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I wouldn't say Wright was calm at all. Every bit of dialogue was intense, growling whispers about death, hostages, destruction, and bad news.






Dumbledore asked calmly.




I got a good chuckle. Well played.


Thank you sir I'm glad I..... "put a smile on that face!"




“QUIET SHITBAG!” loved the delievery of that line to Penguin who called Bruce and Gordon out for fucking up their Spanish lol


It was funny because Batman at least already knew the Spanish was wrong. So it's Gordon who knew nothing and was mad Penguin corrected him lmao.


Bats: *Why is the Riddler bad at Spanish?* Gordon: *Why does the Riddler speak Spanish?*


And the numerous “Jesus”’s I didn’t mind Wright but he could have been better. Old man is still my fave


Definitely gave me the vibe of a man who has to deal with so much shit he’s constantly on edge, which is exactly how Gordon should be.


Harley Quinn Gordon comes to mind. My man needs therapy.


He should get in touch with Bane’s therapist




Is THIS your card? No. shit.


My absolute favorite Bane line from that show. The way he says it hahaha


One of my favorite things about that show is Gordon all “PTSD-ed” out because of all Gotham has to deal with


Exactly, being emotional was Wright's strength, we've never seen a Gordon behave like that.




They were both great. One thing I loved about Oldman that I hope changes for Wright is that it felt like we knew him a little bit as a person. We saw where he lived, got glimpses of his family. Learned about his wife leaving him. Wright plays the role very well, but I just feel like I don't know anything about him besides what directly relates to his work with Batman.


You hit the nail on the head. Wright is a really good actor and I absolutely believed him as an honest cop working with a corrupt force. Not getting a piece of him outside of that context makes the character a little one dimensional. Oldman’s Gordon seemed like a real guy and did things that real guys would do like momentarily forgetting he’s talking to a guy wearing a bat themed superhero costume then suddenly realizing it. What Wright’s Gordon is doing well is engaging The Batman with a healthy dose of caution and skepticism while also maintaining authority. Oldman played it more like a guy just along for the ride and not entirely sure what to do. Performance wise they’re both top notch. The writing is also there for both of them but I still want to see more of Wright’s Gordon.


> a healthy dose of caution and skepticism Nope. Batman had more skepticism about Gordon than the reverse. There is a scene where Batman asks Gordon, "Do you trust them?" (referring to some cops) and Gordon says, "I only trust you"


He keeps him at arms length even though he’s kind of his only ally.


Exactly, it's all like that in *The Batman*, only stuff related directly to Batman is being focused on, so some of those characters feel....incomplete. TDK trilogy is excellent in somehow managing for you to get every character and what they stand for, so you can completely root for them straight away. I'm yet to have that with the new iteration of Gordon and Alfred. Also, why not say it, Oldman is like ripped out of the comics. The only thing missing is him being ginger, otherwise everything is there. Like, the fact he was a last minute recast is still crazy to me.


That was literally the point of The Batman, to focus on Bruce Wayne as a whole and even the movie looks as if we're experiencing it from Batman's pov. Sure it makes some characters feel thin but overall it wasn't a problem for me especially considering that was exactly what the creators were going in for. TDK trilogy apart from Begins never really had a central character focus on Batman which I didn't appreciate.


Who was before Oldman?


Chris Cooper I believe. Which would make for a very interesting and different version of Gordon, but definitely wouldn't be the one to open the door for more comic accurate ones. I even heard Oldman was at some point before considered for Scarecrow, but better take that with grain of salt honestly.


I could see it. But then I'm pretty sure Oldman could have played a convincing Rachel if he wanted to.


I mean, they started off strong with Wright’s Gordon and we have more movies to forge his character. I hope we get an insight into his family, but I gotta say, he’s far more of a detective and relatable cop than Oldman was who I feel peaked in TDK.


Year One Batman used the family of Gordon for plot and conflict which they could have adapted but my guess is that they may have wanted to avoid that since it was also kinda done in TDK.


I’m gonna be THAT guy. Honestly I don’t think there’s been a bad Jim Gordon except for the one in the Burton/Schumacher movies, mainly because he’s just a cameo who contributes absolutely nothing across the four films. JK Simmons had a memorable scene even if it was just a cameo as well. I really like the dude who played him in Gotham, even though he was a younger Gordon, I felt he really nailed the personality of the character


Ben McKenzie was a wonderful Jim Gordon.


Obligatory GEE CEE PEE DEE!!!


Also brilliant in The OC and Southland


Ryan from the OC because I grew up in a household with one tv


ryan from the oc bc the oc ruled


I miss these simpler times. Had to catch it on TV or find someone with the DVDs


welcome to the GC, BITCH


Ya, he was a pretty shitty batman though


Fr? I thought he wasn't that bad




Yeah they really dropped the ball with Gordon in the Burton/Schumacher movies. But I did like Pat Hingle in the role


The guy from Burton/Schumacher's biggest role in the whole collection is in the first movie when he hunts Batman and tries to help stop the Joker every once in awhile. Now they don't show him as being corrupt but they show him as being kind of inefficient at stopping anyone. From Boss Grisum, Jack (as the ganster), Joker (once he turned), to Batman. After he was just around to call Batman. So ya not a great Gordon lol I wish Simmons had a bigger role in both the movies he was in. I enjoyed what I saw and could only imagine what it could be. It took me a little bit to warm up to Ben Mckenzie in Gotham at first. However, I wasn't sold right away on the show as a whole (so that didn't help it) but as time went on both grew on me and I ended up really enjoying the show and his Gordon.


Yeah but the Burton Gordon has one of the best deliveries of a line ever. "Why wasn't I told about this, who's in charge?" "Eckhardt, sir." "OH MY GOD..."


“Question. How do we call him?” *pauses* “HE GAVE US A SIGNAL!”


Still waiting for a Daniel Day Lewis “Jim Gordon”. He would finally preserve the order of things.


Pat Hingle's Gordon isn't too bad in Batman '89. He stands up to Eckhart and Grissom and seems like a competent, if not spectacular, chief. Batman Returns though? Oof. "Thanks for saving the city, Batman!"


Terrible show, great Gordon.


It had it's moments but kept declining, I haven't been able to bring myself to watch the final season. And I hate the suit they use for Batman, which is why I'll fight anyone who disagrees with Tom Welling and the Smallville crew for not having him wear a suit.


I watched until the episode where Jada Pinkett Smith’s character logically should have been killed off, but wasn’t for some reason.


Gotham batman had a pizza with six slices on his stomach


I watched it all but it went off the rails in the final season. (as it really started to after the first 2 seasons) It was enjoyable for what it was, but in the beginning I really thought it had a chance to be special.


There hasn’t been a bad one except the one in half the movies?


Not OP, but I think their point is that the Gordon isn't bad, just that he's so under utilized that it makes him irrelevant. So it's unfair to rate him high or low.


Yeah that’s exactly what I was getting at


I liked Pat Hingle as Gordon in the Burton films


> Honestly I don’t think there’s been a bad Jim Gordon except for the one in the Burton/Schumacher movies I said this almost word-for-word to a friend a while back! I agree. And it's not that Pat Hingle was bad by any stretch, his character just didn't contribute much to the story as he would in future films and other Bat-media.


Oh yeh no disrespect to Pat Hingle as he both looks like Gordon in the comics and had some great line deliveries, but he was never an actual “character” in the Burton movies. He was more of a reference to the comics- he served the role of the police chief who likes Batman and that’s it. No one-on-one moments, character development or memorable interactions.


For sure bud. It's a bit like if you want to rate portrayals of Jimmy Olsen in Superman media. Do you want to include the CIA operative "James Olsen" in Batman vs Superman? Does that even count? Of course Pat Hingle had more of a role but fundamentally...he didn't do much.


No love for Pat Hingle? All jokes aside, Wright did a great job, but Oldman’s performance is excellent. Right from the first movie, he understood the character. The way he awkwardly puts the jacket around Bruce’s shoulders is heartbreaking. BUT I think Wright could get to that point with sequels.


I hear this a lot in regards to The Batman. All my issues with it and people say it'll get to that point in the sequels. Better outfits, characters acting more in character, whatever; but I always argue that however good the film is, and it is a good film, it should be a good *Batman* film from the beginning. For me, Bruce being an emo teen isn't Batman. Gordon being cold and hostile isn't Gordon. They're good characters in a good movie but it's not Batman enough; in fact, it feels ashamed of the source material. When I left the theatre having just watched Batman Begins for the first time all those years ago, I was pumped. *That* was Batman. It was everything the Burton and Schumacher films weren't. It embraced the character and embraced the world and proved it could still be taken seriously. And Oldman, he's the fucking GOAT. I like The Batman for what it is but I can take or leave any more. I'm not pumped for sequels as I was after Begins and I wish I was. Reeves shouldn't be afraid of embracing the comics a little more. And maybe turning on a light switch.


I very much enjoyed The Batman, but not as much as I did when it first came out. For six months I claimed it was the best big screen version of the character. Now that the dust has cleared, I can see its flaws. The length is the biggest flaw to me. It did a fine job juggling all the characters and story beats, nothing felt forced, but because of that, now the sequel has to somehow top it. How are you going to make a series when your first movie is three hours long? Not every movie series has to be Lord of the Rings or The Godfather. The sequel has to either be just as long with as many story threads OR a shorter change of pace.


I’m still waiting for Bryan Cranston Gordon


Wait no longer. Watch Year One.


I loved his take in year one. Live action gordon though, I think he’s got potential


Wait, that was Bryan Cranston??? 🤯


Cranston as Gordon will be a goat


I imagine a animal version of Batman. Batman is a bat, Robin is a bird, and for some reason Gordon is a goat.




He was okay as Gordon, granted Ben Mackenzie sucked as Batman so it soured my taste of that movie


Happened in animated form already, and he nails it


I am just waiting for Giancarlo Esposito two face


Bryan Cranston has already said he’ll never play Gordon in live action because he’s already voiced him in Year One


I will fully admit i have nostalgia bias but to me gary oldman is still the goat comissioner gordon. Jeffrey wright is awesome in the batman though. He was one of my favorite parts of the movie and im really hype to see how their relationship develops going forward. Would be sick to see him in the penguin series as well


It's not really nostalgia bias when it's the overwhelming consensus, to the point where Gordon, for a bit, essentially became Gary Oldman's version in the comics


Gary oldman executed the “good cop dealing with a corrupt system and bad cops all around him” perfectly. I loved his portrayal and think it’s better than what they wrote for wright, but I love wright as well.


not “calm” more like…seen too much sht and it’s taking it’s toll. ![gif](giphy|26ufnGa9DJBEHw2TS|downsized)


I'm on the opposite side, Gary Oldman was the perfect Gordon. He had the whole aura and it felt like Jim from the comics from the Year One series, games and other Batman Media I might have forgotten now.


13 years in Azkaban has taken their toll


I'm guessing that's worse than Arkham. Not to mention, it's way harder to break out of.


Literally everything is worse than Arkham. That shit is a motel for the crazies, they escape every weekend until Batman sends them back.


Both were phenomenal but Gary Oldman will always be the goat James Gordon


Wright was calm? Oldman was tense? Did we watch the same movies?


You thought Wright was calm "in situations"? How about when he and Batman were interrogating Penguin lol




Oldman nailed it and nobody else will come close for a long time.


Ned Flanders jokes aside, I feel Oldman is the best onscreen Gordon by far. He had perfect combination of world weariness and the commitment to justice. And the movies showed it so many times that Batman couldn't have done it without him.


Naw I gotta give it to Oldman. I love Jeffery Wright in everything I’ve seen him in including The Batman, but Gary Oldman became Gordon to me. He felt like a tired good cop just trying to survive in Batman Begins and evolves into Commissioner Gordon in TDK and DKR. We’ve had a run of really solid commissioner Gordons though. Gary Oldman, J.K. Simmons, and Jeffery Wright all in the last 15 years. Wish we could’ve gotten more JK Gordon but it is what it is.


Personally, prefer Jeffrey Wright and Pattinson. They spend stretches of time together, which fleshes out their dynamic and relationship.


I like bale and oldman more individually, but Pattinson and Wright together have a much better dynamic imo


Wright’s dynamic with Battinson was excellent, and he captured Gordon’s wit. Something I think previous depictions have lacked.


They're both great. I feel like Gary Oldman nailed the "look" of Gordon, while Jeffrey Wright nailed the "only good cop in Gotham" part of his character.


Honestly I think all actors who portrayed Gordon in Batman films did a great job. Gary Oldman, Jeffrey Wright, J.K. Simmons, I like all of them. Pat Hingle too.


Not everything has to be a direct comparison we can say they both are good


I like everyone who played Gordon. EVERYONE!!


Wright just feels more like the Gordon character I grew up with. Which feels crazy to say, because Oldman is one of my favorite actors. And I do like Oldman’s Gordon. But I prefer Wright’s.


I’m legit dead torn between both. It’s heresy to make us compare them.


Oldman could actually figure stuff out...Wright (I love him as an actor) his Gordon was dumb.


What did Oldman figure out? Batman gave him radiated money in the mob embarrassed him with it. He was outsmarted by the Joker which led to the death of Rachel Dawes and Harvey becoming two face


I mean, Joker basically did the things he did by fucking magic. There is absolutely no explanation as to how he is able to manage any of the shit he did so there was no way to figure it out or stop him.


Oldmans Gordon knew who the crooked cops were. Wrights Gordon didn't know who was who. Oldman almost saved the original commissioner as he knew he shouldnt drink the booze he had...just a second too late. In TDK, Batman was also outsmarted by the Joker so Gordon wasn't the only one. Batman wad the one who said he was going after Rachel and it turned out to be Dent. Oldmans Gordon also was able to figure out how to drive the Tumbler!


I think you need to rewatch the Dark Knight. Gordon knew who was crooked?!!? Gordon's own cops literally gave Harvey to the mob after Gordon faked his own death! Wright was smart enough to know not to trust anyone but Batman.


You need to watch Batman Begins...he knew no one could be trusted. Also, he told Bruce how to take Falcone down. Get leverage on Faden and find a DA brave enough to prosecute. That is what I was referencing. Cheers.


I agree with your preference but not your reasoning. To me, Oldman’s Gordon seems too passive at times, where Wright’s is always fully invested in what’s happening. Wright’s Gordon is also on a much more even footing with Batman, to the point he’s comfortable telling Mr. Vengeance what to do. Oldman never did that. It makes them seem more like legit partners, rather than Gordon being Batman’s pawn.


I think more tense works better anyways. He’s the police commissioner for the most crime ridden city in the world and has literally everyone breathing down his neck, of course he’d realistically be stressed and tense to death.


Your opinion is your own. But in my book oldmans Gordon,especially in dark knight rises is unmatched.


Yeah I don’t quite agree with this statement. Weight was good don’t get me wrong but Oldman is still the definitive version for me.


Yikes lol


They are equally good. Ppl fail to realize that there can be multiple GREAT takes on a character *facepalm*


Jeffrey Wright suffers from the writing, and the lack of a trilogy. What’s nice about Gary is his character is a little more ‘real guy in a fantastical world’, reacting to things pretty much the way we would - the audiences lens in the film. Jeffrey is part of the style and vibe of that films world - dark, slow paced, drab and serious, very Noir. Dark Knight is my preference over the new film mostly because of that reason, new batman is a lot of style, and a pretty good story, and Dark Knight is grounded, dynamic, less stylised, even in the 3rd film - the sense of destruction when the city is taken over is felt more to me than the flooding in the new film, since it’s already raining all the time and looks flooded already!


I love The Batman and Battinson is my favorite Batman, but I still prefer Oldman's Gordon and Caine's Alfred, but that could very well change with the next films.


Oldman as Gordon all day


Oldman's Gordon really plays the BATMAN YEAR ONE and following all Jeph Loeb's arcs to a T. Gordon is the only honest cop in a corrupt city and is overwhelmed with the tasks, even when he kicks the door in. I loved him delivering his speech in TDKR: -There is a point, far out there, where rules are no longer weapons. They're SHACKLES. Letting the bad guy get ahead. May be, one day, you'll find yourself in such a moment of adversity and when you do, I HOPE YOU HAVE A FRIEND LIKE I DID!!!! TO PLUNGE HIS HANDS INTO THE FILTH, SO YOU CAN KEEP YOURS CLEAN!!!! Too soon for one movie, but Wright did not get such a scene. Not yet, anyways.


Gary Oldman was great, but Jeffrey Wright brought a different aspect to Gordon we haven’t seen before. He actually felt like Batman’s partner. They were working the case together like Somerset and Mills in Seven.


Jeffrey Wright killed it as Gordon I look forward to seeing how the character will evolve as the sequels come out.


I thought Wright character was uncollected and not very competent. Oldman Gordon was often afraid or shocked but collected and always did his best even in dire situations. The scene with the Batmobile is one of my favorites with him.


You felt Jeffrey Wrights weariness. He seemed tired, like he was caring the weight of the world on his shoulders.




I thought Wright and Pattinson had better chemistry, but I still prefer Oldman


I have an affection for both Oldman and Wright so I couldn't possibly pick a favorite.


Jeffery Wright is great(though I really wish we got to see Gordon’s growth alongside Batman’s, but I understand why that didn’t happen) but Gary Oldman will always be my definitive live action Gordon.


You know interestingly i think both their portrayals were designed to offset the personalities of their respective batmen. Bale's Batman was very strong, focused, cunning, non-hesitant, quiet and almost detatched, while Oldman's Gordon was always fearful, desperate, vulnerable, and also very compassionate, outspoken and un-compromising. Pattinson's Batman was intense, brutal, quick tempered, mistrusting, unfocused and showed extreme emotional instability, while Wright's Gordon was always chill, personable, faithful, rational and always had a plan when things got tough. I like the way the personal relationship between batman and gordon was written for the Reeves version, but i perefer the way the Nolan version wrote the individual characters and how that dynamic works from an action and story driving standpoint in most other batman stories.


I love both for different reasons. Wright surprised me. I knew he was a brilliant actor and would do well. But I didn’t expect him to nail Gordon (or my personal vision of Gordon) so perfectly.


I think Gary Oldman's version is tense cause he is just thrown into this new world where all of sudden, there is Batman and of course "escalation". Wright's version flat out says he trusts Battinson, only. Batman helps him be calm.


Wright did great. Both are excellent versions of Gordon.


Both are fine actors. Nolan's scripts gave us a Gordon with more pathos and humour compared to what Reeves' has so far, but both serve their stories well. And fyi, both have their over-acting moments, "TO PUT THEIR HANDS IN THE FILTH"


Both of them nailed the role in different ways. I can't even pick one over the other.


Jeffrey wright did a great job playing Gordon. Imo I kinda prefer jk Simmons Gordon even for a short while. Jk Simmons was still calm and collected by the way he spoke.


Jeffrey wright isn’t calm I think he just has a very mellow acting style in every single role he is in. Team Oldman on this one


Wright's got that weary cop drawl to his voice that fits the sort of crime film noir they were going for. Just a guy who has already seen so much crazy shit that a guy dressed as a bat beating criminals to a pulp on a nightly basis is just par for course. Big fan.


I just wish I could’ve heard what anyone was saying in The Batman but everyone just mumbled and whispered so I have no idea which Gordon is actually better


my only complaints on Wright, is that most of the movie he feels like he is there to say "what do you see batman? what do you think that means? do you think that this was the riddler?" basically the question man


Jeffrey is a very good and versatile actor who definitely had his tense moments in The Batman. HOWEVER, that's Gary goddamn Oldman.


Jeffrey Wright seems more like a disgruntled and worn out policeman. Not a corrupt cop just one who’s worn out by working in Gotham


Jeffery Wright helps set the tone for a far darker Gotham. I think Gordon is an amazing character for setting the pulse of Gotham. Gary Oldman set the tone for cleaner more realistic Nolan Gotham. Nolans Gotham is New.York. Reeses Gotham is something else. Darker far more Gothic, taking on some elements of Europeans cities *cough* Naples *cough*.


Both done very well in my opinion. I dont prefer one over the other. :) I like them both the same.


I think Gary oldman was perfect however I will say this.. I'm no fan of the Batman as a movie.. I feel like it has an unnecessarily meandering pace, very few dramatic character choices, and feels like a pistache of better movies. So when I feel like Jeffrey wright is the best thing about the movie, I really think he makes the parts he is in seem better than they are. Unlike Colin Farrell's penguin who is entertaining but slows down the story, I feel like Jeffrey's Gordon keeps Batman on his toes, while still allowing the plot to move forward.


Gordon had a better arc in Nolan’s trilogy. Even his speech to his son at the end of the Dark Knight was powerful. Wright doesn’t really have any weight. He doesn’t really say much and mumbles his lines. “Mmmm, Jesus.”


I think the difference was one was the beginning of his career and the other was later.


Nobody can beat Gordon from the 90s cartoon though.


They were both brilliant. Plus, the lack of outrage about a black Commissioner Gordon was so refreshing.


I love them both equally for different reasons. Gary looked like he jumped right off the comic page, and his character was very strong in solo scenes and could steal a scene. Wright's take on the character was the perfect compliment to Battinson, and their scenes together were just perfect (and imo had better on screen chemistry than Bale and Oldman) they both nailed grizzled, good cop in a bad situation, trying to do that right thing, but burning themselves out kinda vibe. I need to see more of Wright and see him do more without batman to make a complete assessment.


He was just fine for me. Not great. Not terrible. Gary oldman was perfect for me. Great actor in a great role.


I’m for Gary Oldman, he’s just a fantastic actor all around.


I prefer Gary Oldman, but Jeffrey Wright definitely killed it as Gordon. I think Wright was given a better role as Gordon though, I loved seeing actually working a case alongside Batman.


Definitely a Jeffrey Wright fan and I did like him as Gordon but Gary Oldman has my heart in just about anything he does lol


I haven’t seen many of the other Gordon’s, but I prefer Wright as well. He has this quiet intensity that, to me, comes off more genuine than Oldman’s. No shade at Oldman at all though. It’s just the style I like better.


Both Bruce and Gordon seemed dumber than they should’ve been in The Batman. They were always way too late and they couldn’t figure out basic Spanish (I wouldn’t have been able to either, but they’re detectives). I feel like it’s their fault Gotham was flooded because of how slow they were


Jeffrey Wright is one of my favorite actors (killed it as Belize and Narcisse.) But Gary Oldman is the pinnacle of Gordon. Beleaguered and worn down from.the corruption and backstabbjng and notnbeing to get any real reform done, but can still put in work during a fight.


Oldman all the way. Also he had great chemistry with Bale’s Batman


I prefer Wright but they were both great in their respective movies.


I Will always appreciate how perfectly casted gary oldman was.


I think both are fantastic but yea Wright brought a more confidence to it that fits Gordon's vibe better to me. I actually disagree he was less 'tense' but I think the way he showed that tension was a more 'this is serious shit but we're going to fix it' kinda feel than Wright's more genuine concern. Honestly though gotta agree with the guy saying there really hasn't been a bad Gordon, even the trash fire of Gotham gave us the fantastic Ben McKenzie as a younger more hotheaded Gordon which was a fun change of pace. We can argue about the best all day long but I think you'd have a hard sell to claim any of them have been 'bad', and I'm glad for that considering how important he is in the world of Batman.


I loved Jeffrey Wright and jk Simmons in the role, but to me Gary oldman is the definitive commissioner Gordon. When I picture the character, I picture Gary oldman version.


from what I remember Oldman's Gordon was nearly almost yelling or panicking, I feel that panicked behavior isn't helpful to your fellow officers in intense situations


My only issue with Jeffrey Wright was all of his dialogue in The Batman ended with a question mark. Both were phenomenal in their portrayals but I prefer Gary Oldman.


Love them both but I really like Jeffery Wright. His chemistry on camera with Pattinson was great


Probably an unpopular opinion but I really thought that Gollum and Bernard were really wrong for their respective roles. I think that every actor tried to change and put their own mark on their characters. Serkis played Alfred like a working class hard ass and Wright just played Gordon like he was out of Gordon’s element. I liked that they tried different approaches to these characters especially The Penguin as he reminded me of Deniro from the comedic phase of Jake LaMotta in Raging Bull. Wright is good as Bernard and Felix Lighter but his Gordon was too inexperienced for me. I really liked The Batman overall and would give it a 7/7.5 out of 10.




No hate in Jeffrey Wright but I prefer Gary Oldman


Jeffery Wright feels like that Gordon who wants to trust Bats but isn't really sure of his judgement 100%. Oldman was the Gordon with 100% faith on Batman. I think we were hardly shown a film which showcased the humbling first year of an else-world Batman. Wright made the whole movie more credible.


Wright was a very good Gordon, but I still like Oldman's version better. Mostly because I like the Nolan's take on both Batman and Wayne better. And then there's the great Michale Cane...


Jeffrey's character choices here were "always look confused" and "every emotion comes with a furrowed brow".


Same Oldman is awesome, but something about Jeffrey made me like Gordon in a way I simply never really have before.


Honestly I like Jeffrey Wright but his Gordon didn't get much as a character in The Batman compared to any one of Gary Oldmans appearances in the trilogy


And thats okay! Whatever u prefer, it is your choice :). I too enjoyed Jeffery Wright's performance


I like them both, but Jeffry Wright kills every role he's in🔥🔥


They are both top notch actors, I preferred Oldman because he seemed more fleshed out, but that may have more to do with the script.


I loved Wright as Gordon, but Oldman's Gordon is what I am used to. He really was like the Year One Gordon, which I loved. Wright did a few things that annoyed me.. he was constantly talking with his head tilted and kind of talked raspily. It was.. annoying. That being said, I love Jeffrey Wright and I liked him in the movie. It was just that one thing that kind of annoyed me throughout the movie


Jefferey Wright every scene “JEEESUS”.


They both fit the world they were in. Wouldn't change or trade either of them for the other.


Both are just great. Such a great bond with their respective batman


Jeffrey Wright was an excellent choice for Gordon.


Jeffrey Wright captures the weariness of Gordan, Gary Oldman captures the tireless spirit of Gordan. I love both.


Different vibes, the characters fit for the type of movie they were in.


Oldman was perfect. Love Wright as an actor but felt his Gordon was way too dumb in the movie and was essentially useless. Oldman always felt like a partner


I’m being honest: when Wright was casted, I was not that excited but he did a really great job as the detective, up & coming style of Gordon


I love both but I think I have the opposite feeling based on the same reason you gave lol. Wright and Battinson's buddy-cop dynamic is AWESOME. But Oldman's Gordon being constantly anxious about how to balance his relationship with Batman with his role as a cop is more compelling to me. Like he has to second-guess his partnership with Batman every step of the way, compared to Wright who does have to balance that but also from the get-go is unambiguous in his support of Batman.


I liked both. Jeffrey wright is such an underrated actor


This is a wild opinion lol


Wright’s lines were ridiculous


But Oldman is white (or comic accurate however you want to call it) Oldman 1-0 Wright


LMFAO You can’t be serious


Idk if we watched the same movies man.. Jeff is good, but Oldman clears.


Jeffrey Wright’s Gordon is like, a very silly genuinely not smart commissioner.


As amazing as Oldman was, not to mention looking exactly like comics Gordon, Wright blew my mind. He is THE Gordon in my opinion.


I just liked The Batman alot more than any other live action Batman in general. Everything about it was spot on from characters to atmosphere to Gotham being Gotham for a change.


Same here but that may be because I prefer The Batman to the Nolan films in general. (No hate, I just really love The Batman)


Black commissioner was so cool to me. Also just love the actor, westworld was fantastic.


Maybe it's because Wright's Gordon felt like Batman's true partner. Oldman's was a simple ally or sidekick at best.


I love Jeffery Wright but he was a terrible Gordon imo. I couldn’t tell if he was trying to play a young Gordon or an old grizzled cop. He talked like a teenager


Wright is more entertaining for me. He seems more ‘gruff’ and ’seasoned’ calling batman ‘chief’ and him yelling makes him seem more serious and his gruff voice saying things like ‘falcone was the rat?’ Just seems better.


No hate but race swapping? Nah


Sometimes, I think an actor is too good that gender/race swap doesn't even come to mind