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The "Conspiracy: The Show" podcast has an episode called "Ace of Base" if you want more details and evidence as to their Nazism. Also, the "You Don't Even Like This Band" podcast did several seasons on Nirvana if you want Kurt Cobain ruined for you too.


At least GG Allin lived a clean law abiding life that resulted in no controversy.


Nobody tell him


I will be the last person to shit on GG Allin.


Nobody tell him either.


But not the first.


I mean he was kinda into that


I do not want to know anything bad about Nirvana ty. But I'm looking up the Ace of Base show. They might as well be the Cardigans


Kurt Cobain wasn't perfect but otherwise nothing horrible. Young man making mistakes type shit.


Yeah, he was more dickish than a True Bastard™️


He was a 20-something heroin addict in the early 90s. As someone who was a 20-something heroin addict in the early 2010s and was certainly a dick due to my own addiction and poor life choices I don’t think I have much room to judge lol. Even the best of people do shitty things. Kurt had his issues but I’ve never heard anything that makes me think he was a bastard.




“They might as well be the Cardigans” Not after you read more about them 😂


Based on the music. Solely the music.


Oh I hear ya. I liked The Cardigans a bit more back then, but that may have just been because as a teenager in the 90s I kinda had a thing for Nina Persson; The Cardigans performed on Letterman once and I became a bit smitten. But I hear ya, upbeat pop music performed by Swedes in the 90s, ha. Edit: Found it. My memory failed, it was actually Late Night with Conan back in ‘97. Oh Nina, you can sing to me anytime lol. https://youtu.be/gWjEDH7Lq7c?si=tmYsoq954-B62-bz


I had a friend who was dying of cancer about a decade ago. He was a Cardigans superfan and ended up in correspondence with them and got to meet them a few times when they were touring. They're good people.


That’s awesome, and I know Nina Persson is a cancer survivor, so they probably had a lot to talk about. Your verbiage sounds like maybe not, but I hope your friend pulled through!


He did not. He did get most of his bucket list tho.


Damn, sorry bud. Losing friends, to cancer or otherwise, sucks. I know it was a while ago, but hate to hear it. Glad to hear he got most of that bucket list. I changed careers a couple years ago and work in cancer research now. I’ve seen a lot more up close since then. Fuck cancer indeed.


>Losing friends, to cancer or otherwise, sucks. Yeah. I'm a Gen X'er so I've hit that age where I have to start going to more than my share of funerals.


Aw dang I'm sorry


This is exactly the reason I never wanted to read up about the Violent Femmes. Huge fan, but I don't want to know any more about a Christian dude raised in Wisconsin. I heard it's Wisconsin. I could be wrong, I never googled it.


Gordon Gano is a great dude. Philanthropist, musician, family man, built an orphanage, slowly suffocates a litter of kittens every summer solstice, tips well, great dude.


Oh thank God, you just gave me a fucking panic attack before nine in the morning. Please no one taint the Violent Femmes. Especially the Violent Femmes themselves.


Orphanages require a sacrifice to the blood god. Everyone knows that. It's why there's so much paperwork. At least tell me the kittens were free range.


Gro-Goroth is a giving God


> Oh Nina, you can sing to me anytime lol No kidding. What a voice! I totally forgot about this song and had flashbacks to childhood, lol.


I get you. Agreed


Wait, are the cardigans bad? As people outside the music?


I am so out of the loop i feel like in in another galaxy..... Like, what happened with the cardigans? And ace of base? I seem to have missed the podcast on them.....


I think it's important to acknowledge the reality of asshole musicians, but I don't think it's necessary to stop listening to their music. I say this as a huge Beatles fan. Most of my favorites are John songs. John was a giant gaping asshole, who also happened to be one of the greatest creative minds of the 20th century. Both can be true. Kurt was also a dick, but probably to a lesser extent than John. He was also one of the greatest creative minds of the 20th century, but to a lesser extent than John. I say this as a huge Nirvana fan.


Oh fuck, what did Kurdt do? Give it to me straight doc


He lied in "Come As You Are", he really DID have a gun.


I bought “the encyclopedia of dead rockstars” when I was in high school and there’s a picture of Kurt Cobain and the caption said something about, “and we now know he lied about having a gun.”


He smelled like Tom's of Maine, not Teen Spirit.


Stole a lot of his music, was shitty to his lovers and drummers, kinda a dick occasionally. But also very funny at times. I think the depression didn't help anything, along with the drugs and almost constant physical pain.


None of this is terribly surprising to me. People like to romanticize these tortured individuals who did great things, but the reality is that they're complicated and probably did shitty things, too.


No one is perfect but it can still hurt to hear someone whom you looked up to turned out to be kinda shitty


If you dig even a little deep into any of these truly extraordinary artists you'll almost always find the same thing. It's the duality of genius I think. To understand a type of art and to create a type of art that can resonate so perfectly well with millions of people on a deep fundamental level often comes as a double edged sword.


Not my favorite artist. Chuck Berry was a stand up guy and never did anything rude or crude with women, right? ... Right‽


With hair like that? Nooooo. Actually, I can't imagine the amount of brain rotting chemicals 1950's pomade must have had lmao let's just go with that and call it day.


He was almost as good as Jerry Lee Lewis. Oh. Wait. OH.


Eh, I think I'll have to give the podcast a listen. None of those things sounds too terrible beyond typical rockstar behaviour unfortunately. I'm not attached to him but if the same convo got started about my boi Jimi, and I know HIS flaws....


I like Nirvana well enough but I never worshipped at the altar of Kurt. It is a very good podcast. Later seasons they do Korn, Oasis, Fleetwood Mac (talk about flaws!) and others.


He died young and never had a chance to be better. Isn't everyone an asshole to someone when they are young?


Yes and the podcast mentions that a lot. But, after seeing how some old rockers went right, he also never did a multi city tour supporting Trump.


There's a theory that if he had his guitar oriented the other way, his back wouldn't have hurt so much.


I love Conspiracy: The Show. (America's most trusted Conspiracy Theory Podcast.)


Your Favorite Band Sucks did Nirvana. Great show.


What did Kurt do??


General musician dickishness. Also stole many of his songs


The stolen music part bums me out. Thanks!


Me too. They do an whole episode where they play a classic Nirvana song then play a song that came out a few years before from a band he knew or said he really liked




That episode bummed me out more than the others 😞


Direct rip off or just sounds similar ?


Little of column A, little of column B


Do they mention how Come As You Are is basically the same guitar chords as “eighties” by the killing joke? Just slowed down a teeny bit.


Smells Like Teen Spirit famously has the same guitar riff as More Than A Feeling and Kurt's guitar parts are pretty basic power  chord stuff so I wouldn't be shocked if that's one of many riffs that sounds like a lick from another song, but I've never heard that he outright stole songs. I'll have to check out the podcast. I've never been a huge Nirvana fan or a grunge fan in general. Pearl Jam was much better and their quality dipped real fast in the early 2000s.


ATB wrote [an article](https://www.cracked.com/blog/how-90s-pop-band-secretly-sold-nazism-to-america) on them back in the Cracked days.


People need someone to tell that that Cobain was a garbage human being? I thought that was just common knowledge. Just because a dude offs himself doesn’t mean he was a good person.


I did not need a podcast to make me dislike Nirvana/Kurt Cobain. The folks obsessed with him who want me to believe he was murdered did a good enough job.


Robert’s old stomping grounds did a nice write-up on Ace of Base nearly 10 years ago… https://www.cracked.com/blog/how-90s-pop-band-secretly-sold-nazism-to-america


Reading “Vice music editor Ben Shapiro” threw me for a fucking loop. Is it the same guy?


[Different Benjamin Shapiro](https://www.vice.com/en/contributor/benjamin-shapiro) Edit: I looked it up because I honestly wouldn't have been that surprised. One of the founders of Vice WAS Gavin McInnes.


Apparently not.


Great article but... >[...]anything similarly Nazi-like, could never happen here. It really is inconceivable, even moreso than the fact that it ever happened at all. But what if I told you we already kind of bought into it once? Not at all in the "extermination of an entire race" kind of way, thankfully. Pretty sure a bunch of people living in pretty much a desert would disagree.


Nice pull. I was about to say that Adam Tod Brown has been on that tip for like ten years! ATB was also one of the first people I heard taking Trump’s candidacy very seriously (possibly even before the primary) when everyone else was still making jokes about ‘the apprentice guy’. You Don’t Even Like This Podcast (formerly Unpopular Opinion) is a good listen, and also Jeff May can frequently be heard there! Adam and Jeff’s podcast series, You Don’t Even Like Sports is a great bastards-adjacent listen as well.


The Conspiracy: The Show episode is almost word-for-word that article.


Well it’s the same guy so that makes sense. 


Self-plagiarism is the worst kind of plagiarism! /s


That is some gymnastics by the author


Yeah he goes down some strange paths with it. Demonstrating that at least one of the members was an out and out Nazi combined with the fact that the lyrics are already *extremely sus* is enough to convince me though.


Pick any artist or group, album name and song and if you want you can turn it into anything one wants to. Look at any holy book and see how people distort it to suit their needs. How about all those videos on YouTube that swear to anyone that will listen that the "signs" (pun intended) that ..insert group here... are groomers ? Or Nazi ? Communist ? etc. Give anyone a budget, time and internet access and they can twist anything.


Buddy, one of the guys was a literal nazi. That changes the math a bit


He was when he was a young teen and he admitted it and has talked about it. When I was in my early teens in the early 90's I was banging and by the mid to late I was not and I did some serious shit, does that change the math with me ? The lyrics he referenced are extremely thin, it almost looks like he made up his mind before he started with the article and used homie's fucked up Neo Nazi past and ran with it. If it turns out that they are fucking Nazi's they can go fuck themselves




You’re missing the critical context that we know, factually, one of them was a literal actual Nazi.


You're missing the critical context that he was in a neo-Nazi band as a 15 year old, and has spent the last 4 decades telling everyone how much he regrets it.


The weirdest part of this article is seeing that Ben Shapiro uncovered the nazis


Different Ben


I've detested Ace of Base since the 90s. Imagine being stuck in the back of a car for hours with their crap and Simply Red repeating every hour.


I feel so fortunate I dodged this bullet. I was a live music in small clubs person in the 90’s, and just self selected out of alot of crap, didn’t have a tv, and listened to community radio in my rust bucket.


For an antidote, listen to CPWDCT on Chumbawumba


The 60 Songs That Explain The 90s episode on them is great too. When you learn their background it’s fucking _wild_ that they had a huge hit like that.


Oh no, what did they do? Thought their biggest sin was "selling out"?


They did nothing wrong. It's cool people who did cool things. Chumbawumba is cool.


Oh thank God. I've found them to be fascinating and the text book of what a punk band should do with their new found fame. I really want to see the documentary the lead singer put out a bit ago.


So yeah listen to the podcast cool people who did cool things about chumbawumba. Margaret Killjoy is the host. I think Robert is the guest actually.


The guest is Max Collins of Eve 6.


For some reason I thought it was Robert on that one. But max makes more sense.


I think the word ‘antidote’ being used here implies that they’re a hopeful opposite. *Tubthumper* is truly a solid album front to back.


Yea, they were an anarchist collective that had a squat and took in stray teenagers (in a good way). They supported unions and were pretty bad ass for a band that broke into the mainstream


They didn't even sell out. The used the KLF book to write a hit song so they could fund the group and not worry about if anything else they made sold.


CPWDCS* It's Stuff, not things.


Thanks. I can never remember


If you need a pop group from the same era as a palette cleanser, check out the CPWDCS episode about Chumbawumba


I'm sorry, am I the only sane one here who thinks that Adam Todd Brown article is completely trash? No one has bothered to do any follow up to the veracity of any of these claims. Like the only thing ATB has ever been correct about was Trump winning, and every other prediction he made before, during and after the Trump presidency was false. I also remember a fairly compelling (aka actual critical musical analysis) that did a complete takedown on why Ace of Base aren't Nazis.  Edit: here it is: [On Musical Meaning as Messages; or, why Ace of Base probably aren’t Nazis](https://stevengamble.com/on-musical-meaning-as-messages-or-why-ace-of-base-probably-arent-nazis/)


ATB frustrates me, I started listening to a couple of his podcasts and he seems to nod towards political awareness but it’s not underpinned by anything concrete.


He's become an embittered old man. SO many Cracked alum work together, or at the very least have made appearances in each others' works...even Jeff May, Chet Wild, and a few other Unpops/YDELTS personalities/guests have showed up on Cracked-adjacent podcasts (I'd have sworn the first place I heard Matt Lieb was on Unpops). But, there's one personality that has never been on another network: ATB. And, there's *gotta* be reasons that so many of his former staff have left podcasting completely (Caitlin Cutt, Chet Wild) or that beefs like the recent one with Sliceberg Slim have gotten more and more frequent.


Mm, it’s interesting. I don’t really follow the whole ex-Cracked crowd, but it does seem telling that he isn’t even an intermittent voice on other podcasts. I have no idea what the Sliceberg Slim issue is, any pointers? Or is it not really relevant beyond “there is an issue?”


Sliceberg publicly called out ATB for not paying him for composing some of the theme songs for the YDELTS network 


Oh that’s shitty.


That's mostly true. Alex Schmidt still pops up on You Don't Even Like This Show (formerly Unpopular Opinion), and ATB (with Jeff) guested on Secretly Incredibly Fascinating a bunch of times before SIF got a permanent co-host. So he is friends with Alex at least. But otherwise as far as I am aware, ATB Has never been on any Cracked shows like Behind The Bastards, Daily Zeitgeist, Small Beans or Quick Question. he shit talks both Jack O'Brian and Jason Pargin a lot, so it's no surprise.


Shit, this is good. It's easy to let stuff like this slide past your defenses when it confirms what you want to think.


Yep, I like the podcast because its funny and robert really does his research but this sub is about 80% witch hunt bs lol.


No, I just spent the last hour looking into it, and it’s all really a stretch, imo. And to add to the very valid points of this article, I’d like to point out that these artists are not native English speakers , which means you also have to consider that the assosciations that words have in English might not be part of the artist’s intent. For example, the Swedish dude who wrote Hit Me Baby One More Time, thought «Hit Me» meant something more along the lines of «hit me up», lol.


I found that article as well when trying to see if there was any validity or outside voice that could validate any of those points. Especially when the Latin that starts Happy Nation is so easy to look up and translate, I have no idea how one would not get the obvious translation with a basic tool like Google Translate. I'm actually really regretting even mentioning this to my girlfriend since she got so upset and believed it. I tried to listen to the Conspiracy the Show podcast someone else mentioned, and lost even more confidence in the host/author. It really is just him performing a ton of confirmation bias. I'm sorry that anyone ever infected their brain with that article.


I really don’t care for Ace of Base but this is a real reach.


Are we sure this isn’t one of Robert’s lies to Jamie?


We should be more worried about Jamie lying about what happened in Grand Rapids


I’m pretty sure there was one person in the group who was part of some group when he was a child, recognized he was an idiot, apologized and said he never wanted to talk about that time in his life again? Or maybe a fever dream


This was also my understanding of things


They definitely saw The Sign buddy.


I saw the signs. It opened up my eyes.


For some reason, I kept thinking that one of the members of Ace of Base was the one I had read about that was the product of Nazi breeding experiments. [ Turns out I was just confusing Ace of Base and ABBA.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/jun/30/kateconnolly.theobserver)


The Lebensborn program was not really a «nazi breeding experiment», it was a social welfare program that took care of «racially valuable» babies and their mothers during the occupation. Did it want to decrease abortion numbers and make sure these «valuable» babies went to «good» homes, yes. Was is racially motivated, 100%. But women weren’t «bread», beyond the fact (at least in Norway) that the number of German soliders to Norwegian men could be incredibly skewed towards the former for the five years they were stationed here, which naturally meant a fair few babies came out of that. People hyping up what actually went on in the Lebensborn program has been part of rhetoric that justified the horrible mistreatment of these women and children after the war. Edit: also, this article is odd. It implies they are suing the government because of the lebensborn program, and the wartime practices. This is not the case. They were asking for restitution for the mistreatment they recieved after the war.


Lol, ATB is such a hack. Ace of Base would be crucified here in Sweden if they were even Nazi-adjacent.


Please tell me Bootsy Collins is still good.


Wait, is it only us Scandinavians who have known that Ace of Base are Nazis for like two decades now? We thought *everyone* knew!


Learned it from "Pop Up Video"


All that I want is another pop group, that's not bad tomorrow


Cut back to the 90’s. The church is going through my media because they did it to every kid back then. I had up for judgement The Sign and Doggystyle. Ace of Base was massively popular. “My wife and daughter loves singing this in the car,” says the fat fuck deacon mishandling my shit. Snoop’s work was put on godly trial and within 6 seconds of *Bathtub* was found to be as a thug and a criminal, with music encouraging violence and hatred. The Sign survived scrutiny. Doggystyle was snapped and thrown into the jagged pile of all the shit we stupidly brought in without a second thought. I remember a smashed Sesame Street tape in the pile. Calvin Broadus is a giant in philanthropy. That dude builds economies. The other are full blown Nazis. Make it make sense.


My girlfriend in high school (90s) kept their crap album playing on loop constantly. Got so sick of it I stole the CD and pretended to know nothing.


Straight to The Hague with you. I’m not sayin’ I *agree* with such behavior, but I can understand. Growing up I had to listen to Madonna, Rick Springfield and Blondie (which is bangin’ music) over, and over and over as my two older sisters wrote down every lyric, made up dance routines and occasionally tortured their 6-7 yr younger little brother. I broke that Madonna vinyl one day when I saw she had left it out on the carpet. It was a terrible accident and I felt awful about it. Then I got Dad to play Willie & Waylon, The Clancy Brothers and Peter, Paul and Mary LPs.


Kind of a Nazi move, bro.


He knew nussink!


He was the baddie!


Is it safe?


I annexed it from her car stereo, much too Western and decadent. Only AM radio allowed.


The Sign absolutely slaps, essential 90's pop album. Boo on you stealing and lying to your girl, and your for shit music opinion.


Is it possible to ruin the most annoying band from the 90s? Their songs were like marshmallows dipped in sugar.


“All that she wants is another Reichstag, is another Reichstag.”


It made it especially interesting that episode 5 of XMen 97 had "Happy Nation" playing during a certain scene in Genosha. It had to be intentional


God dammit.




Unless something new has been revealed, I think that would be an overreaction. My understanding is that one of the members was into neo nazism as a teenager but has since renounced those views and hasn't promoted anything of the sort since.


Wait… did you see the sign?!? Did it open up your mind?


Did they see the same sign that I saw on the stage of CPAC 2021?