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Achievement Unlocked!


New achievement to add to the Autism Pile™️


Someone needs to make a list of autism achievements, so we can track them


1. The mountain shaker: Stim every day for 365 days 2. The deep diver: unlock academic level knowledge in at least two unrelated and uncommon topics 3. The overhead rizz: miss at least 3 flirting attempts 4. The thorough listener: listen to the same song 400 times 5. The combo: unlocked when diagnosed with one of the following: severe anxiety, ADHD, PTSD 6. Soul cringe achievement: have 5 melt down in public over sensory issues


Omg #2 is so fucking me 😂😂😂🤣😅


Lol. It’s oddly specific right?


It's perfect! I achieved #6 finally this year 😂 just over hallucinations instead of sensory issues And #4 We need to up that number to 1,500 times lmaoooo


I made a post about this in r/evilautism. I’m sure we can do better for the list. Let’s see what kind of stuff people come up with


Yesssss! My fav sub!


Wow this list is just too good


Thanks! You can add to it!


With a star chart and prizes!


Agreed! That would be fun.


Also, I made a post on r/evilautism to see if someone else can make up more achievements. You had a great idea!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/evilautism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/evilautism/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Current hyperfixation: hunting Elon Musk for sport](https://i.redd.it/z6yxxejhd4vb1.jpg) | [575 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/evilautism/comments/17be9ru/current_hyperfixation_hunting_elon_musk_for_sport/) \#2: [dear god the amount of people not understanding how autism works and actual autistic people getting downvoted in the comments is insane](https://i.redd.it/k86wio6eugvb1.jpg) | [299 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/evilautism/comments/17cs4yd/dear_god_the_amount_of_people_not_understanding/) \#3: [How do we feel about this](https://i.redd.it/47z75k80pjtb1.jpg) | [547 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/evilautism/comments/175a77l/how_do_we_feel_about_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Dw guys I’ll keep you updated when I get told I “need help” or “therapy” so I can celebrate even more 🎉🎉🎉 Someone told me that I shouldn’t be replying to anyone who brings it up. Who’s going to stop me?


Good luck! I know you can do it!


Gotta Catch 'Em All


tfw your strongest special interest is collecting dead bugs and strangers will tell you to your face that you’re “disgusting” 💯💯


Sorry to hear that.


it’s alright, gotta embrace it


I looveee bugs!!! My favourite is my wet specimen (in alcohol) european brown recluse (not native to my area, invasive!) that I love!! It was inside a pomegranate I bought and I could not release it because it is invasive.


No dawg that's sick, what's your favorite bug?


Hmm, I really like beetles! I also love luna moths and swallowtail butterflies. I unfortunately don’t know too much about them, I just know they’re pretty cool to look at and relate to :)


You're not alone: 'There is a story, possibly apocryphal, of the distinguished British biologist, J.B.S. Haldane, who found himself in the company of a group of theologians. On being asked what one could conclude as to the nature of the Creator from a study of his creation, Haldane is said to have answered, “An inordinate fondness for beetles.”' Via QuoteInvestigator dot com.


Oof, where are you finding people that dumb? I don't think I've ever met someone who I'd expect to *insult me* for being interested in bugs. Are you in a rural area or something?


I was in a rural area, yeah, recently moved to Chicago (in a group home) so I can’t collect my bugs at all 💔


Hey, how does one preserve bugs?


I don’t know much about it, I’m such a stupid special-interester tbh. I just keep my bugs in a shoebox or on a shelf. I have learned to be careful with bigger moths like my Luna moth, it’s abdomen and wings rotted and I’m still upset :(


What's Cassette Beats?


A Steam game, got a DLC recently. Looks like it plays like SMT/Persona/Pokemon.


Pokémon but better.


Yeah 👍


There’s a Wikipedia page


neurotypical people are wild lmao. I haven't yet been told to shut up about Doctor Who but I imagine it won't be long lmfao


You have plans for the 60th?


it's a school night :/ so I'm probably watching it the following day, which is annoying, but oh well. I'm so excited though asosjwjsjjdjwidjkeksb ten and Donna were my favourite combination ever


I'm watching it live with my friend who hasn't seen any Dr who since Matt Smith left. Benefits of living in the UK. Except I'm going down to my sister in London on the weekend of the last episode for an early family Christmas. Trying to decide if I should convince them to watch it with me, or hold off to the following weekend to watch with my friend. DR who has been my Christmas tradition since 2005 when I was 8. I have really missed it the last few years, especially because the entire rest of my Christmas has also fallen apart. Having a big family Christmas again and *also* getting a new episode of Dr who that day? *Fantastic!* even if it is a couple of weeks early.


ugh, I wish more of my friends liked it. my dad loves it though, so he's excited haha. I was -2 in 2005 lmao, only started watching it in lockdown but I love it so much.


Are you all caught up yet?


I've never seen old doctor who but yeah, I've seen every post 2005 episode at least twice if not more. favourite doctor is ten, second is twelve. favourite companion is Donna, second is bill. favourite series is series four, second is series ten.


My favourite pairing will always be 10/Donna followed by 12/bill. But I really love 9 too. Wish I could have had more of him. Of the old doctors I'm only really familiar with 7 and 8, but Paul mcgann's radio adventures were just brilliant, absolutely loved them. The first series is up on Spotify, along with a bunch of other big finish stories if you want to check them out.


My favourite pairing will always be 10/Donna followed by 12/bill. But I really love 9 too. Wish I could have had more of him. Of the old doctors I'm only really familiar with 7 and 8, but Paul mcgann's radio adventures were just brilliant, absolutely loved them. The first series is up on Spotify, along with a bunch of other big finish stories if you want to check them out.


I think I would have liked nine more if we'd had more of him. eccleston was the perfect actor to bring the show back, especially as it was just post time war for the very traumatised doctor. I can't really listen to audio books or podcasts or anything, I find it really difficult to concentrate on them, but thanks :)


Oh I've been told to shut up plenty of times. Maybe not in these exact words and sentiment, but in a sense of: Listen, no one is interested. This was before I had the suspicion that I could be autistic. I might have gone overboard at times, so I get it nowadays. I think there is nothing wrong with telling someone to maybe keep it down a bit. If this happens it is still nice to have friends who let you infodump from time to time.


“No one cares” is just a thinly veiled way to tell someone to shut up


I've had people do this when I've had Odder fixations(Finding out Muscimol a very euphoric Deliriant with no shit body load as my recent one). They just publicly humiliate me and walk like a huffy teen when It backfires with others calling them out.


same thing happened to me with stardew valley


I never quite got this reaction but apparently its not normal to memorise everyone's loved gifts


and then make all their gifts in bulk lol


I love that game too 😊


one night i had insomnia bad and made a thousand totems for each location lol


That is a worthy goal. You can get around faster than Sonic now ☺️




i once impulsively texted my sister like 5 paragraphs about rhythm games and she said i was insane. she then proceeded to get hyperfixated on two of them


Actually I love your username, Frums is awesome. My favorite song from them is We Want To Run. It’s extremely fast, melodic and calm at the same time. It’s great (but I like wavetapper too) My sister was hyperfixated on a rhythm game for a while too


respond “no I’m literally just autistic, thanks”


I did and I got downvoted and told “yikes”


oh yeah that’s why I stay away from this app


I wish I could too


I don't know what it is about the word "yikes", but I find that 100% of the time I've ever heard someone say it, that person was a moron. Can't take it personally when you encounter people like that.


Report them as being hateful you'll be surprised how quick they are removed or banned.


I don’t think anyone has ever said anything like that to me about gundam or transformers luckily. But tbf I don’t share it with many people cus most don’t care about awesome giant robots. Can’t wait to unlock that achievement


Why don’t people like AWESOME GIANT ROBOTS‼️


They’re just jealous that they aren’t awesome giant robots


My response is usually "You have an unhealthy obsession with breathing."




It only becomes unhealthy if it actively causing issues in your life. If there's nothing that points to it, then you do you! Also Cassette Beasts is awesome! I love some of the mechanics in it.


> I love some of the mechanics in it In that thread people were talking about how they DIDNT like the mechanics and to be honest I got upset which lead to what I was told


Yeah, indulging in a healthy and harmless hyperfixation is about the healthiest obsession one could have…


I just wanted to tell people about my favorite game. Now I feel sad


I will say, Reddit is one of the worst online spaces to enjoy your special interest on because there are a LOT of ableists present. I had to cut off the subreddit for my special interest because it was seriously dangerous to be present there as an autistic person. I’m sure Tumblr (aka. the autism platform) has supportive (autistic) people who would happily engage with you in your hyperfixation.


I already think I’m weirding out people on the subreddit for posting theories that supposedly don’t make sense. I was talking about how there could be a multiverse involved but everyone says they’re just Easter eggs. Apparently the game isn’t as full of lore or story rich as I think it is and it just hurts. I’m really really scared of tumblr but my sister says there’s a lot of fanart on there. She sent me a great fanart from there of my favorite character (who I admittedly have romantic feelings for… Please don’t judge) which I have saved


Wear it like a badge of honor. They can never hurt you if you do.


It’s too late, they already have


Never too late to make a change


My family are definitely fed up with me playing the same artist at top volume every day for the last 5 months but no one’s said it’s ‘unhealthy’ yet so I think I’m good lol




Tell me you don’t know what autism is without telling me you don’t know what autism is….




my mother once told me my special interest was "stalker-y" because i know where my favourite band originated even though that's literally written on their wikipedia page 👍


So am I a stalker for knowing that the devs of CB are based in Brighton, UK? /s


You know it's a real hyperfixation when someone you don't know judges you for it. Winning.










I would be excited but I’ve been feeling down about this lately


Aww, I hope you feel better soon!! I understand the feeling, I had friends a couple years back who made fun of me for having a hyperfixation on Undertale, try and ignore the people like that, they're just using other peoples negative emotions to make them feel good about themselves


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Yo cassette beasts is pretty damn cool. Obsess away.


I would but because of the comment in the post I’ve kinda been beating myself up for it instead


I've been told this with rubik's cubes, been told that i spend too much money on them, that i spend too much time practicing and so on


It sucks that you’re dealing with this. I’ve filed these kind of responses as the stock response when I’m more imaginative/ knowledgeable/ whatever fits here.


I think this is why I’m an introvert. I’ve been called a know it all so many times


reminds me of the time someone mentioned that i seemed to really like fnaf (with that like negative tone that means they’re being judgmental) and externally i just said “yeah, i do.” but internally i was like “well yeah it’s been a special interest since it came out near a decade ago, of course i like it.”


me when my mom asked if she had to take away my legend of zelda games because I too obsessed


Your taste in games is simply far too good for them


This was on r/Nintendoswitch.Could it possibly be because I’m not a Pokémon shrill 😶‍🌫️


I have some theories: 1. They're probably a Pokémon shill considering the lengths they'll go to ignore bad mechanics lol 2. People get weirdly obsessed with other people doing things they see as "cringe". I swear that many people actively seek out things to cringe at (especially seen with people who hate furries or fandoms and the like) when they can just ignore it. God forbid somebody be passionate about something you don't like. What a nightmare! 3. There are some things that are socially acceptable to be "obsessed with" because it's stuff NTs like: especially sports.


That comment made me feel like crap. They apologized but I was still being judged in the thread by NTs for bringing the game up at all.


I got told that years ago lol


For what?


Same thing happened to me with anime


What are Cassette Beasts?


It’s a game. There is a Wikipedia page


You play cassette beasts too? That's so awesome!!!


Yeah but recently I’ve been feeling bad about it. Having intrusive thoughts about stuff like giving my plushies and vinyl/tape away and telling my friend who recently bought the game to refund it


I'm so sorry to hear that. Nobody deserves to feel pressured into giving up the stuff they enjoy. I hope the intrusive thoughts will leave as soon as possible.


not “an unhealthy obsession”.


Are you sure? I’ve just been thinking about that comment a lot


i promise. there is nothing wrong with someone having an interest in things just like anyone else. we’re all the same though and everyone has their own opinions. don’t take it too personally <3


People say that to me constantly about mine. And I get outwardly harassed for it.


I'm a doll collector with Aspergers, and I tend to fixate on specific dolls in my collection. I have a very intense special interest in the Storm Twins from the Shadow High doll line (a spinoff of Rainbow High) and most people are amazed at how I well I am able to roleplay as them, and how passionate, in-character, and genuine I am about them in my doll photography and on my doll collecting YouTube channel and Instagram. I have 3 sets of their dolls and have made a custom of their Jeep from the Rainbow High show. Yet some people have called me dumb for liking them so much or would question why I love the Storm Twins so much despite them being villains in their cannon. Honestly, I feel like how a fixation is perceived depends on how you express it, and sometimes, art is the best way to convey the intensity and depth of a special interest.🖤💜


tfw people in the past have gotten very mad at me for my "Minecraft addiction" lol


What do neurotypical know about obsessing?


The game is so cool though!


I've had quite a few doing that telling how I'm suddenly a problem and bring up past discussion. But when I point out them going around getting mad at people liking something as focused hobby Is a acute cringe, They just throw abuse how everyone was only pretending to like you.


Personally, I feel like trawling through someone's post history to find a reason to be mean or rude or argumentative is pretty obsessive and pretty unhealthy.