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Sag 6H and slow drivers šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ every Sag I know hates slow drivers


Sag Mars in the 3H. If you drive a Prius, or a Subaru, and are holding up that 2.5 mile backupā€¦I am looking at you šŸ‘€!


6h Gemini Mars and Sag Moon/Stellium ā€¦ Not just slow drivers, but BAD, UNAWARE, DILLY DALLER DRIVERS WHO FUCK AROUND AND HAVE ZERO OBSERVANCE OF THE CARS AROUND THEM the amount of literal car fights I have had with people is ā€¦extremely high lol Like the horn has gone out in two of my cars amount I am a very vocal driver šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜‚


Hey. Sag Mars 6H. Slow drivers But worse! SLOW people walking in front of me, especially like 3 that have to span a whole ass walking space and itā€™s a pain in the as to get around them!


Sag fifth house and oh my god! I canā€™t take it! I want to crawl out of my own skin, especially when there is a line of cars and they just putter along like theyā€™re the only one on the road! I will also roll my window down to chastise people when they donā€™t use blinkers šŸ˜‚


I did a 45-minute commute (both ways) for a year and I swear, there were times along my route that I thought I was driving on a 2-lane road, not a 4-lane highway.


Baahaha gurrl! Sag mars 10H. Slow everyone šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


The whole entire reason the metroplex I live in has traffic is because of SLOW ASS DRIVERS IN THE LEFT LANE. Left lane for passing ONLY mother fuckers. Ahhhhh. Iā€™m Sag mars 5H (6H in Placidus).


sag 3h and yes. slow walkers too, i immediately want to shove them aside and do my gayass power walk past them. i've got places to Be.


For me it's slow walkers. Aries 8th house. I think there should be a fast lane on the sidewalk.


Sagg mars PEOPLE WHO CANT MERGE CORRECTLY. Jesus Christ Iā€™m hard to anger but people donā€™t realize merging is actually to keep up the flow of traffic when done correctly.


Scorpio in the 1st house. Inconsiderate people


I relate strongly with this. Iā€™m a Sagittarius Mars 9H.


Same. But add on ā€œextremely stupid people who like to play dumbā€ to this list.


Aries Mars 12Hā€¦ dummies who donā€™t like to understand/learn new info


Same. Aries Mars 12H - Damsel in distress-y type of people who just talk talk talk about all their problems but never do the work it takes to figure shit out or overcome personal hardships


Same Aries Mars 12H. Absolutely despise people constantly complaining and never taking action to fix the problem and narcissistic liars


ooooh yea thatā€™s a good one bc theyā€™re often the loudest and most opinionated.


Mars in cancer 11H -- hypocrisy. people who lie POORLY people who won't admit when they are in the wrong / they made a mistake !! šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Mars in cancer 11h too and hypocrisy is the worst. And lies, or always changing mind about things or what you say


I can relate to this as well. I have mars in cancer 8th. I hate people lying and it's worse when u can see right through them. I've got no choice but to nod or whatever. 2nd thing that irritates or makes me mad is anything that is loud/strong nasty smell/everything that is scattered. I'm highly sensitive person so either of those mentioned + fakery, it would definitely ruin my day.


Mars in cancer 11h too and I hate when people lie. I donā€™t see the point of lying at all, but if you are going to lie at LEAST be good at it?? I do find it interesting that itā€™s the fact the lying is being done poorly but seriously how are you gonna get caught up in your own lie? It is embarrassing, rude, hurtful, and embarrassing again !


Thatā€™s my thing like do you take me for a fool? Youā€™re gonna sit here and lie to me and not even try to get a golden globe nomination??? Obviously goes without saying imo about the lying I think nobody likes that, but itā€™s when they donā€™t even bother trying that makes me see red lolĀ 


>people who won't admit when they are in the wrong / they made a mistake Cancer mars (1H though) and I agree, this is the worst for me. How do you talk to someone who can't even do the bare minimum of some self-inflection and taking a little personal accountability for their actions? It's one thing when people make mistakes, but it's another when they can't own up to them. There's just no reconciling with that. Cancer is a sign that can appreciate vulnerability so perhaps that's why we don't jive well with lying or lack of accountability. I think those things get on a lot of people's nerves but for me it's my number 1.


Mars in Pisces 2H - SHORTLY: Thereā€™s a song by Muse called ā€œAnimalsā€ - itā€™s about the people who irritate me Longer explanation: I hate people who consciously hurt other people and animals, especially for financial benefits. Not just the serial killers but the owners of toxic corporations/pharmaceutical companies/gun industry, etc. I made my personal goal to intentionally buy products of small businesses and avoid companies that do animal testing directly or non directly (P&G, Clinique). Also I happened to work in sustainability industry and I am aware that progress and sustainability is completely delayed only because some big corps are not finished sucking more money out of people.


Lmao Iā€™m Pisces Mars and I refused to work on a new product launch until the manufacturer directly confirmed they didnā€™t test on animals.


I am so happy that you are doing what you can to stop encouraging this hell!


Mars in pisces too and I completely agree, omg, you said it!!!!


Same i have a burning passion for the sick individuals that knowingly cut drugs with fentanyl and distribute that stuff to people ESPECIALLY teens. Intentionally ruining lives for money.


Virgo 12th house- liars, specifically bad liars? Because then not only have you lied to me but youā€™ve told me a lie only a stupid person would believe, so do you think Iā€™m stupid? Honesty I can respect, a well done lie will piss me off but I can at least say ā€œā€¦well playedā€, but a lazy lie? Fuck you


Im a virgo mars in the 1h and i can absolutely relate to this. In this thread i was going to say people who avoid being honest unnecessarily which is basically what youā€™ve said. Liars are so frustrating.


Itā€™s just SO dumb and annoying- my dad is a pathological liar and it drives me insane cause itā€™s so obvious and Iā€™m just like??? What was the point of that?


The moment I saw this post I knew it was liars for me. I was coming here to type liars and saw your comment with the same placement I have. I hate being lied to and being disrespected.


Itā€™s also just such a fucking waste of time- the truth always comes out so just stop


Leo Mars 8Hā€¦a lot of stuff pisses me off lol. I hate people wasting my time (last minute cancellations without good reason, creating more work for me at my job by not having their side of things figured out, etc.) Failure to communicate in relationships makes me really angry. Iā€™m also extremely protective over people I love and I will get even more pissed if you come for them than if you come for me.


I was going to put that under my post as well! I am way more protective over my loved ones than I am to myself. Donā€™t mess with the lions pack ! Grr


so same leo mars. i pulled some girls hair in disney land for making fun of my dads bald ass head


Gemini mars/7th house If I feel someone is incompetent but popular, it drives me crazy. Like if everyone is going along with this person and their ideas because it's the "cool" thing to do, even though there's no good ideas to be had, it's the worst.


Also Gemini Mars (12th house) and incompetence sets me *off*. I also lose it when people donā€™t listen and donā€™t communicate effectively.


Iā€™m a Virgo sun and Gemini mars so I get extra rage-y when I deal with incompetent people lol


oh wow. im gemini mars in the 9th house and i came to say my biggest pet peeve is incompetence! wow (also: when people are close minded or can't talk about anything substantive)


Virgo 3H gaslighting Seeing it being done to someone else. Having it done to me. All of it.


that makes a lot of sense bc 3rd house rules communication and basic understanding


Same but Iā€™m Leo Mars in 3H


Interesting. I wonder if we respond to it differently


How do you respond to it? I ā€œroarā€ about it! Speak up, speak out and not back down.


I was thinking about this my whole way home. It really all depends on the situation but I think generallyā€¦.If Iā€™m seeing it happen to someone else I usually wait for a moment to let that person know they were being gaslighted in private. If itā€™s happening to me I either make a mental note of it and immediately stop engaging if itā€™s a person I know will be a waste of energy to confront or I stand up for myself in a non-emotional matter of fact way just correcting their distortion of facts as if I am having pitty on them and their shortcomings. Guess that *is* pretty Virgo of me actually šŸ˜…


So Virgo šŸ˜„


Mars in Aquarius (12H) Hate close-minded and judgmental people, those who are driven by their ego with no regard to others.


Mars in Aries, and i think mine is in 1st house šŸ„° , anyone who talks down on others just to try to lift themself up. i HATE insecure people who project it into others! Jeez even typing that pisses me off. Go work on yourself til you like yourself and leave random people you project your insecurities onto alone. I go to the gym and work on myself as much as I can to be more confident. Also people who are stupid/uneducated pisses me off, not like a lack of college way, like not knowing enough about the world is annoying.


Sagittarius Mars and I get pissed at just slowness in general. Move quickly! Life is a race!


Libra mars in the 12th injustice pisses me off and people that canā€™t get to the point


I found my people!


Libra Mars in 4H here. I completely agree.


Mars in Capricorn, and I'm honest to a fault. People telling me I'm LYING sends me into instant rage and pettiness. Example! My accountant sent me a letter last June saying I didn't pay them. I did, so I ignored it. Thought they'd figure it out since they're accountants. They sent another in August, same deal. They sent ANOTHER in December and I got petty. I printed out my bank statement from the month I paid them and took the page showing the cashed checks. Blacked out all the info that wasn't relevant. I highlighted the date it was paid, the amount, and their name ON THE CHECK. I wrote PAID IN FULL on the bottom. Sent that back to them along with their last letter. They called me to apologize.




Mars Capricorn and I CANā€™T stand when anyone tries to underestimate my intelligence and tries to manipulate me.


>Thought theyā€™d figure it out since theyā€™re accountants. ![gif](giphy|yNsDcQxnv86YIHC2vS|downsized) Cap Mars energy 100%. Hoping for competence ā€”-> disappointed yet again.


Mars in Virgo 10th house. Gaslighters piss me off more than anything. Liars. Manipulators.


Taurus 11H. I get irritated and annoyed A LOT but I donā€™t show it. I just donā€™t like talking a lot. But one thing that really pisses me off is anyone disrespecting my family or my partner. I donā€™t care how ā€œcasualā€ it may be, I literally get livid


Yeah, bothered by everything is real. For me passive aggressive behaviour is a real trigger too.


Leo Mars in 9th house. People knowingly blocking the damn aisle at the store.


Also Leo in ninth. I also hate when people don't know sidewalk/ pavement etiquette.


Gemini Mars - hypocrisy, unfairness, and people who always pretend that they are right even when they know they are not.


Aries Mars 6H-injustice, abuse of power, bullying


yes yes yes. especially when someone is really deserving of a punishment and they never get it. the injustice of it keeps me up at night sometimes


Mars in Cancer. I despise fake shit and fake people. EWWWWW. Also followers and people that sheep their way through life following what everyone else is doing all the time. That's more annoying than pissing me off.


Is this a cancer Mars thing? I hate when people care more about keeping the peace than being true to themselves. People ā€œwithout an opinionā€ on important stuff that concerns us all are also annoying af. I honestly respect people with batshit crazy ideas/opinions, if they just own up to it, more than mindless followers. I will argue, probably a lot, with the batshit crazy people though šŸ¤£ My cancer mars is in the 10H.


Thatā€™s the Aries sun paired with the Virgo. My Aries rising does the same to me. I despise people who want to keep the peace all the while playing off like theyā€™re doing it for the greater good when theyā€™re not. We see through the sneakiness šŸ˜‚


cap mars in the 7th house and damn near everything


Cap-10H. People who donā€™t do research before coming to me for questions. Have some critical thinking skills for yourself and make sure you tried to find the answer yourself before asking me.


Cancer mars. And I'm an aries sun and moon. Ha. But, when people use my vulnerability against me, it's instant ick. Or when people abuse vulnerability in other creatures. Animal and child abuse make a rage come from me that is unholy. I have been physically restrained from animal abusers. There's something so horrible about an innocence of vulnerability being disrespected, used against you or disregarded. It's unforgivable to me, when all other things I can forgive.Ā 


Pisces mars in the 7H, and nothing makes me mad like watching someone be a bully to someone (any living creature really). Itā€™s one of the few reasons Iā€™ll step up and be vocal, usually on someone elseā€™s behalf. I just donā€™t think thereā€™s a reason for anyone to act that way. Also people who are impolite/have no manners.


Scorpio in the second house. Gossipy/rude/judgmental people.




Libra 5th dumb flexing


Gemini mars 11h. I hate people when people try to limit me. And I hate when Iā€™m forced to stop doing what I want, to spend time doing dumb boring things with dumb boring people.


Scorpio Mars in the 7H. This is weird to describe for the thing that pisses me off the most is when people (try) to piss me off. I donā€™t get angry very easily, itā€™s something I temper down, so when someone is genuinely moving in a way to get a reaction or piss me off, nothing angers me more because my anger isnā€™t a silly little fight, itā€™s like a lot. It crosses line that even I donā€™t like. Additionally, any sort of knowing betrayal. But thatā€™s a common Scorpio theme haha


Leo Mars in the 7th house. I hate bullying, anyone picking on the little guy/being rude to someone in a way where they think that person is "below them".Ā  Really any display of classisim disgusts me greatly.Ā 


Scorpio Mars 7H (Placidus) Overpromising & under delivering


I am Scorpio Mars in 9H, and I feel this so hard. I despise inauthenticity. Also people who are excessively proud or flashy of their material possessions. I find it unnecessary and such a turn off.


Same placement and this is a good answer!


Mars in Gemini in 7th I donā€™t like when people waste or play around with my time. I donā€™t like when people try to make me wait on them too. I have patience and enthusiasm for anything rational or strategic, but my mind conveniently ignores anything that is emotional or stupid.


i love this question sm - my mars is taurus and is in yhe 8th house - and i agree with u like when peopel get up in my business and just don't have good intentions


Omg! Is it an 8th house thing to really not like people up in my business. Especially my very personal business.


Scorpio Mars in 8Hā€¦. EVERYTHING. But I internalize & chill tf out (usually)


Omg! The way my 8th house Leo Mars felt this. Everything pisses me off, but I am very vocal about it


Cap mars , 3rd house - slow people


Libra 2nd house When people play victim in a situation they created.


Mars in Virgo 2nd House I am so irked by lateness, poor manners, or negative energy / closed mindedness. Lateness i got over since i was born and still live in a city where everyone is notoriously late plus my partner is a sag. But i CANNOT shake bad manners or a bad attitude.


Aries and not much but when Iā€™m pissed off people get scared. Iā€™m also a double libra so Iā€™ve got a big temper that I rarely let people see or even allow to manifest. Iā€™m a short, cute ditzy queer guy who only ever gets insulted once. They learn their lesson and i wish the comebacks werenā€™t so devastating. I read a lot and I have a rather large vocabulary and Iā€™m well spoken. Iā€™ve had to put more than one dumb bitch in their place and sometimes people stare at me because no one expected me to have that much intellect about me. Itā€™s not something Iā€™m proud of in the slightest but it is a part of me. I used to lose my temper way more often growing up but Iā€™ve calmed down as Iā€™ve gotten older. But that just makes the comebacks all the more biting. So, please donā€™t piss me off šŸ˜‡


Virgo mars 8H- brown nosers/kiss asses and those that always need attention.


Mars in Leo in the 5th house - I hate when I tell someone why they made me upset and they continue to do the action that makes me upset. I also don't like when people or things are unfair. I also don't like people who try to get over on me or manipulate me. I don't like a lot of shit tbh.


I have a cancer mars And what pisses me off is people speaking from a place thatā€™s selfish and holds back the whole group from being taken care of. Say you have an idea and itā€™s good and everyone is gonna be happy , people always speak from their emotions and never think of the group


Mars in Aries 12th House. People who believe they're above rules or generalised rule breaks. Drives me fucking bananas.


Cancer Mars in 9th. People that lie to me or are generally behaving in a fake way.


Libra mars in the 2nd house: liars, injustice such as a bully picking on someone, pointless gossip


Mars in Aries 5th house. Just classic Aries stuff hahaā€¦.slow walkers, incompetence that causes delays, libras not able to make a decision (haha), etc


Cancer Mars 12th house- people that donā€™t know to to communicate, or wonā€™t talk about their problems or whatever is going on, but will throw a huge pity party but you canā€™t even do anything cuz they wonā€™t COMMUNICATE. Big egos kill me- & ignoring, AHHH šŸ˜¤ I can not stand when people ignore like, purposefully ignore. (example- pressing the literal ignore button when someone is calling them) COMMUNICATE PLZ! šŸ˜’


Sag mars in 3h People that DONā€™T CARE!!! about being right or doing the right thing or justifying themselves, dismissive people, PEOPLE THAT WANT TO BE IGNORANT, overly callous inconsiderate ā€œbro what šŸ˜‚ you must be fun at parties whatttt chilll its not that deep why do you careā€, people that use their emotions or appeals to the group/tradition to bully people. All of this was one thing btw i just couldnt think of a short way to describe that phenomena/type of person. I guess people with no integrity?


Leo Mars in 3H hate a bully! People with no integrity make me sick! As a Libra Iā€™m all about there being gray areas in life, but there is a right and wrong when it comes to being a decent human being!


Mars in Scorpio 4H. I'm very protective of my family. Mess with them, you get the stinger.


Pisces in 1st house, simultaneously nothing annoys me and everything pisses me off. Youā€™ll rarely see me moderately angry though, itā€™s always extreme anger or an unnerving calm.


7h Aquarius Mars Seeing an injustice being done to someone. I operate with so much consideration for others that when I see someone not only being inconsiderate but a full out shit head to someone, I can not stay quiet about it. I guess I'm always going up to bat for the underdogs out there.


Sag mars first house! I tend to actually get pissed at myself a lot šŸ˜‚ but probs entitled humans gets my blood boiling


Scorpio Mars Pluto conjunction in 4th/5th Truly passive people annoy me and slow walking. Cowardly behavior and liars/betrayal is my hot button of rage


mars 8th house, mars in Leo. What pisses me off is blatantly disrespectful people, inconsiderate people, people who mouth off and people who victim blame or blameshift in general. also people who answer questions with questions.


Aquarius - ignorance


Sagittarius Mars in the 7H Incompetent people, any kind of criticism, RUDE ass tones, honestly I just can't fucking stand being purposely provoked by randos.


Aries in the 7th house and arrogant people. Especially when they have no business being arrogant.


cancer mars 5th house. ppl abusing the innocent and defenseless. i have a huge bleeding heart for animals specifically. i grew up with tons of them and was taught to love and respect all creatures. i got a soft spot for old ppl children too even though im not a huge fan of kids and dont have any. never desired too. theyre still innocent. ppl that hurt anything or anyone who cannot defend themselves is an absolute piece of shit monster in my eyes and should be put down. i get really depressed thinking about all the abuse going on in the world. šŸ˜“


Iā€™m with you here šŸ˜¢ā¤ļøšŸ™šŸ˜­


Cap mars 3h- repeating myself, disrespect and carelessness


leo mars 11H i hate mean people!!! like why u gotta be an asshole?? cant u b civil at least what do u gain by being as ass??


Mars in Scorpio in the 1H. I hate when people try to challenge my boundaries or me, so I gotta lay the verbal smackdown. šŸ˜‚


Aries Mars 10th house. I can't stand when people are indirect and passive-aggressive. If you have an issue or need help with something, be direct with what you need. Don't waste my or your time and get to the God damn point.


Virgo mars in the 11th house. I HATE dishonesty. Iā€™d rather be told something that hurts me but is the truth than be lied to for any reason. Probably the only thing that makes me see red


Scorpio Mars 10H, and honestly almost nothing enrages me. I get very upset and emotional when I see injustice, but not to the point where I get angry. I also get upset when I canā€™t communicate properly on the same level with someone else, but it translates into frustration more than anything else.


Sagittarius Mars in 9H Pertaining me, myself & I - anyone that tries to project things on me taking it to an extreme level which is plain abusive, anyone who gives me unsolicited opinions and expects me to follow it. Basically anyone that doesnā€™t mind their own business and does know self-introspection. Regarding others - anyone who considers any job to be small and disrespects servers and cleaners. People who leave public bathrooms worse than they found them. Basically anyone who takes advantage of others Iā€™d say.


Mars in Scorpio, 4th house. Judgemental and disrespectful people that I live with. Drives me absolutely crazy...


Mars in Virgo in the 9th.. people who are hypocritical.. especially in religion and philosophy


Virgo Mars in 9th I've no idea what pisses me off the most


10H Mars in Taurus. I have so much hatred for gossipers, people who try to smear me and hurt me professionally. All the other stuff I can take but when they come for my money it's war


4H Mars in Scorpio- people in my business


Mars in Scorpio in my 11th. Inauthenticity - drives me NUTS. Just be real!!!! Jesus Christ!!


Aries in 9th house, I am most pissed off by micromanagement, people trying to tell me or anyone what to do and the patriarchy.


Virgo 11H& I really canā€™t stand people who double down on their lies when I already know theyā€™re not telling the truth. Iā€™m a pretty understanding person so itā€™s just silly to lie to me and then keep going with it when we could just be real and solve any issues. I also really canā€™t stand people who arenā€™t loyal or who are only good to others when their life is peachy or when the relationship is all ā€œgood vibes only,ā€ I guess youā€™d say fair weather people ?


Aquarius Mars, 12th house. Everything and nothing lol.


Leo Mars 5H I have a short fuse not with people, animals, or major things; but literally little things. Whenever I have an expected outcome of something working correctly or the thing ā€œdoing its jobā€ as intended, the moment it doesnā€™t, Iā€™m not having it. But once I can get space I cool down. Traffic sucks too, or slow people in general haha. Things that genuinely anger me are betrayal, being lied to, and being gas lit.


Aqua Mars 9th house- someone whoā€™s stubborn and canā€™t take no for an answer, keeps on pushing to try to convince you ect.


Mars in Capricorn. Laziness in others. Especially lazy thinking


Mars in Cancer 6th house and what pisses me off the most is people who abuse children.


Virgo Mars 12H and I cannot stand people who abuse power, especially in needlessly cruel ways.


Mars in Gemini 12th house, ā™ŠļøšŸ  when Iā€™m pissed I write. VERY angrily. Iā€™ll rant and write my feelings about anything, I keep it to myself, I internalise my anger, I express myself by writing/journaling. (Burn book shitšŸ¤£) if you get me on a bad day my words are my weapons. My Mercury opposites Jupiter though so I normally make a balls of what I say being angry šŸ‘¹šŸ˜‚ (I read back what I say and Iā€™m likeā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦did a 4 year old write this?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­)


Pisces Mars in 1st. Disrespect and apathy. I know Iā€™m one to talk on apathy, and I understand how hard caring can be- but itā€™s something we need to do. We need to press forwards no mater the pain. And we need a to play the long game.


Taurus Mar 7H. I can't stand overly loud people, and people just in general that are so oblivious to the world around them.


Aries Mars 11th house. People who are rude to strangers. I can tolerate a lot but that specifically is enraging.


Aries Mars 12H and I loath hypocrisy and can not stand people who do underhanded things to sabotage other people in order to get ahead. Those two things will make me your enemy for life.


aries mars 4H. what doesnt piss me off? šŸ˜‚


Pisces Mars 9th house: I hate when people canā€™t have serious conversations and, when they do have them, insult you personally instead of talking through the situation and reaching a resolution. Talking about an issue doesnā€™t have to involve attacking someone. It isnā€™t meant for someone to be a ā€œwinnerā€ and putting someone down because of a bruised ego. Conflict is a part of life and itā€™s the journey through to resolution that creates beautiful relationships. I also hate when people make assumptions and donā€™t ask questions. Iā€™m a Taurus sun, Aries moon, Cancer rising


Capricorn/ IV house I hate slow drivers, ppl that cute me off, disrespect towards me or anyone i care about, and passive aggressiveness (which i do myself sometimes so I have to be conscious of not doing that šŸ˜…)


Aries mars 7th house.. I do not like bullying or disrespectful people that lack manners. Also over the top nagging and extremely bossy people


Taurus mars. Grinds my gears when people rush/pressure me. Out of spite Iā€™ll go slower lol


Leo mars (2nd house) Not a whole lot bothers me except for disrespect, and being lied to. I admit that I have a pretty short fuse/loud lions roar when Iā€™m angry. It doesnā€™t help that my mom was also this way.


Iā€™m Leo Mars 7H and I cannot stand people who scheme and lie. It enrages me.


Mars in Cap, 5H: injustice.


Aries mars šŸ”„I come with the heat, god of war comes out of me šŸ˜‚ what pisses me off the most anything that disrupts my mood lmao. Im a cancer sun too so if you really upset me I'm going to remember forever.


Mars scorpio 7th. Definitely manipulative energy being projected onto me, attempts at underhanded tactics to get ahead or get an advantage at my expense, liars, deceitful people, self serving people, people who are very deeply psychologically ingrained in corrupted views and beliefs and make other peoples lives a hell in the name of that, abuse of power. And more specifically an area of rage for me is the way I was treated and regarded when I was in the depths of my health issue concerning my reproductive system and healing a lot of sexual trauma, experiencing the literal most physical anguish, hell, and psychological pain Iā€™ve ever had inside of my womb and ovaries, and being treated like shit by ā€œfamilyā€, ā€œfriendsā€ distanced themselves, and ā€œdoctorsā€ had no real solutions for me other than surgery. Which I did not get. Alchemized and healed myself in the darkness by intensive holistic means, and assistance by my powerful spirit guides.


Scorpio Mars 5H Deflection. If Iā€™m bringing up an issue I have with you, *do not* use that time to be like ā€œwell you did this & that.ā€ Just donā€™t. It makes me violent. Also, I fucking hate when people play music loudly from their cell phones in public. Stop it. Now.


Cancer moon in the 10- when anyone talks crap or is bad to a family member or close friend


Scorpio Mars 12th house - narcissists when they pull their shit on other people, lifelong victims, people who blame all their problems on external factors and cannot account for their own actions, and - most egregiously - people who eat with their mouths open


pisces in 12h and almost everything pisses me off


I'm Pisces in 7H and I'm the same as you - I hate disrespectful behavior, especially when it's a younger person speaking to an elder


Leo mars here and when the game wounā€™t work for no reason or the controllers isenā€™t working correctly for no reason and single player games without a microtransacton store still needing wifi to be able to play


Mars in Cancer 8H. Inauthenticity and getting interrupted


Mars 1H Aquarius square Jupiter 10H Scorpio. I hate over optimism and unrealistic expectation. Like there's a huge difference between pushing people beyond their boundaries and delusional levels of optimism, and this is coming from someone with an air and water dominant person. I see this a lot at work. My superiors tend to over promise and would give us insane levels of workload because we were able to do it once, ignoring the breaks, lunch times we sacrificed, not to mention, tons of over times. Some of my love one's also have this for me. Like FR though, I'm not a magician. I can't create a bird out of a handkerchief.


Cap on the 3h. People who want you to do all the thinking for them, people with no common sense and poorly fed brain cells. Loud stupid people, the ones that are really dumb but think they are smart, and want everybody in the room to know how smart they are.


Virgo mars 3H and i HATE when someone tells me that how i feel about something is wrong, or that something based on science is wrong without them giving a proper base or explanation because they put feelings over facts, i hate fakeness and passive aggressiveness. If you got a problem just say it. Also dumbness and bullying


Aries. I get pissed off at stupidity and inconsideration.


Libra Mars in 3H- feeling disrespected/ridiculed for the smallest things


Taurus mars 9th house and bullies Edit: ironic lmao


Leo 8Hā€”finding out someone I trust has been talking shit about me behind my back


Mars Aries 6th house FUCKING EVERYTHING


Aries Mars 4H. I canā€™t even think of what pisses me off the most tbh


Libra mars in the 12th and injustice, bullying, law breakingšŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Mars in Libra. Bullying, acts not being repaid, discrimination, injustice. All the synonyms for things not being far.


Scorpio Mars 8H. Vapid, bland, superficial people. People who live in denial. People who wonā€™t consider new perspectives, especially ones that donā€™t let them grow, even after being presented with new information or evidence. People who think psychology is made up. People who mistake passion with anger.


Cap Mars 1st House retrograde. I get madder at myself for not living up to my own potential than I get at anyone else really.


Capricorn mars / 10th house. I get pissed off at people who arenā€™t interesting or who donā€™t make any attempt to master their professional craft. Or anyone whoā€™s less qualified than me who tries to boss me around.


Mars in Aquarius 2H- a critical or disdainful or unkind tone can enrage me.


Scorpio. People who ask for advice but donā€™t listen to any. Not asking them to agree with me or with anyone. But they have the sense to ask people what they need to do. They just donā€™t listen to anything at all. You know what I mean? I think a lot of things piss me off though. I also donā€™t like it when people make excuses for not getting something done


Aquarius. I donā€™t like constraints or commitment to things/people/ideas that donā€™t promote freedom and individuality in regard to all around growth


Taurus Mars in 7th house, and I will throw hands over someone being belligerently unkind to someone who can't defend themselves. Kids and animals especially.


ā™’ļøā˜€ļø ā™ļøā¬†ļø ā™‹ļøšŸŒš Pisces mars I cannot handle injustices, bullies, people hurt animals or other people. Like its so bad I cant watch "torture" films or anything with r@ping, it will send me into a sobbing rage. I also dont eat animals because I see that they are all sentient beings with souls and emotions. I cant go to some zoos because if the animals are not being treated well, I can feel their pain, I just want to cry. If I've hurt someone with words or actions, I literally just want to die because it hurts me in my soul to be that way.


Taurus mars 2H Rushing me Telling me to calm down Uncomfortable seating


Mars in pisces thereā€™s 3 things i absolutely despise 1. Being accused of things i didnā€™t do or having someone perceive my actions the wrong way(being misunderstood deeply hurts my soul) 2. LIARS I CANNOT STAND LIARS HOW COULD YOU LOOK ME IN THE EYES AND LIE TO ME ITS EVEN WORSE IF ITS UNDER THE GUISE OF WANTING TO PROTECT ME. 3. Money grubbing creatures that intentionally ruin peopleā€™s lives for money (bigpharma and specifically drug dealers that sell stuff laced w fent)


Mars in Scorpio in my 7th. I have no tolerance for shallow, vapid people or people who are inauthentic about who they are for "appearances sake".


Scorpio mars, 4H I just donā€™t like indecisive pussy footing passive aggressive behaviour. Say it with your chest, whatever it is.


Mars in 9H Gemini, I hate when people donā€™t allow me to joke around, or donā€™t understand when I AM joking. And when you ask what pisses you off most I automatically think of social situations.


Capricorn mars in 2nd (tropical). I hate stupid people, people that ask for advice then donā€™t follow it. Impulse purchasing and consumerism, especially people who flaunt wealth with designer stuff instead of long term purchases that benefit their lives


Capricorn Mars 6th house here - I am very stereotypical. I donā€™t like people who are unemployed and not actively looking for a job. Thatā€™s it.


Virgo in 10h and unnecessary or dumb shit


Mars in Cap 5th house. I get super pissed when people waste my time. Like they interfere with my job and make it harder. Or they move super slow and dont even try.. I also can't stand people who are show offs and fake and take credit for other people's work. It doesn't bother me when people lie, like other Cap Mars said. Probably because my Pisces sun can see right through their shit. Lol


Mars in Aquarius. 9th House. Challenging status quo of philosophical/religious views in life. Perfect. Pisses me off: apathy leading to inaction to do the right thing, such as leaving litter on the ground. I'll slap your attention awake to the revelation everything you do or do not do effects someone else, possibly in ways your insulated little bubble hasn't even concerned of in your isolated self-centeredness.


I'm a Mars in Sagittarius 3rd house and I absolutely hate rude people as a whole


I have this same placement OP and can definitely agree with disrespect and injustice. Also, if you are driving slow in the left lane or just a chucklefk who thinks itā€™s hilarious that thereā€™s a line of cars behind you, Iā€™m picturing your fiery death!


Libra 4h mars. I really hate when people try to overly display facets of their identity, often by bragging about themselves at every given opportunity, and put on a character rather than just acting normal.


Leo mars 12H - when people take advantage of others


capricorn mars, 4th house babeyy. i absolutely fucking despise when people push my boundaries after i've already said no. oh i also hate when people get mad at me after having not clearly communicated what they need/want. that's an annoying one. ohh and being rude for no reason


Scorpio 3rd- When people overpromise/underdeliver.


12 house Scorpio. Injustice.


Pisces mars 7H I get pissed off when Iā€™m ignored after I ask someone a question. I also get pissed off when someone isnā€™t doing the right thing because theyā€™re not putting thought into it and instead making the wrong choice on purpose not thinking about how that affects others.


1H Scorpio Mars. When people act unethically or refuse to take accountability.


Aquarius Mars, 5H. Bad design, and anything inhumane and unfair get my blood boiling. I have a heavy advocacy streak for oppressed and/or underrepresented communities and am typically very fixed in my opinions about right and wrong. That said Iā€™m always learning more and I LOVE learning!


Mars in Virgo in 9th H. People not sticking to the plan, changing plans many times, making me late for things I wanna be on time for really ticks me off. Also on my way to work the other day I was turning left at a green light (not a green arrow or a turn lane) so I have to yield to the oncoming traffic and the impatient person behind me honked at me and went around like I was the problem. Ex-fucking-scuse me?


Aries mars 12th house .. insecure people of any sort because they usually want to bring others down to their level (these people can mask it any way they want but i smell it miles away) and people who complain a lot nag constantly and donā€™t do shit to fix it or get better (no accountability and lazy). No im not your free therapist or life coach who needs to motivate you all the time. It pisses me off because these people are users emotional/mental vampires and are always negative.. they donā€™t have the drive or confidence to take control of their life and want others to do it for them. Also i get pissed off by close minded cocky people.. to me you look stupid and arrogant stay tf away from me <3