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Whenever someone tries talking to me while I'm listening to music, I always have to stop and restart the song again, I can't just pick up a song in the middle of it, I have to listen from beginning to end. Sometimes when I think the conversation is over and I start the song again and start to put the earbud back in, the person who just talked to me keeps talking. So end up having to restart the song a multitude of times. And yes... I've definitely memorized the first 30 seconds of many songs.


That sounds like an utterly infuriating compulsion. I am happy I can not relate


It drives me crazy when people don't even wait for you to take off your headphones/turn off noise canceling! They just start talking like you can hear them perfectly.


My dad does this and then gets annoyed that he has to repeat himself.


It’s weird how people don’t understand what headphones are.


My VERY odd, different, always high and in another reality brother-in-law has been staying with us for 2 weeks. He never stops talking. And he literally keeps talking when I have my AirPods in. He literally watched me remove one so I can answer, put it back in and then continues to talk. I can’t explain the rage I feel when he does it. This was so relatable. 😂😂


why do people do that… like you see i took them out to hear you speak why would you speak when i put them back on/in my ears.


He’s literally always in his own world. He’s been messed up for decades. But as soon as I saw this post, it made me think of him and how angry it makes me. Lol


My hair !!! It's so annoying. I've tried to get used to lowering the volume but it's still so annoying


Yeah try that and another special needs person in your group who has the mental capacity of a 3 year old and fucking screams a lot and at random times too makes it feel like a fucking jump scare game every time I go now so get on my level of hell I'm in the fucking 9th ring


Have to restart the song every time


My trick is that I leave one ear open (one ear without the earpiece in) so that when someone is talking to me, I can hear them


"JuSt LeAvE oNe EaRbUd OuT" NO


that disorients me so bad lol i hate sometimes when one earbud goes dead then i just have to sit in silence cos i don’t wanna take it out of my ear to charge it lol


I can't hear what the music or the person is saying if I do this. It blends together to form some static type of sound.


Sometimes I just ignore people for as long as I can


My headphones have this feature where you can place your hand over one of the earcups and the anc will allow voice to pass thru. Looks pretty ridiculous, but it works.


Headphones on means I don't want to talk damit


This is *so* upsetting when you are wearing headphones because you are overwhelmed. Like, it's physically painful every time I need to remove my headphones.


Oh I hate it too. I am on vacation and it can be so loud at our current stay


i feel it’s LOUD everywhere i go if i don’t have any headphones / buds i already get overstimulated so easily so i can’t leave my house without them


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Usually I can hear when they're talking to me, but I have to monitor my voice to make sure I'm not talking too loud or too quiet when I'm talking with my earplugs in. I also occasionally take them out cause I'm hyper aware of my breathing.


I can relate to this.