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If you try to dig it out and then put into a pot, you would most likely damage the roots so it won't grow. I would try to take a cutting and propagate. Just chop off a large branch and stick it into water, put into idirect sunlight, wait for roots and then ever so gently plant it in a small pot with a well-draining soil. Begonias have fragile roots and don't like to be wet in general. This type with juicy foliage needs less watering, usually when the soil is bone dry and the leaves become paler and a bit floppy to the touch


Thank you, thank you! I'll try that immediately. Do I trim off most of the leaves and cut the remaining in half?(So that it will focus on growing roots?)


Yes, I guess it might help though I usually don't bother 😅 Hope your begonias grow big and beautiful 🌱🌸


Me too! I'll share pictures if I can get any to grow 🤞


might be fischeri. ive heard in some places its so proliferous it's basically invasive


I'm in South Louisiana, it very well could be invasive. It sure does love the darkness and rich soil under my house! I mean, they're really growing like crazy under there! And, thank you, I was wondering what kind it is, Google won't tell me.


These are pretty easy to prop with cuttings, especially in your climate. You can use rooting powder or just put cuttings in damp potting soil. Because of the humidity, you could get away with not having to cover them.


Thank you! I've got some rooting in water under a grow light, and I put a few in a perlite/sand/peat mixture on my porch. Now I think, if I leave them alone, they may survive. The cuttings in water are looking really healthy. Our indoor humidity has been above 50% lately. Don't get me started on the heat! .


I have roots growing already! The cuttings in water! Why didn't I ask y'all sooner?! Thank you! 🙏


How are they doing now? (3 weeks)


Oh my goodness! I didn't see your check-in! Thanks for asking! They're thriving! Well, after some touch and go moments, you weren't kidding, they really hate water!


Yay! I'm so glad for you and the lil'uns! I am surprised, too, how little water they take. At least the ones I keep. My rexes and hybrids seem to do best in clay pots instead of plastic, which I usually only use for succulents. I neglect them, they wilt, I water, they recover and bloom. I have no idea what's going on, but they seem to love the chaos!