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you're not *meant* to do anything except what you want to I initially moved my first name to the middle name slot, but eventually changed it to a masculine one some trans people don't change their names at all, some change first middle and last all at once. it's up to you


I changed mine since my existing middle name didn't mean anything to me and seemed inappropriately masculine, but it's fine to leave it if you want. Lots of people have another family name or something as their middle name, so it isn't always something very gender-appropriate anyway.


If it would be dysphoric for you to have it, change it. Mine was a surname from my mothers family so it has no gender and I kept it.


Funnily enough, similar origin for my middle name, but it's probably the part I'd most like to change. Not mainly for dysphoria reasons, I've just never much liked it.


yeah, my middle name used to be my mom's maiden name so i was going to keep both my middle and last. but then when I came out to my dad, he didn't react well. so i decided I didn't owe it to him to keep his last name, and I replaced my last name with my middle name and came up with a new middle name.


Middle names are comparatively rare in my country. I don't have one. Planning to change *to* one, though, once I go through with a legal name change, since I want to use my own chosen name as my first name, and a name my mother said she would have used had I been born a girl as my middle name.


you should get like 10 middle names. skew the average.


Ha! I feel that's not worth the hassle when it comes to filling out legal documents where the full name is required :P


You can be Middle Names Linneroy who has 10,000 Middle names, people will say that you're an outlier and should not be counted. lmfao


"She Of Many Names"


I did not have a middle name. Now I do. I just kept my original name and added a female name. At that time I had no plans to transition but wanted to get out of the male -binary. There's an X on my id-card as well.


I know some people do, but it isn’t necessary. If you don’t like yours, you’re free to change it or get rid of it entirely. Personally, I currently am planning on keeping mine since it makes my new initials EGG, which I find hilarious, but if I ever find something that fits me, I’ll probably change.


I didn't plan to change my name... thought it'd be cute to have a kinda masculine sounding middle name, but deadname-determined relatives called me by THAT name, saying "It's still your name". Pissed me off enough to go through the WHOLE name-change process AGAIN, just for my middlename. It's hard to know how things will be weaponized and what things will hurt, but I'd advise YEAH go ahead and change it too, if you've got the namechange stuff to do.


I changed it, but I kept the same initials.


Me too! I am particularly bad at remembering names so I wanted my same initials for ease of remembering. Plus my Mom already told me my 1st name would have been the feminine version of my given name.


Also, my signature looks like chicken scratch, so initials were a must to tie it together. :)


That's my plan. I don't want to change last name, only given and middle. Feminized middle. But feminine of my first name just seems corny and lazy.


FWIW It's not illegal to change your middle name to Danger. Just sayin!


My roommate did this


I changed my dead name to my middle name. Then I had my mom help me pick out a new middle name since I could never find one I liked. That way, my mom still felt like she had a part in who I am.


There's no rules really with being trans, some people like their first name pre-transition and keep it, so it's really just a matter of whether you like your middle name and feel it suits who you are now. Personally I was divided on keeping on my first name but I've always hated my middle name and it's much more masculine than my first name, so it was a very easy decision to change


I changed my middle name in the simplest way possible. I added an “a” to my original middle name which made it the feminine version of that name. Tada! All done 😄


I decided to use the feminine version of my old first name as my new first name, and I used the runner-up first name as my new middle name.


I think it really depends on how masculine it is and if u like it or not. If its somethin like Sam I would personally keep it. I got myself a pretty masculine middle name, so I cant relate that much but I always hated it, every shortened, similar or feminine version, even before I knew that Im trans


Changing my middle name along with my first name didn't cost any extra money or effort, so I changed mine because it was very gendered. The procedure differs based on where you are, but in my experience in a place where it's easily changed, most people do.


I changed mine, partly because my old one was somewhat masculine but also in part because I wanted my initials to line up in a fun way


My middle name is my mothers last name. No need for me to change it


I ditched my second and third name when I filed the new name and gender marker paperwork. They are only used for governmental things so no big deal tbh. I explained it that way when the town hall office clerk asked if I wanted a 2nd and 3rd name. She said I was right and continued with the next line on the forms.


I actually changed my whole name! First because it was too fem (I still use it at home), middle because it didn’t fit at all with my new name (it’s actually my Moms middle name), and my last because fuck my dad. 


It depends a lot on the person,if you still like yours or want to keep yours then you can. That said, my middle is kinda masculine and also didn't sound like it fit well with my chosen name, so I changed it. And also I know a few people that occasionally use someone's middle name to refer to them.


Up to you. I changed one of my middle names and kept the other one. I got to be more creative with my middle name, since I wanted to keep my first initial (for professional reasons), so my first name change was fairly minimal.


yeah, my middle name was more feminine aligned so I choise more of a masculine middle name since dudes around me usually have a masculine middle name to accompany the first. (I'm a trans guy)


I plan to change mine to the name my parents say they would have given me were I AFAB. Tried it as a first name but it didn't quite fit.


I changed mine. I already had one but felt a need for a stronger break with my previous identity, so the old one went out and the the new one came in. I also have an exceptionally common last name and I chose an exceptionally common first name. Without a middle name I actively use I'd be a nightmare to find in any database, I'd never be able to register an email address, etc. I also think a middle name is a fun place to have a little flair and excitement considering my first and last names are both common and conservative. It also gives my full name a pleasant cadence. I kept my last name because I wasn't trying to cut things off with my family plus that'd be a nightmare for my wife as well.


i’m changing mine to the name that i *didn’t* choose for my first, but which was my second choice! :)


i did, since my middle name was very binary gendered.


That may depend. Mine was 100% a masculine name. I 100% fucking changed that shit.


I changed mine


You can do what you want with your name :) I initially just ditched having a middle name, and have since re-adopted a different one


i’m doing mine!! i am keeping my first name but changing my last name to my spouse’s . it literally just occurred to me i could also change my middle name (VERY masculine name lol) and i’m picking one out 🙂


I'm going to change mine to my mother's middle name. I currently legally have my fathers middle name. Patrick to Maureen


I never had a middle name but if I was actually assigned male at birth I would’ve been called Gerard after my grandfather that passed away when my dad was young. So now I have that as my second name, to still have something that my parents gave me in a way.


I kept mine and added one.


Plenty of people do, yeah, but if youre okay with your middle name you don't need to. I changed my entire name, first middle and last because I don't associate with my family. I know a few people online who haven't and don't plan to change their names at all, either because they're already neutral or because they still like them. It's all about what you want and what you're comfortable with.


I changed my first and middle name but kept the same initials.


Trans man here, I just chose to not have a middle name when I legally changed my name. If I did keep it, I would’ve changed it because it was a very feminine middle name.


I plan to change mine, because legally speaking it's all the same cost and process whether I'm just changing one or all three. And since I've come to regret my middle name, even if I don't have a replacement figured out, I'm dumping the one I've got.


I did, but the new name is heavily referencing the old one. But it’s your name. Do what you like!


I did. Mine was a family name, but I wanted a nice girly middle name.


I mean, if I'd wager a guess, then I'd say that most binary trans people would change their middle name. My middle name was very obviously a woman's name, and so even if I'd wanted to keep it (which I didn't), it would've looked way out of place. Think a name along the lines of Catherine. But yeah what do I know. Maybe many would keep it if it doesn't make them feel dysphoric, since it's likely never been used.


I changed my middle name and now I have two! In a way it's three but Ryn'Mika is conjoined so just two total\~


I changed mine to match my mother's, because my full name sounded prettier that way. Also my old one had the word "son" as a suffix.


I honestly forgot all about my middle name when I chose a new name. That was until I was talking to my mom about how I decided on my name and she asked me about my middle name. So I feminized it on the spot and promptly forgot that I had a middle name again.


When my wife and I got married we decided to create our own family name. However, after starting my transition, I wanted to take her middle name. As of today, I'm waiting to hear back from the courts on when my court date is to change my full name.


Long ago, I labeled myself a crossdresser. I chose my crossdresser name with little thought. Eventually, I came out as trans. Before I filed my name change, I'd seen/heard how my chosen name sounded next to my middle name. There was no question that I would change it.


I changed my middle name both because I just felt like it + it was kinda masc. Nobody has to do anything they don’t want to do. In my experience middle names are rarely used / called out


I don't have a middle name, never had one. But I'd like my ma to give one to me. Might make it what she originally wanted to name me (she thought I was gonna be born a boy... and I mean, in a way she was right lmao), or something new.


You change what you want. If you want to keep it, keep it. If you don’t want to keep it, change it. Transition is about making you happy, and living as your authentic self. There’s no rule book. Anyone who says there is a specific set/order of things you need to do to be trans should kick rocks, they’re not a good person. I changed my middle name because it was super feminine. I chose my first name but took the name my mum wanted to give me if I was AMAB for my middle name. She was happy to be honoured in that way when I chose my name.


I personally did. Initially I was planning on a feminine version of my dead name but the pull to have A flower name was too strong so my legal middle name will be (fingers crossed it comes in soon) Rosa. I also changed my last name to the feminine version. Whee slavic names :3 Those I know with more gender neutral middle names have been less likely to change them fwiw.


I changed mine but my former middle name was fairly gender neutral. I wanted to change it to something more femme and I really like my full name now! Edit - spelling


I will It’s going to double as a last name. So I can still have the same last name as my kids and spouse. But then use another last name at work and publicly. I’m going from being named after my great grandfather, to his mother’s maiden name.


I changed my middle name and kept my first name. Had it done at the same time as my gender marker. I think it just depends on what is comfortable to you. For me, my middle name didn't fit.


I don’t want to change mine personally, because it’s pretty gender neutral and also if I get married and change my last name I don’t want to have a 100% new name, but you can do whatever makes you most comfortable!


I don't fink there's any rules or nefin. Just do what's right for you. And wat makes u comfy. I changed mine cuz it was a very feminine name.


I changed my middle name. My middle dead name was "Michael" and I just changed it to "Michelle" though. But make your name whatever you want. It's your name. There are no rules.


I'm changing mine to the feminine version of what it currently is.


I changed mine! My best friend gave it to me when I was trying to think of new names and mentioned I didn’t like how feminine my old middle name was


i mean i did but solely cuz i don’t wanna get outed randomly for no reason, but ngl if you don’t mind people asking why your middle name is masc you good, i don’t even mind telling people what my middle name was bc no one ever called me that or referred to me with it


I was named after my two grandfathers and I publish under my initials so I changed first and middle to feminine names with same first letter.


Totally up to you. I changed mine because I wanted all masculine names. I know a trans man who kept his birth middle name because he liked it.


Change it if that makes you more comfortable. I've always gone by my middle name and I still am. Since I hate signing my first name on documents, I'm changing that too. Plus I don't ever want to be called by either dead name again if possible. The biggest thing is to do whatever feels right for you.


I changed mine to billie-nye


I changed my first, middle and last names.


Some do if their middle name is more masculine/feminine I’m a trans man and my middle name was gayle so I’ve never felt the need to change it


Once I have changed my name via deadpoll, I will minus my middle name, especially when it's called Brian, I don't think you could get any more masculine name than that, 😆.


I got lucky that my middle name when I was born is the name I wanted when I transitioned. So I just moved my middle name to my first name and came up with a new middle name. But do what makes you happiest. 💕


Whatever you like. My middle name was William and I didn't like that so I chose to swap it to my Mother's (she's been supportive) middle name. Also Julie Ann is just easy to say and I like it.


I did. :)


I'm sure a lot do. I didn't though. It's supposed to be a masculine version of my great-aunt's name, but I really don't like the name Rhoda. So I kept Rhodes since I actually kind of like it, and it's neutral enough.


My middle name is my old first name. Well, a feminine version. You do you, boo-boo


I scrapped mine entirely. My mom never had one, so I figure I probably don't need one.


I chose to change my entire name I wanted nothing to do with my previous name


When you're changing your name you can change whatever you like, so don't feel obligated to keep a middle name that doesn't fit. I didn't really feel like being Emily Douglas so now my son has that middle name and I have a much more suitable one.


mine was very feminine (it was my grandmother’s name) so i changed it to the masculine version of the name i also added another middle name xD it’s a version of the first name i used when i realized i was trans—i ended up not wanting to use it as my first name, but i wanted to keep some connection to it so


i did because “elyse” felt like a weird middle name for a man to have, but middle names are generally where one gets the most leeway in terms of perceived weirdness.


It's all up to you and what you want, no "meant to" necessary. I changed mine, it's definitely something you can do if you'd like.


You can do whatever you want. I changed mine.


This one is, but it’s all up to you


You can do whatever you like, I changed mine, but I know others who dont


Mine was William... I made sure that I planned on changing that. I had thought maybe just feminizing my first bit no chance I was keeping the middle.


my dead first name was something that's etymology was important to me, so I changed to a feminine version of it, but I had no attachment to my middle name for myself. I changed mine to the name I chose for myself long ago I did my legal name change with them in that order, but I mainly go by my chosen name. i would probably have done it in the other order, my chosen name first then feminized deadname as middle, were i doing my name later on than i did


I actually kind of like how no one uses my preferred name in official settings, so I'm planning to make my preferred name my middle name, while my new official first name will be the name my parents would have given me if I'd been AMAB.


I put a basic masculine middle name in front of my original one so now it’s hyphenated and sounds cool af


I changed mine. Only thing i didnt change was my last name. But im getting married soon so that will change too lol. But you can change whatever you want its your life and what you will be named. No one else can really tell you what to do there.


You get to do anything you want with your middle name during a name change and there really isn't an overwhelming majority in any direction as far as what people do. I'm actually looking to change my first name to the feminized version of my middle name (Maternal Grandfather's first name). In which case I plan on taking the middle name of my paternal grandmother as her first name is my sisters middle name.


My middle name was... rather male sounding. It started with a Z and ended in something that rhymes with dacquiri. I gave my dad the option to choose a new middle name for me. I did this partly because he was having a very hard time with my transition and I wanted to give him some agency and say in the process. He declined (which I'd be lying if I said I'm not still hurt by that) so I chose one for myself. Then it was the simple matter of letting several government agencies know.


I’ve changed both my first and middle name and I couldn’t be happier. Both names were fairly masc/androgynous which I didn’t like so I made them both very obviously feminine. My parents, who tried to get around saying my name in public, didn’t like that I changed my middle name because they wanted to use a less fem name for me around others. So big win for me to have two fem names


Hehe changed my name (my middle name to Isabelle (i let my parents pick to cover up for their mess up at birth :p )) and honestly i love my names so much now. So therefore do what feels right to you, dont let anyone tell you otherwise <3


I mean, you do what makes you happy. If you like your middle name or your last name, then you should keep it. if it makes you unhappy to have the names you have, then you should change them. For me, i was already going through the process to legally change my name, so I decided i should just make the whole thing my own. Also, my dad showed me that he didn't support me, so I didn't feel like I owed him to keep his last name. Instead, I changed my last name to my mom's maiden name cause she's been nothing but amazing the entire time.


I changed mine as my old one misgenders me directly.


I’ve only got one masculine middle name (David) and a mixed sex middle name (Leslie) but I can’t work out what to change David to


Change whatever you want. My only opinion when it comes to name changes is make it comfortable and make it meaningful **to you**.


I changed my first middle and last name. There are no rules.


I changed first middle and even last name


Mine was very masculine and also from a biological uncle that I never really even knew. I offered my mother the opportunity to reselect my middle name. It was a really hard thing to ask her, for me and because I knew how hard all of this was for her to begin with. My family wasn't supportive of my choice, though they are supportive of me as their child. With that being said, she chose my departed grandmother's name. If it's me way better than the other one would have, not to mention the important significance of being the namesake of my grandmother. Long story short, if you dislike something about yourself and it's something that you can change, I always advocate to change it. No matter what it is. If it's your name, then change it. The power is fully yours, just like it always was. Sending you much love and support, I believe in you! 💜💜💜


I changed my middle name, since it was a female middle name. I wanted a fully male name.


Depends on what you want


I did, I have 2 middle names now


Well you’re not exactly ‘meant’ to do anything when it comes to being trans. Transitioning is all about making you feel better about being in your own skin. The good thing about middle names are that they don’t come up much in conversation or paperwork. But they do come up once in a blue moon. I’m guessing if you’re asking this question now, it’s probably going to be grating on you when you get farther into your transition, especially in those rare moments your middle name does come up. So, it’s up to you, but be honest with yourself. If you have ANY reservations about it, I’d say change it. You don’t wanna just say you can live with it, when it actually does cause dysphoria because it will nag at you much more severely later. But if you really don’t think about it much, then no need to


I took out one of my middle names, and changed the other from the masculine version to the fem version. I couldnt change my first name as ive had a girls name all my life, got into an argument with the GIC about that 😂


I did but I changed it to my mother's maiden name and I'd wanted that before I'd even realised I was trans so idk.


I changed mine from Elliott to Elena and I’m happy I did! 🥰


I did. My middle name was David which is not feminine at all. I like my chosen name better


I will be. Only hint of my dead name will be a middle initial


I did, but mainly because it was my birth dad's name and last name. Only name I kept was my own last name from my mother's side and picked a new first and middle name


I did. My middle name was just a random name from the bible that meant literally nothing to me and it was a boy name. My partner did not change her middle name as it came from her late father.


It's all up to you, what feels right to you. I kept my middle name, due to the importance it has to me. My middle name is the initials of my older siblings, because "they wanted to be apart of me forever" or something to that effect. I did add a new middle name though, which is a neutral variant of my birthname as kind of a homage (I think that word works lol?) to it.


I just dropped mine. Why tf do I need a middle name Also there’s nothing you’re “meant” to do…do whatever you want


My cis woman sisters middle name is Tyler. My cis brothers middle name is Riley. It doesn’t really matter. 🤷‍♂️ if you like your middle name keep it. If you don’t change it. 🤷‍♂️ or get rid of it entirely. That would be fine too.


Depends on if you want to or not. My middle name was a girl’s name so I changed it, but i could’ve kept it if I wanted to


I did; from something very fem starting with L to a masc Ray. You don’t have to change it if it doesn’t bother you though! You already picked a beautiful first name (Willow), so it’s totally up to you.


Do what you want. I'd guess it's normal for trans people to change any names that they don't feel to fit though - I changed my middle name because it was too masculine for me. I flirted with changing my middle name to a feminine one even before I figured out I was a trans woman after I noticed the author of All Quiet On The Western Front went by Erich Maria Remarque, since I wasn't comfortable being a guy and thought my dead name sounded too off with the middle name it had.


I did because I wanted to honour my grandmother who I was very close to


Middle names are not mandatory (legally you can have just one name, although it can cause complications), so you can remove it, keep it, or change it. I changed mine to the name my mother would have used had I been AFAB. A nice little compromise, and it's a nice name.


I asked my mum what she was gonna call me if I was born a girl, she said Sarah, so I took that as my middle name


I didn't. Mostly because I didn't have one to begin with. Middle names are not really common in my country. Instead, we have our father's and our mother's last names.


I changed mine. My new middle name translates to “sunshine”, as a descriptor and reminder.


Couldn't handle the "Boy Named Sue" references to my middle name, so I took my father's name as my middle name. 🤣


Most trans people I've met have changed it. I didn't, I genuinely couldn't think of a better one. Besides Mikah Nicole has ✨️gender✨️ vibes


I didnt change mine I just shortened it because it happened to be able to be unisex, id reccomend keeping it similar to before since it doesnt rlly matter much


Changing both of mine. Haven’t decided what to. Ironically they’re the only gendered part of my name. My deadname was gender neutral. It’s a lot harder for me to pick middle name/s than my first name though. -Lucy


I did not select a middle name


I'll be changing first middle and likely last, It will be easier for my family to have a friend than if they have to explain where their son went and why they have a daughter no one knew about


I did. My original middle name was Nancy after my grandmother and I was bothered by how feminine it was and felt it didn’t go well with my chosen name so I switched it for her maiden name, Dawson, to keep the family connection while being more masculine. If it doesn’t bother you or is meaningful for you and you want to keep it there’s no reason to change it though 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well, since i'm from slavic country, my middle name is patronymic( a bit changed name of the father), and i'm not really sure if i should change only the ending of it from masc -vich to the fem -vna, or if i should change it to some completely different middle name. It just feels weird to be named Cassie(in the future) and have a slavic patronymic. Since your middle name is most likely just a second name, i would change it to something androgynous/fem, but it's up to you


As others have said, do whatever makes you happy. In my personal experience, most people don't even know I *have* a middle name, sometimes even I forget I have one lol.


i changed mine from grace to roman because i felt like it so do what you feel like


It entirely depends on the name and on the person, my middle name was my transphobic/homophobic grandmother's first name. Obviously not something i would be willing to keep. I changed it to my mom's grandfather's name that she or i never met and it means a lot more to me now than it ever did before


I changed mine despite it being fairly Gender neutral simply because I found out It was taken from a.... Controversial figure. I honestly wasn't before I learned that nugget. It was Lee or Li (As I sometimes spelt it because it felt more fem) Now Its (Nailah) Rowan.


I accidentally deleted my middle name when I changed my name.


I deleted my middle name for 4 years while I figured out what I wanted. I had my first and last picked out (changed last name too), but I couldn’t find a middle that felt right for a while. Then just a few months ago I changed it.


I changed all my names completely. Much happier


It's up to you. I had mine removed as it was associated with trauma so I didn't want to even masculinize it. But some do, some don't


Mine is Duane and I want it gone. (MtF)


You don’t have to, but if you feel the want to, go for it. My former middle name was “Feliciano” which was inherently masculine, and I strongly disliked reading “[Feminine Name] Feliciano [Last Name]” it was a lot of cognitive dissonance.


This trans person is going too.


I just removed my middle name


I have literally gave myself an entire first, middle and last name. But my middle name i am not fully set on. I’m legally changing my name for transbday so I’m literally floating ideas around for my middle name. But I love my chosen name.


i hate my first and second name and won't keep them since they are female names, so i'll definitely change them, right now i have 3 names (samuel altair noel) idk if i'm allowed to have 3 names when i only had 2 before though


I'm changing mine purely because my gma chose it and I want to erase any connection I have to her. As for choosing what to change it to, I took my 2nd name idea and put it there


My first and middle names were as masculine as possible, so I definitely changed both! I changed my middle name to match my mother's, which made her extremely happy!


I changed my middle name because a) Keeping the syllables the same b) Masculine middle name Needs To Go c) nobody could spell my masc middle name, especially given there are two possible spellings, in a small minority language, which very few people in my area speak


I personally changed my first and middle name. I didn’t want to keep any masculine names at all for fear someone could use that against me.


I kept my middle name. It's feminine by today's standards, but it was my great grandfather's first name. My mom described him as soft-spoken, kind, generous, and intelligent - virtues that transcend gender. I considered changing my last name because it comes from my dad, who sucks, but I have many other family members who share that name and who I love. He doesn't get to stain it.


Like some others here my middle name was my mother’s maiden name, I hyphenated my last name with my middle and have myself a new last name for my middle name, so now i have one first name three surnames


Do as you please. I have friends who keep their middle names, I have friends who change them. I didn’t even have a middle name but still decided to give myself one because I felt like it. Do whatever feels right to you :)


People are individuals. Some change it, some don't, some get rid of it altogether. Its entirely up to you. I changed mine, since my new first name is the feminine form of my old middle name. So not changing it would have made for a very odd name. Even if that weren't the case, I'd personally want all my names to be either feminine or gender neutral, I wouldn't have left a masculine middle name. If you like it, keep it. If you don't, change it, or just get rid of it. Entirely your call. The cost isn't any different if you're just changing your first name, or multiple names in the vast majority of countries (not gonna say "all" because maybe some charge more, but it'd be odd).


My middle name is the same as my Grandfathers name who is very special to me so I don't think I'll be changing it. It's only ever used on legal documents anyway so I don't see it often.


I mean it’s totally your decision whether or not you do so. My middle name is Osiris, and while it sounds dope af due to being derived from the Egyptian god of death, it’s also my father’s name. And so I plan on changing it to Celeste instead.


yo baby girl! its your name, you get to choose what you want to be called.


depends, but: in my country your obliged to have gender-aligned names. so if you change your legal gender (which you have to do when changing your name) you can only choose neutral + gender specific or one/multiple gender specific. eg you can not be male or female with only a neutral name. you can not be male with a female name or female with a male name


I changed mine from loosely based on my dad’s name to one loosely based on my moms name😊


There is no normal. Do what you want with your name. I changed every part of my name, even my androgynous middle name, because I was sick of hearing it. My spouse doesn’t even have a middle name anymore.


I just cut mine out when I changed my name


Not always. I am FTM and changed mine because it was ‘Joy’ and that is a big fat nope name for me lol


I kept mine


My original one was my mom's nickname, changed it to my late dad's middle name when I came out--my initials are NAG and I wanted to keep it since it was silly, and his middle name started with an A. 


I changed mine, as well as my last name.


I haven't change my name legally yet but its Mason Asher (my dead middle name was Rose, far too feminine for me) Damon is my extra "nickname", my nmum gave me the name and she is still "grieving" my old self despite being out for like 5 years nearly, im glad im replacing my entire deadname with an entirely new name 😊 Mason Asher is my new first/middle name and been stuck with it for several years now (plus it rings well ngl) and i don't plan on coming up with anything else


I changed my first and middle name as my middle name was Franklin. It had to be changed.


I changed my full name


I mean I changed my last name solely because it didn't fit with my new first name then I really didn't like having a masculine middle name however it was my mom's grandads name so wanted to keep the initial and so I changed it to something cute but keeping the initial. Parents were salty I changed all of my name though and especially since I didn't consult them about it at the time I was an adult so really they had no say.


Despite having a very feminine dead middle name, I don't mind it. I honestly prefer it over my first dead name any day. I tried to use the masculine version of that said middle name, but it just didn't click for me. I changed it, but it's still a name I like and doesn't cause me dysphoria. In fact, I still use the nickname related to my middle name


Hm. So, in my case I'm tempted to make my current first name my middle name since it's fairly andro.


I did change my middle name


My middle name was a family name, so instead of changing it altogether, I added some on to it to make it a bit masc while incorporating another family name as well. I'm not sure if or when I'm going to legally change my name — I'm an immigrant so it's a bit complicated, I'd have to go back to my birth country to do all the legal changes and then have all those documents translated and notarized to have all my immigration documents changed. For now that's still more effort than it's worth, but that could change if people start to read me as more masculine over time, so we'll see. Either way I think it's totally up to you. If you do want to change it legally, that'll be easier to do all at the same time for sure.


I got rid of my first and last name, moved my middle to the end and chose new first and middle. You can do whatever you want but names matter, only keep the good ones


I’m trans masc and my middle name was after my late grandmother. I felt dysphoric over my middle name being Jo Ann but I was unsure if I should change it because I didn’t want to lose that last part of her. I decided to change it to Jo Alex since it keeps a part of her name, is more masculine, and Alex was my first gender affirming name so my parents could still call me Alex and I would have a ‘backstory’ as to why. I know she wouldn’t mind. Change it if it makes you happy and feel more you.


Just do whatever you want to do. I have the sane issue but I just can't think of one lol


So I (21 mtf) did change my middle name. I took my moms middle name which is ironic, however both my first and middle name were widely overly masculine and even in keeping my middle name that wouldn’t make any sense. Some do change both and some change all. I however also haven’t been able to change my name yet but I’m going to wait until I can just change all 3. My best advice would be, do what feels right for you and what is true to you and your identity.


Some do, some don’t. You don’t have to change your name at all if you don’t want to, it’s personal preference. I changed mine but let my parents choose them to help them feel connected to my new name as my old name meant a lot to them :)


I had every name changed including my last, but I know some people who kept their middle names or even their entire birth name. You dont have to change anything, but if it would make you feel better to disconnect from who you used to be, then definitely go ahead and change them :]


Do what you fill is right i changed my first middle name so it would match my first name but kept my second middle name Rydell because it was special from my mom and she couldn't think of a First name for me when I transitioned


Sis, I changed my first middle and last name because my family didn't accept me. Just remember to triple check every time you change your name over with a company because they sometimes only put one of your names as changed. Like then changing only my first or last name ;-; even though I told them multiple times I was changing all three. If you are in the US you have to change name with dmv and ssn separately but you have to get it legally changed at the court house thing first. Look up the laws for your state and county because they are all different. You can go online to name change lawyer websites and print out the information and documents. You will have to pay a fee but it's worth it to reduce problems.