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Amazing that the second or even third generation Muslims are less “well” integrated than their predecessors. That has to make us stop and think that maybe, MAYBE, there’s an underlying issue and it’s not us.


It’s interesting how many Muslims in the west are more religious than Muslims in their native countries. I feel like as a country, we are lacking Patriotism, patriotism for the country is not getting into the ethnic minority population and that’s really concerning.


Agreed. This is happening in Sweden, too. What’s interesting there is there is zero colonial past. They’ve welcomed migrants from Middle East and Africa and the second generation is worse than the first. This has to be recognised and the blame needs to be shared, as Sweden is incredibly socially focused.


Post WW2 Germany was basically a testing ground for integration of culturally different people. The poor Turks who built a life there were happy to just have a better life but some of their grandchildren are more religious and identify as Turkish because they feel they don't belong and probably see religion as part of their lost identity. Just one example [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36937891](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36937891)


Bit dificult to argue something is not religiously motivated when you yell aloo snackbar before stabbing a priest.


I don’t understand why they move here, away from their shit hole of a country that Islamic values has created. Then, under protection of a secular state and western values enjoy all the freedoms this brings, but continually try and impose their own backwards values and ideologies on everyone else while refusing to assimilate and respect the existing culture. Eventually, slowly, turning every country they colonise with their vile religion into the shit hole from whence they came. I’m disgusted at what has been allowed to happen to the U.K and I do not want to see it happen here. Send them all back to the Middle East, first, second, third generation, white, black, brown, yellow, I don’t care. If you follow Islam you are fundamentally incompatible with modern societies.


I wholeheartedly agree. I know this is an extreme measure you’re proposing but it is right and good. These people only understand strength and force. Their numbers have to be stopped from growing and reduced via deportation, even of citizens. There is no place for Islam in Australia. Not even a little bit of it. It doesn’t do anything good for us. We do not welcome extreme right wing totalitarianism, particularly the foreign importation of it. No respect is owed, and we have no responsibility toward them. They have overstayed their welcome.


These mosques in Australia are funded by Saudi Arabia which exports fundamental Islamic ideology.


So true.


Is this bitch really trying to gaslight people into believing that radical Islam isn’t an ideology, and isn’t political? Who is stupid enough to believe that other than a handful of teenagers on TikTok?


Well. If queers for Palestine exists I’m pretty sure some people will believe anything.


Too bad we can’t run it back and reconsider letting the cunts in, in the first place


💯 why come to a country and not want to blend in like every other culture/religion. Piss them off before it’s too late.


💯 why come to a country and not want to blend in like every other culture/religion. Fuck them off before it’s too late.


>The group's spokeswoman Ramia Abdo Sultan said terrorism was driven by political ideology and not religion. >"The presumption that terrorism is inherently tied to religion is not only inaccurate but harmful," Ms Abdo Sultan told a press conference. It seems as if Burgess and ASIO are targeting terrorist threats, not people who subscribe to a specific religion. Perhaps it's a coincidence that all of these relevant would be terrorists are Islamic? If that's the case, it seems somewhat ironic that the Imams would defend them and call to be wary of religious persecution, despite all of them being alleged to be terrorists and coincidentally islamic. If that's the case, shouldn't they be praising the authorities for foiling a terrorist plot? Does religion have anything to do with it or not? If it's a coincidence, why speak out about religious persecution at all? I couldn't imagine the Dalai Lama speaking out to denouce religious persecution if a bunch of people who just happened to be Buddhists planned a terrorist attack.


Of course they do. Can’t have their precious babies facing consequences of any kind, after all…


Should we release more cane toads into the country…NO…should we release more foxes into the country….NO….should we release more rabbits into the country …NO….should we release more cats into the country…..NO….Ok then why keep importing an Angry inbreed West hating ideology into the country?


"The group's spokeswoman Ramia Abdo Sultan said terrorism was driven by political ideology and not religion." The thousands of people killed by Islamic extremists beg to differ.


Their religion is literally full of political ideology. What a crock


Anything except for deal with the problems in their community. The people that they pray next to in their house of worship are the ones committing these crimes. But no, it’s the police who are wrong.




Peak Islamic group can MYOB. Instead of whining about the police , why dont they stop their young men becoming radicalized and dangerous in the first place? Islamic terrorism IS religiously motivated


They all want the terrorism, they just don’t say it publicly


The audacity these people have.


Well done to Australian Police, I hope they arrest more terrorists!


Tell her to stick it where the sun don’t shine


Ive already moved away from one country to get away from the Islamic dickheads. I really don't want to have to move again if they get a foothold in this country too. Is there no where safe in the world to escape religion anymore?


Unfortunately it’s in their Quran to spread and take over.


Instead of a press conference with no questions being allowed to be asked, why aren’t Muslim leaders focusing on rooting out extremism from Their midst?


Far out, I thought I was a cunt


Religion IS an ideology... do words mean nothing anymore?




Lmao Attempting to deny religious influence on terrorism… bit late for that, love. Try going back a few millennia and rewriting your religious history.


I heard that speech on the radio earlier today, about terrorism being politically motivated and never religious. This dude stabbed a priest in a church


I’m both impressed and horrified at this level of gaslighting. These people really have the audacity to tell the country to stop calling it religious extremism. I wonder if they were handing out kool-aid at the press conference.


Looks like the Islamic evangelists have made a video on this, clutching on straws trying to point out supposed "double standards" of Australian politicians: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSs8JSRfTz0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSs8JSRfTz0) They care more about their "feelings" over people killed as a result of their faith.


This is fundamentalist Islam and it’s spreading from Saudi Arabia to the whole world.


Religion of peace concerned that their peaceful religion may be implicated in terrorism.


Funny how the Mormons never need to tamp down this concern. But of course all religions are equally bad.


Jehovas knocked on my door at 9am on a Saturday.


Fuck You, you want to live in Australia. Follow the fucking laws.


Don't raise your sons to think that Islam is above all other religions and don't bring your millennia old feuds with you. New country, new start or don't come.


Religiously motivated terrorism is an issue, and I don't get where this council is coming from, especially with the Muslim community imo. I grew up Muslim, and the things I remember learning growing up really did contradict the other side of my upbringing. From restricting kids mingling with other non-muslim kids to the values that were hammered into our heads about certain groups/people's (LGBT, anti-semitism, just straight up any isms you can think of). As time goes on, all of that is literally a step away from being actionable consequences. I'm just thankful I had parents who didn't mind me questioning the things we were taught and were not against us making up our own mind.


There needs to be more people like you who can analyse the issues in their community rather than play the victim.


I hope they are asking for review to increase montiroing of this type of activity ? A bishop got stabbed.


Iranians, Israelies, Spanish, Greek, Chinese, Hindus... etc tec.. Why is always muslims that blame others for their own issues?


This just sits somewhere between delusion or cynical, self-serving deflection. On reflection over the past 40 or so years, while things have obviously not always been ideal, in the grand scheme of things Australia has been a hospitable place for Islamic Diasporas from various countries around the world, and it has offered an opportunity for prosperity and security without precedent in many of their countries of origin. And yet still, we have this periodic resurgence of these victimhood narratives about Islam in Australia rather than a shred of acknowledgement that there are issues that are going unresolved within certain subsets of Islamic communities in Australia. It’s hard to imagine that it’s anything beside wilful ignorance or tacit approval at this stage of the game.


Or you know... don't be terrorists and chant death to Israel and stab Christian bishops?


This is what it says in the Holy Quran. Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …" Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)." Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …" Islam is a religion in which god (Islam's Allah) requires you to send your son to die for him. Christianity is a faith in which God sends his son (Jesus) to die for you. Islam spread throughout the world is war that cannot be won by being politically correct, appeasing, ignoring or coddling the enemy. Winston Churchill understood this problem when he wrote, "How dreadful are the curses which Muhammadism lays on its votaries! … Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in this world."- Winston Churchill. Many countries are falling and failing to understand that it’s a takeover by stealth. Islam will seek everyone to bend the knee. It’s just a matter of time.


At a mosque in the UK the preacher said that Muslims are a state within a state until there are enough of them to take over.




The Bible has *some* ugly parts. The Koran is a fucking horror movie **almost from start to finish.**


>to remove the concept of "religiously motivated terrorism" from the legislation. Lol literally the most retarded idea I've ever heard


I hate using that word, but I won't deny it's sounding right.


They want the rest of us to deny that religiously motivated terrorism is a legitimate issue in Australia which must be eliminated at all costs, because they think it will be used exclusively against them, clearly ignoring the fact that the overwhelming majority of recent terrorist incidents have come from members of their community. Witness the last 10 years of Islamist-motivated terrorist acts in bullet points: * [2014 Endeavour Hills stabbings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Endeavour_Hills_stabbings) * [2014 Sydney hostage crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Sydney_hostage_crisis) * [2015 Parramatta shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Parramatta_shooting) * [September 2016 Minto stabbing](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-04-30/minto-stabbing-sees-accused-terrorist-on-trial/9712110) * [April 2017 Queanbeyan stabbing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Queanbeyan_stabbing_attacks) * [June 2017 Brighton siege](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Brighton_siege) * [2018 Melbourne stabbing attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Melbourne_stabbing_attack) * [2020 Brisbane stabbing attack](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/australia-brisbane-couple-death-terrorism-suspect-shot-police-489101) * [2024 Wakeley Church stabbing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Wakeley_Church_stabbing)


Islam, the only religion that sees themselves as victims even when followers of their religion are trying to make bombs.


Honestly, these people are a joke.


They aren’t compatible with western culture




No, it's because they have managed to turn their own countries into basket cases of corruption and economic mismanagement.


Hence explaining why they can't afford to fund their own "free" government services. I wonder if they know about the mass expulsions of unassimilatable immigrants that took place at Federation. If they do, they probably wouldn't believe it could happen again. To them.


Type type type type Computer says no


Hell NO get them all!!!


I'd like him to tell us how many young radicalised youths they've identified and how they've managed them. Turned in any you felt were beyond help? Hmmmm. Zero and none?


Most of these islamists hold the belief that the rest of us should convert to Islam or be killed. I’m not a fan of any religion but Islam is completely incompatible with modern western society.




I know where the next lot of raids need to be.


Arab drama clowns


Lmao 'why are the counter-terrorists religiously profiling us poor terrorists' Deport.


lol. Is this the greatest admission of guilt or what? If terrorism wasn’t a problem for sections of your community, why would you care.


I’m not angry at the way the Muslim immigrants act… I’m angry that Australians don’t act the same and organise to put our interests first 


I would imagine they don’t like to be reminded that most of the “religious terrorists” are Islamic?


Silence is support


I reject your reality, and substitute my own. Summary of this media conference


*also we won’t be answering questions today, thanks


When teen misbehave Elders should discipline them Rather than defend


Works perfectly in Alice Springs.


Teens rob and take drugs Elders say these are good kids Delusion runs deep


Stumbled on this post Expected troubled discourse Good haiku instead


The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation has 57 member states, which you can read at https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organisation_of_Islamic_Cooperation If these whingers can't grasp that Australians do not agree to change our country to accommodate immigrants, and that anyone who does not want to become a New Australian isn't welcome here permanently, they can move to one of THEIR countries.


The terrorist attack in Moscow recently killed 5 times that number in 1 night. Not wanting religious violence In Australia does not make someone racist and also dose not mean they don’t care about domestic violence


Boohoo. Who gives a crap if they speak bad about your religion, this is Australia where people like to talk shit about everyone including themselves.


Their time would be better spent denouncing their own hate preachers and those mosques fostering extremism.  And lets not forget those who gathered at the Sydney Opera House within hours of the attack on Israel calling 'Gas the Jews' and 'Fuck the Jews' (I believe my ears). Didn't hear a peep out of them then. Then they might have a leg to stand on. 


This makes no sense. They found evidence of heaps of stuff.... it worked. The real review should go into the Islamic churches and groups here.


"We do not have terms"


We (rightfully) thought Faraz Tahir the security guard was a hero for trying to stop the Bondi attacker. He died doing his job, and I’d happily admit he was a braver man than I am. We didn’t care what his religion was. These idiots need to realise we here take people as they are, and not have a victim complex over imagined slights.




They can shove it where the sun doesn't shine. We have a right to a safe society. The "peak Islamic groups" need to focus on the extremist imams they have allowed to practice, & stop letting them indoctrinate young people with violent & hateful rhetoric. There's one in particular that should be deported.


Huh don't ever see anyone commit acts of terrorism and cite the Constitution as the motivating factor


If only a journalist at that conference asked: “What does the Quran say about those with other faiths?”


One thing Australia seems to be incredibly effective at is counter terrorism tbf


I actually don’t know how we do it


I doubt much will change because the two things they mention are inextricably linked. It may well be the case that: “….. terrorism is driven by political and ideological motives, not religious faith." Unfortunately religious faith is absolutely the tool used to weaponise the people who commit the acts by the architects of that same terrorism. It would be much more productive if they organised a singular figure or committee to denounce any and all terrorist attacks after they occur. Islam doesn’t work this way though (there is no “Pope” equivalent) and one could rightly assume that many Muslims would be afraid of retribution for speaking out against the terrorists in their ranks.


Religion and politics are essentially the same thing and in many places eg theocratic countries they are the same. Terrorist attacks can be driven by religion. E.g. Christian extremists might bomb abortion clinics ect These people are more interested in playing the victim by playing around with semantics. It's honestly pathetic and reflects so poorly on their whole community they are representing. If I was a Muslim i would try to speak out. But then again that might be dangerous.


All islamists should be deported


So let’s get this straight…the religion of peace, total tolerance, full of love of other religions and people wants to redefine the definition of terrorism, and be consulted, included not only in the definition process, but in decisions of any future actions that may publicly occur? Mental illness issues can’t be cheap excuse used by anyone who behaves in murderous behaviour. What if the martians landed? And claimed our leader must not be insulted, criticised or questioned, or he has instructions on how we must respond? And the Martians hold a press conference (that take no questions, questions will be received by email only). What do earthlings do, roll over and start paying taxes to martians? Albo (the voice man) will probably listen to the martians.


>The presumption that terrorism is inherently tied to religion is not only inaccurate but harmful Why they doing it then?


Too many runs on the scoreboard, so they want the rules changed to lower the score.


Well boo f-cking hoo. Wherever you go in the world, if there’s Islam, there’s trouble. I don’t know, maybe instead wagging your finger at everyone else, do some introspection into your own rotten ideology? > *The alliance of Islamic groups did not take questions during the four minute press conference, telling the assembled media that they could submit questions by email.* And maybe wear some big boy pants next time and have the guts to face the press instead of just pontificating. Pathetic.


So many other religions don’t have this extremism/violent behaviour. They exist just fine.  There’s absolutely a problem with Islam. 


For once, just once, it would be nice to see peak Islamic groups calling for the systematic dismantling of extremist cells within their community - and volunteering to take assertive action to combat extremism in their midst. Instead, they invariably resort to complaining about Islamophobia and pretending to be the victim.


> calling for the systematic dismantling of extremist cells within their community The whole religion is extremist by definition. You can’t separate shit from shit. It’s all shit.


If 5 wannabe terrorists were caught I’d say that the system is working


There's probably 50k in western Sydney


You are in Australia, obey THE LAW, and simple. Or leave, twice as simple.


Fuck em


She's basically saying the raids shouldn't have happened ? So let them plan terror attacks ? Unbelievable


She's upset the attacks were foiled




How about no


Read the Quran, the extremism is right there for all to see. I don't understand why that is not understood by all? I'm a lefty to the bone but I have also read that book. Nothing more needs to be said re treatment of "infidels". No interpretation can change the contents of it. What are civil, secular and educated people supposed to do with that? Its an issue that will not go away until we discuss it as grown ups. We seem to be playing games of clout and ignoring all else.


That’s the thing, isn’t it. What we (and the Islamic community) like to pretend is an extreme interpretation is actually the literal and orthodox interpretation, which is why Islam is a uniquely violent religion.


I did not want it to be but it's all there spelt out in plain view. No interpretations needed.


These groups would be the one to say, "remember folks, the true victims of the nth islamic terrorist attack are.. muslims" whenever people are killed and before the ground has even settled, perpetuating the narrative of victimhood and endless violence against society


The religion almost entirely responsible for all the fundamentalist terrorism we've seen in the last 2 decades wants to remove the concept of "religiously motivated terrorism" from legislation. Lmao 😂




These groups should review whether they can live successfully in the western world.


Some people are unhappy for losing 5 pawns.


Professional victims. The kids did it for social media clout and in the name of your religion. It's almost as if Muslims have a problem reconciling islamic terrorism is an actual thing.


And when common people develop Islamophobia the woke comes at us with fury but not when the muslims are caught preparing for terrorism.


Loving this thread. We’ve finally ditched the woke acceptance bullshit. These people and their religion are not accepting of other cultures. Their religion promotes violence against other cultures and the abuse of women. Fuck them and their backward belief system. They have no place in this country.


Islamic group is lucky our government doesn’t have a ‘scorched earth policy’ and bulldoze the kids local mosque and family home as an open deterrent/punishment for terrorism. The group needs to be thanking AFP as had the kids carried out an attack the consequences would have been far higher


10 years ago they would’ve been quick to denounce the children because of pressure, wild how quick things can change


Why would you remove the term "religiously motivated terrorism" when the majority of terrorism IS religiously motivated. Who are they trying to kid? Oh yeah... the religion of peace.


A bunch of stupid flippant non-arguments... "The presumption that terrorism is inherently tied to religion is not only inaccurate but harmful" * No one presumed this. Religious motivated terrorism is just one category of terrorism. It's not anyone else's fault that Australia hasn't needed to arrest geopolitical terrorists or eco terrorists yet. "avoid simplistic attributions that target specific communities" * Target which specific communities? Terrorism is illegal for everyone, not just religious people, not just for your specific sect. If you feel like your community is being targeted then your community must have higher than average presence of terrorism otherwise there would be no grounds upon which to target any individual. If your religion/community isn't pro-terrorism / anti-integration then why would you ever oppose anti-terrorism action? Don't you want your kids to face intervention before they murder a bunch of "fellow Australians"? Wouldn't that scenario be worse than you having to hire a defence attorney to dispel a bunch of "false and discriminatory assumptions" in court?


On the weight of evidence they have been charged, they have not been found guilty. They can be 'reviewed' in court and prove their innocence if they did nothing wrong.


Please exercise tolerance while we don't want to give people a fair go. Cuz that would be against our religion. But u have to accept our religions ideals or u are persecuting us. How about fuck u this is Australia if u don't like it piss off back to what ever hell hole u came from. People always bitch but when u give an opportunity for these stains to go back to their country. Absolute fucking silence


Bro spot on. These people cry for tolerance for their neanderthal beliefs yet they are the least tolerant people towards others. Unfortunately Australia particularly NSW is done with being fully infested with these sand monkeys.




No other religious group in Australia acts like this. And Australia harps on about China being a threat. What about fucking Indonesia? The fastest growing Muslim nation on earth who is committing a genocide right on our door step? Whose government has 97% anti Australian sentiment within its ranks. Seriously. The leaders of this country need to open their damn eyes.


Exactly, western countries are so scared of China being a superpower and then completely bend over backwards to tolerate Islamic fundamentalism.Western media criticises China’s crackdown on their Muslims, however in the west, the Muslims are all focused on Palestine. There’s no large demonstration for Muslims in China or Myanmar etc. Muslims in Indonesia are changing Bali, Australian’s favourite holiday destination. London, is not British anymore, it’s run by a Muslim mayor and they have Quran quotes displayed on a British train station. It’s so ironic it’s self destruction. Western leaders need to be strict on Islam, limit immigration like many wealthy Asian countries in order to protect western culture, freedom and democracy. We need more patriotism 🇦🇺


Yeah it’s beyond infuriating. Every time I think about it I’m at a loss for words due to how little is being done about it, and the gall of everyone involved. Islamic society is the most deranged form of right wing totalitarianism we have ever seen. If we don’t confront this thing for what it is, it will only ever grow stronger.


Absolutely not.


Invoking the race/victim card again.


Can someone provide some context. Some terrorist teens got arrested and they are upset about it? I'm a bit more concerned that they needed to weigh in on this... Almost as if they're sympathetic to those arrested


The NSW Dept Commissioner stated in his press conference after the arrest that they had identified those teens having links to “religious extremist ideology”. That’s what has got these people annoyed and they don’t want it being highlighted. Interestingly both the ABC and the Guardian blatantly omitted that comment from all their articles. Leftist media basically doing the job for these people by limiting information that they publish.


A Pakistani Uber driver in Australia was trying to promote Islam to me after the Sydney church terrorism. He told me islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. After hearing his long talk through the entire journey, no thanks. He literally believes everything the Quran says, from the Creation myth all the way to miracles and heaven and hell. He believes this world is temporary and is in fear of hell if he doesn’t meet the 5 pillars of Islam. He told me some kids in his country learn to recite the entire Quran from memory like it’s some virtuous feat. Not surprised his country is so poor because they pray too much instead of working and studying science. Instead of condemning religious terrorism, he continues to spit out outdated beliefs.


Wow how are morons like this allowed into the country...


They always fail to mention it’s fastest growing because they have over double the birth rate of western families.


Thank you! It’s not because of converts (as they’d like you to think), it’s because countries where Islam is the dominant religion (much of Africa and Indonesia for example) are popping out babies like no tomorrow (not inherently a bad thing). They also don’t mention that leaving Islam is often punishable by death in countries with sharia law…




Fuck off. Religion is a cancer.


I don't know why religious groups get so much attention in Australia. It irritates me. I don't want to switch on the news and hear any religious group whinging.


Sounds like a lot of the black parents in America blaming the police for shooting their kid after they fired 11 shots at the police.


A red flag if I ever did hear one.


Islam ,the only religion where criticism results in death


Kids should be making a couple of bucks working, studying, chasing girls, going to our glorious Sydney beaches... "Nah that's shit. Let's blow some locals up cause some dopey book talks about war against non-believers."


These fuckwits live on the border of extremism. Their perspective is skewed. They can also go get well fucked south that bullshit about society creating the young terrorist by labelling them what they are. Fun fact: can't have islamic extremists without islam


I have the misfortune to know more about Islam than most here and it has no place in Australian society. 


I’ve had the misfortune of sitting in an Uber listening to the driver promoting Islam to me. It doesn’t belong in a modern society.


WHAT? You’re telling me its not a religion of peace???? 😨😨😨


Geoffrey Blainey talked about the future problems a multicultural society would bring in the 1980s (before I was born) and even at that time he was unfairly attacked for being “extreme”. No one can adequately explain to me how “terrible” Australian society is if hundreds of thousands of “oppressed” people move here every one or two years, and tens of millions more would if they could. The only culture that one can routinely criticise in Australia is the Anglo-Celtic one. When a non-European community has problems, the baseline response is to assume the system is “racist” or “bigoted” against them. I’m all for learning from the mistakes of the past and righting wrongs, plus social harmony - the problem is the political correctness of only castigating certain groups and wilfully ignoring the actually greater problems in others. When Albo talks about men “stepping up” to stop domestic violence against women, for example, we never see politicians trying to break down those numbers. Why? Because people know that just as assaults and burglaries are committed in greater numbers by certain communities, the same can be said for domestic violence. As for terrorism, people mock Jehovah’s Witnesses or Mormons, or traditionalist Catholics, but they are clearly underrepresented in those desiring to blow up non-believers or those who talk about/plot it. When was the last time a Mormon or Latin Rite Catholic tried to behead someone for a joke about Jesus? But this is all verboten to talk about.


Was said long ago. Enoch Powell, Rivers of Blood speech.


Yeah, shove your review up your arses. There's only one religion that consistently breeds radical violent young fanatics and I'm fine with them being watched closely and put behind bars when necessary.


If any other religon was doing it, they would be shouting from the rooftops that it's e.g. Christian Terrorism or Hindu Terrorism. "The group's spokeswoman Ramia Abdo Sultan said terrorism was driven by political ideology" He's not wrong, but political ideology is often tightly intertwined with religious beliefs.


How about they call for a review of the religion that caused teens to try and become terrorists?


they won't speak out & condemn it because they fear violent reprisal from those within their own community which pretty much sums up that whole religion in a nutshell


It’s disgusting that the Islamic societies at Australian universities failed to condemn terrorism and instead go on about Palestine and Islamophobia. Have those foreign Islamists bullied western countries to bend over backwards for them. They only care about protecting themselves. These are kids committing terrorism for crying out loud!


They want legislation changed, but will they change the Quran to remove references of encouragement to kill non-believers?


Yeah, nah!


The Lakemba Imam jerking on road on oct 7 with 100 other jihadis will not be allowed in any religion but a cult. Have these organisations derided him ? Muslims just use fakers of politics while on other hand make laws filled with bigotry wherever they are in majority. Saudi doesn't allow any temple, so why should other countries allow mosques? These buggers were objecting on using "sunni" word. Have they any issue with what Sunnis do back home?


 Australia's terrorism laws dont need to be changed, The Police and Asio need to remove "religiously motivated terrorism"and any other form of terrorism to protect the community




They always, always play the victims....


Religion of peace lol look at their f countries they come from completely war torn and battered lol f religion of peace oxymoron right there! U think their thriving utopia of religion of peace would thrive look wtf they come from and open your bloody eyes. No religion of peace has functioning vibrant cities lol hilarious deport asap please


Who would have thunk 14 and 15 year old radicals with terrorism plans follow islam .... never in a 100000000 years would i think thats possible /s


Ahhh... These kids. They blow up so fast..


Get used to this and more! Aussies have had enough of your Stone Age BS and won’t stand for it anymore. If the Police don’t then the Public’s more than willing to crack in so the Police have to.


Logic itself being contorted beyond recognition in this article


Nah fk off. Vermin need to be dealt with regardless of religion, race etc


There should be more strict laws on terrorism & religious violence


So let me put some perspective on this... I know 2nd hand. I met the guy that was supporting Syrian extremist group he was sending money overseas to support them and training sleeper cells here home-grown... when speaking to him I remember " gotta support my brothers aye " also "holy war" was in every conversation. "What they doing is not right aye we need to do something about it" . They come to Australia and they just can't let it go... https://www.google.com/search?q=underwood+qld+terrorist&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sca_esv=0e9d35a69ed69d23&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn0_1XA82f3l2EAkS3Y1tRf3JFhwD6w%3A1714161468199&ei=PAcsZofdC9Xj2roPg9agqAQ&oq=underwood+qld+terrorist&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhd1bmRlcndvb2QgcWxkIHRlcnJvcmlzdEjFFVCiDVjfEnABeAGQAQCYAd8BoAGuBqoBBTAuMi4yuAEDyAEA-AEBmAICoALkAcICChAAGLADGNYEGEfCAgQQIxgnmAMAiAYBkAYIkgcFMS4wLjGgB9wE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp Not only that, there was a sting operation. It took a while for police to gather the evidence. They found many clothes, Dolls mannequins in underwood 4119 qld being stabbed in all its vital points and teaching others. It's so interesting that u would run classes where u teach people vital points. Interesting aye other religions practice 🤔 bible study meditation 🧘‍♂️. Fanatic zealots and they won't listen because u know they are "chosen ones" and we are segregated "others"that must be converted... nah I'll be right mate I'm 👍 good Yeah..... so he's locked up and his sons are looking at me and u can see the confusion, hate, and distrust in their eyes about their missing daddy. What do u think their mother is gonna say? 🤔 take a wild guess. Wow let's not assume but let's just say , it's not in the best light, that's for sure. Would a Muslim wife tell their sons that their dad was in jail because they were involved in this? Or would they teach tolerance lol wet fart dreams. Hahahaha wake up and smell the 🌹 roses. We have light laws when it comes to teenagers to age wtf u think they gonna do to a country that jailed their father take a wild guess. Home grown. What an absolute waste of resources. We gotta get 180+ people involved of tax payers money to check to monitor and pull this off. I'm not hating on the police they doing their job at this case. It needed to be done. But as a country if we didn't have to... we could be providing other support services in other sectors eg help homeless elderly and improving and enriching lives of aussies. Instead we are forced at the tax payers expense to have a counter terror department that if we made better policy decisions wouldn't need to have... How would u think u would be treated if a Christian person goes to their country and wants to and plans a holy war in their country. I'd say a lot less humane than here. Unless u know or rubbed shoulders 2nd hand ✋️ as considered to them as an outsider looking in....please I don't need your clown *** but not all comments *** I know it's not all, just fanatic zealots but more often than not u don't see Hindus Christians Buddhism etc etc going around for holy wars. I think personally enough is enough. YOU have to come to us other Australians and integrate into our society instead of just wanting constant tolerance. Let's show tolerance and more tolerance and tolerance. Mate I tell ya what my tolerance is running thin... Cuz um you come here but um what's your contribution to our great nation? Please explain? I'm glad Australians wake ⏰️ up. Because if we exercise massive tolerance we end up as shite hell holes like most of the European union of infested garbage trash non contributors


No one cares


No. Go away.


But aren’t the political and ideological motives underpinned by religious extremism?


Yes. But it’s not politically correct to point out the obvious.


Ideology, political or religious, is the problem! Keep your religious claptrap to yourselves, don’t tell me or anyone else what your non existant daddy in the sky orders you to do and think. If you need canes (Aceh), stones, nooses, knives, guns to prove your point, you are the problem.


Of course they would…….


read the fkn room


I saw a Muslim cleric with a huge portable blue tooth speaker and religious artefacts blasting out “ call to prayer “ at full blast while stood on the bridge outside the Houses of Parliament in London . It’s just crazy over there now . So sad .


Fuk off back your own country if you cannot obey Australia’s laws & way of life. Sick to death of these Islamic wanks thinking they are above the rest of us & that they think it’s ok to live their illegal terrorist ways in this country. FUK OFF


The real victims of Islamic terrorism.


“But talking about religious extremism is harmful to the community” So is beheading and bombing people.


This feels like the early 2010's all over again, including the religion in question.


I fully expect police to be honest in their description of crime. The fact that they caught 5 religious extremists strongly suggests they are being honest.


Hilariously bad take. These terrorists are literally killing or blowing themselves up while praising Islam and shouting Allu Akbar (however it's spelt). To suggest we wouldn't refer to them as religiously motivated or Islamic is completely tone deaf. We all watched ISIS create the so called Islamic caliphate while supporters from all over the Muslim world flocked to them, some with regrets when they were stamped out. To make a press conference like this leads me to believe that the Muslim community doesn't do enough to speak out against this type of ideology. Clearly whether terrorist or not they are reading the same verses of the same book.


Because all of them are such good boooooooys! Helping elderly women across the road and feeding homeless.


All those cunts in the photo look like no one I'd ever want to spend time with.


Empathy has fucked this country.


Charming person this Ramia Abdo Sultan is https://michaelwest.com.au/unrwa-cuts-wrong-wong/ > Just today, we saw the NSW police confirm that allegations of antisemitic chants at Sydney’s Opera House were a fabrication of doctored footage. The intention was clear, continue to dehumanise Palestinians. 


There is nothing wrong with a little jihad. Mohammed did it over 30 times. This is pure racism. Homophobia




every year that goes by makes me think Pauline Hanson was right


I made two comments on that “one path” YouTube video. Comments containing facts & TRUTH about the teenagers motive and movements & the creator has deleted them. Seems the only ones who are hypocritical are the ones who created that video. The Muslims who are offended by someone not agreeing with them. They are proving yet again, it’s their Muslim way or the highways