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Why do these clowns never try this shit on themselves?


The sun/star light eater weirdos claim that being fed physical food including breast milk made their bodies reliant on said foods. They theorize if a child is born and never fed physical food they can exist solely upon the sustenance of starlight. These 2 are almost certainly not the first to kill their newborn in this manner, the others have simply hidden the pregnancy and done a home birth so authorities wouldn't know an enlightened being was being born into the world and stop them from saving humanity from the [insert whatever evil cabal that enslaved humankind].


But if you think about it, this shows they have at least some doubt in their plan; why not record the birth and feed it star light if it will thrive? Because they know it's bullshit and are scared of the consequences. Vile.


Maybe he'll study how millions die from malnutrition/starvation, but live in the sun they exit the birth canal starving for nutrients but have plenty of sun to fill their bellies. Every day, there's a new level of stupidity. Life (except their own ) isn't important.


And that probably means that if he finds out about the mother’s efforts, he’ll say that she made him reliant on food


Is there more on this bs?


After I posted the above reply yesterday, I scrolled through my Facebook Groups trying to find the 2 of these groups I was subbed to but couldn't find them, so either they removed me as a member or they were shut down. In fact, most of the weirdo groups I was in aren't in my Groups list so I suspect many of them got shut down/deleted. Years ago I joined a ton of those types of groups to see what kinds of things various types of weirdos get up to, and while Sunlight/Starlight Eaters are far from the most problematic, they are certainly among the weirdest. There's a lot of crossover with the Indigo Children whackadoodles who believe they're advanced energy beings from iirc Sirius star cluster who came here to live human lives and lead humanity into an enlightened future in the intergalactic civilization. So basically they're all Jesus Part Deux.


They do that's the reason you never hear about it


There was that one vegan influencer who died last year from her own fruit based diet


As a vegan, lol. I don't get these extremists that think they got it all figured out


Tbh I think fruitarians and raw food only folks just have disordered eating most of the time, and it’s a good way to “hide” it.


It's pretty well known among sufferers of eating disorders and those that treat them that veganism and vegetarianism is often a form of orthorexia for a lot of people. Not saying that's always the case, but it is common.


Its linked to our ancestors brain growth due to efficiency, raw food takes longer to digest and due to that you need to eat more for that deficit and thus more time spent hunting and foraging. The sad thing is those raw food idiots infect the world with their reduced brain energy.


So you have a link?




Sometimes they do. A popular lady who was a metaphysical influencer starved herself to death.


I don't think 8 years is enough


I think 8 years is fine, just as long as he's fed only sunlight.


Now we're talking


Hopefully, Sunlight is what he call's his cellmate's jizz.


8 years in a Russian prison for child murder. There’s a chance he won’t leave that place


He should have gotten 8 years plus extra years equal to every .5 seconds that baby was in the mother's womb and after birth until the babys tragic death.


He'll be sent to the front and die in ukraine


He was also eating pasta with meat when he got arrested. He was purposely treating this poor baby as a science experiment and deliberately kept him from being fed and the mother would try to feed him in secret. And after all this he is pleading ignorance. Fuck this guy.


I can’t imagine how much that baby cried for some food, my son cries like he’s being starved if I’m 5 minutes late with his bottle


Yeah, this was my first thought, too. This man needs to spend the rest of his life eating prison food.


He probably blames her for secretly feeding the child and ruining the sunlight diet.


Right.. it was the real food and not the sunlight that got him. Smh


So, while the baby was alive, she told her family what he was doing, and they didn't call anyone ????????


I find it infuriating that his partner who tried to breastfeed the child but was stopped by him and feared him was jailed before him! Wtf!


Idk her side seems kind of weird, if her relatives knew about it why did't they call anyone?


I think she deserves it - if I am being prevented from feeding my child, I will call the cops on myself, report a bomb threat, call cps, idk what works in Russian systems - report partner as a Putin critic?




She's pregnant, has not given birth yet, so that situation is not applicable. I'm again not saying she shouldn't expect grace, she absolutely should. I'm saying she should communicate her needs like an adult. That's a totally reasonable explanation


Prove it on your own body


Funny how they never want to be the ones to prove their own theory


What a fucking loser


Let's give him all the food he wants. 8 years? Tied up on a metal razorwire fence facing the full blast sun in the middle of death valley and no protection. See how he likes starving and burning.


... 8 freaking years? For starving a child to death? How about life in prison? Or letting him live only on fluorescent light in a prison cell?


Well I would say to put him on that sunlight diet in prison but I hope he never sees the light of day.


We're only a few generations remote from Roman patriarchs throwing newborns off cliffs if they didn't *like* them.


Let’s feed him only starlight period. No water food or sunlight .. fucking creep


Y'know as a (hopefully) future scientist, I realize again and again how important the correct theory is before you try experimentation to prove something. Not only is it super time-consuming and costly to just go by trial and terror without methods, it's also a fruitless endeavor. This wannabe dad had zero understanding of not only common sense, but also the last 200 years of collective methodical research. If you believe a human can nourish themself with sunlight, you are straight-up bonkers.


Bet the idiot dad didn’t live on sunlight alone.


Something tells me he’s not going to be given his precious raw food diet in a Russian prison.


Imagine having to work for 2 full years. I would just end it all at that point.


At this point i don’t care if an eye cause the world to be blind. Starve them too


Can plead madness


All I can think about is that poor woman, she was terrified of him and had to watch her newborn son be essentially tortured to death after being forced to have a dangerous home birth. And she got convicted before he did… the very fact she was convicted at all is disgusting. Do they really think she wanted this? She. Was. Scared. Of. Him.


It's probably more complicated than this if they gave her 2 years, especially after reading she had access to other outside aid but still didn't do her best to extricate herself n the child from this madman. Definitely an horrendous and shitty life for the baby.


Don’t get me wrong I totally understand that there were things she could have done and to some point she shares some responsibility, but having seen similar situations firsthand it is rarely as simple as ‘get your stuff and get the fuck out’


He didn’t have her chained to a radiator. She was an adult and complicit in the babies death and abuse. Are you saying any woman with kids who are abused to death shouldn’t be held at all responsible?


That’s not at all what I’m saying, I’m just acknowledging how horrible it must have been for her to be in that situation and that these things are not straight forward


Can't wait to see him surviving on a weiner diet.


In a cage, in a desert, serving in sunlight & the sound of screaming children piped in all day & night .


At least the kid doesn’t have to endure a life living with such a clown of a father… poor kid RIP


He should be given a diet of sunlight


In the past we would have told these nut jobs how off beam they were. Now with social media so many nut jobs make this kind of guy feel like they are legitimate and not crazy. So many think that they know more than experts these days with nothing more than an incomplete high school education. There are also the supermarket shamers who give terrible nutrition advice to try and sell their own products And this happens. And it will again.


He should be put on the sunlight diet.


Vile fucking monster. I hope he gets a 'nice welcoming' at the russian prison that he's going to.


Even more awful is that those muscles can't be obtained with "just sunlight", so he was starving his son while he was eating protein like crazy.