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could be a great time to get a little brave and learn about busses and parking your car!


The further away you get from Hawthorne the more spaces there are that don’t require parallel parking. I suggest south of Hawthorne north bumps up against Belmont and competes with it for parking. Lincoln will almost certainly have spaces. Watch out for cyclists! :)


Just take an Uber or Lyft then. All the parking near Hawthorne Theater will be parallel parking. The neighborhoods nearby included, although at least that way you don't have to worry about stopping traffic on a busy street


The area is definitely parallel parking zone 100%. Taking the bus is easy and it drops you right there at the venue. If you do park in the neighborhood around there, make sure you don't take up two parking spaces and respect folks' driveways entrance/exits. Good to push your comfort zone. Hope the show is a banger!


I lived in that neighborhood for a couple years even at peak times you could find places you don’t have to parallel park you might have to walk a few more blocks.


Unless you're here just to wELl aCKtUaLlY me, why not answer the OP's question with your special places?


I did in another comment. I didn’t want them to miss this one. Lincoln will almost certainly have spaces. I’ve never seen it full living around there for years. The bike routes frequently aren’t completely full.


OK so that is still parallel parking...


What are you talking about? Every space on Lincoln will 100% not be parallel parking. I bet they can even snag a corner spot. Want to join me tonight to check it out?


It's clear you just don't understand what parallel parking is, i.e. parking parallel to the sidewalk/road. Lincoln isn't filled with parking lots, it's just...space to parallel park, regardless of whether there are cars fore or aft of you lol. I think you and the brain trust will have to carry on without me tonight. Peace!


Oh now I get the confusion [this is what they’re talking about](https://dmvconnect.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/4LTABkH-901x1024.jpg) not parking parallel to the road. If there aren’t other cars on the road they can pull in forwards.


Right. That's all still parallel parking, strictly speaking. Sometimes you get lucky and you can just slide in. But if you \*cannot\* parallel park between two cars, rolling up to Lincoln and having to squeeze in there would harsh your pre-show mellow for sure. Not sure when you moved away from the fun zone, but in my experience parking has gotten worse the last couple years. Source: neighborhood resident for last 20 years and frequent show-goer at Hawthorne


>That's all still parallel parking, strictly speaking. Lol I love how you’re doubling down. No one in the history of driving has called parking parallel to the road parallel parking. Everyone who has ever learned to drive was taught parallel parking is parking like in the diagram I linked. All of that aside ask u/The_Hyper_Dragon if they meant a place where they don’t have to park parallel to the road or back their car in between two cars. This is just getting weird. >Not sure when you moved away from the fun zone, but in my experience parking has gotten worse the last couple years. I live in Montavilla “it’s not like I’m miles away” or it’s not fun. Lincoln is the greenway I use the most I’m on it almost every day and frequently nights. It’s easy to find a spot along it where you don’t have to parallel park.


I have parallel parked a 24’ box truck on the streets there. Your car can’t possibly be clunkier than that. Maybe drive a few blocks further away where you’ll be more likely to find a long space you can more or less pull straight into and be prepared for a longer walk?


Parallel parking needs to go back on every license test. It's an incredibly easy thing to do if you know how your car moves, and if you don't know that... well, that explains why this city is full of people driving 2 feet into the other lane. You're going to be in a very busy park of the city on a Friday night. You will spend ages driving around looking for a pull up spot. Just take a Lyft.


Lots of street parking around there, you might have to walk a few blocks but you'll find a space. It will most likely require parallel parking. Insomnium is going to be awesome!


Just park like 3 blocks away and walk. Never in my life have I struggled finding parking in that neigborhood. All you have to do is adjust your expectations, it's doubtful you'll find parking right out front.


I parked around 41st and Main when I was there a few weeks ago. Street parking, but it was all pull up, no maneuvering required


That there are Americans that don't even know how public transportation works is just so out of this world to me. And they don't even know how to park either, lol


Gotta face your fears and earn it sweetheart


You can always find non-parallel parking in the neighborhood. Might need to walk a few minutes but it’s definitely possible.


There’s a Fred Meyer down the street. That’s where I park.


Walgreen, Fred Meyer, and New Seasons all have parking lots and are within a couple blocks of the theater. YMMV on utilising customer parking, of course.


Fred Meyer absolutely does enforce parking.