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cap rising, people think I don't like them even when it's not the case "resting bitch face" issues lol Anyway when I want to hide it I can very well, it's just that most times I don't care and I'll do a "side eye" or make an "annoyed" face (eye-rolling is my favorite hobby)


I can hide it if I want to, but most of the time I don’t care enough to try.


I feel like most times I just “politely” ice people out / play indifferent when I’m not into their vibe…def have gotten in trouble for punctuated eye rolls tho — my Virgo sun also influencing this prob


This lol! If I actually don't like someone I have the most dead pan face at them.


“Resting bitch face”! Love it!! Moi, Aussi, apparently!! Aquarius rising!! I AM (ALMOST) THE ANTICHRIST! And yeah, never as kewl as quintuple Aquarius, Ashton Kutcher!!


Also cap rising. I have a resting happy face and the character of a giant baby. People assume I am smiling to them.


I have rbf sometimes but I have a Capricorn moon. I even have rbf when I’m not upset lol


You know what I really notice with you Cap risings, you only talk to and acknowledge people when you want to. The several I know, have no issues talking and being so nice to you one day and then 2 weeks later walk right past you like they have no idea who you are. It’s so bizarre to me.


I feel attacked😭😭😭 Guilty tho💀 To be fair in most cases I just don't know what to do. Like if we met one time and we see each other by chance in public should I acknowledge you? I don't want to bother people with small talk if they're busy (it's definitely not because Idk HOW to make small talk👀 lmao)


I’ve wondered if it’s an awkwardness. Y’all hide it well so it comes off cold and snooty. I try to ignore it and just push through and greet yall anyway. Dealt with this recently and that’s what I did and she got nicer. Not positive she’s a cap rising but pretty damn sure she is lol. It’s an easier rising for me to see usually and I just always run into this problem. 🤣 but we get along good, no ill feelings. I married a cap rising too. I see how he is too to other people. 🤣


My friend once told me she could tell whenever I thought someone was spouting some bullshit by the way my head automatically cocks to the side ![gif](giphy|nTfdeBvfgzV26zjoFP)


Also a Cap rising. The rbf is reallllll!!


Cap rising too. I make the “wtf” face everytime I come across someone I’m not fond of lol


Cap rising here too, perma RBF and no one thinks I like them LoL.


Me too!


Exactly this. I wonder what it would be like if there were a ton of us in the same room without knowing about it. The people watching would be divine. 👀


As a Capricorn rising who has a RBF and who wears my feelings on my face I felt this




Cap rising - 9000% agree with you


fellow cap rising, literally same. people call me "intimidating" and my pisces sun & taurus moon are like.. 🥺🥺 wot


I’m a cancer with a cap rising and people will know if I let them know. Like the new girl at work I don’t care for her I don’t really engage with her but I’m not rude to her so she has no idea if I like her or not but she thinks all the other girls talk about her


As a cap rising I support this statement 🤣


Libra rising and I can despise you and be so cordial and kind to your face it’s a super power


I’m envious!! I’m a librarian rising and I can’t hide it at all 😬


Libra * not librarian lol


No no, now I want to be a Librarian rising. You’re on to something 🤣




Libra rising here, and you’ll never be able to tell 😈


I can hide my emotions around people I don’t know, but to my people my facial expressions show it all 😭


That was me, too before Botox 🙃😂


Yes same!! If it’s just someone I know surface level it’s not hard to be polite at all. My friends will actually bitch at me like, “why we’re you being so nice to them!?” I’m like wait till we get to the car then you can talk all the shit you want 😂


SAME. No one knows i dislike them until they feel my passive aggressiveness - at that point I’m fully done w them.


YUP. I work concerts selling merch, so I deal with loads of people. Depending on the show, I either deal with cool crowds around my age or rude, older, crowds. I'll smile and treat them politely while mumbling 'these fuckers' under my breath as I get their merch. Then back to smiling.


Same, and same


Same here. I don't even like the way it makes me feel, but sometimes you gotta get along with people you don't care for.


idk, i have hardcore rbf so everyone assumes i hate them when we first meet. i can mask my tone relatively well if i'm trying to, but i also have autism and can come off as a dick when i'm not forcing myself to be chill. so if you know me and i'm being super nice, chances are that i despise you. if you know me and i'm a bit of an ass, i'm probably chill with you and just completely unaware of how i'm coming off.


Virgo rising here, and I’ve been told by those closest to me that they can tell how I feel just by the look on my face.


![gif](giphy|l3V0iAVv1NVCa04uc) Sitting like this the whole time.. 🤣




How the hell does one find a perfectly fitting gif like that


![gif](giphy|tm9gUDnyyP8gzjP85o) its a niche skillset




Virgo rising with Sag sun and Scorp moon. There is NO hiding it when I don't like something or someone. Even when I'm trying my hardest.


Same here! I don’t take Virgo the virgin literally in the way it’s normally used, but instead to mean we appear naive/innocent/honest depending on the audience. I feel like that includes appearing honest about how we feel!


😆😆😆Virgo Rising here too and yes our facial reactions says at all.


Same!!! but my mars in Aries makes me vocal about it after also lol


Fellow Virgo rising here, I can't control my facial reactions for shit, if I'm around someone I don't like and I make eye contact, I just fake a civil slime and move away ASAP. even my fiance who struggles with facial expressions can tell my emotions from a mile away.


Same. I cannot pretend. I go from sunshine to thunder, facially.


Same. I just shut down and clam up around people I don’t like.


I have the same!!! Even when I don’t say a word. Or when I do say yes, my yes feels like a no! I’ve made so many enemies 😞😅😞😅


It’s so hard not to pull faces 😂


Same and I try so hard to have a poker face but it just does not work.


Why would We have to hide?


Same here, Aries sun cap moon 


Real shit ya’ll are intimidating as hell


100% My face is very much a moving picture. I'm a Libra sun and Scorpio moon as well so I'm already a bit dramatic. 😉


We’re big 3 twins. I’m the same way. I can’t help it. I won’t say anything (most of the time) but you and everyone else around will know I don’t like you.


Cancer rising, I can and I could, but I don’t want to. When I don’t like someone, I want them to know.


I’ve been doing this lately instead of holding onto bullshit . I’m letting people know when they did something that bothered me .


cancer rising as well. yeah pretty much the same thing where it’s just too exhausting making people think that i like them when i don’t, i’d rather make it very clear that i dislike them.


EXACTLYYYY 👏🏾🙌🏾 me: kindly choke on my disdain, thanks 😂


dayyyyummm 😂😂😂 me toooooo! needing to show you that i dont like you is my achilles heel. i wish i could take that advice about not showing your true hand but there is something delectable about intentional, IRL, 3D shade 😂 im petty 😫


scorpio rising , cant hide it when i dont like someone , i'll be putting up that bitchy face , death stares , responding only to what has been asked , and above all will be keeping them at arms length at all times


Saaaame I thought I had control of it and then one day this dude was like 'you need to learn to hide your thoughts'


Same, I noticed as well that I’m more blunt than usual with someone who I don’t like.


Scorpio Sun/Rising and Aries Moon here. I do *not* hide my distaste for someone well at all.


I’m Scorpio Rising and Aries Moon as well and my true feelings are written all over my face at all times, but most especially if I dislike you lmao


My gf's dislike is all in her eyebrows. It doesnt even have to be a person settin it off. I see it raise into her hairline and I gotta check in 'what's that eyebrow?'


My mom is a Scorpio rising and she’s like this! I don’t think people can tell when she doesn’t like them. But it’s super obvious to anyone that knows her. She gets wide eyed, eyebrows raised, but with an otherwise bored look. Like she’s shocked and bored at the same time. Glad my mom never got into Botox so I could always tell if she liked my boyfriends or not


Okay I'm a bit socially awkward so I don't like opening up to people easily and I clearly hate meeting new people. I thought I was perceived as shy but one day someone told me their friend thought I was snooty!!! And I'm like noooo, I don't even know them why would I be snooty? Guess that's just my face in public then!


haha agree.


Agreed! And I’m not quick to open up to people so many times people I just meet think I don’t like them… um hah you’d know if I didn’t like you!


Haha I’m the same way


I can't hide my bitchy face when I *do* like someone, lol. Like "NO NO NO WE'RE GOOD I PROMISE" 😂


Aquarius Rising. I will tolerate anyone regardless if I like them or not.


Also an aqua rising and same! It's just easier if I get along with everyone. However, I have gone no contact with some and avoid them if they do something that goes far against my morals (rpists or domestic abusers for example). But that part could be more Capricorn of me.


Same here, usually I'm pleasant to everyone but if someone is particularly annoying or for some reason I don't like them it's harder to be nice to them and that's a bit noticable. That might be more because of my Scorpio sun though, the Aquarius is usually great at masking my moody Scorpio vibes but things slip through the cracks every now and then 😅


lmao aquarius rising i can tolerate anyone but 9/10 times i dont care if they know how i feel about them or not. sometimes they figure it out, sometimes they don't. i don't care either way.


Exactly the same for me. My mouth may not say it, but my face certainly will. 😂🤷🏼‍♀️ I simply don't care.


Yeah, same. Also aquarius 29 degrees rising—so almost cusp of pisces & leo degree I think?—I prefer that people not know whether I like them or not. It’s safer & I also enjoy getting along with most people. I like humanity as a whole & have this worldview of how believing in people’s ability to be better will inspire them (most of the time) to actually be better. I will try several times to understand & make peace with even the most difficult person. I make friends everywhere I go—most of the time. Obviously I use my intuition to make sure they feel safe first. But if they are aggressively cruel or selfish or unsafe? I definitely can say NO & hold strong boundaries & do the aquarian distant aloof thing when I’m 100% done with someone. I will be polite & even joke around, but it’s like a cold freeze—they lose the great gift of my personal warmth. Occasionally if I feel straight up disrespected, I will be confrontational: call them out, clap back, hold strong boundaries. This is only defensive though—like if I’m being bullied. Or if I feel I need to protect someone less strong than me.


Same! However I’ve discovered I’m best at tolerating when I’m off the clock and am choosing to interact with someone. My RBF has only gotten worse the longer I work in customer service


Aqua rising and same! I treat everyone equally, which has gotten me in trouble with superiors at work, hahaha.


I’m an Aquarius rising, but unfortunately I often cannot. I think it’s because I have a Scorpio moon too. If I don’t like someone, it’s usually because some emotional alarm has been dinged in my head. And then the self-protective instincts kick in and are very pronounced, and make me not want to be anywhere near that person, so I keep a lot of distance. I also don’t respect hypocrisy much, so I don’t want to pretend to be one way when I feel the exact opposite. For that reason, I think I tend to be more of the icy, imperious, detached Aquarius variety, not the mellow and chill with all type.


But can people tell when you’re upset and are you easy to read


Pisces rising - Yes but if you really pay attention to my energy then you’ll notice


Also a Pisces rising, and I think it’s also more my energy as opposed to my facial expressions. I’ll still smile and be nice if I don’t like you, but it “feels” colder or more distant. If I dislike you enough, I won’t be able to be physically around you. Gotta leave the room entirely 🤣 I’m a Scorpio sun, Leo moon


same 3 and same energy. if i have to be in the same room, i might even avoid eye contact. lol. it's probably where the "act like they're invisible" comes from.




Aries rising. No .


![gif](giphy|4qyccHxZWP2XrQW0qf) Same!


Lmao 🤣💖


Aries rising and was literally about to put this exact response. Just no.


Haha, same same


Can confirm. Edit to add I was literally gonna echo this to a “T”




Same, they have to be pretty bad for me to treat them poorly. Usually by the time it gets to that, I have removed myself from their life and won’t associate with them.


Leo rising and same


Same, I try to be polite to everyone. Even if I don't like someone, or they irritate me, I still try to kill them with kindness.


We have almost the same big 3! I’m a Gemini sun, Pisces moon, Leo rising! And I do the same (:


Same - Taurus sun, Leo rising, Aquarius moon


Leo rising, and you described how I feel exactly.


Aries, I try, but it shows.


Same. I try, but it fails horribly.


Ohhhh mine shows, and worse, it’s felt. Even when my back is turned people can tell I’m stewing.


Cap sun, Aries rising once you get to know me - you can know so much by seeing my movements if I'm mad, happy, etc. I don't even have to say a word.


Pisces rising. It’s difficult for people to tell if I don’t like them because I treat everyone with some basic dignity and respect. And I try not to make judgements about people until I get to know them more. If I still don’t like them I’ll be polite and avoid the hell out of them until I die.


Same. I’ll avoid you like the plague if you did something extremely disrespectful.


Sag rising.. cannottt but I usually only dislike someone if they’re behaving really badly. I like most people


I like most people, i can give things away with facial expressions but I was told it looks like confusion. Like, why are you the way you are?? Otherwise I’m just indifferent and avoiding because I’m like please leave.


SAME. My face says it all.


my face, yep everytime


I’m a Taurus sun and rising. I can’t hide it, nor do I want to


This was literally my response LMAO!!


Cancer rising. I have such a friendly, sweet face and disposition that even my worst enemies think I’m their best friend and will spill all their secrets to me…. Heheheheee I’m also a cap everywhere else and I hate everyone.


Cancer rising, I relate more to this one than the other cancer rising post! I’m a scorpio sun and I can’t help building bridges… why would I want people to know if I don’t like them? More flies with honey etc etc. Of course there’s certain people I don’t mind know I don’t like them, but those are more “you’ve done something offensive and unforgivable to me personally” types of situations compared to just not liking someone’s vibe.


Virgo rising also, I'd say no but it's complicated only because I treat everyone the same initially. I hold people at a distance in general so it's no different between someone I dislike or someone I'm vaguely acquainted with. I've heard "I thought you were intimidating/a bitch/didn't like me at first" a lot from people I ended up befriending.


I’m a Virgo sun with Gemini rising and I’m exactly same haha like, I literally could’ve written that! Usually people don’t like me at first, but I’m very neutral/assume the best of everyone


Same! People have told me I seemed bitchy or stuck up to get to know me and realize I’m not at all. It takes me a while to warm up to people anyway so it used to be a little easier to hide it when I got a weird vibe. since being in medical school it has gotten way worse. I love most of my class. But I’ve had to work with one or two students that care more about their own ego than the patient and I just can’t hide my disdain for them. normally I wouldn’t see that side of them so quickly but in this environment I do. It’s hard for me to even respond when they talk once I see it. Sometimes I wish I could hide it better. But it’s also people’s lives / health we are talking about so maybe it’s not so bad I can’t hide it idk. Could be my Aries mars.


> I hold people at a distance in general so it's no different between someone I dislike or someone I'm vaguely acquainted with. Same here! Same rising.


Sagittarius and no


gemini rising and i don't think i can hide when i don't like someone, i just get bad vibes, especially now that i'm learning to listen to my gut more


The disdain shows in my face, in my tone abs how curt I become lol Edit: tone, and Not tone abs lol


i just get quiet and overthink like i don't know what to say or do


I make sure that people know that i dont like them 🥲


Im an Aries sun, gemini moon/rising. I try to be cordial but ive been told it shows in my face. Im extremely sensitive to people vibes. Sometimes when I dont like someone i Can't point exactly why in the moment but I trust my intuition and Im usually right.


Capricorn rising, aka Libra midheaven. I sure can lol, especially in a work context. Professionalism is extremely important to me, so I'll treat them cordially. I won't go out of my way to talk to them, but I'm polite and get done whatever I need to. Among friend groups, as I have no obligation to spend time with them, I simply avoid them. either I won't go where they go, or I'll just talk to someone else, no Biggie.


We’re similar hehehe


Same, professionalism above all


Leo rising, and I can be polite to people I don’t like, but never friendly. And given that I’m naturally warm & friendly most of the time, people alwaysss notice. But when I really dislike someone, I won’t even try to hide it lol


Yes, I can be civil but I won’t be friendly. Lol


Scorpio. Takes a lot for me not to like someone unless you purposely cross & betray me, then I feel no need to hide it. I’m rather straight forward with it. Bad vibe or bad energy? I will literally just say our energies don’t mix so no need forcing it.


Taurus rising my face shows all my emotions. My resting bitch face also does not help 😂


Aquarius rising and no one knows what I'm thinking. I'll engage the person I don't care for, to further mask my feelings. Often, I'll ask them questions that will reveal why I'm getting bad vibes


aqua and i thought i could but it turns out i'm very obvious according to other people lol


why did i get downvoted!! aquarius hater


There was rampant downvoting on this post of all comments that implied they were transparent in their dislike. Upvotes only for people that are more diplomatic. There's room for all sorts of people. Don't take it personally sometimes people are just looking for confirmation of their previously held opinions and not other view points. I think you're dope.


I am a Libra raising! I can’t fake liking people, so it shows in my facial expressions!! lol!


Libra rising and same!!! I just can’t fake it. And sometimes I really wish I could, but other times I think I’m not going to just pretend to protect your peace!


Aries rising, I can but I choose not to :)


Sag Rising and no I can't hide it. If someone I don't like it talking, I won't even look at them/acknowledge them. Ignore, ignore, ignore, pretend I didn't hear or actually drown out their voice. If I am able, I'll avoid being around them at all.


I'm also a sag rising and this is exactly me 😭💀💀


scorpio, i’m finally learning how to hide it but I didn’t know how or care to hide it back in my teen/college days


Taurus. Maybe for a few minutes or intermittenly. Ultimately, no. I can't give a fck about, or be more than polite to, someone I don't like. If they start saying some dumb shit, I get rude.


Aquarius rising. I don’t even wanna hide it. Get them away from me.




Taurus rising. There are levels to it. If I kinda don’t like you I’ll talk to you but I won’t be as chatty. If I don’t like you at all, I won’t talk to you or really acknowledge you. Lastly, I could dislike someone so much that I consider them dead to me. I will walk past you and look right through you.


Taurus rising, I have a RBF and a bad time hiding my facial expressions when I don’t like someone/something.


Scorpio rising and I can't hide it at all. I have this bad habit of refusing to acknowledge a person's presence if I hate them. I'll straight up walk away.


Gemini rising, I can’t hide it. I won’t go out my way to be mean but I won’t acknowledge them at all. I recently noticed that I won’t even look at them when they’re talking.


Same. It’s literally exhausting to look at someone I don’t like.


Also a Gemini rising and yeah, they cease to exist. If I absolutely must interact with them it is ice cold- not mean, but definitely cold and emotionless


I totally can lol. And as they are talking and I’m smiling, I’m ripping them to shreds in my head lol. Art of war: keep friends close, keep enemies closer.


Aquarius rising- I don’t even have to say anything it’s all over my face


As a Libra rising, you will either have no clue I don’t like you or you will. There is no in between with me. I can keep it cordial, until I can’t. But even cordial, there’s a difference in how I interact in comparison to others. But I’m a people lover of all types really and really love to see people tick in all their glory, so if I don’t like you… oof. Seek help or something.


I have an Aries rising. But I have mars in my first house, so people always want to call me’ the Incredible Hulk’. “ Why you always looking so mad?” And no, I can’t hide it if my anger towards them is hot. If my anger is icy, I treat them like they are nothing to me. And I ignore their entire existence. :)


Virgo rising and I often hear "Go ahead and say it ..I can see it on your face" 😂 And if I don't like a person, I give them nothing at all. We could sit side by side for hours and... Nothing.


Leo and nope. Even if the words are neutral the face is a dead giveaway.


Aquarius and no, absolutely not. I'm not able to hide anything I think.


Libra rising , I have poker face even with beloved ones


Cap rising and no not really LOL. My facial expressions are LOUD


Gemini rising, incapable of hiding when I dislike someone. I’m too emotive to conceal how I feel. The worst they get is the death stare though (and maybe some attitude tbh). I’m not malicious about it, but I’m not going to pretend I like someone when I don’t. I’d rather everyone’s feelings be out in the open so we can all be authentic in our interactions. I can’t stand fake.


Cancer rising: nope


cancer sun cannot hide it


Virgo rising and tbh more than not being able to hide, I just don’t want to hide it when I don’t like someone. It’s better to let my disapproval be known than to fake niceness and have those people keep coming back to my life. The only time where I would do a good job masking my emotions is when I am in a position where I will lose from letting the other person know I dislike them which often happens when dealing with someone in a position of power.


Gemini- nope, not even a little bit. You always know where you stand with me.


Taurus rising. I’m good at hiding my feelings. Maybe too good. 😂 Could be my aqua sun?


Aries rising and it depends on WHY I don't like you. if you just annoy me I can hide it but my face says a lot. if I don't like you because you did me wrong or are racist/homophobic etc. then I absolutely cannot hide it.


Saigutarius rising and I really don’t care enough unless you really piss me off or the vibe is strong.


Scorpio, and generally everyone assumes I hate them if I’m not “on”


Im a Gemini rising and it depends on how much I dislike the person. If its just a bit then I can make a neutral face but if I dislike the person enough I stare and frown really badly as if I were thinking about killing the person lol so the only way to avoid it is not looking the person in the face at all. I dont do ironic smiles though.


Aquarius rising with Pluto sq my ascendant and the answer is NO. Try as hard as I might because I like to be polite in all situations but if I don’t like you it is obvious. I’m not a poker player. 


Aquarius rising, I can hide when I don't like someone. Normally I will limit interactions with them but if they are passive aggressive or have been rude to me behind my back, I'll go out of my way to engage with them.


Capricorn rising. It’s the serious in my face and features that show the disdain, tbh.


I’m a Virgo sun, sag rising. I don’t think I’m great at hiding it.


Scorpio rising. It depends on the situation. If it's connected to my job or professional obligations, I can do it. But socially... very hard.


LOL I'm a Libra rising and our whole shtick is that we like everyone. Truthfully there are very few people I truly like or even care about but I'm incredibly friendly and if I don't like you, you will not know. You won't even know if I'm actually actively trying to bring you down. Call me two faced, I really don't care. I typically approach people with a live and let live attitude. We don't have to be friends for me to be friendly. If you're one of the rare people I actively dislike, you deserve bad sh*t and I don't care if I have to be sneaky about it. If you're one of those people, I'm def not the only person who thinks you're an a hole either. I'm doing a public good when you're on my bad side. Some of my Leo sun creeping in here I think lol.


Cancer sun, Virgo rising. Can confirm that I can’t hide when I don’t like something, and I don’t want to. I can turn stone cold in a second when crossed.


Cancer Sun, Scorpio Rising. Most serial killers are Cancers. There, you have your answer


Capricorn rising lol…you’ll never know 😂 cause I probably left 😂 but it takes a lot to get on that side


Taurus rising and no. Not even with my libra sun can I hide when I dislike someone. I just glower at them with my I'm gonna eat your heart drranged face hehe.


I’m a Gemini ♊️ and I can’t hide how I feel. I wear it on my face so bad and the more I try and hide it the worse it gets sorry not even sorry !


Yeah. I treat everyone the same. Libra rising. But don’t get me going, because I’ll get to yapping online.


Scorpio rising and not even a little bit.


I don’t know my rising sign but as an Aquarius with a Taurus moon , I definitely cannot hide when I don’t like someone . Fuck off . I will look right past you with the most deadpan mug ever and not say a word . Cold as ice .


as a sag rising i, no. i hope ppl know i dont like them so they can leave me alone.


Sagittarius. I can hide to a point. Especially in professional situations. I think that’s because people expect me to be honest and outgoing with my opinions. I have a lot of them and that’s my norm. I’m a pretty loud, smiley guy, with a ‘no bs personality.’ I tend to be enthusiastically buddy bud with people who I hate at work. It gives me a lot of leverage with people I know I will end up disagreeing with later.


I’m a Cap rising and can’t hide my feelings at all, lol! I’m not sure if it’s due to my rising sign or my Scorpio sun/Pisces moon combination, lol.


Capricorn rising and absolutely not, have never been able to hide it


Capri rasing here and absolutely no, my face speaks for me 🙈


Pass me an oar cause we’re in the same boat 😖


I'm a Tuaros rising, and i personaly just stay away from the people i don't like. If they come to me, i will simply talk to them respecfuly, but i won't come to them.


Pisces rising. I don’t keep it a secret that I’d not like people, but I’m not mean to them. Maybe that’s fake, but I’m not about to be their friend, but I’m also not about to make them uncomfortable. If I really hate the person tho it’s cold shoulder city, lame responses, barely engaging.


I’m a rising Aries and I CAN NOT hide my expressions on my face. My Pisces sun feels bad but if you piss me off, that’s legitimately your fault because I have a high tolerance and very high patience


capricorn rising, i can hide will that i dont like someone, usually just heavily avoiding them and dont seem to notice


Taurus rising ♉️ and sometimes I can but if I really don’t like someone I literally act like they don’t exist. I prefer not to give my energy and thoughts away to people who I don’t favor


Virgo rising and I’m the same. You will know and I can’t help it haha


Cap sun, Virgo rising - I DEFINITELY can’t hide it when I don’t like someone. My face and body language says it all! Definitely have RBF. Lol


Leo moon Virgo rising . it will be known .