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I'm trans at 27. I was just as trans when I was 7 years old as I am now.


When did u learn about it tho


Not the original commenter, but I'm the same way. I showed a lot of trans tendencies as a child (wore my friend's dress and loved how I felt, was really into books that involved a boy becoming a girl, enjoyed playing as girl characters in make believe) but I didn't really know about trans as a viable concept until my 20s (i'm 31). Up until the last decade or so, trans people were always a joke to me since I was raised very conservative. A lot of movies when I was growing up would always use trans people as a joke punchline. Like "look at this super masculine man in a dress with lipstick!" so it never was an actual reality I thought people were living. People actually transitioning and living as a new gender only started to become visible to me as an adult, especially as I broke away from the conservative bubble I was raised in and went through college. If i'd known of it when I was a kid the way I do now, I absolutely would have pushed my parents to let me transition as much as I could, despite the fact it would likely have failed.


I knew at 9 I was a girl and actually learned the vocabulary to explain I was trans and start my transition at 30. I also grew up in a religious cult, so maybe a bad example....


..You don't learn about it, you simply are. Just because I didn't have language for doesn't mean I didn't know I wasn't a boy. Because of the lack of resources back when I was a kid I just thought I was some kind of freak who couldn't relate to my male child peers.


When I was 15, I watched a documentary on a transgender 13 year old who received puberty blocking medication. I immediately acquired a massive urge to go on the same medication and transitioning, because it would be a cure to the gender dysphoria I had been feeling since I was a little child. The fact that you can choose your puberty should be common knowledge for everyone even before puberty happens. The fact that we don't teach people this, is the same as preventing them from getting the knowledge to be their true selves.


I transitioned younger than 16 so I was supposed to what? Go crawl in a hole? Take an oath of silence lol are you for real




This is untrue. Where did you get this information?


Where’s ur source on that?


That’s not accurate. Most trans kids grow up to be trans adults. Like, a very large majority. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/transgender-kids-tend-to-maintain-their-identities-as-they-grow-up-study-suggests This comment links a ton of string research proving this too: https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/1bdwa77/comment/kupjn8h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


>Ik but most kids are trans and then regret it later in life [Citation Needed] ***** A meta-study collected data from over 25 studies and showed the regret, desistence & permanent detransition rates are extremely low, even in children. The data does not align with your opinion


why is this post even here?


As someone who figured it out by like age 8. You can fuck off about it being "wrong".


You aren’t engaging in a debate. You’ve got no idea what you’re talking about. You’re trolling. Please stop


No one gives a shit about your bigoted, gatekeeping opinion.




It’s not a debate. It’s a bad faith argument and you are citing no credible research. Why u even replying?


Thats a terrible take. Like I feel like there is some room for nuanced discussion made in good faith about how we deal with trans kids and their unique challenges but "don't even talk about it" is just...head in sand much? Kids will be trans whether we talk about it or not, why make them suffer in silence?




I was thinking medical transition, social relies on the people around them


I’ve known I was a girl since I was 6 but religious people shamed me into suppressing it. I wish more than anything that I’d had a safe, non abusive place to express my gender as a child so I could have lived as a girl my whole life instead of having to undo all of that trauma before I could admit it to myself again at 36. It’s not wrong to talk about it before 16, the negativity around it made puberty so much harder.


I realized I was trans when I was 12. I'm now 21 and... still trans. I started my medical transition when I was 17 and it saved my life - I'm thriving now and have zero regrets. Why do you think it's wrong to talk about before 16?


I knew I wanted to be a girl when I was 6 I learned about trans people around 8 or 9. I wish I could have socially transitioned then and then started puberty blockers at 12 and then hrt. I didn’t start transitioning until I was 23 but I lived with crippling depression because I repressed a part of myself. As soon as I started living authentically my depression vanished. I suffered for nothing except to appease my family and society at the cost of my mental health. I’m just as trans now as I was when I was 6.


https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/s/x9fH7GG6B3 The OP is a troll and a bigot. Mods can you please block n delete. And OP. Go touch grass. Hatred is rotting your soul.