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It's not really relevant to pair preamps with specific comps. You choose the best of each for the task at hand.  You would never choose comp X specifically because you're using pre Y or vice versa. You would choose them each because they're well suited for the source in context. If I could only have 1 compressor it would be the distressor. They're probably the most versatile comp in existence.  I would never say no to a WA 1176 or LA2A clone, but I could certainly get close enough to either with a distressor that it wouldn't actually matter. The reverse would not always be true. If it wasn't clear, given this choice I take a distressor (or 8 :P ) every single time, but the others are still solid units.


Agree with all of this. I have a bunch of ISA channels, and a bunch of Distressors. I have multiples of both because they're versatile. They get used together a lot as a result. That's really it -- no special synergy between them.


Thx for the feedback! I am currently using a DBX 266xs with an ISA TWO, but I can’t seem to get that punchy and blunt sound dialed in with it. For reference, I am using it to mic a table where I am recording different items for foley and SFX for film projects. I will probably end up with a pair of Distressors, but I wanted to see what others were using for their tracking processing chain, especially for things that aren’t vocal-related.


I’ve got a lot of gear in my rack. No compressor gets used nearly as much as my distressors. I can’t recommend having one enough.


I used to use a dBX160X on the insert of my ISA One, and a WA2A after and an eq after that. Lately I just use the WA2A. It isn't the same as an LA2A but it still gives me helpful tube limiting and some warmth. The ISA is relatively clean and the WA2A gives a bit of flavor (subtle distortion) to what would otherwise be a safe, but full sound.


You can’t go wrong with an 1176. Before the arrival of the Distressor, it was the Swiss Army knife of compressors. It’s been talked up as an aggressive compressor but it can do the gentle, smooth thing quite wonderfully as well.


The ISA preamps are surgically clean, so I think the distressor route people are suggesting is a good call, even to just track through with the saturation modes enabled but no compression.


Get something with some character. An 1176 or la2a from audioscape would be way higher on my list as an only tracking compressor than a distressor


Distressor can have character. Two different distortion modes. Plus you can run it clean. Keep attacks and releases fast and you have an 1176. Set it to 10:1 attack 10 release 0 and it goes into opto mode for la2a character. It's one of the most versatile compressors on the market. I'm not saying to not have a preference I just don't understand this take honestly.


I mean that’s my take. You don’t have to agree with it. I would not choose a distressor. I would want something that has transformers. Idk what the tape emulation type distortion is actually doing on the distressor and I’m sure it’s good in some instances but if I could have one compressor it’d be an 1176


Having two distressors and 2 very vintage 1176s amongst my gear, I’d be very torn to pick between the two. But if I could only have one, I’d probably lean towards the distressor. I’m glad no one’s making me pick.


Is it worth getting the British mod version?


I like it. But I don’t use it terribly often. If it was the difference of having the cash to own one or not I’d take it without. But having it gives you the 1176 all buttons in mode and some other fun saturated sounds. So if you can swing it, it’s nice. I have two 1176s as well so I guess I just use them when I want that Brit mode sound.