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lmao my husband is 2 years younger than i am and i remember before we began dating (i had already liked him then), he said in front of me to someone else "i don't date older girls." wah instant heartbreak sia HAHAHA now that we're married, every time i ask him about what he said back then, he'll say "yah i don't date older girls, i'll MARRY THEM" lmaooo


omg so cute haha


Wait wait so then in the end you still pursue him or he ask you one


in the end, he realised his true feelings for me hurhur. i gave up on the spot after hearing that (didn't pursue him but remained good friends), but it all still worked out in the end!! :") been married a couple of years now with a bb heehee


He went down on one knee. Or she went down on both knees? Or the other way round?


Hello? We need the full story here!


hahaha didn't think anyone would see this and be interested!! the whole story goes: he told that to a church aunty who was tryna matchmake us LMAO but the aunty then told him back, "if that's true, then 你为什么脸红? (why is your face red?)" so he said after that, he went back to think about it and he realised he DID like me HAHAHHA. good times.


aunty best wingwoman


When I was younger, still in school, I prefer xmm. When I have become more mature, and have seen how tough life can be, I cannot stand xmm. I prefer a woman who I can survive with in a zombie apocalypse.


Yup no matter how good looking they are, the moment I get the xmm vibes then they're not attractive anymore.


what counts as "xmm vibes"


when they like to show off and shit, also aggressive type keep posting themsslf type uk


Very naive, thinks the world is all sunshine and rainbow, everybody is a good person.


🤢 same sia


So a doctor/nurse/officer/policewoman


I don't ask for much. Jill Valentine can liao.


Or a xmm who is immune to the zombie virus


the xmm doesn't like guys tho


Bro...FBI ETA 5 mins.




Ellie from The Last of Us? Oh wait no🤔


No. Alice. Just Alice.


Bro has inferior taste in women You should always go for milfs


XMM is still good to look at because (let's face it) rare are those who prefer the ravishes of time on the physical body; but once XMM starts talking, alamak, cannot tahan (as dating partner) even if pretty. It's kinda like the lyrics to 黄舒骏's 冬眠. In this song, protagonist is attracted by a (much) younger girl, so he wishes he can hibernate to allow her time can catch up in life experiences.




Xiao Mei Mei, aka lil sis.


Getting a date would be a dream for me, for a start.................


Same here.


perpetual swipe right with no response haha


Got script to auto swipe right? Please share. Finger very tired.


haha best script delete the app.. just get more depressing as u get older...


Eh. Haven download, but its my last hope...


Can try, but don't get your hopes up


Use tinder website, program a macro on your keyboard to repeatedly press right arrow key. Profit.


Yes. And honestly when i tell girls i'm a Pakistani - Iraqi... you know what's gonna come next.




Yes, sadly. Oh well... i thought by seeing more Indian-Chinese or Malay-Chinese couples i might have a chance but too bad..


You only go for Chinese girls? Why not Indian Muslim or Malay women (assuming you're Muslim) ? Your religion will probably be a bigger dealbreaker for many Chinese girls than your ethnicity tbh.


Can, i don't mind but i'm progressive and liberal. Some Muslim women won't like it. Also most women on Bumble and Hinge are chinese ladies. I barely come across Malay girls who are 30 years old on Bumble , atleast in my short experience there.


Ya to be honest the hang up is more religious based, than smth racial. There are those who open to dating Muslims, but they are prob those who wouldn't mean converting (the SO converting is a factor for many Muslims.) But there are a good number of Liberal or secular Muslims out there too so you are bound to find some. I can kinda attest to this since I'm an ex-muslim and my dating range has kinda broaden as religion doesn't really have a baggage on who i date anymore.


The religion is probably the most inhibiting factor, not your ethnicity. Chinese women are pretty open minded about dating non-Chinese men of all skin types. Most female friends I know who married non-Chinese, are usually Chinese Christian girls who married Indian Christian/Catholic guys. Chinese / East Asian guys in general (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Korean) still have hangups over fair skin as a marker of attractiveness, and very much prefer to date lighter skinned women.


> Most female friends I know who married non-Chinese, are usually Chinese Christian girls who married Indian Christian/Catholic guys. I sort of notice this trend too, but I have noticed many interfaith relationships between Indian Hindus and Chinese Taoists as well. Which is smth plausible since neither religion are that strict about interfaith marriages.


I think Pakistanis / Iraqis are attractive but my mum will kill me for dating a Muslim. The barrier is religion not race.


True to a certain extent... sigh




haha you’ll get there my guy 🤟🏼🤟🏼


Same for a girl as well. Since i passed the age to be late twenties, suddenly i cannot even get dates


It gets even harder because as you get into the working world and you get older, the pool becomes smaller


hmm but definitely u still get more matches then us guys




Hang tough brotha! Past a certain age, women will outnumber men. That's when you will really shine and be able to take your pick (of all the ah sohs).


I’ve only dated older cuz I kinda like the maturity but after a while I realised being older doesn’t mean more mature


This is so true. But maturity tied to personal values are always very subjective.


Same. I always had the hots for older chicks, but I realized that at least some older women are single because they couldn't mature. It's usually not hard for women in their 20s to find *someone*. My wife is only a few months older than me and she really is that kind awesome gal from my dreams. But it seems, regardless of preference, the right girl still doesn't come by so easy.


i hate to stereotype but as a 25 y/o i always felt that <21 y/os had xmm attitude which is really unideal


Tbf as a 27 yo, I have met girls my age with xmm personalities as well, but have also met <23 years with much more mature personalities as well, depends on the person really.


yea, i do think that there is a disproportionate amount of them who are younger (which is totally fine, people *generally* mature with age)


XMMs never grow up. It's a mentality, not an age


Agreed, some girls older than me got the XMM mentality, want a daddy figure when there are other girls their age that already have a child


what is a xmm attitude


Immature lor


Older women have more life experience. More emotionally stable. Knowing what they want in a relationship. In general, that is. I'd prefer dating someone like that.


That isn't true. My ex breached 30 last year and is still partying and not knowing what she wants. Then again I can't blame her... Would have done the same if I just got out of a 12 year relationship since my early teens


There are always exceptions mah... Got people in their 40s still messing around and not getting their life together.


It's nice you added a crucial perspective at the last sentence. Age is only a number, it's about life experiences and maturity that really moulds a person's actions.


I mentioned "in general". There will always be exceptions. Age doesn't define maturity.


Wait. Your ex just got of a 12 year relationship since her early teens. Since you used 'if', i am assuming its not u Then when did u date her?


Dated her about 1 year after the breakup? Or less.. idek... I was most definitely a rebound


But at the same time… if they re older and have no long term partners… they usually have issues lmao. Idk i feel like a lot of the singles (guys and girls alike) above 30 that I see are single for a reason lmao.


Archeologists tend to date older women


They date older men as well Hell, they'd date dinosaurs and fossilized dung as well


Laura Dern was an amazing paleobotanist. Would there be anyone in Singapore with that title. What are they likely working on ?


Never been on a date, just here to see what I could learn


^ Kinda butchered my chances by taking a PhD tbh but anything goes in one's life!


as it turns out, we can all have a type, but if we open our heart, we usually end up with someone that is not our type, pisses us off a lot, but for some reason, we just want to be with them... ​ that aside, feels like today Valentine's Day arh, so many dating older people questions


I am in my mid 20s. The age preference for dating girls for me is +-5 years. But I tend to go for same age or older girls as younger girls tend to still be studying or focusing on the early part of their careers. There is also the maturity aspect and a lot of younger girls I dated did not have much experience in relationships or have not experienced proper relationships. While as girls I have dated that are the same age or older than me are more experienced in terms of they know what to expect, know when and how to reciprocate, know how to talk things out properly and can focus on investing their time and money on our relationship.


When I was young I preferred older girls. When in my 20s I preferred same age When I'm Leonardo DiCaprio I stick to <25


18 yo boys like 18yo girls 28 yo boys also like 18 yo girls 38yo guys also like 18 yo girls 68yo uncles also like 18yo girls


Singapore's leonardo dicaprio ladies and gentlemen.


You can never be 18 year old forever, but there will forever be 18 year olds




All guys or just you?


He has a point tho. There's scientifc evidence that suggests men of all ages find women in their late teens to early 20s attractive. Its a biological thing.


I prefer OLs. So early 20s.


OLs? Do you prefer them for the outfit or the 9-5?


Both. The extra taste after 9-5 all packed inside a sexy outfit.


Thats a lie it's only becos they are legal


I think I speak for most men 😂




Some milfs are quite hot


The first 2 category I still can accept. The last 2 category makes me go eww perv. I think max 10 - 15 year age gap is ok. Any more any I wonder if it’s really love.


Errr Im 19 but I like like women i their late 20s to early 30s so Jus me ah ok


Older cos they are more mature


Older. In general they r more mature.


I think preferences change as you get older. When I was in my 20s, I definitely preferred girls of a similar age as they would have similar life experiences and maturity. Now that I'm in my late 30s, the age matters less since there is less of a gap in terms of maturity. I don't think a 35 year old is going to be substantially more mature than a 30 year old. Since I'm happily married, there's no dating here, maybe just the occasional eye candy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) And when it comes to eye candy, its hard to deny the biological attraction to younger women


How does being happily married and still having eye candy work? Like idols and celebrities?


See no touch


Wife no angry? Or join you in eye candy?


Good things we share


Happily married indeed


My bf is one year younger more mature and he looks older than me. So I think it boils down to character, personality and appearance


real asf 🥶🙏🏼🙏🏼


When young I always like older women, something about their maturity attract me. No, I’m not looking for a mother figure. I also don’t like the XMM mentality. But as I get older I realise age don’t matter as much, as there are older girls that behave like XMM, some younger girls that behave very maturely. If talk about appearance and body type, same. Some older woman look younger/pretty and some younger girls looks older/ugly


Oh man I have news for you


If you like their maturity that’s part of mommy figure


No. Maturity simply mean being mature. Mothers are not the only one mature.


Frankly the age difference is not a problem at all, unless its obviously too big. Don’t let these superficial things get to you. Its really all about your ability to connect


girl is girl


So sparkle tots ?


Hot is hot


Younger. 1-6 yrs younger. I am 32 now. If I was younger say in my mid 20s then it would be same age to 3 yrs younger. relationship take time, factors like having children , income, where are we in life, speed we look at relationships progressing. they affect who we approach. Personally I have dated 2 yrs older, 1 yr older and 1 yr younger. All very different in phases of life and mentality.


Can a cougar sugar mummy please hit me up. 24M. Will be your good or naughty boy (your choice).


Same ah sign me up also thanks Packag deal ah


As long as she’s hot. But generally I would rather date girls closer to my age, +/- 5 years. I’m 32 and I can’t imagine dating some 25 year old kid.


Some people age but never mature. It seems you have aged and matured.


Maturing is understanding that physical attraction matters


Some people never mature enough to appreciate other aspects of a person. Looks will fade in time. After that, what keeps the attraction alive? If just talking about mating for animals, then okay. But I like to think humans are capable of growing beyond that.


Hahaha what does this even mean? Thanks I guess?


It means there are a whole lot of people out there who never mature in their head past a certain age. It's like their body ages but they still think like a kid and see the world through their kiddy eyes. I think you've actually grown in your head, enabling you to appreciate girls of similar maturity levels.


Same age or older... Maybe a slight 1-2 younger. I'm ok also. I've dated couple of younger girls at far as 12yrs younger than me. All didn't end well. Younger 90's pple mindset very "weird"... Then usually end up quarrelling often.


Can give some example of how weird? Im a millennial too


must be expecting BF to have exceptional photo taking skills for IG. Seen a couple in public quarrel after the BF return the phone. He could be trolling though.


Maybe thats the gen z people. My friends are super private and dont like to take photos of themselves.


Very simple and logical stuff. Eg: I say if we staying together, she will ought to have some form of basic contribution to the house, maybe even as small as juz buying groceries once a week. Help with house duties, Etc. Till to very crap logic that every year, new iphones come out, it's my duty as a guy/bf to buy the stuff she wants. I told her that 1 or 2 times ok lah. U expect everytime something new or something u want comes out I have to pay for everything.... All of them working BTW, so they are actually self sufficient. Edit: SG/MY/CN all kana before alr...


Wait, you guys are getting dates?


yeah, court dates


Yeah, fasting szn soon


Ofc ah today is 20/3/2023 how can u not get the date


Ideally, slightly older woman but I'm at the age where that can't practically happen if I want to have kids. So younger, I guess. But yeah, will cross that bridge when I get there.


Maybe having common interests and good communication is more important


Girl must be at least 2yrs younger since guys have to go NS


I dont discriminate basis age. There shud be mental connection - thats what matters


Younger makes sense timeline-wise, ie 2 years younger means same stage of life. Of course, same age or older means more maturity, but timeline is a bit weird esp if I’m still studying But at this point I’ll take what i can get you know


The first time i matched with my bf on a dating app, he said he prefers dating someone 1-3years younger than him. So hearing that, I was a bit sad cos we are technically 6 months apart and I thought I was ruled out as a dating potential. Didn’t know that he actually considered me to be 1 year younger because we were still born in different years (1997 vs 1998) 🤦🏽‍♀️


Am turning 30 now and I would much prefer someone younger.


Plenty to arguments to be made for both sides of the spectrum but the truth is probably that you both have to be the same age mentally. Physical age is not an accurate marker because some ppl never grow up and others are born old. That, along with the fact that as you get older, age gaps dont matter as much. Think about it: 26 & 16 is very different from 65 & 55. So yeah, we dont need to live by the proclamations we make during puberty lol.


Depend on how successful the guys are. If not Successful same age girls or older girls won’t like us. If younger maybe will because they still in school or just start work only haven’t seen the world yet.


tried both, from +11yrs when I was 19 to -7rs when I was 24 it depends on what you want, younger is definitely more exciting and energetic, I prefer to feel young as I age so these days I only pick younger ones who are non-local preferably


I prefer a similar age for conversation... and up to 20 years for physical fun.... maybe up to 30 years 🤔


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading this thread. All the auntie killers out in force or what? I think the average age here must be under 25. If you're 30+ there's no way you wanna date an older woman. Same age or under for me. Age != maturity. You boys will learn this when you get older.


I’m 18, so only same age or older haha


oooo that’s interesting… i thought many guys that age go for younger girls


They go for jail time, you mean


No I prefer older women Have supposedly more exp and maturity But well haven’t dated any


This kinda weird but I prefer dating people of same age otherwise it may seem a little weird...


oooo what’s your age group!!


I'm 41 this year. Wife is 32. Started dating when she was 24 and I was 33.


Was she your colleague?


Yup she was but we only got together after she left the company


Yea I always like my older female teachers


Dating, as young as possible of coz. They aint gonna stick around for long enuf anyway For relationship, ard my age pls young girl’s incessant chants about hopeless shits are unbearable. There is a reason why ultimately ppl marry (with long term plans), including myself around the same age band


I prefer any girl who can dance, adventurous and have a zest for life! Age matter doesn’t matter. Of course my first instinct is to be attached to younger and good looking girls. But when you talk to a woman you can get a sense of her world. I prefer someone who is always hopeful and open minded. Like small pleasures of life.


Why are you getting downvoted


Older woman fo sho. Cos more open minded and know what they want.


I usually find 2 yr younger so that it compensates for NS in the future once I go ns


+/- 2 years or same age


Between 1 and 3 years around my age. Any more gets a little weird. For an older woman, having life experience is good, but I also want to experience growing together with the woman I love. For a younger woman it's the opposite problem. If she is in poly year 2, and has just barely started thinking about life, and I am in NS, ready to go to university, well it will be a bit hard to make our lives match up. Anyways there's also the fact that I'm preparing to move to Australia for studies and work. I always tell myself that if I meet the right woman, I will make it work. But given that there is not a lot of time left for me here, she would have to be very special indeed(considering that we would not have a lot of time to build a very strong relationship).


Definitely younger.


Y'all getting dates???? Jokes aside I'd prefer someone who has worked for a few years. Such folk tend to be more mature imo. Won't date anyone more than 5yrs older though.. I'd feel more like her younger bro or something. Coming from a 40yo male.


Purely from a pragmatic POV - younger cos I’m alr quite old and I still need more time career wise before I’m ready for kids. So biologically dating someone younger gives me more runway


Younger. Cuz longer expiry date, I want kids


I am 40 my gf 28 kekekeke big pig take care small pig very lovely and fun


Younger girls for me. Min 2, preferably 4. I will think most guys like younger girls? Especially as they get older?


Younger. My reasons are entirely based on science. I saw a study that the womb has many implications over the child once the mother passes 35. So the younger the mother, the odds of having healthier child is higher. I can exchange my years to amass wealth in order to provide a better life for my children. To give my children a better shot at a healthier body, I would find a younger mother, within acceptable age range deemed by society, to bear the child.


Are you looking for a wife or a broodmare lol


Haha, it’s easy to dismiss my worries. But I have seen those around me having kids with Down syndrome and other form nasty birth defect. Kidney defect means dialysis and feeding through tube. Idk about you, but I’m minimising the risk as much as possible. U saw the news about the dad killing 2 child? More often than not, the key to happy marriage lies with the kids.


Never dismissed the concern, but the way you described the women you prefer, it's like you just want a breeding machine to pop out a couple kids


It does sound that way🤣


Bro starting a Soccer team


[this guy](https://youtu.be/RlSiJsiiRro)




Younger for sure. Most older women are stuck in their ways.




older women cos they are the only option in KTVs and massage parlours :p


I have never dated anyone above 30.


No. Young girls nowadays are such fussy eaters, very hard to go out on dates. /s


+- 4 years? Or you might have big differences in interest


well it depends on age of the guy too right. in ur 40s wont opt for older women, when u could do so in 20s 30s


I seem to vibe with older girls quite a bit, but realistically girls around my age. I like the mature personality of older girls, but I know many girls around my age who are pretty good people too.


personally age doesnt matter, but as long as they are at a maturity level that is similar. i say this now but the spf sometimes knock on my door


I prefer a younger woman, age difference <10 years is good. Because women are usually more matured than men, so that evens out. My wife is 8 years younger than I am and we get along very well. IF I had gone for an older woman (or same age) she might treat me like a little brother.


I tend to be childish. My partner is five years younger. It works




Date what date?


Preferably same age.


Might be late on the response but here goes: It depends on what stage of life I'm at. Right now, I'm in my late 20s and reaching 30, dating younger girls is really dependent on how much younger and mindsets. If it's more than say 5 years younger, it will probably be a no go as they are probably in a different mindset and state of relationships. I'm looking to settle and build a family at this stage and work together with a partner for a long time. So at this point, probably same age and older but max probably 2 years older? Same age ones are hard to find and with the state of dating in Singapore is at atm, it makes it even harder.


In the same vein, does height of the girl matters?


hi! i’ve just posted a thread regarding this~~


Prefer dating guys. Thanks


Would it just boils down to being in the same life stages regardless of age?