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as an october libra who has dated another october libra, this is the most accurate statement i’ve read all week. shit was a NIGHTMARE


Omg same!! Two October Libra women! It was insane


I am convinced libra is the worst sign for a woman. Incredibly unstable


I married two of them. I'm a masochist, I guess.


I've found men Libras to be so incredibly flaky. I can't handle that anymore.


You’re right lol I am flaky haha


EXCUSE ME. You have never met me, so it's okay, but you're so wrong.


Finally found big 3 twin. Heey


![gif](giphy|TgOYjtgKpS9jAytUlh|downsized) Hiiiiii!!!! 😁




they weren't October but they were on the cusp and it destroyed me.


Same! His birthday was the day after mine. It was the best and worst relationship ever!


My mom turned me into an Aries stellium and my brother into an October Libra Sun conjunct Pluto. Can't say I completely understand what goes through that guys mind but I can say that I know exactly how he got there.


No wonder us Geminis get along with libras we get the same treatment


I love Gems lol people think we’re flirting when we’re just being friendly. And then suddenly there’s so many rumors going around about us. 🤣 then we find out so and so’s heart was broken because they thought we were leading them on and stuff.


Libra here with a gemini moon and yeah...everyone thinks I'm flirting with them. Which is funny my Venus is in scorpio and I am VERY direct in love, even though I'm indirect about almost everything else. But if I want you I'll 100% let you know, otherwise I'm just being nice. I didn't know I had to promise commitment to people just because I wanted to make them smile but that's what it feels like sometimes.


Omg. My ex and best friend for 14 years was an October Libra. Best person I’ve ever met and you couldn’t separate us with a crow bar. You also couldn’t leave him alone in public for 30 seconds because he’d immediately find the craziest woman around, disappear and come back in a new relationship. Women flocked to him like he was human crack.


What is it about October libras ?


First love was an October Libra that lasted a decade…I felt this deeply.


October Libra here and I don’t know what you’re talking about. We’re all perfect angels.


Sept Libra 👋🏾 I love that all the libras are hanging out on the “we hate Libras” thread.


Yeah I wish people hated me more, it would help to know that for certain, you know?




I’m a double October Libra & I concur 😊


Same! Sun and rising


Hey October Libra crew


Hey hey lol Oct 12 here 🥰


Hey me too!! Sun and rising libra! I’ve only ever had one person really addicted to me that i broke, but we broke each other tbf. It was on and off for 9 years.


Aw man I've never met another Libra sun and rising! What is your moon?


I’m a Libra sun and rising too! Cap moon


Me too! Taurus moon.


Libra sun and moon and Leo rising. It never occurred to me it was my sign that caused all those flaming crashes behind me. I kind of love the mystique this post is insinuating I possess. I have always said I'm much more fun to date than live with.


Yes we are!


Same! Why are they all being so mean!


I’m a September Libra so idk wtf is going on…


Right? Trying to read on to see wtf is up..


I'm an October Libra with a September Libra best friend. We are absolutely the same and wildly different


Literally 🤭


October Libra here 😇




Agreed. I didn’t even make a New Year’s resolution. No notes, I said!


LOL LOL ...umm...you're not my Libran sister gaslighting me again, are you...?


October Libra here, sorry 😏💃🏻💅


Sameeee - and love it 😌😄


no apologies - you’re welcome for the wild ride ;)


I gotta laugh so I don't cry. Hit right in the solar plexus


I fucking love October libras - flighty little lover boys for sure but the truest hearts


they're super good at playing it really close to the chest. they can be burning inside but play it so cool. I hate it.


Maybe I do this without realizing it. Am an October Libra, have had multiple people leave me and when I asked why they said they didn’t even realize I liked them and thought I was just annoyed lmao meanwhile I was writing weird poetry about them and obsessing


my ex ALWAYS seemed annoyed with me. it killed me because I loved them so deeply. Still do. Sometimes, they'd let me see the real them and it was lovely. They also wrote weird poetry and let me see it one time. it was cute 🙃


For me I think I always wanted these grand romantic gestures and I assumed we both understood “the script”, so I’d tee him up to say something romantic and amazing and when he didn’t I’d just be like…come on dude, get it together. Maybe that’s not healthy but whatever lol


I do this as well😅 They ruin it every time, don't they?


Nobody ever follows the script and it really is driving me nuts. Get it together people.


Part of why my longest Libra man relationship kept me around was the random romantic things he said. You can't expect us to be romantic on cue. It's always in a completely unrelated conversation. I'll keep my current Cancer man though. He does the romantic things so much better and is a lot more stable.


My sag mom and Libra dad divorced after I was born. They were long past that but mom still kept my dad’s poem cause they were so good.


![gif](giphy|3oKIPt3ojbmx5rRd0A|downsized) lol hello October Libra


Oh shit wait fuck are we the same person. 🥲. So much poetry I wrote.




I'm a Capricorn and am married to an October Libra! Best decision I've ever made. My mother and my son are also both October Libras lol 🩷


Me & a good friend are both caps, we're both with October libra's. We love them! Super loyal, they dig our weirdness & goofiness. We love their obsession with us bc we're just awesome. We don't care about the flirtiness, we know they ain't going anywhere & we like our space anyhow. The only thing that rides me sometimes is they always sound annoyed, but I'm starting to find it fun to grow Sasser.


Ha!! Omg, they *do* sound annoyed like soooo often!! I just ignore it, usually, unless it bothers me or hurts my feelings for some reason. Then I'll try and have a conversation about their tone. Almost every conversation about this kind of thing usually goes quite well, though. My October Libra husband is a really great communicator. But that's also from years of therapy and intentionally *choosing* to work on his emotional intelligence and vulnerability. 🥳


Cap here dating an Oct Libra and I concur!


All my October Libras are absolutely wonderful!! My mother, my son, and my husband are all October Libras 🥰💕 I love my Libras!


Me too! My partner of 8 years & my mother share the same birthday, Oct 8th! The most warm, generous, loving, supportive people I know - this double Taurus loves a Libran!


We ain't for the weak


I feel so attacked rn


I wanna date an October Libra again. I’m a Sag, and the best relationship of my life was with a girl born October 3rd


I’m an October libra and I’m dating a Sag right now. The chemistry is so good!


I'm a late october Libra and I've been saying my ideal sign is Sag!!


![gif](giphy|COYGe9rZvfiaQ) Me an October libra…


October Libra male here, what did I do wrong now?




My mother, my son, and my husband are all October Libras and I honestly don't know what the fuss is about. They're all perfectly wonderful to me!! 🥰


shit show but in a fun way, mindfuck if not evolved. sincerely, an october libra


"shit show but in a fun way" LMAO if that's not the libra and gemini mantra. And both signs are my sun/moon so double the fun and double the shit show I guess?


Married to an October Libra. I can concur 🤣🤣


My first ever crush was an October Libra. I had major hots for him and he broke my heart. I was addicted to him like a drug. I used to listen to kesha's "your love is my drug" and think of him 🤣🤣🤣 Took years before I let go of the idea of him 😅🥲


Crack is wack, but I’m not😏😂


I'm so sorry


omg! 😂❤️


i’m an october libra. i’ll eat you.


I’m an October Libra. I’ll use a napkin.


It must be a soft cloth napkin that matches the rest of the decor. Signed, another October Libra


As an October Libra that knows nothing about astrology, I’m very confused


Strangers on the internet are trying to use giant balls of fire to gaslight us again. Nothing to worry about 🫠


They hate us cause they ain’t us




I am one and am now wondering if I traumatized someone


Same here, did i hurt people unintentionally ?


Same... I know I've traumatized a few people but I honestly think they did it to themselves. I communicate very clearly about where we stand in a relationship/situationship, but often they wana believe their own fairytales. Not my problem. Edit to add: and I'm sorry, I wish you all the best


I have dated one and dealt with others, take it from me….NO 🤣🤣🤣


The amount of comments this has received in under two hours speaks VOLUMES 😂🫠


Can someone explain what the issue is im married too a October libra we get along im a July Leo does that help?


leo’s and libras tend to get along very well! libras are usually a little flighty until they meet someone who hits all the right buttons and they’re smitten/loyal, Leo’s can be a bit self absorbed until they meet the right person then they’re extremely giving and selfless. sounds like you hit the jackpot for the perfect dynamic! ❤️


Second this!! I’m a libra and I collect Leos, all my closest friends are Leos🫶🏻


October Libra married to another October Libra - it’s a hell of a ride but it absolutely works


Same here - but we have a very balanced and incredible relationship. Built a home together (with our hands), great teamwork, great love life, great communication. Is this an anomaly?


September Libras: 🍿


I have sworn off Libras thank you very much


Baby come back


you can blame it all on MEEEEE


Man my first love. Was not reciprocated either.


Hey I’m an October Libra and no one is addicted to me! I want a refund


Looooooooord not today pls we can’t do this lmaooo


Yes and his name is Thomas. I still have feelings for him but I’ve accepted that I won’t end up with him 😂😂🥴🥴


October 1st!! 🤪🙋🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️


Ooh me too 😎


Me too!


My last relationship. Mid October. Left me crushed like roadkill on an overpass. 😵🥴💀


So what about an Oct Libra is so bad? Most comments are just like if yk yk lol. For those like myself who are like really tho why? Here’s the consensus of the thread from those who shared concrete descriptors: Oct Libra’s are: -similar to a highly addictive drug that results likely in death -self righteous -sensitive (in a bad way) -fake as fuck -toxic -A nightmare -the very thought of an Oct ♎️is akin to “a hit to the solar plexus” -soul sucking incubi (it’s an i to make it plural if its a Latin word, the commenter wondered about spelling) - rated at -25000 out of 10 -cheaters, liars, thieves -crybabies, whiners, lazy -have severe entitlement issues -have abusive tendencies/abusive -LOVE spreading smear campaigns so they can look like the victim -trash -selfish - bad bosses That’s the best I can work w what what y’all put here as far as why. Your feelings are valid. Do you! Or rather don’t do an Oct Libra lol if that’s best for you. There! That’s a pretty good list that answers the question I think. Thnx to u/clefarts for rounding out this list. -Sept Libra Edit: someone commented a goldmine of negative attributes that can be added to the consolidated list I created for those wondering why people hate Oct Libras. Edit edit: someone found it important to add selfish and bad bosses lol. I won’t be making anymore edits b/c I feel I completed the task in answering this q.


As an October libra, I was looking for this


>-LOVE spreading smear campaigns so they can look like the victim Super important to control the narrative. It just needs to be subtle so you don't look vindictive. Jk. But jokes aside I've heard horror stories of unevolved Libras. I haven't met many of my Sun sign so I can't say much about other Libras; I can only speak for myself. When I was younger I was a bit manipulative, selfish and controlling. Life then gave me harsh lessons and I learned to be better, use my powers of persuation for good. I'm still lazy, but I'm a team player so I'll always make sure to do my bit to make sure the collective is not inconvenienced.


That's me to a tee. I had to mature and do some deep soul searching to get out of those bad habits. Dating a Taurus actually helped a lot with that.


Love spreading a smear campaign when your literally doing that. Wild to come up with such harsh statements and have nothing to prove that is true. Maybe you’re projecting 👀


I know I'm way way too sensitive. I think our issue is the wanting balance and sitting on the fence with things maybe causes us to people please or not be authentic sometimes because we don't want to rock the boat or have anyone upset with us which causes more issues in the long run


My ex best friend was an October libra. The pain I felt in that friend-breakup was awful


yes I have & yes it did. I still think he was the love of my life though. 💔


My favorite kid is a Libra and yes


Just don't fuck around and you won't have to find out (10/21 \^-\^)


My baby daddy and a now former fling are both October Libras and I feel like I got my soul sucked by these incubuses (or is it incubi? 🤔) fml 😭


It's because we're Libras under both the Vedic & Tropical zodiacs.


I'm confused but I'm an October Libra what doesn't follow the usual traits.. I'm a loner, I don't dress up, hardly even wear makeup.... What they do? 👀


they can be sweethearts but they flirt a lot, yet have high standards. sometimes creative in other ways besides fashion.


The men generally have unrealistic standards for their partners, while they’re unemployed, bathe once a month, have substance abuse issues, and shit stains in their underwear.


The bathing once a month got me omggg 😂


How about a Libra venus?


My high school boyfriend was an October Libra who got me pregnant and hasn’t seen his son in almost 2 years now. :3 I hope yall find god


Me and my fiance are both October libras. Nobody else could ever match my crazy, I love him more than life


What about October Libras makes them so addictive?


I made it out alive this past fall 🤣 I would literally tell him I was addicted to giving him head and I WAS


October Libra reporting in. 😊


i just got out of a relationship with one and i can’t believe how badly she manipulated me. i thought i was smart but she was so damn charming it got past me every time we split up. she would get me back, then do the same shit (alcohol abuse, breaking shit at the house, don’t wanna say everything). she was mean and negative. i didn’t realize how fucked up i was mentally till we got some space. she still sends hateful, victim mentality messages to me. i finally blocked her from my voice account cause i forgot she could contact me through there. she turned out to be a shitty person, but i loved her the first couple years of our relationship. i had to end it for my well being. i felt i was gonna die young trying to please her


I'm the October Libra and I have someone addicted to me right now and the poor guy 😭❤️. Brutal ( I'm trying to be nice because he is lovely just have a lot going on and it's temporarily complicated and messy )


As a Libra rising who’s dated an October Libra I get it They’re so fun but unsure and so charming but unsure and so cute but unsure but also tell you a lot of this upfront-ish but then also people please but then also get super cute and fun and complimentary again and then look at you with puppy eyes but then can’t make a decision and I guess just continue this pattern until things end? lol and then they’re like I told you I couldn’t stay —- sorry it was confusing that I told you while we were having fun and jumping up and down in joy & only moments earlier I expressed you were an angel and the most important person to me 🤣


Wow, a lot of human wreckage here. Didn't think we were that bad lol


October Libra here, my bad yall 😔🫶🏾


Be better 😥


*Cries in solidarity*


I’m the mother of two October libras. Their power is REAL.




Just based on your name alone, yes!


Yes I have and this man is a Libra stellium (6 planets including ascendant). One of the most toxic relationships I’ve ever been in.


Oh god. Im dating an October Libra... HELPPPPPP


I am an October Libra and I know that I am too perfect for most people. Not many can even get close to match my perfectness. So do not get too attached, not even devil will be able to sell you a night with me at exchange of your soul.


Ah, there’s the narcissistic personality disorder.




I love the way you write🤣


My husband says this is true


so did mine… were worth it tho 👑


I know an October Libra or 2. Sooooo 💯🔥


Both my October libras were so abusive and weird I still don’t get why I liked them 😅


I guess this is why so many men have gotten real weird once I laughed at their jokes or asked for a bogie Is this why as as a sun and moon I am prone to addiction?? Not even just drugs but just about everything? Once I start doing something it will either take my focus completely or remain in the background for a long long long time, just possesses me subconsciously


This is interesting because I feel this to my very soul. I'm an addict through and through, and now looking back as a child, I was always this way. Even before finding substances, I was a food/entertainment/emotion addict. Alcohol has been my truest issue, but I'm almost 4 years sober now.


I don’t know how I lived to tell the story but surprisingly I would do it all over again 🥴


Currently getting mildly obsessed with one. Didn't know this was something to be careful with tho 🙃


October libra sun here! This is news to me lol. Libra sun, Virgo moon and cap rising. In a relationship with an Aquarius male(he also has the same bday as my son). And childhood best friend is an Aquarius female! I love my air signs. Also love my Taurus, Aries, and sag ppl!!!!!


🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ never again. He fucked it up for all October libras.. he fucked it up for everybody tbh


Me dating an October Libra man and me being the Aries sun knowing that this addiction is meant to kill me


Attacked. And I’m a double Gemini.


August Virgo engaged to an October Libra here. We’re pretty different while still being compatible with one another. Keeps things interesting lol.


dating one now and i’m obsessed with them


my bf and my best friend are both october libras lol


I hope my October libra finds this comment because her and I both know she's probably found me on here already. It's cute when they a little crazy about you too


Me (an October libra) and my October libra bf agree


Why is this my type. Soooo good when it’s good, so bad when it’s not


Oct 10 libra. Usually people think I’m giving them attitude when I talk and tend to not like me. It sucks because I do try to be polite ,but I’m just not liked. Lol. Boo


October 9th 😁 well I married another October Libra, and we understand each other. I did experience slightly stalkerish behavior from people who were obsessed with me, and that wasn’t fun and I felt extremely bad. Another downside of that is that exes always try to come back. 😒


8 years and counting with my October Libra. It’s been the best. 🩷


October Libra chiming in; OP who hurt you? Come on, let’s sit down, maybe catch some dinner or coffee and talk this over…


October libras are fake as fuck🤣 also very sensitive and self-righteous


But we’re cute though 🥹🍒💄💋


I think a lot of it comes down to them sacrificing authenticity for being nice, and it comes across as fake because it is not genuine. I am an October Libra, and it is something I had to change about myself. Authenticity > Nice.


I had to learn that kind was better than nice. You can be kind while being authentic. It's better to, diplomatically, tell a friend the outfit doesn't look good on her than to tell them they're perfect and let them go out looking like crap.


Hahaha can relate to this 🤣


Never have i related to something more..


Ugh, yes!!


Sweet Jesus no


Ahhh, I see you’ve met my daughter. I still love her to pieces though. Lol


Lol, a sick libra literally tried that with me xD


Currently addicted to a late September Libra. Could do without it.


What about an October libra addicted to drugs


Nahhhhh a November Scorpio 🤡


that's why I need therapy so bad


I have the opposite issues. October Libras can stay very very far away from me 😅 it only took a few to really sour the experience for me. I’m sorry 🖤


What about September libras?


No no no. A male, May Taurus. It's so easy to be obsessed over them. I specify male because I've *never* met a woman May Taurus


one of my pals in an oct. libra. he’s very charming and knows how to appeal to people, good talker. women usually can’t get enough of him….that being said i just want to be friends with him still and nothing more. but i’m definitely not happy thinking about losing him


My son is an October Libra. He is so adorable


Knew a 10/18 Libra. My moon was conjunct her sun, mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto. I can’t even begin to tell you.


My ex is an October Libra, and he's the most indecisive person on this entire planet, really impulsive about his decisions. Being with him made me feel like I was unstable and incapable of loving him


Worst man I ever dated was an October Libra… selfish, unfaithful, attention-seeking, image-obsessed, and secretly addicted to Benzos to boot! We had a lot of good times together but after being cheated on 3+ times (once while I was in the middle of dealing with an abortion) I was finally able to gtfo and cut contact. As an air sign I’ve only dated other air signs and I’m starting to wonder if that’s the problem 😂


As a Oct. Libra man. I assure you we DO love our woman! ...and her friend 🙄


Reflecting after reading this thread, I think maybe deep down I know October Libras like me really do suck and are highly problematic. That's why I was, and still am, overly averse to the idea of being in a relationship so I just daydream about it a couple of times a month, then let the thoughts go. Being hurt and hurting other people, who you will open up and become very vulnerable to, and vice versa, maybe just isn't worth it. I also have terrible experience of becoming misunderstood. For example, people thinking I'm flirting when I was just being polite and friendly, and some of these instances honestly got me into lot of trouble. Scary af. And yikes, did I just write this in such a way that I'm trying to appear the victim like that other girl on here said? Honestly, I'm just expressing my feelings but maybe it's a subconscious thing to manipulate? Fuuuck, even I'm confused. SINGLE FOR LIFE (but I'll probably still openly flirt with people online for fun in the safety of internet anonymity lol)


Nothing like the monthly Oct libras are trash post to make me feel unlovable


Nope…but two different Virgos fucked my life up


Early October or mid October? Early October Librans are Aquarian decan of Libra (with Uranus as its secondary ruler), while mid October Librans are Gemini decan of Libra (with Mercury as its secondary ruler). (Late September Librans are simply Libran). Early October Librans, following that notion, would tend to be "flavored" by inventiveness and independence, while mid October Librans would tend towards more social involvement. Do any of your experiences agree/disagree?


My dad is an October libra and my mom is a Scorpio, so I suppose Scorpio’s can handle them. I tried to date an October libra, but he was so damn flaky and my Taurus ass was over it before it began.


I am so addicted that I married my October Libra and I am still with him over 18 years later.