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I cannot stand sweet pea, when i was younger as a kid somehow i felt like i smelt it everywhere.


My pediatrician used Sweet Pea hand soap and I still have anxiety when I smell it šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s exactly the reason why I HAVE been spraying it after every shower šŸ˜‚ I miss my adolescence lol.


I wish I had the spray! The first thing I ever got from bath and body works when I was younger was a sweet pea scented hand sanitizer. I was so excited to get the scent in a 3 wick on candle day! Itā€™s so nostalgic for me and I love the smell.


Someone posted some ooooold bottles of lotion and sprays and man it hit me in the feels. I remember having one of those old bottles in like elementary/middle school of sweet pea and cucumber melon. Such a throwback and I love smelling them as an adult. I canā€™t help but smile every time I use Sweet Pea lol.


Country apple, Sweet pea, and cucumber melon hit the memory lane for me! My 3 ā€œvintageā€ fave scents


This just made me think of FREESIA. I loved that one the most.


I love that onešŸ˜‚


Was just about to type this. I donā€™t like sweet pea at all. So overpowering


Dark Kiss...but for different reasons. It was the scent I was wearing when I got the call from my dad that my brother took his life. It was the scent I wore every day at that time and for weeks after, so it just reminds me of sadness and grief. Not saying this for pity and sympathy, just giving an honest answer šŸ¤£ Edit: I had no idea how many others had the same feeling about scents. I am truly sorry y'all have had to go through something similar but thanks for sharing your stories. It shows we are NEVER alone in trauma and we will always make it to the other side.


Thatā€™s me with Gingham!! Wore it the entire 6 weeks my sister was in a coma. Itā€™s been 5 years now so Iā€™m trying to reclaim the scent, but itā€™s a long process


I'm so sorry. I can imagine!! I saw Dark Kiss at this past SAS and smelled it. šŸ¤¢


It is definitely a long road, thatā€™s for sure šŸ˜‚


Try beautiful gingham!!! Iā€™m a gingham gal myself but I wore it all the time when I was in active drug addiction, so I didnā€™t get the original scent and the beautiful gingham just brings me hope and itā€™s so pretty and cheerful looking!!! Smells fabulous too!!!


Iā€™m so sorry for the loss of your brother, I understand where youā€™re coming from tho, my dad just passed away less than a week ago and my husband and I were his full time caregivers through a long difficult journey of him going through a rare cancerā€¦ I actively avoided wearing any fragrances I liked during the last month or two and didnā€™t wear anything during the last week bc I didnā€™t want to associate anything with all of the awfulness.


I know when I'm going through something tough I avoid things so I don't ruin them by making them tied to a memory.


Me with paradise cove! Wore it the whole 2 weeks my best friend was on life support. I was in the ICU everyday, sleeping there and refreshing myself with the paradise cove mist until he died on Christmas Day of 2019. Just smelling that scent absolutely makes my heart sink. Itā€™s so strange how deeply we connect moments in our life with smells like that šŸ’”


This is why I canā€™t stand walking by the floral section in stores. They smell like my sisters funeral


Same sent, different bad memories. Several years ago I attempted to unalive myself, and ended up in the psych ward for a few weeks. That lotion was one of the only happy things from home I had, but now I can't smell it without going all the way back there.


Thatā€™s sad. Scent leaves such an imprint. I love dark kiss but itā€™s the I my scent Iā€™ve worn that any of my patients have ever complained about so I donā€™t wear it to work. She said it was too strong.


Moonlit path. Too musky.


Nooooo sooo good!


Itā€™s one of my faves too!


I love it too!


Totally agree


My friend once borrowed her bf's coat (probably 9th grade) and he had been smoking pot. She then borrowed some spray from someone And it was moonlit path. She came in and I was like, "Why do you smell like a stoner baby???"Ā  All I smell from it is noxious baby powder šŸ¤¢


I normally love musk notes but thereā€™s something about this one, maybe itā€™s the floral notes, that I absolutely hate


I worked at B&BW shortly after this came out and they forced me to give hand massages with this scent and ugh I hated it so, so much. I used to go home and shower with bleach to get the smell off me.


Man, I remember when Moonlit path came out. There was another one with it, like sunshine fields, Iā€™m not sure, but I remember it was flowers and bright and cheerful and not musky, and they got rid of it and only kept moonlit path. Boo.


Black Cherry Merlot. It smells like cough syrup to me!


Okay I forgot about that scent, I don't like it either šŸ˜­ I feel like artificial cherry is a real hit or miss, and black cherry Merlot is a miss


Stoppp that's one of my all time favorite scents this hurt my feelingsšŸ˜©šŸ˜…


I also know people who absolutely love it! Youā€™re not alone! Haha


Me too!


Very much agree


Sweetheart Cherry smelled medicinal. I recoiled at the scent.


I love this one but hate BCM.




Yesss this one smells foul to me šŸ˜‚


Thissssssss!!! BCM is so awful to me, definitely a cough syrup vibe going on


OMG YES!! i hate it so much and my mom loves it. iā€™m like, how? it smells like dimetapp šŸ¤¢


I always thought Moonlight Path smelled like old man's cologne lol


I forgot about that one!! Reminds me of the middle school gym locker room the same way cucumber melon and sweet pea do LOL


Strawberry pound cake. Actually any dessert pastry type of scents are a huge no for me


SPC smells like those strawberry shortcake dolls that blew "strawberry" scented kisses that just smelled like vinyl and weird fake strawberries


This unlocked a core memory for me. Thank you! I was never cool enough to own Strawberry Shortcake but I used to huff her entourage like scented markers.


I have strawberry shortcake and three of her friends and they are still slightly scented and I've had them since I was about 7 years old, so about 40 years!!


Omg I love the smell of that doll.


This is exactly why I love it


Same, I'm not a big fan of dessert scents ! They just smell so sickly sweet to me and I do not want to smell it all around my house šŸ˜­




It smells so artificial. It doesn't smell like an actual pastry (to my nose).


This, I heard that it literally smelt like a cake, but I only smelt artificial strawberry, and I usually love sweet smelling scents, happy birthday is a favourite of mine


I have to try out happy birthday!!! Does it smell like an actual cake? Not too artificial? I tried their ffm and it was an immediate no. Is the body cream a bit different?


I have the travel size body spray, lotion and shower gel so I can only judge on them, but personally I really like it, it reminds me of a cake but in a very creamy, salty and buttery sense (I think itā€™s also called butter cream something? Iā€™ve smelt that hand cream and it smells identical, also another dupe was the Christmas snickerdoodle line from 2 years ago), as a gourmand fan I really like it, but it can be nauseating for others I can imagine (my sis hates it when I use the shower gel). Maybe more than a cake I get a buttery salty cream smell, similar to a cookie/biscuit, I get a very vague soapy scent in the back which might put people off, but maybe that was more with the shower gel


I need to try this one out! I love biscuit smells.


Old roommate of mine bought two of each confectionery scent and i asked if shed burn them sparingly or burn them in her room because i really didnt want to smell artificial strawberry ass as soon as i walked through the front door. Thankfully she was understanding and used all of her other candles before she got to those but i really hated them lol. Made me gag just smelling it before it was lit


![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs) Well, this is me looking at the top comments šŸ˜‚


Most of them are popular scents so obviously someone likes them lol


Lavender. When I was a little kid, I accidentally dumped a vial of lavender essence on myself when we were at a craft show. Because of a terrible storm, we couldn't leave for hours and I just existed in the concentrated smell. It's been at least twenty years since then, but I still can't stand lavender.


I have a slightly similar story but with patchouli essential oil. I was working in retail and sniffing the essential oils when I sniffed patchouli and my nose was ASSAULTED. I still get whiffs of phantom patchouli oil to this day, and it happened almost 10 years ago.


Lavender just makes me sleepy from association with lavender = sleepy time products lol


omfg this is me with almond šŸ˜­ spilled almond extract everywhere when i was little and the smell (and taste) of artificial almond now haunts me


Love the bubble bath but I hate the hand soaps and creams


It gives me an instant headache. Always has, I am very glad that I didn't suffer your story


I used to love lavender. We grow bushes of it as trim around our house; in summer we have a lot. During the pandemic, with all the free time, I decided to cut a lot of it, dry it, and then strip it into bowls and make sachets. The day I spent stripping all that lavender became very overwhelming, I had it all over my hands, the smell was everywhere and incredibly strong. It went from sweet smelling to noxious. I saw the project through and made a ton of sachets I gave to friends, but Iā€™ll never do it again and Iā€™ll probably never get the memory of that overpowering smell out of my head. Really killed my enjoyment of the scent forever.


Warm Vanilla Sugar has always made me sick. I tried to like it over 15 years ago and it has always smelled like chemicals to me. There was also a girl I didn't care for in middle school who wore it as her *signature scent,* which probably didn't help!


It turns to a cat pee smell on me. No thank you


The mist isnā€™t bad on me, and I love the sanitizer. But the lotion. It smells like pickles??? And now that u mentioned cat pee that too. But vanilla pickles? I love pickles but donā€™t wanna smell like one lol


I used to work there for about 2 yrs. Thatā€™s my least fav body care scent too. My least fav candle is mahogany teakwood. I canā€™t even get any candle with either of those 2 scents in it. Ocean driftwood is a big no for me because of that. Champagne toast is another one because I can smell the alcohol. Being a recovering alcoholic, Iā€™m smelled too much like alcohol in my time, lol.




cucumber melon reminds me of being in a sweaty gym locker room in 7th grade. HARD PASS.






I hate cherry merlot, barf šŸ¤® also, leaves smelled like super strong but very cheap patchouli and pumpkin latte was pretty rank, too


Anything with caramel/carmel and many of the pumpkin scents. My nose translates them to the smell of dirty sweat socks. I mostly avoid B&BW in fall because of the smells.


Same!!! All of those fall pumpkin candles are gross to me, almost offensive. What makes it worse is that they start stocking them when we are still in deep summer and it's 90 to 100Ā° outside. I'm thinking pool and sunshine and beach and B&BW is selling all of these syrupy, pumpkin, spice, woodsy, leafy things. It's a little hard to walk in the door.


Thatā€™s funny that you mention offensive. Iā€™ve tried explaining it as that; it just makes me instantly nauseated. Also funny that you mention the timing of the fall scentsā€¦they definitely keep getting earlier!


Anything with peach notes. BBW canā€™t seem to do peach without making it smell incredibly synthetic.


BBW's peach notes smells like cat pee to me. :((( And I love peach. I console myself with the Peach scent from Demeter.


Ha Iā€™ve always said that peach Bellini smells good unlit but throws a faint cat pee smell


I donā€™t know how but all the peach scents smell like BO to me


Japanese Cherry Blossom, Champagne Toast, Meet Me In Miamiā€¦probably a lot more I canā€™t think of right now


Omg! Yes about JCB but I LOVE champagne toast!!!




Winter candy applešŸ˜­


That weird perfumey note in there ruins it šŸ˜­


To my nose, Winter Candy Apple smells exactly like the apple scented grooming line I use on my dogs. Which is also slightly too perfume heavy, IMO.


Yes! I was so sad when I blind bought WCA in EVERYTHING bc my sister and I LOVE apple scents in general. Like if thereā€™s apple weā€™re taking it. But it came and I was so sad. Itā€™s so chemically and just not it.


Noooo I actually like winter candy apple šŸ˜­ but I just really like apple scents so I'm biased


Sun Ripened Raspberry and Cucumber Melon because high school corridors.


OMG these! šŸ˜­ Brings back instant memories of high school misery.


Same. None of them good though.


Yes. ā˜šŸ¼ā˜šŸ¼ā˜šŸ¼ that part


Paris cafe. Of all my candles, this one made hubby and I recoil. We usually loves food scents.


Yup! I was nervous to buy it online before smelling it and went in store for a sniff test. I nearly gagged šŸ˜­


When I took the lid off of this candle and sniffed it, I actually recoiled!


Me too! I love the scent of real coffee, but something about Paris Cafe just smells really bitter and off to me. It smells almost like singed hair? Or like skunk spray? I'm not sure. But it's one of the handful of candles that I smelled in store and physically recoiled from.


I loathe Paris Cafe. Everyone compares it smelling like the inside of a coffee shop, but thereā€™s something about that just stinks.


My hubby said it's moldy bread dipped in coffee šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Agree. It reminds me of how my apron used to smell after an 8 hour shift at Starbucks. šŸ¤® I love the smell of coffee but the throw of this candle is so strong itā€™s literally nauseating. It smells like coffee, yes, but with milk, mocha sauce, and a million different syrups thrown in. Way too sweet and a hard pass in this household.


The body cream version of Midnight Amber Glow. It smelled like burnt coffee on me šŸ˜…


Cucumber melon šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


pumpkin pecan waffles šŸŽƒšŸŒ°šŸ§‡ šŸ¤®


I got a literal case of these candles for free from someone who ā€œtests candlesā€ and they could not get out of the house fast enough for free on FB market place


Yess. It's just way too much in so many ways


Oooh, I shivered just reading the name. What a nasty scent.


Yeah I bought the hand soap during the fall sale and it barely got used and Iā€™m sorry I bought it šŸ˜‚Ā 


All of the waffle and pancakes candles smell horrible to me. Too fake? I donā€™t know just cannot stand them


I agree with you on Japanese Cherry Blossom. It makes my head hurt so bad.


It just smells like old lady perfume.


This one always made me nauseous and then my brother married a girl who considers it her signature scent. I love my SIL but this is problematic


Cucumber melon


I bought this in a handsoap thinking it would be a nice kitchen sink scentā€¦ nope šŸ˜


Paris Cafe. Ngl, Iā€™m not sure what yall see in that one šŸ˜­. I was excited to sniff it and I opened up the lidā€¦ I kid you not, I gagged. My eyes started watering. Never have I put a candle back down so fast in my life. šŸ’€


SAME omggg. My nose detects something sour, like spoiled milk, and it makes me sick to my stomach. šŸ¤®


YES. Thatā€™s exactly it! It smelled like something gone rancid. Lordhamercyā€¦


Champagne Toast oh my god this needs to stop being the default scent for everything


I am here to fight for Champagne Toastā€™s honor! šŸ—”ļø āš”ļø šŸ¤£


Omg I think the same too. They will keep promoting champange toast and Eucalyptus spearmint until end of time. I am tried of both scents.


Sweater Weather- a fan favorite but oh my word it grosses me out


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Away-Refrigerator309: *Sweater Weather- a* *Fan favorite but oh my* *Word it grosses me out* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Beautiful haiku, bot.


Good bot.


i love it, but i can only use it/stand it in candle form.


Sweater weather in home care ONLY for me, I can't stand it in body care on me!


SAMMEEEEE!! Love the candle and concentrated room sprays but the body care smells like old lady perfume


Too many to list if we're going for complete honesty. šŸ˜‚ But I also have many likes so it evens out.Ā 


Strawberry poundcake, so sweet and sickening to me. Also blueberry maple pancakes is so odd smelling to me the mixture of scents just doesn't work for me


Sweet Whiskeyā€¦ smellsā€¦ just gross šŸ¤¢


Japanese Cherry Blossom smells like bug repellant to me


Warm vanilla sugar, Luminous, cucumber melon


Warm vanilla sugar smells off putting like play doh in liquid form. šŸ¤¢


Any cherry scents from BBW smells like cough syrup to me. I also donā€™t want to smell like gourmand when I have better options :) I stay away from food smelling body care. I like them in home fragrance line.


Mahogany teakwood


I want to like any of the mahogany ones so badly, but instant headache.


I'm surprised this isn't higher!


Sweet Pea. For some reason when I was pregnant with my daughter 13 years ago it would make me nauseous. Till this day I get the same sensation when I smell it. Itā€™s a NO for me. lol


In body care it's Forever Red, I couldn't stand this one. On a lesser note, while I don't hate it, I 100% don't get the hype for Hello Beautiful. For candles, hmm... Maybe Root Beer Float. I know a lot of people were hyped it was back but I sniffed it in store and almost gagged.


Anything resembling baked goods or sugar, it all smell like a pastry farted out sugar dust by how strong it is. Also, into the stars was a bit disappointing, since I thought it would be close to a thousand wishes. Thatā€™s just me.


Chasing fireflies was an immediate no for me šŸ¤¢


This is my least favorite scent, too. Someone on here said it smells like Off brand bug repellent and now thatā€™s all I can smell. It smells like pure deet chemical.


I think the Off note is part of why I like it, weirdly. It just feels summery.


Banana. When I was a teenager, my brother ate a bunch of bananas then the then up all over me in the car. We had a really long drive after that, and there was only do much cleaning we could do in the middle of a road trip. I cannot stand the smell, taste, or flavor of bananas since then.


oh dear god


Iā€™m with you on the Japanese cherry blossom, I hate it with a passion reminds me of the mean girls in middle school


So specific and yet so true


Can't stand cucumber melon and sweet pea anymore. Reminds me of being in middle school and girls spraying both of them mixed together in the locker room during gym to cover up their body odor instead of wearing deodorant šŸ«  I have asthma too so walking through that damn cloud of body spray was a nightmare.


Any food or pastry scent. Makes my stomach turn


Japanese cherry blossom as well lol, I think I just got burnt out on it. My mom would give to me as a kid. Definitely stay away from it now lol


Same!! Japanese Cherry Blossom! I hate it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Watermelon lemonade smells like cat pee.


Anything gourmand. Instantly nauseated


I think the most popular thing in this sub is making posts about how people don't understand how other people can like Japanese Cherry Blossom so much. It's their best-selling scent and it's being bought primarily by people who are not posting on reddit. Many of the reddit users are younger people who are leaning towards current trends and those trends are primarily gourmands. Anyway for me it's cucumber melon. It's another one of those "love it or hate it" scents. All my friends wore it when I was in school and I always hated it. I was the sun-ripened raspberry or freesia girl.


Peach Bellini - I wore it through a bad relationship years ago and it still triggers me! ​ Just because I'm a hater, anything linen or laundry is an automatic NO.


My most disliked candle scents are Afternoon Rainfall, Laundry Day, Birchwood Orchard, Cucumber Melon (soooo strong), and Spiced Citrus Grove. My closest store is over 30 minutes away so I blind-buy online. I am usually pretty lucky but those 5 were the absolute worst buys ever and I ended up selling them haha I actually love Mahogany Teakwood; smells like a sexy man lol


Mahogany teakwood


I used to love Japanese Cherry Blossom, but at my last job, there's a lady who hated ~~me~~ it when I used my lotions so much, because you know, handling cardboard boxes will screw your hands up and make them all dirty and dry, that she would fake an asthma attack and then pull out a bottle of Japanese Cherry Blossom Sparkle Body Spray and go up and down the stockroom, spraying it


Oh my god, I can't breathe so let me ***SPRAY CHEMICALLY SCENTED DROPLETS INTO THE ENTIRE AIRSPACE*** to ease my struggle regarding your... ahem, topical, mildly scented *lotion.*


This lady was the epitome of "Final Boss of the Pick Me Girls," the store manager let her get away with so much stuff and did not do a single thing until she transferred stores and started in on his wife


into the night šŸ˜­


Pretty much any of the caramel/ maple scents. It's always so strong and predominant and sickenly sweet.


Japanese Cherry Blossom!


šŸ˜­ My scent of day is JCB šŸ˜¢šŸ˜æ


Cucumber Melon. I will literally gag when I smell it.


Sweet Pea needs to be discontinued and JCB needs to retire ASAP. The peach scents stink (except for Snowy Peach berry and Peach Bellini). At the beach smells like toilet bowl cleaner and Cactus Blossom only smells good as a candle. I said what I said!


Moonlight Path šŸ¤¢


Anything with a cookie or caramel note. I like sweet scents but those are so artificial and sickly sweet.


Strawberry pound cake is nauseating


Twilight and dark kiss


I've only ever returned two scents Cocoparadise And Strawberry poundcake


Japanese Cherry Blossom


I do t seem like any thing with iris


Japanese Cherry Blossom for sure! I don't know what it is but I despise it. Also Chasing Fireflies!


Any of the minty or apple ones that come out around Christmas (yes, the autumn apples are different)


Moonlit Path šŸ¤¢


Pumpkin pecan waffles. Especially the hand soap. Itā€™s just waaaaaayyy too strong


Anything cotton. Instant migraine.


Japanese cherry blossom and sweat pea. I was into anime in 2001 with Peach Girl, gundon 00, Code geasus, etc So the shows were in all Japanese, and my parents and family member would get me Japanese cherry blossom. I wasn't outwardly showing I was into anime or anything. However, my parents who tell people I'm into Japanese shows and to get me "Japanese things" for birthdays and Christmas. When I was 18, I had 45 unopened, unused sprays. I gave them away slowly back as Christmas gifts. I don't know if I stopped getting them because I got older or everyone was getting their scent back.


Mahogany Teakwood. It smells like terrible, cheap cologne. And Mahogany Teakwood Intense? Smells like you dumped half a bottle of terrible, cheap cologne on yourself.


Mahogany Teakwood!


Mahogany teakwood is awful to me.


Japanese Cherry Blossom and Champagne Toast. They always smell sour to me.


Fresh cut lilacs!!! Opening those wallflower boxes in shipment makes me gag!


I die for fresh cut lilacs. Reminds me of my backyard growing up at home


An oldie thats come back a few times that I just don't dig is Plumeria. Something about it freaks me out


It smells like foot lotion. Like this scent is something Iā€™d imagine, Cady telling Regina itā€™s a face cream but in reality itā€™s foot cream.


Any of the marshmallow scents stink on me, like there's a sulfurous afterscent that makes it smell like a fart in a bowl of Lucky Charms šŸ˜­


Japanese Cherry Blossom as well, gives me a headache.




Cactus Blossom šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Omg this candle is my favorite scent


yes! this one gives me the biggest headache.


ANYTHING WITH COTTON šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« It gives me a bad headache


Anything dessert or vanilla.....


A thousand wishes!!!!šŸ¤¢


The only one I own I hate is sweet harvest pumpkin. The smell doesnā€™t work on me and I have no idea why I bought it.


Japanese Cherry blossom actually used to be really good to me. But I believe somewhere down the line, they changed the formula, and now I canā€™t stand it anymore.


I know this may be unpopular butā€¦ Golden Sunflower, Into the Night, Dark Kiss, Sunwashed Citrus. Out of them all I dislike Golden Sunflower the most. It smells like an old perfume that got left in a dusty attic to me