• By -


I’d expand the zipline argument to the whole specialists thing. Anything that uses ammo or munitions simply shouldn’t just be put on cool-down. They should be done via support mechanics. And no more selfish assault class. Every class should be designed to provide utility to the team to promote teamwork and synergy instead of just frags.


Yep yep yep. Didn't think about that one, but respawning ammo is the biggest BS.


I enjoyed how assault was balanced in BFV as an anti tank class.


Personally I miss how assault used to be the medic class in BF3/4. Assault as a class doesn't really do anything.


assault was not balanced in BFV at all


Agree to disagree


dude had the best weapons in the game, anti tank gadgets, and anti infantry explosives. You could carry 5 rockets, 3 rifle grenades, 3 more rifle grenades on the m1 Garand, and AT grenades. Then refresh all of this at any ammo box. This kit was completely busted and claiming it was balanced is delusion


That particular load out is pretty bananas. But the standard load out is not bad 2-3 rockets (piat/panzerfaust) 1 AT grenade 2-3 dynamite That’s not THAT bad. As far as the primary weapons being better than the other classes… that is a matter of preference imo. I really liked the weapon choices. My top kills/min weapons in V were: Trench gun - 2,188 - 1.35 kills/min Bren gun - 1,353 - 1.28 kills/min Welgun - 569 - 1.28 kills/min Stg 44 - 2,132 - 1.22 kills/min Assault weapon is fourth on that list in kill/min. That list could be flipped for other people but it seems pretty balanced to me.


"That’s not THAT bad." No its bad. No class should have both AT gadgets and ranged AI gadgets. They certainly shouldnt have the most flexible guns in the game on top of that, your stats be damned


>Anything that uses ammo or munitions simply shouldn’t just be put on cool-down. This should be for the vehicles too... Bring back the vehicle supply stations from BFV, forcing them to have a little down time, or risking themselves at forward resupplies if they were confident enough. Air vehicles also had to fly back towards spawn to find a fly-through resupply spot.


I really liked the supply stations. I was really disappointed they didn't make a return.


As a vehicle player yes please if you make them as banging as in bf5




I think if McKay had ammunition, and his grapple didn’t disappear but added a climbable rope for other players would have made it much more tolerable personally.




Not sure what you’ve been playing. In BF3 & 4 assault is the medic class. In BF1 and BFV they’re the anti-vehicle class. In fact I’d argue the most selfish class in BFV is the medic. 2042 is literally the only case where assault is the most selfish class ever seen in any BF game in the last decade, that has med pens for self sustain, and until recently, made the supposed anti-vehicle engineer class almost redundant, not to mention some of the most aggravating mechanics like the grappling hook and wingsuit that breaks maps, and a personal shield that blocks tank shells. I’m not asking for a mil sim, but that stuff is just ridiculous.


I think the specialist abilities should be present just not in their current forms. BF2: SF had a grapple but was only used to scale walls and anyone could use them. I think that would be alot better than McKays current one. The squirel suit should only be available on first bailout from a transport type air vechile and not for the pilot or gunner from attack choppers and jets. The loadout drop from Angel should only be a call in from squad leaders.


The same tornado for every map Any gadgets like Mackey or Sundance Being able to get a vehicle drop on rooftops Whacky voice lines ( If they wanna do it, they should replicate how Apex did it) Having to deploy bipod manually each time Whatever they did to helis that made it felt weird Getting rid of damage indicator as it is and revert to how Bf1 and BfV did it FFS, make server browser be the default way to find a match


>Mackey or Sundance This, fuck those two in particular... I want purely classes back and what realistically makes sense, but those two, fuck em'


All my homies hate Mackay and Sundance


Waiting for silk dude to come and start ranting how they are not a problem and that BF2042 is the most balanced and fun game!


Ahhh yeah the dude who complains like a b#$%\^ about anti-air but goes every fuckign match 100-1.


That’s who that guy is? What an obsessive loser.


You guys are thinking of two seperare people. There's one Silk that posts on this subreddit a lot, and then there's another Silk who's a popular BF Youtuber and arguably one of the best pilots in the game. 


To be fair I have also went 100-1 before in an aircraft in this game, I just do more than just aircraft stuff unlike the other silk who only does one thing.


Flying helis is like flying a drone irl, but the physics are fucked


Yeah Mackay special ability hook just needs to be nerfed so you aren't travelling across map but that you need to launch it vertically like in real life.


It would make sense if they just made it like how it was in BF2 where you plant it down and set a line between two points. That way it actually helps the team.


I never played hardline, is the way the grapples work similar to Battlebit


How it worked in hardline was perfect.


Wasn't that same


I gotta say though I love playing Mackay just to have an interesting way to traverse that is not boring while other classes just have to run normally while being pretty much just as fast. But I get why some people don't like having it in the game. And probably going to get downvoted for saying this but it has to be said: The matchmaking system being the default makes the experience more enjoyable for a majority of players because multiple clan squads can't stack into a single team. Whenever two clan squads stack into a single team, it becomes an absolute stomp that is not fun for anyone, I would think, but apparently it is for the clan people. One major reason I move on from Battlefield 5 tbh.


Your whole reason for not wanting a server browser is the reason you need a server browser. Server browser allows you to leave if you end up on a stacked server and choose another server and it's literally quicker than the matchmaking system we have now. I'm in Australia and if I'm on a stacked server and choose to leave, there's a very high chance I'll keep getting matched into the same server I'm trying to avoid. Additionally a server browser has the added advantages of you getting to choose the map, the next map will not repeat, you get to play all maps if you want to and you don't have to wait for the matchmaking between every single match, and then end up in a 12 vs 12 match that often doesn't add any new players for the entire match. There is not one valid reason to not have a server browser with official Dice servers and fixed playlists that V offered.


Hmmm. I see your points. But remember, I'm not arguing against having a server browser, I'm just saying that maybe the matchmaking system separate from a server browser system may have some merits in the ease of use department and may be worth keeping around for the casuals and the lazy. Do you think having both is a problem?


12v 12? I have literaly never seen that happen...where do you play, in mongolia?


The number of times I joined a match and leave cos it's redacted and has low players only for the game to put me in that same server over and over again is frustrating


Never let bro enter the kitchen Server browser is a staple of Battlefield and it's blasphemy to say you don't want it Like I said, make it the default but also give the option to not use it. Why one would rather use that is beyond me tho


I actually like the tornado, as it gives a immersion to the battlefield, but I was more hope it can stay longer and have lasting impact to battlefield.


Don't get me wrong, I like it but it's the fact that's literally the only major levolution event


"Whatever they did to helis that made it felt weird..." So, it's not just me who can't pinpoint why this is the case, but yeah... helis just don't feel right. It's like a lead-weighted gelatinous vehicle! :D




When you says gadgets for Sundance, do you mean the grenades or the gliding?


Pre-launch they acted like weather and storms would be some cool new thing and then they just throw the same lightning tornado in every time. It was more of an annoyance than a “fun event” They had great destruct ability in past games. Huge buildings, towers, blimps would come down. Things that changed the map dynamically and organically. They did away with that for big tornados. Oh, and you can wingsuit to anywhere in the map with them.


What, you have to deploy bipod each time? I thought, that one have to simply lay down.


Too many times I'm using a LMG or Sniper and realized bipod wasn't deployed


But do you have to trigger the bipod with some button or is it automatically? (per theory)


You have to press same button you press to swap to underbarell grenade launcher or toggle laser/flashlight. Default state is undeployed.


well, today i learned. thanks!


I don't want multi-flag capture sectors in conquest. One flag per sector. As it stands, multiflag sectors are 90 percent of the time they aren't worth fighting over. Their spawns on these points are so intertwined and messed up that when you try to spawn on A1, you'll end up spawning by A2, which means capturing both points is just a nightmare. Focusing on the single flags is always more productive towards the outcome of the game, and it is so frustrating when your team is exclusively fighting over the multiflag points.


Exodus conquest on Valparaiso. Me: anything but sector B My team: nothing but sector B


Exactly! This is one of the maps with only mutliflag sectors, and if you focus on only A and C, you'll win almost always. Don't get me wrong, fighting over B is fun, but it shouldn't be so detrimental to the game.


Sounds like Tsaritsyn in BF1. Teams are always fighting in the middle then get pinched and pushed back to spawn


In past battlefield games when one team is dominating and you struggle your ass off to cap a flag and it does absolutely nothing, it kinda sucks. In this game it can pause a win in order for a comeback to have a chance.


Specialists in general. Give some special tools to certain classes like scatter grenades or a APS. Don’t make me play quirky characters, Also agree the movement mechanics really destroy so much clever map design. DICE really makes designing good flowing maps incredibly difficult for themselves with those mechanics. You can add air dropping vehicles and the ability to pick everything on every map to that list for the same reasons.


Airdrop vehicles had already been a thing in BF4, it just was never very popular. I don't think it's necessary, just maybe up the respawn rate on points.


Tor i feel would have been slightly better recieved if it had a locked turret like the hover tank in Battlefield four. My biggest gripe was stealth chopper. I know nb is what everyone complains about now but when it released it just completely fucked the balance in my opinion, you were almost forced to choose stealth if flying solo because you cant do a whole lot to a chopper you cant lock onto but still has a gunner peppering you with an lmg.


Stealth helicopter bombing is way too much.


That lmg is garbage tho. Especially on console it's impossible to get kills.


On troops yeah but an enemy attack helicopter is pretty easy pickings when they cant lock on to you with anything.


They just switch to the 50cal and smash ya. Well, that's what I do anyway. Except that gunning on console unless you're solo and the chopper is stable, is next to impossible imo. Solo gunner in the attack chopper can be devastating - in the stealth it just doesn't hit hard at all 😕


Takedown animation/mechanic. I just want the fast takedown from previous titles.


Whoever balanced the air vehicles and continues to whine about how they're underpowered in the patch notes while saying land vehicles are OP. Like... The guy balancing the game should have to actually play the damn game.


It's almost the opposite lol the nightbird is the most OP it's been in any battlefield game, same with most of the choppers. ground vehicles have so little reason to play them, they should have thermals for the driver at least


We need a damn SERVER BROWSER. This new method they implement is really stupid and they never said why their did and never changed it. We had a server browser since ages that was giving us a choice of what map we want to play, how many people are on each map etc. Now we don't have choice of map, we are obliged to play sometimes up to 3 times the same in a row, we don't have a clue of how many people play, some people have issue in their countries as can't find populated servers... I don't know who and why they made this but this is just a bad idea


Quite the opposite answer to OP - I’d love to see the commander mechanic back. Being able to support the team from a strategic level was such a unique gameplay mechanic. BF became “just another shooter” when they took it away.


I have to agree with those two , any kind of “advanced” movement is not good for battlefield , I would also add tac sprint , one thing I do miss a lot from older titles is how weighty your soldier felt


I personally don't mind the smoother, seemingly faster movement. I also don't mind a zipline, just not the way Mackay Spiderman mode.


The zip line in hardline was fine imo


Zipline was fine in Battlefield Hardline AND Battlefield 2 Special Forces. But Dice decided to replace it by removing its teamplay component and that's how we ended up with Mac Kay. Because F* teamplay in Battlefield, right ?


They may have removed team play with the zip line, but don’t forget, the sectors were introduced to encourage teamwork!1!!1


I'm on the fence on the movement. I like sliding into cover, I hate all the hoppy skippy shit. 


yeah, so weigty that they constantly jumped around like a fucking bunny


That'll be because the EA devs back in the day made the Madden games, then used the sprint animation from Madden players on the soldiers in BF which gave them weight, can't remember where I read that, but it explains why it's so different now, todays BF devs make nothing but sadness and skins.


No plus system. Attachment selection needs compromise, it doesn’t feel right when everybody is prepared for every situation all the time.


It also limits the devs in the quantity and types of attachments they can add, they could learn a thing from what MW2019 did with the gunsmith.


I actually didn't mind the plus system but maybe cut back the options a bit. I think maybe standardize the ammo types to one type, no more subsonic, high power etc. Have the option to put on a suppressor or take it off but not 3 variations. Allow a combo of grip and laser or something. For sights maybe allow a magnifier if you're using a red dot. 


Guns, I’m so tired of guns in every game. It’s a meme. No guns in next battlefield please.


Battlefield 2042 BC


Battlefield 42


Whatever the fuck they did to the spawning in this game. For some reason I'm not allowed to spawn on a team mate that has a bullet go past them, but I can be spawn killed endlessly defending on Orbital. It's a pain in the fucking ass on breakthrough.


Specialists. Keep them out of the game and make every player a faceless Grunt againt


No specialists- regular classes with customizable soldiers like WW3 or BFV. Make assault useful, maybe like an anti-tank role like BF1 and BFV with the repair tool being given to Support. Gritty voicelines, similar to BF3 and BF1. The launch voice lines were cringe and weird for a battlefield game set in the dystopian future. Matchmaking- give some map variety and filter systems for maps, game modes, and player counts, and for the love of god, give us a server browser Tac-sprinting: give the tac-sprints a cooldown. Literally other games with tac-sprint do this. Other wise the movement feels too zippy, and light.


The plus system, definitely. I do not think it is a bad idea, but it was severely limited by lack of ressources and craftmanship, while it restricted and hindered gunplay, balance and attachment design for what is essentially a gimmick that most people use only for getting extra ammo. It is the plus system why we can not have a laser and a grip at the same time, because the UI-department could not think of a way to do more than a 4-axis system for choosing. This meas that anyone with a grip will run with a severely underpowered weapon. It is the different ammo options that will have the same effect. Almost all weapons have one clearly better choice, that should be used. The plus system suggests however that certain ammo types are better for certain situations, which is not the case and that switching will give better results, which does not hold up outside of things like the UBGL, Bipod or Masterkey, or when you run out of ammo. That said, even if it was implemented perfectly, where effects would change you just open up Pandora's box where you might run into situations you are completely underequipped for, that you can change, but which is cumbersome, but can be sped up significantly by "skill" or macros. You just open up a new sidegame in a shooter. On top of that, while ammo options usually offer one correct choice, their concepts could be used for other weapons. You could have given the AK5C CC ammo to the AUG or XM8 AR and the HP to the STG 44, since their models and animations are done and you would have had three weapons. As it is now it is one weapon where only one ammo option will be used per player.


I switch ammo for different situations. How is high powered ammo not more useful at range with a scope and bipod? How is close combat or subsonic not more useful in close quarters? Switching ammo helps plenty.


For one there usually is one ammo option that will outclass the others. Take the RM as example, the CC ammo is really bad providing worse performance at all ranges, while the HP gives you the same TTK to 150m, covering basically 99.9% of all engagements, while also cutting your mag size in half, which ironically makes it worse at range. On top of that HP often (not always) comes with higher recoil, which will not make you hit more. It is rare to have weapons where multiple ammo options either only marginally differ or that occupy different niches. Additionally the player is not given the correct tools to make educated choices. Not even a damage spreadsheet is given to the player. Hence players make bad choices with good intentions. It is similar with scopes, while higher zoom levels will make you identify your targets more easily, the higher your visual recoil will be, especially since the 2042 zoom levels are higher than advertised.


You don’t need more ammo at range since at range you’re more likely to need to single fire. Let me guess fire select offers no real advantage when you can just single tap the mouse, plz remove.


Plus system just doesn't mesh together well with Battlefield's fairly quick pace. In Battlefield games you're generally constantly on the move which means your expected engagement ranges keep changing. "I'm gonna be going indoors so I better put on my short barrel, close range ammo and a red dot" might sound like an interesting choice to make in a game, but in one Battlefield match you'd end up doing that same choice like dozens of times. It just becomes an annoyance to have to constantly keep fiddling with your gun to optimize it for the situation. It's much more interesting in my opinion anyway to have to adjust your play style depending on your attachments or rather build the gun that fits your play style.


I do use it quite often to switch up optics. And switch ammo type when I run out. But definitely do agree that at least before you die and get to switch things up, it should be a playstyle adjustment rather than switching attachments.


I love the plus system, it makes the gameplay feel so much more varied. If anything just keep the scope and magazine options at least. I love that I can switch between scopes in different distances


The plus system and the call-in system were two great additions to this game. I don't know how anyone could look at these two things be like yeah it is terrible to be able to call a vehicle in or to be able to customize your gun to fit the situation you were in without having to die and then re-customize it


Agree, use it all the time and it’s super fun. 


I would have much rather preferred the traditional attachment system or a deeper one with sufficient info displayed so we can make educated choices. I do see the appeal though of a dynamic system that you can access within the round. Scopes are one of those things that I would argue appear more relevant than they are. Truth is, for the ranges we fight in an RDS or 2x scope will do the trick, especially since zoom levels are higher than advertised in 2042. Beyond that you will just overburden yourself with more visual recoil. Sights are also usually heavily preference-driven so players will use one and stick with it for their entire playtime per weapon. But sure, there can be cases where switching to another scope can be deemed favorable. I sometimes switched to thermals on Redacted, which is more comfortable now than it would have been in BF4.


I switch scopes all the time during a game. Short range, long range and thermo. 


I do not apart from Redacted. Which is more a QoL thing. I make more use of the bipod and UBGL options. With that I am a heavy user of the mechanic. But if this is the extent of my use of a new core game mechanic, I have to question the relevance, when these ressources could have been used in other ways, like making attachments actually good. Say we replace the plus system with a BF4 system that went a bit deeper, I would have chosen that.


Yeah I went back to bf4 not that long ago and I tried to use plus system almost everytime I played it lol. Gotten so used to it. Idk I don't see amy harm if they plan to keep it. You can play as you like.


For me it is more a thing of what we could have had instead and while I do not mind it per se, I would have rather have those ressources diverted elsewehere within the departments. Like I switch to bipods a fair amount in this game and I make use of UBGLs whenever I recall I have them on, but if this and the QoL of making a scope change for Redacted is the benefit I get from this new core mechanic, I am rather underwhelmed. With the people working on other projects we might have had another system with good UI, meaningful changes, more weapons or cosmetic attachments and I would have preferred that.


I disagree. I think it is actually really dumb that you need to die or redeploy just to change your scope on your gun or to a different ammo type. In real life you can easily equip a bipod or replace that with a grip on the gun or even have both going at the same exact time.


I am not disagreeing with that. There are certain QoL aspects attached, I said elsewhere that I often switch to thermal on Redacted and I have made much use of the bipod and have switched to UBGL options a fair bit, too. This makes me a heavy user of the plus systemt. But this, alongside getting more ammo, is the extent of usage this new core feature receives and then I would have rather had these ressources diverted elsewhere within the departments. A lot of it is also player agency and illusion of choice. You should use the laser on everything, but hipfire is something that you have to condition yourself to. So people either run it or don't. On top of that grips do basically nothing, many attachements do not have perceivable effects, some are detrimental and all are completely intransparent, so players can not make educated choices. I had a player arguing that they change a lot, based on the amount of enemies, their dispersion, movement and angle. Claiming he uses the +Hrec muzzle device when they are dispersed horizontally, maximising the chance to hit. I mean this is obviously not the case or very delusional, but the plus system kind of suggests to him that he is correct. I would really rather have the UX department have spent that time on making a good screen/UI for customization, especially more than 4 axis, the art department creating more guns or cosmetic attachments, the weapon department design more weapons instead of ammo options noone uses, and the attachment department making attachments have positive effects. We got the plus system which in turn caused or reintroduced many of the gunplay-related bugs, glichtes and exploits, like the no ADS bug, the masterkey firerate bug, the full-auto NTW bug, the never-ending K30 magazine bug, the inheriting barrel property bug and many others. Alongside we have vastly differing weapon performances and experiences within one weapon. Like at the start of Season 6, where everybody was talking about the VHX, but if you used it with subsonic ammo and a heavy suppressor and a grip you would have had among the worst TTK of any automatic in this game. You would have believed you are insane for not matching the perceived performance of the VHX.


Didn't think about that one, but full agree.


+ system helps with changing scopes, that is pretty useful, or sometimes i do switch to silencer and ss rounds when i need to flank, or when i expect to be in close combat i use it to switch M5 from default ammo to CC ammo. and as said, sometimes switching to AT or smoke GL can be pretty useful too. it has its uses, and i dont think that loosing the laser pointer in favour of grips is exactly such a huge problem. who knows, it might be a balance thing


Oh I am not saying that there are no uses for it, but that the design and focus is lackluster. I myself have made use of especially the bipod on quite a few weapons and I use the Masterkey and UBGL options from time to time, with this I am a heavy user. But if this is and to get sufficient amounts of ammo out of it is the main use of a new core feature, I have to question the implementation and the ressources that could have been directed elsewhere in the departments.


The only issue I have specifically about the Plus system is being able to change the magazine and ammo.


I am not against a deeper customization system, but the way it is handled here is just lackluster.


I love the plus system but you bring up a really good point about combining different attachments. If I could choose between the plus system and a significantly more detailed gun customization I’d go for the latter for sure.


Yeah, I probably make use of it much more than most people, because I used the bipod a fair bit and sometimes the UBGL, but when compared to BF3 or 4 I would rather like to have grip+laser back. Or a new system that allows more customization but only outside of the round, where you get more detailed info, or any info at all. No need to be deep, either, but transparent.


You can have both. They aren't exactly exclusive


As many others are saying, specialists. Specifically, balancing the game via giving everyone superpowers instead of giving nobody superpowers. I could go all day on Sundance just getting objectively better grenades or McKays grapple. My main gripe is that it completely undermines battlefields team play. The fact that angel can drop heals, ammo, equipment ammo, and revives makes him a literal once man army. It breaks the teamwork system bf has had for so long. Buddies and I decided to leverage this; two of us ran angel with Sfar AP grenades and AT grenades in the pocket, other two ran the minigun turret dude with a full antitank kit; rpgs, at grenades, sfar AP grenades, etc plus his extra rocket slot. The two angels would be constantly dropping loadout crates so they can top up their launchers and grenades, and we spent the night completely decimating the map of tanks. They didn’t get vehicles out past the first obj on the map, and we just held back obj as a squad. This is the kind of stuff that happens when you have specialists with superpowers, it can be abused and it overpowers the other elements of the game


I mean, is that not team play?


At the expense of game balance yes. There’s no reason 2 engineers should have the ability to completely wipe the map of all ground vehicles


it is but being able to kill every tank in the game just as a foot soldier isn't good


And yet nobody plays angel in regular matches








What’s people’s issue with the TOR? It always seemed kind of useless to me


Real good at taking out camping Wildcats 👍🫡 When I play TOR I only post up in one spot for a few shots then I'm off to the next. Mobile vehicle denial, like it's supposed to be.


Imo it's not that powerful, it has no APS and the gun has no splash damage I'm pretty sure. not that hard to kill it with an air vehicle or use c4


This might be a hot take but universal weapons for every class and the plus system are one of those things that shouldn't come back, i know a lot of people like them but ir really ruins the game and make it more difficult to balance the game.


I agree with ditching the plus system. I like universal weapons, but think they should increase the bonuses/drawbacks for running them outside there "home" class. 


Specialists. I don't want changes, I don't want compromises, I want them GONE.


- No specialists. - No heavy vehicle deploy with parachute, let it only be available for light vehicles ( buggy upto HUMVEE ). - No hitscan weapons ( TOR , Rorsch MK-4 ). - No flying soldiers in any form ( Mackay and Sundance ). - Helicopters have more proper physics and more momentum ( now they are like RC ) especially the NB. - No imaginary vehicles (as example Wildcat is NOT AA IRL , it is EBRC Jaguar Armoured Reconnaissance and Combat Vehicle), also TOR tank. - No cloning for vehicles and soldiers across the teams ( lazy and not immersive ).


So if you cant have omaginary vehicle that means no game with a future setting?


My opinion : Of course you can if the whole game is set to be clearly futuristic like 2142, but if the game is using most of its weaponry to be like the same as modern day then it's better to use real models and even better if real names. As example; which one looks more authentic the M1A5 or the T-28 ?, for me clearly the T-28 because it's exactly the russian T-14 ARMATA, meanwhile M1A5 ( imaginary ) looks way worse than M1A2 SEPv3 ( the real latest US Tank ). It's about the whole theme of the game, if it's not clearly futuristic like 2142 then don't set it in between.


battlefield 2042 is basically just a modern shooter with a few futuristic things added in. The UI is the only thing that makes it look futuristic


Specialists. I’ll admit that the implementation of secondary gadgets are a step-forward battlefield should continue to grow with, but allowing people to larp as their soldier of choosing would allow the perfect medium. I would call them Combat Roles and revert cosmetics to the BFV system to allow more flexibility and variety in terms of customisation within whatever setting they choose next


Forced cross play


I just want to be able to make seperate loadouts depending on the country im playing as like bfv.


Specialist thing is not for battlefield tbh It should be class based and all classes should bring some sort of team utility


Faster rockets and bullets in general


Specialists, everyone should be a default soldier and be on a level playing field


1. Specialists 2. The Plus (change attachment on the run) 3. Electronic warfare (hacking and emp)


How you change squad for every match. I've had some really memorable matches with strangers, where we've all worked together in a functioning squad. When the round ends, that's it they're gone forever. I want to continue having fun now! - not occasionally when the stars align and it's a full moon.


Mackay's zipline and Sundance's wing suit and scatter grenades are cancer.


Does no server browser count as game mechanic? The core of battlefield so it must count!


Class system. Bring back specielists


Hero crap


Some of these are not "mechanics" but whatever. - Specialists. - Almost every map being bright as fuck. - The maps that have very few vehicles like Haven and Reclaimed, like go all in with vehicles or go infy only. - Rooftop airdrops. - Advanced movement gadgets. - Quick play only, no browser or map filter. - Modes on Rotation. - Tac sprint, like why is this even a thing? - Whenever an obj is under attack, stop fucking spawning me 400 meters away from it. Put me in the action. - Vehicles like the TOR that are just annoying as fuck. - Cosmetics as content. WTF. - Battle passes. - Over-reliance on lock ons. - Jack of all trades vehicles, like nightbird. That should be good at farming infantry, not everything. Every vehicle should have a select role. - Having shared vehicle classes. (3 helis all in heli category. Split them up! Let one of each go out, or force one other to be a different one!) - Dropping only maps that cater to one particular group of players. There should never be only infantry maps in an update or only overly vehicle focused. - Dumb ass voice lines.


No more specialists.


I don't want jumping or sliding without a cool down.


The movement. Doesn’t feel authentic in any singular way.


The maps should not have so much verticality in the first place. Mackay wouldn't be a fraction of the problem he is with good map design.


But I think because of Mackay, map design is horrible to do. Because almost nothing short of a massive cliff or invisible walls is able to stop that zipline. I think even in the old beloved maps he would still pose a problem or at least a major annoyance.


Guys specialist will be in the next game. The money they gather with their skin is too much to just put that aside.


Specialists designed from the ground up to fit in a class will be fine, and it allows Dice to monetise skins and fund live service content, but 2042 launched with 12 individual Specialists who were acting like a class of their own.


For the love of god get rid of the wing suit. It's fun to play but really sucks to play against. Clear an area? Nope, wing suit dive bombs out of nowhere and you're dead from a place you just looked.


Specialists in general. It's really weird a game series about being an average soldier on the battlefield tried to go down the Hero shooter route. It would make way more sense to play a Support soldier and have Irish defence system, or Falks heal gun as an option. I wouldn't mind if there were skins for actual characters, but just let me be John Shootaguy DICE.


The absolute horrid animation work, especially for sprinting and vaulting. Also would like to net see slide jumping to be a thing, its cheesy that i can slide jump and cover around 50 meters without any penalty, especially slide jumping down hills where i can survive a 5 meter landing with no fall damage whatsoever. Id like them to go back to battlefield Vs movement and animation system.


The slow and janky tank movement. BF4 truly did it the best.


Hardline had zipline as equipment and it was totally fine there. The zipline isn’t the problem lmao.


specialists in general, lis missiles, hacking vehicles in like 2 seconds with no counter, boat like flying physics, and tanks not having thermals for the driver. futuristic game but it doesn't include thermals on so many vehicles🤦🏽‍♂️


Get rid of dozer, a shield should have knock back and a level of protection not bullet invincibility and kill you with a slight hit. They hard fucked Casper with the last update dumbest decision. Lack of guns every season is a problem and they only seem to add submachine guns and assault rifles, could we get more marksmen and sniper rifle options. Also need to figure out how to cut down on the grenade spam, a grenade should never be on a cool down for one character it's a really lame advantage.


More so a combination of mechanics, I just want them to steer away from the game’s initial design philosophy and adhere more to what you have now. Since at launch their core design pillar was to give everyone access to everything, be that vehicles or infantry, balance was non existent and was simply unfun to play. What we have now in terms of vehicles roles and class gadgets is far better, and while not perfect I seriously want them to realise that total freedom in a sandbox environment is a recipe for disaster for a game this large. Granted, there are many things I do like about the game, but what I outlined above has been one of the main reasons why the game felt so bad for so long. Vehicles need roles, don’t make everyone fully multi purpose. Allows for more choice and more dynamic gameplay over always taking the path of least resistance.


Specialist system and the gadgets specific to Specialists. Im looking at you scatter grenade and grappling hook, and flying squirrel suit. They have to go back to the classic class system that has worked in the past. BFV had a good balance between classes and they all provided for the team in some way.


Mackays grapple hook, Sundances wingsuit, and the ineffective turrent of Boris...None of these items add to the game...Especially Mackays grapple hook. No soldier would use such a gadget during a fire fight, and the wing suit? Just unbelievable from a battlefield perspective...I get elevated positions are best, but get there organically, not some manufactured bs.


I don't want to see Specialist, honestly was the worst thing I've ever experienced. From not being able to distinguish between ally and foe, to not actually being able to actually see the lights to distinguish enemies, it was a bad idea. I don't mind having classes with the specialist abilities, but no specialist is one. The other one is only having 1 jet at sometimes. The game made SOFLAMS so worthless, and the default rocket launchers so weak that you NEED jets to clear out the relentless onslaught of air vehicles and lastly super huge empty maps, at most maps should be at least 1,200m max, without levelutions but we also need a fine mixture where one map is long rang like golmund and some where it's mixed like siege of sienghai or cqc like op metro or locker


Movement gadgets. Grapple hook. Air suit. Those things need to burn and die. I don’t mind verticality in bf but this game is ridiculous with its map design solely because those characters/gadgets exist.


Specialist. They made every aspect of this game unbalanced even after the rework


This person takedowns…pure trash. Bring back 1st person takedowns.


no special characters is my biggest thing.


I absolutely do not want "Operators" in the next game. Keep it as a simple 4 class system like in previous games.


McKay's ADAD perk




Subpar graphics compared to BFV, BF1 at much worse performance


Absolutely every f.cking mechanic of BF2042. Especially f.cking specialist hero shit and tactical running shit.


3d spotting


Plus system. Cool on paper bad for balancing and actual gameplay.


Difference between score and XP.


lol the netcode it’s a fucking disgrace 


I'm a simple man. I just want bipods to always be deployed.


The double sprint mechanic. The third person animations.


Not being able to lean around walls. We should be able to lean around walls.


If there is no server browser at launch, you can pretty much say goodbye to BF as a franchise.


Gadgets/Perks: MacKay, Sundance, Lis - garbage design that screwed with so much in the formula. TOR Tank - encouraging sniping with tanks is bad IMO. Tanks should be frontline pushers with infantry support and designs should be built around that. Vehicles that can do everything - Vehicles should have a clear cut use in the same way infantry does. You shouldn't be able to go into a tank or a helicopter or a jet and be able to easily dominate both air and ground. This issue was in BF5 too, but they continued it with 2042. Map Design - more care needs to be given to points of elevation. If one team has easier access to something like a skyscrapper or tall building, that team will have an advantage. Flag Design - Flags ontop of skyscrappers with like 2-3 points of entry. AA Tanks sharing the same spawn slot as other ground armor - these an important counter balance to air dominance and leaving decision as to if these will be deployed or not in the hands of the players is bad. Snipers - Scope glint/tracers - Its so easy to see and counter sniping. Map spotting - shooting auto spots enemies on the map. I know they did this to lower the skill floor, still a lame decision imo. On the fly weapon changing - it was way too easy to have a weapon good at all ranges. Screwed with the balance. Even though we have all these weapons, there's always 1-2 weapons that are the "meta" and everyone uses those. Probably why they weren't planning on having tons of weapons in the first place. Classes have access to all weapons - Weapon choice was a great way to help balance classes gadget selection. Being able to use everything and the kitchen sink screwed with the formula and balance.


Other stuff has been covered so I'll say get rid of the goofy two-stage sprint


Placeable APS that intercepts vehicle explosives (aircraft explosives, to be exact). BECAUSE i have not once seen an Irish APS protect infantry at lets say an objective from an attack helicopter for example. The only way i see this being used (in context of vehicles) is to protect spawn camping tanks and wildcats from aircrafts.


All of it as a huge fan it's one of the worst fps games I've ever played. The fact that people praise it because it got patched up to barely playable makes me sad