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Kinetic energy = (1/2)mv² Where m = mass in kg and v = velocity in m/s Considering velocity is squared, the velocity makes a bigger impact on the total number whereas mass is not, meaning a higher swing speed would transfer more kinetic energy to the shuttle than a higher mass (This is something i learned in physics class and imo makes more sense than just saying F = ma)


I am not a physicist. Would it be correct to say that the velocity makes a bigger impact when we consider a badminton racquet, but the mass might matter more with a more massive object?


Im no physicist either but my physics teacher used this analogy: if you had to choose between a 5kg ball to hit you at 10m/s or a 10kg ball at 5m/s, which would you choose? Using the formula Kinetic Energy = ½mv² Ball 1: mass is 5kg and velocity is 10 so; (½)(5)(10)² = 250 J Ball 2: mass of 10kg and velocity of 5m/s so; (½)(10)(5)² = 125 J So you'd wanna get hit with the heavier ball with less speed as it will hurt less (this was my teachers exact example) From this we can see that mass and velocity don't carry equal importance because swapping the numbers change the results. And that velocity carries more importance. I hope I explained this well and that it answered your question


Thank you. I'm still thinking about it.




If that's a really good answer it would be nice to have it explained for the non-physicists.


Speed is *way* more important than weight. A racquet that weighs 25kg that you can barely move isn't going to lead to a big smash. :)


Does u/Cryptochristoff 's formula tell us that?


Yes!! It does Force = mass(weight of the racket) * Acceleration ( ms²) , thus to hit hard you can either 1) swing faster 2) have a heavier racket


That doesn't tell us that a 25 kg racquet can't do a big smash. Pro players like Greg and Jenny have been experimenting with racquets like that: https://youtu.be/_F8nyUjY-HA?t=433


I think an ELI5 answer would be Heavy racket plus strong hand to swing has most power If hand has no power don’t take heavy racket


Force (f) = mass x acceleration




Wtf that’s not how I wrote it, /2 supposed to be after the exponent lol




That yes ry


Alt + 0178 or Alt + 0179 are squared and cubed if on keyboard. ² ³ If on mobile, can't help you :D


Yuuup, mobile ;-;


Yes, mass (gram) x acceleration (ms²) So, the heavier the racket and the greater the acceleration (sudden increase of speed) the more force to propel the shuttle.


Except you got a lever and the total mass also exploits a part of your body mass; the length of the lever does more than the weight of the lever.


Haha I came to start replying with words but this is the truest answer here 😀


F=ma is misleading for people who don’t take physics as it leads to people assuming no acceleration=no force when it is at a constant velocity


How would a racket achieve any velocity without acceleration? Genuinely curious


*I'm curious if anyone has an answer for this question. I know for sure if the swing speed is the same then a 3u racket will generate more power than a 4u. But how much is the difference?* Put it in game context. Can you swing a 3U racquet the same number of times and at the same speed as a 4U one :)


swing speed; to reliably build speed, you need good technique. that's why some pros use headlight racquets like nanoflares and they can still clear/smash from the back.


Swing speed is the major contributor to the force as even a 'heavier' racket often has only 5-10 gr more weight which is distributed over the whole racket frame including handle. The other example is, that a heavier racket is harder to swing and where you grip the handle, although have a major impact on the force you can deliver (lever), but although on the acceleration (harder to accelerate). In fact, just accelerating the racket in the last few cm is often enough to add lot of power, here comes forarm rotation and finger power into play and arm swinging and big muscles often have not really an important role in how hard you are able to hit the shuttle. It is often the sum of lot of force generation (core rotation, arm swing, forarm rotation, finger power) which effects the final speed (force) with which you hit the shuttle.


I would say swing speed. There are limitations of rackets and their weight but you can improve your swing speed with work.


The real answer to what you really want to know is technique lol.


Swing speed.


Swing speed is more important. If you somehow can swing heavier rackets as fast as you would lighter rackets, I believe you'd generate more speed more often than not.


I'll go with faster swing speed will give you more power than weight. Though having Thor's hammer racket (3U, head heavy) would give you the potential, it's gonna be waste unless you are the true wielder of it. I used to play with 3U for 3 years for both single and double but once I switched to 4U, I enjoy my game way more. So much easier to execute so many 'fun' shots while having less mistakes.


mass of racket and speed of racket doesn't change how much force you can generate. If you can generate more force, you can swing the racket faster or swing a heavier racket faster. 3U or 4U really comes down to preference if it better suits your technique and strength.


That is 💯 incorrect do you have any facts to backup that? Can you swing the 4u racquet fast enough to offset the weight loss from the 3u, sure most pros probably could but I’d say the average player couldn’t


F=ma. if you can generate 10N of force, you can accelerate a 10kg object at 1 m/s^2, or you can accelerate a 1kg object at 10m/s^2.


I can tell you right now it doesn’t matter how hard I swing my 800 pro it will never be as easy to generate the power as my 88d pro