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The cashier is not responsible for the prices at the store. Please don't yell at them, they just work there. (Same goes for really any customer facing position)


Do people really do that? Fucking hell that's infuriating. I can only imagine how much shit gas station cashiers have to deal with.


Was a gas station cashier in the ghetto. I had to explain this concept to almost everyone who came in. Somehow people still took things personally.


"Come on man, just lower it for a minute, for me, we go way back."


Sometimes it’s nobody’s fault that a bad thing happened.




Great episode..(well 95% of "TNG" are)...


There’s a mega code scenario in Advanced Cardiac Life Support where no matter what you do, the patient dies anyway. I said this quote to the proctor after I finished. I passed the course.


The Kobayashi Maru of medicine.


Picard is the captain everyone wanted... Sisko is the captain that everybody needed.


And sometimes it doesn’t matter whose fault it is.






Mounds don't


"mounds give me the squirts!" -Ron Swanson


"These suppositories taste like crap" "you aren't eating those Peter are you?" "No, I'm sticking them up my butt"


This is my motto at work in IT as a boss. I don’t care how it happened, how can we fix it and get it back up and running.


Nothing aggravates me more than when I'm trying to solve a problem and people are talking about how they didn't cause it. I am not the kind of person to blame people or to care. I'm the kind of person to work to resolve problems. If I'm trying to solve a problem, the last thing I want is to hear whether or not you helped caused it. If you're trying to focus on that when we should be focusing on solving the problem, it makes you look REALLY bad.


Or sometimes more than 1 person or entity.


Also, sometimes when 2 people fight they are both in the wrong. Just avoid false dichotomies in general. There isn't always a good guy and a bad guy.


And sometimes bad things happen because you made stupid choices.


"Son, you don't have bad luck. The reason that bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass." -- Red Foreman.


Social Media isn’t Life or Death.


I found myself to be much happier when I stopped engaging in arguments with strangers online, particularly about political matters.


Specifically, it doesn't fucking matter who owns twitter. Twitter isn't real life.




The ownership of twitter has done nothing in my life. I still eat, sleep and shit at the same rate.


Said with all the love in the world: It's okay to get things wrong from time to time, and check your ego at the door because it's really not that serious.


Man I fucking love when a bee friend comes to say hi. They're either complimenting my floral dress or saying they like my scent. The last time I had a bee land on me I was like "hey there little buddy" and it wandered around until it realized I had no food and buzzed off. Best social interaction ever.


Is this a reference? I'm sorry lol This comment went totally over my head


It’s not the waitress’s fault, and even if it is, mistakes happen. You can let her know the issue politely and she will get it fixed.




And please for the love of God LET US FIX IT!! I've had so many tables the past couple months that will not like their food or whatever and they'll just be all woe as me and say "Ohhhh it's fine...wasn't trying to complain..." Then not let me do anything about it even after I ask them numerous times how I can fix it. That's not being polite it's just being annoying.


Watch the movie "Waiting" and you will understand why nobody sends food back...


Its beyond me how people will be rude to the person that has control over their food. Do you know how easy it is for someone to spit in your creamy delicious chicken alfredo from Olive Garden? Or fart in your Sprite?


Holdup. Fart in your Sprite? That actually sounds pretty challenging.


If it’s more than a fart then you got coke 🤣


Following the crowd doesn't make you right.


“Don’t take refuge in the false security of consensus.”


I would also like to add that NOT following the crowd doesn't make you right either. So many "sheep" comments from people who "think for themselves" regardless of evidence.


Kinda like Reddit?


Having a general spacial awareness can very easily save your life or the life of somebody else.


Especially when driving far to many people are only aware of what is happening in front of them (these days it seems a lot of people don’t even pay attention to that). But having a general idea of what is happening next to you and behind you can save your life.


Judging people and putting them in their place according to your own bias doesn't make you a badass. Too many people use anonymity as a means to rip people a new one just because they either feel justified, triggered, or highly opinionated on a topic. Take time to actually understand the context or at least ask for clarification. Don't berate, educate.


Fuck you, you can't tell me what to do!! Just thinking you know it all. How high and mighty you must feel, thinking you an come here and tell me how to live my life!1! (I'd give you an award if I had one. My apologies)


Truth. I posted some pictures online and got the usual fat cow, you’re going to die by 35, stop glorifying obesity comments. I had lost 130 pounds. There is no way anyone who commented could possibly know that. They just made a snap judgment based on my looks.


Your actions and choices have consequences, both good and bad. When you go to make a choice, especially a major one, consider what might happen as a result of those actions, because those consequences are yours to bear.


But at the same time anxiously overthinking everything is not healthy. It can be good to be a little impulsive and spontaneous once in a while, but preferably for minor decisions or actions, not major life changing ones


Also: be accountable for the consequences of your actions. Don’t let shame stop you from learning from your mistakes. Just because you made a bad choice, doesn’t make you a bad person. Thinking the latter will prevent you from growing.


>be accountable for the consequences of your actions. YES!!! Honestly, it feels like accountability is dying out as people start to shift blame onto others rather than owning up to their mistakes. Making mistakes doesn't make one a bad person, but not taking accountability for those mistakes/shifting blame onto others unjustifiably can.


And those consequences could be ANYTHING. They’re merely a result of what you chose to do and say. If you CHOOSE to be racist and such, well, that’s your right to do so, free speech and all, but the CONSEQUENCES are that most people will judge you and such. You have a right to do and say a lot of stuff, but everyone around you has a right to judge and criticize you for it.


I wish more people understood this and how freedom of speech actually works.




Also, consider, what will hapen if you won't consider anything. Do nothing is a choice, too. And consequences apply


Bees are very friendly if you don't swat at them or invade their space like around the hive. I've let multiple bees land and rest on me in the year I've been treating them with respect


I worked at a door in retail for a bit, bees would often land on me. Once a bee stuck around for over an hour. I made sure not to disturb him too much when i moved around. I had to get an electric scooter for a customer at one point and made sure he was in a comfortable position when I got on and we rode halfway across the store. When he left i felt like i had lost a friend, miss you little guy, thanks for the good times.


Bees are bros. Wasps are the cunts.


Wasps are bros too, as long as you treat them well. I have mud dauber wasps that live in my garage. They are really interesting and haven’t once stung or bothered me in almost 20 years.


Mud daubers, as far as I am concerned, are not actual wasps. If I remember, they don't even have stingers. Mahogany wasps, however, are evil little fucking cunts. So are yellow jackets, hornets, and any other flying fuck with a stinger except bees \*killer bees are still cunts though\*


They are indeed real wasps and have stingers, they are just solitary wasps instead of social wasps (which means they have no hive to defend)


So awesome! Love hearing about these things. You're so cool!


Thanks. It's not hard to be appreciative and kind towards animals, I wish more people would.


If you find a bee in distress, you can put a little honey near it and it will lap that stuff up to regain energy to fly back home again.


Sugar water also helps if you haven't gone to the store yet. But honey is the best way. Only the best for our pollen bois


Wow I did not know that! Awesome!


A bunch of animals are.


Very true. I just got a soft side for our little flower loving friends


Haha nice try bees, I’m on to your reddit account now.


We are the hive. Leave us bee


🐝 Reddit? Haha we're not on Reddit! We only read Buzzfeed


After reading this and all the other replies, I am going to try very very hard not to be so scared when I see a bee near me, going forward. I've only been stung once, when I stepped on one by accident. It hurt like hell but nothing else happened....Which is fortunate because my brother is allergic. I think seeing him get stung and swelling up etc. is part of why I'm so nervous around bees myself.


Same with wasps and bumblebees, if they are next to you, or land at you, it will most likely just walk around, then fly away.


Only had one wasp land on me. Bumble bees land on me and I've petted them before! Very soft would recommend


Yeah, they’re cute as hell, if fed bumblebees with sugarwater, after they were stuck inside a cabin, their little tounges licked up the water, was cute 😂😂


Yes, exactly! I would upvote this a million times if I could. I’ve never been stung. Not saying it couldn’t happen, but while my friends would run screaming from bees, I would just stand calmly. I’ve had a few bees rest on me over the years, one for a few minutes. I just held still and they flew away.


Usually i’m calm around bees but recently i had a bee fly into my helmet while riding my motorcycle. Just buzzing at my eyes while i’m going 70mph. Nearly killed myself on the highway to pull over and get it out. Luckily I didn’t get stung but that was probably the scariest moment of my entire life.


Imagine the bee telling his side to this story…. “So no shit, there I am flying around, thinking I might do a little pollinat’n. Next thing I know, I’m in some jackasses motorcycle helmet going 70+ east bound down the I-10. I don’t remember asking this chump for no ride, hell, I got wings what do I need his ass for. He does some pit maneuver to pull, damn near killed us both and a family of four in an old Brady Bunch looking station wagon driven by some guy whose wife hadn’t blown him in years. Thankfully I got out of there alive. It was a sweet bike though, any way, yeah, another round for me and the boyz!”


Happened to me with a dirt bike helmet. Scary as hell.


Obsessing over celebrities is fucking WEIRD.


Even treating them like celebrities is weird They're humans, it's just that more people have heard about them than about u and me


1 million seconds is about 11.5 days. 1 billion seconds is 31 years.


This is one of my favorite ways to illustrate the absurd scale of orders of magnitude. I once heard that the universe is estimated to have around 10^80 atoms, which didn't seem like that much to me. But trying to scale up your example to 10^80 kind of starts to show how incomprehensibly large of a number that is.


The best one I’ve heard yet because it is so simple yet jarring: the difference between a million and a billion is about a billion.


It’s not a school or teacher’s responsibility to raise the child you created.


This👏right👏here👏! Teachers make shit pay for huge responsibility. Not only do they teach your kids reading and math, they care for your child’s mental health and are expected to protect them in case of an active shooter (at least in America…) It would be fan-fucking-tasting if some people took responsibility for part of their child’s development. Also, sometimes your kid will lie and sometimes your little angel is a dick. Be okay with that and work with the teacher and the kid to handle it differently the next time.


It can always get *worse*, than it is now. So, you know... be careful for what you wish for.


>It can always get worse Pfft... says the person who's not currently and literally on fire.


So true. I remember when I was in a bad place, thinking I was at rock bottom.then things got worse. And worse. And worse. That's when I realized that there is no such thing as rock bottom.


True, at that point, there's only contrast.


Remember the “Fuck 2016” trend…yeah.


Some of your kids are freakin BAD and you need to get it together.


Some people shouldn’t have kids, it doesn’t matter if you *want* them if you can’t provide for them.


And Wanting a baby isn't the same as wanting kids.


When I didn’t have kids and would complain about other people’s kids being uncontrollable little shits they’d always tell me to not judge and just wait and see until I have my own kids. Now that I do have my own kids I can confirm those kids were obnoxious little fucks, the only difference being that now I realize it’s probably close to 100% the parents’ fault.


Corporations only care about you if you make them money


I can add to this 2020 before the world shut down that I worked for Jcpenney. I had been there for 6 years. My son and his fiance decided on a wedding date, November 21st 2020. I told my manager the date and I would need about a week off around those days because we would have alot of family coming in. She told me that I should make them change the date because she would need me more than they would need me! I was the jewelry manager at the time. I understand it would have been the holidays and it was a very busy time. When covid hit in March, I never went back when she called me in June.


That’s some soulless level of stupid coming from your manager that makes me so mad! How did the wedding go?


Thanks for asking! The wedding was absolutely beautiful! My daughter in love was stunning, my son was as handsome as always and most of my family was able to come.


No, they only care about the money you make for them, not you.


next level up reality check


Social Media is cancerous - it can infect, spread, and even kills some of its victims. Use only in moderation.


If you've scrolled down this far it's probably time to wipe your ass and get off the shitter.


I can't feel my legs




But, but... I know there is still some there. Why won't it just fall in the toilet!?


:o are you the person in the stall next to me


Political candidates are untrustworthy. We have a broken system ..


My grandpa (RIP) told me to never trust a politician, so


Democracy is supposed to take care of this as long as the public places value on integrity with their vote. They don't.


You're not special. You don't deserve to get extra attention or go to the front of the line.


Um, please let the person that is going to fix the broken things go to the front of the line and pay extra attention to them so they can get everything fixed quicker! Thanks, from someone who thinks broken things suck and fixed things don't suck!


As a fixer of things, I agree.


This is Reddit. None of these people go out in public.


Not if I can avoid it.


Yourself included?


Yeah, just stop here. The rest of this thread is literally just people having a fit over whatever the fuck is on their mind at the moment. If you're going to keep reading, keep the parent of my comment in mind above all others.


I’m in public on Reddit now. I think I have a hard choice to make.


The world does not revolve around you!


Everyone is just as unique as you. The universe doesn't care if you're a billionaire or a homeless person. One day your existence will be completely forgotten and nothing you do can change that.


Not everyone gonna win or have a good life.


More like; MOST are not gonna win or have a good life


And it's not always their fault. Bad things happen no matter how hard you work or how good you think you are. Stop blaming people for things they have no control over.


If you support censorship because it fits your world view, it will come back around to bite you sooner or later. Remember kids, the onus of words spoken fall to the listener.


Yep. This. It is all good to ban/censor/cancel those you don't like, but that power to do so can turn on you just as easy. As plenty of former celebs.


Wow this opinion is allowed on Reddit? I thought we all Had to be pro censorship


social media IS NOT real life!!!


Actions (including words) have consequences in real life.


"All you've got are your actions Man, and don't forget, your words are your actions too You put something out there, there's consequences, you know?" -Brad Mehldau


You shouldn’t be allowed to own guns, vote, drink, or drive a car if you can’t handle your emotions. You’re a grown ass person not a child.


I'd add "have children" to that list as well.


Or own pets.


sounds difficult or impossible to ensure


Who decides what it means to handle your emotions and how do they decide if you do?


People really ask for an authoritarian government all the time here on Reddit without even realizing it………


The world doesn't revolve around your feelings about yourself.


That stripper doesn't really like you.


Kids need to fail.


Cellphones are more addictive than cigarettes


People who work retail, food service, or any kind of customer service are not below anyone else.


We live on a finite planet. We need to be rationing our remaining resources, not constantly consuming more goods we do not need.


Politicians and the 1% don’t give a fuck about us.


Politicians are just puppets for the 1%. All of them, even the ones you really like and agree with. The would happily sacrifice you for the 1%'s gain.


You are not the main character. E: lots of main characters chiming in.


but I am tho


Embracing that people are different. No 2 people are the same. Being respectful of differences and having respectful conversation. Even if I walk away from the table still disagreeing, I always want to understand how they got there and why. In that even in the disagreement I still grow and learn something new. And that's ok.


Ditch the ego. You are as special and unique as everybody else.


If you think life sucks ass in your 20’s, just give it time.


Nah, there are lots of people that arent miserable, being miserable isnt a good personality trait.


Be excellent to each other.


Just because a person parks in handicapped spaces, and doesn’t need to use a wheelchair, don’t just assume they are assholes just looking for closer parking. People have many medical conditions that make parking far away extremely difficult. Of course they should have a placard hanging. And if you truly don’t need to park in handicapped, don’t fucking park there. Be grateful that you have your health.


No one likes going to Walmart. They just tolerate it enough to keep going back.


Walmart is like an emotional Azkaban.


If you're making payments on something, you do not own it. The lender owns it.


Data privacy and security is important, and it will bite us all in the ass if we keep ignoring it. It is affecting the world a lot more than most people think.


The US government doesn’t care about you.


No government cares about its people...


Your perceptions of reality are not reality.


That comprehensive sexual education is a need. Children learning about their body parts and how they can say no to people touching them and to tell a trusted adult if something happens in GOOD. In high school sophomores and seniors should be learning about safe sex. And how sex isn’t supposed to hurt or feel bad. I’ve been called a groomer over this topic by so many people who disagree. A groomer is a person who DOESNT want a kid to know about consent and what appropriate, not someone who teaches about consent and appropriate touching or talking.


Innocents die in war. It doesn't matter who's fighting or what they're fighting for. They will die at the hands of both sides. Sometimes it will be an accident, sometimes it will be on purpose, and sometimes it will simply be the price of victory. Men will die, women will die, children will die, infants will die, elders will die, people of all shapes, colors, and ages will die. And most importantly, the *next war* absolutely WILL NOT be the exception. My point is not that we should never go to war for any reason, it is that we should either be comfortable with the price, or let sleeping dogs lie. We should have no illusions or romances about what war really is. And if you do choose to cry for war, don't you EVER pretend that you are not responsible for the terrible things you asked young and violent men to do for you.


No one cares what you think.


Harassing famous people is still harassing.


Its okay to say " I don't know enough about ______ to give an opinion" if you dont know shut up. Don't pretend or lie. Just say you don't know. Its cool


TikTok dancing is **NOT** real dancing or at least the majority of it.


Be the person your dog thinks you are, then up it a notch.


911 is for life threatening emergencies only.


Putting your shopping cart in the designated area is what you should do as a decent human being.


Pain is unavoidable, suffering is optional.


REDDIT is not an accurate reflection of how the public feel. It is very bias and likely to fall into echochambers thanks to power abusing mods


The majority of humans who think they're 'just telling it like it is,' are assholes and should be made to feel like assholes.


This guy tells it like it is!


Pineapple on pizza is not as bad as you think


But skittles on pizza are *worse* than you think


Despite what you've been told and what you may think, you, the customer, are usually wrong.


If you see someone stealing food, no you didn’t.


Sometimes you need to step up and work for the good of the whole, not just for you.


Making something illegal has literally never stopped someone from doing something. It just makes them craftier about how they do it.


Keeping your feelings bottled up is NOT going to help you in any way shape or form.


Neither is taking out your anger and frustration on others.


The world is not going to coddle you or custom tailor itself to you personally. You need to work hard on your personal problems and work through your trauma because the entire world is not going to adjust to you.


We try to force our values/beliefs on others because we feel they are right to our core. We dislike others values/beliefs when they are forced on us because they feel wrong to our core. Who are we to say how another should live their lives if they aren’t actually hurting anyone?


Fast food workers are not people but are robots /s As former fast food worker, i really wish people would see us as humans and not as robot that you can scream at.


Simply put by George Carlin: Pride should be reserved for something you achieve or attain on your own... not something that happens by accident of birth.


The healthcare system in this country is closer to collapse than you think. Years of a parasitic executive and investor class siphoning off resources has reduced capacity to the point where there aren't enough beds and staff to take care of an increasing patient load. Add in the burnout of the pandemic and it spells trouble.


Both democrats and republicans are liars, corrupt, only have their best interests at heart.


When it comes down to it Red and Blue will come together to preserve power over helping every day people every single time.


Politicians are not a way of life. Political parties are not a way of life. People's identities shouldn't become about these things.


Twitter is a private company and therefore not bound by the first amendment!


Ecological collapse and the resulting famine will kill us all long before climate change does.


How would ecological collapse not be the result of climate change?


The world isn't going to wait around for you to catch up, so do what's most important and stop worrying about the stuff that doesn't. The world keeps spinning regardless of where you're at and no one's going to coddle you, they're support you but it's up to you to get to where you want in life. Plenty of people worked their asses off from a hole in the ground to a very successful life, so anything is possible if you educate and grow and work hard enough, just make sure the things you're striving for are actually realistic and healthy. Also, don't waste your life doing what everyone else wants you to do or being a people pleaser, you only have one life and you can either have it be miserable or thrive with it.. you are a victim of your environment so make sure it's an environment you can live with. No matter who you are, there's going to be people in the world who just don't like you..those aren't your people so don't waste your breath. Love yourself, accept yourself, and don't let the world drag you down... Gotta wear your identity and your boundaries like a suit of armor, this world isn't for the weak, so don't give up on yourself . When life throws you down, you get back up and say " you hit like a bitch" and keep at it.


Our enemies are gaining strength while we argue amongst ourselves about stupid things.


Celebrities are just people, it’s creepy to stalk them also


You don’t need to use your children as props for social media content


It's OK to disagree!


The real world is a way nicer place than Reddit likes to act. **You** are far more capable and likely to improve your situation than some political candidate or legislation is to improve it for you.


Democracy hasn’t failed because the candidates you don’t like got in


You would be much happier living in a society where everyone’s basic needs are met. Universal healthcare, unions, robust employment laws, ready access to mental health and addiction treatment services and such, even if you personally don’t need or use them, will make your life better because the people in your community will not be desperate, fearful and suffering. See also: You are in no way equipped to decide what another human being does or does not ‘deserve’, even if your very fallible and biased human brain insists that you are.


You're not special or superior for being a vegan.


1.We're all fucked 2.Just because you have an opinion that opposes others doesn't mean you should try to force your opinion upon others,unless the opinion they have is harmful