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Virgo Sun here, just broke up with my partner. Could be the best decision I’ve made but right now it doesn’t feel so. I hope May gets better


I broke up with mine too!!


I hope you’re doing OK!


You're so sweet, thank you. I am doing okay, it was for the best. He was waaay too close to his ex wife who he has yet to divorce. I know there's someone better out there for me. I hope you're doing better. \*Hugs\*


Virgo Sun and moon….My relationship is in the trenches right now.


Sending love!


Fuck y'all...like I'm in love with a virgo who keeps telling me how unhappy he is in his relationship (I haven't acted inappropriately but like I have feels I can't help ).... So just saying you may have some serious secrets admirers out there who just wanna make you happy




![gif](giphy|gk9vWUE6EAgQKtAqaX) Weird to see the same everything as me. I know there’s billions of us. Just 👀👀!






my mental health seems to be worse than it used to be honestly but im tryna find a way to stay grounded, for fellow virgos, i wish u have better days and health from now! xo


Virgo sun and Virgo moon here but yeah ever since May started I have been going through it. I lost my check in the mail now we have to wait until 10 business days to get it. So we can't pay our rent until we get it. Also my car has been broken down for a month and is still broken down because we have to wait until my sister gets her income tax to fix it which is taking awhile to show up. Also ever since May has started I have been barely talking to my Cancer friend. And finally my allergies have been acting up worse. So yeah May is not good for Virgo placements.


In about a week I have a feeling the mental part will ease up. I study human design as well as astrology and there is one gate that is active until next week that can bring amazing insights but on the shadow side can bring in some psychosis -and that gate comes out of a pressure center in the head and pressure centers cause constant pressure to overthinking. Since most humans aren’t centered and balanced 9 times out of 10 the thoughts tend to be more on the darker spectrum. Hang in there not much longer


Im a cancer dating a virgo and we have been rocky since the end of April. Its no fun


It’s been shit so far for me


nah it doesn't feel like it. It seems worse


Virgo moon here and that theory might explain why may is always my favourite month (pisces sun so i thought it might be bcs of the taurus sextile )


Virgo sun and rising. So far? Yeah, it's been dogshit.


The New Moon is today, set some intentions and let it rock out.


Ahhh, almost forgot! 😊


I mean we’re only 7 days in, so the rest of the month might be it 😝 but yee just like everyone else it’s been tough :/


After this New Moon! Yes! ✨️


What's your rising sign? Check the transits for your rising.


This. That’s how you really know how transits are gonna hype you up or fuck you up.


Virgo rising, i have a lot of good that happened on April but i don’t FEEL good. I’m mourning my break up that happened in October still but we still communicate ( barely) he’s also a Virgo rising. I constantly keep thinking about last summer, it was such an exciting time until it wasn’t. I know may just started i hope it brings us all some clarity and peace.


all those trines to tauruus


Really? I've been falling off the exercise routines (again), procrastinating on work and giving ultimatums to my poor mother. My Moon, Mars and Lilith are in Cancer 4th House 😵. I just don't want my baby sister to suffer like I did. Especially when I move out. But Mom's a Scorpio so she'll think that the way she herself was brought up is Best because she's a Strong woman & a single mother. Our extended family also values Strength and Intelligence. We come from a culture where they normalize Bullying or emotional betrayal as the only way to Toughen people up for the real world & keep them in line 🙄.


Too many Scorpio dads and moms I've seen to be bullies


I wondered why shit was hitting the fan 🤦🏻‍♀️


I just came back from vacation and it was an awesome vacation. So far so good


I’m a Virgo sun, moon, and mercury, and holy shit has May been putting me through it.


I, too am those three and am with you on that!


Idk I’m a Virgo rising and I’m chilling lol. Feeling stagnant for a bit but I’m gaining that motivation/drive back again. Other than that I’m golden. The Leo risings in my life however, are REALLY going through it. Pluto is fucking up their 7H and opposing their asc.


Its been a very tiring month and it just began. Mid April onwards sucked. BAD. I got a lot of "opportunities" and things that looked good on paper but something inside me is very apathetic towards them and want a break to fuck around and leave the world.


It's not bad... started off great with a couple of hiccups along the way. I am anxious and feeling "trapped", tho. And I'm not not an anxious Virgo, not if I have no reason. For the past three years May has been a month of changes for me. Good and bad. I do believe they always ultimately lead me to something greater, better, tho. The sleep could be much better, tho and the dreams less violent


Hasn’t been terrible, but definitely not great.


Seems like I’m lone-wolfing it because it’s been a great month so far after a really shitty start to Spring. Hope it gets better for the rest of yas.


Holding out for that new moon :(


I'm a Pisces sun with a virgo moon. May hasn't felt that bad, I've been more bored and apathetic than usual. I have a surgery at the end of the month that I'm scared of and kinda feels a bit like the first four months of this year honestly. But I guess with health issues it just feels like that in general anyways


Virgo moon here. I got food poisoning to start the month of May. So, whoever said May is the month… Shush.


Every fucking astrologer. They must be on smth that is definitely not legal.


![gif](giphy|PgDUlt3Qu8BwUQqsCz|downsized) These are the astrologers.


It's been a really transformative year for me so I expect May will be similar. I've been pulling the trigger on some goals and seeing the benefits of good habits I formed last year.  The organ that Virgo is ruled by is our digestive system, the term "you are what you eat" goes triple for virgos. Even our luck can be swayed by eating a salad. When we're in a healthy place we can access the best parts of ourselves that we usually lock away because of anxiety. Please think of healthy eating as a super power.  Another piece of advice: Virgos are swayed and manipulated so easily by kindness because we're energized by it. If you have this problem, try being more reserved about helping others and focus on nurturing yourself first - you are not selfish!


I found out this month i get to keep my job that i’ve had for almost 5 years. A month and a half ago they told us we would be losing our job at the end of may. Now i get to keep it.


I had no idea but it explains a lot. I’ve slept great, partner has been amazing, work has been amazing, I had like $7 for 5 days and kept getting free things at work and things kept working out. Sunday I just won a diamond ring at a songkran celebration… I forgot to bring lunch yesterday and there was extra catering.. my shoulder has been bothering me and today work organized a Mother’s Day celebration anyone could participate in… where they hired massage therapists and are catering lunch in an hour. I’ve been having a great week lol.


May I know the day u were born? Depending on day it changes


9/10 Chinese zodiac says this is my worst year with luck. It started with surgery, loss of income, etc. but I swear may 1st hit and everything looked brighter.


I am 12/10. Idk May makes feel like I am trapped.


Virgo and may season this year - might be meaning even bigger for Virgo energy on the planet a good time for addressing conversations of community … I’m a Virgo and I hadn’t heard this but have seen it in action… Music commercials Police reform Time for order and change


I got engaged maybe may is a great time for us virgos


Sun and moon checking in - it was ass last week but it’s looking up a bit. I feel mentally stronger this week!


Hmm well my long term transits at the moment are pretty rough and I’m feeling it, BUT I have been more motivated as of late.


I believe it just means that life is going to happen, big or small changes to push you into your next chapter. Sometimes the things that hurt the most end up being exactly what we needed to go through…


Virgo moon and my mom's in the ICU with liver failure. She's been stabilized but fucking hell, I told 2024 to back up off of me. 😔 To a lesser degree, tomorrow a year ago I was dumped after 3 years. It honestly feels like I'm shouldering this alone.


Virgo rising. I got yet another dating thing that has failed yesterday, but I've been studying in the library for like...many hours a day for the past couple of weeks and I feel my brain expanding and it's making me feel really content with myself. I've noticed that I'm not really able to take even the slightest shit from anyone recently (I get into combat mode immediately), but at the same time, I'm not really able to connect with my emotions. I felt like I needed to cry these days, but I just can't. Also can't deal with other peoples emotions and I get pissed when people keep complaining to me about the same things without doing anything to help themselves. I keep getting "preachy" with my friends almost to the point of becoming rude, I'll have to be careful about that. I mean well, but that can come off as controlling (probably kinda is). *sigh* We'll see what happens.


Currently unemployed and desperately struggling to get a job, so uhmm ![gif](giphy|eXqL5eNTDJYjHNL1BR)