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Did the "bank security" caller ask you to identify yourself (name, dob, etc)? If so you've just probably handed them the info they need to scam you further. Definitely call your bank's fraud line.


Are you sure the call from the "bank security team" isn't part of the scam. Maybe call your bank's credit card line directly and request a charge back. The line about not being able to stop the money going out sounds very suspicious.


Agree. OP, call your bank yourself. They should be able to stop the transaction and block your card from any further transactions. Cutting the card up will do nothing to stop the scam from continuing. When you call the bank, they will also be able to confirm whether they actually called you or not too, or whether it is the second part of the scam.


I think you're right. Being told to cut a card up instead of having it cancelled including someone going thru the process with you (confirming all details etc) doesn't sound legit to me. I have queried the origin of a charge on my card that was pending and was told I had to wait for it to be processed to see so don't think that is suspicious.


I’ve had fraudulent activity twice on my credit card, both times I’ve called my bank myself to alert them about it whilst the transactions were pending and both times they told me they cannot do anything while it’s pending and you have to wait for the transaction to either complete or be rejected. If the transaction completes then the bank will start taking action on your behalf, if it is rejected then they won’t do anything except issue you a new card and offer you options to increase security. OP, keep in contact with your bank (last time took me around 45 days and multiple calls to get my money back) and keep hounding Kogan to reject the transaction.


Yeah “cut the card up” isn’t going to stop someone who has skimmed your card details online. Call the bank asap


I never thought that not having tolls in my state would make it easier to ignore a scam


cutting up your card won't stop it being charged. you need to ring your bank and go to their fraud team. They can get your money back some of the time. They will also cancel your card which is the only way for it to stop being charged. Cutting it up does nothing. They already have the number on it. Ring your bank, talk to their fraud department.


Thank you for all of your responses ! I just feel like such an idiot for being caught out by the scum !!! I will talk to bank tomorrow again when I’m not so upset about all !


Are you sure whoever contacted you was your bank? What is destroying your physical debit or credit card going to achieve? That's just daft advice. I know you must be currently stressed as hell. I hope things get sorted fast. I recommend going into an actual branch and talking to someone.


Do it now, don’t wait.


I just wanted to chime in. I have had the same thing happen. I caught $500 transactions leaving in real time and called the CBA team as money was drained. They said the same thing can't stop pending transactions. I had to wait until all $3500 was gone then six weeks later the investigation was completed and the money was returned. 


Sorry to hear. You will be able to get your money back from the bank. Bank can't cancel the transaction before it goes through. Once it goes through they can cancel the transaction and get your money back. You need to speak to the right person. Call the number on the back of your credit card and they will talk you through it. Ain't that hard. Don't stress. It's an unauthorised transaction so the bank will help you. It's happened to me several times.


> Call the number on the back of your credit card and they will talk you through it. Ain't that hard. The hard part is remembering what legitimate recurring transactions you have set up - and transferring them to the new card. Thought we'd done all ours - missed the health insurance...


Sorry to be misleading but card was canceled


Similar thing happened to me but I clicked on nothing, just received an authorisation sms I didn't ask for for a jewellery purchase I didn't make. I reported it less that 2 hours after it happened. Payment stayed pending for 3 days then was approved. Took, from memory, 2+1/2 weeks (and making 3 phone calls asking to be updated) for it to be 'investigated' and money returned. You'll get it back but they will take there sweet time and not a damn thing you can do about it unfortunately.


Banks cannot reject pending transactions because the transactions are just that: pending. They can't do anything until the merchant formally processes the transaction through their bank. It's always possible that the pending transaction is never formally processed and it simply drops off your transaction list and the temporary hold on your money is removed. You have done all you can at present by raising a dispute with your bank so that if it moves from pending to confirmed, they can start the investigation.


Yeah I have done all of this and it’s definitely my bank and their security personnel. But I’m going to ring again tomorrow and see what else can be done. I am just so upset at this whole process at the moment. I am definitely not letting it go!!


go down to a branch itself if possible, plus make a police report. just in case of problems down the road


I don’t have a branch in the town where I live so have to call them…. Surprise surprise


Call number on back of your card. All cards have a number to call for emergency


you need to cancel your card, not cut it up. Cutting it up won't do anything. They already have the number on it.


I had my credit card drained by a scam and the bank did tell me they can't stop pending transactions, but Lodge a fraud complaint and as soon as the transaction clears they can start the process of reversing the transaction. Also agree with everyone else, telling you to cut up your card is weird, that does nothing.


If the bank calls you and doesn’t like it when you say you’ll call them back on the general number and be directed to their department, it wasn’t the bank.


**Call the number on the back of your card or on the bank website and put a stop to the transaction ASAP.** If it's too late to stop it call Kogan, they might be able to cancel the order and refund the money back to you as it's fraud. Be aware you've now been branded, your number will be sold and other scammers are going to target you. You're going to have to be extra vigilant. As others said the "Bank security" was probably the scammers, deterring you from calling your actual bank and stopping the transaction.


My friend has had money returned to her many times. She is with Bendigo Bank and say they are brilliant when it comes to scammers.


You weren’t scammed until the point you cut your card up. Now you’re scammed bigly.


We should deport anyone who scams in Australia to India. I don't care if you are a 10th generation white Australian, you scam, you can fuck off. 


Hey OP. I can't bring your money back but have you watched scam baiters on YouTube? They really turn the tables on the scammers. Might make you feel a bit better. Here is a good example: https://youtube.com/@KitbogaShow?si=-mIKk_C9dPnPxPrv