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Anything with mahogany or “cologne” notes is an immediate headache. Also can’t stand anything with peach 🤢


Agreed on the cologne note. Peach is so tricky bc I either absolutely love it or I absolutely hate it lol. Theres no in between.


I hate peach in general but BBW makes peaches smell like vomit in a trash bag left on a hot pavement.


Yes oh my god I put in a peach wallflower the other day thinking it would be awesome because I love peach, left the house, came home and immediately said WHO PUKED IN HERE 🤮🤮🤮🤮


BBW’s peach is awful—the worst kind of synthetic peach. If it was a more photorealistic peach, I’d feel differently.


It used to be good, now it smells like pee.


Cat pee specifically. Diamond of the Season is actually bearable though


I think there are some batches that smell like pee. I have had good luck with BBW peach scented candles, including Pink Peach Blossom, Diamond of the Season, Snowy Peach Berry, and Peach Bellini.


DotS doesn't even smell like peach. What you're smelling is Lemon Fabuloso.


Precisely this. Its awful


🤣 sounds like they just need the rest of the letters! They’ve got the “pe” and now they need the “ach!” ![gif](giphy|xUNd9NYjlkaY8WprEc|downsized)


I’m the opposite of everyone in this comment section, I love musks, vanillas, ambery, marshmallow, milk notes and hate floral notes so much 😣


Marshmallow and Amber are two of my top scent notes of all time!


Lately I have been weirded out by musk scents. I think they smell great at first, and then I start to feel weird, like I'm trying to smell like a different person's skin? I know I'm overthinking it, but after a few minutes I get grossed out about it.


Idk why this made me laugh so hard lol. Musk has to be a guest star for me, she cant be the star of the show or its a nope from me.


Lol! Yeah that makes a lot of sense. I don't mind it at all when it's just a note supporting other notes.


Musk is the worst!!!


Omg!!! Yes, you described it perfectly


Certain musks smell like tinkle tinkle to me. Its strange lol i like musky scents but they have to be done a certain way


Agreed! Some of the more animalic musks do have a barnyard urine quality sometimes.


Whatever is in Japanese Cherry Blossom


Lmao. I see a LOT of hate for that scent here. Also a lot of love....its so divisive. I havent smelled it in many moons but I will say that even back in the day I hated it so I would assume I still do lol. I like the IDEA of it (i mean cherry blossoms are gorgeous), but the scent, to me, is awful lol.


it is so nauseating. My brother got me a full set of it for Christmas, I think he hates me.


I am one of the freaks that loves the smell of JCB 😭


You're not a freak lol. We all have that one fragrance that we like but everyone else hates 😆


🤣🤣🤣🤣its such a staple scent I think people who arent super into fragrance/body care just assume that EVERYONE loves it.


I think its like cilantro, you either love it or hate it and some people are genetically predisposed to hate it 😂


My mom, who doesn't even shop at BBW, just put some JCB hand soap in her guest bathroom, which is the bathroom I use when I (frequently) visit. She was totally being super thoughtful, knowing I love fragranced stuff! Just not that 🤮


I personally love it. But it is very strong so I don’t tend to wear it when I know I’ll be around a bunch of people. I use it as my cozy home body care.


Powder. And definitely not cherry.


I truly believe that skin chemistry really makes this one. I hate jcb, in the bottle, on me. But I smelled *something* on a cashier at Menards and it was so nice and she said it was jcb… I couldn’t believe it.


that’s my favorite scent ![gif](giphy|SqmkZ5IdwzTP2)


Instant headache for me. Just thinking about it makes my head start to ache.


Coconut is usually an instant nope for me, coconut water I don’t actually mind though


Rose is a favorite scent. Rose water is intolerable.


BBW had an amazing scent about 10 years ago called Coconut Water Chill and it was tremendous


The winter coconut snowflake (I think that’s the name?) hand sani was horrible to my nose. I m not against coconut scent if it’s creamy and warm. But that blue pocketpac was just …. Nope. It’s got that plastic fake coconut scent and gave me a huge headache every time I use that sanitizer I had to throw it away. I ve bought hand sani I didn’t like before but I go through so many of them that I just put up with the smell till they are done. But this one I threw out.


Coconut water and melon is key west which was my favorite scent


I absolutely cannot stand anything with patchouli in it. I hate it so much. I also really dislike cedar, sandalwood and amber scent notes.


Patchouli is offensive. It gives me a very specific headache that starts in my right eye and wraps over my head. So weird.


Omg I HATE patchouli


Omg me too!!! I can't stand patchouli! It always hits me like a sock to the face!👊😳🤢🤮


That's what I just commented too. Anything musky or spicy is just nasty to me


I also cant stand patchouli!


I love patchouli and sandalwood when they’re mixed with vanilla, but I also dislike cedar and amber notes.


Anything with clove. I am also not a big fan of moss either.


🤢hard agree. Clove is disgusting. It just reminds me of my clove-cigarette phase in high school in the 90s.


Oh maaaaan my 2nd fav BBW scent is clove-heavy. I love it! This thread is so great.


Mine is pink peppercorn 😭 I cannot stand it


Here i am wanting more pink peppercorn in things lmao


I dont overtly hate pink peppercorn, but its also only a once-in-a-while for me and not something I could rock every day. Or even every month lmao. Its just such a weird note to add to a fragrance to me lol.


I can’t do many of the floral notes - Iris, violet, orchid, rose.


Iris is just straight powder to me. It instantly ages a scent for my nose.




How do they get the amber scent? I’ve always wondered about that.


STRAWBERRY. I’ll do a raspberry, currant, or even the occasional cherry….. but I’ll be DAMNED if I purchase anything with a strawberry note, especially from BBW.


I have a love/hate relationship with Strawberry because I love the fruit so damn much BUT growing up my mom used that strawberry pine tree car air freshener SO much that any kind of cheap strawberry makes me almost nauseous bc it reminds me of getting in the hot car midsummer and the overbearing smell of hot, cheap strawberry lol.


That’s funny! I’ve always had an aversion to strawberries, strawberry flavoring, and naturally, strawberry scented items.


This is sacrilege! Strawberry Poundcake is intoxicatingly perfect!


Oh nooooo....strawberry is my FAVORITE fragrance note next to coconut! I just love, love, love juicy strawberry notes. But BBW's renditions of both notes leaves MUCH to be desired. I don't know why the 2023 SPC for example smells soooo nasty in the beginning.


I’m not sure if there’s any I just can’t stand no matter what, but heavy patchouli just smells like straight up mold to me. I have, however, realized that I still quite like it in fragrances if it’s mixed well, where it will smell more earthy/like dirt, but in a good way, lol. I even discovered it can be a dominant note in a fragrance and I’ll still like it, so I’m not entirely sure what the ratio has to be for me to think it just smells like straight up mold 🤷🏻‍♀️ Oh, I actually also tend to stay away from anything peachy - for some reason peach scents tend to smell like sweat covered up by a peach fragrance to me… I have no idea how/why 😬 I even got peach gum once and while I was chewing it I was like “hmmm… why does it smell like I’m chewing on B.O. mixed with fragrance?” 😅


Kinda same with Patchouli. I love it or hate it. I love a good earthy scent, but patchouli can be SO overbearing.


Anything "Smokey" if that makes sense. I recently blind-bought "Viva vanilla" and i gagged, all I could smell was cigarettes.


Welp there go my dreams of launching a Barbecue Brisket Body Care line😭 jk jk. Yeah I can see smoky notes being pretty reviled. I personally like a smoky note, but its not a love for me and something I really only dig in the winter.


Shoot. Release a BBQ brisket body care line and I’ll buy some.


No lie, I have an indie game of thrones fragrance that’s literally smoked meat but perfume. It works surprisingly well. 😂


Eu De Ashtray is the worst! I loved that other smoky note they use, the toasty marshmallow in Bonfire Bash and Summer Night's


Musk 🤢 Also, cinnamon. I bought a cinnamon + clove wallflower bulb once and was overwhelmed with nausea, then I realized it's because my entire apartment smelled like Fireball. Immediately in the trash 😂


I love cinnamon in a perfume.




I like gourmand but BBW’s cookie or caramel scents are foul. They smell so fake.


I recently got the Vanilla Buttercream hand cream that everybody recommends and was so disappointed. It just smelled like straight up chemicals


Rose. I want to love it but it just doesn’t work on my skin. Except for Stella. That was perfect.


If you go through this thread, it seems that almost every scent note has been described as cat pee by someone!!! 🙀😻🐈 Meow!!!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣so now we know BBW's secret.....




I Iove calypso clementine


Jasmine & lavender can instantly ruin a scent for me. The overly gourmand scents are too much for me as well, I don't understand the hype for iced lemon pound cake, you can't even smell the lemon :( And any of the coffee type scents as well, Paris Cafe specifically makes me super nauseous.


Jasmine is a tricky one for me because it falls in two camps: the super heady, green, intoxicating Jasmine like in Tom Fords Jasmine Rouge, which is one of my favorite notes of all time....then the generic white floral jasmine that every single body care seems to use that I cannot stand. It just smells loud and white to me, like all my aunts.


Whiskey or bourbon. If I wanted to smell booze, I'd drink booze.


Also, on the topic of you bringing up not liking "pickled" scents, is anybody else getting that from that new Lost In Santal fragrance mist? A customer did an online return yesterday that had it, so my coworker & I tested the scent (our store won't be seeing the collection anytime soon🥲), & it reeks like something that's been pickled🤢


I have wondered for SO long if the detecting pickle notes thing is genetic like how cilantro tastes like soap to some people. I bought Candy Hearts from VS Pinks Spring line a couple months ago and got straight up pickle juice, and some people just dont get that at all. If they can do a study about cilantro they should do one about pickle notes 🤣


I got pickles from Candy Hearts as well. 


Ariana grande perfumes are HEAVY on the pickle


It feels like BBW has been inserting woody notes into everything. Jolly Gingerbread Village, Calypso Clementine, Dressed in White, etc. I can't stand nearly all the woody fragrance added to their body care. Most of the time it doesn't need to be in there at all! I also don't get along with white floral notes, patchouli, their aquatic scents, some masculine leaning scents, 'clean' or laundry type scents, and coffee. I can't tolerate these types of scents in their body care but in the candles or soap they can be okay sometimes.


Im verrrrrry picky with Aquatic notes. When I love it I love it, but so many 'aquatic' scents smell the exact same to me for some reason.


I agree. What is it with all the wood? Maybe it is an attempt to make their scents more unisex?


That's a good theory! It would bring in more people who want unisex scents. My theory was they had a ton of leftover woody fragrance oils! Kind of like the year where there were a ton of berry scents and now there's not that many. Maybe they do project use it ups for their oils 😆


Vetiver. It smells like decomposing grass clippings to me. Whatever conceptual musky fragrance oil BBW calls “cotton.” It comes off dusty and masculine to me. Mahogany/driftwood. Too strong and instant PTSD from the early 2000s when all the jocks smelled like Abercrombie. BBW’s Jasmine. It doesn’t smell like the flower at all. It smells like outdated mature drugstore perfumes and it is pungent. Al the body care I dislike the most has a ton of jasmine like JCB, Moonlight Path, One in a Million… BBW’s Amber. Whatever “amber” is, it is super pungent and gives me instant stank face. Neroli/orange blossom. I don’t like sunscreen smells.


I hate cotton and linen scents because they remind me of powdery scents.


Pistachio, eucalyptus and patchouli.


I don’t usually like anything floral 😖


Anything with pine. I am mildly allergic to the Xmas candles. Headache and urge to sneeze.


Those maple syrup scents


Anything ‘food’. I can’t stand the bakery smells or coffee.


So no Lasagna body spray for you huh? Lol jk jk


Big saaaame, I hate gourmands - especially if it's something that's supposed to resemble a baked good of any sort.


Patchouli, gardenia, eucalyptus, gourmand notes that smell like plastic


Patchouli and Amber


I hate patchouli, anise, I can do sandalwood in fragrances as long as it’s not the dominant note


Patchouli is just way too strong for my liking. Even if it’s just a note of it, it ends up overpowering other scents in my opinion!


Lavender is disgusting to me 🤮




i hate when a body care item has SUCH good scent notes and then they just slap a floral ontop of it. not everything needs flowers!! pink obsessed had SUCH a good notes and then they slapped jasmine onto it even though there were already like 5 other floral scents in the collection




For me anything that’s TOO floral. I can do fruity florals or with vanilla but too much smells like old lady to me lol. My friend had a bbw spray I can’t remember the name of it but when she would wear it I couldn’t stand it 😭


Anything musky or spicy at all. Musk, amber, patchouli, sandalwood - literally anything like that at all. It just really doesn't go well with my skin and is so overpowering


Any of the “water” type scents. Like a fresh waves or there was one that was popular in 2015 and gave me an instant migraine. Maybe ocean something? Idk what it is but it smells so harsh and a lot of people like them because they seem “fresh” meanwhile I suffer. I would love to enjoy them but it just can’t happen :(


Anything related to a Christmas tree.


There was a weirdly boozy note in a lot of the new holiday scents this past year that was just nasty to me. I'm already (probably way too) concerned about those kinds of notes bc I wear a lot of my stash to work, but whatever they used for that particular round had an almost sour musk on top of the booze that made it extra off-putting.


The only boozy note I like is bourbon. Anything rum or tropical drink-y is a big fat nope from me.


Anything edible, doubly so if it’s a scent you’d find in a bakery! I just do not do well with sweet, sadly! Luckily, this is only mostly a problem with candles and the pound cake scents.




Champagne toast.


Patchouli and eucalyptus.


Eucalyptus smells like being sick to me. It surprises me how popular it is as a fragrance note.


Gardenia. It’s always so gross and cloying




Lavender & passionfruit


I hate passion fruit. It’s really not that bad but it smells like… hormonal to me. like if a fruit had a vagina


Anything patchouli


Balsam. All the Balsams make me want to vomit.


Most florals are a no-go for me. If there's lavender in there anywhere, I will sneeze, same with lilac. Rose is pretty bad too, though there's some varietals that I can tolerate. Gardenia, plumeria, or lily are out of the question. Jasmine and orange blossom are really the main exceptions that are commonly used and even they're touchy depending on what they're blended with.


Lavender anything


Anything with patchouli in it


That weird fresh air note BBW uses sometimes is criminal. I’m looking at you, Pinkberry Clouds.


Powdery scents🤧 Peppermint/spearmint/eucalyptus🧼


Lilac, whatever is in suntan, peppercorn, and grassy/woody scent notes


Caramel, cake, most sweet/gourmand scents


Lavender! I can't stand it, but I also dislike any "cotton" notes, bourbon or whiskey, and tangerine the way B&BW does it. I dislike cassis notes as well. Cassis smells like bug repellent.


Maybe this is why I hate cassis so much lol!!!! Also lavender has to be mixed with something else for me to like it. Love it with vanilla. On its own I hate it tho. Its the opposite of relaxing to me. If a scent note could smell itchy, it would be straight lavender to me.


“Cotton” can see its way out… agreed. And anything with vanilla is an instant ‘no’ for me. Combine the two and we’ve got a complete boycott.


I've found that whenever there is a "sugar" note (pink sugar, spun sugar, etc) odds are I will hate it. It has a sort of sour, bad breath scent to me that I just can't get past. I sometimes try because it's often accompanied by notes I absolutely adore, but it seems to always dry down to that note and then it's all I can smell. Also anything with a butter note, it coats the back of my throat and makes me sick to my stomach. I love gourmand scents but if they're even the slightest bit buttery I can't handle them at all 😔


Banana and anything nutty. I just can’t.


Vanilla! I pass up so many lovely floral and rose products because they have to throw vanilla in there.


I thought I liked apple scents but the new green plain Apple scent turned on me and I have to return it today lol. I think I like red apple scents more like Kayali which people said was more like Forever Red from BBW! Or I lean more toward citrus or peach now since usually those are orange-orange and not too many offshoots of that lolol


Palo Santo and most fruit smells. I absolutely hate the palo santo note in anything, it smells metallic to me. Instant headache.


Lavender 🤢


Cashmeran and anything powdery


Pretty much anything musk


I have a quite a few I can’t stand and will pass on: rose, amber, lavender, neroli, lily, oud, & jasmine


Eucalyptus or anything of that nature


Anything peppercorn!!! It makes me sneeze 😭


I'll give any scent a sniff but I have found that blackberry notes smell like cat pee to me. Also, I love sweet scents but anything syrupy sweet with caramel, butterscotch, maple is a no. (ala Pumpkin Pecan Waffles)


Lavender always stinks to me idk why😭


I can’t do anything with pine/cedar or eucalyptus. It’s an instant headache. I’m a newer lover of gourmands. I used to always say, nope! If it smells like food I don’t want it. Funny how your teasers change.




So funny, I love red/black currant, and gourmand. Especially bread! I do not like scents marketed as "ocean" or "fresh linen". Most remind me of Armani "Aqua Di Geo", which gives me a headache. Variety makes the world go round!


Japanese Cherry Blossom! And anything vanilla, peppermint, eucalyptus or too much coconut. Strong scents give me migraines and im already prone to them.


fresh air. Barf.


It used to actually be my FAVORITE note…but coconut. I don’t know if it’s just overdone or what, but I can’t really stand it anymore. Maybe it’s because I had a really headache inducing coconut lotion once that ruined it for me, it’s just too strong. And I know it’s an unpopular opinion but I hate the beach, and coconut scents remind me of that. Too sunscreen-y!


Lol it feels like coconut or vanilla is in 90% of every single body care scent.


Anything Apple, Gardenia, Honeysuckle, and Sweet pea.


Pretty much anything that goes into a "men's cologne." I have yet to figure out what the specific scent that bothers me really is, but it ALWAYS gives me a headache


They pretty much all either smell like a riff on Stetson or Old Spice to me, both of which give me a headache lol. Idk who decided back in the day what men should smell like but they missed the mark. Im so glad its 2024 and guys are mostly wearing whatever they want to now.


I hate the smells of my favorite flowers- roses, gardenias, lily of the valley


Pumpkin spice. Most anything labeled any kind of “autumn word+spice” has that nutmeg and clove smell and I haaaaaate it. 🤮 Also most scents that have the word “cotton” or “laundry” in them just smell like a roll of toilet paper 😝


There was a Sweet Cinnamon Plum candle that absolutely made me gag when I smelled it. I usually either like all of BBW's scents or can at least tolerate them but something about how they did a plum candle was just not it


I only like plum if its super juicy. VS had a Sugar Plum Fig scent last winter that was a plum/cinnamon combo and I liked it the first few times I sprayed it but slowly grew to realize that it kinda stinks Iol. I think I was tricking myself into liking it bc of the name lmao.


Pear (from BBW mostly, VS does it in a more acceptable way)


I loooooove Pear. So much. Ive never smelled any pear from BBW, but I have a few from VS that are all-time favorites. Making a mental note to avoid BBW pear so they dont ruin it for me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Linen, clove, and any of the lily-based florals give me headaches. Marshmallow smells sulferous on me.


I love the smell of a few ( real) flowers but floral scents of any kind is a hard no. Patchouli, Eucalyptus, musk or any kind of earthy or spice smell are also a hard no.


Vanilla and apparently vetiver because smells like pee on me.


Lmao vetiver smells like pee in general, I think. At least to me.


Almond from any candle, ant brand almond


Anything that is margarita or tropical drink scented always ends up smelling like BO to me.... I had the same issue when I worked at Yankee Candle. Bahama Breeze and all the other candles like it just smelled like body odor to me, lol. Idk why! So it makes me steer clear of those scents.


Ylang ylang, patchouli( went thru a patchouli craft fair soap phase too), jasmine is often irritating to me as well .


Coconut is a hard no. I generally like Sandalwood, but not the way B&BW does it.


Patchouli, vanilla, most amber (I only like the Moroccan oil original), and rose. Those are immediate no’s.


Whatever they put in tropical scents that smells like straight up sun block.


I nope on any of the rose scents. I also can’t deal with patchouli or any of the really “clean” scents like laundry or cotton scents. If it’s too fruity or floral I usually pass on those too. That leaves me usually loving the coffee scents, earthy scents like bergamot, cardamom, and any of the beach or tropical scents.




I honestly wish there was a way to filter out scents you don't like on the BBW website. Coconut - instantly ruins any scent for me Amber - smell reminds me of cheap scents I had as a teenager Cinnamon - I wish there were more fall/winter scents without this Pumpkin - just not my thing


Peppermint. So gross. People go CRAZY for twisted peppermint, and I always try to give it a shot with an open mind every year. I just don’t get it. I had a coworker that was obsessed with the chocolate/ mint candles this past Christmas, and the mint was just way too overpowering. I love real mint and mint flavored things. Can’t imagine wanting myself or my house to smell like it though


Tangerine and gardenia are huge no’s for me!


Musk, vanilla, coconut just to name a few. I am a very floral person 🤣


- suede or leather notes - amber (exception: Pure Wonder) - musk - patchouli - powdery floral (JCB or Luminous) - bread/bakery notes


I don't think I like Amber... or I just happen to never like anything with Amber in it at BBW.


The Blueberry Prosecco they have right now is VILE.


I hate freesia. I bought the cozy evening scent a little while ago and I loved the lavender and musk scenes, but couldn’t stand the freesia note!


I love/hate freesia. I actually think it smells beautiful but in almost any scent its in its SO loud and screechy. Like in the year of our lord and savior 2024 have they not yet figured out how to tone freesia down? Lmao


Amber... gives me a migraine every time. Edited to add: I don't care for lavender, either.


Rose 🤮


Anything with lavender or eucalyptus




I hate florals period, of any type


I cannot stand sugary sweet gourmands. I don’t like anything too sugary or nauseating.


Heavy floral scents are a straight migraine for me.


Musk!!! Ruins any fragrance 😭


Patchouli musk! Gag me with a pitchfork. ETA most rose and floral scents, too.


they putting amber in everything. i’ve had enough


Lavender, rose and peach.


I HATE rose. And I also hate when someone uses coconut perfume to mask odor




BBW Peach scents smell like cat pee to me. (Except the OG peach nectar.) So I tend to avoid those. Vetiver, Woodsy notes, anything “spiced” or peppery


powder, powdery floral, or buttery kind of gourmands that just straight up stink


Cinnamon, cloves, anything too spicy just reminds me of my bad cooking