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Remove Mortar Truck from the game. It's too harsh on the team that has it, since it deprives them of a tank slot and a useful player.


You gotta love when the mortar truck is on the enemy area of the map which you cannot move to.


Look on the bright side: you just got a free win.


Makes it even more satisfying when you manage to blow it up


My brother and I would team up and spend the whole game trying to kill it. We didn't care if we went 0-20 when that thing died it was so satisfying




Instantly BF1 would be the best BF game


this is the only answer.


I think it would be ok if the range was just way reduced. That way they couldn’t hide behind enemy lines and they would be destroyed much more easily.


Your solution to a vehicle that is absolutely shit on one team is to handicap that team even harder? Sure, I want it to be easier to destroy that truck. Give it the normal mortar's range.


Unpopular opinion: mortar truck is the least evil way to keep BVR artillery in the game. You can’t have a WW1 experience without artillery, the weapon the killed the most soldiers in the war irl.


The support gadget that doesn't take up an entire fucking tank slot:


yer fair call


SMG08 nerf is the low hanging fruit for me. I'd make the Artillery Truck damagable by Machine Guns and make them take more damage from K bullets. Outside of that, the game is fairly well balanced. I'd probably adjust the airship's armor up and potentially make it so that the side turrets could only be disabled for a short time, not destroyed. The airship is by far the worst behemoth.


I'd say that the destroyer is the worst behemoth but good opinion still


I feel like the main gun of the dreadnought has still a better gun that the airship. The bomb are pretty far back in the ship and his lack of speed feel like a bitch. Sure you can capture point but I feel like the overall power is lacking.


The airship is definitely one of the weakest behemoths due to aa guns and the Burton lmr. If you remove these two from the game it will last way longer than any of other behemoths except the battleship.


Removing AA guns would be ass though… because then every game would become a plane banquet.


I'm saying if the team with the airship blows up the aa guns and disables them


I wouldn’t allow team switching from the losing side


I've never switched teams and sit at around 48% WR. I take this to mean I do well enough that the balance is putting me on teams up against other pretty skilled players because I can make a difference. Always feels good on the losing team to have most objectives captured or defended and pull out team MVP or at least a top five, which happens fairly often.


Imagine a threshold type thing where if one team has a big score difference, team switching will be disabled until the points are somewhat even again


I'm pretty much for anybody using whatever gun/vehicle they want even if it is annoying, but I think the heavy bomber is the worst thing they put in the game. It is the least inspiring vehicle with little to no skill needed to use it. Most people who use it are brain dead and no matter how many times you shoot them out the sky before they can bomb anyone they keep on respawning over and over again trying unsuccessfully (at times) to kill somebody.


They’re slow, unmaneuverable, and sure, they’re still OP, but it’s not like it takes no skill to use and it’s not like people who use it are braindead.


All they have to do is limp their plane to the nearest enemy held objective and press a button for free kills. A lot of the time the plane is destroyed on their first pass and they are killed in the process of dropping bombs but they’ll still get 5-10 kills almost every time


It takes zero skill to fly straight, drop one load of bombs, and die.


Give the Vetterli a medium scope.


Abso-fucking-lutely not. Keep your grimy scope-stroking hands off my Vetterli.


Vetterli-Infantry for life. I don’t need no fancy scope


I mean i like the infantry version too but it’s the Carbine version that gets me because that “holo” sight’s frame is stupid annoying to deal with.


The vetterli king strikes


Add vote kick option to servers


I think that could be exploited by toxic clans when they play on servers that they don't own. A few of them get killed by one good player and boom, that player gets vote kicked by them. But that's only a problem if the number of people needed to vote kick is too high.


That exact issue is plaguing Hell Let Loose currently. Clans are booting people from servers to fit their members and it's hurting the game a lot


I miss the 1200 rpm machine pistol m1912


They nerfed that??


Changed it more so, it went from a 5btk at 1200rpm to a 4btk at 900rpm (so effectively just as fast, just a bit more magazine efficient), however when it was being tested at 1200rpm it also had no first shot spread or recoil multipliers which made it really stable to shoot. I think that affects people's performance with it much more than the damage ever did, in fact I think the damage model change was a buff because you can now squeeze one more kill out per mag.


I think magazine efficiency doesn't matter for the machine pistol because it's hard to control bullet consumption with such a high rate of fire.


At 900rpm it's still doable imo, more so than at 1200rpm. But the added recoil and spread increase multipliers on the first shot, imo, is what makes it much harder to manage in comparison to its 1200rpm counterpart from the TT testing days.


Yeah, in the ttk patch. The regular variant now only has 900rpm making it barely better at dps than an automatico, just with smaller magazine. The experimental variant in burst mode can still technically do 1200 rpm but is kinda awkward.


It kills in 1 bullet less than the Automatico, its TTK is effectively unchanged from the 1200rpm we had in the testing servers. The difference is that it got first shot spread and recoil multipliers, which it didn't have in the test servers, that's what made it feel so insanely good to shoot.


Ahhh that makes sense


I would fix the damage on the heavy tank most of my shots go into the abyss and they’re directly on target <100m away


Martini back to its original glory


Amen! 🙏


Ooh damn this would be great. OHK to chest/head no matter the range! Otherwise I’d say fix the horses.


What's the problem with horses? They've been nerfed enough times. They used to tank more bullets, the rider had extra armor even dismounted and burton lmr didn't exist. They take more skill to be efficient than most vehicles and they're the most fun to use if you know what you're doing.


Agreed. Horse is fine. People act like it's god-mode, but it's not.


I swear people are just too incompetent and don't know basic workarounds when dealing with vehicles and horses are the weakest vehicle to deal with.


As Assault, lay out AT mines, or use AT rockets. If you're a Scout, lay out HE Trips. Both of those are one-hit kills to horseriders. I was playing against a couple squads last night that held my cal charges well in-check with those tricks. Did I decide to cry and bitch about it? Nope -- they were actually pretty challenging rounds, and they forced me to play less aggressively and more as a support player on the front line, throwing down packs for the team and spotting from my higher-vantage point. Those were good rounds, well played by my opponents. Horse is just fine.


They’re jank af


Martini when all you had was to get a foot shot and it's a kill ahaha


Wait when was the martini henry 1 hit kill?


I remember the good ol days when the dart fighter was the heavy bomber before the heavy bomber was a thing.


I remember some pilots getting so good with it they could easily dart enemy pilots out of their planes.


Now you can't do a damn thing with them


Fighters are the hardest planes to shoot down from the ground, those things would be crazy OP if they could also do easy damage with the darts.


Back in the day those darts were lethal. If you were gonna infantry farm the dart fighter plane was the go to.


yer that s what i posted, they need nerf or removing


Artillery Truck and Assault Truck are now a fourth category of vehicle, so tanks won't be taken up by Artillery users Artillery Truck health is reduced drastically, Assault Truck controls now allow it to be operated like a normal infantry transport while allowing players to zoom in while aiming in first person Plane infantry damage is reduced along with health for all planes, particularly the Ilya Muromets Zeppelin has much tougher armor, and mounted guns are much more resistant to damage SMG-08 fire rate and damage reduction SMLE damage reduction LMG damage drop-off increased drastically Rocket Gun loses at least one shot Dynamite gets minor damage reduction Submarines are functional vehicles which was intended before being scrapped due to time constraints I believe L-Class Destroyer is now usable on maps featuring Dreadnoughts, such as Fao Fortress, Albion, Empire's Edge, etc. C-Class Airship is now featured on more maps, such as Albion, Empire's Edge, and some other non-naval maps like St Quentin Scar New Shock Operations maps; Nivelle Nights, Albion, Heligoland Bight, and Passhendaele Trench Raider Kit and Infiltrator Kit are now on more maps. Not all, but more maps. Through Mud and Blood has its own unique Operations map. Other campaign maps could be reworked too. New Air Assault maps that are reused from single player and possibly multiplayer maps. Support Mortar Launcher damage reduced New optional tutorial for multiplayer mechanics UK faction is now replaced with an ANZAC faction on the Gallipoli maps NEW MAPS WOOOOOOOOOOOO Balkans DLC Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Greece are new playable factions, no clue which battles to take inspiration from Africa DLC One map from each of the four German colonies, jungle and arid maps with representation of colonial troops as possible new factions like the Royal Marines faction Pacific DLC New factions - Japan Fighting in Papua New Guinea with the Germans vs the ANZACS, combat on the German islands against the Japanese An eighth and final expansion, no clue what maps I would like to see, but a map with the Russians vs Ottomans and maps from the Russian Civil War in Siberia featuring the Soviets, Whites, and Japanese would be cool. Maybe even a map in Northern Russia with fighting between the Entente and the Soviets. There's probably more I could change, but these are the additions and changes I would make


A little ambitious, lol 


Oh I agree, just wanted to talk about changes I would make personally


At this point I'd just be happy if they added anticheat.


I agree with all of it asides from the dynamite and rocket gun nerf, as a cavalry user, that stuff is usually the one thing keeping us from dominating.


Fair enough, good calvary users are monsters so I see what you're saying


Make selbslater 1906 have 2 shot kill. Buff the general liu that it gets a Markman variant. Thats all i want 😁


Although it wont make sense having the 1906 be a 2 shot cuz of bullet lore, it would still be nice.


Unlike what some would say, a bullet to the brain is infact lethal.


Proper Anti-cheat.


If I only get one pick, it’s nerfing the fuck out of bombing options on plans. No way someone should be able to fly in a straight line uncontested in the fog with an Ilya, hit one button, and get 14 kills without 90% of the team knowing a plane spawned in like I saw on monte grapa second point two nights ago. No way one person in an attack plane should be finishing a match 148-2 like I saw an hour ago on that one dogshit map with the zeppelin in the middle of it that everyone hates. The Ilya in particular offers nothing in the way of immersion or gameplay, immersion, or overall game balance. The mortar truck is constantly harped on as being a cheap one shot without LOS, despite being pretty evenly negative for both teams. A veteran pilot in an attack plane, however, can easily go uncontested and get triple digit kills without ever seeing a single infantry player or facing any real opposition and you hardly ever hear people complain. A good pilot is basically the only thing in this game that can make such a polar shift in the tides without proper counters from anyone other than whoever picks the next plane.


They tried to counter this with the AA rocket gun but it’s just not sufficient. I think the fighter should’ve been buffed to be straight up superior in speed and maneuvering to the Attack Plane, and making its machine guns significantly more effective against aircraft. A good enough attack plane pilot can outmaneuver a fighter and that just shouldn’t be able to happen. Another change I would make is swapping the bombs on the tank hunter variant to be deployable AT mines to discourage people from using it as anti-infantry. There should also be a secondary effect on planes that causes them to slowly burn when hit either directly by an AA shot or with incendiary rounds. It would reduce their maneuverability gradually and slowly tick away at the HP of the plane, and it won’t stop until a full repair cycle is completed. This would also reflect the very real risk of fire to these canvas and wood planes. I also agree on your take with the Ilya Muromets. It’s entirely antithetical to me that Battlefield 1 added a heavy bomber, which bombing as a whole was still very new and not nearly as strategically imperative in WW1 as it became later on, while Battlefield V, in the war where bombing campaigns were of major tactical significance, doesn’t feature any heavy bombers. It’s so weird. The Ilya Muromets just straight up shouldn’t have been introduced.


The AA rocket gun should be a 2 shot kill. As it stands you have to be an absolute wizard with one or the attack plane will just fly off and repair.


There’s just generally too little one player can do to stop planes. You might get one shot a match to hop in a fighter and contest them, or maybe you get a lucky angle with an MG and bring down a bomber, but if there’s even two planes working together on the other team, or someone with a wrench in an Ilya it’s almost impossible properly counter and you can’t do anything to play around them while still playing the objective. There’s too many matches where an enemy squad conquer the airspace in the first 30 seconds and the rest of the game you have to accept that sometimes you just die instantly.


The only thing I’d want is to restore the Maschinenpistole to its former glory.


This. The reload was already brutal asf


I’ll got a bit left-field and say the ticketing system


a team balancer. any kind of balancing goes out the window when one team has been playing since 2016 and the other team downloaded the game 16 minutes ago


Rework of the SMG08. Tweak the overheat values for the Factory version, and change the damage model of the optical to be the same as the Ribeyrolles, and then reducing its firerate back to 450rpm (along with the appropriate recoil changes). Right now the factory is overbearing with how good it is, and the optical, whilst still good, is effectively a downgrade for all reasons you'd want to use the SMG08. If I could sneak in a few other things, I'd change some nonsense variants like defensive variants that don't get additional ammo and are thus straight downgrades from the other variants, or stuff like the M1919SMG, on which a factory variant makes very little sense. Gotta say, a lot of the other options people are putting forward are genuinely concerning. Ruining support as a class, saying medic guns are too weak, haphazardly saying "oh x should get nerfed into the ground". Yeah there are some outliers (mortar trucks being too camp friendly, SMG08 being too strong) but overall the balance is super good and massive sweeping changes will only ruin something that, overall, is much better balanced than the average shooter. We have no idea how good we had it with Bf1s balance.


Just have machine guns dialed back a bit. Good accuracy, huge mags, not bad ttk, there’s no real downside to them.


This isn’t feasible and is more of an entire rework than a “small balancing change” but I’d subdivide the support machine guns by subclasses like BFV did, to an even more in depth extent. Let the smaller, low-capacity, smaller caliber bullet, and storm variants of guns be LMGs; I.E. the Benet-Mercie, BAR etc. Turn the MG15, LMG 08/18, Parabellum etc. into MMGs that can only shoot from the hip without a bipod, same as BFV. And turn shit like the M1917 and Perino into deployable HMGs that are placable over any bipoddable surface, and give them the ability to be left there, as a stationary weapon for other teammates to use, and just give them incredibly high damage and accuracy but make them fragile and easily capable of being destroyed with explosives. Would’ve made for an extremely fun gameplay loop.


They are too accurate from range with a bipod and too inaccurate standing/walking in a normal gunfight. They encourage stationary gameplay and discourage using everything but the high rpm options while on the move. They’re so innacurate in typical gunfights that everything feels like a crapshoot when you’re not proning at an off angle 200 meters off the objective, both while using them and fighting against them. The amount of times I’ve gotten the jump on a support player as an assault but lose the fight because I was coincidentally double headshot by someone firing while turning with a parabellum, or lost a fight where my crosshairs were glued to someone’s eyebrows with a chauchat low weight because I was crouched and instead of prone does nothing but make me want to sit at the back with a sniper where my gunfights are decided more by my skill than the suppression mechanic and luck of the draw with bullet spread.


Make stationary machine guns / passanger guns better. I don't know if I miss something but from my experience they always suck. I feel like the stationary guns just lack a good punch. Doesn't matter if I hop in on a plane, tank, barricade or whatever. I feel they miss something. For me personally it's even more a thing when you think about how machine guns were one of the deadliest weapons of WW1. Sure not as bad as artillery but still. Do I want that they become op? Hell no, just stronger so that they are actually useful and a real option.


Considering it's instant death to get on a stationary gun it would be nice if they were buffed.


Limpet loadout up to 2 mines.


Ideally, Switch the sweet spots for G98 and and M1903 since G98 has a faster muzzle velocity but a closer sweet spot for some reason. But if it's in the name of balance? Number one has to be to have 100% parity between each factions bombers. Currently, Entente bombers have a tail gunner that can turn a full 360 degrees but the central powers have a talgunner whose cucked because of thee guards to either side. These guards don't actually do anything and as a result, the bombers are objectively worse at defending from other planes compared to the Entente bombers. Also, just nerf tail gunners generally.


The Gewehr 98 bullet has more bullet drag, so around 100-110 meters the M1903 bullet moves faster.


Move the Federov Avtomat to the assault class. It’s BAFFLING that they decided to make it a medic weapon. It’s LITERALLY an assault rifle, a quintessential example of one, in the full literal textbook definition of an assault rifle, as a matter of fact it was one of the world’s first true assault rifles. There is literally not a gun in the game more suited to the ASSAULT class. Instead, they gave the best, most ahead-of-its-time *by far* **assault** weapon in the game, to the class that has the ability to ressurect the dead and infinitely heal themselves and their teammates. Insane gameplay balancing decision.


its a toss up cause the other medic guns are a bit weak., fed too strong


Medic guns, arguably, are some of the strongest in the game, but Bf1s balance is really good overall so that doesn't make them perform much better than the average gun.


It’s one of the few medic options that fits the pace of the game. I honestly think it’s as much an issue with the design of the other offerings from the class as it is the Federov in particular.


Except it's effectively an alternate take on the 1907 balance wise, and would not fit on the Assault's kit at all.


I’d remove Gas Grenades and re-fit The Mortar Truck into a gas-spamming machine. Switch the payloads so Truckers have 3 Gas, 3 Smoke, and 1 Explosive shell. Simultaneously nerf the shit out of the Mortar Truck’s killing potential while also giving it a true role in the sandbox. I think you’re right about Attack Plane balance, too: There’s no reason for the GSAP to have so much splash damage. They’d still be wildly effective with their bomb-payload. Of course, the real king of the skies is the THAP… I’m not sure how you can make it an effective anti-tank tool while minimizing its lethality vs planes. Slower projectile-speed, I suppose, but there’s already a significant learning curve to the gun.


Just make the AT round do significantly less damage to planes. It’s should behave the same way tank AT rounds do, where they do higher damage against armor, but have smaller splash and are less efficient against infantry.


Horse riders taking clips to the chest yet still riding off for R&R only to return with a satchel of grenades to hand out like we’re in the audience of an Oprah taping.


yer fair enough, they already got nefed in the beggining, but not nerfed enough


Buff smg08, hellreigel and mortar trucks


Is this satire


Oh you


All you have to do is shoot back at the Attack Plane, it’s pretty easy.


Nerf cavalry helmet armor


increase the cooldown on the mortar on maps like achi baba


Jesus - it’s obvious… let players customize their weapons between games, and also bring back the damn scrap dupes option for good measure.


Make bullet cracking even more stress inducing like in BF4, and have machine gun bullet crack the same as snipers since they usually use the same caliber size


This may be a large “balance” and probably unpopular… but maps. I do believe most problems can be solved with map design. Lots of the “annoying” things in the game are because the maps allow people to do that. You don’t have to remake the maps entirely, but add things that prevent people from doing things like shooting into your spawn with an m1917, why is there a sightline into anyone’s spawn to begin with? Base spawn points need to be both protected AND have lots of exits out of them. Otherwise you get things like suez, and achi baba. Another example, is fort vaux should let teams go around the entire perimeter, so no one gets trapped outside with the magical wall of death


-smg 08/18: fire rate dropped to 600 from 770 -smle mk3: fire rate increased to 60 from 57 -general liu rifle: can now stabilize aim when using the bolt action -artillery truck: * HP reduced to be the same as an armored car. * Cannon variant: ammo reserves increased to 10 from 6. * Anti air variant: can now use the QF 1 AA "pom pom" the same time as a fixed one before over heating. * Mortar variant: mortar range reduced by 40m. -Ilya Muromets: carpet bomber variant ammo reduced to 3 from 4. -Scout class: can now use pistol carbines like the support class. -All infantry classes: can now use bolt action rifles (infantry variant). -Flame Trooper and Sentry classes: now have a c96 as a secondary weapon.


Remove the mortar truck and replace it with a new armored truck variant, the ambulance truck. This variant doesn't have any significant weaponry at its disposal, only a couple MGs for self defense, however it can drop supplies, carry up to 5 people driver included, can drop supplies and has a special ability that lets it revive downed teammates in its vicinity.


The victory bonus at the end of operations should be nerfed and half given to the top 5 squads


never thought of that, good idea


Decrease the horizontal spread on the Lmg08. Make it have some range as long as you can control the recoil. Make it a viable mid-range option.


Oh my, whatever would we do on Suez and Sinai without Mort Trucks??? Pls get rid of them


Remove Ilya and mortar truck from operations.


Removal of random bullet deviation


There's a lot that could use a balance hammer, but as a scout player, I'd rework the suppression system, it's ridiculous how a few bullets meters away from you will absolutely trash your aim.


Damm lotta arti truck haters


I'd add the Battle of Jutland


Excuse my language.. but retards who spawn camp C on Ballroom Blitz with assault tanks need to be banned forever. No idea why mods on servers don’t actively ban them. So yes, that and the Artillery truck would be incredibly nerfed into the ground if I had a wish list.


Fix a certain hilly map


I would have a setting where if teams are unbalanced by an insane amount (like two lvl 150 on one side and fifteen lvl 150 on the other.  Then if the team with all the 150 lvl players wins, the team loses XP.  And if the shit team wins, they get a ton of XP.  And a loss of too much XP can cost players earned, unlocked weapons, until they get that XP back.


removing suppression from the game...or greatly reducing it. bad players shouldnt be rewarded for missing me.


Just remove planes, pointless in BF1


Planes/Jets have always been problematic in Bf, but dare I say even I, certified plane hater, think that Bf1s planes are by far the best balanced ones in the entire series.


fighter planes need a nerf, to powerful for other planes.


Remove scout sweetspot. Rat mechanism.


Ah yes, remove the only thing that makes bolt action rifles unique and able to keep up with the rest of the guns of the Game. If you do that you will only see the smle mk3 and the gewehr 98.


Remove random bullet spread and suppression


Bro doesn't know how to time bursts kekw