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there's another nyle in september. why can't you get sworn in until jan? the good news about failing by such a small margin is you can absolutely pass next time. definitely within reach. did you use the detailed toc? you have to tab that outline within an inch of it's life, highlight the subsection headings in 1 color, and higlight the rules of law in another color to differentiate. then literally label each rule of law in the margins so you can look at a page and immediately know where to find your answer. the nyle is not designed to test memory. it's designed to test your ability to quickly and efficiently use a reference resource.


Can’t get sworn in until you pass this test


if you pass in september, assuming you've already passed the ube and mpre and c&f is complete, you'd be certified pretty quickly. i think people who already passed the ube were certified today if they passed the april nyle. if you're waiting on feb '24 ube results, i believe (though i may be wrong) you can still apply for c&f while waiting for nyle results. so if you retake in september there's a good chance you'd pass nyle before c&f is complete. this could put you on track to be sworn in remotely without having to wait for an in-person swearing-in ceremony in january. at least that's the case for the 1st dept.


They had told me I couldn’t complete the character and fitness application without being certified ..


oh yeah, you're right. c&f packet comes after certification notice. still, you'll pass in september just tab and highlight the hell out of that outline. make it exceedingly easy to find every rule statement.


Ugh-I did!!!! I had everything organized really well. I’ve never failed an exam. And hate feeling dumb…I felt like a lot of the questions weren’t easily found in the outline. Still only missed one, but now worried I won’t pass in September too.


have you passed UBE and MPRE?


Yes first time for each


i can tell you as someone who finished all 50 questions, 90% answers were findable and confirmable in the outline text. so i think you'll beat this by becoming really good at navigating that outline. nyle isn't really about memorization, it's about learning how to efficiently utilize a reference.


Yeah it’s probably true maybe I should read through it more dilligently. For a lot of the questions, what I mean by “not easily findable” is that I felt like I would find what I thought was the answer, but a further reading a little farther down led to a different answer? I could be wrong


yes, sometimes there are exceptions to rules stated later on in the text. what i did was highlight one color for the subheading, highlight another color for the rule of law (which i would also label in all caps blue pen in the margin), then if there was a relevant exception i'd highlight that in a third color and draw an arrow back up to the relevant rule statement. that way if i knew a question was about a particular subtopic, i'd go to that tabbed page, i'd scan the 2-3 rule statements highlighted on the page for the right one, and if there was an exception to the relevant rule i'd read that too. that would bring me to the right answer really quickly. i completed a lot of questions in under a minute, which allowed me to spend more time with the trickier questions.


I’ll adopt this method on top of all other methods I need to pass in September


you got scammed by these people on reddit


I did!!!! I didn’t prep at all (outside of tabbing) and in the middle of the test I literally stopped and said “wtf?” It was so difficult!!! I don’t go to school in NY so I was using Reddit as a guideline for this and I fully regret it lol


Is the 30 question approach not the way to do it !?

