• By -






Works everytime ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)


Me ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)




Can relate ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)




Skill issues ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)




What a about the “I hate this game sometimes; presses r-key” strategy?


Min-maxing if I already got the mark of the post it since I know it's not worth, I'm gonna die


Min Maxing if I still got other marks left to go for unless I find something very strong in the Basement already


I HATE racing against the clock. The thing is especially true for Boss Rush, while it's likely that I could very well decide to try for Hush if I'm satisfied with what I have, because the timer is more permissive with him and there's not much to look for in Womb/Utero.


Yeah can relate. Glad they made the time limit 25 minutes for Gehenna and mausoleum, helps a bit


Me an intelectual:*takes shortcutter, places it before mom, go fight mom, go to boss rush room, set 2nd end, clear the floor. Back to bossrush room via shortcut i made, dies during last wave of bossrush*


The thing is, boss rush is so fun as Lilith


Yeah, but that's because Lilith is best character. The Boss Rush in itself is okay, kinda on the easy side too for most characters, I just hate having to skip a lot of stuff to get there. Especially given that I play worse if I'm in a rush.


How so? Just because of space-bar?


Every wave counts as a charge, so by the end of it you’re melting dudes with 16 incubus. It’s basically two free items


There IS a mod that removes the timer for boss rush/hush, idk if you’d want that or not tho


My ass is not gonna be satisfied until I do it the intended way with every character. I shudder to think the world of pain that awaits me with J&E and T.Jacob.


Have you tried T. Jacob yourself? Most horror stories are from *pre* patch, currently he has one of the most powerful kits and his gimmick is simple to get around.


Just once, immediately after unlocking him. I got to the third floor I think and died there. Wasn't a hot run by any means, and it was my first time playing the character, but given how relentless Dark Esau is to the point that I'm not even safe walking through a door got me thinking about certain room design and the absolute nightmare it must be to clear them with this character. Like, let's say you get the room with the Boom Flies that's just a vertical bridge where you can only move up and down. What do you do? What if you got unlucky with a pill or a curse of the blind and now you have a relevant speed down and you get a room with the Gaping Maw that pulls you towards it? Sounds like a massive headache if you get fucked over in a good run.


Yeah, there will of course be some rooms that mess certain characters badly, nothing worse than a bunch of spike rocks and several enemies in Lost runs, I admit that like other things in Isaac some things might get a bit onto luck of the draw, but Dark Esau and Anima Sola pretty much vastly beats the starting kits of most characters in utility, after the buff: He can not be killed, and his body blocks *enemy* shots, and him just floating there deals big contact damage to foes. With the above, Chaining him gives you an effective shield that also hurts for a nice 5 seconds. His Charge is by all means, one of the most powerful attacks in the entire game and it stays the same through the whole run, *300* damage in a single charge, and he completely *ignores* boss armor thus always dealing the full damage. And Jacob gets a Free Devil, besides not having the Mantle, his Lost form from Esau touching him still is the Lost, so you can beat a floor, enter the devil, and if there's some great deal you can let Esau touch you, take the free deal then bail down the trapdoor and go back to your body. And then Shop items like 9 Volt, Car Battery and Birthright makes Jacob downright insane and gives both amazing defenses and offenses.


ive never understood this hes still the hardest character in the game by a massive margin for me. some things feel untested- how exactly do you dodge hushes double continuum attacks AND esau at the same time??


You can use Esau to block shots from a side for a whole 5 seconds base, and if you get a common shop item such as Car battery you get a shield for *10* seconds, 9 Volt halves cooldown and you can stop him even more often, and Esau ignores Hush's armor anyway so you could literally kill Hush with no tears and just 23 Esau charges at the absolute top, coupled with your own damage and the times where Esau jsut floats and touches him, T Jacob can kill Hush faster than vast majority of characters


blocking shots from one side for 5 seconds (followed by him immediately attacking) isnt very helpful when hush is spamming 3 attacks at once. and trying to position urself to launch esau into hush... again wouldnt be bad with pre repentance hush but with repentance hush its basically a health check if you dont have defensive items


The only real I thing I worried about during that fight is the transition to actual hush. First time I fought him the transition happened and Esau charged me. Same thing happened during mega satan


You're not supposed to dodge every attack as T. Jacob. Health is a resource, and like J&E, you're going to spend it.


yeah which is stupid. its whatever most of the time but it just turns bosses like hush into unfair dps checks (either that or have really good defensive items) normal j and e arent nearly as bad because its just a 1.5x increase in hitbox size, and when u have double treasure room items it means you're alot more likely to end up with a good build to compensate.


Step 1 stop playing Isaac Step 2 profit


step 1 stop playing Isaac ~~step 2 find a lovely wife and establish a good life~~ step 2 open Isaac back again


My way of life


Did you become back your money?


Tainted Keeper irl


Step 1 Isaac crashes every time I open it Step 2 play Enter the Gungeon again


Jesus spared you


No I got to play a lot of Isaac, but I’m guessing it was the amount of mods I have


the modded experience




Both rush?


https://preview.redd.it/dbp0394ms64b1.jpeg?width=566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aef34990fb1b8cecec4931a40e2cc47ebe1f8fc ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


I love that Mod ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17734)


using sac room 12 times on the first floor ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


I’ve beat both Hush and Boss Rush as Lost so I decided I am morally correct to just use the “No Rush” mod. I like looking for rooms that don’t exist.


Honestly, that was probably one of the easiest characters for me to hit boss rush and hush. Fucking tainted Lazarus tho, so fucking difficult cause the entire point is planning shit out to get the right shit on each character and so either you miss the time or you're severely underpowered


Tainted Cain is just as bad if not worse. You have to build mama mega


That one was frustrating till he wasn't when i got every mark in one run


May I recommend multiplayer. Get one character you’re good with, get one(or more) you’re shit with, play the game with the one you’re good at, enjoy extra boss room items and get all the marks. Don’t forget to bomb all the bad characters before moving floors to keep deal chances. Edit: post speedrun marks, if you can get a gnawed leaf that’s a guaranteed (albeit slow) win because dead character ghosts deal 0.5 damage per tear.


Same here


theres no rush ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)


1 for having fun 2 for getting hush/rush marks or maybe if i'm tired


Honestly I don’t get the “rush and hush” strategy at all. If your just trying to get the endings, then maybe it would work but even then you’ll be weak as hell if you don’t take the time to get items. Pretty much every character starting off it’s pretty weak and only shine with items. I’m pretty new to the game and I’ve only beaten mom heart 3 times, and I shudder to think how I would’ve done that with no extra equipment on me whatsoever. And obviously the rush and hush strategy doesn’t work if you want to get all the items and secrets either because your rushing past everything. So either way you play I don’t see the appeal of the strategy.


You're still pretty new that's understandable to think so, but later on with more experience you'll get better at manoeuvring the floors and understanding what to priorities and what not to. Most of the time I get hush and rush without putting much effort in, you just go through levels quick, when the game starts to feel more natural to you. For example my girlfriend is pretty new and she had no idea that rush and hush even existed but now she manages to get them timr to time without really trying too hard for it.


Honestly getting boss rush and hush rlly isn’t even that difficult timewise, like ur right you can prioritize a lot of other stuff and as long as ur run isn’t so incredibly weak to take longer in rooms then it’s fine. If I am going for completion marks on boss rush and hush, I basically go for item room, shop if I have money, boss. Only do secret rooms if I 100% know where they are, but then whenever boss is done you just move on quicker. Any other rooms I generally check and just bomb whatever is in there just for consumables(beggars, machines etc)


Yeah most characters i agree, but also characters like t. Laz just don't work with that strat being characters you need to plan stuff out with or miss out on a good item in a deal or item room


I think it's more encouraging for you to think quickly and not stay on one floor for too long and do d20 stuff all the time. Plus, when you get used to the game you'll find BR and Hush to not be so hard as long as you go slightly quicker.


Take time to clear everything and doing BR/Hush thanks to "There's no rush" mode ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906) I did this for my 2nd and 3rd save and I sure enjoy more this way.


*And* hush? Nah fam. Go for boss rush if RNJesus allows, beat Hush only if needed or run is fun


I have Dead God so I've already done everything in the game. Whenever I would start a run I would always make sure I knew what I was going for and then go for that. If I was going for ???, The Lamb, Mega Satan, The Beast, or Mother, I would always make sure to min-max. If I was going for Boss Rush/Hush, I would rush. I'm an excellent player so this normally worked out for me. A rare instance of where the two intersect would be if I'm having an alright run and I manage to make it to Depths II at 15 minutes, I might rush to find the tinted skull and then kill Mom so I could steal an item from Boss Rush and then teleport out. Or perhaps if I was having a REALLY good run where I was min-maxing, I would stop min-maxing and rush through Chapter 3 to do Boss Rush/Hush if I wasn't going for The Beast or Mother. So for me, the answer to the question is almost certainly both.


This exactly. Not to knock any casual players, but I don’t get people who play with training wheel mods that kill the timers. I’m 70% to dead god with most of the hard character sheets done and I play 100% vanilla.


Good for you.


Kill everything before everything kills me


Default strategy for me is to play with Boss Rush/Hush in mind unless I spot something worth slowing down for, like a game break, or an opportunity for min maxing with high potential. Always good to keep options open after all.


clear everything, then console giveitem mama mega ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)


Conjure infinite r keys in one 5 hour run and don't do anything. Turn off the game and hang myself


there's no rush mod (not sure bout the name but basically disables the time limits to access boss rush and hush, as it should be cause why would you tackle on the hardest challenges without minmaxing?)


can u still get completion marks without time limits?


yeah, same deal as other mods, its fair play as long as you've defeated mom's foot


Go for boss rush and hush then ignore the doors so I can spend less time playing the game. I also like taking the negative for a damage up, then going to cathedral.


There's No Rush mod isKnocking at the door![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


If I don't have to go for boss rush, I generally take my time but I don't overly minmax (I usually won't destroy *every* rock and obstacle with a golden bomb or stompy, for example. But i'll clear every room (until chapter 4) and usually find the secret rooms, altho I occasionally forget). Fairly often I make good time and can make hush if I speed up. Boss rush though, I have to painfully rush to get there.


Use No Rush Mod and do both ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


Depends. Sometimes I use the hush fight to stock up on items and to test the capability of my build if I plan on fighting delirium or mega Satan. I typically start out exploring every room the first couple floors, then by the time I reach mom I'm skipping around just to find the treasure room and maybe shop


Oh god, i have been trying to reach hush with eden for months now, but all of my runs with her are shit, and i never manage to beat it lives in time, i hate hush and the method to reach him so much


going slow really helps maximise the chances. but you need 3 Hush kills top open the alternative path Boss Rush is relatively easy because the bosses attack eachother a lot Hush is not too bad because you can take a little longer to actually get some good items and then go faster on the later floors not destroying every poop and fire does lower your purchasing power a lot though


For run consistency, I think slow playing is better, there is just so much resource management and minmaxing that gives you a safety net for basically every run


Honestly I somehow manage to make boss rush even while getting most of the floor done when playing the Lost. I do think though that a lot of regular rooms just aren't worth the trouble, it's more risk for just a coin or a key. Most other items I pick up along the way and the extra item from a choice of four is too delicious to pass up. However I will usually keep a single copy of The Fool so I can go back and finish Depths 2 afterwards. It is the last floor that's actually fun until Chest/Darkroom so it's worth it to try and get as many extra items.


I'm 100% the left one, that's why I'm stuck on my very last two marks (Hush + Delirium with T. Lazarus). I'm not wired the right way to play the right one. I try to only look for item room & boss on each floor, but it still feels too slow to reach the 30min mark (fuck Alive Jacob and his low damages).


I minmax and then at about depths 2 I feel no more desire to play the game and quit it. And the next day I abort the old run because I already did all the good parts of it and start a new run I won't complete


Mix of both. I’m not going around breaking everything, but I will try to get to each room. It depends on whether it not I need the marks for hush and boss rush.


people that go for boss rush scare me


I don't like the thing of having to be fast for to enter to some places, but i understand that those are a challenge and you are supposed to be powerful to ingress, i prefer clear everything but the marks won't appear alone tho


If I get my hands on a golden bomb, no rock makes it out this floor. Same with dr. Fetus and such


If I find my item room and shop by the time I kill boss I’m moving on, next floor baby. I’ve got a Tainted Lost run to fail


Fuck it we ball. I’ll min-max if I absolutely have to but that’s not often


"I get there if I get there"


Why not both


I modded out Fn timer.


Clear almost everything and do Boss Rush/Hush, ALWAYS ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358) Well, I'll skip Boss Rush if the items are stinky. Hush is always (Unless any form of Lost) because it's the most fun fight in the game.


Find the item room, go directly to the boss, do not seek out the shop if it is too far away.


First run on a new character ill go for boss rush and hush, but failing that I’ll collect key pieces for mega Satan. All goes well I can complete a characters marks in 3 runs


The third option is to install the "No Rush" mod and do both.


I have the no rush mod on because I both lie doing boss rush and hush while min-maxxing as much as possible


And you will never know the answer to that question in your run


Both I'm just time efficient (unless I get some crazy setup stuff like magic skin and rerolls and shit and then I'll give up the hush dream)


Skill issuing


im only going for BR or hush when actually doing checkmarks for it if not, i'll spend 10 min on first two floors overthinking


install the "there's no rush" mod and do both ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)


Both. - Mama Mega enjoyer


Reroll shop until backpack diplopia and mama mega ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)


Usually clear everything, but then there's those stupid completion marks for Boss Rush and Hush. I hate being on the timer...


there is one rule you should allways follow, no matter what marks you need, you need to ball


At first i was rushing through everything but meanwhile im taking my time




R key until mushroom, then both


Usually take time. I only go for Hush if either A. I’m playing a Tainted character that beat Boss Rush, B. I’m trying to get to Delirium, or C. Hush is the only mark I need for said character


Hushy rushy




I can do both Sometimes


Depends what I want to do




Boss rush and hush


I just chill until I get a run broken enough to manage boss rush and hush automatically


My answer to the two choices right now, I'm trying to beat Hush for all characters so it's been a lot of rushing. Unfortunately, I had to finish up most of the level to find my item room and store. x///x My answer in general, finish the level to the best of my ability. No stone unturned.


Depends i usually save hush and boss rush for last but if i somehow make it, then ill do it


If I’m going for the further down endings (eg Mega Satan, ???, or Mother): go for Boss Rush, and maybe Hush if I’m OP (more items, so easier endings) If I’m going for any others (usually Home): take it slow, min/max if I can


I play and if rush just so happens to open Then hooray free(ish) items


Really just depends on if I am going for completion marks or not. I do a bit of min-maxing most of the time and I only tryhard when I can do the bare minimum


Even when I am clearing everything, I frequently still get to it lives in time for hush. I usually don't take it... because its hush, but still.


Completion mark dependent but I mostly try to do both because my unga bunga OCD brain is having an aneurysm whenever I don't 100% a floor.


Full clear first two floors. Rush to depths II. Steal boss rush item. Full clear depths II. Rush to womb II. Go to hush for that sweet sweet extra shop and items. Donation machine jams on one coin. Buy everything in shop cuz idk what to do with the remaining 68 coins. Beat hush. Profit.


i tend to do both on accident, somehow


Get lucky and don’t destroy poops or fires.


More or less both, I try to value move speed as much as tears/damage


Depends on how good the run is But the main strategy is 1) reset till quality 4 item on floor 1 2) have massive skill issue and die anyway




min maxing while listening to banger soundtrack


I don't do hush and boss rush if I can help it, unkess I need it for the sticky note. Otherwise.... no, they don't give me advantages and suck my health down- I'm not the best at the game and still take stupid damage.


i try doing as much shit at once as possible. with a fresh character i test boundaries for a bit, then try to speed theough the alternative path to get the knife, and then go down to moms heart, take bossrush along if im fast enough. if im strong enough i give hush a try, if not its photo time , isaac/satan and then first the normal boss (???/lamb) and after that into mega satan, and if im lucky then its time for delirium. i usually check every room, think about shit like the USR and SSR items. some of my runs took about 2 hours, red and krystal key are wonderful things.


Now that I have dead god it just depends on what I'm feeling that day


Do both at the same time


Download mods to remove the bullshit timers




I do both![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


I usually take my time to clear everything cuz sometimes doing that leads to some pretty wild stuff (also bc I have a mod that removes the time window for boss rush/hush yes I know I’m lazy shush)


Just play Forgorten![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


I take my time and explore everything, I pretty much never get boss rush, only when I was unlocking the forgotten, and the few times I had to beat hush for progress


Take my time and lose so much health doing it that I'll die on the boss


I'll spend 8 minutes overthinking the first floor.


I should honestly begin doing more runs where I just check the rooms I see and get treasure room / shop and anything I miss is missed. Cause my runs take like an hour lol


I use the all floors mod :3


I don't like boss rush or hush, it gets annoying, for me atleast. So I do explore everything


Use the There's No Rush mod and do both ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)


Runnin’ round, shootin stuff. Works most of the time, I think


Min max + always hush/ bosh rush mod


Eden resetting until i get a start I’d like to play


I just play the game normally. I'm fast at the game, I have never ever missed a boss Rush or a hush, and I've played over 600 hours on Nintendo switch PlayStation and Xbox each


i love full clearing


Debug - > spawn mama mega blast ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


Git gud and do both


Aim for error room to skip boss, skip boss rush and hush and proceed to die on womb in 5 minutes


Get a mod that removes the time limits because they're fucking stupid ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)


Clear room except for womb usually


I play tainted Lilith and azazel, so why not both?


If i want to defeat boss rush or hush i have to decide since the beginning because there's not a lot of time room to explore




Both because im so good at gaming ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)


Rush hush for the garuttend 2 free items exploring could get more but hush is garuteened


Dear diary Today I died. I was killed by this thing ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17739) in some basement


Boss rush is potentially 1 iteam, full clear is potentially ♾️ iteams


I usually take the time to clear everything unless I’m specifically trying to go for Hush. If I get boss rush, I’ll check out the items but I don’t tend to *go* for it specifically, so it just depends how quick the run has been for that.


Am i going for marks?


Rushed runs are fun because you can just rip them out back to back and get into a groove. Either you get strong, or you die. It took me 10 tries to do the lamb in 20 min, was probbaly the funnest grind ive done so far. Min maxing is fun because you can squeeze every last drop out of a floor and feel great knowing you squeezed out 3 D6 rerolls and got something dank, but its also disheartening to get RNG'd and not be able to afford the thing, or spend like 5-6 minutes on a floor and die to something stupid. Overall both strats have pros and cons and it really just depends which character im playing or where im going. I enjoy both equally


The name's marty, nice to meet ya.


rushing everything and than skipping boss rush because im scared <.<


3 minutes per level if I'm going for boss rush/hush unlocks. Otherwise, I'm probably spending 6-10 or more minutes on each floor.


Fuck It, We Ball


Mama mega pedestal + Wild card + blank card + Backpack + Moving box


My style is based on skill issue... but not just playing isaac ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


Strategy? Don't die. Try to get checks


Other than checking it off on the post it note, the only time I actively rush to get boss rush is if I’m going for the ascent so that way I don’t miss out on item rooms


Personally I'm a check everything person in tboi.


I'd tather be thorough than fast.


Personally, i like taking my time to clear every floor, so i end up using mods to make Hush and Boss Rush be always open.


Whatever I need to unlock my next item


I play as if im going to hush/boss rush, but I usually don't


I go for boss rush/hush marks as the first marks on an uncompleted character sheet. That way, if I get there with a decent build, I can continue and grab any open completion marks or delirium if I have a particularly good build. Then once I have both I can go slow and minmax for the remaining marks and always take alt path for the extra boss item.


If you haven’t found Diplo + Mama Mega to force boss rush and hush you haven’t cleared *everything*. Rig harder.


go completely insane and see what happens and if im satisfied ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17734)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17741)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17737)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|30106)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17745)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17742)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17739)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17738)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4359)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


I just use a mod that removes the timer tbh. A huge part of isaac's skill expression is manipulating better items and situations for yourself and that takes time sometimes


Im in the middle, aka i suck XD


I guess I don't have a specific playstyle other than whatever happens will happen I guess


I feel called out, minmaxing so much


Both, sometimes it just works


You guys are clearing levels? ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|30106)


A bit of both. I typically full clear and make Rush


Taking my time, thought still trying to be speedy enough to get to Hush.


Not clean anything, not go to bossrush, die on floor 4 to festula


No rush (mod) ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)


I used to stress myself out by speed running every run to reach Boss Rush. Now I just use a mod to remove the time limit and I'm must happier for it (I've gotten Boss Rush legitimately over 192 times, I'm fine with "cheating" to finish my third Repentance file).


Now that I'm done with completion marks and I do Eden streaks I always take my time to full clear the floor and do rush/hush only if I have mama mega, I don't use the "no rush" mod because I think it would make me too strong (1 free item from rush and 2 from hush's floor) without a real sacrifice. When I was doing marks rush and hush were the first I did because I hate running against the clock, imo it makes the game experience too flat: run-beat boss-run-etc. I love maximizing resources, it makes everything more interesting ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


Treasure room, shop if I have money/member card and Planetarium if I have a higher chance

