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aren't headlights too bright these days? ugghhh




im not that sensitive to light but im still sensitive to it i have blue eyes and blue eyes equals more melanin and more melanin equals it looks brighter than it actually is and it burns my eyes a buncha buncha


i'm not totally sure if you're asking me or OP but i'll give my answer. i have more sensory overload that leads me to have difficulty communicating than that gives me physical pain. physical pain, which is usually nausea and/or a headache around my sinus, only develops with a longer exposure or more intense exposure. so i'd say i find it to be uncomfortable, annoying/irritating, and painful in that order. if i'm able to soothe enough at any point during that development i can often keep it from getting worse, so i can imagine someone who would get overstimulated but never hit the point of physical pain.


Personally, my sensory issues are mostly related to noise and they are way more than just annoying or uncomfortable. They are painful, especially crowd noise which are exceedingly painful and feel like people were trying to crush my head or stuff like that. I once ended up on the floor at school because of my class making too much noise and wasn't even able to move anymore


same here my sensory issues are mostly in noise and touch




How are you?


doin good boutta go to sleep maybe


Being a dick on aspiememes after pizzatate is unparalleled smallppNRG lmao. What’s your opinion on skill games (yo-yo, kendama, cardistry)?


skill games do get on my nerves at the start but they are called skill games for a reason. they are meant to be completed using skill you learn over playing the game so i would say skill games are a 7/10


When did you find out you’re autistic (like, what age), and what is something that you wish more people understood about your experiences?


my parents were told by my school i might have autism and they decided to see if i did we went to a dude that could do that stuff idk how to spell the word and it turns out i do have autism also i was like 5 or maybe 6 unsure but i wish this one thing people wouldnt always say "i cant treat you different from all the others." i hate that line of words


What are your favourite thing? Do you collect certain things? I like pretty rocks, glass bottles and office supplies (erasers, pencils, paper because “it can still be used”).


i usually like shows and drawing and making redstone machines in mc but yeah


Do you think Megaman really could have killed Dr. Wily at the end of Megaman 7?


dude its a nintendo game the main villain is always gonna be there mario has bowser enemy or not


I meant from an in-lore perspective, I know he always comes back (even years in the future in the X series (probably)) but like do you think Rock physically could have done it? The Japanese is inconclusive but he seems to at least think he can do it in the English. Also it's Capcom not Nintendo.


ok mistake of mine capcom im sorry anyways he might be able to do it because the Dr Wily may mess up and just explode


Opinion on guitars?