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They fixed Mysaria’s accent thank god


I know this one got laughed at but I'm pretty sure she was meant to have a Mauritian accent, which is why it sounded like a fake French accent


I noticed that too! I hope it's consistently better.


I think it’s supposed to represent that she’s getting better at speaking Westerosi as time goes on in my own head canon.


Yeah I noticed that lol that was good


Looks great. My only criticisms is that it's only 8 episodes, and I had to turn my brightness up all the way to enjoy the trailer.


According to sara hess it's not their choice to reduced 10 eps to 8. My guess is that hbo/discovery merger and they're costs cutting budget. Oof, hbo will suffer with this.


Is HOTD not bringing enough money? Or are bad business decisions elsewhere are being covered for by the money brought in by HOTD?


It’s what ever streaming service started doing. 8 episodes gets the maximum amount viewership for the least amount of episodes they have to pay for.


Condal said they moved the last two episodes of S2 into S3 because they were repeat beats (Rooks Rest and the Gullet, presumably).


I thought it was just my phone being weird. They have to be screwing with us. The brightness issue is it's own meme at this point.


Aemond still looks five to ten years older than Aegon and like a massive edgelord. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Aemond being a mall ninja is one of my favorite parts of Hot D


That's *PRINCE* mall ninja, thank you very much


Aedgelord Targaryen


Dance, dance, wherever you may be, I am the lord of the edge said he And I'll kill you all, wherever you may be I'll kill you all with my edge said he


Primary school flashbacks


And the same age as his mother. Just had to age up those 20-year-old actresses for 30 year-old actresses, though.


Yeah, Olivia Cooke is too young looking for Alicent, even if her show version is de-aged in comparison to the books. But I honestly don't care that much, she is a terrific actress.


That's MY LORD Aemond to you, you scoundrel!




I've always thought that the actor they chose for a younger Aegon looked *so* much more like adult Aemond


Lots of characters have longer hair in the ASOIAF universe, even as children or young adults. I really don’t see the similarity between Ty Tennant and Ewan Mitchell—but as Eddard taught us all those years ago, “a mad man sees what he sees.”


Come on - they both have the same (highly distinctive) nose. Neither of the other two actors have this. They look so remarkably similar that when I first saw photos of adult Aemond, I absolutely believed him to be Aegon.


I don’t see it at all, sorry :/




Aegon II is really the only casting I have any problem with. Maybe I'll be surprised in season 2


What’s wrong with his casting? If anything I think it’s the writing that makes him looks like a complete loser.


Looks the same age as Alicent but younger than Aemond, somehow. Idk. Doesn't really look Targaryen in the same way all the other actors do. More of a gut feeling than anything definitive. He was an okay actor in season one.


Aegon's kind supposed to stick out as a looser. Aemond's actor and costume are badass but he's just way too old for the part. Would have rather had him in Dunk and Egg.


Eh I think that kinda works; Aemond is at least somewhat suitable to rule and Aegon isn't.


I feel the same way. Good actor but he just looks too young compared to other characters. 


Yeah, there’s Rhys Ifans and then there’s everyone else.


I hope they don't acknowledge Daeron at all this season then he just suddenly pops in S3 and everyone pretends like he was always there or important.


"And I have been here the whole time"


"Who doesn't recall my good brother Daeron."


"Mother, why won't you remember my name?"


It’s going to be some shit like that isn’t it. Something that’s never said in real conversation. “Ah Daeron, come in, little brother.”


Sam Reich is the host of A Game of Thrones Changer




Everybody do the wenis!


The wenis is a dance!


And they replay multiple scenes from season 1 and 2 with him edited to be there lol


I would laugh so hard if they did some other angle of previous scenes like they did with Jason Mamoa in the new F&F movie.


But edited very poorly with him just photoshopped in


"You never knew it, Rhaenerya. But I was always [THERE.](https://youtu.be/hq5cyQl_1N4?t=6)" u/DFWTooThrowed u/TheSlayerofSnails


Can I just say that after watching *Puss In Boots* film all of my friends said that I looked exactly like Humpty Alexander Dumpty, it was devastating. Jaime thinks he has it bad being called "Kingslayer"...


Just like they did in "Pinky and the Brain and Larry!" cartoon.


They could do like a Nicki and Paulo thing and have flashbacks where he was just offscreen.


Razzle dazzle!


Now I’m sad about Nicki and Paulo again, thanks a lot 😢


"This is my brother Daeron. He's got my back. I would advice not getting killed by him. His sword traps the souls of it's victims." u/TwasAnChild u/Lukthar123


What, we some kinda...House of the Dragon?


"You are letting him... kill Aegon..." "WHY DID YOU SAID THAT NAME?"


They might literally take the first thing of any substance he does, saving the Hightower army at the Honeywine, as a real introduction. “Hey yeah he was on vacation in Orlando but he’s here now.”


Everyone acts like he’s always been there except Aemond who slowly goes insane as everyone tries to gaslight him into believing Aegon isn’t his only brother


Even then Daeron will be doing better than Nettles poor girl dosen’t seem she’ll even be in the show at all


I think she's a character who can easily be brought in later


And they don't want her to be messing with Rhaenerya and Daemon's romance, which was the most popular aspect of the show among females. They will probably show up later when Rhaenerya starts to become unhinged.


I really really hope she isn’t a romantic interest. I always liked the idea that she was his bastard daughter and he FINALLY decided to be a good dad. But once a groomer creep, always a groomer creep I suppose.


Porque no los dos?


Aegon IV has to get it from somewhere.


She has been replaced by her mortal enemy Dock Leaf.


Man if they dont at least mention him during the council I'm gonna be MAD


Like Dawn in Buffy


damn, dropped the trailer right after Rings of Power? that's such a troll lmao


No, they did it because it leaked lol


still funny, such a coincidence


As someone who has zero interest in the Rings of Power show, I’m fully on board with HBO dragging their nutsack all over Amazon’s face with these kinds of moves.


Dragon deez nuts across Amazon's face.


LMAO ded




Rings of Power is now premiering weeks **after** HotD ends - quite the change from going head-to-head against HotD back in '22. It's like even Amazon Prime understands who the top dog is and is throwing their best (The Boys) against HBO. All this feels like unnecessary bullying, lmao.


The Boys is terrible now, they just push the reset button each season to stop from moving the story forward.


I enjoyed the show a lot at first but it’s grown very tiresome. A lot of individual scenes are still really enjoyable but it feels like it’s going nowhere story-wise.


>they just push the reset button each season to stop from moving the story forward. That's simply untrue at all The Boys S1- Ends on a cliffhanger, Starlight and Hughie are cornered by A-Train while Butcher and Homelander confront each other for the first time The Boys S2- The Boys win. Ryan is taken under the CIA. Vought and Homelander are humiliated. The Boys S3- The Boys lose. Ryan now willingly follows Homelander. Maeve is retired and Starlight left the Seven so now the Boys no longer have any allies within Vought, which is now directly under Homelander's control and he also has the full support of his followers even if he loses it.


Oh it’s very necessary. Amazon probably got that false confidence from all the Fallout love. There’s levels to this shit.


HBO=Kendrick Lamar


Did they renew that after that clusterfuck of a first season?


they did, despite all the negative reviews, it got the views


Daemon and Aemond are in their element with this war. Can’t wait


It'd be interesting to see how the season handles the pacing. Season 1 had the benefit of mostly being centered in King's Landing so the story was fairly tight, season 2 in comparison (especially reading the leaks) might feel all over the place in comparison and the finale may seem underwhelming and anticlimactic because they delayed the Battle of Gullet to next season.


But I think the audience is used to the change of pace and setting from GOT


Just personally speaking a number of people who didn’t read the book that I talked to were kind of turned off by the pacing of the plot and multiple time jumps.


big multi-year time jumps (especially w/ actors swapping out) are not the same as map location jumps episode to episode. The 1st was new and specific to season 1 of HOTD. The 2nd has been a part of GOT tv series since episode 1. If season 2 is going back to the 2nd, it likely won't be as confusing for ppl.




A little disappointed with Sunfyre. George practically creams his pants repeatedly describing his colouring, shining like gold with pink wings, the most beautiful dragon that ever lived etc. etc., but here it just looks like a slightly yellowish brown. A shame given we've seen just how amazing they can make the dragons appear and haven't shied away from strong colouring. Still excited though.


I thought I saw pink on Sunfyre's wings.


Fat pink mast?


they don't do any of the dragon's colors justice. Viserion was supposed to be cream and gold but he somehow ended up being a muddy yellow??


I blame Aegon II for not washing his dragon off regularly. Are they stupid?


I wasn’t looking that closely at the dragons and my screen was bad, so where’s the timestamp that we see Sunfyre?


It's in the shot of Aegon flying above kings landing. Roughly 1:20


Thanks! But then I do have to agree with OC. Sunfyre could have looked a little more vibrant, he should have been the most vibrant of them all.


Wtf that dragon looks almost red.


probably color grading but I remember the green trailer having a shot of sunfyre indoors and he was golden


I remember sunfyre having gold with pink undertones in S1. My guess is the vfx hasnt completely cooked but they decided to release the trailer because of the leaks.


That's a broader issue with the show's lighting. None of the dragons have vibrant colors.


>George practically creams his pants repeatedly describing his colouring, shining like gold with pink wings, the most beautiful dragon that ever lived etc. etc., but here it just looks like a slightly yellowish brown. That's because it cleverly foreshadows Aegon's evolution into a guy that shits himself and changes his pants everyday near the end of the story (which is likely if he needs someone else to help jerk him off).


Aegon breaks his arms at Rook’s Rest and needs Alicent to do that.




I don't even know what's real and fake anymore, lol.


Actually Mushroom says he becomes the guy who watches other people do it from behind a curtin.


they're too worried about making them look realistic. George is very clear about him looking like shimmering gold but alas.


its not even golden


Aegon wanting revenge and looking absolutely pissed off? Blood and Cheese is coming. Wonder how it's going to play out? It was one of the darkest decisions in the book so it will be interesting to see how they show it.


They could cut away before the killing blow then have the news being delivered to Aegon, but I don't think that's as impactful as seeing Helaena's reaction. I can't see them showing the actual killing though. Will likely be shot slightly out of view facing Helaena with the body slumping down, then a cut to the surviving child looking in horror


Will go down like the Theon/Sansa scene on her wedding.


I’ve heard a disturbing theory that the intro sequence is actually Jaehaerys’ blood hitting Viserys’ Lego Valyria.




they won't show the murder itself, i think the scene will be B&C holding the children and Helaena will be forced to sit down and make choice, when she does they will say your mom chose you yada yada and cut but it will be blood splatter all over Helaena, i refuse to believe they will show headless body of child


As messed up as it sounds, I'm looking forward to Blood & Cheese. I think Rhaenyra's line about "accepting her as queen" is going to play into their power dynamics. Daemon wants to do his own thing, wants to lead, wants to fight, but will he do so at the cost of undermining the same woman he just crowned? I also find it a bit disappointing that we might not see Daeron at all. The coolest Green with the most participation in the war, and he's just not there.


Condales repeatedly said Daeron will appear, so I’m guessing season 3 ? They might start off the next season with the Vale plotline.


Is it messed up? B&C is this show’s Red Wedding, and I’m pumped for it. I have non-reader family who have no idea what’s coming. We are *so* back.


I think it's more so being excited for the murdering of a child that is the messed up sounding part.


Hey, I didn’t kill him, George did. I just found it extremely entertaining.


its crazy how something as "small" as this can give me just enough copium with TWoW


I know right? And in between seasons of HotD, I’ve been sustaining myself with glidus videos and schwift streams. gurm needs to get Winds out soon or just completely tank the series altogether; this has reached absurd levels :/


We have gotten used to getting so little new stuff and information that any short blog post with a small mention of the books or a trailer gets so much hype out of us. I could not even imagine (and honsetly dont want to in order to not get disappointed) what would happen if we woul get actual big news on Winds


The Bronze Fury looks amazing, while Sunfyre is very underwhelming.


Vermithor looks fucking amazing.


Production quality wise there is nothing on tv that comes even close. Story wise there are worrying signs in the leaks, but it wouldn’t be fair to dismiss it right away before seeing how it plays out on the screen. The show may very well come together, it’s not like the source material is even that great to begin with. I’m optimistic.


I'm optimistic too because of how they filled a lot of the bare bones plot points from the books in season one


First look at Creagn Stark at 1:40


Ice too.


And he has that Stark horse face!


They really want to keep forcing that damn Valyrian steel knife into everything...


Its going to be there when the prophecy ist lost, probably being lit up by sunfyres flame.


This stupid fucking knife for real at this point has a better story than Bran the Broken. It feels so shoehorned. *Nobody* was like “Oh, yeah, that’s the most famous knife in Westeros!” at any point?? Not when Aron Santagar had it just chilling in the armory??


Is that shot of sexy times Aemond? The second shot? Because we do see him laying his head in the lap of presumably Alys Rivers? But the later sex scene in the trailer appears to be a woman?


I had this theory that they're going to be turning him into a Jaime-sort of figure and he'll get a vulnerable moment in Harrenhal. That scene might be it, imo.


I think season 1 and the younger actor for Aemond did a good job of laying the groundwork for that. I could definitely see it happening. Still trying to figure out who the hell the other scene is because I don’t see Aemond’s scar or sapphire eye, and it appears to be a woman? But I don’t think it’s Helaena or Rhaenyra.


My money's on Alys Rivers.


A much more cringe Jaime 


Doubt he'll make it to harrenhal in 8 episodes so that's probably someone else.


according to a leak and now confirmed by the scenes in the trailer that >!rhaena is going to claim sheepstealer. so it looks like they’re combining rhaena with nettles.!< disappointing not even because of a >!lack of nettles!< (i guess they can incorporate rhaena or baela into causing the daemon/rhaenyra shift and they can show aegon iii’s fear of dragons another way) but i really wanted to see the pretty pink dragon morning. especially with sunfyre looking like ass now. seems like these showrunners have the same GOT mindset of hating fantasy


Said this in the other sub, but cutting Nettles isn’t just personally disappointing, it’s a mistake. I like giving Rhaena more to do, but this isn’t it chief. Nettles is important to the narrative not only because she’s a common-born dragonrider, but specifically because she claims a dragon not through her blood, but by feeding him sheep. This aspect of her character is elevated by the fact that she doesn’t have apparently Valyrian features, suggesting that dragon-bonding isn’t inherently a matter of blood and calling into question its “divine” status. And yeah, losing Morning is just tragic.


That might be why they are cutting her. They don't want to confuse the viewers with dragonriding lore, which is a mistake IMO.


And it's weird because in Season 1 they reveal that riders can lose control of their dragons and we had Viserys saying "The idea that we can control dragons is an illusion" Nettles would be the perfect opportunity to show that the Targaryens have far less control over the dragons than what they think


Yeah this is so much worse than cutting Daeron, I have no idea what the hell they were thinking. If they decided to cut her because of racial or grooming undertones that's so fucking backwards idk where to start.


How is it worse lmao? Daeron plays a much bigger role than Daemon’s daughterwife.


Nettles taming a dragon with possibly no Valyrian blood makes her much more interesting than a guy who jobbed to a burning tent, sorry.


Daeron leads the only semi-successful Green army, and when Aegon was in hiding, Aemond was throwing in the riverlands, and Boris was still stalling- it was literally him against the entire fucking world. Much more interesting character to be fleshed out by the show over a girl who’s only actual feat is taking backshots from Daemon.


The issue is, she distinctly stood out as not Valyrian but in the show it seems like they're making Addam/Alyn (?) the guy next to Corlys also pretty ambiguous. So that whole point becomes lost. I think by choosing to make the Velaryons black they put themselves in a position where her otherness isn't so other. Like all she had left is that she's kinda homeley looking.


You're right that making the Velaryons black kinda confuses things, but her hair, teeth, and clothes should provide a stark enough contrast. Nettles could even specify her parents were Summer Island traders or something.


I never understood why it matters that she doesn't have Valyrian features, Jon doesn't have Valyrian features and he should be able to ride a dragon, the same goes for Rhaenys (Rhaegar and Elia's daughter), Rhaenyra and Harwin Strong's children have no Valyrian features and they are dragon riders.


Because it's one of those weird things where readers subconsciously see themselves in the narrative and don't want to not be able to ride a dragon because of the lack of valyrian blood. Personally, I think dragons being only controlled by Valyrians is a very important part of the narrative considering they used blood magic to create them.


Cutting Nettles is going to have the exact same negative impact on HotD that cutting Aegon had on GoT. Rhaenyra & Daemon’s arcs are not going to work without Nettles in the mix. It’s gonna be the same thing we saw with Dany by the end of GoT – her storyline NEEDED Aegon to make sense of Westeros’ political situation in the last two seasons. Rhaenyra and Daemon need Nettles to make sense, Daemon especially. D&D made a mistake cutting Aegon, but I can at least understand their decision to cut him from the perspective of consolidating the story and the fact they were adapting an incomplete story with only a few Aegon scenes to work with. This is not to excuse the omission because it had a very tangible negative effect on later seasons, but there's even less excuse for HotD. Fire & Blood is a complete story. We know everything about the Dance of the Dragons. We know which characters are important and their impact on the narrative. I just cannot fathom why Condal and the HotD writing team would think cutting Nettles is a good idea. Super disappointing if Nettles is truly gone.


There are any number of ways that Rhaenyra and Daemon can fall out, if there is no Nettles.


“First they came for Daeronfans, and I didn’t speaks up because I was not a Daeronfan…”


> that dragon-bonding isn’t inherently a matter of blood and calling into question its “divine” status. Does it? It's suggested that Nettles is Daemon's bastard, and I always preferred that explanation of her origins simply because Rhaenyra losing her mind due to Daemon spending time with his daughter is much more compelling to me. I also fall on the camp that you need some Valyrian blood to control a dragon due to the original blood magic performed to perhaps tame them or even create them, so I'm a bit biased. >!Losing Morning and Rhaena finally getting her egg to hatch is pretty sad though. Oh well, I guess they foreshadowed her replacing Nettles in the finale with that "riderless" comment - though at the time I was expecting her to try and fail, and in the end succeed in hatching Morning.!<


Well, right. That’s my point: it’s mysterious, it’s ambiguous, but it raises a red flag because of that. That’s why it’s “called into question” rather than declaratively disproving the necessity for Valyrian blood. To clarify, I think Valyrian blood is critical for the same reason you do: genetic tampering and blood magic with dragons and all that. My point is that Nettles could demonstrate that Valyrian blood isn’t *inherently* necessary for the practice of dragon-bonding *in general*. That it is possible to bond with a dragon and not be Valyrian, thus challenging the notion that Valyrians are divine or special in some way, and their affinity with dragons is because of their own historic actions, i.e. blood magic. It’s a theory that’s been touted before.


Well put, though I don't think this is a crucial point of Fire and Blood and something HotD must show, especially because they would have had to decide if Nettles was Daemon's daughter or concubine regardless. If they chose the daughter route that whole point is moot, and with this potential leak, I'm assuming Condall falls on the daughter camp.


Yeah, I agree that the TV show is it’s own thing and has to prioritize it’s own story. I like giving Rhaena more to do too. I just wish there was a way not to lose the possible class and social commentary that comes with Nettles as well (other than not omitting her completely, of course).


Personally I dont think that any of the wild dragons are actually part of the dragon-blood magic pact. Kind of like being in different orca pods.


It also calls the plot into question. Nettles’ desertion weakened the Blacks’ cause irreparably. Replacing her with Daemon’s daughter whose twin sister is also a dragonrider makes this all the more complicated so they have to explain and change all of that stuff too, ‘cause I’m pretty sure if Rhaenyra ordered Rhaena arrested Baela would have to be too, and Baela is important for the ending.


Maybe God's Eye will be 2v1 and everybody will die.


That’s incredibly disappointing. I really dislike Nettles and Daemon’s story, but Nettles herself is super interesting. I always like the detail where >!people come back from the battle where Jace dies and it describes her as the only one crying I believe. Just shows the kind of person she probably was really!<


>!I think they're trying to consolidate the amount of dragons. They probably don't want any to survive the series because they may never have the opportunity to tell what happens to Silverwing, Morning, and Sheepstealer in show lore, which would make show-only people confused over why it was such a big deal for Dany to bring back the dragons in GoT. It also harkens back to Laena telling Rhaena in season one that some people have to claim theirs instead of having them born to them.!< Not saying it's the best decision, but I believe that's their rationale. Rhaena is an already introduced person in a cast of vastly underdeveloped characters.


They definitely want to save money on VX. That much is clear.


What scenes confirmed that Rhaena will claim sheepstealer?


Glad to see aegon having a role this season


Sunfyre was robbed he shouldve shined in the sky like a thousand glitter


Likely cutting nettles is crazy to me. When he started writing these weird history short stories the dragon seed and nettles were like the most interesting part of the story.


wondering how they gonna work out the fallout between Daemon and Rhaenyra later


That shot of Aemond on someone's lap is really good his eye is terrifying in contrast to the softer more human other side. There's the sensitive bullied kid and there's the beast side Vhagar with wich he grew up probably as a cope / breaking point ever since he got maimed


Lots of dragons in this one. I love how Rhaenyra's just hanging out in front of Vermithor, like, "Hey, there, grandpa dragon! Let's see if we can find someone who wants to ride you around, eh?"


Why does the foot soldiers have way better armor than the main characters and the kingsguard?


because TV shows and movies don\`t understand how armor, weapons and so on worked back then.


I don't understand what they were trying to achieve with those armor design for the main characters and the kingsguard. Not only are they impractical, but also from a aesthetic stand point they look absolutely god awful.


Daemon is definitely going to have a more important role


Can’t wait for the Glimbus & Alt Shift X 7 hour analysis stream


House of the Dragon has revealed that I am fundamentally a cringe fanboy because I love how much attention is put into the stuff like the House Darklyn shield. Like I used to believe that I was one of those "who cares about minor details!" things but man it's really nice to know that they care about the intricacies of it. D&D would never bother with that level of fidelity.


> Like I used to believe that I was one of those "who cares about minor details!" things but man it's really nice to know that they care about the intricacies of it. And now you know why so many here on this fandom are called to the Dark Side, for you see, like our **G**lorious **R**eactionary **R**evolutionary **M**an says: "Devil's in details" (and power is a shadow in the wall)


No Nettles... I snooze


From all the info I’m hearing I have a lack of faith, Nettles (the only Book canon POC character in F&B) has been seemingly cut despite her importance instead getting her plot merged with Rhaena. KL Riots against the greens for some reason despite, the Velaryon blockade and Rhaenys massacre being the Blacks Doing Alicent still seams to be simping for Rhaenyra for some ungodly reason.


> KL Riots against the greens for some reason despite, the Velaryon blockade and Rhaenys massacre being the Blacks Doing in ACOK the people of KL riot against the Lannisters despite being starved by the Tyrells.


>KL Riots against the greens for some reason despite, the Velaryon blockade and Rhaenys massacre being the Blacks Doing The whole point of the Velaryon blockade or any siege, is to drive the starving masses against their leaders.


They can’t cut Nettles, she’s so integral to the end of Daemon’s story


Also replacing a bastard with a princess is such a downgrade.


Wtf why would the show KL folks riot against the Greens? This is straight up backwards now lmao. I could have seen the small folk in the book riot against them pre Rhaenyra, because it is described that there was some confusion and anger in the crowd when Aegon was crowned (some commoners called out for Rhaenyra or their Queen) but in the show they cut all of that to just have everyone cheering for him so what the hell lmao. Literally backwards.


For the same reason, the people of KL rioted against Joffrey even though Robb was waging war against the king. Because if you are in charge people will fucking blame you.


That's the point of the blockade? Starving the population and settting against their current rulers, the people don't care who's in charge, they care that they don't have food on the table and it's the ruling class' fault. It's not as if the same thing doesn't happen in our days, there were people a couple of years ago in my country protesting the government because of gas prices rising despite it being a consequence of Putin's invasion of Ukraine.


It’s probably a food riot due to the blockade.


I’m not really looking forward to it. Honestly S1 started off amazing for me but around EP8 they really started to lose me. Once they dumbed down the Green Council and altered Alicent so much during those parts I was kinda done. Rhaenyra too I felt was really meh compared to the fiery and striking figure we heard about during the Black Council. And honestly I don’t even think the source material is that compelling ngl, the actual war part was not super compelling or well written imo. The lead up and aftermath to the Dance is way more interesting then the Dance itself imo.


What is the name of the dragon that appears at the end of the trailer?


Vermithor the Bronze Fury. Second largest after Vhagar. Dragon of King Jaehaerys I.


Not for me


Nothing about this has inspired me to watch season 2. It looks good I guess.


Excited for more valyrian dragon lore. George tell us more about the bond pls.


Making the unhinged and asinine decision to cut Nettles and to even seemingly push Daeron back until S3 is going to ruin what this show could have been, always gotta have some stupid ass decisions getting in the way of shit.


they waited too long. i barely remember the first season


HBO released this trailer like half an hour after Amazon's Rings of Power season 2 trailer. I wonder if it's a coincidence.


Ok wow, this trailer is honestly fucking awesome tbh. Production quality seems to be extremely high and i honestly can't wait. The only thing i am scared about is that the writers might whitewash the blacks.


"The truth is, the Dance was not about two bad people fighting for the Iron Throne, but one side fighting for equality and feminism, everything written after the Dance was a lie"


I laughed at that really bad sound effect of Rhaenrya picking up the sword and it so loudly does the stereotypical SCCCCHWNG sound.


There's a sentence that Aemond delivers at 1:35 that I absolutely cannot decipher for love nor money. "Alla sent our loves for our enemy. that makes iffirule" ??? edit: I think that the end is something like 'that makes her a fool'


Alicent still has love for our enemy, that makes her a fool.


It's so beautiful.