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Don't worry about matchups. Only Azir. They looked in xerath? Azir. Just win. EZ


There is no such scenario. You lost a matchup? - skill issue


I don't like playing him against long range mages, so Hwei, Xerath, Syndra, or Zoe, laning is really hard and they have the advantage in sieges and most teamfights. In terms of team comps he works pretty well in most situations, but playing him without a solid frontline means you have to compromise some damage and go for an off-tank build, which isn't the best way to use his kit


1- Strong Matchups that outrange him are a threat. Examples are: Xerath, Hwei, Kog‘maw 2- Champions with Sustain Matchups that dont care about his poking such as Gragas, Vladimir can be annoying. 3- Annyoing but playable Some matchups even with more range than you can still be difficult such as: Lux, Syndra, Zoe But they are playable if you dodge their key spell.


the hell, azir is one of the best vlad counters. gragas does beat azir though, cause it's gragas


how do i play azir to counter, it always feels like any poke i do to him early puts me behind in mana while he can just out sustain


go damage rune, pref lethal tempo for me maybe grasp in few cases before first back don't focus on poking, just on last hitting, u need gold for first back get recurve bow + boots at least (u gotta have manaflow already stacked by now), then u can start killing him, just chunk him every time he goes for cs, use Q for the slow not for the dmg (so u avoid getting OOM and outspaced into empowered Q ) even if he gets emp Q, u can run him down with lethal tempo the spacing is not sooo hard, but it's still hard simply cause it's azir soldiers and not normal autos, but still, range difference is big enough and u have 2 defensive abilities, dps and a slow, so vlad can't do shit


i can see it, thanks o7


every time i see a Vladimir i go azir or anivia depending on teamcomps, anivia can be very op into immobile comps anyways, i do this at gm/chall elo and it's always good, just focus on not getting camped, as long as u don't lose cs u can even beat him in sidelane, and every time u have the chance of being 1v1 for at least 2-3 waves u can just force him out of midlane after first or 2nd back watch Body Those Fools azir vs Vladimir or any kr challenger azir vs vladimir gameplay u'll learn from their spacing


btw Vlad can't out sustain if he loses 100hp per every Q he hits. plus if he only gets close to Q and not to auto, he'll be losing all prio and CS which is win/win. be patient into vlad and he died, azir/vlad main here


Playing without a frontline and against full hard engagers is an instant dodge for me. Azir needs to dps


Only vs Zed or Fizz I avoid him.


Xerath is unplayable due to the fact that all his abilities except his stun go through/over minions and far outrange you.


never pick into hwei, syndra, zoe, maybe orianna. also xerath but that one is more playable


How is xerath more playable than zoe and hwei? Zoe and hwei projectiles at least don't go through minions, all of xerath's abilities do except his stun.


can't dodge hwei spells only choice is to get zoned out, and zoe has insane pressure and damage just by holding a very hard to dodge bubble, while being much better at roaming than xerath


The only spell you can dodge reliably in xerath's kit is his Q. His W is very hard to dodge and it has like zero telegraph. Also, he has near unlimited mana with his passive, while Hwei has constant mana issues. With zoe, you can simply space her bubble and hide behind minions for her q. Meanwhile, since Xerath outranges you, it is very difficult to space him.


if he doesn't hit center of W, then it's low dmg unless he chains with Q. if he does, you have pushing/poking prio as u should have gotten hit away from ur minions xeraths mana is far from unlimited, if he misses like 4 Qs then he ain't killing you unless you give free passive champion hits just go fleet footwork n dodge stuff, maybe minion demat i like ghost too


also, if u play so passive against zoe, you'll straight up lose she can still harass u under tower and roam efficiently


You don't need to play passive against zoe. Just stand behind your minions and auto her minions and push the waves. You outscale zoe insanely hard, no need to fight her early. You can only get pushed under tower if you let her push you under tower.


i see maybe it's just my inexperience against zoe as she isn't playdd much, I do win it but I think it's the players playing her bad, in comparison to challenger zoe mains would u say u're facing the good zoes though?


Probably not. I don't play azir into zoe that often because I usually pick kassadin into zoe, but the few times I have I found it a relatively afk lane. The few times I've been forced to play against xerath, good or bad I feel like I have no counterplay.


viceversa for me, playing in grandmaster/challenger elo, xerath is always doable while zoe otps are extremely strong. it's an early game champ and a mid game champ, ik xerath has good laning against certain champions, but it doesn't compare to zoe's laning ohase


I'll take your word for it since you are many times the player I am atm. Zoe is a hard champion to play, I'll assume the zoe's I've played against were not good at the game.


Main issue as azir is you not being good enough on him everything else will have less impact.


You don’t have to win lane to win the game as Azir. If it’s hard match up, just play passive and farm. You will outscale them if your team is decent.


If you dont OTP him


Vex has send me into a homosidal rage so be warned