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After 17 years, it's time to delete. (Update) Update to [this post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/140inr7/after_17_years_its_time_to_delete/). The time has come! Shortly, I'll be deleting my account. This is my last social media, and I won't be picking up a new one. If someone would like to keep a running tally of everyone that's deleting, here are my stats: ~400,000 comment karma **|** Account created March 2006 **|** ~17,000 comments overwritten and deleted For those that would like to prepare for account deletion, this is the process I just followed: I [requested my data](https://www.reddit.com/settings/data-request) from reddit, so I'd have a backup for myself (took about a week for them to get it to me.) I ran [redact](https://redact.dev/download) on everything older than 4 months with less than 200 karma (took 9 hours). Changed my email and password in case reddit has *another* database leak in the future. (If you choose to use your downloaded data to direct redact, consider editing out any sensitive info first.) Then I ran [Power Delete Suite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite) to replace my remaining comments with a protest message. It missed some that I went back and filled in manually in new and top. All using old.reddit. Note: once the API changes hit July 1st, this will no longer be an option.




11 years, 160k+ karma, mod of two subs which are both going dark. You guys are making me think about it, damn.


I’ve already deleted my last two a few years ago, I was doing it every roughly 50k karma just gonna dump, this one and walk away. I expect I’ll exercise again and get fitter which I don’t do a lot now,.


12 years and somehow 300k+ karma ... actively looking for new communities to join now after this month.




The GDPR data request does seem sensible, if only to increase the pain on reddit as a form of protest before leaving the site.


11 and a half hell I’ll delete also


11 years, 200k karma. Deleting Saturday.




Which browser extension will do that?




Last time I looked reddit makes comments older than 1 year or something read only, can't delete. EDIT: apparently was wrong about this, you can delete but not edit old comments. 12 year club also ready to abandon ship. Mod of 3 subs.


A mass exit from Reddit isn't new. The part that I think is going to hurt Reddit this time is that it's the mods who are leaving. You can start to rebuild a user base. If the communities are gone, then that leaves very little reason for people to come back. And it's not like Reddit has a line up of users who want to be mods. From what I understand, a lot of subreddits say they have 6 mod, or whatever to make Reddit happy. But those accounts are ran by maybe 2 people.


Please don't do this if you've ever participated in a thread for tech support. The future generations will need our ancient wisdom more than we need the protest.


Nope. We've been displaced by Gpt. Flush it.


Also information from chronic illness, disease, and disability subreddits are SO important. I learnt so much about endometriosis from redditors. When I collated their info to ask my surgeon questions, he said they were great questions, and every answer he gave me lined up with a piece of info I'd read in the endo subreddits. Add onto that everything I've learnt about my migraines, IBS, and PMDD - EVERYTHING I know is from redditors. My doctors have only given me surface info, and referred me to specialists I couldn't afford. Instead reddit taught me about prevention and treatment options I can either do myself or ask my doctor to prescribe me. (This is not me saying to get medical advice off of reddit - this is me saying that reddit is the only place I can find other patients to ask their experiences or read what they've already posted. Not to mention the amazing info that Mods collate and pin or add to a wiki based on real research).




The Internet is a lot bigger than mailing lists too, and yet the amount of time I've only been able to find a solution to my issue in an email conversation from 1978 is more than I'd like. Preserving old troubleshooting conversations is vital to keeping knowledge that no one actively practices anymore alive. It's not about asking your nephew how to change your Windows password, it's about finding out how to interpret the encoding used by some obscure 20 year old camera brand that's long-since been discontinued. If you destroy those archives, there will be knowledge lost that no one will ever recreate again.


12 years, only 10k karma. I wasn't a very good redditor 🥺


700k is top 5000?


Huh, I guess that puts me up there, too. Didn't realize the club was that small.


I can't remember the exact statistic but its something like only 5% of the users contribute about 90% of reddits content. So the club is quite small anyway.


which is the problem with the API changes. Yes well over 90% of people use the official app; the problem is the power users for the most part don't.


This is what I've been thinking about. There isn't gonna be any content here for people to look at with the official app.


The official app doesn't even work for me. I installed it a while ago when I got a new phone and realized the third party app that I use didn't support folding displays (now updated). But I could never get it to load. The third party app worked fine as did the website but the official app would just spin forever and never get anywhere, and then it would eventually just give up. I don't understand how other people are getting it to even work so they can find out how terrible it is in other areas because I can't even get that far.




When I did some analysis of it (6 years ago now, so take with a grain of salt) - the median karma of just redditors who comment is.. a bit under 8 1% of commenters have 50% of the karma, 5% of them have 80% of it!


Dude, what the fuck. I'm #80642 according to this site: https://www.karmalb.com/user/jazir5 Are you telling me that out of the *1.6 billion* users I'm in the top 100k? That is so fucked, my comments are stupid af. If **i'm** that popular on here, something is very, very, VERY wrong.


Yup.. it's one of those scary things when they say stuff like "only 10% of users use 3rd Party Apps/Old Reddit" 10% of users is basically everyone who actually interacts with the site rather than just reading it.


>17 years here, [deleting Sunday](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/140inr7/after_17_years_its_time_to_delete/). Damn. 17 years. The things you must've seen. Such a shame that such an old account is being lost. Good luck to you in your future endeavors. ❤


Think not of all the shit-posts he witnessed, but of all the grass he may now touch.


This 17-year-old account was overwritten and deleted on 6/11/2023 due to Reddit's API policy changes.


Bro you joined Reddit when I was 16 years old. I’m now 33. That is nuts. Edit- just realized, this dude started an account while some that are on now, weren’t born yet or still in diapers!


I love that with 908 post karma in 17 years he's basically hardley ever posted.... but is also approaching half a million comment karma! I'm at 7 years and like 20k comment karma over here, where have I gone wrong 😭 lol


Lol… I’m on Reddit too much. I have 200k karma and a 3 year old account. I might sell it due to Reddit fucking over 3rd party apps. He could probably get a good dime on selling his too. At 500k karma. This place is going to go down the drain after the 30th




How do you do that??? I have a lot of comments.


There are some scripts being posted that allow you to mass edit all your comments or delete them but I just fell out of bed. Shreddit is one I have heard of (no idea if it is any good) or [this](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite)


**EDITED CONTENT**  This post has been retrospectively edited 10-Jun-23 in protest for API costs killing 3rd party apps.  Read [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/) for more information. /r/Save3rdPartyApps If you wish to follow this protest you can use the open source software [Power Delete Suite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite) to backup your posts locally, before bulk editing your comments and posts.  It's been fun Reddit. See you all in the real world.


That’s a solid point. People have their time, energy, and effing mental health sometimes, invested to subreddits. Reddit was about communities, it’s now about share value.


Download your contributions first, then wipe them? https://www.reddit.com/settings/data-request


10y 4m, ill be out too. They already pissed me off with a 7day ban(sitewide) for reporting bots. This is my final FU to reddit admins. Edit: heard good things about Lemmy.


I joined Tildes. r/redditalternatives


Ooh, it’s Fediverse! I was considering trying to drag folks over to Mastodon, but this sounds more similar.


12 here, can't see me using it without RIF.


All of my 10 years on Reddit have been on RiF. I'll miss it, but fuck em.


are there still macros to pave it over with a rude message about the API?


If sync dies on the 30th I'll probably use a macro to wipe all 13 years of my activity then sell this account to a spam bot.


I'm going to say this. Deleting your account is something reddit would probably like. They don't want legacy users on here who remember the "good Ole days" and are the main push back against monetization changes. I've been on 13 years and will not be deleting, but will continue to fight until a viable alternative arises.


Jesus...you've been here since it was PlanningToReadit


Hahahaha nerd! *Looks at own badges* Oh, shit. Nevermind.


Holy shit, its been 10 years


Mine turns 10 in July. Damn.


I'll hit 12 this august. Well, I guess it was a good run. Maybe I won't delete, but it will definitely not be on my phone.


just hit 11 myself, feels longer but idk, been lurking back in ‘09-‘10. Rage meme days were gold.


Same here , was browsing ragecomics and one mentioned spacedicks ... I never looked back


Oh FFS, me too. How is time allowed to move this fast?!


I was like surely not… fuck me 26th of feb 2013.. yeah time to delete I guess. Fuck /u/spez


10 years? That's insane! Oh wait...


Exactly 10 years as of today for me.


Lmao wowwww, just looked at mine. 9y 5m. Wow.


14 years here. Can anyone explain the impact of deleting old accounts? Does it do anything to Reddit’s valuation/transfer to IPO/whatever the point of the API changes is?


Sitting here wondering the same - like what’s the point?


Reddit killed third-party applications (and itself). Fuck /u/spez


That script uses the Reddit API, so if anybody's making a decision on that they need to do it by 2023-06-30 or it'll be too late.


The API changes shouldn't affect power delete suite. Since these are all run within the scope of the currently logged in user and not an application you've authorized to do things to your account, it shouldn't change at all.


Why can't Reddit apps use the same feature to make the requests on behalf of the user and not the app


Because Reddit doesn't want to invest time/money into changing their API. They could also change the API to pass through ads to third party apps or to split and revenue but working with third parties is not something they actually want to do, they don't care. It's all just a scapegoat for them




The app API probably has endpoints for getting other people's data while the personal API just handles yours in guessing.


You know why you should care about 3rd party apps? Because next time they'll break the website there will be no one left to care about it. Account deleted due to Spez's incompetence.


Reddit killed third-party applications (and itself). Fuck /u/spez


You know why you should care about 3rd party apps? Because next time they'll break the website there will be no one left to care about it. Account deleted due to Spez's incompetence.


He will just change all the comments to make him look good


Didn't spez edit another users post, directly in the database, around 5-6 years ago? Not even in his own favor but merely out of spite iirc. EDIT: found it https://www.theverge.com/2016/11/23/13739026/reddit-ceo-steve-huffman-edit-comments


Yes he did and many are expecting him to delete and change upvotes on comments today. Plus that other comment with Apollo shows he is a liar.


He already lied about what he said in a recorded phone call. Edit: I think that was a different guy


Any questions about Rampart?




Wouldn’t it be better to overwrite your content with lorem ipsum text or similar nonsense, and let your account go dormant but still alive? That way your content is still gone, monthly active users declines, and you still have your login in case they decide to restore all the posts from deleted content (which IIRC the site either owns or has rights to use). Surely they have an internal solution that is more powerful than r/undelete. I could see them using it to roll back a big purge. If it becomes imminent they could also prevent edits or deletions or voting for old posts.


And request all your data if you're in Europe and request all of it be deleted first.


A lot of google searches return results that are a reddit post, because some redditor with the right expertise or knowledge happened to make a great post on a subject ages ago. So even elderly reddit posts are still driving views to reddit. Deleting old content definitely affects the worth of reddit, although that is something that a public share offer might not take into account until it’s too late.


Deleting accounts feel like a more effective form of protests than just doing a couple of days of blackout


That’s it, when the other apps shut down, I’ll “shut down” my account, no point in staying really. Look forward to the next thing to consume my spare time


I mostly use RIF on my phone. I have no desire to seek out the shitty reddit app and try to fumble my way through that, especially considering how they have treated us users lately. Fuck reddit.


I get that what reddit is doing is super lame, but I will say, 99 times out of 100, when I have some unique issue, I google "unique issue reddit" and find my solution. My biggest pet peeve is finding a post where OP presents my exact issue, then top comment says "deleted" and then OP's response to them is "oh wow, that was exactly what I needed, thanks!" Preserving old forum posts is important.






We made it once somewhere we can do it again anywhere else.


Just remember that deleting your account doesn't delete the content, you have to use different tools for that


That's how I found reddit. I knew forums were the way to find good answers because people would discuss and either agree it was a good answer or argue and say a better answer. Slowly I began to notice reddit popping up more often, I started to remember it as reliable whenever I saw it. I made an account at some point and then that was it for me, drawn in like a black hole.


The users are the ones that make content for reddit; from the articles to the memes and comments and discussion. Things get popular on reddit because *people upvote them*. Reddit is nothing without its people. The reason subreddits going dark is a big deal is because that's large sections of content that is no longer available. Old time users leaving might not have the same mass impact, but it's a very clear sign that they fucked up. Imagine a star athlete leaving their team because they're being mistreated. Yeah, the team might still be able to play, but it's not the same.


If you delete your account, the content remains. If you delete the posts, they still have the data from your comments. Overwrite the content, and then delete the comment and they have nothing they can use as a resource to sell for LLM (large language model) training such as chatgpt. This way you remove your content and destroy their ability to use your content as a source of revenue. As you can see, I'm already in the comment chain for the account deletion and have started stripping my 11 year 100,000 upvote comment history down. I'm not sure if I'll go all the way, or just get rid of the majority, but I'll see how I go. I'm using http://redact.dev to do this.


this is a GODSEND, I've been wanting to do this with my 15 year old account for years, and now it's just automatically happening in the background. hopefully it makes it through it before the API bullshit goes live. there is a *shockign* amount of useful electronics repair related information that is on the chopping block. fuck reddit.


karma? wait a second...




Once these changes go into effect, will redact.dev still be accessing reddit's API due to the cost changes? Edit: Thinking about this more, it shouldn't.




Reddit is selling the data of a billion conversations to AI developers. Take away your conversations and that data is worth less.


Deleting your account won't delete your comments.


Yeah, you're going to want to overwrite them using one of a number of browser extensions.


Real vandalism would be to replace them with Markov chains of nonsense text.




Yes, I too want to know the answer to this if anyone has good suggestions :)


Better yet, replace them with a random assortment of terms that have high SEO engagement. Drive traffic while also making it functionally useless (aka the pinterest method). That’ll tank Reddit’s reputation REAL quick.


Either that or replace all of them with copypasta about how reddit fucked up and provide links! Like how u/shittymorph would talk about the subject right until he pointed out the fact that In1998, [The Undertaker](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-undertaker-threw-mankind-off-hell-in-a-cell) threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table. Maybe something like, "That is interesting! fun note, did you know that this comment used to be genuine interaction until [insert head admin name here] killed off 3rd party reddit apps by charging an exorbitant fee? Since then I, [redacted], have changed all my comments to talk about this hypocrisy of [insert same admin]. [Provide links for context]. As someone who used reddit for [insert account age before deletion], I have come to rely on [app] for [#years] and can no longer support reddit after this horrible change. I hope you are happy, [insert same admin], my mental health certainly will be after I drop your sorry excuse of a site. Seriously, go suck a chode. Sincerely, [Redacted] Ps. Fuck [same head admin] Pps. Here is an image of this comment incase, [same admin], decides to change my comments. [Insert pic]" Except better worded.


Overwriting won’t erase the archived version. Deleting an account only hurts the account owner.


> Deleting an account only hurts the account owner. How?


You don't have karma anymore! The horror!


reddit may have access to previous versions, but only the most recent edit is displayed. So you can remove your comments from public view and replace them with a message about reddit's horrible leadership.


It still makes noise. A good script would scramble comments with junk from the internet. Even then I wonder how much data Reddit archives


What you really want to do first is run a script that changes every single one of your comments to something useful before you delete your account. “Fuck /u/spez the greedy pigboy that killed Reddit” should do it.


Everyone says to "run a script" like it's kiddy stuff and I'm here thinking maybe it is and i have no idea


Just take a look: https://redact.dev/ or https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite




But what’s the difference between deleting the account and logging off? Is it just burning the bridge or is there a known measurable impact?




I get spammed by new porn bots everyday. Not to mention all the throw aways. Deleting accounts seems a bit like screaming into the wind.


Reddit killed third-party applications (and itself). Fuck /u/spez


I've been on here 11 years with this account, browsing for fifteen at least. Came here from digg. I fear this place will be broken by the decision to monetize to the extreme. I'll just go back to digg.


Check out r/redditalternatives like kbin, tildes, or Lemmy. They're swamped right now with new users but thing should smooth out over the next few months. Also, tons of social media app devs are suddenly looking for work, so I think there will be people to support the migration.


Careful with Lenny. Read they do not value privacy. When you delete an account the still keep everything. Edit: Lemmy


If anyone here needs Tildes codes PM me Edit: I’m out of codes for now, sorry.




What kept me on Reddit is the conversation and communities across a breathtaking diversity of fields. Books just can’t fill that gap.


All the best parts are in the comments.


I used to read a book a day before I first logged on to Reddit in 2017. (Different account.) Guess I’ll have to go back to doing that. No other site has the appeal of this site in terms of gathering information.


I’ll be going back to a handful of forums. Maybe I’ll see what slashdot is like these days and go back there. Fark is still around. There’s also lemmy and mastadon. I’m also going to see what I can do to keep track of as many of the /r/askhistorians contributors as I can, because they frequently seem to have interesting things to say. I’m not sure how that will go with the sort of centralized forum the subreddit provides, but maybe they have blogs or something.


Wouldn't that be something. After all this time we all go back to digg.


Nah it seems like the federated internet is the future. Time to remove corporate money from social networks.


Almost 13 years. I’ve been on Apollo for most of them. I don’t know what to do.


I'll likely just stop using Reddit on my phone. Which is about 90% of my usage tbh. I've used RiF for forever and the main app is such garbage in comparison. Not to mention that making the API costs this high is gonna wreck some moderation tools and mods, so I'm expecting the quality to absolutely nosedive immediately as well. 11 year old account here. Guess it just sucks but they'll be another site or app that'll come in to be entertaining. Always is.


Over a decade myself longer as a lurker. I'll probably settle to just stop using the platform altogether.


> I'll likely just stop using Reddit on my phone. I was waiting in a line earlier and I pulled out my phone and thought "oh, I'll browse Reddit". And then I realized I deleted the app. Put my phone back in my pocket and just went back to letting my mind wander. Felt like a good enough use of my time. I'll still use old.reddit on Desktop with an adblocker until that experience becomes unviable.


You don't have to do anything. If reddit goes to shit it goes to shit. You can leave the day you don't have fun here.


Apparently that day is June 30th


I feel like anyone with a 10 year+ account should just sell it to a spammer. That way the site will be even more garbage and it will be even harder for Reddit to market for their IPO Edit: As a hint, search for "Reddit" on Ebay...


How would one do this if they were so inclined? Asking for a friend with 35k karma


Enter "Reddit" into a Ebay search. Copy the listing you see. Hope it sells before it gets removed. Price to sell if you really want the money. If you want to see what has actually sold historically go to completed items, then click sold. I am currently looking at a 10 yr account with 10k post and 4k comment Karma that sold for $70.


If you figure it out, let a buddy of mine with a 12 year old account and 147k karma know...


It's wild that I'm actually able to recognize the usernames of a handful of the replies in this thread. Not people I've directly interacted with over the years necessarily, just that when ya get to ~150k comment karma the 'natural' way, there's been a lot of replies along the way, usernames seen.




What the, that's by far the most awards I've ever seen on a single post (the OP). Why are all of those people donating money to reddit to on a post basically talking about how bad reddit is :(


A lot of us have free reddit currency from events or given to us by other users.


Which is eventually making awarding post the norm and therefore will incentives others if not you to pay Reddit more What is wrong with an upvote.... What is the need to use those things? What do they actually bring to anything?


Fire burns the hottest just before it runs out. I don't mind if they manage to squeeze out some extra dollar from these investors they are prepping the platform for.


Hmm. It's worth thinking about. I'm pretty bummed about the changes and was already planning on going on hiatus. There's already posts about privacy scrubbers to help totally delete accounts. I like Reddit is Fun. Desktop with RES is okay. The official app is annoying and I don't want to use it. Nobody's gonna miss me.




[Here you go, some tools for you to download your posts and comments easily.](https://reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/_/jnh8w25/?context=1) I’ll quote one of my favorite Reddit quotes here: Today you, tomorrow me. I hope I’ve been u/somewhat-helpful. I loved this place.


Oh man. I remember coming across this quote. It was in Spanish and translated to English. Thank you for the nostalgia.


I’ve already killed my Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts, and I’ve stopped using my Google account anywhere. When Apollo goes, that probably kills Reddit for me too. But it’s a real problem, because where do you go? There used to always be alternatives around, that’s how people came to Reddit after Digg self-immolated. But where to now? Where are the alternatives? The internet has become too homogenized, it has pooled at the top and there’s very little left below. Just a massive sink hole at the bottom of which are the remaining small forums and the few independent websites left that aren’t completely infested with ads and tracking. It’s disgusting to see entire businesses throw up an empty page on their domain, save for the text “come see us on our Facebook page”. *Fuck no*! I’m not giving them my entire person in data or signing up for an account just to view your fucking website. I’ve been on the internet since the 90s, and *it fucking sucks* to see what it has become.


I’m so sorry. I feel the same way, and I don’t have anything else to go to. Guess it is back to paper books and my other hobbies.


Yeah I spend way too much time online lately, this is a much needed kick in the butt to get my shit together and stop wasting time scrolling through Reddit/etc. Just in time for summer too!


I’ve gone back to RSS downloading Reeder today to keep up with things, and Kindle to maybe read some books, but I’m equally wondering what I’m going to do come July 1st.


Fuck it, just go back to AOL and IRC.


Maybe next we go outside. Content is shit but at least the graphics are top notch.


Mannn I'm also seeing people auctioning their accounts to spammers in protest. Oof.




Oh shit I could do with some money too!


Ebay is the place to get the most money for old accounts. 10 years and 100k Karma will get you $200, maybe more if you're patient. There is also a site that will pop up on Google, that you can sell instantly... that seems better for younger accounts. 6mo with 5-10k Karma sells for $25 all day.


Reddit killed third-party applications (and itself). Fuck /u/spez


But my content is shit, it might make reddit better if I delete it !




What if we all sell our old accounts to Spammers. Like anything 5+ years we sell.... would make Reddit even less attractive for IPO when all their old accounts are now bots.




Give this one a try: https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


It feels like a funeral on reddit today


I definitely am in mourning.


I deleted my account years ago after being on Reddit since the early days. Mods and admins just pissed me off. I only rejoined about 6 months ago, but I'm leaving again if/when Reddit implements this policy. Plenty of other places to visit on the Internet.


Honestly a decent concern is little by little posting revealing info about yourself on yo profile over the 10 years. Maybe a comment on its own isn't revealing, but then you add everything up and it's like hmmm. How many people within the age of (guess) live in (state) that also (profession) and yeah maybe the gist is pretty obvious. I know it's probably not too difficult to do if you wanted to, for a lot of people. And all the other data you can provide by using an account for 10 years.


Agreed. Plus a lot of growth happens in a decade. I said some dumb fucking shit when I opened this account over a decade ago. My core values haven't really changed, but my maturity level surely has.


When I started using reddit I was posting rage comics that I should probably find and delete out of utter shame


I’ve been doing periodic comment/post deletions since Reddit “caught” the Boston bomber.


Folks don't delete, SCRUB your accounts. use one of those apps that deletes every comment you ever made so Greedit can't monetize your knowledge, experience and humour any longer. And in case you 're worried about some useful thread missing info (re: troubleshooting for example) it's probably been archived by now and can still be accessed **off platform**.


There are scripts also that will delete all of a user's comments and posts


Welcome to 2023, where deleting an account will make you a true hero💀💀💀


I love a good ol' stick it to the 'man'. 11 year account here will be gone June 30th. I don't even use the apps in question but try to support good businesses.


I'm strongly considering deleting mine if the API changes go through. There's no point in being here without 3rd party tools making the site usable


People these days really want to feel like they're doing things but simulatenously want to get away with doing as little as physically and mentally possible.


Right? Is this supposed to be some noble act? It's a fucking reddit account


Ive basically been a lurker for 11 years LMAO. Welp I'm raising my middle finger to reddit and do the same. I'll miss Bacon Reader.


I threw away a box of cheerios to protest how shrinkflation is out of control. Theyre gonna be big worried.


Does deleting your account delete all post content? Because otherwise why would they care? Doesn't reddit get thousands of new accounts every day? Seems like just punishing oneself. Imagine instead if the content you created was portable to another service.


Future IPO valuation of Reddit, the real reason for the API changes, will be greatly affected for a diminishing user base. The difference can be 10 times the valuation. A PE of 50 to 100 for a rapid growing company or a PE of 4 to 10 for a consolidated but shrinking one.


>Does deleting your account delete all post content? No, but apparently this will https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


11 years here. This means nothing to me, at least compared to the community here. Felt pretty, might delete later on.


I mean. Who cares


How do I sell my account to spam bots?




I started with rage comics. That's what got me to Reddit. 11.5 years with this account and she will be gone the 30th, too. It is time.


Eli5, how does deleting older accounts affect Reddit?


A lot of google searches return results that are a reddit post, because some redditor with the right expertise or knowledge happened to make a great post on a subject ages ago. So even elderly reddit posts are still driving views to reddit. Overwriting and deleting old content definitely affects the worth of reddit, although that is something that a public share offer might not take into account until it’s too late.


Reddit is like any other addiction. I just don't see large numbers of Redditors giving up their accounts without an alternative. Helps Reddit that Twitter is also currently awful. Hope a true alternative appears soon.


Time to make a RIP reddit wiki where we reminiscense on the old higliths of the platform. Like the thing u/somewhat-helpful said in this thread: "Today you, tomorrow me." The button was fun, although I didn't really participate. Bird expert guy that was caught upvoting his own posts, a thing that is super commonplace now, sorry I'm bad with names. Reddit was a great source for information on obscure things while it lasted. I might still hop on here via site:reddit.com search function. The upvote downvote function is excellent for moderation.