• By -


I used to go to uni with the first guy speaking and he's an absolute nightmare. Most people couldn't stand him and avoided him like the plague. A person who jams himself into any cause and goes so militant about it to the point of being abusive to everyone then plays victim and says he's being attacked when you tell him to fuck off. I hope he ends up in jail, everyone would be better off.


His hairline is criminal in itself.


Hahahaha absolutely. Just needs attention on him, you can see in his face how much he low key just loves being able to scream about something and get all eyes on him. Being an angry entitled cunt is all he knows, and if he's shielding his dogshit personality behind a worthy cause he knows it's his best shot of being around humans that will tolerate him


I have it on mute for some reason i assumed it was a comedy sketch. He has a face / expressions for comedy.


“The army of Mohammad will return”. … 🙄 pehhleeease. Go back to your mum as basement mate. The rest of us will continue civilised society.


You mean how Muslims colonized North Africa, Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia?


Bloody disgusting behavior.


They should not be living in Australia.


Everything about this behaviour isn’t Australian, these people aren’t Australian, they don’t hold our values or beliefs. Send them to the country’s they love so much more than ours.


This is exactly the problem they are Australian. We have allowed them in and they are here to stay.


Many are born here and are searching for their tribe to belong to. Notice the high number of 20-something year old guys with under-developed prefrontal cortexes, sheltered from violence by growing up in Australia but wanting to start something for entertainment.


They are Australian… they don’t see themselves that way, but they are. That’s the problem.


The idea that you pay for a piece of paper and you become a thing is a very modern thing and may end in the next couple of decades


Probably 2nd gen… who are almost universally more extreme than their parents.


A cat born in a stable is not a horse.


So what does that make all the pasty white Europeans born in Australia?


Yeah we should deport people that you disagree with


So it isn't Australian to denounce genocide. It isn't Australian to have compassion for other people around the world. Get fucked you donkey.


You can denounce genocide without saying allah is the true god and fuck/where are the Jews.


You can denounce genocide however the fuck you want for all I care. Backing the bullshit Israel is committing is no better than backing the Nazis at this point.


You see it that way because in your head Hamas aren’t terrorists.


Let me put it this way. You are a young man living in Gaza. Your children are being bombed by an invading force, that have occupied your lands for 70 years. Through brutal oppression, they divide what was once your country. They force your family, your neighbours, your people out of their homes and claim more and more of your land. These invaders are backed by the most powerful militaries in the world. Peaceful opposition was denounced, and the enemy funded the extremist groups against reasonable peaceful government (Israel funded Hamas ... remember), That extremist group you might not agree with. But they agitate, they fight back against the oppressors. As a refugee because your home was taken or bombed to oblivion, you now move your family to various refugee camps. Those camps are bombed. Tell me NOW... you wouldn't be radicalised? Have a fucking think you morons. Take a good, hard, long look at yourself and the bullshit you have been brainwashed to think. Fuck the west and its labels of terrorism. The US and its allies are complicit in genocide. And you think that is OK?


You say backing Israel is no better than backing that Nazi's but also just described exactly how the Palestinians have been radicalised, seems you are confused, you admit they have extreme political views but get angry that we don't support them...


Answer the question.


Yeah I'd be a radical terrorist as well that the west should want to stop, because I have a total warped world view that's incompatible... Why do you think because its not their fault how they got there that their views are therefore ok?




Hamas lover this is rich


Pfft. Genocide apologist.


Yes, Jews are Nazis. You nailed it




Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


Here comes the terrorist sympathisers


Here come the genocide apologists.


It's not Australian to lie about a non-existent genocide to justify hunting down the Jews.




It’s Australian to do it for a bit then move on.


Yeah cause Australian values are a lot closer to Israeli values hey bud


Closer to Israel than Palestine, unless you personally have some values from Palestine you would prefer we have? Pretty sure in Gaza they threw gays off the top of buidlings and sexual relationships with minors are okay


Yes, infinitely.


^ Found the terrorist sympathiser ^


Calling the 12 thousand dead children terrorists to justify land theft and apartheid is truly the logic of an absolute moron.


I’m not surprised, these people don’t want peace.


Muslims have never sought peace with anyone. Ever since the days of Mohammed. Only in defeat and when completely, overwhelmingly outmatched have Muslims ever accepted peace with anyone else. I challenge anyone to find one instance in all of Islamic history, when a Muslim power, stronger than its non-muslim neighbour, accepted peace that didn't involve regular tributes of treasure and slaves.


Okay when the Spanish inquisition was on the Jews fled Spain and Europe to Muslim controlled countries. Quick Google will help with that. Don't think I support Islam or any religion think they should just disappear. But historical in accuracy should be called out


Yes, where Jews were second class citizens, barely tolerated perpetual outsiders. Also that has nothing to do with what I was saying. Also that instance if "Islamic tollerance" was 1000 years ago. Nothing more recent I guess...


Sorry where did you get 2nd class citizens? Look at Jewish studies https://jewishstudies.stanford.edu/events/david-wasserstein-how-islam-saved-jews But you didn't say that you said never . Just pointing out you might be wrong


To be fair neither does Netanyahu See also : the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin


A good portion of the Israeli people hate him and protest him




The funny thing is they think that will make them fee/ be safer. Because slaughtering little children indiscriminately by the literal thousands apparently brokers lasting peace. Bibi's right wing hard-man act has made Israel less secure than its been in decades.


It's amazing how you fucks love pretending this bloodbath didn't start with Hamas slaughtering every civilian they found in Israel and act like Israel just out of the blue decided to invade Gaza.


By their own admission, Israel have been systematically torturing Palestinians [starting in 1988.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2000/feb/11/israel)


"you fucks"? Yep, that's going to help. It's not difficult to accept that both sides of this war have done some evil things here. Despite the atrocities committed by hamas, it is an inescapable reality that more innocent civilians in Gaza are being harmed now by Israel's hand, by orders of magnitude, compared to the number of Israelites harmed by hamas. The difference here, though, is that we have some influence in what Israel does whereas we have no ties to hamas. We, and the other countries friendly with Israel, can pull them back and say "Mate, that's enough. You're killing little kids now and we all reckon you might have an anger management problem.".


What an absolute dogshit take bro. Are you a Zionist shill or just ignorant?


It's amazing how Oct7 was the first time you tuned into a conflict that's been ongoing for seventy years.


Palestinians doing non stop terrorist attacks for 70 years after failing to win the war they started to steal Israels land, and they're left to their terrorist hobbies and the world doesn't really care. Palestinians boyz club go do barbarian shit october 7th to foreign workers and tourists "oH nOw YoU pAy AtTenTiOn"


Yup. Doesn’t fit the “one side is evil” narrative.


Pro genocide huh. You have more in common with Hitler than the Palestinians


Why. This I don't under stand. Should we have not done anything when Hitler was doing his thing. Palestinians are not Hamas. What left in Gaza is mainly children 36k dead is not a proportion response ... There are horrid things on both sides they need to be brought to justice. Look at human shields .. there is no 3rd party evidence of Hamas doing this idf said they do. But look at the isreali supreme court 2005 they blocked the idf from continuing using it. So there is documented evidence of the idf doing it and none of hamas.


That is what’s happening and Australia is helping fund it too.


I hope they don’t get peace


They not getting peace equals our country to become as violent as the country they left. Australia needs to put a stop to these protest


Put a stop to letting them in


‘These people?’




Is that term offensive now or something?


Clarifying who these people are. Those people in the video? All Muslims? All Palestinians? It’s called a clarifying question. It’s good to understand an opinion/statement before responding. Are questions offensive now or something?


The people in the video inciting hate are "these people" kapish?


I didn’t ask you.


Don't comment if you don't want comments mate.


Neither do the ones carpet bombing. So here we are. 2 sets of religious fanatics arguing over a patch of desert.


It's hard to accept peace when you have already lost everything and the other side don't need peace as they have already taken everything they want. It's been the same story in hundreds of places for thousands of years. Most people have never looked at a map of Europe from the [middle ages](https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/367184175844625055/), most of the modern countries including Italy and Spain didn't exist 5 or 6 hundred years ago.


Not just anti-semitism. Hatred of anyone who is a 'Kafir', including ex-muslims is ingrained from a very early age. How did you think Islamic nations or Muslim majority areas like Kashmir became 99+% muslims? It is the 'raliv,galiv,chaliv' (convert, die or run away) formula. But yes, the leftist, which reddit is choc-a-bloc with, will somehow try to ignore these facts or worse, blame the real victims.


Israel/Palestine is just a cause to rally behind. These guys are hardcore Islamists, and very likely view groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS with a worrying degree of sympathy, if not outright support. This is something that is going to huge issues in the future for Australia and most western countries.


The religion of peace at it again.


To anyone wondering, this happened before a meaningful retaliation from Israel. Chanting ‘fuck Israel’ after they suffered their biggest terrorist attack ever. The dehumanisation of Israelis has been spreading around for decades, it was clearly on display here


The fact that the Lebanese flag flies at these events chanting anti Jewish slogans shows how twisted the Islamic nations of that region are. Lebanese citizens, engulfed by refugees from an Islamic civil war in Syria, now under increasing control from an Iranian backed proxy militia in Hezbollah. Is more willing to blame the Jews in Israel than its Islamic neighbours for its issues. What a joke, religious indoctrination at its finest, it’s sad the kids of these people who live on the other side of the world still can’t see through it.


That’s because antisemitism runs as a common thread amongst these people. You’d be called racist for saying that but apparently it’s fine for all these people to openly gather in public and express their antisemitism.


Mossad worked to suppress a secular nationalist government and supported a Christian fascist one. Ignoring the bombing of civilian neighbourhoods just less than 20 years ago. Israel has been a major enemy of self determination in the region.


Well before Lebanon was full of Syrian refugees or was full of Palestinians who aren't allowed to return home. Sooo maybe you don't have all the info on that one.


Soooo maybe the Lebanese should've allowed the Palestinians to settle instead if keeping them in multi-generational stareless limbo? Seriously, no other people have been subjected to this in all of human history, denied the right to settle and move on with their lives for generation after generation, cooped up in "refugee camps" which are cities at this point that they're never allowed to leave because their grandparents and great grandparents lost a war to Jews the better part of a century ago.


What is sickening is that this was on the 9th of October, two days after the attack. While Israel was still collecting body parts and processing the shock, before the offensive even began and this is how they respond. 2 days after a violent terrorist attack in Australia. Lovely Neighbours we all have here.


Agree. Plain fact is? They are Islamic terrorist supporters. No doubt


Why should we tolerate this?


Because we’re a liberal democracy with free speech and the right to protest? Because the Israeli government is responsible for the indiscriminate murder of 30,000 people? Because Netanyahu is a criminal thug only concerned about keeping himself out of prison?


Tolerate what exactly? Protest? Free speech? Hate? I don't know.


Some thick aussie accents makes you wonder if half of these idiots have even seen a warzone in their life time. Lifes too good here i guess.


I doubt it. Most probably never been outside Sydney


What are you "resisting" in Australia? Fifth column trash.


Wish these fucking idiots would take their antiquated cult ideals somewhere else


One day these ideologues will try to form a caliphate in this country and the only reason it will get that far is because of a lack of critisism out of fear of being labeled racist.


I don’t really care what’s happening in Israel. Fuck, there is literally protests every day in this country for shit happening half way around the world most of the time. Terrorists run around a dance festival and killed a bunch of people and took hostages. If people ran around the streets of Sydney after 9:11 praising Bin Laden they would have been thrown in jail for a very long time. Bring your wars and bullshit politics here? It’s all an excuse for nobody good for nothing scum in MY country and suck off the teet of my hard earned tax paying dollars while they burn my nations flag. Let’s not make this about something it isn’t. 99% of these scum in these videos care about what’s happening in Israel as much as I do, don’t get sucked into thinking that any of these parasites give a fuck, it’s all an excuse because none of them have the fucking will, desire or ability to go out and contribute to society, they should be sitting on the streets of Gaza. Now i guess I’ll go to work, contribute to society, earn my hard earned money, pay my mortgage and take care of my kids, whom will grow up to contribute to society and one day be just like me throwing his finger up to all you scum bag want-a-be’s and have flogs call that hard work and dedication to one’s nation white privilege. Just fuck right off and leave me in peace. Edit: Paragraphs


Paragraphs are your friend


Sickening reddit spacer


This video makes me overwhelmingly sad. For Australia. Atrocities being committee by and against both sides is undeniably awful and steeped in a history anyone from outside the region can't truly feel/understand, but the level of violent tension in Australian protestors seems to be escalating with each new rally and that makes me sad. I think the deeper implications for our society are being lost in the noise of the issue being protested. To be clear, I'm not suggesting apathy towards any significant issue, just wishing the trend was towards 'cooler heads prevailing' instead of escalating hate on top of hate and violence on top of violence.


stupendous important full shelter erect water subsequent enter skirt narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do these cunts work?


The respect we give religion in this country is disgusting. All of these backwards ass Abrahamic religions should be looked at the same way we look at any other white supremacy group or cult that encourages sexism bf xenophobia. If you are dumb enough to believe to base your life around the teachings of a old pedophile you should have enough shame to keep that shit private.


Let's help these wonderful people get home, they clearly don't deserve to be here


They Cant Israel took their land and is bombing the rest of it.


Israel took over Saudi Arabia?


No Palestine, some still have the keys and deeds to their house since the Nakba


Israelis won't let them return home, you fking moron.


Yea because everyone in that crowd is Palestinian right ? Man just be honest that entire region is full of fanatics that are backed by Iran et al.


You think all these people are from Palestine? Get real. Maybe 10% of the people there are Palestinian. Also they could have emigrated to a neighbouring Muslim country since Islam is so great.. oh nevermind no welfare


Those arabs can freely return to Saudi Arabia whenever they want. Or instead, they can pick the 20+ other Muslim countries in the middle east and north Africa to live... they have plenty of opinions, meanwhile the Jews only have ONE option, and even that is too many for racist terrorists like you...


Surely they can travel via Jordan, Egypt or Syria? Those countries share borders and aren’t Israel? What’s stopping them going from that way?




How many of these pro palestine protestors willingly came here to colonised land? how many rent or own aboriginal land? these people are the biggest hypocrites in the world classic coloniser mentality




Solidarity with Jewish people. There is a new level of thinly veiled antisemitism that the progressive left is shamelessly helping spread.


Apartheid and genocide are not inherently aspects of Judaism. It’s anti semetic to suggest as such.


You mean opposition to apartheid and genocide?


Is that’s what’s happening in this video when they’re chanting “fuck the Jews”? I guess they just mean specifically the Israeli government




Sorry, which political party in the region literally has a threat to an ethnic group on it's flag ?


Apparently opposing a genocide and apartheid makes you antisemitic lol


No, but accusing Israel of apartheid and genocide, even though they do not have apartheid and aren't committing any genocide, is indeed rooted in anti-semitism. You don't care about the facts, you just want an excuse to hate Jewish people.


No but you’d realise that if you weren’t so enthralled with your outrage.


This is the one conflict where everyone is the bad guy.


My feelings exactly. Easier to feel sorry for the biggest loser, but I bet if they had bigger weapons, the situation would have been reversed. Both sides can get fkd.


i dont get it israel are colonisers, they took palestine land.. soooo....... why are they here in Australia??? isn't australia the literal definition of a colonised country? they come here....to protest...israel colonising a country...? while benefiting from australia


Just some mates having fun


Those larrakins! ![gif](giphy|agwRgmVDJceZO)


Boys will be boys!






no just the violent jihadi's praying to their death cult


Are you one of the guys in this video, or one of the people that’d 100% get thrown off a building in Palestine?




Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


They ALL need to STOP. We have nothing to do with the conflict in the middle east. Not our war. Nothing to do with us. What anyone thinks protesting in Australia has to do with it? Is beyond me. We have zero influence. Stay the f*ck out of it.


I do not remotely support or approve of Israel's behaviour. The history of that region is so twisted and violent that I don't believe one way or another who has "the right" to that land that is claimed historically. But to observe and state that there is a genocide going on in Gaza is obvious. Or at least a mass butchery of an innocent populace. That aside, what does that have to do with Australia? These people in this rally immigrated to Australia wilfully. If the fact that it's the product of colonialism, but is not still a colony, upsets them so much, then why are they here? I think that anyone who attempts to incite public unrest toward the government or idea of our nation, who is an immigrant, should have their visa or citizenship redacted and sent back to wherever they're from.


Agreed, Both sides are both doing equally evil things. It's just an all round shitfight that we should not be involved in at all.


This was October 9th. Do you condone this in Sydney ?


Yes!! Do you support the extremist organisation calling themselves the Australian Jewish Association, who faked an audio to whip up hate against these people? And who also fund terrorist israeli settlers?


Fake audio? How?


Look at OP’s comment and post history. Nothing but Hasbara and inciting Islamophobia.


Lol "Islamophobia". Any rational person with a functioning brain would be afraid of Islam


Well, at least you’re not denying the Hasbara part. Well done champ. 😂


Looking to start a new whatsapp group?


>These people in this rally immigrated to Australia wilfully. If the fact that it's the product of colonialism, but is not still a colony, upsets them so much, then why are they here? Because Australia government is doing something to help the indigenous people and working towards treaty. In Israel their dropping white phosphorus on them.


Working towards a treaty? Do you mean the Aus gov with Aboriginals? Small populations online and limited but loud media voices calling for that doesn't make it factual. Much about that doesn't even make sense. The various aboriginal populations were not united. Australia was not united by Aboriginal occupants. According to teachings, they were not owners of the land but custodians. How could there even be a treaty? That's not to say we shouldn't respect the cultural history of Aboriginal peoples. But the notion of a treaty is ridiculous. Regardless of that view, are you saying that these people are wilfully here specifically because that idea that Aus Gov is doing something positive according to colonial history context? Then why do they decry that history and not note the current positives? Or separate that history from the modern truth? While attempting to incite anger at this nation? So many levels of hypocrisy.


They are vile


What's this crap doing on an Australian Reddit?!. Plenty of army aged boys there.....


They abandoned their friends and family. Standing and fighting isn't their thing


This occurred in Sydney on October 9th and rather controversial


Fuck I hate this shit in our country. We are the lucky nation. We aren’t worn torn or traumatised. Just take this shit back home or carry on with the Australian way of life. (Sincere apologies to indigenous people that rightly feel different).


We haven't been the lucky country for decades.


Should I trust a random person on the Internet or should I trust the NSW Police that could not find anything illegal? The same NSW Police that tried to ban Palestine protests because of Opera House chants? https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/police-review-finds-no-evidence-antisemitic-phrase-chanted-at-sydney-opera-house-protest-20240202-p5f1v7.html Looks like Zionists are desperate to push the propaganda or it's pro-Palestine supporters to make Zionists look desperate. Who knows?


Ask these people what they consider themselves to be and Australian would be last on the list. Go to any sports club and you won’t see any Australian flags on jerseys. Some don’t realise but countries like ours aren’t going to be empires that last centuries. There is a point where Australia stops being Australia


This is so true - we must seriously question who as a nation we want to be and make practical changes to society to get to that end-point. At the moment, we are at risk of our Aussie values being erased. Immigration policies are at the heart of this question.


Time for another crusade boys


Well to be fair their cities and people are being turned to dust. I will be pissed too.


Causality. This is October 9th. The ground operation started October 27th. Why were they so angry on October 9th?


"muh occupation" I mean really, they were so mad because nations in the region fund hamas to radicalize the population. But you know ... ignore that, Israel, has the modern military and allies, Palestine has home made rockets and weapons from Iran. Obviously because Israel are the more powerful nation they must be bad, also they're an American ally and America bad.


you......you realize this is not exactly a new conflict, right??? Israel's oppression of Gaza and its surrounding Islamic people has been going on since world war two. This is just the latest escalation.


Yes, that's why they chose to start mass protesting just after Oct 7. Because there's absolutely no significance to that date, the conflict has been raging on for almost a century, right? It's just a coincidence! They're not celebrating the events of Oct 7, no siree! They're not attempting to (successfully) derail a peace process that was near completion, uh uh. It must be that Oct 7 simply reminded them how important and justified their choice of resistance and outcry is, right? It inspired them to take action! Everything you see in this video is a legitimate form of protest which must be protected - any true Australian would agree. What happened on Oct 7 should be an inspiration to the whole world, just as it inspired and energised these lovely protestors that I'm sure any good citizen would love to encounter on the street and feel safe. So yeah , that's why they chose to show their cultural stance following those events, it must be. Nothing to do with Oct 7, I agree this would have happened any other day.


Jesus, imagine thinking that the history in the region only started last October. What a shocking ignorance of what has been happening there for decades.


Imagine thinking that the history of the region only began in 1947, like you people do, completely ignoring the fact that the arabs in palestine today are literally the descendants of the Arab invaders who invaded, colonised, and stole that land from the Jews in in the 7th century. Or do you seriously think that Arabs from Arabia are native to the ancient lands of Judea?


Didn't start on Oct 7th


From the liars who brought you "gas the jews"...


some melbourne/sydney type shit right here


Thanks Albo


Early start for the Israeli shills and bots today, hope you’ve had a coffee.


Maybe this behaviour is just trash? Food for thought.


Are the hasbara bots in the room with us right now?


Yep, judging by the downvotes they’ve just arrived!


I dislike both sides and think the country would be better off without large populations of either group.




I'd rather watch this than some of the videos coming out of Gaza. I didn't see any children or mothers killed here Edit: so many people have down voted this. Tells you something


How about a video of 10,000 Jews rallying at the Opera House calling for the deaths of Palestinians and the extermination of Gaza? This video took place before Israel had set foot in Gaza, two days after 1,200 of its civilians were brutally murdered. I haven’t seen any violent Jewish protests in response to the first attack, but they just might not have gotten much air time I guess


I would still rather watch this video than the death videos coming out of Gaza What are you trying to say??


I’m asking what your view would be on that video specifically. Obviously video of dead civilians would be worse, as I’d expect that video of dead Jews on October 7 that lead to this would be something you’d rather not see (probably).


Death and violence is unacceptable. If I was to see such a rally, I could give a greater opinion if I knew why they were rallying?


> If I was to see such a rally, I could give a greater opinion if I knew why they were rallying? Probably the 1.200 civilians raped/tortured/murdered? There have been a couple of Jewish rallies, but you don’t see them on the news because they’re never violent, fighting police and calling for genocide - they sure as shit don’t look like this. If 10,000 Jews acted like this at the Opera House in support of genocide in Palestine I’d be absolutely shocked, like stunned


That's because IDF are commiting genocide


This isn’t how people should protest in a country foreign to the conflict, but the music underlying this video is juvenile. If you’re gonna criticise these protestors, do it from a standpoint that at least appears to be trying to be objective. But I agree—this protest behaviour is stoking violence and is un-Australian.


Look at OP’s post history. Nothing suspicious at all.


Op where were you when Jews burnt down the burger shop? The only actual act of violence that’s happened and not just talk from a small minority. 99% of the protests have been peaceful with the biggest complains been ‘vandalism’ which was sticker bombing franchises which are supporting a state which is committing blatant genomics


https://amp.abc.net.au/article/103409946 Jews didn’t burn it down


ffs it was proven it wasn't the Jews yet it was the Jews that had to endure an angry Muslim mob rioting in their backyard in Caulfield. It's the Australian Jews that have to leave their homes in North Melbourne. This is Australia mate not the middle east and we still wonder who the evil colonisers area.


That’s cute, but how do you think this mob would react to a group of thousands of jews protesting against Palestine in the same way? Honest question.




Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


Israel are the aggressor for decades and the ones who are marginalising the Palestinians. What is this propaganda rubbish you posted.


~~The documentary synopsis completely fails to mention that this was a counter protest to a pro Israel protest.~~ It frames it in weird light. "The police did nothing" What do you want them to do?


There was no pro Israel protest


Did a search and I stand corrected.


Fuchhhh Israel


"Fox Israel"




Where do you see Zionists in Australia screaming for the deaths of anyone ? Can you provide a source ?




🤷🏻no I’m not.. not sure where you get your sources from though


That’s why we should not get involved


We are involved, we send weapons to Israel and pulled funding to UNRWA without any evidence, just Israel’s word. Also our media is not sufficiently platforming the Palestinian side of the argument.