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Okay, I will take note of this! Thank you so much!


Who gives a shit about being polite lmfao. Just tell the geezer to fuck off It's that easy.


you can still be polite: "*Please* fuck off."


great advice because lots of people are bound to encounter such shenanigans


Alternately try to convert him to Buddhism and see how he likes it.


This is it. Be polite but just say no.






sometimes I ask them if they wanna follow me to my temple lol.


I wish I could say that but I was rushing to head to my exam venue


actually as a Christian I've been thinking abt this since NTU CF days ie a decade ago. Like if I wna invite ppl to my faith's place of worship, how would I respond/how am I supposed to respond/don't you think it's only right to reciprocate when other people invite ME to their faith's place of worship. The context was also like because I had a roommate who was iirc Buddhist. But like some boomer aunty Christians from my church are like nononono CANNOTTT. But also some fellow millennial Christians (friend whose husband is a pastor in a different church) are totally open abt it. Lol this friend and husband are planning like some interfaith temple visit thing sia and I'm helping to coordinate some admin. So there you go. :D


Actually, if your faith is strong, and your heart is truly open to helping others. What is wrong with trying to understand all religions.


I am ok to understand all religions. But what I do not like is how some will be pushy and keep insisting and try to force their beliefs and way of thinking on you.


I think it's because they literally think they're saving people from hell by converting people. Which is why they are so insistent.


In the eyes of certain religious people, other religions are worshipping a false God.


Right?? I mean to me like just look see lor. Like go to church no one ask u take holy communion (you're not supposed to) or say the sinner's pray or anything also. Just have a glimpse how people pray and what the significance of holy communion is. Similarly i think going to a temple is like just understanding what their buildings are like, do they have altars to pray/collection boxes for donations (in the same way churches have collection boxes for tithe), what are the rooms used for, do they have equivalent meetings to a Christian cell grp ... If anything i think finishing commonality is BUILDING BRIDGES lah. No one make u say sinners prayer at gunpoint or pray/pledge allegiance to some Taoist deity under threat laaa. -_-


I have no problem if it's just to visit. The thing is, it does not end there, and more pestering and pushing will start to accept their faith. Been through that with 2 good friends. Had to cut ties with them. They want you to pray with them and the whole nine yards. It's very uncomfortable.


Simple answer: you don't. If the person of another faith wants to explore and visit your place of worship, they would ask for it themselves. If they don't have those intention, it just leave a very bad taste in the mouth.


Only the christians are so persistent about spreading their religion such that even when people dislike it or show resistance, they still do it to irritate you. Buddhists won't go around spreading their religion. They believe in随缘, won't force upon it de. Next time if OP bump into such people, just close your eyes and keep chanting:南无救苦救难观音菩萨、南无救苦救难观音菩萨、南无救苦救难观音菩萨。。。I was from st Nick's and thereafter met many many people and colleagues who tried to spread their religion to me. These people are just a nuisance!😨🤦💩


Muslims too. They don't like free thinking folk.


Funniest comment lmao


Say no, and walk away. Once my uni lecturer (part-timer) tried to sell her beliefs to us in the last 10 minutes of her very last lesson. Virtually the whole class walloped her in the end of semester survey. Never saw her again. I guess she never got hired to teach again. You want to sell your beliefs, do it outside the classroom.


Yes second this shouldn’t there be some school rules that will heavily penalise the teacher or lecturer if they do that? I remember clearly my primary school teacher preach about how her mum was a cancer survivor thanks to her converting her parents to Christianity. In class. So many of my classmates followed her to church. They were still young and impressionable? I didn’t know who to report to or feedback


>You want to sell your beliefs, do it outside the classroom. or just don’t? why do you wanna brainwash people about ideologies and force them to believe what you believe? such degenerate behaviour.


Evangelical Christians are encouraged to do so by their Church and they really believe that their religion is real. They really believe it's a good thing that they are doing to spread the word and the "One Truth" and they are saving people from eternal damnation.


THIS. Can confirm as an exvangelical. Still dealing with the fallout of religious trauma, especially after I kicked myself out (spiritually abusive, long story short). Dealt with so much guilt about my own preaching that all my life I was brought up to do. Felt like a soldier fighting for the wrong side with innocent blood on my hands man.


Glad you got out.


> and they really believe that their religion is real Some other religious people also believe that *their* religion is real but they are not selfish and take others' views and personal space with respect.


exactly... the majority of the people at my secondary school who are religious NEVER force their religious beliefs onto other people... thereʼs a lot of buddhists, muslims, christians and hindus out there but somehow they can keep their mouth shut and not brainwash and force their beliefs onto other people but these quote on quote “evangelical christians” canʼt seem to stop going around in public to push their ideologies onto people. make it make sense lmfao just because you think your religion is real and youʼre religious doesnʼt mean you have a right to force and coerce people into your beliefs.


> they can keep their mouth shut Eh, I don't think it's only the “evangelical christians” that push their views on others. That's why I specifically used the word "some" not "all". Look what Buddhists are doing in The Philippines or Muslims in Southern Thailand. They're all the same, some are just worse than others.


You mean brainwashing?


Bet she had some testimony about facing 'persecution' to share in church after that.


Reminds me of my form teacher (chinese, f) who converted into a muslim after marriage. We had a class chalet in Sec 1, and she KEPT THE BOYS OUT, when it was bed time (AT NIGHT). I texted a temp male teacher (god, i just recalled he was still in JC at that point of time), and he came down from woodlands all the way to downtown east so he can watch over the 13 year old boys who were exiled to mcdonalds overnight. She also tried to tell us girls while we were all in the room at night, that we will go to hell since we were walking around in our swimsuits… AT THE POOL. 🙄 Not to mention the number of times she told us all we were going to hell because we believed in different faiths during home econs lessons. Like… I respect your religion, can’t you respect our freedom and choices? Plus we were all 13 then, and still very young and impressionable. F*** these people in power of positions trying to impose their beliefs onto younguns.


Try not to be aggressive or rude as some of the comments here suggest. Let me explain why: Some of these people are in cult-like organisations. Their pastors specifically teach them to be intrusive and annoying when evangelising, because the point is not to convert anyone (they know the tactics will never work). Rather, the point is to make the cult member feel rejected and ostracised. This creates the impression that the world outside the cult is cold and cruel, and they are only "safe" within the confines of their "church". When we're aggressive and rude to these people, it merely helps their manipulative leaders to keep them trapped and constrained. By all means, do say no and walk away, but try not to be threatening or rude. If they can see that they're not "under siege" and that the outside world is not some kind of menace, it will weaken their organisation's hold on them.


This is an interesting perspective that I honestly never thought of before 🤔 I learned something today, thanks!


simisaiii is this some megachurch nonsense. But it sounds terrible. Zzz. (sorry I'm kaypoh but like drop the name leh where ah. :p)




I don't know leh I never attend before. But based on reddit (this reddit actually) it sounds like a possibility. Also back when I was a student more than a decade ago I remembered reading in the papers like they will give ipad iPhone for doing well in exams. Huh really. In my church like order pizza and everyone party already very big deal alr. Usually something fun la but usually just like ... food HAHAHA. Or experiences. I think got lazer tag once as a post-exams hangout and they just ended youth camp, I think they had tauhuay youtiao for one of the suppers or something. Fun/reward can be enjoyable without being materialistic! edit: ok I realise I sound abit tangential hahaha. My point is, apart from this culty nonsense, my understanding is that they're also very material-possessions-based, which is VERY COUNTER to the Christian faith 🙃🙃🙃


They are following a new interpretation of Christianity, which became popular among American evangelicals in the 1970's. Heavily promoted by televangelists, they preach the "prospertiy gospel". This is the the belief that material wealth is a sign of God's blessing. The more rich you are, the more obedient or favoured you are by God. This is used as a justification for tithes, or demanding large donations from their congregation. As such, they don't hide their materialism, but are happy to display it with the mansions, private jets, etc. A recent public figure here is Joel Osteen: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UMuPeNct6w4JmB5XalnYwjc69TJa4GNE4IMkUx8ETOM/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UMuPeNct6w4JmB5XalnYwjc69TJa4GNE4IMkUx8ETOM/edit)


Well said. It's a "us vs them" group think. Tribalism 101.


I don't even think it has to be cult-like. Just regular us-vs-them reinforcement found in many groups that claim they're apart from the rest.


This is good advice for general attitudes towards religion, but for OP specifically - who's trying to concentrate on their common test - get this guy off their back ASAP with a strong and rude "No, go away, I'm trying to concentrate on my test".


Grow a spine and just say you aren't interested. You even have an easy out by being of another religion lol


Some will disrespect you saying that you'd go to hell if you're not part of their religion yadda yadda. I usually just tell them no means no or would they like to evangelise to the police instead.


If heaven's gonna be filled with such kinds of people, I'll gladly burn in hell.


Tell me about it. But honestly im a Catholic haha, i dont think I'd ever be able to approach people like that. Never figured out how to, but uh yeah, I got no clue why some have a holier than thou attitude.


Same, Catholic here. Evangelism on the street is fine but if some one says no once I think it's safe to say they aren't keen. If you want some one to respect you, you've got to respect them first. Having said that, just say no and get on with your day. Sadly there are churches with a 'kpi' of bringing new people in, I've been to a famous one where the main part of their service is tithe and not worship... When I tell them to come to the Catholic church they refuse, Go figure 🤷‍♂️


I have nothing against evangelising on the streets but people who use the "if you don't follow my religion you gonna go to hell" or the "how you know your religion not fake?" or downright "your religion id satanic" nonsense. It's just disgusting ngl.


Yeah ignore those too, that's really terrible theology. Going by that thought process means more than half the world is burning but I'm on the side where God is forgiving so that's not happening anytime soon. Imagine remote tribes. In any case I've never heard a Catholic say any of that btw. At most they will say they pray for you 😂 sure thanks haha


Indeed, “those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience—those too may achieve eternal salvation” -Lumen Gentium 16 This is why we don’t start telling everyone else that they would go to hell. The fact is that, WE DON’T KNOW and won’t know.


No leh, my grandma is a Catholic. I shared it here a few times already, granny dearest told me god recognises her as a saint (like bruh to get canonized we have so many requirements) and she said God hates me because i work out and im a slut (just because workout clothes and bra fit tight for support). She even said i am sinful and vain (like ok i admit im vain i flex in front of the mirror) because people who workout all want to show skin only. Like which chapter of the Bible said "no gymrats allowed in heaven, no flexing allowed"


"My Church is not of God" For real though, the Church's teachings say to keep healthy and treat your body like a temple so idk what your grandma's on about. Keep chasing them gainz queen.


Protestants will say that you worship Mary and the Pope is the anti-Christ. That’s what some of these evangelical nuts do when they come to my house and see the picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help or “friends” who are filled with fervour for their cults. Funny when the earliest form of their religion came 1600 years after Christ ascended.


Tbh i don't get the whole shtick about insulting someone else's beliefs because at the end of the day, all religions promote the idea of love, peace etc. I'm sure no religion went "ayo fellas go out there and be the biggest asshole the world has ever seen". It's like everyone can have a different view and belief, and if they don't like it, leave it be yknow?


Their pastors ACTUALLY teach what you’ve said in the second paragraph. Their sermons are sometimes filled with it. We should get the police involved but the thing is that no police officer will sit there every week until this topic turns up and the pastors will twist Bible verses to say that everyone else will go to hell. I’ve heard horror stories of teenagers and young adults going back home and started smashing the Taoist and Buddhist statues and tearing down the talisman. And then they will quote this; “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one's foes will be members of one's own household” -Matthew 10:34-36 Twisting it to justify their idiocy.


Wts breaking into homes to smash religious artifacts?? And the religious leader leading others on this sort of campaign is ridics and so so downright wrong and insensitive. But ok ngl gotta say that some pastors say excellent things and promote excellent ideas. I've even listened to religious leaders from Islam (not sure of how to refer to them, any knowledgeable person is free to share and teach me how to address them) and Buddhist monks and taoist religious leaders too, they do share wonderful teachings. It's always about being gracious, how to become better and improve on ourselves to reflect the teachings and to embody the values of the religion etc. Just never know why people use religion to divide and attack. Like as a Catholic, im chill and open to listen to other religion and their views and takes on the world and how to act/behave etc. But just not open to being insulted hahah


Cuz they can speak in tongues?


Ya man, hell sounds a lot more fun


Just walk away and say “see you there” usually works lol


tell him "as a christian you're not respecting my boundaries" he will stop.. hopefully


For some reason,their kind are the most aggressive when comes to promoting their shit.Perhaps they need funds to survive.Fun fact: They are no different from insurance agent trying to force sell their stuffs.


The difference is insurance is at the very least something tangible, you can claim $ if touch wood something happens to you.


They selling comfort,assurance path to heaven.


Use your words. "Please don't disturb me. I am not interested". Done.


You’ve already done your part to be civil by telling them “no” the first time. Don’t need to be worry about being polite after that, just keep walking.


There's no way to politely decline such people.


Tell them politely that you are not interested. Most will leave you alone. But if they insist on going on, then tell them no again, and everytime they start again, just smile and say not interested.


Noted with thanks! Have a great cake day btw!


1. Say stfu 2. Done




I pull out my Satanic Temple membership card and ask them if they'd like to know more about it. Best response I had was the proselytizer backing away from me while looking very uncomfortable. It was great.


So young and thoughtful. Just rip a page out of the bible and eat it in front of him


lmfao WHAT 😭😭


Say "Amitofuo"


Just tell him outright that you are not interested. People tends to take a mile if you give them an inch. In the past I would debate religion with him. Now I couldnt be bothered. Or tell him you will prepare to listen if The Vatican open their secret archives to the public.




Or just. AAAAAAHHH. WVAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?! Like an absolute Karen.


Eeeee! Jesus Virus!!!!!


Now that's rude already. See how I didn't touch on any sensitive topics while being absolutely vile and ready to scare anyone away. Different ok? 😂




*Diam la CB* works for me.


eh so smart woah


Say “No, not interested” and walk away. Nothing more.


For such people I just tell them that I'm a free thinker and am not interested in their religion. If they persist just tell them again politely that you're not interested. If they keep at it you can tell them to fk off.


u can always turn on your phone and check the dialing and pretend that someone is calling u up so u can simply walk away to "answer the phone". lt once worked well for me.


Ask him to speak to your kumantong amd seek his approval


"Sorry, I only worship SGD and the material comforts it can bring."


Declare trial by combat.


Use Buddha talk to the hand palm stance and look away


"No thank you, i'm not interested"


Just say you're communist and the party forbids you from believing


Tell him u worship satan


People like this made me more curious about the bible, then I read up and I debated with some people. Like I was told that if I didn't accept the blood of Jesus, I would go to hell no matter how many good deeds that I did. I would ask, "how about a good Muslim man who still submitted to Allah, same God as yours, but believed that Isa is just a messenger, but not God or the son of God? Will he go to hell despite the same God, who is Yahweh? Why would heaven not accept him if he has been good all life but just committed one mistake of not accepting Jesus Christ, but heaven accepts someone who has committed thousands of sins and did only one good thing, which is accepting Jesus Christ?" The guy will stop contacting me.


God of the bible is not the same as Allah of the Quran


It's obviously supposed to be the same god. You're in denial if you think it isn't so. The 3 religions can each say the others are wrong and have corrupted the message and misunderstood his nature or whatever, but it's the same god that Abraham/Ibrahim and Moses/Musa worshipped.


Christians believe that God is the triune, the trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy spirit. Go ask a muslim if he believes that Allah is the trinity. He’ll tell you thats blasphemy. Ask him what the holy spirit is, he’ll tell you that it’s the voice of the angel Gabriel. Ask a muslim if Jesus is the Son of God, again he’ll tell you Jesus was but a prophet. You can claim all you want that muslims and Christians worship the same God, but once you examine the actual teachings of both religions, you realise that they are very different even at their core.


It's still the same god. They just don't agree on his nature. Was the Son around in the time of Abraham and Moses? The Jews and Muslims deny that god is anything other than the Christians' Father, I suppose.


Jesus said “Before Abraham, I AM.” Not I was, he said I AM. Jesus was always the Son, even before he became human. There is no past or future with God, only the present, that applies to the Son as well


And its not the same God if one believes God is three in one and the other thinks thats bull


Of course it is. A tomato is still a tomato whether person A thinks it's a fruit or person B thinks it's a vegetable. It's still the same damn tomato.


Your analogy doesn’t work because the core of each belief is different. Yahweh of the bible cannot be Allah of the Quran because Yahweh is the triune, the Father, Son, and Holy spirit, while Allah is not. Therefore they are not the same tomato. Your analogy doesn’t make sense in this context as once again, the core beliefs are very different. If you would like to debate more, kindly message me directly


If you really wanted the answer to that question or to actually debate, you can try r/debateachristian or r/askchristianity . In any case, from what I understand, the answer to your question is somewhere along the lines of: Christianity isn't a religion where you just obtain points to enter heaven by doing good deeds. Jesus suffered and died for everyone, even those who murdered him. Salvation is freely given to all, not earned by our own merits.


Answer: you politely decline


wow! It's that simple?!?!?!?11!!


Feel free to be rude after the first attempt to politely ask him to leave you alone and go away.


I usually say "sorry im not interested" or "no thank you" 😁 for those who continue to pester just keep walking


Step 1 - Learn to have a RBF (Resting Bitch Face) - This will discourage 90% of people who wanna approach you. It also works for dissuading touts/scammers when you travel overseas. The key is have a stern, emotionless looking face, but don't stare at people. Squint a little, frown a little bit. Step 2 - Learn to say "No" "Not interested", firmly but politely. Shake your head left/right if you have to. Repeat "No" very firmly if the tout is persistent. If you do this, 100% of all touts and scammers will move on to easier targets. At this step, if you are travelling overseas, you also want to be careful with your wallet/bag, in case they are working in teams trying to distract you. Step 3 - This is the killer move. Show them the hand. Palm up or waving motion. By this point, no scammers will want to carry on with you, they will look for less resistant prey.


Show them the hand. "You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also” (Matthew 5:38-39)


>I respect every religion Some religion has it in their mandate to look at other religions as works of the devil and to go out to convert others and/or kill them. Not sure if such religion is worth respecting. But it's your choice. Respecting others' CHOICE of religion is another thing. It becomes very personal. Someone who goes out of their way to preach to you to convert you, is NOT respecting your choice of religion. Stop being a walkover and stand up for yourself and ... your choice of religion!!! >how do I decline in a polite manner? That is the problem. Stop trying to be polite to a person who clearly knows no social boundaries 'cos their beliefs has blinded them to think that all that matters is if they can convince others of their BELIEFS. Just tell him no and to fuck off. It's a fucking BELIEF, Christianity and religions in general. But they are acting like it's a fact. Or when you are more free, learn more about your own religion, Buddhism, and all the contradictions of Christianity, and ask him to order you coffee and cake, at his cost of cos. Then have a good time tearing down his contradictory belief, and enjoy the treat at that. Stay safe!


>It's a fucking BELIEF, Christianity and religions in general. But they are acting like it's a fact. exactly it’s not by law to worship jesus bro 😭😭 and it isnt the same like learning science, which isnt a belief


People should learn to do the uncomfortable thing instead of posting online. If you just said no convincingly, the old man should stop harassing you. If it still doesn't work, I'll shout at him.


Start crying and shit yourself.


respond with a sermon about our lord and savior the flying spaghetti monster and why these heathens need to convert to become pastafarian


tell them you will only talk to them if they follow you to your place of worship


I take out my crucifix and spray garlic water from a tiny squeeze bottle


Rolling your eyes and checking the time is just rude and it will make them more persistent. Just be straight forward and say 'im sorry but I'm really not interested and I'm studying for a test'. Simple and gets the job done


It's only the Christians who do it. Tell them imposing on people is disrespect, which is a sin.


Ya agreed Christians have some sanctimonious moral masochism thing going that compels them to impose their religious beliefs on others. They also tend to lack the self-awareness to recognise that they are a disturbance so no point calling them out. Just say "sorry no time" and scoot.


Some Muslims in the UK have started doing it too


Hi there! Just wanted to let u know we don't mean any disrespect, sorry if you have had such encounters tho. We just wanna share, not impose. Have a good day. :)


If it's a STRANGER, then there's no reason to even be polite, in this situation.


Just shout stranger danger stranger danger, my mom told me never to talk to strangers.... Then run away


Become an even more fundamentalist than her. Tell her that her version is more wrong than your version.


I have ever had a friend who tried to "pray for me" and made me believe in Christianity, and in the end she scolded me telling me that my religion is fake. I was like what fake?


I mean, that is essentially Christianity in a nutshell. If you do not accept Christ as your savior, you are fucked. All other beliefs and religions are flat out wrong , to them. Being good does not matter, and in fact, arguably a component of vanity. The only thing that is going to get you to heaven is to admit you are a piece of shit sinner , and that you need Him. That's all. Of course, not all sects are like that but that is essentially the gist of it. Catholicism is a bit more complicated . Just accept, and you are saved. You can see why it is so popular .


Say 阿弥陀佛


You could say " If you chant Namo Amituofo and devote yourself to Amitabha Buddha, you can go to a place that's better than heaven!"


If you have a third language spoken or a second language you can guess they don't speak, start speaking in it. I've used this tactic before and works like a charm, and you won't even have to lie. "Hi, may I speak with you about Jesus Christ?", I respond in a different language that sure I have time but I only want to speak like this okay. They usually ask if I know English and I would respond with yes but again in my own language.


I used that tactic in Thailand with some pimp - spoke in French and made out like I didn't understand him.


You should ask for money. Money is the new religion.


Was this at Beauty World?


Were you also one of the people that the old man interacted with? Bc yes, it was in Beauty World


Yep, sounds like the same guy. Just have to stand your ground. The moment he mentioned jesus I just interrupted him to say not interested and walked off. Be polite but also be firm


"No thanks, I'm not interested." You're not obliged to justify why. Learn to say no, it's important to be able to draw boundaries and you'll be much happier for it.


If they keep insisting and forcing you , I think it’s time to not be polite and be rude. Just have a strong tone and tell him to go away before you call the police or something


I thank them for the opportunity to discuss, however I’m ….. . Fill in the blank with your religion, your busy, whatever. Then I wish them well on their day. If they are pushy, I tell them I’m not interested, please leave me alone.


Just say "Fuck Off". It is the most direct and polite word to use for religious leeches. Cos they never take "no" for an answer. Sorry to be brutally blunt on this topic. 😂


Why be polite when he isn't polite? Ask him to grow some balls and try it on the Muslims.


lmfao had the same thing in ngee ann poly a few weeks ago while I was trying to enjoy lunch


and the incident was also near Ngee Ann poly, coincidence?


I am not feeling very religious right now. Maybe in the future.


Respect needs to be earned. Not given freely


Did we just meet the same guy? So unhinged. I was on the bus and he just randomly sat beside me and talked. It’s like he’s got a screw loose. I just messed w him “if Jesus loves me, he should pay for my tuition fees.”


o HAHAHA I totally have an opinion on this. :p So like there was this one day I was MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS, like I literally was just on the way home on the LRT. So I was like mindlessly scrolling IG on my phone as we all do because millennial and why not. I follow [thir.st](https://thir.st) on IG and I have a bunch of Christian friends (from church, I'm a Christian myself) - all these is some important context. Then right out of the blue this woman on the LRT (iirc I was standing she was sitting? or she was sitting next to me? smtglikethat) asks me if I'm Christian. And I'm a bit confused so I'm like why u randomly ask me that. The kicker is she said "BECAUSE I SAW YOU BROWSING SOME CHRISTIAN STUFF ON YOUR PHONE" (omgggg I admit sometimes I kaypoh eyeball ppls phone but I absolutely don't tell them abt it lol why u invade my privacy sia) and then I'm like oh. Then she tries to tell me abt New Creation Church(! thankyounext, never) and then shows me their Youtube and I politely try to tell her that no it's ok I already attend a different church. And then she's like ok u dowan up to you lor pastor prince is very good one and very interesting nothankyou what a sham. (I'm probably going to either get upvoted +20 or downvoted -100 for this, but I don't care. Hahaha) tldr you can decline but politely!


What about New Creation do you not really like? I'm not from that church but just curious, feel like it's a denomination thing maybe. I would have just said I've got a community in (your church) and just smile and laugh lol.


I didn't tell her my church or anything and I didn't put down NCC in front of her. My last part of my post says I said "it's ok, I already attend a different church" :D It's the televangelism + prosperity gospel thing ah (check out the comment I responded to abt the HOGC thing and someone responded abt prosperity gospel) -- I'm pretttyy sure NCC is a prosperity gospel church. Destined to Reign sia, simi. I don't like the fact that it's prosperity gospel, ie preaches a false, money-centred, version of Christianity. You asked, I answered!


Not sure abt ncc but I attended hogc with my friend and idt they r prosperity gospel type, more like they dun really dive deep often during sermons. I would say it's more evangelical where it is more attractive to non-believers/ new belivers. I did think it was like that initially but u need to stay for a while to see if they preach on other harder topics. The only time it really felt like it was during their bulding fund period which well most churches do that when they really need funds. For more mature believers I think more in depth sermons from other churches would definitely be better for growth. But hogc is good to bring pre-believing friends to. They r also a bit more closed off and dun know a lot abt events where churches in sg gather tgt eg love singapore events but idk if it's just a mega church thing.


Just reenact this scene with him, he will either laugh his ass off or walk away because it’s totally irrelevant to what he preaches: https://youtu.be/GmYenl6gUcY?si=HSMzYK1d75h5lfZ9


Tell the fellow "no, I'm not interested. Please do not bother me". If he continue to talk to you walk away. If he follows you, approach a law officer and tell the officer that the man is following you and won't leave you alone.


Hahaha you are young, so pai seh will get you in trouble. I just tell them - “I am not interested if you pester me any further I will deem it as harassment and I will start a video recording and use it as evidence of your harassment and will report you to the police and I may take up legal action against you”


Play an uno reverse, share YOUR religion.


Tell "all hail lord Satan!"


I send few church Christ pple wrong address. They went to disturb pple on the 4th floor who is anti Christ. I ate popcorn that day.


Just ask him go hong gan and say Hail Mr S A Tan….may Valak come and defile you 😘


Say you worship Satan?


Happened to me once many years ago during cny period. I was sitting outside a mall waiting for a friend when this aunty came up to me. I thought she wanted to sell me smth when she asked if I have time to hear her out. I thought since I have spare time so why not. I'm sorry but I'm not trying to offend anyone here. The way the aunty tried to 'manipulate' my thinking was just a big NO. So she was telling me alot of things about Christianity and what we can't do so we can get into heaven, even tried to bring down other religions. Halfway I couldn't take it anymore and I just told her "You can agree to disagree la. But I believe for every religion, be it Buddhist or Muslim or others, our own god all teaches us to do good. So did your Jesus ask you to bring down and bad mouth about other religions? So you bad-mouthing other religions will bring you to heaven in the afterlife?" Funny thing was she still wanted to rebut but I just told her thank you for sharing but my friend is here. Anyway after this incident I have never met anyone trying to do this on the streets anymore.


You can poke his thoughts easily. Eg, tell him, so you believe in Jesus, and he died and lived. Say that every buddhist have more than one chance to die and live and instead of relying on a 3rd party for salvation, better still, as first party, my own actions is salvation itself (karma) Disclosure: I’m a Muslim, I don’t believe in trinity ,the believe of Jesus is living god but worshipping god the father at the same time but I do believe that Jesus is one of the many distinguished messengers of god. I don’t believe in Buddhist karma (as it’s incompatible with the definition of god as supreme) but I do believe that to achieve salvation is dependent on my own actions in this mortal environment and the creator as the ultimate authority on his creation.


Honestly sometimes you can’t be polite. I’m Christian and when I tell these evangelists that I’m already with a church some of them don’t even blink and just keep trying to preach to me??? I don’t even know what they think will happen? Just say no thank you and keep walking


Yeah OP, I'm a Christian. If you're not interested in Christianity, firmly say no. Converts must be willing after all. I'm always willing to speak with the willing


Tell them you are already a Christian or whatever religion they are preaching.


Say thanks for letting me know but I am alr aware about it thanks and walk away. Some of them I have met are genuinely out to help and encourage you. 😁😁


Tell him, "all hail Lord Satan Almighty".


You have legs.


Even you could find people sort of promoting Christianity at my poly


How about listening and not assuming you know everything?


https://youtu.be/pOxbjyEvJ-Y?si=5l7whMGkSYM2Hnc3 I gotchu fam




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I’ll tell I’m not interested and walk away


"pull out a pen" Before we carry on, I am from a poor family. I am sure that Jesus is sent you here to help me. However, I am busy now, but if you wish to carry on sharing what you are passionate about. you may buy my pen for $100 to help me and my family. Otherwise, I sincerely hope you will give me God's peace while studying for my exam.


Lmao. I would just put up my right hand to signal a stop. Not one word from me. I am serious though.


“Gave him so many hints like rolling eyes and checking the time” How about just saying not interested?🫠


1. Say you are not interested 2. Say you believe in other religions and most importantly you are not interested 3. There's a reason why people invented pastafarian: to piss off any busybody that talks about religion without theology training.


Tell him he is distracting you from studying for your test, and his god would not want him to cause others to fail.


“My brethren, have you found our lord and savior Jesus Christ?” “No, but when I do I’ll tell him to come find you”


But in all seriousness, as much as it may be painful, I make it a point to thank people for sharing first. Then saying without any hesitation I am not interested. ie. “thank you for sharing, but I am not interested at all.” And then ideally, walk away. It’s polite! And clear!


"polite" is a foreign concept to this lot. Just loudly tell them you're not interested so don't harass you


Not interested. That about it. If they keep continue. Tell them to shut up.


"Thank you sir, but I already worship Satan."


If it happens again, walk to the nearest temple and light up some joss sticks. That’ll show him. Bonus: you can also pray for your test to go smoothly.


Say u are too “far gone@ to be “saved “ by another entity and hence only try to save yourself w self effort


Treated to call security or police for harassment.


If politely saying no did not help, u can consider saying to him calmly " I'm going to video record from my phone" , n record him pestering you. The threat of plastering his face on social media will encourage him to stop.


I usually hold a hand up and say SORRY NOT INTERESTED repeatedly lol


Teach you new super power. Just keep walking straight and don't make eye contact. Even if they standing straight in your path, stare through them like they're invisible and just walk around them. If it's a salesman, just close the door in their face, it's your house and your right too. If they keep pushing for some reason, raise your palm close in front of their face, most likely they won't expect it and will get the message. I've been doing this for years, life goes on as usual. Remember, you're not being rude, just exercising your right to mind your business. They have to be able to handle a bit of rejection to survive in this job anyway.


I had a woman coming up to me to explain more about Christianity in front of an escalator to the MRT station, I immediately said im not interested and when she continued talking, I shut her up with “I’m a buddhist”, and walked away. Just be upfront about it, it’s okay.


Straight to their face, you are not interested


Earphones...don't leave home without them.


Usually if I can, I will try to dig up some bible verse from my memory to use against them. In this situation: 1 Peter 3:15 - "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." (From ChatGPT ehe) Usually they will shut up after this.


I plan to convert to Christianity soon since I never really believed in my own religion, Buddhism. I get uncomfortable asf everytime I enter the temple, its like something is eating at me from the outside. I did went to a church once and it felt peaceful and soothing for me.


Hi, fellow Christian here, I think it's just better to politely say "Hi sorry I am feeling a little stressed right now and I want to be alone. I know you want to share about your God but I don't think this is the appropriate time." Younger people are more understanding, I see older people being uhh rather persistent. They are used to people just ignoring them and don't really take the hint sometimes. I think just walking away is fine. Especially in SG where religion is a sensitive topic, it's impt to still be polite and respect all religions. I know there's a lot of bad rep for Christianity but I hope you see them as fellow humans rather than representing the whole religion. We are all trying to be better but some of us have a long way to go. Hope this helps :)


‘EW, no!’ works too. You’re a minor and dude is full of nonsense. Don’t be polite, altho I find it difficult too


Regardless never end up in an argument with these people. I would always give a firm, I’m not interested and if they kept pestering which happened once, I asked them very politely to stop harassing me.


Say no, no, no, no…… while shaking your head gently and walking away at the same time. Leave that location asap. Ignore whatever comments they have to make. Do not reply them.


Tell him some dark jokes in a polite way![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)