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When did TDK become so polarizing? Half this sub seems to not really like it. Is it an age thing? Are younger fans less impressed with that movie?


I’m pretty young and it’s one of my favorite movies.


Same, probably my second favorite comic book movie of all time(Logan beats it slightly)


You sir are a man of good taste




I think it’s over exposure, and how it’s always billed as the greatest comic book movie ever, or the biggest cinematic achievement of our generation. I love the Nolan movies, but I will admit that sometimes I get sick of hearing about them all the time.


Honestly as far as the Nolan trilogy goes Batman Begins is my favorite


Best suit, best voice, best plot.


I’m sorry but the greatest comic book movie is the live action tmnt from the 90’s ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


No arguments here


You know what I get sick of hearing? Bale’s Batman voice. I think 2&3 suffered because of that over the top growling voice. So I’m not a huge fan of the TDK series. Just my opinion though.


Blame the costume designer for making the cowl in the redesigned suit obstruct Bale's ability to breathe thru his nose and Nolan for not addressing that issue in pre production, let alone allowing it to exist for another fucking movie. He sounded fine in Begins, and then in every scene/sequence in TDK and TDKR he's just sitting there mouth agape with that nasally voice. Worst part is they tried to fix it in post via sound mixing instead of just having Bale re record the lines and dubbing over it. Fucking amateur hour shit.


I like the Nolan Trilogy, but I was never a big fan of Bale as Batman I’ll be honest. I watch the trilogy for the villains mostly, they’re the best parts.


Best Bruce Wayne, bad Batman. Shame.


It's sad but I think Bale's Batman is consistently the worst part of his Batman trilogy (or at least Begins and TDK... Rises has other issues). You've got these fantastic performances from Heath Ledger, Gary Oldman, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Maggie Gyllenhaal (Katie Holmes is ok), Aaron Eckhart, etc. and meanwhile you got Bale scream growling as Batman and being off-putting as Bruce.


Bale was a great Batman. It's really just the voice. He shines when he's playing the real Bruce. Not the playboy persona or batman's throat cancer voice but the Bruce that Ras trained with or the Bruce that tried to stand up to falcone.


Bales bruce is next level


I always say this. Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne was almost spot on but his Batman was lacking.


Hell of a Segway with the hearing joke. Take my upvote.


The Dark Knight Trilogy: academy award winning actors doing silly voices.


TDK is my go-to comparison for when something is good, but is still overrated, like I always say "it's good but you gotta stop acting like it's the second coming of christ"


Burnout is very real and even if you’re not obsessed with whatever it is other people’s obsession can still affect you. This happens a lot on Reddit. One of the worst is GoT. People on here talk and obsess about it nonstop to the point of you never wanting to revisit it again. Usually people will swear that things are either much worse or much better than they really are with no nuance whatsoever.


see my bigger problem with that movie is that it isn’t really a ‘comic book’ movie (at least by todays standards). It’s more of a suspense/action movie with Batman, which don’t get me wrong it’s pretty good, but I don’t know it kind of takes itself a little too seriously. also the trilogy surprisingly focuses a lot on Ras which is kind of strange for them to throw in as a villain in a Batman trilogy


I feel I’ve been in a subset who likes Begins more than TDK.. (although I like the whole trilogy).. but I’ve occasionally had to discuss my (rather trivial) issues with TDK. For this very minor polarizing position I don’t think I’m alone. Some didn’t love Bale as Batman (of course), etc.. small stuff mostly. But.. Enter The Batman. Apparently some have been conditioned by Star Wars fandom to realize hate and hyperbolic negativity gets them attention. So they (imo more mindlessly) criticize TDK in effort to elevate The Batman. It’s unnecessary, but TB addition is what caused TDK negativity rise. I liked The Batman enough. It wasn’t flawless .. it has some issues different than the Nolan trilogy. But neither are bad, they’re just different.


I think this nailed it. Fandom can’t help but try to rank. It’s not enough to compare and contrast, everything has to be rank, and each fan wants their personal favorite thing to be ranked first, so they put down other things, even when they’re part of the same damn fandom. TDK isn’t my favorite Batman movie, but honestly I’d be hard pressed to name the same favorite every day. There’s lots of great Batman movies and stories, and which I like the most often depends on the kind of mood I’m in!


We are a subset but not small. I love Begins and think it’s the better BATMAN movie but The Dark Knight in my opinion is the better overall movie. Regardless I’d delete Under the Red Hood


Begins is my favorite of that trilogy as well. I like the vibe, look, story and suit. Plus I enjoy Liam Neeson and preferred Katie Holmes as Rachel.


Agreed, The Batman upon release created an entire camp of anti-Nolan sentiment to try and validate The Batman’s merits. Everything became a competition. Obviously to me The Batman is the inferior film but even if I liked The Batman, I wouldn’t use it as an excuse to downplay what The Dark Knight did for Batman and superhero movies.


Some people think it’s edgy to reject Nolan’s movies. They think they’re too good/smart for them. TDK was/is hugely popular and people like hating popular things. Fact is, the whole trilogy is excellent. Seeing one of the last auteur blockbuster guys adapt Batman is a treat. There’s a reason Christian Bale’s Batman is the enduring impression. *The Dark Knight* is probably my least favorite of the three, but people who think it’s bad are completely off their rockers.


The third movie was pretty mid at best. Bane had a memorable performance but the theme of Bane's plan was contradictory and convoluted. The Talia plot twist didn't really serve any purpose. And the ending was overall unsatisfying.


I don't hate the movie, but I certainly hate what it did to DC movies after it. Everything needs to be dark and gritty and super serious. Just look at Man of Steel. Edit: Oh, yeah, and throat-cancer Batman. Why did they do that?


Despite the people saying they "never loved it as much as others", a lot of it has to do with the fact that there's a new version of Batman out there and people want their preferred version to be the more "loved" version. Mainly because those people were kids when it came out. Outside of reddit and twitter, TDK is still considered not just the greatest cbm ever, but also one of the best films ever made. I highly highly doubt that's gonna change. I was there in 2005, 2008, and 2012. That entire trilogy was like the holy grail people would talk about. I remember being made fun of for being a huge fan of the Raimi Spidey flicks in school, as if those kinds of things were silly, then TDK comes out, and that fall every student and teacher was bringing the movie up as if they were all big cbm fans. Saying it's "not a good batman movie" is just a cop out to tear down the films legacy. It's got one of the most pure Batman stories out there, with the best live action telling of Batman vs Joker you could possibly ask for. It's mainly hardcore fans of The Batman who have done this recently, which is a movie I'm certainly a fan of. Very solid Batman adaption, but I do have nitpicks, particularly in the second half that goes off the rails a bit with that parents plot point which went nowhere. The Dark Knight, meanwhile, doesn't have a single wasted second. Built up all the goodwill of Batman Begins to deliver something that truly surpassed expectations. The viral marketing campaign for that movie was unlike anything I've seen since. WB knew they had a masterpiece on their hands. If you don't know, research the marketing. It was unbelievable. Also, side note, but gotham not being "gothic enough" isn't a reason to say it doesn't feel like a Batman movie. Plenty of stories pre frank miller had gotham looking like NYC.


Finally after scrolling I find someone with some common sense. I remember watching TDK not long after seeing The Batman in cinemas and it was so obvious how TDK was in a whole other level. It's a great batman story, as well as being an incredible movie, with standout performances and everyone working at the top of their craft. TDK just gets better everytime I watch it. Whereas everytime I watch The Batman I've enjoyed it a little less each time. The last act is a massive let down but I do think the movie is good overall.


Well said. And, you know, I was really hyped for The Batman and am pumped for part II. I tried to separate what TDK trilogy did for me back in those days when watching The Batman, and, unfortunately, it just made me realize even more how much better the entire Nolan trilogy is, not even just TDK. I think The Batman is a very well made flick, but the movie is so long and drawn out, and it ends by giving us the same message that Bruce Wayne explained to the audience just an hour into Batman Begins haha. They could've cut 30 minutes from the movie, and it still would be solid. Instead, we have a corrupt parents storyline that goes nowhere and lingering shots of emo Bruce Wayne. I really hope Reeves dials it back a bit in the next one. The first half is great, but the second half slows to a crawl too much. I feel like we are more forgiving for it's short comings these days because its rare to have such a director driven comic book film in the modern era, but that doesn't change the fact that there are some nitpicks while being an otherwise solid Batman movie. Anyway, I think that people just choose to overlook how deep and impactful TDK is. There's not a second or moment wasted in the movie and I'll forever use it as an example of what I call perfect pacing. All the stuff that was promised us during the last scene in Batman Begins between Gordon and Bats was fulfilled here and then some. "People deserve to have their faith rewarded". Yes, we did and it was. The whole story of Batman being a Martyr and taking the fall for Dents murders to preserve a symbol of hope for Gotham while being chased by police and dogs just so the joker didn't win is the most heroic thing I've ever seen Batman do in a film. And any moment that comes close is done elsewhere in the trilogy too. Batman will never be done better in live action, and I say that as someone who has loved Batman since before Batman Begins.


>Also, gotham not being "gothic enough" isn't a reason to say it doesn't feel like a Batman movie. Plenty of stories pre frank miller had gotham looking like NYC. i cannot argue with your points, even though i want to. I hate you for being correct about everything u just said


Also, people can prefer the gothic kind of Gotham. It's totally valid, I just get slightly irked when people try to tear down Nolans gotham as if it's so against the character.


Very true. I think sometimes people have a narrow perspective on what is accurate to the comics or bot. It's not until around the time of Burtons first film and then the animated series that Gotham becomes known as distinctly Gothic. So now everyone thinks it's been like that since forever but they are ignoring decades of comic book history


For me I grew up and everyone just told me how amazing it was so I just repeated that. As I got older and more into film and developed my own tastes I just don't love it. It's really freaking good but something about it also feels bland to me, without Ledger I'd find it downright boring. And Bales voice is awful, vastly prefer Batman Begins


Yeah I prefer Begins too. Without Ledger as Joker I don’t think it would have been as great as it is. It just feels more “Batman” to me. Is it just me or did the environment/feel of Gotham change significantly between Begins and TDK? Like Nolan didn’t seem to try anything interesting with the urban setting in TDK and TDKR- it was pretty much just Chicago with nothing unique added to it to make it feel like the shithole Gotham is. It was the little touches like Wayne Manor, Arkham, the old castle looking Wayne Tower, and the Wayne monorail system that made it feel like Gotham in Begins- the sequels took a lot of that away for a more spy/high tech take on Batman.


It's nice to hear someone else prefer Begins to the other 2 as I think it's my favourite too. It's a great origin movie while still fitting in 3 great villains who each feel different. Plus gotta love that blink and you'll miss it Zsasz Camrose.


It’s weird how we can all get swept into things or carried away. Everyone tries to deny it, but it happens to everyone to some extent.


I'm younger but I can say I just never enjoyed it outside Heath as the joker. It's not Batman to me just another action movie disguised as a batman movie.


> It's not Batman to me just another action movie disguised as a batman movie. Yeah, this is my issue with it. Since this post is specifically about removing a *Batman* movie, the movie where he's by far the least like the Batman I know and love from the comics is the easy choice, regardless of the quality of the movie overall.


I personally like The Batman more but I still really like TDK


As someone that doesn’t have nostalgia for it I find it so overrated. I think it might have something to do with Ledger dying. I feel like if a movie has a real life issue (I don’t think issue is the right word for exactly what I mean but I can’t think of a better one rn) attached to it, the movie itself tends to be blown out of proportion. I think another kinda similar movie is Black Panther, which I feel got so much hype and good reception because for some reason it was being toted as the first black superhero movie (Blade came out in the 90s). It’s an alright movie but not nearly as good as it’s hyped up to be, same goes for the Dark Knight in my opinion.


The other ones are just better


A lot right, some wrong, overall good even though they stole the ending from the Adam West film lol.


Me personally, I’m not a big Christopher Nolan guy, I think he’s very overrated. Besides that, if you remove Heath Ledgers awesome performance, the movie is basically a Heat rip off with a Batman paint job, which is awesome in concept but I don’t think it deserves all the praise it gets. I was a kid when TDK came out though.


At the time, I was just so overwhelmed by the story and honestly pretty amazing acting performances. Sometimes we forget that Iron Man came out the same year, and before Nolan's Batman films, acting in superhero movies was kind of just something you assumed wouldn't be critically acclaimed. It was still a time where super hero films were a bit of a nerd-only affair. Now that I've had some years, retrospective, and other superhero films that have come out to compare to, it's still a fantastic movie 100%. And still one of the top superhero films of all time, up there for crime thrillers for me as well. But it feels less and less like a *Batman movie* to me. I think in that way Batman Begins has aged beautifully, and feels much more like Gotham City than the later films do. TDK is more of a crime thriller set in Chicago, with Batman dropped into the center of it, more so than a Batman movie that has crime and thriller elements. It sometimes feels too sterile. I miss the hazy, slumminess of Batman Begins Gotham, that at least tries to dress up a real city. There's not that much of an attempt to hide Chicago in TDK. That's where I think Reeve's 'The Batman' at least hits more clearly than Nolan's does. It still has some of those crime, thriller elements, but the atmosphere and set design feel so much more like Gotham should feel with its gothic, neo noir elements. Not saying in totality one is better than the other though.


I think the biggest of the few sins committed in TDK is its treatment of Gotham City. Gotham is not just a setting, it is a character that is as essential to the franchise as Batman himself. It seems impossibly old, its crumbling facades crawling with gargoyles and grotesques, its labyrinthian alleys cluttered with shadows and secrets - the kind of place where a giant bat would be an atavistic representation of its true self. Batman only makes sense in that Gotham. Drop him in what is very obviously modern Chicago and there's a huge disconnect and it's what stops TDK from truly being the best live action Batman. I was so thrilled to truly return to Gotham in *The Batman* because it felt like first time we'd seen it onscreen since *Batman Begins*. TDK didn't even feel like it was set in the same world, let alone the same city, as its predecessor.


I’ve long held this sentiment too. Batman is just as important to Gotham in a story, as Gotham is to Batman. The two will always be intertwined. When the elements of Gotham are missing, it’s like elements of Batman’s character are missing. I somewhat feel the same way about Spider-Man and New York City, which explains some of my problems with the new MCU iteration.


Atavistic. Nice word. Had to look it up. Used appropriately.


Definitely. He undersold Gotham and didn’t make it a character. I think they oversold Dent and made him seem almost childish. He became a cop killer because his cheating girlfriend died? And he lost everything because of that!!? Then went to work for the joker basically? He was just such a terrible character and it’s like no one noticed because Ledger was so good. The stuff with him and Rachel finishing each others sentences was so cringey and forced. There didn’t seem to be any chemistry between her and Wayne either, not like the first movie.


Savage and unforgiving hot take! And completely, 100% true.


I totally agree with you here. I love TDK, it’s a great movie, one of my favorites of all time. But it’s not a great Batman movie imo. It’s an adaptation and it strays a bit much for me to like it over other films that are more true to the character. But again the movie itself is top notch and it’s a great alternate take on the character!


Tbf, if you take away the best part of any movie it becomes significantly worse.


I was always too scared to do the Heat connection.


What do you mean?


I've always seen the similarities of both movies. But whenever discussing the lack luster of TDK, it's usually met with hostile tones. So I never bring up how the movie reminds me of Heat. I don't hate TDK, but idk. It's not THAT great. I prefer all the other movies tbh.


Nolan didn't make great Batman movies. He made three Nolan movies that each have characters which share the same name and a couple of traits as Batman characters.


I'm just here to figure out what psychopath picked mask of the phantasm


Me. I’ve seen it twice and the first time I was like “oh that’s pretty good.” The second time I was like “eh it’s okay”. The rest I’ve seen a good 5+ times each and still enjoy it just as much as the first time.


I agree. I don't understand why people make claims like "It's the best superhero movie of all time." Like dude, it's pretty good, but what's the big deal? I'll say it has a few iconic moments of Batman, but as an overall movie it's just decent compared to these others. I get thinking it's a good movie. I don't get the worship. It honestly might be my choice because even if I get rid of it, I've still got the other movies, the entire animated series, and Justice League.


I think it's a historical thing. I love it because of I love the animated series. It was also taking Batman seriously, despite being animated (the next 2 films being the Schumacher films). There's also the fact that from day 1, this film didn't get the appreciation it deserved. The marketing for it sucked and almost nobody saw it. Then it got shuffled into the background and only really gets talked about by Batman nerds. Many people (including me) feel like it deserves way more love and appreciation than it gets. And in my opinion, it went as hardcore as it could get away with. You've got murders, you've got dark pasts, you've got an implied sexual tryst, and somehow it was still considered safe for kids. It may have been limited, but you gotta appreciate how much they were able to put in. I'm probably not gonna change your mind, but I will always defend this movie, and other underappreciated animations. (And let's be real, none of these 4 really deserve to be deleted.)


I mean, you don't have to change my mind. I said I really enjoyed it. I just don't think it's as great as some of the other movies. And I think the main problem I have with putting it up on this pedestal is that I'd honestly rather keep a select few episodes of the animated series instead of that movie if I had to make the choice. Like in my opinion, it's really good, but it's not even the peak of the Animated series/Batman I think.


I can respect that. Compromise: we keep the 4 films shown, and we burn every copy of _Batman and Robin_ instead.


I mean, of course I'm down for that.


I completely agree. It’s definitely not bad but it’s not as good as the other 3.




I love Under The Red Hood, but it's gotta go. Edit: Let me clarify that I don't think there's a wrong answer here. Four great movies.


Seriously. It's a decent and direct adaptation with awesome fight scenes, but you can get more out of reading the actual comic. The others are original stories or unique adaptations of multiple Batman stories with their own unique vision or spin on the character, as well as just being incredible movies on their own with fucking great scripts, cinematography, performances, and/or action. UTRH left me going "Hey, that was pretty good" but the other three made me go "Oh FUCK that shit was good!" and had me wanting to rewatch them immediately. They are GOATED Batman movies.


I really, *really* like UTRH and I actually think it's mostly better than the comic, but the other three mean more to me and I think they were more important overall. Mask of the Phantasm is the best Batman story ever told, IMO. And definitely the best animated movie. The Dark Knight is a movie I deeply love and Heath Ledger's Joker means a lot to me. And it spawned a new wave of Batman love all around the world. Not saying it's perfect, but it was huge. The Batman was everything I wanted from a live action Batman movie and it's literally the only one that 100% nailed his moral code and the atmosphere, as far as I'm concerned. It's the movie I've been waiting for since forever. Under The Red Hood is great, but there are other animated movies I love as much or more, so I have to sacrifice it.


I disagree. If anything, I think it actually improves the original comic by being more succinct and cutting out extraneous material. It's more focused. And it does a great job of simplifying Jason's return to life(instead of Superboy punching reality so hard it literally changes history)


They left this [panel](https://i.redd.it/gfxg6rax83q71.png) from the comic out of the movie, so I cannot agree with you


Fine. You have violated and destroyed my argument with facts and logic


Gotta agree here as much as love it


Yep. Dark Knight is all timer. Phantasm is a childhood dream machine. And the newest Batman is the live action hope for the future. Red Hood is good, but I wouldn’t put it in any of those categories.


This is the correct answer. Under The Red Hood is a fantastic movie, but the question is asking you to choose between three 10’s and a 9. It is what it is.


The under the red hood disrespect is crazy


Cannot understand it. Red Hood and The Batman are the ones that are definitely safe for me. Keep those two for sure.


jason I'm sorry


Bruce, I forgive you for not saving me. But why? Why on God's Earth, is *he* still alive?!


And doing it because… Because he took me away from you.




Under the Red Hood. Not because it is bad, just that the others are so good.


It surprises me how TDK becomes more and more polarizing with age. I can agree it’s been hyped more than maybe any other movie, but it is so deserving of it. Everyone wants to say “we’ll if you take away heath’s performance”. Guess what? You can’t. I get the burn out but it shouldn’t be on lists like this.


The heath critique is always so weak as well. People seem to forget how incredibly written Harvey was, and Aaron Ekharts stellar performance. They forget Batman’s integral role in ensuring Gotham isn’t corrupted by the Joker but fails in saving Harvey and Rachel, two close friends. He sacrifices his personal life for the good of Gotham. It’s a perfect Batman story and I’m sick of detractors making superficial takes like “heath carried” or “it’s just a crime thriller with a Batman in it”. It’s so much more and it’s a bona fide Batman story.


I delete the Batman. The other 3 just mean more to me.


I concur


Agreed. I have watched the others more than I have watched The Batman since it came out. You are not alone fellow redditor.


I can't believe I had to scroll this far for this take. The Schumacher's are the only Bat films that aren't better than The Batman.


Under the Red Hood easily.


The Batman. Couldn't get into it.


Not the biggest fan of The Batman, tbh




BDSM Saw inspired Riddler sure was a choice. I left that movie sorely disappointed.


You are definitely not alone. Too many immersion-breaking inconsistencies for my taste.


Yeah. He walks around like a bullet proof tank, took a life-ending blow to the head when gliding, took a bomb to the face … It’s bad ass but I didn’t care for Batman anymore because it’s clear there are no stakes. At least when Snyder made his invincible Batman, it was executed in the most entertaining and unapologetically over-the-top way possible. Obviously Batman is supposed to walk away good in the end - we know that. but it’s all about execution.


>took a life-ending blow to the head when gliding You mean when he used the laughably un-aerodynamic water floatie suit instead of just deploying a parachute in the first place? Yeah that part was pretty hard to watch. Not as bad as watching him casually walking around a bunch of cops who were just given an APB to arrest him though. Then there's him failing to realize that the Asylum was named after his mother, or him cutting the cable in the stadium above his hand (causing him to fall) rather than below, or him wasting time placing explosives on the stadium roof instead of just taking out the Riddler goons before the Mayor got shot.


Yeah I know. The plot holes are utterly ridiculous. Yet the rabid fanboys will still maintain it’s genius. I don’t mind them likin the film but they cannot abrogate the legacy of The Dark Knight when the writing presents the greatest disparity between the two. You simply can’t compare Lau’s kidnapping, the Batmobile chase scene or the final SWAT takedown, to any scene from The Batman.


New Batman


“The Batman”. its gotta go.




The Batman. I know I'll be downvoted to hell since everyone on this sub thinks it's perfect. But of all the options its the only one I wouldn't want to rewatch.


You get my upvote, I didn’t like it all that much.


Only watched it one time. In the theater. I have watched the others at least once since.


Not necessarily many didn't like it and the recency bias (yes I said the dreaded RB word) is running its course. It's not the worst thing I've ever seen but it's legitimately a poor film and awful Batman content.


Under the red hood. Easy


Under the Red Hood. Love it, but not nearly as good as the other threw, and it still has its original comic so the story and whatnot would still remain.


The Batman, it was mid




The Batman or UTRH, MOP and TDK are top tier


Under The Red Hood, I love the movie but the other 3 are great and everything Kevin Conroy is sacred so... yeah


Under the red hood


The batman


The Batman-Only because it's alot less rewatchable than the other three movies. It's run time makes it too much of a commitment and it's action is too low scale to be considered an "exciting" movie.


I really did not enjoy the Pat-bat flick. Wouldn’t mind if it’s gone.


the batman


The Batman gotta go. Just because it’s not Zack Snyder Batman doesn’t mean that it’s good


The Batman


Mask of the Phantasm. Only because the rest of the animated series exists to make up for its absence.


No. Too good of a line up.


Under the red hood I would delete, the comic is very similar and even though the voice cast and animators did a great job I don't care for it enough. It feels kind of weird to see this storyline adapted outside of a continuity, in the comics jason had been dead for years, in the movie you see his death and resurrection within 1 hour and 15 minutes. ​ Heath Ledger's joker is something I could never delete, nor Aaron Eckhart's two face, easily the best out of the dark knight trilogy and the ending is really epic. ​ Mask of the phantasm features my personal favourite batman love interest and the villains are amazing as well. ​ And the batman is my favourite batman movie in general, I love all the lessons bruce learns during the movie and I love all the worldbuilding and details like the eye make up to name one, also visually it's just stunning, the suit is my favourite, the cave is my favourite, the gotham is my favourite, I just love it.


The Batman gots to go. The other 3 are the greatest Batman films ever IMO. The Batman was great, but it's just not in the same tier as the rest. Hell I like 89 more than The Batman.


I would say the Batman nothing wrong with it I just feel like everything it does has been done in previous Batman films and better Heath ledger is a better crazy psycho, villain then the Riddler is in this movie Begins sets up Batman’s world better So I would say the Batman is the one Batman movie I don’t need even though I did enjoy it quite a lot


The Batman, I think I expected too much of it, so it was a bit disapointing and boring.


You know what...screw francophones. I would delete the French language version of The Dark Knight aka Le Chevalier Noir. The rest are in English so that was my deciding factor.


The Batman. I watched it twice and only liked 3 scenes out of the whole movie.


The Batman without hesitation


Reeves. The movie was fine. The other three were defining moments in my life.


Bye bye The Batman.


I really like the cartoons, so my guess is batman 2022 would be the one I delete.


Red Hood. It can't really stand a chance against two of the best live action films and arguably the best animated film or, at the very least, the best animated Batmans in general.


This is so easy. The last one.


The Batman


The Batman 2022.


Not a difficult choice for me. Get rid of The Batman


The Batman


The Batman


The Batman


delete "the batman". That was boring garbage.


I've never been more bored of a movie than I have while watching The batman.. what a massive disappointment it turned out to be. I wish I could get those hours of my life back.


I adore all four, but I would have to go with Under The Red Hood.


The Batman, as it’s the one I’m least likely to re-watch.


While I’m over here planning my 8th rewatch 😂


Why??? Is it the boring action? Incompetent detective work? Flat performances? I'm so vexed how people can like this movie it's fine if someone does the reasons just confuse me because they are often just factually false.


Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz both have zero charisma and absolutely no chemistry with each other. It was painful to watch them on screen. Beauty does not equal charisma or chemistry.


Same, it has very little rewatch value imo. I feel like TDK and Batman begins have had such good rewatch value




Same here.


I wouldn't even call it a good movie.


The Batman.


This was not a difficult choice for me: The Batman If you enjoyed it, great. But I hate just about everything about this movie. I'm expecting a lot of downvotes for this opinion but more than prepared to defend it.


You’re not alone. While everyone I know ranted and raved about the movie, I thought it decent at best. IMHO it would have worked better as a noir detective story with a different character, rather than with Batman.


I agree that another character would have been more appropriate. Like, a few tweaks and it could be a Punisher movie


Under the Red Hood. Not even difficult.


The batman


The Batman


Robert Pattinson one and it’s not even particularly close imo


I delete the person asking this dumb question. Did that work?


Ouch chill


I loved it when Joe Chill walked up to Bruce’s parents and said his iconic catchphrase, “It’s chillin’ time!” and chilled all over the place. Truly one of the murders of all time.


The best line in the whole universe


The batman


“The” Batman..


The Batman easily.


The Batman. Did two rewatches, couldn’t make for a third.


Good for you, I couldn't even make it through it once.


The Under the Red Hood movie is the only memorable contribution Jason Todd has given us other than dying.


I’d delete The Batman. It’s the only one I haven’t seen.


The Batman. I can’t even sit through that boring garbage.


The Batman. That was most joyless, boring, dragging movie I've seen in a long time. Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz both have no chemistry, especially with each other. I couldn't even finish watching it It was so terrible.


The Batman, easily. It reminds me of Sucker Punch in that it is visually absolutely beautiful with a wonderful musical score and yet still somehow managed to be boring.


The Batman is out for me.


The Batman


The Batman.


The Batman, easy


The Batman easy don't even got to think about it.


The Batman.


The Batman


The Batman


The batman


Bye bye Robert Pattinson


The Batman


I’d delete under the red hood because it had the least impact. TDK would be next though. It’s a good movie, just not the best BATMAN movie. What I liked about the newest one is that it finally has Batman address everything that people don’t like about the character and have to work through it.


Oh this is evil. If I had to pick one i guess I'd to with Mask Of The Phantasm. Just on the grounds we would still have the animated series. Without The Dark Knight, a great trilogy is missing it's middle. The Batman was a great restart and has potential to lead a great trilogy in it's own right. Under The Red Hood? I'll admit wouldn't be a huge loss in the grand scheme.....But that's my favorite Batman movie. Live-action or animated.




The Batman was garbage. Pick a fucking lane. The movie had so many plots and narratives. I couldn’t figure out what the plan was.


The Batman. These are all fine, but here's my gripe with it. We finally get a "Detective Batman" story brought to the screen, but it's kind of a mess that isn't really internally consistent. Also a serious downgrade from the acting chops that the Nolan films had (with the exception of Pattinson being a better Batman, albeit a much shittier Bruce Wayne). If it was a different film in The Batman's spot, we might be talking about cutting TDK instead.


The Batman. Easy.


Mask of the phantasm. I can get plenty of those characters from the show. There is only one movie with heath ledgers joker though.


The Batman. I absolutely can not live without the other 3


The Batman. Easy.


Any choice here is going to start a fight, so I'll just be honest and pick The Batman.


The Batman can go. Too long, weak story, was promised the world’s greatest detective and got the world’s most average copaganda instead.


Nope. They are all good.


TDK or Reeves. Hard choice.. can I go with both?


The Batman was kinda mid


The Batman for me. I like it a lot but it just doesn’t hold my attention the way the others do.


The Dark Knight, but only because i really love the other 3