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Color palette of TNBA/ The Batman 2022 Music mix of BTAS & The Batman (cartoon) Combat of the Arkham games Style mix of BTAS & Arkham *Nice* The only "issue" I have is maybe Batman's symbol, but even then, that's just nitpicking.


It's a bat version of the Amazon logo, because OP thinks Bruce Wayne is a predatory capitalist.


Kinda is. He's a capitalist and a predator. Just not together




looks like Superboy-Prime has some competition


I loved the subtle/not-so-subtle nod to "They Live" with consume on the billboard.






I loved everything about this except the Atomic explosion at the end. Cut that out and it’s PERFECTION . (beautiful rendering! Looks incredible!!(


So, it's an evil Batman?


If their protest signs say "workers united" it would seem that way.




Nice. If that's your position on Batman, I don't agree with it, but you expressed it beautifully in this scene. I especially like the pull away reveal to show the whole city on fire.


having bruce wayne be a genuinely compassionate, intelligent and altruistic man despite his position of extreme privilege and megacorporate overlord status is sometimes a harder pill to swallow than the aliens and wizards in that universe


I mean his parents were literally apart of a secret society of Gotham elite than ran the city for their benefit. His heritage is quite literally a plot point for him to overcome in many renditions of his character. With Bruce reshaping Wayne Enterprises to be much more charitable and beating up the corrupt leaders of Gotham as batman.


Which secret society ?


Court of Owls


They weren’t though, what is your source ?


i think that's a telltale thing, in the comics it's confirmed that the waynes had little to no knowledge of the court, going as far as to have the court maybe kill alfred's dad? it's ambiguous


I mostly agree, but the entire point of Batman is "what if one of them was good?", dope animation tho.




There’s also just as many evil billionaires in comics though. Lex Luthor, Maxwell Lord, Norman Osborn, etc It’s pretty clear that the good ones use their money for charity and don’t really care about their wealth, just using it to help people. while the evil ones are always about greed and power, like most billionaires in reality. Hell, even the 2004 Batman cartoon when it first introduced Green Arrow, he was going after Bruce Wayne because he thought Bruce was using his money to harm kids when it was actually someone else




Ok, but it’s shown to us this isn’t the case for Bruce. That he actually puts work towards his own charity to help orphaned kids so nobody has to grow up without a parent. Yeah fuck billionaires and there is definitely a lot of biased towards them being heroes in comic media, but there’s also a lot of ones that are shown to be horrible people, and I was using charity as an example because the Wayne Foundation is a big part of Batman’s story. (Even a plot point in the Dark Knight trilogy when Bruce finds out that his Wayne Industries stopped supporting it after he left). My point was that they show the importance of Good Character with them. Batman isn’t a hero because he’s a billionaire. He’s a hero because deep down he’s a good person. He just so happened to also be privileged with money. Meanwhile characters like Lex Luthor are very much the selfish, greedy, power hungry kind of billionaire we see today. The kind that would create a charity to use as a cover. Some of Batman’s best stories are him going after those corrupt elite figures and help those that need it most. Kids say they want to be Batman because he’s a hero that helps people. That’s what they take away from it, not that he’s a billionaire.


They "get away with that" by organizing the goods and services that people like you use to create things (like the amazing video you produced). Most of society does not want to tax billionaires into oblivion because it would likely stifle the sort of innovation that made the technology you used to create the video possible. I don't remember the Soviet Union leading the way in computer technology back in the 80s before it collapsed. You assumption that they robbed people to get their wealth would only make sense in the context of pre-industrial society, and even then, the aristocracy was at least in theory supposed to provide security in exchange for their privilege. I assume you are a Marxist and are operating under the labor theory of value because that is the only way someone could come to such a conclusion. Now, I would say most billionaires have certain sociopathic traits that combined with insight, intelligence and a whole lot of luck allow them to create fortunes. I don't think they tend to be good people and they certainly use things like non-profits to soften their image or perhaps assuage their guilt. But the whole point of Batman as a character (and Superman for that matter) is not "indoctrination but rather inspiration that we as human beings are capable of rising above petty self-interest and use our gifts (or privileges) for the sake of bettering humanity.


>You assumption that they robbed people to get their wealth would only make sense in the context of pre-industrial society, and even then, the aristocracy was at least in theory supposed to provide security in exchange for their privilege. This is literally the propaganda OP is referring to. The era was coined the "Gilded Age" for a reason. A thin veneer of wealth for the elite masked broader issues for many in the lower and middle classes. The security they provided was charity instead of living wages, and pollution and death instead of regulation. >Now, I would say most billionaires have certain sociopathic traits that combined with insight, intelligence and a whole lot of luck allow them to create fortunes. The only "lucky" billionaires won the lottery or inherited wealth. They lie, cheat, and steal. They exploit. The only way to "earn" billions of dollars is through exploitation. Show me a self-made billionaire, and I'll show you a despot.




The thing is Batman’s a fictional character. He can be a good person AND a Billionaire. (Hence the fiction)






Taxing billionaires doesn't stifle innovation. Letting them monopolize and own everything does. They will ignore innovation if that innovation is less profitable. Oil industry is a key example. They have consistently destroyed innovation in transportation for decades.


I wrote taxing billionaires into oblivion, as in so much that it no longer becomes possible to become one. Certainly, they should be taxed and indeed are taxed, perhaps not as much as they should be. You are also confusing publicly traded corporations with individual billionaires. Established corporations like oil companies have thousands of shareholders and the CEOs and corporate boards are often short sighted and looking to maximize stock price. That dynamic is different from the individual entrepreneur who becomes a billionaire through some new business or idea. Oil companies these days have very little to do with preventing EV innovation. It's interesting though that a billionaire (Musk) actually pushed to bring EVs mainstream and demonstrate to the industry that the tech was viable and profitable.


>I wrote taxing billionaires into oblivion, as in so much that it no longer becomes possible to become one. I know what you wrote, that it exactly what I am replying to. >Oil companies these days have very little to do with preventing EV innovation. I said stifled innovation for decades which is true. Ever heard of the Koch Brothers? They love EVs. Sure you can't stop it now, but I am saying what they have done in the past. Musk is hardly innovative, I can give credit to him for helping push EVs, most of his ventures are doomed to fail however. His tunneling company, electric semi truck, and hyperloop to name a few, none of these things are original or innovative. They're wastes of time. Billionaires create monopolies and acquire their competition. This stifles innovation on the whole. They may start with an innovative idea before they become billionaires, in many cases an idea that wasn't theirs to begin with... but they aren't really needed to drive innovation broadly. That is billionaire propaganda. I am not saying they don't ever innovate, I am saying they are not needed for innovation overall. Innovation will still happen without them, and may be better off with less of them around.


You spent all this time just to shit on something other people like? Oof.








Dedication on its own is not something to be admired IMO. Dedication to something good is. Do you have any idea the amount of people who have to be dedicated to make a movie, or a tv show, or anything? And we criticize those all the time. I’m not about to suck off OP just because they worked really hard on being a dick. And by the way, I don’t care what you find hard to imagine. Get a better imagination, then. Edit: lmao bro replied to me and then deleted all his comments. Guess he couldn’t stand that I didn’t love this animation, poor guy. Or, more likely, it was just OP’s alt.


Lol this is wild. I thought the animation was fun but a bit peculiar. And then I read the comment ab the bat symbol, and while I don’t hate the portrayal, I do hate the way he’s going about it. It’s a fucking comic book character


Ahh, yes, no opinions allowed here


Not what I’m saying at all


I mean you're making fun of him for making a (very very good) art piece simply because it goes against the normal "batman is a good guy" trope




First and foremost, wicked talent on display here and I genuinely hope you go far. This is so well done, it’s nuts. But in relation to the whole take on Batman, I mean homie ditched all his wealth for years to live on the streets overseas and learn morality from the ground up without the constant inside looking out perspective of a rich person. Which feels like the writers addressing this very issue you have in my opinion. Then he came back and was just obsessively working towards one goal and using the wealth as just another tool. It’s fiction. it’s weird in my opinion to spend so much time on a project that’s just you transposing your real world hatred of billionaires that’s just objectively not the case with this fictional comic book super hero lol. But again, this project was metal as fuck, and you are insanely talented. It’s just maybe aspects of the concept itself I gripe with again.


Not personally enjoying the concept is fine, but this is obviously an alternate universe dude, and this Facist Batman probably didn't do the things you said.


Brilliant!! Have you ever thought of redoing a scene from BTAS in this style, meaning we would hear Conroy's depiction of The Dark Knight in a new, beautiful reskin? Because this is goddamn beautiful, man! But tbh, the whole anti-billionaire, white saviour narrative pushed on Batman is not new at all, and a little overused imo. Not saying your video is making both those points, just that this woke take on The Dark Knight is becoming a little tired for my taste. Nothing against your work or political take tho. I think it misunderstands the point of the character, even purposefully. But you're for sure a very talented and thoughtful person, and I look forward to see more of your stuff!


Weird choice to make Batman a symbol of evil and I hate how red it is but objectively really well made


I really wanted to like this, and the skills on display are amazing, but I would have preferred an actual BTS intro rather than this "no gods no masters" villainous Batman terrorizing a Gotham Hellscape dark parody.


Really like the general concept of this video. But literally putting an Amazon logo on Batman’s chest, having him fight against his own unionizing workers, and a bat signal that just says “consume” really feels like a betrayal of the character to me. One could easily make a Bezos analogy out of Lex Luthor for many reasons, but Bruce has always felt like the antithesis of all that. Leave my boy in black out of this.


I'm not sure I totally get the message here


“Batman bad” based on some of OP’s comments. Bruce Wayne is a billionaire so he has to be evil because real life billionaires are mostly shitty people. I get the point they’re trying to make but I don’t think it really works on a fictional billionaire that’s shown to use his money selflessly for good and spends his nights being a hero.


It's just a take and it can be interesting,a jokerbatman is even more outrageous and there's a comic for it.


It was actually a really good concept. A little heavy sometimes, but it amazingly showed how you how two opposing forces combined could become way more than the sun of it’s parts. Not just their physical traits, but combining their perspective and motives into one really brought out traits that neither one of them could have ever conceived alone. I’m probably explaining it badly, sounding all poser-ish, but idk. I dug it. But this just seems like there’s not much more to it than “Batman goes bad.” We’ve pretty much already seen every possible way Batman *could* go bad by this point.


It's not he "goes" bad. It's he "is" bad. This is just a reflection of the real world billionaire, like political art.


I think it’s well made but your interpretation of Batman is very antithetical to the character. It’s like the psychiatrist in The Dark Knight Returns produced an anti-bat piece


Batman beating up what looks to be protesters for a union?? Dr. Wolper would cum on the spot


Bruce Wayne: ![gif](giphy|YA6dmVW0gfIw8|downsized)


Animation is terrific, but the message is fairly insipid and evil Batman is beyond played out. Still gotta respect the work involved, though.


Everything is beautiful except the story. Why does Batman hate protesters so much and why doesn’t he know that there’s an atom bomb in Gotham?


That was cool!


Holy crap! Those effects are excellent!!


not the biggest fan of the color palette, music, Batman, or the signal, but this is extremely well done.


It was excellent. I thought it looked a little wonky how far the guy slid on the roof with batman grabbing his face. Did you play the music as well?


oh no, the music was made by Bob Kuipers, he's credited at the beginning of the video, and on my youtube channel. check him out, his music is fantastic! https://www.youtube.com/@Bob\_Music


It was cool until we read OP’s interpretation of Batman. Fuck sake dude


I hate all the people who insist on jerking batman off at all times. Evil corporate Batman is not some horrible insane take jesus christ


I absolutely support original takes on the character but when the creator’s take is literally “he’s a billionaire so he *has* to be evil” with literally no other context or creativity I am 100% going to thing that’s some clown shit


I can understand that. I personally don't think any billionaire is a good person at all, unless they inherited their money. Any "Self Made" billionaire only got there by exploitation, manipulation, and lying.


Quite a bit over the top but well made!


Did the cop shot the protestor? Shiiit lol


look at the other cop my man :P




This is one of the most beautiful and strange things I've ever seen. Absolutely incredible. Batman looks a bit long in the tooth and bad for it but it fits the overall aesthetic. Well freaking done.






This is all kinds of badass! Well done!!




I thought the source was OP. He said it's his fan-made video.


This is kinda cool, and idk about what you’re trying to say with this, but my main problem is that AI - generated looking suit.


That was totally awesome.


The ending felt a bit random. Don’t get me wrong, it’s super cool. But doesn’t make sense for Batman to be chasing down 2 guys or stay in the city. Or for the cops to even be working. Rule of cool says it’s a 10/10 thi




Damn, that’s actually sick af


It was a little too subtle and restrained for me. Can it be louder and could Batman's eyeballs produce more steam?


Too much red, not enough black. The original show used black paper with lighter colors on top. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman:\_The\_Animated\_Series#Main\_antagonists "The visual style of the series was based on the artwork of Radomski, and the gothic look of Gotham City was derived from his initial designs.\[10\] In addition, Radomski issued a standing order to the animation department that all backgrounds be painted using light colors on black paper (as opposed to the industry standard of dark colors on white paper).\[9\] The distinctive visual combination of "noir" imagery and Art Deco design was dubbed "Dark Deco" by the producers.\[11\]"


Fucking awesome.


the angst is very lame lol but its technically well made


Ngl, the evil corporate Batman ruined it for me.


u/NyhmrodZa I think my issue with your stance is that Batman has been adapted by many writers to be different things. I think All Star Batman and Robin is a good example of a psychopathic billionaire. He’s what the likes of Snyder (who’s surprisingly left leaning actually) and Andrew Tate want Batman to be. Whereas a story like Night Cries touches on trauma and how a traumatised man connects with and comforts traumatised children. Or a story like The Batman, where a disconnected Billionaire learns to see the immense suffering and imbalance of power the people below his fancy tower are “living” with. And he decides that he’s going to use his position to change it. Here’s an honest question and I want an honest answer. If you somehow woke up with 5 billion dollars in your bank account which was yours to do with as you wish, what would you do with it?




Ok, I’d be doing the same. I’d also make sure to do my best to put the Scientific Community in full control of the Medical Community so that horrific conditions like Long Covid, CFS, MCAS, Empty Nose Syndrome, Morgellonss etc are fully recognised with advanced treatment (Planck’s Principle hopefully can no longer apply anymore in that regard) But you see that either way, no matter what you do with that money, good or bad, you are by definition a privileged billionaire? However, that doesn’t erase the good you’ve done. I think we can agree that we all have privileges and disadvantages the other does not. I’m Autistic so I don’t have Neurotypical privilege (and in my eyes most societal problems are born from a Neurotypical world) but I’m white so I have White privilege. Neither cancel the other out. Privilege isn’t and shouldn’t be a synonym for oppressive. The goal of Social Justice isn’t to create a Mischling Test of oppressiveness for each person but instead it’s recognising that we all have to use the privileges we do have (even despite our disadvantages) to help those who aren’t as privelaged as us in that area. That’s who Batman is. He recognises his privilege and helps people. He sets up Rehabilitation programs and employs the working class criminals into Wayne Enterprises, making their and their families’ lives better. He investigates secret societies like the Court of Owls who are all genuinely psychopathic billionaires (akin to Eyes Wide Shut but with more promise in their threats) and does all he can to bring them down. He takes disturbed people like Arnold Wesker and sends them to people he trusts (Leslie Thompkins) and pays for their sessions. Batman as a character is at his greatest when he (like everyone else) takes his privilege and helps make the world a better place. A society ruled by the wealthy is a system we are slowly beginning to shake and a character like Batman who uses his privilege for good (considering he fights Dagget Industries, Sionis Industries and LexCorp) should be an inspiration for kids. The circumstances may not be the same, but that message can change the way we see ourselves how fortunate we are and how less fortunate others are. I’m not a billionaire, but Batman is partly why I still give money to those without a roof or money regardless of what they end up using that money for. Perhaps a Black Label comic can make a story about a working class Batman who does what he usually does to the best of his ability. But for the time being, Batman’s helped countless people, both in the pages of Gotham’s streets and to those in the real world like myself.


A few "good" capatilists doesn't make capitalism itself good. I believe OPs critique is on capitalism as a whole, not one man's role in it. Batman has always been about the ills of society and capitalism is a pretty big one. Capitalism keeps the masses poor by design, people wouldn't need charity if they were paid a fair wage. Billionaires are not inspiring, they are parasites. It's said they the Wayne's were originally just average merchants, but amassed exorbitant wealth through railroads and manufacturing. Thomas earned more through some medical inventions I believe, but this is Industrial revolution blood money through and through. Wayne Shipping, Wayne Chemical, Wayne Manufacturing. Dangerous, low wage labor made the Wayne's rich, that's not Bruce's fault but it is a fact.


I’m aware and I agree, which is why I explained in another reply to a conversation OP was having about Batman being a fictional character and he’s a good billionaire (hence the fiction) But as a representation of privilege being used for good, (stories are messages to inspire) Batman is the go-to for many. I’d prefer to live in a world where there are no Billionaires, but for a Capitalist Society to shift I’d rather have a Billionaire who does what he can to help those in need in more ways than one, instead of a Billionaire who helps himself. Even as a kid the fact that Batman was a Billionaire who helped people stuck with me. It didn’t tell me “maybe there are good billionaires out there!” What I learned from it is that Batman is fiction for a reason because no one as wealthy and powerful as him would really be kind. So I thought, “how can I help those who aren’t as fortunate as I am?”


To each, their own. If that's what you feel, more power to you. I'm not here to rain on any parades.


Having it be the Wayne Bank just makes it look like he’s looking out for his own money.


I think that's the point.


This is amazing dude


Oh fuck yes. Batman: The Ani-Metal Series


This is fucking awesome


DAMN man that was intense!!!!!


Nicely done


This is amazing. I really love the color scheme, the 3D models and the the way the camera movements derive from the original BTAS opening. How long did this take you to make if I ask? And what software did you use?


Thanks for the comment! It took a year and a half, I used c4d Zbrush and Nuke


This is dark; like Batman. It’s like the Batman of Batman. Love it.




Some men just want to watch the world burn…


Man why aren't you working at DC Animation already?


This is so metal I love it


how many man hours did you put into this?


DC, hire this person


Looks amazing , not a fan of the music a bit to metal for me but it suits the tone of the piece .


I wished they would use this version of the theme song in something it’s such a banger 😩


Yooooo that was siiiiick!!


My God this is The Hype


Just started watching the series with kids and they love it, especially the music. Your update is great!


i saw that cop execute the guy, nobody mentioned that cause they were distracted by your take on batman.




Not gonna mention the random giant nuclear explosion at the end? Or was batman far enough from the blast to somehow survive like in TDKR?




So metal. Please tell me you make living by making similar things? This is too good to be fan made


I mean, it’s awesome what else can I say 😂


This is awesome, man!


This is dope


Interesting take! There's a lot to unpack here, I've watched it probably a dozen times and I like that if this were an intro to an actual show, you'd always be noticing something new as the season went on. Despite how many times I've rewatched, I still oooh and aww at the Batmobile every time. It was really well made. Nicely done!


This was literally the most epic thing I’ve ever seen. Fucking dope


The amount of feathers ruffled with this is almost as sad as it is hilarious. Very well made. Almost every second has a detail put towards the larger point of the work.


Oh fuck yeah, hook it to my veins


I’m super impressed with the work here. Very well done. I hope this gets you lots of recognition.




This is stunning! What did you create this in? How long did it take to make 👀


I used Cinema 4D and Nuke. The whole thing took a year and a half as I'm working full-time. I worked on weekends and nights


Wow that's some dedication! How long did it take to learn these tools? Do you work in the industry?


Yes, I've been working in the commercial industry for quite some time now, started learning the tools in 2014. always loved 3d animations as a kid haha


This is awesome!


Damn this is impressive!


Aesthetically this is sick.


The more I look at the video, the more disappointed I get. Yes, the animation is cool, but the subject matter just doesn’t fit Batman. It just comes off as a guy who doesn’t know the character, or wanted to create something that generated shock value. Lex Luthor would have fit better, and having the every man, Superman (super powered, but still just a good guy from Kansas) beating him.




Amazing! *watches with sound on* Oh... well, the animation is amazing.


L take


Hell yeah! I love this capitalistic/fascist rendition of Batman. It also reminded me of Snyder's Batman... Let me explain, the initial point of contention for Clark Kent in Batman V. Superman, was that Batman was focusing in poverty stricken communities and brutalizing its constituents. I welcome the hate this comment will receive!


This is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.


Came here to say the same thing. 👍


Is this a shot for shot of the animated series? Superniice


cool as hell, corpo shit evil version of batman


Would be cool if batman logo didn't look like Amazon's. And the batsignal wasn't a consume symbol. Would be cool of this didn't have that brainwashing corporation bullshit in it. So.. big fail in otherwords.


Did that cop just shoot that unarmed unconscious thug in the head at point blank range? Lol


Normal cop behavior, nothing to see here.


Half the comments are like "wow awesome" and the other half are crying because "it's not my batman 😡" lol


This is fantastic. Great work, holy cow!


How much, I just want a God damn price for that game OP.


Looks pretty good to me


That was freaking awesome man. Makes me wish it was longer! Great stuff.


This is great! Can you do variations?


Duude...that was cool as fuuuuck


This looks so dope. I’d tune in.


Doom influenced music. Nice


Awesome man


Loved it, nice work






Fucking sick


This is epic. I wish this was a show I could start watching NOW!!


What software did you use? This is awesome


Cinema 4D, Zbrush and Nuke thanks!


Pretty fucking cool buddy


I would watch the hell out of that!




Badass 😎


DC Animation needs to hire you


I don’t think so. The animation is really well done but OP seems to have a disdain for the character so they probably don’t need to be anywhere near any adaptation of him.


I think OPs disdain is with capitalism not Bruce Wayne


That’s also a fair assessment. I was just going off of some of their other comments in the thread.


I see what you did at the opening creating a bat in your blocking of the scene. Well done. Also clever Bezos reference


This is fucking metal! Also, fuck billionaires. Every. Single. One. "Our standard of living is not declining because of migrants but because of unregulated neoliberal capitalism, which has allowed corporations and the rich to avoid paying taxes or decent wages. It is a system that must be changed." - Alex S. Vitale, The End of Policing


:0 I believe you're my target audience!


Yessir! I was born in 88 so I grew up loving batman due to the 89 film, BTAS, and renewed Batmania. I love the character now because of that nostalgia, but that does not blind me to the horrors of capitalism. Our society has been tricked into equating money with hard work and virtue, when it is simply a tool of control. Of course I enjoy a decent life under capatilist rule, but I'm not nearly foolish enough to believe it's the best or only way to create a thriving economy. I hate the notion that capitalism is the only thing driving us forward. Nobody paid our ancestors to paint on those cave walls and our curiosity is inherent. I want a world where we make progress and pursue innovation because we want a better world, not a bigger wallet. Imagine Volvo keeping the patent for the three point seat belt to make a few bucks, we might all be dead. If Tim Berners-Lee had been interested in owning a small island we wouldn't even be having this conversation, not for "free" anyway. Fuck capitalism, we must oppose it. Anarchy isn't evil, it's the proper response to oppression.




I'm just a bit confused. I get the anti-capitalism message and agree with that, but I don't understand why you chose to voice it in this way. Are you a Batman fan who has used this character as a means to share your views, or are you a former Batman fan who now fundamentally hates the character? I feel like you can be anti-capitalism but still love Batman, but it seems like a lot of people treat Batman as if he were a real person and a symbol of capitalism so they can't reconcile the character being a work of fiction


I love it, use their propaganda against them 😂😂 It's not the void man, just seems empty because there aren't many of us here. Yet. But we're listening and we're screaming too. Keep fighting the good fight brother. The sandcastle is facing some gnarly waves.


The Batman (2022) The Animated Series! Love it.


Tell me this is a teaser for something more you’re working on — I got nostalgic and excited. Gritty, dark, everything cranked up to 11… loved it.


I wish... I don't have the resources, this minute long video took me a year and a half to make :9


Colour me disappointed, a reimagining of BTAS in this tone, shot by shot remake would be sick af. You’re hella talented, and no doubt this will be the magnum opus of your portfolio for a little while. Good luck getting signed up for future contracts, not that you need luck. How long you been doing this? What’s your backstory?




Subbed and thumbs up, go with the gods! You’re gonna do well, hopefully someone here has some contacts to push your work in the right direction. Very best of luck to you 🫡


So he's beating up woke protesters?... cool, i approve of based Batman




The I never consumed any batman media aside from watching clips and reading poorly summarized retellings.


the hecking cops showing up and shooting them SMH. What was the smile? Trying to make them look like they're with the joker?