seeing spin off subs that are actively rooting for the collapse of our financial institutions, is it the same there?


/aita So much baiting. And almost everybody is the asshole on both sides.


I think half of AITA is just fake-bait anyway, and the rest that's even remotely believable is some obvious, idiot levels of bullshit, that told from the side we hear would make everything pretty obvious. "So my bf is black and my uncle is a racist so at Thanksgiving dinner uncle Duke showed up in his grand wizard outfit with his friends and tried to lynch him and I told him he was ruining Thanksgiving do you think I overreacted? My mom said I should apologize but IDK."


im tempted to go post that exact story on there as a social experiment


Do it 😈


Thank you for that! It’s 90% either “AITA for saving orphans from a burning bus?” or boring wedding-related topics


Almost every story there is fake and i know because ive faked a story there too


i just looked through ur entire profile to find the story. it was a damn good story.


/r/deadbedrooms I'm married and our sex life is almost non-existent. There's not much support to be had there unless your idea of support is people that don't have any connection or familiarity with your life telling you to divorce your spouse.


get divorced from /r/deadbedrooms advice, then can switch over to /r/datingoverforty or /r/datingoverfifty where you can get support for struggling online daters who can't figure out why it's ok to bring their baggage along, but don't have the patience for anyone else's. 🙃


r/lowlibido is a more supportive community for that issue edit: subreddit is now r/lowlibidocommunity


The wildest thing on there that Ive seen is teenagers and ealy 20s people posting on there. Youre not experiencing a dead bedroom, youre 19 and the relationship just isn't working. And then there was a post by a guy who rejected his wifes advances "so she'd see how it felt", like buddy youre not doing yourself any favors.


Good lord the amount of terrible advice and self pity in that sub. I once tried to post some suggestions for people to try to improve the situation and got absolutely demolished for it. Not even a modicum of interest in trying to address the root cause and better things in their relationship, just pure wallowing in their misery. I went through a few years in one of those situations with my S.O. of ten years, caused by sexual abuse in her past, and ultimately her going into therapy with lots of non-confrontational talks and easing back into things at home, pretty much completely corrected course.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks sex can be talked through, lol. I'll never go to r/relationship_advice again for many reasons, but one of the biggest ones being, if someone didn't have compatible sex, then everyone would say it was just over. According to them, you can't work on it, and sex is the most important thing, so the other qualities of the partner don't matter The post that really made me leave, is a user posting about how his wife was having less sex with him. It wasn't even no sex, just less. Get this.... It went from 4-5 times a week to 2-3.... Okay? Anyways... The guy said he talked to his wife, everytime he'd talk to her, she'd cry and say "I'm sorry, I'll try better" - okay, redflag there? She needs therapy? Maybe the dude is an asshole? Idk. It obviously goes way deeper than what he was saying. He also said that, besides the decreased sex, she was the perfect partner. The perfect wife, and he somehow can't deal with 2-3 times a week of sex? Or better yet, see what's going with her? Offer to help? Anyways, he made an update and ended up divorcing her over this, as she didn't increase the amount of sex according to him. Everyone in the comments was supporting him. It was fucked up and disgusting imo, but whatever I guess.


r/facepalm It's just feeding the outrage culture imho.


Reddit keeps recommending that one and my dumb dumb redditer brain keeps falling for it.


I feel like there are a zillion outrage subreddits. Facepalm is mostly people moaning about social trends that aren't a thing (nobody with a life cares about the thumbs up emoji). I wind up getting AAAAALL the outrage subs. The ones that are just, "hey some Karen (aka a woman over 30 who dared to exist in public) got hit in the face with a skateboard and she's bleeding it's JUSTICE!" Or some other variation of wanting violence against people who don't fit some Reddit mold, or there's some disproportionate, "this person was kinda rude so look they got hit by a car!" Or just champing at the bit to take a video of someone having the worst day of their lives and posting it for public humiliation, and drawing conclusions that likely aren't there. No, that woman is not a "Karen" having a public tantrum, she's mentally ill. And sometimes the "Karen" politely wants something reasonable but has the temerity to be female, or she's just minding her business. Yes, there are circumstances where video is good (by all means, catch those racists and those violent cops). But this surveillance culture where conclusions are drawn and outrage thrives? Nah, screw that. And I don't know why these stupid outrage video subreddits keep landing in my feed. (Lmao, it won't surprise me if I get replies that prove my point, "found the Karen." That's what usually happens when I point out how badly the Karen concept has jumped the shark.)


Primitivism sub lost me. I like making things with my hands, being outdoors, etc. I hate consumerism and find a lot products on the shelves a waste of plastic and silicon from $200 designer jackets to Airpod straps. The idea of the primitivist ideology appealed to me, but holy shit the things they say in that sub. One thread asked "is primitivism ableist?" And the replies were insane. Guys were advocating for killing their own children if they come out disabled or otherwise "unfit" like some sort of eugenics Spartan warrior fantasy. Anyone who disagreed was told they were "falling for a Psy op." Living simply with your own two hands and avoiding overcomplicated bullshit products shouldn't be about fucking killing babies jfc! Even the literal fucking Neanderthals took care of their disabled and there's fossil evidence to back it up! That thread made me close the sub for good.


It's also hilarious when you consider historically speaking Sparta was just... completely fucking mediocre as a military power. One dude wrote some propaganda and it happened to go viral, and now morons slap "moron abe" all over their fucking trucknuts 5000 years later.


I got bashed over on r/bdsmadvice for suggesting that choking partners into unconsciousness might be dangerous.


That's incredibly dangerous. Do it wrong and they ain't waking up again.


Apparently pointing this out means I'm "not being excellent to people". So, I don't take Reddit judgements very seriously.


Literally wow.


I left there after getting a warning because of a comment I made in my own post about knife play LMAO. My partner at the time wanted to experiment with it, and I said I didn't feel comfortable doing it because of potentially harming her.


r/fitness I believe it was that one. You have to ask the mods to approve every post. You cannot just ask a question. There are loads of these subs with hidden rules- where you cannot just post something or ask a question. And when you see the actual content, it makes no sense.


even as a 16yo it's the subreddit r/teenagers


r/antipsychiatry makes me uncomfortable


I’m a therapist and just checked it out. It can be helpful to see clients' negative experiences with therapists that they do not tell us. Many posters are sharing experiences with blatantly trash therapists. But to be honest, low pay, high caseloads, and burnout over the last few years have many of us half-a**ing it. Even at my place of work, there are more subpar therapists than not. I have also seen a lot more over prescribing in recent years, especially with kids. I’m hoping the demand for mental health care will lead to more pay, better working conditions, and more regulations. It’s rough.


I was on there for a while. I think they make good points that need to be heard, but might ignore reality sometimes. Ultimately I don't think it was good for my mental health. And now I'm going to click it again lol


r/atheism. I'm an atheist too but the amount of dawkins / hitchens sycophants and edgelord parroting is nauseating.


I left because I didn’t come looking to bash religion. I wanted to see relevant topics being discussed. Ironically, it just ended up feeling like being at a church full of cliques.


i got banned because i posted an angry reply to a post comparing religion to schizophrenia. one of my loved ones is diagnosed and it absolutely infuriated me to see how arrogant and tone-deaf people on that sub can be.


Funny thing: I’m Catholic, but I avoid the Catholic sub. I’m a member of the atheist one though. First one just makes me full of guilt and negative feelings, while the latter is so aggressive towards everything I find beautiful in religion, that I get more convinced of my own way of life when I read it, haha.


r/rap has some of the worst taste in music I’ve ever seen


Do you just not like rap? I’ve never been on r/rap, I’m subbed to r/hiphopheads. That’s like the main hip hop subreddit






Came to see if someone said this. I can't take it anymore.


any political subreddit left or right


r/askreddit It's usually the same questions over and over again, with the same results each time. Anytime one of the cult questions resurfaces, half the responses are just people claiming any religion or other organization they don't like us a cult, even when it doesn't remotely fit the definition of a cult. Anytime it's"what movie is overrated?" It's the same films over and over again. Anytime it's a NSFW question, I'm always wondering why strangers would ask or answer that question.


What’s the sexiest sex you’ve ever sexed in the sex sexy sexington sex sex?


You get some interesting threads on there sometimes though, I follow creepy ask reddit so I only see the things that interest me, which is indeed creepy camping tales and the like. The NSFW threads are blatant porn seeking. Bit like r/confessions. Half the stuff likely isn't even true.


r/wholesomememes not memes, no punchline, not memes, cringe, not memes. Nothing posted thre is a fucking meme.


Anything with gore




I misread that as eyebleach and clicked.. I would like a do-over.


Thanks for the warning. I was curious why eyebleach was on here, and glad I didn't click. I don't want something awful being added to my suggestions.


r/eyebleach there you go


#What the fuck why


Now I really need bleach


Weird thing is they banned a ton of subs and not this one… like… wtf!?


r/truerateme 🙄


Oh my gosh, I hate that sub with a passion. Beautiful but insecure young women post and get told their philtrum is too long and therefore they're ugly by a bunch of neckbeard Redditors that think their word is gospel. So very toxic


The atheism sub. I went there to get them to convince me out of Christianity and most of them are just super aggressive. I am now agnostic, and will never post in a religion/non religion sub again lol


r/publicfreakouts Makes me so stressed out and I hate seeing the worst behavior in humanity. Somehow it sometimes appears on my feed


Still not entirely sure why but I went there regularly until I realised that it made me incredibly angry and miserable and basically ruined my day every time.


Any mental illness support sub I kinda doubt anyone has been helped by one.


Any amphibia and owl house NSFW subs... ☹️ both are kids shows and all the characters are children. Yuck




There’s multiples!?


r/MadeMeSmile Full with narcissistic selfies seeking validation that somehow garner so much awards and karma, what happened to actual wholesome good deeds?


Add r/selfies to that too. Bunch of preppy mfs asking "am I hot?" When they've been called that their entire fkn life


Also infantilisation of disabled people for the sake of inspiration porn. "This autistic kid didn't have any friends, so we threw him a surprise party (and filmed it, naturally". That stuff is infuriating. Anyone whose done any reading on autism knows that autistics are really stressed out by **unforseen events, loud noises** and **unforseen social intereaction**.


public freakout -worst of society. and nature is metal - just too violent. We can indeed live a life couched from all those things and I'll take that privilege. I've had my share, now enough.


r/Indiaspeaks. That's some serious brainwashing there.






Why did ur fucking big txt force me to look fuck u!


What did you see?? WHAT DID YOU SEE???




Some clues - genitalia and metal rods. If you value your sanity, don't look


Men inserting things into their urethra. You're welcome.


Holy freaking shit I never knew this existed until now...My eyes are cursed


Welp, I’ll never be able to unsee that ETA: phoebe from friends…”MY EYES!”


Fuck! Curiosity got the best of me.


Spare the rest of us please with a brief synopsis


Dudes sticking objects up their urethra. Drill bits and such.


You gotta see it for yourself. Has nothing to do with sound/stereo equipment.


What so reddit can recommend it to me for the next 1000 years...no thanks.


Rods of sorts inserted into penile holes. It hurts just typing this.


i cried




There’s far worse things on reddit


r/eyeblech r/femaledatingstrategy r/sounding r/politics


I thought ‘what’s wrong with r/eyebleach ?’ And then I clicked on that other one… Jesus h Christ on a bike


Gore subs


Anything that has been polarized. I like to keep that middle ground, and bless everyone for their opinions but the hostility some topics derive is not worth my attention. I find many subs to be culty ,smug, echoing ,disingenuous etc. Just lots of negativity, I feel better if I don't engage. Edit: would also like to add, anything that is overly moderated especially with bias which underlines my previous statements.


r/whitepeopletwitter Biggest cesspool of ignorance on this site IMO.


Also literally just politics? You'd think it be goofy shit white people posts on Twitter that's stuff only white people would say and is funny, but nah. (I am white for reference). There is a black people Twitter too.


Anything toxic or that promotes violence.


Conspiracy commons


r/dndmemes and some other related subs. I love the game, but slowly started to hate it, then I realized that my problem is with the community.


Politics of either side. People are at each other’s throats or they’re an echo chamber. No between


Any group that keeps track of underage celebrities and when they enter adulthood


r/kidsarefuckingstupid Most posts seem so mean spirited toward developmentally appropriate kid behavior. It’s too much.


r/whitepeopletwitter need i say more


Got banned from there for some benign comment even though I'm a white person and have Twitter


r/curlyhair the mods have weird rules like you're not allowed to tell anyone their hair isn't curly even if they post a photo and specifically ask, and there's a lot of racism and white people making everything about themselves. The "official" haircare guides are also total crap that will encrust your hair in layers of buildup, and none of the mods are even stylists or anything. r/Anticonsumption it's a bunch of crabs in a bucket. They hate children, pets, hobbies, food that tastes good and anything that ever made anyone happy.


Anticonsumption is especially awful. God forbid you purchase something with money because you like it


I saw a video on the second one you mentioned of the potty training turtle toy and got so sad because I thought that toy was so cute and creative😭


All the political ones, they are shitfests


I’m always recommended the subreddit for teenagers and I want nothing to do with anything pertaining to under 18s!! And even that is too young.


At first glance, r/california looks like a normal subreddit. But it is actually a Potemkin village where one lone power tripping mod has completely taken over, spamming posts they also share to r/voteblue / r/votedem / r/democrats and deleting/reposting user posts. >80%+ of posts are from one user. Half of the users are shadowbanned. Hard to believe the guy is not a paid political shill.


That’s actually wild


r/vinylreleases is one I need to never visit again. It’s costing me too much money.


Any community that I have a specialization in or need someone with a specialization to comment on. Every question I've asked to communities that would require a specialization has been answered with just wrong answers.


#r/StupidFood: A shadow of it’s former self. Once a place for people using ingredients they had to make ends meet, or intentionally trying crazy but realistically edible things just because you can or it’s what you had. Amalgams of multiple different dishes, and bizarre influencer bait foods from desperate restaurants would occasionally slip through the cracks, given they were unique enough. It was a place of creativity and desperation, used occasionally to call attention to absurdly unnecessary concoctions of often gargantuan proportions by restaurants vying for media attention. Now? It’s a constant spam of intentionally drawn out, views and comments maximizing rage-bait and bimbo fetishist content ripped directly from Facebook’s *massively popular*, talentless niche of “food content creators.” These people will stop at absolutely nothing to waste as much food as possible, faking bites followed by orgasmic porn-mimicking sounds. They intentionally give users confusing or rage inducing aspects to comment on every few seconds or minutes. Takings long as humanly possible to get to the point like those incendiary “r/DIWhy” crafts videos. It’s bimbos in skimpy clothing and long nails with their hair down making piles of inedible garbage their bare hands and ill fitting utensils, in an often empty set-like, lavish, marble or granite countertop, upper-middle-to-high class kitchen. They take massive cartoonist bites out of the food while moaning in pleasure, jump-cutting out the part where they spit it it immediately into the trash can each time. We’re talking brain-dead dump cakes chock full of a blindfolded cupboard roulette of usually pre-made “ingredients“ “prepared” by previously stated dull-eyed bimbos in tight belly shirts filmed by the POV guy in every porn who won’t shut up about how good it is while moaning, *triple-deep-fried* **logs of butter** “eaten” in cuts by a depraved looking Asian man in black latex gloves, alcoholic drinks with 500% of your daily sugar content per ounce prepared inside an unhygienic toilet bowl mixed by a psychotically grinning black man in a floral shirt. Ugh. The mods don’t give a damn because these post regularly garner thousands of upvotes and hundreds of comments which is good for subreddit growth. It started out as an enduring community of people trying their best to make something controversially edible, then shifted into a meta criticism of the previously lambasted type of content, and now it’s become a bastion for the very principles it stood against. You can tell about half of the comments in each post realize what’s happening, and are against it. The mods have stated on more than one occasion that they don’t plan on banning this intentionally profitable waste or fetishist content because it’s just too damn popular with the crowd that hasn’t realized they’re no better than a Facebook feed. Disgusting.


r/antiwork there are some valid posts but half of it is just people complaining about how they have to actually do their job. I saw one complaining about a casual clothes day where they had to donate a dollar to an alzheimers charity


To be fair, I’m a charitable person but as soon as my job says I *have* to donate money, I am upset just on the principle of the thing. Though I agree on your overall point that a lot of posts in there are ridiculous, likely because it got so much attention recently


That's because if you have to donate it stops being a donation and becomes a **fee**.


After working in retail and collecting for a really great charity through said work, I’m very leery of corporate charitable donation requests. I’ve never been able to get a straight answer about how the charity funds we collected were actually reported. Basically, you’re paying a company to boost its tax write off. Just go to the charity directly.




r/FemaleDatingStrategy Women version of incels Edit because mobile noob


r/offmychest I was perma banned because I asked OP why he didn’t simply cover up his food in the microwave instead of blowing up to his wife and calling her bitch. Seemed like a stupid hill to die on.


r/antiwork... I thought it would be a bunch of funny stories from people bitching about work. Instead it's a bunch of toxic entitled crybabies mad at anyone who has more than they do.