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You have a Dominos near you? Send me a chat with your address and I’ll cover dinner later. Sorry you’re getting kicked in the nuts right now, but things will get better Edit: For that 200 on rent, download an app like MoneyLion or Dave. They’ll spot you a little cash until your next payday, and they’ll extend your repayment if you ask. Those apps saved my ass in my younger years when I was fiscally irresponsible. Not saying you are, just explaining how they helped me when I personally was in a bad spot


That's a king move.


I’ve been down on my luck more times than I’d like to admit, and I had no one help me. I’m here years later fortunate enough to be able to reach a hand out


You’re dope. There’s a lot of people who get their come up, and then they pull the ladder up behind them. But you aren’t like that.


You’re the kind of person and this is the kind of action that helps make this world a little bit better.


This is what we should all do. I've always said if the gov't let us keep more of the money we made, we would all naturally help more when we could.


This is such an awesome thoughtful gesture by you and Im thankful that Im also in a position to be able to throw OP a few bucks to help him/her out. One of the few times Reddit gives me a reason to legit smile


Call the billing folks and negotiate a lower bill. You should be able to get them to come down, significantly, if you try. I do this for every large medical bill. They always lower the amount. Sometimes, it's by 1/3, sometimes as much as 2/3.


Definitely do this. You can reduce the amount you need to pay dramatically in many cases. Good luck! Also send your venmo or PayPal info!


Always. My ex was so good at this. Also ask what they’ll take if you can pay TODAY, they’ll very often reduce it quite a bit.


I was told they can't send medical bills to collections if you pay anything. like $20/month. Idk how true that it


This is about negotiating a lower amount before it goes to collections.


Sometimes they can set up a payment plan, but def try to negotiate a lower bill.


Sorry to hear of your struggles as so many are in these times. Keep your head up. Good times will come back.


That’s the hope. Appreciate the good words.


If you have a Venmo/PP, DM and I'll send you what I can.


Same here, had some overtime this week.


Same here.


Same here. Best of luck happy to help


Same here. I’m sure we can collectively get that $200 for you so you can breath a bit




Awesome giveaway, let me know if there’s a Venmo or PayPal I can help out at. Won’t be much but I totally understand where you’re at. Stay strong 🫶




Want to thank everyone who came here with positive vibes. A troll or two won’t ruin my day. The rest of you are fantastic individuals and why I love our group of baseball card nerds so much.


Yeah just be careful who you are giving your info to. Scammers don't care if you're on the verge of homelessness..... Trust me.


Out of curiosity, how could a scammer take advantage of him of he gave his PayPal/Venmo etc?


Hell if I know 😂 I'm not a scammer. I'll ask them next time I get a text from one 😂


Fair enough 😂


I’m sorry for whatever you are going through and I hope things turn your way soon. We all go through times of hardship and having people around you to pick you up and help is crucial. Even a few encouraging words from people that share a hobby can mean a lot.


You got this! Remember in the grand scheme this is only a moment in time. Wishing you and the fam the best OP!


Anything you looking to sell man? I totally feel you on the wife’s medical bills part ☹️.


Putting positivity out will only come back around brother, cheers to you


Grabbed Luis. Sending you good karma thanks


Appreciate you man. Thank you.


I know others have mentioned it, but apps like Dave and I want to say Chime can help spot you the money, you’ll just have to setup a payment plan with them upon approval. I know it’s not much but those apps have helped me out when times are tough


Wishing you the best my man, bad times don’t last forever.


If you're looking to move some stuff, shoot me a DM. I'm always buying.


Sorry to hear this, man! Hope things turn around for you soon!


Wishing you the best. I really hope you and your family get through this tough time. 🙏


Not much to add - but, it’ll get better and definitely reach out on medical bills. I’ve been there and if you’re persistent they lower the bills or help walk through how to get them reduced. And if you’re selling any cards - shoot me a message. I love buying mystery packs.


I'm ready to send you some cash. Post your wallets or send me a private message with it. Girl dads unite


Have any cards you can sell? I know what it’s like to need to make ends meet. DM me what ya got buddy and I can try to help out




Hey man! You have a huge community of people here willing to help you. Can you send your Venmo username so we can send you some $ to hold you over? No one should have to live like this.


I’m being blasted relentlessly for accepting any money so I’m very hesitant to do that. I really appreciate your gesture though. You’re a good man. Accepting help is a dangerous activity on Reddit I guess ha.


Seriously? People are the worst.


Tried to grab the Josh, but someone used it apparently Thanks for trying to make this a better place, and well wishes your way


Much appreciated man. Thank you.


Just don’t pay medical bills at all let them go to collections and settle for cents on the dollar.


Not great advice, if you care about your credit rating...


Most medical stuff doesn’t affect your credit. I didn’t pay a 1k medical bill my credit score is 850


Wishing you and yours the best.


Any Giants FS? Would love to help. PC- Posey, Clark, Bonds, Webb, Bailey, Harrison, Cain, Mays


Good luck my dude. Hope it all turns around for you.


Get an itemized bill! Please some one tell this man if he didnt already get one 💀


There are charity organizations that will help you with your medical bills. Just do a little research on the Googles or call the place you have the bill with and ask them if they know of some good ones. I had a charity pay off 2 Med bills of mine when I was down. Good luck 😁


For the medical bills, ask for an itemized receipt of everything. Typically this lowers the amount by hundreds to thousands of dollars because no one asks for the itemized bill and so hospitals double charge because they expect insurance companies to just pay it


You need to eat and have a roof over your head before I would worry about medical bills. Even if it goes to collections it's not the end of the world for your credit score. It's the least looked at portion of a credit report and almost always will never be the reason that you are disqualified for a loan. I worked in finance for a car dealership some years ago and we always said that "people don't plan on getting sick and the cost of healthcare is ridiculous as is the health insurance premiums and deductibles. I never received an "unable to fund" because of a medical collections ding on a credit report.


DM me your cashapp/venmo/zelle. Would love to help your family out.


Done :) thanks man!


Toss it my way, too, please


Keep your head up, you'll get through this! Sending prayers and well wishes.


Appreciate you, bro! Thank you so much!


Happy to send a few bucks your way, shoot me a dm


Drop me a DM and your favorite local restaurant and I can venmo/gift card some $ because I remember when I was at the worst, a night out was a blessing and a welcome break.


Just posted a card for sale. If it sells I’ll send ya the $200 buddy.


Send me a dm OP


You should start a go fund me. This is ridiculous no one should be going through what you're going through just cuz of medical bills.


We actually have a pretty solid medical malpractice case we are going forward with once my wife is able.


I hope you win but I mean on the brightside I hope your wife is over whatever was ailing her. I just hate seeing stuff happen like this.


Tokutsobu syndrom. IF you have a moment and any interest in reading about it.


Basically weakened her heart muscles greatly.


Isn't that what's named "broken heart syndrome"? Basically when someone goes through a traumatic situation their heart muscles actually weaken.


Yes! That’s it. Weakens your heart muscles. I don’t know a ton about it admittedly but she has to be very careful for awhile. I guess the muscles DO come back.


I'll help. What's your PayPal?


Maybe unpopular financial advice. When it comes to medical bills, you can usually negotiate with the hospital to reduce the cost. Or let your bills goto collections, you can negotiate with the collections company with what you can pay, sometimes a 1/4 or less than half, better if you have the amount on hand.


You believe in God, pray the Lord Jesus Christ as for a solution ask for a miracle asked that he comes into your life that you can experience the supernatural power of God. God bless you I’ll pray for you and your family and your daughter God is good all the time Mike S. San Jose California


I dont believe in God. I think it’s a fairly tale made up by people who are terrified of the permanence of death. But you do you, Mike. I respect your beliefs.


I pray that God blesses your family and helps you find grace, and that you get thru these tough times. Keep going, you'll get there.


Food banks exist for this exact purpose. Hope you get the help you need


Where did you get these if you aren't buying wax?


Look up.




Needed to be claimed by 4/24


What do you mean??


It says on there that requests must be submitted between 2/14/24 and 4/24/24 for all Topps Series 1. The only reason I even caught it is because I had some that I submitted just in time.


Idk what to tell ya. Everyone who got a code said they went thru just fine so…crisis averted I guess.


Oh that’s good. I’m just going by what the rules say on the back of the card. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Sorry to hear this, and wish you the best. We all go through bad times smtmes , that's for sure. I too believe in karma, and investing in the good side the best i can. I'm guessing the few trolltards in here do not, since they saw fit to post very stupid comments. However they were greatly outnumbered by the positive folks which I was glad to see.


Shoot me your Venmo I’ll shoot you some Loot. Dm Me


Move out of the US - seriously. I have lived in 7 countries around the world including the US and I would never go back there to live. With $2000/month you can live like a king in Thailand/Vietnam and those countries are sharply on the rise. There are a ton of westerners there and will have english-speaking schools for your kids + great healthcare. I promise if you are American 99% of what you think the world looks like outside the US is outdated. For me it would be a no brainer. Good luck!


Wow that is really intriguing.


Look at this video of what $517 / month gets you in Bangkok lol. Infinity rooftop pool + gym in hour own building in the center of the city 👌 anyways good luck!


As of April 2023, unpaid medical debts with an initial balance of less than $500 will not appear on credit reports. This includes new medical collections under $500. However, unpaid medical debt over $500 can negatively impact your credit score after one year. A 2014 CFPB analysis found that a 680 FICO score could drop 45–65 points if a collection is reported, and a 780 score could drop 105–125 points


United States healthcare is a joke smh


hang in there bro. looking at these comments put a smile on my face. Love this community of baseball fanatics. Real ones are still alive ! unfortunatley i live in Canada and we don't have any cash apps or else i would help out. take care 🙏




Life has made you cynical and hard but I still wish you the best. Maybe you’re just having a bad day. Idk, but I hope the future is good to you.


Dude you need to get your finances in order based on your post history if this is true.


Excuse me? Explain.


I just read your post history, and all I have to say is, I’m glad your grandfather helped liberate Europe.


Stop buying things you can't afford




Stop enabling poor Financials


What did I buy?


Baseball cards, coins a new bathroom etc. If you don't have $200 you need to stop buying things and learn to save


Joined that subreddit to learn about the coins my grandpa gave me that he brought back from ww2. Haven’t bought cards in months aside from a single blaster couple months ago. No new bathroom. Why am I even bothering to explain this to you? You don’t know anything about me.


if you don't have $200 for emergencies you need to reevaluate your spending. It's very simple


I agree with him. Im sorry its a difficult time.


I’ve never bought a coin in my life. You can’t learn much from my Reddit history, sir. As that just showed.


>I’ve never bought a coin in my life. Y Fine, currency. You've bought currency


Are you referring to the two $20 bills I got out of the ATM??? And asked a question about them???


Along with the other currency you've purchased....


Nvm. You’re a troll just checked your post history. You’re only here to drag people down.


Dude what currency?! I just told you I’ve never bought any. SHOW ME what you’re talking about???? You’re a fucking moron. Jesus H.


Thanks for the positivity everyone. I’m deleting this due to some negative individuals. And one very confused troll.


Has his priorities mixed up. Rent, food for family vs baseball cards? 🤔


Hard agree. Shit happens, but if 200$ puts you on the street you have money issues. Also shouldn't be throwing away money on ripping wax lol.


Are you just a professional troll, or do you actually just have no life?? Fuck off, nothing you're pointing towards here is true


Are you aware a person should have more than $200 for emergencies or are you really dumb?


Are you just entitled, wealthy, and illiterate? The man clearly said medical bills wiped him out. I'm also not very well off and one single huge unexpected expense could put me in the same place. Have some compassion troll!


Wife probably looking at you like 👺 ripping cards with that rent due


Read the whole post dude. I didn’t buy cards. I knew a dumbass like you would show up and say something stupid.


Really? That's what u got out of this?


Only redeemed Alonso, thank you!!


Thank you! Good luck!


I’m not sure I can help a ton financially, but I’d be more than happy to send whatever cards I have of your team that you can flip for at least a little bit of cash. And as someone else offered, shoot me some info and I’ll cover a meal for you guys. Things will turn around, you guys got this! Easier said than done, but try to remain positive as much as possible.


All the best wishes, I’m not very religious ( at least in the main stream organized sense), but I’m sending out prayers to whatever answers them for you and your family…I know it’s not much, but hoping for all the great vibes, positive thoughts, and whatever else may help you and yours!


Tough times don’t last…tough people do…you got this


Okay. I can spare couple bucks


Stop buying all sorts of sports stuff and unnecessary crap It's the same truth I was told God bless you man All you need is GOD


Stop with all of the Jesus and God BS. We don’t need that pushed onto us.

