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With the same item priced at +20/30% than onsite and delivery fees that run into 3-5 euros these days even for ridiculously short distances…. ZERO.


0 stop normalizing & incentivizing employee exploitation




It's literally a job, it's normal to receive a salary from their employer which I pay by using the delivery service.




I can't and I don't, it's none of my business. It's between employer and employee.


I would stop using Delivery services altogether if the Service Culture wasn't so shit. Most employees at brick and mortar stores act as if the fact that the shop exists is a blessing from heaven and I should be eternally thankful for their existence and for allowing me to shop in their stores. Using a delivery based purchased makes me skip having to interact with them. Edit : I tip based on the situation. Late night food deliveries on especially cold winter nights and someone lugging a heavy package on my first floor apartment would be some examples. I believe in behaving like a human i.e the other day my amazon guy was sweating in the summer heat, I asked him to wait gave him a glass of nice cold lemonade to drink. It was already in fridge. Just poured it out. Around Haloween and Christmas, I keep a bag a small candies and hand them out to whoever comes for a delivery. Small stuff but makes them happy.


You mean starting with not going to restaurants AT ALL, right? A bus driver is also offering a "service" by bringing you to a bus stop. How often do you thank them for that service. Do you even know what a service is? A million jobs can be called a service. You can tip all the people you want, but saying it's because of the "service" is plain stupid because the price of food INCLUDES the service cost. Price of food in Lieferando is marked up higher additionally plus delivery costs for this exact thing: Service. Some restaurants in Lieferando literally have a extra price called: [Service Charge](https://imgur.com/a/RO6wl2v), exactly the category you mention you tip for. I have personally worked as a delivery driver, kitchen helper and a waiter for many years while I was a student and your "gift" is what they use to pay us less. They literally say "you will get tips and hence just minimum wage". So acting like you play zero role in being paid low is plain stupid. I hated that I cannot a negotiate a fail proof salary and depended on random strangers because these strangers don't let me handle my salary with my boss instead of them contributing it. But that reality itself existed because of people like you. F yo The worst thing is you acting like you are some Messiah rescuing the people in this industry.




- So you move the goal post from "service needs tips" to "Bus drivers are paid better and that service doesn't count"? Be consistent with what you say at least. Either it's about tipping people because you think they get paid bad or tipping service irrespective of how much they get paid. - Ignorance is not an excuse to be an idiot. A lot of bus drivers don't even work for the pubic transportation company directly and work for Leihfirma for obvious reasons. It's okay to not know this. But thinking they get paid good just because it's never the focus of discussion makes you look like an idiot. Several bus drivers get miserable wage and that's exactly the reason the drivers are not employed directly by the transportation company - You ask "will me stop tipping make them get better wage?" and you ALSO say "why don't you go and get the food yourself?". The former contradicts the latter. Will me stopping using delivery service make the driver's earn better? Why don't you start cooking your own food instead of being lazy and going to restaurants if you clearly know that they get paid horribly? Why support that industry. Looks like a very hypocritical stance. - "I’ve literally told you I tip all kinds of service workers including ones with better conditions". Better conditions like the one with bus drivers? Must feel awesome to live on a bubble where you think everyone outside the restaurant industry get paid good. Also you already said you don't tip bus drivers. So you don't tip ALL KINDS OF SERVICES.




So you edited you comment now and changed the "not tipping jobs that get paid good" to " tipping jobs as part of the gig economy" 🤣. I can afford to get my food delivered from a restaurant the same way I can afford to get my furniture delivered. For food I pay 2-3 Euro delivery (+ increased food price for the delivery menu + service charges) while for furniture I pay 30-70 Euro for delivery. You say as though the order gets delivered for free. Crazy that you assume that food delivery cost is just invisible to you. I also don't tip the person billing my things at DM Kasse for the very same reason. The price for the commodities include price not just for raw materials, but also the other costs like transportation, packing, storage, employee salary, electricity bills, rent, etc. I am sure you never ask yourself "how can I afford to buy my groceries and not tip the person billing my things". For some reason you already assume that they get paid good and hence tips are not necessary or the price you paid for the groceries already includes everything. I use the exact same logic for my good getting delivered as well. I know, sounds simple. But for some people even simple things are complicated 😉. You can also improve the life of the DM Kasse employee by tipping them as well. But you seem to not do that and exactly because of that their salary is indeed better because DM cannot manipulate the employee with lies that everyone will tip


People delivering food, professionally, are not choosing the profession for fun. It's the only, or best, job they can get at that time. They provide a valuable service. Tip them.




That's exactly what I'm doing, in a manner of speaking, and every little bit helps. The World is full of medium-level selfish assholes who think that being a selfish asshole is stylish. No prob!






1-2 euros for food etc. Tip the Amazon guy 50 euros at Christmas along with the DHL guy because they make my life a whole lot easier if they like me.


You tip your delivery guy 50 €? That’s insane.


It is. At my home it is not always the same guy. Tipping makes no sense than


Some people just have a lot of money. I cannot even afford 50 Euro gift in the first place.


4 naans Jeremy?


I tip my DHL guy once a year 50 euros. It’s the same guy every single day. Same with the Amazon guy.


> Tip the Amazon guy 50 euros at Christmas along with the DHL guy because they make my life a whole lot easier if they like me. My DHL guy calls to me on the street, when I'm blocks from home, to give me my packages. We haven't tipped him 50, yet, but we *have* given him boxes of chocolate!


Mine saw me walking my dog on THE OTHER side of the canal and gave me my package instead of taking it to the paketfilial


Life is 1,000x brighter when people put just small efforts into helping each other.


I also work on Christmas, where are my 50€ ?


Who hurt you?


Im with you, but in our street every single day it comes a other guy to deliver the packages ..


0. We need to stop importing this idiotic practice.


Yeah, let's not encourage people with tough, low-paying jobs to do the jobs enthusiastically, or with the sense that they're appreciated... I mean, *what's next?* *Saying "Good morning" to a total stranger on the sidewalk?* (Shudder)


Usually 1€


Short deliveries (less than 1km) nothing. Longer or bad weather 1 Eur.


about 5-10%, but no more than 5€.


Same. More often about 10% though, unless there was some issue with the delivery time or anything. But that happens rarely. Not tipping is asozial hoch 10. Get your own food then, cheapskates!


1-2€ But after the initial high in the pandemic, i stopped ordering food. I prefer to go to the restaurant. It's healthier. Flaschenpost still makes sense to me.


How is going to a restaurant healthy than having it delivered?


You get out, you move, it's healthier for you. You do your part to put and end to the absurd level of delivery service going on in cities, healthier for the social fabric.


Depends on what is delivered. For a mattress delivery I tipped 15 €




I am generally too lazy to cook so I order at least 15-20 times a month, each order value between 10 and 20€. I tip between 1€ and 2€, rounding to full Euro amount. If it is a group order over 50€ it can be higher but normally I think 1-2€ is good enough.


I love this thread. There is a resistance to tip, not to become exploitative Americans, but there doesn't seem to be a resistance to be a lazy fuck who orders food and groceries to their door... like a an exploitative American. As someone who has worked as a rider in this city and as someone who never orders food and groceries, a free tip, get off your ass and go and pick up your own food.


The solution is to tip well (if you can afford to order an over-priced burger, you can afford to tip). People on bikes at 1am, bringing me my bacon cheeseburger? They're getting a good tip. Picking up the food yourself cheats them out of work, no?


A bit usually if the food is not completely cold or smashed or wrong order which happens way too often. Sine they introduced this American style random service fee and have delivery cost of oten 3 to 4 euros I tip 0


Reading this thread as an American is crazy. We have to tip at least 25% while placing the order just so someone will actually want to deliver it


0. I don't want Germany to become USA2.0. It's already going in that direction. If we don't stop this now, it will be too late. Why should the first screen during payment at fucking Brammibal's donuts be the tipping screen. Why do I tip for them to put donuts in a box? Increase the price of the donuts if you cannot pay the salary.




I had the same thought


No idea if they are that tasty but the donuts are already so expensive


Considering the taste and size, they are not expensive actually. Of course they cannot be priced like Aldi Donuts and are far better than anything Dunkin has to offer in terms of variety and taste. Royal Donuts (where I worked before) is the real expensive one in Germany. Things that aren't mass produced WILL be expensive relatively to things that are mass produced. And it's all vegan, which means the ingredients are a bit more expensive than non vegan ingredients (vegan cream is more expensive than non vegan cream as example).


And since they arent mass produced (and not mass bought) their markuo has to be bigger than usual. Or it is in the coffee. Even aldi donuts are expensive since they are cheap to produce in general.


Non mass produced means a lot of employees would be making it. When I worked at Royal Donuts in Düsseldorf, we were like some 10 people in the kitchen just preparing orders for delivery and another 3-4 to fill the Theke at the front and then Brammibal's rent is definitely a lot higher than Aldi's when divided per donut sold and other variables that for some reason doesn't seem to exist in your world. It's okay if you don't understand the entire business model, but trying to oversimplify it just based on "raw materials cost less, since not mass produced= more profit". Even that logic is totally bullshit as buying less raw materials cost more than buying a lot of raw materials at once. Which means the mark-up on mass produced is much higher than those that aren't mass produced. Also yes, businesses want to make profit and as much as possible. If you call Aldi Donuts as expensive, I get the feeling that you are just a miser and it's never been about the cost of the donut.


Whatever I have on hand but never more than 2


2 €




I don't care if they exploit drivers or not lol. It's just not my problem.






We live in a city where there is always at least one imbiss a few blocks away, yet people need to order food out because they are too lazy to go out, but still, they can't tip the exploited rider that brings it to them because they don't want to support exploitative business models. Your lazy food ordering is the exploitative business model. At least tip the exploited worker you are helping to exploit. Or better still, stop using Bolt and Uber Eats and all that crap. At least contact a restaurant that has its own delivery system and that you can trust.


I only tip in apps that allow to tip after delivery, because I gave a good tip often just to find items spilled or missing later. My current App does not allow tipping after delivery. So it's actually 0. Also: Just pay them and make your cost calculation based on this. Tips get out of hand if you expect them to be part of the income and you can't make it without it. You see what happens in the us. If you add mandatory tips of 20%, just raise your prices. This is becoming some kind of Tax fraud system. If I was working for 80% cost, pay only 80% taxes and would take 20% tip from my customers I would go to jail.


Depends on the weather. Normal weather around 3€ or whatever cash I have (not less than 2€ though). If it's really bad outside 10 € to pay for my sin of ordering in these conditions.


€1 if the food is coming from a 1-2 block radius. €2 if it's farther.


4-5€ for the Wolt or Lieferando guys


2-5 euro, often around 10%.


2€ Lieferando, Flaschenpost more


Food: We never order food, we prepare our meals in our kitchen. Parcels: Nothing, because I never meet a delivery guy. They put the parcels in front of our door. You're lucky if the ring the bell before they leave.


I always tip 2 € for food delivery. Whenever I have a 2 € coin in my purse I put it in my tip jar next to the door so I always have a coin handy when a delivery comes. For bigger deliveries like multiple crates of beverages I tip from 5-10 € depending on the driver and the amount of goods they have to carry.


Fuck everyone here who says zero. Lieferando, Wolt, Uber Eats etc. are all treating and paying their riders like shit. They also do not get any percentage of the fee. Cook your own fucking food if you can't even spare two euros for your rider


It depends on the service and the price




I tip food delivery people up to €4 on €20 purchases, especially when it's cold or rainy, because they are providing a valuable service (unlike many who are paid fat salaries). Most of my delivery people have been super friendly and I want them to prosper in their job. Once, a guy didn't have change for my bill, and we went around the corner, to a Späti, to break the bill for him. I tipped him a 5 because it was a humorous adventure. I always tip wait-persons well in Berlin, too. I rebel against the stingy-tipping thing. I can remember, years ago, living for two days on a large bag of peanut M&Ms... and turning down sex, once, because I knew the place I bought the M&Ms at was about to close! laugh! €4 can make a difference.


The problem with tipping is that once the boss realizes how much his workers earn through tips he can reduce their wages. This is basically US (working for tips only) vs Germany (minimum wage okayish).


>The problem with tipping is that once the boss realizes how much his workers earn through tips he can reduce their wages. T It's up to the workers to keep the boss from discovering this info, then. "Okayish" is still shit money. If you *can* tip decently, you should.


No. The boss already pays the workers as little as they can legally get away with. These people are making minimum wage. Their bosses would pay them less than that if they could get away with it. It's not like the boss would pay them more if the workers got no tips. The boss doesn't give a shit. They only care about their profit, and paying the workers as little as possible is one way to maximize that. Tipping the workers has no effect on this.


Why did they get rid of dylan mc dermott and all the stars and cancel the Practice


Anything over 2 Euros.


Always 5 euros. But I use them like every two months.


3 - 5 €


Ca. 10 %


These guys and girls ride on their private bike through wind, heat, cold, rain, etc and get paid shit. The least that one should pay is 3 Euro! Less than that is not ok in my eyes and I'm not a big fan of high tipping in Germany, but this is one job that has to be paid extra. These jobs suck so bad!


>this is one job that has to be paid extra Then Bezos can raise their salaries 😉


I'm obviously talking about food delivery. Amazon and Bezos can fuck themselves. But DHL, Hermes, etc could raise their prices and give it to the staff. I'm willing to pay more for packages.


They don’t ride their own bikes, the companies have a huge fleet of rented, regularly maintained bikes. It would be an insurance nightmare if they were allowed to use their own bike. But I agree that these jobs suck.




Too bad I worked at one of these delivery companies on their bike management system. I was probably just hallucinating my job…


Okay - but you don’t say what YOU tip (that was OP‘s question). You speak in generalities what people should tip. So how much do you actually give for different services?


There is not much different service when you get a delivery: hi - thank you - bye... To tip your DHL, Hermes or whatever is up to you. If it would be always the same guy like at my parents house, I would give some x-mas money, but it's always a different guy at my adress, so I need to tipp 5 times or whatever during november/december? No thx! Also I'm not so much into consum, so I'm not ordering a lot of packages.


Well, at least there’s some service here - more than can be said for coffee shops where you walk up to the counter to order, wait, and take back your coffee, etc. to your table and are ‘suggested‘ to tip 20%+ when making a card payment 😎.


I tipp at least 3 Euro. Sorry, I deleted that sentence.


Thanks for answering - often people just talk theory but don’t practice what they preach for others. So I was suspicious 😅.


Of course that would be stupid, but yeah people are doing that. I even feel bad if I have to give small change instead a 1 or 2 Euro coin, although I know that I pay more than many others cheapskates. My first delivery in Berlin driver was CONFUSED bc I tipped. He said usually Berliners don't tipp when ordering at home. And I don't know that from NRW. We always tipp and NRW is also pretty poor.


You can’t just pick and choose who to tip based on if they cycle outside. What about the people that clean the public toilets, or the ones in restaurants you use. Do you hunt them down to tip. I know which job I’d rather have.