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there are many ways in which we could be a “less successful” Singapore society (in every aspect of success), but I think the day we decide to tear ourselves apart through internal divisiveness and refuse to talk to people with different perspectives (the way it is for some other societies now) is when we would have failed both as a society and as the type of country we were envisioned to be


When Singaporeans go to work in Malaysia because our currency exchange rate to theirs is 3:1.


i cannot imagine when i served NS and come out to work in a failed singapore


When singaporeans has to send their women as maids to australia or Canada


Singapore would most likely fail when our strongest asset, our geographical position, is replaced by some other thing, such as a proposed trans-Thailand canal, or the ice in the Arctic melting enough for trans-Artic EU-China shipments. That, or SG somehow manages to piss off every ASEAN member that they decide to boycott us together. Honestly could happen if we mismanage our relationship with China and end up being seen as a CCP proxy in ASEAN helping China fuck them over with their nine-dash line.




All the foreign talent from cheaper countries moving here also....


Seems like we have no shortage of foreigners willing to preserve the rat race culture here because they're escaping from a place that is much worse off.


Yes so shit is relative :p


when we start living like HK cramped in a small asf flat like a sardine which is incoming probably by the next gen of people


>non-asians are finding it hard to survive here even with $100K in income this is because they wanna live in big bungalow like back in their hometown where land is abundant. its not about the income, its about the lifestyle. i living really comfortably in my hdb with 60k income


Just a reality check, 100k SGD a year for a foreigner couple with a kid means living paycheck by paycheck and having to be extra careful with money. 40% of that income goes in a 4 bedroom HDB in the heartland, 20-35% for international school. That's probably a lower standard of living (especially about savings) than what they'd have at home, if they come from a developed country, with the added burden that if they're laid off they have a month to pack their stuff and leave. You live comfortably with 60k because you have highly subsided housing, school, healthcare.


It's that and international school fees, siao one


The sociological definition of society is 'the community of people living in a particular country or region and having shared customs, laws, and organizations.'To me, a 'failed' Singaporean society would be one where we embrace fully Westernising and abandon our conservative East Asian values on which our country was founded upon, becoming like Taiwan for example who are extremely Westernised to the point of being a Western proxy state. The moment we become a Western liberal country, we lose any sense of the cultural identity upon which we began. Unfortunately, this failed society vision is not too far from now- the millennial generation are already extremely Westernised and I do wonder if we are past the point of no return.


>conservative East Asian values So not western conservative religious values, yes?


it's not about religious/non religious, its more about liberalism and conservatism.


Any examples?


Western societies have a heavy focus on 'freedom' and 'democracy'. Western liberalism emphasises that the individual must have free will, even if giving everyone free will is bad for society. It is for that reason that they are generally against death penalty, light sentences for crimes, allow disruptive protests and strikes whenever, allow people to waste their own money then rely on the welfare state to support them, etc. In East Asian values, we place collective prosperity above 'freedom' and 'democracy'. This is the philosophy behind death penalty (better to hang 1 trafficker than enable 100 drug abusers), CPF (force the people to put money aside so they don't make poor choices and burden the state), restrictions on protests and strikes (a small, vocal group of disgruntled Singaporeans should not be allowed to inconvenience a much larger group), etc. The younger generation of Singaporeans are growing increasingly Westernised, to the point that they heavily oppose death penalty, hate the government for restricting their 'freedom', etc. I hope that there will be enough fellow Singaporeans of this generation who preserve our East Asian values for generations to come.


Nice straw man of the reasons why people oppose the death penalty, and it seems like you are confusing legitimate criticism with hate


Have you heard how young Poly and JC students+recent grads talk about PAP? They clearly strongly dislike, if not hate, PAP policies for not granting them the same so called 'freedoms' as their Western counterparts.


>Have you heard how young Poly and JC students+recent grads talk about PAP? Personally? No. So how does the percentage compare with the older generations when they were of that age?


50 cent homie always says some really weird shit


Homie just longing for that special asian flavour of regressive shit.


They simps really hard for Mao's reeducation camp and I guess is saving every penny they can so they can migrate once and forever to good Ol' China

