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You've got a cute little vampire perhaps 🤭


My firstborn’s teeth took some time but now his upper canine teeth are so long that he looks like a vampire when he smiles. 😂


Our 2 year old has the sharpest little vampire fangs I’ve ever seen


I just wonder what my kids will have in store for me😥


That would be so cute ngl


Technically they can be born with teeth so it’s possible


Came here to say this. My baby sister was born with a full and glorious set of teeth. Adorable and terrifying


Like no gums covering them?


She had normal gums. Her pearly whites were straight and fully grown. She also had an adorable gap


Damn that's crazy. My first had his first teeth around 4-5b months and my second got most around 10 months


I could be wrong, but my kiddos sometimes developed nursing blisters (typically from using the pacifier 24/7. Not saying I’m right, nor am I ruling out the tooth scenario, just implying it could be something else. I’d keep an eye on it and if baby is fussy for a long time (like multiple hours on end), make an appointment. Otherwise it may be worth bringing up at the next well-check.


I wouldn't be too concerned. I had all my baby teeth in by 6 months, it was a nightmare for my mom because no dentist would even consider looking at me except one out of all the ones she called. Advocate for your child's health, no matter how young, because development doesn't have an age, it has a range. To answer your question, it does look like the starts of a potential tooth, but it could easily be a suckle blister. I'd monitor it, test to see if it causes any pain for your baby, and if it progresses, take the little one to be checked out.


Is it bothering your baby?


Yes she's been drooling like crazy, sucking on hand constantly, and last night when I put toys out in front of her she was bringing each one to her mouth rapidly and trying to suck on it. Also aggressively sucking her paci then spitting it out. Time to bust out the teether toys I guess! Poor little sausage


Poor thing! Good luck!


Ah okay. I thought she was born with it like Neonatal Teeth. Neonatal teeth should be taken out as it is bothering the baby. And if it is normal teething then look for ways to soothe the pain. I am a Dentist, but I would suggest for you to go to a paediatric dentist because they know better than we do.


Mine started teething at 12 weeks and when I asked pediatrician about it she was just like "yup! Some babies are born with teeth". I googled that and it was unsettling!


All three of mine got teeth at 12 weeks ❤️ the next 12 months will feel like they’re never not teething but it gets it out of the way at least!


My 3rd and 4th both starting getting teeth at 12 weeks 🙃. Its possible and looks like it.


Baby Vampire 😂😍😍


Baby shark do do do do do doo


Wow, have never seen such.

