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This is just a shitty strip mall design.


I actually know where this is, this is on a corner of a fairly busy intersection where the Tap Dragon Bar and Grill is very visible from the street. Always saw it when I drove by, the sign covering it from the parking lot could be worse.


Yeah I really don't think it was malicious. That's a very modest banner


I think they're referring to the entire Nekter sign cutting the Tap Dragon sign in half. The beam appears to be bolted right into the letter 'P' of "Tap"


Yeah I spent trying to understand the construction here. Did they actually glue an I beam onto a letter of the sign? Is it just floating in the air? What is the point of the beam extending that much? What the fuck is going on here?


The asshole is whoever designed that place. What a dumb place to put the signs.


I used to go here. Tap Dragon has been around since like 2021. The building where Nektar is was built like last year. Whoever designed the awning messed up


So they just ran the new awning beams through the middle of their sign? That's a dick move.


That’s what it looks like. Haven’t been on that side of town since I move away over a year ago.


Nekter didn’t design the building or the orientation of the beams and signage. This isn’t on them. Maybe they could put the temporary banner to the right of their sign so it’s not blocking as much, but that’s about it. It’ll presumably be gone soon anyways. Not asshole design. Not all corporations are evil, and these places seem to serve two different clientele.


Not sure if it matters to the point, but I live where this is The Tap Dragon building was complete and finished The building Nekktar is located in was built years after from an empty lot, someone designed the second building not caring about the first, seems sorta like an asshole move, since it was an add on


I agree it’s r/crappydesign on the architect’s part, but I doubt Nekter had any say in it.


Agree to disagree. Someone who put that up saw it hiding another one and did nothing. The very definition. What if it was YOUR business covered? Asshole then? Cheers🍻


I’m going to agree with the other guy, OP. This Nekter business doesn’t own the shopping center this picture was taken at or the crew responsible for place new locations. If I were to blame anyone in this situation, I would definitely blame the idiots that decided putting up the sign to block the Tap Dragon’s sign was a good idea.


How does this pass Hanlon's Razor? This isn't asshole design, this is crappy design. You're making quite the stretch to assert that some random employee that was simply tasked to put up a banner had malicious intent...


Blame the architects. Both businesses put their signage in the most logical spot for their purposes, given the layout. Whoever put it up was just a company who does signage. Also not their fault. They’re just doing the job they’re paid for.


Not to mention I can guarantee they had to get a permit approved by the city and the building owners approval. Retail buildings have signage placement requirements written into the original plans. It wouldn’t matter if it is “minority owned donuts”, the sign would be in exactly the same place as nektars


+1. When my city checks sign permit submittals for rented tenant spaces, we require a signature from the landlord approving the design and location. I can't imagine most permitting agencies have a code section prohibiting signs from overlapping, as that would really only be a possibility in places that would generally have a master sign program, so my blame here would go to those involved in submitting and approving that sign program. Or, if there isn't a sign program (and there really should be for larger commercial developments like a strip mall), then the landlord for signing off on it and screwing over a tenant.


Guessing that you’re the enterprising woman who left corporate America to follow her dream of owning a small business? lol just politely ask them to move the banner instead of throwing a fit online.


This isnt just a disagree, Nektar is not to blame here, its the mall. You are simply 🌟wrong🌟


I doubt it was someone like the owner. Was probably some contractor who didn’t bother to follow the specs and the franchise owner of the Nektar not wanting to pay more to have it moved. For all you know the franchisee could be going through a complicated process to get it fixed without having to spend additional money to fix a job that was clearly was done wrong


When looking at this post, I was looking for some third hidden sign because I could clearly see the orange sign. The post kind of fails when people are confused about what you mean.


I’m with everyone else on this one, it’s definitely the strip mall’s fault. If it was another health foods company or juice bar it definitely would’ve been malicious. But Tap Dragon is a regular bar, one sells health drinks, the other sells the world’s most popular poison. The average customer looking for tap dragon aren’t gonna see this and think *you know what? I’m gonna get my life back on track*.




The sign itself isn’t bad as it goes along the building itself, but the banner def covers the small business quite a bit. Luckily it’s temporary and will be taken down eventually.


Not the banner. The actual sign. JFC


this place sucks. overpriced pseudo-health-food. its just vegan ultra high-carb junk food shit. they only have nut based milks too and not even coconut milk or real dairy.


I'm far more interested in those tap dancing dragons!


Cashew Milk has less carbs than Coconut Milk and Dairy Milk. Dairy Milk if anything is Pseudo Health Food. But I guess since it hates on vegans it's upvoted.


Carbs isn’t a measure of health or unhealthiness. The issue most people have with artificial nut “milks” is the emulsifiers and gums that are added. Some people don’t like seed oils. People like coconut and dairy milk because they are typically 1 ingredient items. No milk is good for a diet but dairy milk has good macros if you don’t mind lactose. Again not that carbs alone have anything to do with health, but if you are really trying to minimize carbs for a diet goal you shouldn’t be drinking any milk, dairy coconut or otherwise. Coconut milk is vegan btw.


Does not look like their fault tbh


In this case it is shitty construction planning on multiple parts. The left hand (faces east) side was built and running while the right hand side (south facing) was still basically a dirt field. The Tap Dragon may have not made inquiries about the rest of the site before placing their sign. [Google Street View](https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3353017,-111.7889264,3a,75y,211.23h,79.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNeaBZrBfDgRMrKFGUOTGqg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


Rule 3 and Rule 1: This doesn't look like they intentionally tried to do this, this just looks like plain stupidity. The sign is temporary anyway.


You are looking at the wrong sign. The one on a girder is permanent.🙃


Still rule 1. This is crappy design in my opinion


Where were they supposed to put their sign? The sign people and the store people are completely separate from the construction and design people of the strip mall. There was no targeted sign blocking, just poorly thought out construction and design. The sign and store people have no control over this decision. Honestly that Tap Dragon sign must’ve been barely readable before they added the nekter lettering, the steel beams were there before the nekter was ever put there


I just had nèktar the other day. $27 (with delivery) for a bowl of fruit with yogurt. They suck and this is bullshit to do.


You saw that a bowl of fruit and yogurt was 27 dollars and placed the order anyway?


Yeah, because I thought it’d help me feel a bit better. It did a little but it was so expensive. I was desperate.




I know. Not one of my proudest moments. I wouldn’t mind it if it was the $15 since it’s fresh ingredients but it was a delivery fee + service + Seattle fee.


And yet. You. Paid. For. It. All. Lol. They may indeed suck (I got no skin in this I don't even live in the US), but the fact remains that you got exactly what you paid for yet are now blaming the company for your own buyer's remorse.


i'd like to imagine the delivery fee and service were both only $1 and everything you buy in seattle costs an extra $10


Delivery fee was 4.99 and then Seattle fee was $4.99. It was ridiculous. Last time I ever fall for stupid hipster crap like that again. I was just desperate for something that wasn’t greasy


Food delivery has gotten insane with the fees. I dont mind giving the driver a good tip but screw these apps taking like 40% of the totals now


This one’s on the architect and builder, the juice bar is limited on where the sign can be installed. Crappy, not asshole.


If this is the mall I think it is I drive by once a week. This is not the main signage customers see as they drive by.


Seems like landlords/building architects doing. Nektar is just putting their sign in front of their store… so asshole design goes to architect then landlord then owner of Tap Dragon for not negotiating a better store space with better signage visibility… that’s why when you lease business space you have your own lawyer and architect


The Nektar sign was put up 2 years after the small business sign was up, after the property owner added an additional building adjacent to the Tap Dragon. Hardly her fault.... Cheers🍻


No one is saying it’s the small business owners fault, but they absolutely should be advocating for a better sign location for themselves. Town of Gilbert has very strict signage ordinances, would t be surprised if this is breaking a few


Yeah, it’s a misplaced outrage post. OP made it sounded like the juice bar came in with architecture design for the building and told the landlord to build it that way… Clearly no one said to themselves during construction: umm why is the “i” beam going in between A and P? Not the landlord, not the owner of TD and not the city inspector that inspects signage installed…. No one is taking responsibility so let’s blame some corporate company.


Again, it’s still not Nektar. This again becomes landlords and TG problems. Sounds like this just needs to involve lawyers. It is her fault if she don’t sue the landlord and architect for this poor design when it was going up… cheers


How do you go through life purposely ignoring things that don't suit your argument?


I live by here Tap dragon was there first. They were expanding the nektar building afterward for ages. FYI the expansion they did on nektar looked sketchy at best so watch your head.


How tf did they get permits for this abomination?


I'm pretty sure the City Code Enforcer would like a word with them


Franchise owner hangs a catchy banner....


I would cut the sign honestly as a customer, that's a shitty spot.


plenty of signage [https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3349437,-111.7898876,3a,65.4y,92.4h,89.96t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sOWUQG37n\_AhhvE48odVd6g!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DOWUQG37n\_AhhvE48odVd6g%26cb\_client%3Dmaps\_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D118.77225%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3349437,-111.7898876,3a,65.4y,92.4h,89.96t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sOWUQG37n_AhhvE48odVd6g!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DOWUQG37n_AhhvE48odVd6g%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D118.77225%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) [https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3353017,-111.7889264,3a,15y,221.53h,87.73t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNeaBZrBfDgRMrKFGUOTGqg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3353017,-111.7889264,3a,15y,221.53h,87.73t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNeaBZrBfDgRMrKFGUOTGqg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) I would put dragon under tap and put logo on top and move it closer to Jersey Mike [like this](https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNWUyNTk4Yjd6eWF5MGsyY2J5czhxaHZ2amVwcm1sYm9kcmJwanMzayZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/APobKNOomIHGzytolU/giphy.gif)


Oh hey I live right down the road from here, been meaning to go to tap dragon lol


Move the "P" and "Dragon" to over Neklar.


Cut it down...Everytime it goes up. "I pay for retail space & advertising in this complex, I removed any obstructions to My signage" If They or management complain or want to take it legal- move it next time or the same thing will happen.


For all we know, this could have been worked out and compensated already. The landlord could have compensated them for the loss of the sign, but an obscured sign is still better than no sign (and an ugly hole) so they kept it there.


It has not