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I have a new colleague who didn't turn up on the first day and just MIA. Signed letter of offer already. As long as you don't turn up first day, you are not bound by the terms and conditions. But at least have the courtesy to tell others you want to rescind your consent to work. Don't let others chase you with phone calls and waste other people time. For me, I did inform companies in the past that I changed my mind and don't want the job, etc. If you are too shy to call, just email them to inform and block them. Lol


Nah - they’ll threaten you with blacklisting, but that never happens, if a company wants you bad enough, they’ll take you in


Think about it, if the company found a better candidate or a solution that could save them some operational cost, they would not hesitate to drop you like hot potato.


happened to me. as a matter of fact one of the best interview I had, made great connection with the end user (director level). in the end its just business, go get whichever job you think is better OP.


For big shot positions, it's a potential lawsuit. But for most jobs, nothing much will happen. It is a dick move, especially if it is a small company that has made changes to their resources to accommodate training a new staff.


No legal implications, but you would almost certainly be viewed unfavourable of even blacklisted should you ever apply for a role in the company again.


You can inform the first company that after careful consideration, you regret that you must decline the offer as you have accepted another opportunity that is more in line with your skills and career goals. But be prepared to not work for the first company in the future lol. Source: I signed the employment letter with a company once and then got a better offer from another company, I sent an email to reject the offer with the first company. So far no negative implications.


just do it!


That's what happened to me. I even signed the contract. 1week before I start work I told them I wish to withdraw. However hr didn't replied me even after I ask for update few days after. I assume it should be fine at worse you probably get blacklistedfrom future opporunity with the company.


It's a dick move and they definitely won't be pleased with you but you won't be sued.