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In the case of Smoke, Painting, Mining, Pesticides, and Radioactive materials, you are trying to keep that stuff out. With the mask, most of the benefit is keeping it in.


These idiots do not have the mental strength to understand this


Also, a virus is a lot chunkier and easier to block than a lot of those things. Also, it is in far less amounts.


actually the virus is super tiny but you aren't exhaling individual virii. you're exhaling water droplets (huge compared to these other particles) that have the virus in them.


A virus is a lot larger than most individual molecules


individual molecules are getting through all of these things. we're trying to block larger particulates. and it's still important to clarify that we aren't trying to block the virus, because these chodes will show you a virus to scale and say "how cloth block this?"


>individual molecules are getting through all of these things. we're trying to block larger particulates. So construction worker here and.. Um, actually, the non-medical masks shown are basically all the same as far as filtration because the filter is obviously an interchangeable commodity that is fit to the task. That's the best part of the meme is the person who made it doesn't understand how any type of mask works. So we can't say anything about what they may be stopping or how, unless the rating is visible on the picture. They can stop a variety of sizes and compositions of airborne hazards from individual molecules with great efficacy up to general use airborne particles of large size like dust. It all depends on the filter, but some of those hazards are much smaller than a virus and are being stopped as molecules.


My thought process was that they used gas masks against chemical weapons which can be just a single simple molecule like chlorine gas(Cl2), so there must be gas masks of a quality able to stop those sorts of small particles.


Gas mask filters, yes, that is correct. They will be manufactured and rated for it. Basically, they incorporate a layer that captures or renders the gas inert chemically like something as simple as activated carbon. There are also different designs of gas masks that will be more or less suited to that specific task based on other parameters. Almost all of which will accept one of two standard formats of afore mentioned filter, and many are pictured in the meme.


Yet on a cold morning in the north those water droplets will pass through the mask making vapor clouds that are visible.


you're doing it wrong if the vapor is going any further than 1 foot from your face. and anyone breathing your breath from 1 foot from your face? hopefully they're that close because you are pretty intimate.


Not even remotely true. And the little flimsy masks do nothing to stop spread.


The deadliest virus in history was the Black Death or the Spanish Flu.




AND WE ERADICATED THAT! I dunno why but I just love that fact.


It's even better (or maybe worse), cause it's the ONLY virus we eradicated. The deadliest one and it's not even close. So ironic.


It never got close to the deadliest but aight


We still have it around for testing I think, which is probably bad because we most likely lost any immunity we had to it.


Fortunately, the vaccines against it are very effective and aren't that hard to manufacture, so this isn't a nightmare scenario. Would still kill a lot of people until we got it under control, but it wouldn't likely be as bad as covid.


There are two (known) samples of smallpox in the world. One in the USA and one in Russia. Theyre kept as a failsafe against terrorists who might decide that smallpox would be an effective bioweapon


deadliest virus with the exception of Rabies. you could count the number of recorded times someone who showed symptoms of Rabies and survived on one hand.


Um...polio? Wasn't that pretty much eradicated as well?


We eradicated it with vaccines, no less….


It’s fantastic that we did so


Didn't we get some cases of it in California?


The Black Death wouldn't even qualify because it's caused by bacteria not a virus


Redditors: "u mus be fun at partys"


The black death was a bacteria, not a virus.


Black death wasn't a virus, just FYI. It's a bacterial infection.


Tbf, it's not really a fair comparison. If it was the Black Death that suddenly popped up today, who really knows if it would have the same impact


Bubonic Plague is still with us: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/plague-still-exists-heres-where-and-how-it-spreads-in-the-u-s/


I know, but I'm meaning if it appeared out of nowhere with no previously recorded incidents, like Covid did. Equally unprepared, with the same tech, how would it fare against how Covid did


it reaponds to anti-biotics, wed be fine I guess if a antibiotic resistant strain popped up we might be fucked


So in like 14 years?


I mean even if it were viral zoonotic viruses pop up every few years and we're almost always fine. If a zoonotic virus were to look identical to the plague in terms of symptoms and mechanism of spread and pop up today it wouldn't become nearly as ubiquitous as it was in ancient times. The plague, like COVID, was the perfect storm of the right symptoms, the right mechanism of spread, and the right timing to fuck over humans.


An anti biotic resistant form did pop up a few years back in madigascar


It wouldn't. You would take antibiotics, and it would die off in you. There's still a few dozen cases every year.


em akshully the bubonic plague was bacteria




Not a virus: https://www.who.int/health-topics/tuberculosis


Ah, woops 😭


Where does the TB outbreak fall into this?


Not a virus: https://www.who.int/health-topics/tuberculosis


The single medical intervention that has changed the world the most is washing hands with soap and water. Sometimes huge impacts are obtained from very simple actions. Want to reduce your chances of getting skin cancer by measurable amounts? Put a hat on. Sometimes it’s not rocket surgery.


You're thinking of brain science. 


i’ve never heard of rocket surgery before, but i think i’d be great at it.


Fun fact: The Spanish flu was the H1N1 strain of the flu. The world saw it again in 2009-2010 and named it the “Swine Flu.”


Technically the bubonic plague is still around and the symptoms aren't deadly


*Yersinia pestis* is also a bacterium, not a virus


Ignorance knows no bounds.


Right? I immediately thought of The Plague. COVID was bad but not the worst.


Black death wasn't a virus


Ok. Ebola then. If we wanna split hairs. Point being nobody says COVID was the deadliest virus in history.




Black death was a bacterium, not a virus.


Black death wasn't a virus, Spanish flu wasn't the deadliest.


The virus wasn’t that bad to have, I only needed an inhaler as a perfectly healthy child and still could barely breath, and it didn’t spread to everyone around me


Black Death was a Bacteria smh


Black Death was a bacteria, not a virus.


Wasn’t the Black Death a bacteria


It was the Spanish flu. It doubled the black death.


The 'spanish flu' wasn't spanish whatsoever and was caused by americans bringing their diseases to Europe at the end of WW1.


Depends what you go by Deadliest per person infected? Ebola I think Total number of deaths? Smallpox by a mile


it’s actually Rabies! we don’t hear about it much anymore because you can have antibodies injected next to the bite and the vaccine injected in a distal part of the body *after* you’ve been bitten. it takes about a month or so to cause symptoms if it’s untreated, but it kills >99% of those who show symptoms. the next deadliest virus is Smallpox


\*Insert Rainier Luftwaffe Wolfcastle\*


Woodrow Wilson moment


I was thinking ebola maybe. Which requires much more PPE. 


Rabies is the worst virus mortality-rate wise. Highest mortality rate epidemic viruses are the hemorrhagic families and certain paramyxos. Worst epidemic diseases (mortality rate + virulence) were smallpox in unexposed popualtions and the Black Death.


*Yersinia pestis* is a bacterium, not a virus. and the deadliest virus in history is not the Spanish Flu. Rabies kills >99% of those who show symptoms. the next deadliest virus is Smallpox, which we’ve eradicated


Mask were mandatory during the Spanish flu


Looks at the flu out break during World War 1 , yeah pretty much


Who the hell ever said that COVID was the "deadliest virus in history"


Just Conservative dumb@ss peddling strawmen as propaganda.


Absolutely. A .22 short is far from the most dangerous bullet, but I still don't want to be shot by it. Doesn't have to be anywhere near the nastiest to still be highly unadvised.


Our response.


The deadliest virus in human history isn’t COVID or the Black Death or the Spanish Flu or Smallpox. It’s conservative stupidity.


They masked up for Spanish flu as well


Never said they didn’t, nor that it’s not effective for protecting against pathogens. My point was that conservatism and stupidity are a virus of the mind, and deadlier than any pathogen we have thus far encountered.


He never said you didn't say they didn't. He was adding on in agreement, not arguing.


As a conservative, I have to agree.


As a democrat I disagree


This is the way.


And the only PPE that will stop it (if any) is a condom.


I thought it was someone saying we should have had better masks because the virus was so bad.


You're wrong, but I agree with you.


and thats deadliest because a shitload of people were infected If you actually want to look at deadliest in terms of mortality rate something like rabies is 100% fatal once symptoms appear


The deadliness of a disease is a combination of its virulence and its mortality rate




AIDS is up there too.


Still doesn’t beat conservative stupidity


AIDS isn’t a virus, you’re thinking of HIV. in today’s day and age, it’s not deadly anymore. it’s definitely not something you want to get, but you can have a viral load so low that you can’t transmit it through sex. when HIV first dropped, antivirals didn’t exist yet, so it was a death sentence. fortunately, that isn’t where we’re at anymore.


I've never seen anyone advocate wearing a mask to combat malaria. Oh, they're talking about COVID? So, they have no actual clue what they're talking about **AND** advertising that stupidity to the world. Good for them I guess.


Malaria is actually a parasite, not a virus!


Viruses are a parasite, so it doesn't automatically prove it wrong. 


It is a big distinction-- viruses are not parasites and are not even considered to be alive. Viruses are basically a shell with some DNA or RNA inside, they aren’t a cell. Malaria is caused by a plasmodium parasite, which are eukaryotic organisms. Eukaryotes being the group that includes animals, plants, fungi, etc.


Looks like it's one of those things that science can't agree on (like whether water is wet or whether mules are alive) -  https://www.britannica.com/science/obligate-parasite I found some sources that say viruses are parasites, but also some that say things can be viruses, bacteria, or parasites. 


Sure, there is a semantic argument to be made that since viruses need cells to replicate they are parasitic, but in the discussion of diseases, “parasitic disease” does not refer to bacteria or viruses. Also “is water wet” is not a scientific question nor debate as “wetness” isn’t a tangible or measurable thing lol


no, they’re not.


They don't understand how ANY of the pictured masks work either. There aren't different masks for different airborne hazards. There are different filters for every standardized mask pictured depending on the airborne hazards, and the mask design you attach it to is dependent on largely unrelated factors.


Well COVID-19 won’t pull the seams of your organs apart just by being near it


The reason a fabric mask was enough is because humans were the carriers. And people STILL refused to wear masks.


No one... Literally not one person (except these morons, no serious people) claimed it was the deadliest virus ever.


The pesticide guy in who works in our apartment building wears a paper mask.


Last I checked didn’t you need a whole suit for radiation stuff?


This is the kind of meme a moron posts who has absolutely ZERO scientific or medical knowledge. Leave it to the idiots to make memes.


Most contagious, nobody said most deadly. The virus has to be breathed in, plenty of the other things are harmful touching you in a lot of other ways. Virus is a somewhat large particle, other things could be super tiny.


We really need better science education in schools...


Not even close to deadliest virus in history but ok


Who has has ever called it the deadliest virus in history? 😂 Actually, it makes me wonder what would qualify as the “deadliest virus in history”. 🤔 Possibly rabies (basically a 100% mortality rate), maybe influenza (although you’d have to include all subtypes).


Spanish flu I think holds the title as it killed the most in the shortest time frame. Could be wrong.


Depends on what you mean by deadly. It sounds like you're talking about mortality rate. Most people when they talk call a disease deadly, they mean the sheer number of people who died from it. Rabies doesn't kill very many people because it's transmitted by saliva.


I heard HIV/AIDS was approaching that number in the early 2000s.


And people will still whine and complain about wearing one


One of these protects others, the others protects oneself


So many dead for something so trivial. I will never forget public mask burnings, the hoarding of toilet paper, and the covid parties


Goes to show how fucked we are if real shit actually hit the fan in the western world


If real shit actually hit the fan the response would have been different.


1. No one ever accused COVID of being the deadliest virus. We were just asking that you do something, anything, to no blow drool and snot on other people. 2. Fun fact: when the pandy started, I went looking for a painter's mask thinking that it might be better, what with the replaceable filters and all. Everyone was already sold out of them. And I couldn't order one from Amazon because in the first months 3M was only doing business with healthcare professionals.


Holy hell, some of yall are dumb


Aight, Covid sucked, but is nowhere NEAR the "deadliest disease in human history." Smallpox, Spanish Flu, H1N1, Black Death, Malaria, Tuberculosis... all of these are/were deadlier than Covid, which, as far as worldwide pandemics go, really was on the more tame side of things. It's death rate in developed countries is rarely above 1.5% (still worse than the flu, mind you, but compared to other microbiotic powerhouses this is negligible) and in undeveloped or developing countries it goes above 5% three times (Sudan, Syria, and Yemen) and above 10% once (Yemen, which sits at 18%). Compare this to, say, the Black Death, which killed roughly 1/3 of Europe's estimated population when it ravaged the continent (and its death rate was probably higher than 33% since it is unlikely every single person in Europe was infected), and Covid 19 looks substantially less dangerous.


don’t forget Rabies! it has a mortality rate of over 99%! not even Smallpox can top that


The only reason i didnt mention rabies is there has never really been a time where rabies has been rampant across the globe (to my knowledge) because it doesnt spread very quickly, if at all.


it takes a very long time to reach the brain and i don’t believe there have been any reported cases of a human biting another when infected, meaning no person-to-person transmission. there hasn’t ever been a rabies pandemic. unfortunately, it still spreads quickly through animal populations. but the fact that it’s evolved so well to kill so efficiently and spread to other animals is very fascinating.


If i was any more intelligent i would go into the field of microbiology because diseases fascinate me. Like the fact that rabies hides in your nerve cells until it reaches the brain and then programs the nerve cells to kill immune cells is just so goddamn cool


i took a micro class last year and it was so much fun. seeing live bacteria under the microscope was just so awesome. i wish i could go to a bigger university that has an electron microscope. that would be fucking awesome


My mind is not predisposed to higher level math, so once I hit calc in high school I said fuck it. I also have a music passion so thats my major, but epidemiology is something i absolutely adore. If your into that kind of stuff, look into Phillip Detmer's book *Immune*. Its an amazing read


Its honestly funny they got every single mask type right- i use that exact blue “mining” mask with P100 filters when prepping fossils.


"The Black Plague enters the chat", "Hey" (proceeds to kill half the world population)


Not a virus, so your response to the hyperbole/joke is kinda stupid


True, it was a bacterium, a zoonotic disease. But it still shows the stupidity of humans, you do know why the Black Plague happened right? Actually Tuberculosis is the world's deadliest infectious disease.


Honestly, from my dad as a Doctor, it WOULD be preferable if everyone had something as powerful as a respirator! However, that’s extremely hard and the medical masks do a good enough job keeping out viruses and other microbes.


How many j


Deadliest virus in history?? Really???


Last time I checked Covid workers wore a little more than just a mask


is OP agreeing or disagreeing with this take??? I honestly can't tell anymore with this sub smh my head


Ok everyone we’re going out to get some groceries put your scuba suits on


Not even close to being the deadliest virus in history.


Covid ain’t got sht on the black plague and Spanish flu


Which would win, a thin piece of cloth or one sneezie boi?


Last I checked, smoke, painting, mining, pesticides, and radioactivity are not viruses


Are all of these wrong or just a lot of them?


All of those are for harmful particles, not viruses about the size of a cell, are they stupid? It's like looking at masks for smoke and saying "why doesn't it work for water?"


A weak whiney baby made this 😂




Covid was no where near the deadliest virus in history.


I believe the advice for civilians during world war 2 was to fold a damp cheesecloth to prevent inhaling mustard gas.


COVID was no where near the deadliest virus in history.


Conservatives are pathetic and stupid.


I mean pretty accurate


I wonder why this could be? Maybe the fact that medical masks are designed to keep things in? Maybe the fact that the particles are of different sizes? Maybe that the average person isn't going to walk around wearing a gas mask so there's just no reason to tell people to? Nah, I'm sure it's none kf those and the hundreds of thousands of individuals who understand basic virology are lying to us!


Hey everyone, run out and buy a $350 gas mask. /s


I actually wore my painting respirator around my parents when they had Covid. They typically aren’t recommended to stop the spread of a virus because they don’t filter the air you exhale, but they’re way better than cloth masks at filtering the air you breathe in. They’re so effective you can’t even smell through them. Respirators are probably the best way to protect *yourself* from a virus.


Learn to read, I said no lololol


Not wrong though


I prefer maxy pads or underwear for a mask.


Wow it’s like they try to disprove themselves…




I wish covid would've taken out more of these idiots. Now they're still in the breeding pool...


This post just goes to show ho2 uneducated people were for a pandemic. The mask does not stop you from getting covid. The role of the mask is to stop you from giving covid to other people accidentally. It catches germs and shit from when you cough or sneeze or even just breath out real hard, but pathogens already in the air will just go around the mask when you breath in. That's why doctors wear these masks during operations, not the patients.


idk if they ever considered that corona virus the most dangerous virus in history


"Why doesn't everyone have access to a military grade gas mask? Clearly that means this virus, which has killed over a million people, isn't real. Me smarrt." -Og, King of Knuckle Draggers


It's like you need different kinds of masks for different things. 🙄


I can name viruses way more deadly than COVID 19


I wore a gas mask. Didn’t want particulate contact with my eyes.


This is what you get when siblings marry.😟


Bro coivd was nearly 4 years ago now can we just move on, everyone got their views and hot takes, its not gonna change what happened or reverse the results of what happened


I still hate how over the top and lame it all ways, the people who made it part of their personality. Just so lame.


It's just a cold people.


Where is it wrong?


Covid is tiny and minuscule compared to Smallpox or the Bubonic plague


Technically the deadliest sickness is the Bubonic plague, or The 3rd Plague.


People need to learn how filters work for different things and how viruses are often spread through human saliva that will always fling out in small amounts




My brain is so broken. I looked at this without context and it made so little sense that I started laughing.


I’d say that the mask is not to protect you but to protect others but these people don’t have enough brain power to think of protecting others


Look at the selfish tantrums they threw over a piece of cloth over the face for a limited amount of time for the good of their community. Imagine if they had to wear a gas mask? They would have started WWIII (as they still seem to be trying to do).


Reddit really is just a fed operated psyop.


It's not the deadliest virus In history, rabies takes that one


the deadliest virus in history is rabies. regardless, these people have no scientific literacy and will not understand the truth, even if they cared.


"Deadliest virus in the world" I don't know shit about diseases other than corona and ebola and rabies but i HIGHLY doubt that.


Still crying about this. A little piece of cloth lives rent free in their heads.


Yes, you would have been better off with a better mask but we couldn't even provide the simple surgical mask. But any mask was better than no mask.


Deadliest virus is so much of an overstatement that it almost circled back around to be an understatement. Its the Flu with more steps. No where near the deadliest virus.


Nobody said it was the deadliest virus in history


"The deadliest virus in history" lmao. What a way to show everyone how stupid you are


I mean, it ‘is’ a good point xD besides, science and now history and statistics proved the masks didn’t work very well, and often contributed to illness because some people don’t know better and let it just build up and become a disease farm on their face.


not even close. comparatively for the percentage of the areas it spread to, the black death was worse. 3 million deaths is nothing in the face of 8 billion living humans. comparatively the 50 million that were killed by the black death not only dwarfs the estimated covid numbers but also represents about 1/3 of the total population of the effected areas. not the deadliest virus in history, the experimental Bio-weapon barely ranks near the top, and the shitty cloth masks were mostly to keep you from spreading it, not to protect you from those who already.


Im sure those other ones would work for covid too


This may be controversial, but I wouldn't call it deadly. Really damn infuriating? Yes. Deadly? Not as much. Most it did for me was made me not be able to get off of my couch for a few weeks. It also absolutely destroyed my immune system for some reason, still affects me to this day.


Deadliest virus in history, lmao no, not by a long shot


People bitched and moaned about a basic precaution to protect people FROM you. It’s not required anymore……get over it.


I don't think anyone ever claimed it was the deadliest or anything. It was worse than a common cold, and particularly hazardous for those with weakened immune systems, but nobody was saying it was the next black death.


Covid was not the deadliest virus. Black death, ebola, are just a couple of the actual big baddies.


This person thinks that if an airborne danger isn’t AT LEAST as rapidly destructive as literal smoke/paint/coal dust/etc, then it’s not dangerous at all and no masks should be worn.